If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

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What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine


105 1 0
By SeducingZouis

London. The streets, the people, the shopping, the scenery, no wonder why everybody comes here. London is beautiful. So much more to offer than in the small town of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. And maybe that's why I chose to stay here and not go back to Anne and Gemma's place. I've decided I needed to make something of myself, and going back to Cheshire wasn't going to produce what I wanted.

I walked down the main street of London, Big Ben could be seen in the distance. A jacket firmly buttoned up around me as the wind blew around me this chilly London afternoon.

I now live in Uptown London after moving out of One Direction's complex. I never really told any of them that I was moving out, which may have been the reason they all so desperately tried calling and texting me for weeks straight. It's been four months since I've seen the boys, other than on the television and in magazines. I still remember that night clear as day.


"Where are you going? You can't leave like this Cheyenne!", Zayn breathed out heavily. "But yet I'm still going Zayn. Look at everything I caused since being here, you don't need anymore and neither do I", I stated throwing the last of my things in my suitcases. Zayn stood in the door frame, his face red and puffy. He looked like he was going to cry. I finished putting my last item in my bag as I locked eyes with Zayn. I quickly zippered up the bag and stood up. I walked up to Zayn, wrapping my arms around him, "I still love you boys". Zayn's grip around me was tight, "Then stay, please". I shook my head, "I'm sorry..". He let go of me as I turned around to grab my bags. He stepped aside as I exited the room, mumbling under my breath, "I'm really sorry".

I carried my bags downstairs, all the boys looked at me from the sofa they were sitting on. They quickly stood as Zayn joined them. Harry walked over to me, engulfing me in his arms. He whispered in my ear, "Please don't leave me, don't leave us. I promise I'll do anything to get you back if you do leave. So help me god I will do anything". I let go of him, not acknowledging his plea as Niall came up to me, "Goodbye Niall". I could hear him sniffle in a tear, "I'm going to miss my best friend". "I'll always love you Niallinator", I said to him as he let go of me. Louis was next, "I don't know why you're doing this, but us boys will never be the same, you've become part of us". I let go, my face was facing the ground. Liam lifted my chin, "Please keep in touch. We're all going to be a wreck without you". I wrapped my arms around Liam tightly and then letting go as Lexa and Nikka walked through the door. Lexa looked at me sympathetically, "You ready to go?". I nodded my head, grabbing my bags. I turned around to look at the boys one last time, their eyes filled with tears. I didn't dare say a word as I closed the door behind me.

~~Flashback End~~

After that day, I got in the car with Lexa and Nikka and lived with them in their flat until I could afford my own, which I now have.

The thoughts of that day made me shiver as I walked down the crowed afternoon street.

I still miss the boys, they were a part of me as much as I was to them. And without me, things didn't get better for them, like Liam had said when I left.

One Direction the biggest boyband of the world, who was in the middle of a world tour, didn't make it far. Newspapers for weeks headlined Harry leaving the band. I was as shocked as the rest of the world. Reporters failed to get anything from him as he refused to answer their questions. Harry moved to Uptown London like I did, but of course buying a house instead of a flat. And like he promised, he didn't stop trying to find me, but I couldn't get myself to answer his calls.

I looked up to see an old coffee shop me and the boys used to visit when we had early morning runs. The employees new us pretty well there. "Good afternoon Cheyenne, the usual?", the manager, Steve, asked me. I simply nodded.

As for the rest of One Direction, they tried continueing the tour, but failing none the less. The broke up after attempting a month of concerts without Harry. Harry was what kept One Direction, One Direction. Every news station, every magazine and newