Bring The Heat, Soulburner!

By kcuf_ad

481 19 21

What if Yusaku wasn't the main character? What if Ai wasn't the Ignis that escaped? What if a different chara... More

Enter, Theodore.
Enter, Soulburner
Bring The Heat!
Pain And Gain
A Shepherd's Hunt
Hanoi's Trick
A Storm Is Coming
A Duel In The Storms
Blaze The Circuit!

A Flame Was Born

55 2 4
By kcuf_ad

The Cyberse World.

A world inhabited by only 6 figures called the Ignis. They were AIs created by an incident from 6 children within only 6 months. They were a special type of AIs as they only had a massive difference between the other ones: Free will.

They could talk, think and do anything that they want without help from different organisms. They were all based on the six different attributes in Duel Monsters. Like Dark, Fire, Light, Wind, Water and Earth.

They also had different looks, personalities, powers and even the types of monsters.

The Dark Ignis is the second tallest Ignis which had markings all over his body, with his face, chest, stomach, arms and legs to be exact that were light purple as the rest of his body was dark purple with the back of his head being pointy. His eyes were yellow coloured. He is mischievous, cocky, energetic, playful, annoying, arrogant and snarky, but at the same time he is a loyal friend that will never leave the other one's side.

His powers are that he could summon a powerful storm the best out of any of them called Data Storms that were in a Virtual Reality in the Human world called Link VRAINS. He also had the ability of wisdom and instinct. His deck is called Code Talkers, a type of deck that had monsters with 2300 attack points, were mostly Link-3, they were in the Extra Deck and had unique effects from others.

The Earth Ignis is the tallest Ignis as he had markings all over his body like the Dark Ignis had them all over his head, chest, stomach, arms and legs that were brown as his skin was orange with his eyes being light blue. His head was that of a cube, but more smooth and went down to his body. He is quite serious and extremely honest, but at the same time extremely shy and, like he likes to call himself, socially awkward.

His powers were more physical than the others as he had the best physical abilities such as immense strength and durability, even able to withstand powers such as fire and lightning. His deck was called G Golem, which were Earth attributed monsters that focused on swarming the field with weaker monsters in order to summon stronger ones and even protecting a monster that was named Crystal Heart, a gift from the Water Ignis which he might have feelings for.

The Wind Ignis is the shortest Ignis as he had dark green markings all over his body like the other Ignises as his skin was light green with his eyes were purple. His head was curved inwards as it went backwards on the back of his head. He is the one that likes to make fun of any situation, likes to prank everyone around them and is shown to be carefree, but anyone that knows him is that he is one of the nicer ones and is extremely easy to talk to if everyone else is busy and you want someone to talk to, despite how fast he is when talking.

His powers were extremely great as well, having the best control of Data Material out of any one of his fellow Ignis. He can make places bigger and better than anyone else, combined. His deck that he created were Stormriders which were monsters that are based on flying creatures and their greatest strengths are their abilities with Spells and Trap cards and how well they can fight against those types of monsters.

The Water Ignis is the second shortest Ignis and the only one to be a female one. Her head was the shape of a water when it was falling down with two pigtails that levitated from her head. Her eyes were pink with eyelash markings. Her markings were that of blue teardrops around her body with her skin being light blue. Her hips were that as if she was wearing a skirt. She is the most kind, gentle, caring out of all the Ignis and is the smartest Ignis, second only to the Light Ignis.

Her powers are much more unique as she is the only one that is able to sense when someone is lying and when someone is telling her the truth, as she also has healing abilities. Her deck is Marincess which had effects that special summon themselves from the hand when an Extra Deck monster is on the field and have effect special summon from the graveyard and add cards from the graveyard to the hand.

The Light Ignis is the fourth tallest Ignis and had dark yellow, orange-like markings all over his body that were like diamonds and his skin was yellow coloured while his eyes are neon green. His head was the shape with two strands pointing in the opposite directions. He is calm, cool, collected and is the leader of the Ignis as he is by far the most intelligent Ignis out there.

His powers are the most unknown of all of them and so are his deck. The most they know about them is that he can create some AI as they saw AIs by the names of Bit and Boot.

Finally, the Fire Ignis is the third tallest Ignis who is the same height as the Dark Ignis with dark red skin with red markings all over his body as his head was a shape of a wisp with his eyes being yellow. He is level-headed who speaks with an even voice, straightforward, extremely calculative and is a bit egotistical. Despite his ego, he extremely cares about his allies and his friends.

His power is more mental than the others, as he has the most willpower and determination, not to mention as he was the only to make an element all over his body, and much like his attribute, he makes extremely hot fire over his body. His deck is called Salamangreat and has monster effects that are related to battle and graveyard effects and has an interesting way of special summoning from the Extra Deck called Reincarnation summoning. The summoning conditions are using the monsters with the same name with a help of a Spell or Monster effect.

They even have their own skills, but they all share one skill. Storm Access. Able to get one Cyberse monster in the Data Storm.

Despite all of them having different personalities, they are quite friendly to each other and even created feelings that humans could call 'crushes' cough Earth Ignis cough.

Well, the same couldn't be the same for the Light Ignis as he was the most distant from the others.

They all lived in a certain place in which all of them lived in that represented their attributes, that were all created by the Wind Ignis.

However, everything changed...when someone stood in a massive pillar with three mechanical dragons circling all over the Ignises, as they were all trapped in a red circle as their hollow images appeared.

The man that was standing on the pillar looked like a 13 year old boy with dark crimson hair on the back with maroon coloured hair on the front. He was fair skinned for someone his age. His earrings were that of actual bullets. His eyes were dark yellow that covered his pupils. He wore a helmet that covered his eyes with dark glass protecting him from the destruction of the Cyberse monsters he would do. On the forehead he had a diamond shape pattern of white dots with red centers.

The jumpsuit that he wore was very white. He had a v-line belt around his shoulder that was green. He wore a jacket that was white, red and black and the lower part was like a cape of some sorts. He had long red gloves that were white with some parts of it red, with a duel disk on the left arm. The part that separated his jacket and pants with a neon green v-line. The lower parts of his jumpsuit was white, with red parts around his knees and red, green and black parts around his shoes.

He was known as a person that hated the Ignis more than anyone, the man whose destiny is to destroy the Ignis.

His name alone struck fear into anyone that dared to oppose him in his quest.


He raised his fist into the air, roaring "Be gone! Cyberse!" yelled Varis as the lava below him smacked the pillar as it was the ocean hitting the rocks as his three mechanical dragons roared with him.

He pointed at a circle containing the Cyberse beings. "Go, Cracking Dragon! Destroy them with all of your might!" he yelled as one of his Cracking Dragons charged towards the circle.

"Damn it! How did the humans find us?!" yelled the Light Ignis as it tried its best to get out of the current situation, but was failing miserably.

"Never mind that! How did they catch us and more specifically me?!" yelled the Dark Ignis in worry.

"Now, now, now, this, the time we are currently at, isn't the time for your silly, childish, not funny witty banter!" yelled the Wind Ignis as even he knew how serious the situation was.

"I...can't...get out!" even the strongest Ignis there, the Earth Ignis, couldn't even get through the powerful barrier that Varis stopped them.

"We need to do something and quick!" yelled the Water Ignis as she turned her eyes towards the Fire Ignis as he looked like he was about to explode.

"I have an idea! I will just...use my..." struggled the Fire Ignis as the flames appeared on him that were that of an never ending flame in someone's eye, "...powers to...get out of...this..." the fire of the Fire Ignis became hot enough that it made a hole enough for him to escape.

"PLACE!" yelled as he successfully got out of the place that captured him and his friends.

"Great job there, Flamely, but, uhm, can you, well I don't know, GET US OUT HERE!?" yelled the Dark Ignis as the Fire Ignis turned around to see them still struggling to get to the hole that he made.

"Wait, hold on everyone! I will save all of you!" yelled the Fire Ignis as he went towards them as fast as he could to get them out of here so they could live with the Cracking Dragon coming near him.

"No!" Everyone turned to the Water Ignis, "Please save yourself! Leave us here and survive on your own. We will understand." she said, wanting to have at least one of the Ignis to survive.

As the suspected reaction appeared with the rest of the Ignis, sans for Light, reacted with a "WHAT?!" the loudest being from, not from the Dark Ignis, but from the Fire Ignis.

"Water, as much as I respect you as any other Ignis, are you serious!? I am not leaving any of you behind!" yelled Fire Ignis as Water knew, even without her powers, knew that he was speaking the truth.

"Yeah! This ain't fair that only he can survive, so why can't we all! Heck even Light deserves to go with him!" the Dark Ignis said as he looked at the Water Ignis in worry as the Cracking Dragon went closer and closer.

"I...just don't want all of us to suffer. I wanted that at least one of us will live." she said, saddened that a decision like that would be possible as she really wanted for at least one of them not to suffer.

The other Ignis looked at her saddened that a situation like that would be made and especially for Earth to see her sad like that.

Before Earth can talk to her, Light spoke up, "Well, I do have an idea on how all of us could live in this situation, my friend." all of them looked at the leader of the Ignis, "Since he wants all of us to get rid off, I assume he wants all of us at the same time to perish, why don't you go escape and, in a more simpler term so even Dark could understand," he ignored Dark's "HEY!", "Cut all ties with the network and the Cyberse, so only you can have the precise location of the Cyberse, my friend." he said as everyone thought about that idea as it did sound strange and horrible when they really thought about that, but they had to survive.

It wasn't fair that only one of them could survive. Fire looked at all of his fellow Ignis and they gave out their respective reactions, Water had a concerned look on her eyes, Earth had a look that the idea didn't sound well, but it makes sense, Wind had a face with widened eyes as he couldn't see his friend and prank him anymore and Dark was sad that the one that he cares for the most wouldn't be able to contact him.

The only one that had a tough look on him was the Light Ignis.

Fire took a deep sigh, as then he could feel the jaws of a massive predator come closer and closer to him so Earth yelled out, "LOOK OUT!"

Fire turned around quickly and his eyes went up as he was only seconds away from getting eaten by Cracking Dragon.

Fire appeared on the Ignis named after it as it then went on the left side avoiding the jaws of the monster which Varis saw in the blink of an eye.

He gritted his teeth, "Cracking Dragon! Don't let that stray get away!" yelled Varis as his monster roared as it charged directly towards the Fire Ignis.

The Ignis dodged every movement, every bite, every spit and an atom of the Cracking Dragon, but it didn't mean that it was safe for him to stop and take a break as it was always a couple of meters away from him so he had to go faster and faster until it could escape the Dark Machine monster.

He even turned around and from the tips of his fingers shot mini bullets at the monster trying his best to even slow down the dragon by a couple of seconds. It shot at its body, its wings and even its mouth, but he quickly realized that its eyes were its biggest weakness as it shot at the monster, slowing it down for a minute.

Enough time to break the ceiling of the place where both Varis and the Ignis were. He stood there with fire at his feet as Fire looked at Cyberse and all of his friends.

With a heavy heart, he sighed as he looked at Cyberse and absorbed every single data that he could, "Well, Cyberse, I had fun with you, but I have to do this so you can't be destroyed." he said as the data was then absorbed into him, cutting all ties with it and all of the Network.

"No! He's getting away with the Cyberse!" Yelled Varis as he looked at the Cyberse as it began to disappear inside of the Fire Ignis. "Cracking Dragon! Destroy the Fire Ignis!"

As Fire almost forgot that Cracking Dragon was around, it turned to see the Dark Machine monster right beside it. As it opened its massive jaw, Fire's feet were engulfed in fire as it tried to escape the massive dragon.

As it tried to escape from the dragon, a massive amount of his body, only the legs and half a stomach worths of data were eaten by the monster, making him forget many things like the Knights Of Hanoi, his origin, the reason why and how he was even born, what was his job instead of making new monsters, the leader, how the Cyberse looked like, the exact location of Cyberse.

But there were several things that he did remember like his friends, The Lost Incident and a certain someone that he needed to get to as he remembered that he was the only one that could help him get his memories back and fight the leader.

The Fire Ignis placed his two hands together like he was creating an energy wave as then massive fire appeared from the hands as it then shot towards the Cracking Dragon like a massive fireball, but it was only able to stun it which was enough for him to escape and find him.

The reason why he was even alive.

Theodore Hamilton.

5 years later

It's been 10 years ever since Theodore survived the incident that has scarred for life and to say he is doing good wouldn't be a lie, but at the same time wouldn't be the truth.

Theodore grew into an average size for someone his age. His hair grew much bigger than before as he had two styles depending where he was. One where it was gelled backwards to show off a punk-like hairstyle while the other where it was much more free than the other. His usual attire consists of a black shirt to which over it was a white hoodie with yellow highlights and his pants were sports pants that also had yellow highlights with his shoes being black.

The incident has never gone out of his head since...who could? It was the mentally and physically challenging things anyone could ever go through and the fact that he, and if he remembered correctly 5 children around his age, had survived all of that was a feat that no one, even if they were much mature and stronger than him could survive.

He over the years lost the fun in Duel Monsters since every time he would even see a Duel Monsters card it not only would he remember it, but also that monster.

Even today he still had nightmares about that incident and only two words sent shivers down on his core, you lose. The words that no one else found frightening, but from his experience, he couldn't just forget about that incident.

He was also shown as a delinquent as he was a person that would skip school to the point that the teachers don't even know if he is even enrolled and the classmates forget that he is even one of them.

Which caused trouble for most of the thugs that wanted to scare him off as they always think that he is a new kid in the school and so they try to scare him away, but minutes later they were in the nurse's office tending their wounds to make him angry.

Hell, one time the school bullies had enough of him so they hired thugs to go and teach that man a lesson not to make them angry and to learn his place down on the pavement. They even told them that they could use any type of weapon as long as it wasn't lethal or illegal like a hand gun.

Theodore was called in to go in an empty field because they had a present for him. He wasn't stupid, not even close, so he knew that he had to go there since they won't stop persting him to go there.

Once he got there he was surrounded by thugs of multitudes of different ages, some teenagers and some adults using bats, chains, wrenches, a guitar, a god damn sword like he is a samurai, knives, keyboards and even ropes and they charged at him.

That was a one sided massacre on Theodore's part as he beat the everlasting shit out of everyone while using his bare fists and he didn't get a single scratch.

The news spread quickly on how a high school student beat up an entire gang all on his own without any help while using his barefists. Kiku and Seigen were the least and most surprised at the news.

Least surprised is because they know that his grandpa was teaching him on how to fight and all of the techniques, but most surprised that the Theodore that they knew would never even think about harming another person.

That didn't destroy their friendship, not even close, it just shocked them that he would do that to someone.

People even asked the two why they even hang out with him, but their answer was always that he is a good guy, he just changed due to his parents' death.

There was something new about Theodore, he wears contacts on him since he really doesn't like wearing his green glasses in public and is only comfortable wearing around the people that he completely trusts and is close to him.

He is currently near the lighthouse, laying on his back and eyes closed, thinking back to the time he was with his parents.

There were quiet moments with every single argument they had, all the times they had fun, all the times they helped each other out, and he remembered the last time he ever saw them.

He remembered the last thing he said to them. The very last sentence that he ever said to them, to his own dad before going to school and was kidnapped. He hated himself as he remembered the sentence very clearly.

"I want lasagna for dinner."

He cringed, hating that that was the last thing he ever said to them. Not a "I love you dad." or a "I can't wait to tell you how it went, dad." or not even a "See you later."

No. It was a stupid request that he made of something that didn't even matter, just something on what he wanted to eat! If he knew that it was the last time he would see them again, he would say to them that he wanted lasagna and that he loved them.

The thought was ruined as he could hear his best friends coming near him.

Kiku Kamishirakawa is a fair skinned girl that had her blue hair styled in a braid over her shoulder and had small bangs on the left side of her face. She was currently wearing her school uniform which consisted of a black skirt that went down to her knees, a white long sleeved shirt, a navy blue collar with a red scarf and black loafers with white socks.

Seigen Futai is a fair skinned boy whose hair grew into a weird spiral backwards that was brown, but had green highlights more prominent on the bottom half, but less frequent in the top part of his hair. His attire was similar to that of his best friend, but instead of a red scarf, he wore a red tie and instead of a skirt he wore black pants. He is currently living alone in an apartment away from his embarrassing parents, but they don't know the full of it.

"Teddy, wake up." said Kiku as she shook. She tried waking up her best friend who she might have the tiniest, absolute small crush on, but that didn't work as he continued to sleep.

"Teddy...Teddy, wake up." said Kiku as she tried waking him up the peaceful and most calming way.

Seigen approached his best friend and looked at his other best friend, "Should I kick him awake?"

Kiku quickly turned around to her best friend, "Seigen, no! That's mean!" she yelled as she looked at Theodore who continued to sleep. A second passed, "If he doesn't wake up in two minutes you can kick him awake."

"Great." Seigen grinned as they tried to wake him up the peaceful way by shaking him, calling his name and even yelling his name as they saw a minute and a half passed.

A thought came to the blue haired girl's mind as she said one word that shook Theodore awake. "Theodore."

The eyes of the red-silver haired 16 year old boy were opened as he got up and put his arms in a defensive mode, "What is it!? I am sorry that I broke your computer okay?!"

It was weird seeing the man that defeated an entire gang all by himself scared by a single word that was his actual name. They only use that when they are truly angry at the boy from what he did.

"Finally we woke up the Sleeping Beauty." Seigen said as he looked at his smartwatch, "Dang it, only 15 seconds away from me kicking you awa- WAIT DID YOU BREAK MY COMPUTER AGAIN?!" shouted Seigen at his best friend as Kiku stepped away from this possible fight between best friends with her hands up in a mock defeat.

Theodore kept his arms in the air with a nervous sweat on his forehead, "No, I didn't! It was just a dream I had! I promise!"

Seigen glared at his best friend, "I swear if I come back to my house and I see my computer broken, you bet your sweet ass that I am kicking it."

"Wait, you?" Theodore was confused on that, admittedly empty threat as he knows for a fact that his best friend can't punch worth 5 dollars. "No offense, but we all know that you can't throw a punch to save your life."

"Said the man that needs help with his e-mail problems that even a 5 year old knows." shot back Seigen.

"...Touche." Theodore couldn't defend himself on that one.

"Okay, are you boys done? Because Seigen and I are concerned for you Teddy. You skipped school for the 2nd time this week and it's the first week." said Kiku as Seigen nodded.

"Yeah, man. And your grandpa is extremely worried about you." said Seigen as Theodore stood up.

"How much did he tell you?" asked Theodore as he looked at the house he was living in.

"Nothing much, only about 40 messages on my phone." said Seigen as he pulled out his phone to reveal several messages on his phone, some in the same minute.

"And about 30 emails on my account. Seriously, I would've thought your grandpa was a scammer if I didn't know his real name." said Kiku as Theodore sighed.

He hated that his grandpa was nervous and how worried his grandma was. He loves them. Truly he does, was hard for him to move on ever after 10 years.

"Look, I am sorry that I worried you both, but I just have to clear my mind, okay?" he said as he looked at his friends who knew that he wasn't lying, but are still worried for their best friend.

"Come on, guys, how about I treat you to some chicken teriyaki in the mall? My treat." said Theodore as he tried to somehow make it up to them.

They looked at each other and sighed.

"Sure, man. It's about time you buy food this time."

"Yeah, Teddy, since you didn't pay the last 4 times." said Seigen and Kiku one after the other as they all went to the mall.

It was a quick 20 minute walk and despite him knowing how to drive a car, he still preferred to walk everywhere he goes. The conversation was filled with everything that they could think of.

A new school year, some new chances to make new friends, at least to Kiku since one looks unfriendly and the other is the one that beat up an entire gang, the new school subjects that Theodore didn't know about since he skipped school.

Once they got to the teriyaki shop, Theodore ordered teriyaki chicken and placed a 20 and waited for the order to be finished.

After 45 minutes Theodore got the teriyaki chicken and gave two to his best friends. They then decided to walk home while they ate until they saw the school bully and his younger brother named Ridley.

He was a boy with massive teeth that showed themselves even while they were closed. He had dark green hair with gray eyes and round glasses. He wore a business type suit that was also a type of suit for the school that they went to in Mustafu.

He looked like a geeky version of a mob boss as they were at least 5 other students around the poor boy. He took off his glasses and started rubbing them with his handkerchief.

"You didn't pay the fine for this tunnel kind." said Ridley with a massive grin on his face as his older brother, Taz, was holding him by the shirt.

"Sorry, but I don't have any money." said the boy, trembling in fear.

Ridley scoffed with the grin not disappearing and placed his glasses back onto his face, "That sounds like a you problem. Taz, big brother, make him pay." he told his older brother as he raised his arm.

"You got it little bro." said Taz as Theodore gave his teriyaki chicken to Kiku which she took it.

"Hey." Everyone turned to Theodore as his hands were in his pockets, "Let him go."

Taz looked at him and then his eyes widened when he realized that was the boy that defeated an entire gang all by himself.

His glare was hardened which said: You drop the boy now, excuse yourself, go away from this boy, never even think about harming him, walk away or you better prepare yourself for a beatdown.

"And why should we listen to yo-" Ridley's words were dropped as he saw his older brother dropping the boy and began walking away.

"Forget it." said Taz as his crew went with him, shocking his little brother.

Ridley turned to Theodore who looked unamused, "You're lucky that my brother is in a forgiving mood." He then ran towards Taz, "Wait up!"

Kiku and Seigen walked towards Theodore, glad that he didn't result in violence.

The boy looked at Teddy, "Thank..." which he then began walking away as he raised his hand goodbye, ""

"Don't worry, he is having a weird day." Kiku reassured the boy as Seigen stepped in.

"There is a difference?" he got jabbed by Kiku's shoulder, "Ow."

As Theodore continued walking and walking, he passed towards the TV store and heard a faint, but hearable, "Theo...dore."

His eyes widened as he turned his eyes to the TV, but it was nothing, only reruns of Naruto: Shippuden. "What...was that?" He asked himself that question as Kiku and Seigen caught up to him.

"Guys! Did you hear that?" he turned his head towards different directions as he looked left and right.

"Heard what?" Seigen turned to the TV only to see Itachi and Sasuke battling each other. "A fight between two brothers? Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously Teddy? I thought you liked this show." said Kiku.

"No, I do, just...I think I..." words can not express what he thought he heard. He felt like it was a familiar thing and it did remind him of that incident.

"What, you think you heard a ghost?" asked Kiku.

"Yeah that!"

It was a short silence as it was broken by short laughter.

"Really?" snorted Seigen.


The laughter was then doubled as Theodore frowned at his two friends.

"I am serious."

"Oh yeah, we know. But don't worry," Theodore looked at Kiku who tried to compose herself, "Ghosts only appear at night."

She and Seigen began laughing even harder as Theodore blushed in embarrassment. He took the teriyaki chicken from Kiku before she could spill any of it. "I am going home."

"Oh come on! We are just messing with you! Heck, if you are scared about those ghosts, I will hold your hand." Kiku teased her long known crush as Seigen then looked at her.

"I bet you want to hold his hand for other reasons." Theodore and Kiku blushed at the thought of doing that, especially in public, and the blue haired girl stopped laughing and glared at the brown haired boy.

His grin didn't move away as she began yelling at him that they are only friends as Teddy walked towards his house. It's always like them with them.

They keep bullying him on everything about his horribl- novice level knowledge about computers and him being scared of ghosts. Almost every day they keep bullying him about anything technology related, even his flip phone.

Once he got home, he greeted his grandma with a smile and went to his grandpa's dojo with judo moves which resulted in him going down, standing up and trying again...only for him to get pummeled down to the ground again and rinse and repeat.

While he did get great chances against his grandpa and he would have thrown his grandpa on the ground, he released his hand because he didn't want to hurt him so his grandpa could continue knocking him down on the floor, but the grab didn't go unnoticed by his grandpa.

While they were doing the training his grandpa kept telling him that he won't give up on himself like he does with school, but after an hour of training they decided to call it a day. His grandpa went to his grandma for dinner and help her, while Theodore went to his room.

He sat on the floor and kept going on and on about his words that his grandpa told him that he shouldn't give up on himself no matter his situation and kept on. He gritted his teeth.

He isn't giving up on himself! Not even close! It's just...that it is difficult to go on after all that. That incident changed him forever.

He shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head as he grabbed his remote and turned on the TV and decided to watch something different, so he turned to watch some Mob Psycho 100.

As he finished the episode where Shigeo and Dimple fought in the Divine Tree, he heard his grandma saying that it was time to eat dinner.

"Coming!" said Theodore as he stood up and turned off the TV. As he began walking out of his own room he heard a small, yet again familiar whisper from the TV, ", I...need you to...defeat the Kni...ghts of Hanoi my frie...nds."

He turned around to see a faint looking ghost with a wisp looking head. He shook his head and placed his hand on his head.

He looked back to the TV and saw nothing, like he was imagining things.

"Teddy, are you coming or what?" asked his grandpa as he turned around.

"Coming!" said Theodore as he closed his door and walked to the dining room.

The Next Day

It was the very next day as it was a Saturday. A calm day for Mustafu City as he decided to get some food from the store as his grandparents weren't home. He walked towards one of the vendors to buy him some kushikatsu.

Some meat, vegetables and cheese that were deep fried. It wasn't healthy, but compared to what he usually eats thanks to his grandma's cooking, it was a breath of fresh air. It was a quick 30 minutes of waiting as he was mostly talking to his friends on his flip phone and he paid around 10 dollars.

He took a bite and, while it wasn't something he would actively eat, it was decent for the silver-red haired boy as the flavors were running through his mouth.

As he was eating the food to the tiniest pieces, he heard Ridley talking to one of his goons, or the other way around, "Hey, did you hear about the Knights Of Hanoi?"

"Them?" he snorted as it caught Theodore's attention, "I could beat them and their leader with a half a deck." said as he took a sip on his soda.

The Knights Of Hanoi? That sounded...

That sounded like the ghost was telling him to defeat.

That was...strange and it can't be a coincidence.

"Dude, really? They are an infamous organization that are defeating duelists left and right." said one of Ridley's goons.

"Yeah, I know! That's why I said a half a deck, not a quarter of a deck or 10 cards." said Ridley as he shook his head.

The goon did some calculations in his head, "Wait isn't a quarter of 40 10?"

"Yes it is, but I play a 60 card deck you nincompoop." said Ridley as he finished his drink.

"Hey," they turned around to hear a familiar voice so they turned around to see Theodore standing over them, "What do you know about the Knight Of Hanoi?" He asked them a simple question, but Ridley was scared as he remembered Taz warning him over something about a gang.

"Lo-look, I don't want to cause trouble! I am just standing here. Please just stay away from me! Stay away!" said frantically Ridley as he held his soda can like a decent shield to protect himself from him.

"Just answer the question." said Theodore as it was hard like a boulder.

"From what I have heard they are an organization led by a powerful leader that no one has ever seen, but those who have fought him transitioned into one of his members." said Ridley as his hand was shaking like crazy.


"Man, I said everything that I know about!"

Theodore sighed, knowing that he knows that it would stupid to demand more and more about something that they don't even know about. "Damn it."

As he turned around, he then heard Ridley's older brother running towards the goon, Teddy and Ridley, "Hey what are you doing with my little brother?!" said as he approached them.

"Are you alright, little bro?" Taz asked his little brother.

"Now that you are here!" cried Ridley on his shirt, crying like a little baby, "He tried to hurt me!"

Okay that...wasn't a full lie, but it was still a lie that he was about to hurt him. All he wanted to do was get the information about the Knights Of Hanoi by any means necessary...okay that kinda sounded like he wanted to hurt him.

"Man, what's his beef?"

"That's the second time in two days!"

Taz looked at the walking Theodore, and as much as he wanted to throw hands with him, he knew he would get destroyed to next week.

"We need to teach that punk a lesson." said Taz glaring at the silver-haired boy as bullying his little brother is his job.

Ridley stopped crying as he had a great idea in mind, "You're right. I have a great idea."

At the Lighthouse

Kiku, Seigen and Theodore were all currently sitting on the lighthouse since he called them to get there since he didn't have access on his flip phone anything other than numbers and contacts, not to mention his laptop was destroyed for some unknown reason.

He asked them if they had any ideas what the Knights of Hanoi are, and they were also confused since they have never met or seen them despite still enjoying dueling in and outside of the popular virtual reality Link VRAINS.

They were currently on Kiku's tablet, which was in the hands of poor Theodore and they were sweating bullets every time he moved a finger. They typed in the search bar about the Knights Of Hanoi.

And then they saw them, or more specifically, what the limited information was made of. They are a group of cyber terrorists who hunt down free AI and are hunting down one specific AI with free will.

It was also stated that the leader has an underling that was the second most powerful in the organization and three more Knights Of Hanoi that were weaker than them, but much more powerful than the others called the Commanders Of Hanoi.

They never appeared once in Link VRAINS from what they have heard and some don't believe that there is a leader.

"Woah." that's all that Kiku could say at that moment.

"I know right? A massive organization hunting down a single AI with a leader that most likely doesn't even exist? That sounds ridiculous." Seigen agreed.

"But plausible at the same time due to many organizations in the past having a leader that rarely showed up." Kiku pointed out as Seigen nodded to that.

"Honestly, not a bad point. It's like the famous Society of Light that I kept hearing about in history class." said Seigen.

"Or Iliaster."

"Or heck, even the Orchicalcos thing that we learned when we were kids."

Meanwhile Theodore was focused on one thing, "Oh, Kiku, I think I freezed your tablet."

They turned around to see what he meant and their faces fell flat.

"Teddy," he turned to Kiku, "you are supposed to scroll."

"Oh." Theodore scrolled down the tablet to see more information about the Knights of Hanoi, but sadly the only other thing that it showed were the white robes and masks.

Theodore and Seigen stiffen when they saw them as they remembered that moment.

Suddenly, Kiku's phone was ringing. She looked at it and saw it was one of her friends that wasn't them. "Yes? Hello?" she answered as she looked away for a little bit.

Seigen turned his head as he saw three seagulls fighting each other. He looked at the seagulls, mentally betting and rooting for the middle one.

While Theodore tried his best to get the information as best he could for the Knights of Hanoi and why the ghost wanted to talk to him about them.

He blinked for a second as he heard a silent whisper and the image he saw before appeared, " I need your he...lp to save the Wor...ld and save the Cybe...rse. I know...about The Los...t Incident." the ghost said.

"AAHH!" yelled Theodore as he threw the tablet in the air, as he thought he heard about the Lost Incident, the name he forgot about.

Kiku turned around and caught her tablet in quick succession. Seigen turned around to see his best friend.

"Teddy! Why?! Do you know how many babysitting gigs I had to do to buy this tablet?!" yelled Kiku as she gave it to Seigen as he was the only person she trusted with a tablet, her little brother and her crush are the worst people to give it to.

"Sorry!" he held up his hands in defense as Seigen only looked at him with a grin. "I thought it spoke to me!"

"Well yeah, duh, it's called a speaker, but I thought I left it on mute." mumbled the last part Kiku as she was confused at the last part on how it spoke even if it was on mute.

"Seriously, no offense, but how are you so bad with a computer? Even your grandparents know better than you when it comes to part." asked Seigen as he gave the tablet to Kiku which she thanked.

"I don't know." Theodore stood up, "Sorry guys, but I need to think about something. About school, you know?" That was odd.

He usually never thought about school in a time like this, but maybe he thought of not skipping school.

His two best friends looked at each other before looking at him and nodding.

"Okay, Teddy. See you later."

"Yeah, catch ya' later!" said Kiku and Seigen one after the other as Theodore gave them a thumbs up as he walked to his house.

He quickly walked into his room and laid on his bed. Thinking about something he heard about the tablet, or...the ghost. It said about the Lost Incident.

The Incident that has always scarred him ever since the first day as he can remember everything.

How hungry he was.

How much he couldn't wait for him to be free.

The Electrocutions.

His fear of Despair From The Dark.

And worst of all, the only thing that made everything worse and he wished to go back to the Lost Incident, his parent's death.

He gritted his teeth as he looked over his closet where it held the one thing that he promised himself that he would never touch again, but he had to get answers someway.

He stood up and opened the door of his closet.

He grabbed the duel disk, "I never thought I would use this again, but it said the Lost Incident. Maybe they have the answers I want to hear?"

And then he heard a voice, "Yes I did, but I do have limited knowledge about it." Theodore looked at his duel disk and saw a yellow eye with red lines from north, west, east and south sides of it on the top part of his duel disk.

"It's about time you took your duel disk out of your closet. I only waited 5 years, but hey, better late than never, am I right? So I think it's about time for us to talk face to-" he was then thrown on his bed as Theodore screamed.

"Woah! This isn't a way to treat a guest!" yelled the Fire Ignis as Theodore pointed at him.

"I knew it! I knew I was right with a ghost! I knew I didn't hear things that weren't there!" yelled Theodore.

"I am not a ghost! They don't exist! Unlike artificial intelligence with free wi-" he stopped talking as Theodore went to his closet for something, "Are you here? Because I would like to talk to you formerly abou-"

He stopped talking again in a span of a minute as Theodore Hamilton went outside of his closet with a baseball bat in his hand, "Go away from my duel disk!"

"WAIT! WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THAT!?" yelled Fire as he raised his baseball bat.

"Because of an intruder! And if I see correctly, you aren't welcome here!" He raised his baseball bat, but before he could swing the duel disk into next week, the AI said something that was extremely important to him.

"But I have to tell you why I need you to stop the man that put you in the Lost Incident!" yelled the Fire Ignis as Theodore stopped.

"What?" asked Theodore.

"Finally, you listened, but I have to tell you why I need your help to stop the man that put you in the Lost Incident." said the Fire Ignis as Theodore realized what he just.

"Are you for real?" he asked again.

"Of course I am for real, why would I say something that doesn't exist?" the eye shook like a head, "Honestly, you make as much sense as the Dark Ignis. Now, would you kindly put down the baseball bat that you were trying to use on me, so we could have a civilized conversation?"

After Theodore put down the baseball bat that he was planning to use on him, he listened to every word that the Fire Ignis told him. Like the Lost Incident and the person behind it could be the leader of the organization that was trying to hunt him down and even the person that was going against him and trying to destroy only moments ago from Cracking Dragon eating parts of his memories.

"So, that's all that you can tell me about the Lost Incident? You don't even know how you were born?" asked the silver-red haired boy.

"The specifics on how exactly I was made in existence I can't remember at all, but the name, emotions and person of my originator I do remember, and it is you, my friend." said the Fire Ignis, sounding a little too much like his friend the Light Ignis.

"Well, that's good to know that at least something good came out of that incident." he said, placing his head back on his bed.

"It's good that you are placing the good things in very bad situations, but may I ask? Why am I in the closet?" he asked, annoyed.

"Because you are still scaring me." said Theodore as he doesn't think that he could ever get used to having a digital being on his duel disk.

"You are being ridiculous."

"No, I am not. Any other person would be still screaming their minds off if they found you."

The Fire Ignis sighed, "Well, can I at least be closer so I can talk to you more?" he said as his body, or what was left of it from Cracking Dragon, appeared onto Theodore's duel disk.

"Woah, woah! Stop now, please! Stay back!" said Theodore as the Fire Ignis returned to the duel disk. "So anyway, you said I have to defeat the Knights of Hanoi and its leader to get your memories back and you can return to your friends?"

"Yes, I did, and I would like to have your help in order to do so with assistance from other people being available so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle for you. All you need to do is duel them and beat them in the duel and you are all set!" said the Fire Ignis.

"You said that I have to duel, right?"

"Yes, I did? Is there a problem?"

Theodore gripped his hands tight, "Yes, a massive one."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Simple, I don't duel. If you want any other help, go ask Kiku or Seigen, I am sure they could help you." he said.

"But you love to duel."

"I loved dueling, but after the Lost Incident, I can't bring myself to do so." The Fire Ignis hated that, but knew that he shouldn't push his buttons. He knows what he had to go through, and he can not let him down. They then heard a knock on the front door.

They looked at each other as Theodore stood up and went to see what was important to talk about. After a minute the Fire Ignis heard a loud, "WHAT!?" and seconds later he appeared in his room, taking a deep breath and took the duel disk. He then went outside of his house.

With Kiku and Seigen

Kiku and Seigen were in a weird situation. They were cornered by Taz and his younger brother's goons, but they didn't do anything as they were just telling them that they are their hostages, but aren't doing anything, as the 'boss' was leaning back on the wall with his blue duel disk.

"This is the worst kidnapping I have ever seen," said Kiku.

"I know right?" agreed Seigen.

"They aren't doing anything to us, which I am thankful for, but I feel like one punch to all of them is enough to take them down," said Kiku.

"Oh I am sorry, no, you know damn well how bad I am bad with punching. Teddy is the one that could do that."

"Yeah," nodded Kiku.

From the corner of their eyes they then saw the figure of their best friend and smiled as they felt like they felt like they knew what was about to happen.


"I knew you would come here, man." said Kiku and Seigen at the same time as Theodore gave them a happy smile and waved at them, but glared at Ridley.

"I am here, release them, now." said Theodore as Ridley looked at him.

"Only if I see if you brought the thing I told you to bring." said Ridley as he looked at Teddy.

He sighed as from his pocket brought up his duel disk as his best friends were shocked. They thought he quit dueling. From the duel disk an eyeball appeared, "Hello, everyone. I am about to tell you that you made a mistake. A big one."

"That's a pretty good AI, but that won't change a thing. You heard the conditions, right? You win, we leave all of you alone forever, I win, you do everything that we tell you to do." Seigen and Kiku were shocked at that horrible one sided deal.

"Of course I did, but first, let my friends go."

"Certainly." Ridley snapped his fingers as the goons and Taz let go of the blue haired girl and the brown haired boy.

"You two can go now, I can handle this." said Theodore as placed his duel disk on his arm.

"Hell no, man! That is a horrible deal! We'll stay here and support you if you need any."

"Yeah, Teddy, I am not letting you just duel in this horrible deal." said Seigen and Kiku as they went behind Theodore watching the duel. The goons did the same thing.

"You have good friends, Theodore." said the Fire Ignis.

Theodore smiled at the words of the Fire Ignis, "Thanks, but I need to concentrate in this duel." he glared at Ridley as both of them shouted at the same time, "DUEL!"

Ridley: 4000 lp

Theodore: 4000 lp

Turn 1.

"I'll start." said Ridley as he drew his five cards. He looked over and took one of the them, "I'll begin by activating the Continuous Spell card, Call of the Mummy! This card allows me to special summon a Zombie type monster from my hand if I don't have any monster on my field. So appear, Plague Wolf."

A dark skinned wolf appeared on the field that looked like it was almost dead with some bones showing from it. The monster let out a small growl when summoned.

(Plague Wolf: Level 3 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1000.)

"That's not all. I can then normal summon my second copy of Plague Wolf from my hand." he said as a second copy of Plague Wolf appeared on the field.

(Plague Wolf: Level 3 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1000.)

"I will then activate their effects! Once per turn: their attack points are now doubled!" yelled as a red light appeared over them.

Plague Wolf: 1000 - 2000 attack points

Plague Wolf: 1000 - 2000 attack points

"Wait wha? Is this guy serious?" asked Seigen.

"Yeah, doesn't he know that no one is supposed to attack on their very first turn?" asked Kiku as Ridley's grin didn't disappear.

"How curious. He activates the effect of doubling the attack points, but isn't useful in this situation because it is turn 1." the Fire Ignis stated as he narrowed his one eye, "Maybe there is a different reason for it."

"Your AI is right! I do have a different strategy in mind, as I set one card face down," a card was set vertically behind the two wolves, but then they exploded, "but during the End Phase, my monsters are destroyed due to their effects."

"Okay, what? How is that useful as you used almost all of your hand with a nearly empty field?" asked Theodore for the first time as Ridley straightened his back as he took a card from his hand.

"Because of this, Surrounded by Fallen Wolves! When 2 or 3 of my Zombie monsters with the same name are destroyed, except during the Battle Phase, I can special summon them back on my field!"

Two tombstones appeared on the field as then from it, two dark skinned wolves with rotting flesh jumped from the tombs in X positions.

(Plague Wolf: Level 3 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1000.) x 2

Ridley then pushed his arm forward, "And due to my Surrounded by Fallen Wolves' other effect, for each one of my monsters, I get to draw an additional card from my deck." he said while drawing 2 cards from his hand.

Turn 2. Theodore - 4000 lp - 5 cards

That...didn't affect Theodore in any shape at all. It was a good strategy, but an inconsistent one at that, but who is he talking about with an inconsistent strategy?

Theodore took a breath, a deep one, "Let's just get this over with already. I draw." he said drawing a card and it pains them to hear him so bored, so out of it, like he hated doing this just because it was because of them being kidnapped in the worst way possible.

Theodore quickly looked over his hand and took one card from it, "I activate the Spell card, Majesty of Fire! If I control no monsters on my side of the field, I get to special summon a Level 5 or higher Fire monster from my hand, so come out, Phoenix Gearfried!"

A massive tornado of fire appeared on the field as then from it appeared a knight with a white armour, red being on the legs, hips, head, chest, arms and even parts of it on his body and golden lining all over his body. Around him were purple orbs all over his body. He wielded a white, yellow and purple shield. He had purple eyes. He wielded a massive sword and wore a black cape on the back of his back as fire was on his back.

(Phoenix Gearfried: Level 8 - Gemini - Fire Warrior - Attack: 2800. Defense: 2200.)

"Not bad, you have managed to summon a monster with high attack points with no tributes and only with one Spell card." said the Fire Ignis as Kiku and Seigen looked at their friend's duel disk as they didn't think that was a normal AI on a duel disk.

"Wait a minute, that type of duel disk doesn't have an AI. I should know, since I have one!" Seigen walked closely to Kiku, "Do you see something strange on Teddy's duel disk?"

"Yeah, now that you mention it, aren't duel disks with no deck slots supposed to have AIs, but the original ones don't have one?" asked Kiku as Seigen nodded.

"You're right about that, but I feel like something has happened when we have been 'kidnapped'." Seigen used his fingers for that last word.

"Thanks...I don't know your name, but first I have to normal summon Valkyrian Knight in attack mode." said Theodore as on his field appeared a woman with yellow hair and silver eyes wearing a red armour with golden lining with fur on her hips with a purple cape on the back, holding a giant sword.

(Valkyrian Knight: Level 4 - Fire Warrior - Attack: 1900. Defense: 1200.)

Theodore pushed his arm forward, "With her on the field, you can't attack any other monster on my field." He then took another card from his hand, "I am not done yet, I activate Phoenix Gearblade! I equip it to my Phoenix Gearfried," his Level 8 monster got a smaller, yet more powerful blade as it was engulfed by flames.

"My Equip Spell has two effects, but first I will activate its first effect! My monster gained 300 attack points!" yelled out Theodore as his monster roared in power and glew red for a bit.

Phoenix Gearfried: 2800 - 3100 attack points

"How did that help? Your monsters are going to deal nothing to Ridley as his monsters are in defense mode." said Taz.

"Yeah, that's dueling 101, ya idiot!" said one of the goons.

The Ignis looked at Theodore who had a confident smirk on his face while his friends studied his every move, "You're correct, but I never said that would be the finisher." Ridley raised an eyebrow.

"Battle! Phoenix Gearfried and Valkryion Knight will attack your dogs at the same time with Fire Clash!" he yelled as his monsters went straight ahead to the two Zombie monsters and slashed them apart.

"HA! That didn't do squat!" Ridley yelled out as Theodore took out a card from inside of his duel disk.

"Oh yeah? So will my Phoenix Gearblade agree to that? Since when my Gearfried destroys a monster, all of my Fire Warrior monsters can attack you twice as I unequip it." (ATK: 3100 - 2800.) said Theodore as he took the card and sent it to his graveyard.

"What?!" yelled Ridley, Taz and his goons.

"Nice and since they have enough for a one turn kill, this duel is over." said Seigen with a grin.

"I knew Teddy could win." said Kiku

The Fire Ignis was impressed with how he turned the tables quickly as he thought with enough time, he can defeat the leader of the Knights Of Hanoi.

"Go! My monsters will attack you directly!" yelled Theodore as his monsters charged directly towards Ridley as he then grinned.

"Nice try, but I activate my Trap, Howl Of The Fallen Wolves! I can special summon my two destroyed Zombie monsters from my graveyard! So come out back, Plague Wolves!" the two wolves appeared once again in X positions.

(Plague Wolf: Level 3 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1000.) x 2

"Also, I get to add a Field Spell card from my deck straight to my hand," said Ridley as a card popped out of his duel disk to which he took it.

"Damn it. Still, my monsters will attack and destroy your monsters with Fire Clash!" yelled Theodore as his two Fire Warrior monsters charged directly towards the two Plague Wolves and destroyed them in one slash each.

"Well, you didn't deal any damage, but there's an upside that you have destroyed every defense that he had in one turn." Fire Ignis tried to stay on the upside.

"You're right, but I was so close to winning." He looked at his two Spell cards as they were both Equip Spells, but didn't work in any shape or form. "I end my turn." he said.

Turn 3. Ridley - 4000 lp - 3 cards

"Good, because you are in a world of hurt! I draw!" yelled Ridley as he drew a card from his duel disk. He placed the card in his hand as he took another card from his hand, "I will then activate my Field Spell card, Edge Of Darkness!"

The Entire field was engulfed by darkness as the field looked nothing, but a wasteland with dark purple water and dead trees all over the place. It was hardly seeable as the only thing that they could see was the light from the duel disks and the fire on Phoenix Gearfried.

"My Field Spell card has two effects, but I will activate the second effect! I banish two Zombie monsters from my graveyard that have the same name," two cards popped out of his graveyard as he placed them in his pocket. "So I can add a Zombie monster from my deck to my hand." a card popped out of his deck as he took it and Theodore can feel that monster from his deck.

"No...n-no. Don't tell me you have that card." his eyes shot up as he took several steps backwards as his breathing became quicker, almost like he doesn't have any air in his lungs.

The Fire Ignis looked at him quickly in alarm as he can tell from his heartbeat. He looked in worry as he knew what and why he was reacting this way.


"Are you alright, man?" asked both Kiku and Seigen at the same time as they saw their best friend looking like that as they have never seen him like this.

"Oh so you know this card, eh? Why don't I summon it then?" asked Ridley as Theodore's eyes shot up.

"No! Please, don't summon that!"

But it all fell down as Ridley pushed his arm forward with a card in his hand, "Too late! I activate Call Of The Mummy! I can now special summon a Zombie monster from my hand, so appear the monster that lurks in the shadows and leeches onto its prey! Despair From The Dark!" he slammed the card on his duel disk as he finished his chant.

And then, the monster that haunted poor Theodore to no end, the monster that was the symbol of his pain in the Lost Incident, the symbol of his horrible past appeared. It looked over like it knew who it was and grinned maliciously.

(Despair From The Dark: Level 8 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 2800. Defense: 3000.)

", it's here." his eyes were shaking, as they were the only parts of his body that were moving at all. It was like his body was that of a rock as he couldn't move at all no matter how much he wanted to move.

"Teddy, are you alright!?" asked Kiku in worry as she tried to approach him, but the AI on his duel disk went up to reveal the body of which was left from it.

"What the hell?"

"What is that thing?"

"That's not an AI!"

Seigen and Kiku both stared at the Fire Ignis as he looked at his origin, his partner, "Theodore, what's wrong?"

"It's here. The monster that haunted me for years."

The Fire Ignis was quiet as he looked over to the monster and then to Theodore. But before he could even speak, Taz interjected, "Scared of a card?! Hah! Ridley, you got this."

"I know, and I think I want something different other than a servant when I win." he looked over to the AI.

"OY! Stop your overreactions and let's continue our duel!" Theodore stayed quiet as he looked at the monster with fear. Ridley shook his head, "Well, I guess I will take that as a yes. I summon Skull Conductor in attack mode!"

A conductor wearing a black suit with golden lining with a sailor hat appeared on the field with dark skin, messed up nose, red hair and silver gloves.

(Skull Conductor: Level 4 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 2000. Defense: 0.)

"And I am not finished as I activate my Quick-Play Spell, Quick Summon!" A card appeared onto Ridley's field, a Spell card to be exact, "This card allows me to normal summon a monster once more, so I summon the tinier version of Despair From The Dark, Fear From The Dark!"

A tinier version of Despair From The Dark appeared on the field.

(Fear From The Dark: Level 4 - Dark Zombie - Attack: 1700. Defense: 1500.)

As if his fear of the Dark Zombie was bad, it grew even worse when he saw an even smaller version of the monster.

"This won't end you, but it is still going to be fun for me! Battle! Skull Conductor attacks your Valkyrian Knight!" From the fingers of his monster appeared a blue light as small skulls appeared on them and it shot towards the female Fire Warrior, but he wasn't done.

"My Edge Of Darkness' effect activates! When my Zombie monster attacks, my monster gains 100 attack points for each Zombie monster! Increasing your demise!" (ATK: 2000 - 2300.) and then the attack hit, destroying the female knight, making Theodore scream in anguish.

Ridley: 4000 lp

Theodore: 4000 - 3600 life points

As he fell down on the floor, Kiku and Seigen tried to sound out their concern, but the Fire Ignis beat them to it, "Are you alright, Theodore?" the AI asked.

He, or more specifically, all three of them didn't get an answer as Ridley continued on his onslaught, "He won't be after my Despair From The Dark attacks his Phoenix Gearfried!" yelled Ridley as Despair From The Dark (ATK: 2800 - 3100.) crushed the Fire Warrior monster with its bear hands.

Ridley: 4000 lp

Theodore: 3600 - 3300 life points

"One more attack should do the trick, Fear From The Dark attacks you directly!" (ATK: 1700 - 2000.) yelled Ridley as the smaller Zombie monster flew towards the silver-red haired boy, slashing him right before returning to his master.

Ridley: 4000 lp

Theodore: 3300 - 1300 life points

" more." he said, weakly. Like a child that was harmed. Like a defenseless animal. Like someone that is defenseless.

"Sounds like you are giving up." sneered Ridley and so did his goons and his older brother.

The Fire Ignis looked over to Theodore with an expression, his best friends' looked over if anything will happen to him or if it tries to attack him, "Theodore, I know that this is difficult, but giving up is always the wrong thing to do. I know that you are scared about the monster, but I know that it reminds of the Lost Incident."

Seigen's eyes went up in alarm at the sound of that and his mouth gaped as Kiku looked worried at him, but he only looked away, not wanting to spill anything.

The Fire Ignis continued on, "It is true that it gave you nightmares, but you are truly scared of it because of what it represents, the Lost Incident, and how you lost your parents because of that incident." Again Seigen winced at the sound of that as he remembered the last time he saw his parents, "Do not forget that you are my originator, so I feel the loss that you feel."

Ridley, not caring not one bit for his opponent, continued on with his turn, "If you stopped yammering, my Skull Conductor gets destroyed after the Battle Phase." the monster shattered into pieces.

"Turn end."

Turn 4. Theodore - 1300 lp - 2 cards

The Fire Ignis looked at his originator and partner, "As difficult as it might be you must confront your pain instead of hiding it," Theodore slowly, but surely got up as he continued on, "Because that is the only way you could overwhelm your fear and that is how you could move on and you don't have to do it alone, because I will be there with you until the end."

"You know, Teddy," Theodore looked over his shoulder and saw his best friend and long time crush, Kiku, "I am also on your side, no matter what will happen, I will always be there with you."

"Yeah, same here. Best friends look over each other and even in our lowest part, we will never push each other apart." said Seigen as Theodore looked at his hand and felt confidence, joy and even a flame that can never be vaporized in him.

"That's right, and together, we will all let our spirits be...reincarnated." and just like that a fire appeared in his eyes that looked as that of eternal flames that will be impossible to vaporize.

Like a flame inside of him being born.

Theodore stood up with a grin on his face, "Thanks everyone. As now, I have a goal in my mind. To win this duel!"

"I like to see you try!" shouted Ridley.

"Oh you will see! My turn." he placed his fingers on the top of his fingers and then it felt like they were actually on fire, "I draw!" he yelled as they could have sworn that fire appeared around him.

He took a look at the card he just drew and smirked, but placed it in his hand as he took another card from it, "I'll start things off by activating the Spell, Rising Fire! If I control no monsters on my side of the field, I can special summon a Fire monster from my graveyard, so come on back, Phoenix Gearfried!"

In a massive gust of fire appeared the red and white armour coloured warrior with a massive sword. It swung the sword with all of its might to show off its strength.

(Phoenix Gearfried: Level 8 - Gemini - Fire Warrior - Attack: 2800. Defense: 2200.)

"Not only that, but his attack points are now increased by 500." he said as a red glow appeared on his knight.

Phoenix Gearfried: 2800 - 3300 attack points

Theodore then took a card from his hand, "Now, I'll equip him with the Spell card, Magnum Shield!" a brown and yellow that was the same size as his sword appeared on his arm that was completely free.

"Now this Equip Spell has an effect depending the battle position and since it is in attack mode, the first effect activates!" Theodore exclaimed with a smirk on his face as he began enjoying the duel, and dueling as a whole a bit and bit, "It gains attack points equal to its original defense points!"

"Wait, what?!" the goons, Taz and Ridley said all at the same time as a red glow appeared on the Fire Warrior.

Phoenix Gearfried: 3300 - 5500 attack points

Theodore took the last card in his hand, "Finally, I will activate my Equip Spell, Assault Armour!" a yellow glow appeared on the Fire Warrior, "I can only Equip it on a Warrior monster that is the only monster on my field, and thanks to the conditions set, my monster gains 300 attack points!"

Phoenix Gearfried: 5500 - 5800 attack points

"Great, he now has enough attack points to win this duel." said Kiku with a smile on her face.

"I didn't expect anything less from him, he is our best friend." said Seigen, but the Fire Ignis knew that he wouldn't end the duel with one hit.

"I will now destroy Assault Armour!" the yellow glow disappeared from the powerful monster as everyone, sans the Fire Ignis, were shocked at the move.

Phoenix Gearfried: 5800 - 5500 attack points

"Wha...why did you do that?!" yelled out Seigen.

"How did you do that is my question!" yelled out Kiku as that wasn't possible at all without an Mystical Space Typhoon or something similar.

"I am on their side, for once, you moron. You could've won." yelled out Taz.

"That might be the case for anyone else, but I felt like Theodore already had the game if he didn't or did destroy his Equip Spell. Am I correct?" asked The Fire Ignis as he looked at his partner.

"Of course you are, how about I show it. Battle! Phoenix Gearfried attack Fear From The Dark!" yelled Theodore as his monster ran down towards the smaller Zombie monster and with one swing of its sword, destroyed it.

Ridley: 4000 - 200 life points

Theodore: 1300 lp

"You damn fool. If you just attacked me when Assault Armour was still active you could've won, but I will end you on my turn." said Ridley, ready to draw his next card.

"There won't be a next turn." everyone, sans the Fire Ignis, looked at him shocked, "Because, when I activated Assault Armour's effect in the Main Phase, my monster that was equipped to it," he smirked, "can attack again."

"What?!" the goons, Taz and his little brother all shouted at the same time as Kiku and Seigen cheered.

"I win. Phoenix Gearfried attack and destroy Despair From The Dark!" no words can describe how happy he was when he said those words out loud as his monster jumped up and slashed the monster the second it landed close to it, destroying it.

Ridley: 200 - 0 life points

Theodore: 1300 lp


As the monster was destroyed in one attack, Ridley was pushed from the shockwave so much that Taz caught his little brother. He looked at the silver-red haired boy with anger, but knew it was foolish to even think about striking him. He picked up his little brother on his back and he and the goons began walking away.

The fire in his eyes have not gone away, instead they looked like they wanted more of that. More duels like that. More fun like that.

"Teddy, that was incredible!" said Kiku as she gave him a hug, but quickly walked away as soon as she saw the grin on his best friend's face with a blush on her face.

"Yeah, you were great out there, man." said as he fist bumped his best friend. to which he returned.

"Well, I knew that he would win, because I saw something in his eyes." Everyone looked at the Fire Ignis, "A fire that no matter what happens, no matter all the difficulties, it will never be finished."

"Really? Thanks..." his eyes and smile slowly became more unsure about one tiny detail, " you guys remember his name?"

"Wait, you haven't given him a name?!"

"Come on, man, that is something that everyone does!" said Kiku and Seigen at the same time shocked that he hasn't given a living AI a name.

"Oh, have I not introduced myself? Forgive me." he coughed like he had any living lungs, "My name is Flame! F-L-A-M-E!" The Fire Ignis, or more known as Flame, introduced himself. "The F stands for Formidable! The L stands for Lively! The A stands for Ama-"

"Look, you don't have to explain your name, we already got it." said Theodre, cutting him off.

"Sorry, but I agree with Teddy," said Kiku.

"Same here." Seigen nodded.

"So, you don't want to hear my name?" asked Flame in a sad tone.

They looked at each other, before sighing. "Go ahead." they all said at the same time.

Flame instantly shot up, "The F stands for Formidable! The L stands for Lively! The A stands for Amazing! The M stands for Magnificent! The E stands for Excellent! Flame!"

Authors Note:

And done with the second chapter! I have to say, I really liked how I changed the small things in Episode 1, 61 and 63.

Good news everyone! My favourite Ignis is here! Flame! There is something about Flame that just makes me love him. Maybe that no matter how much banter he has with Soulburner, he never actually insults him over anything and all he does is just make jokes about him, like any best friend would. Or maybe because he is like Astral with them being the smarter partner with extremely close personalities, but he doesn't betray his best friend in the final few episodes as he tries to kill off the Barian world. Either or, I really do like him and the rest of the Ignis, Lightning is the one that I feel the most split on.

Sorry Ai, but you have to show up in Season 2, since it won't make any sense at all to make you show up here.

Alright, almost everyone that aren't Kolter, Yusaku, Ai and Skye are going to have roles, but some will have small ones, like Akira, or will be almost the same, Varis and Gore. I do plan on using a Season 2 character for one chapter, but in the earlier chapters.

I won't just use Link monsters in Season 1, since I already have plans for Ritual, Fusion and Synchro monsters on when they can appear, but XYZ will be difficult for me since I don't know when.

I only have one more chapter before I can fully begin rewatching Vrains, which I can't wait for.

I think that's about it. See ya later!

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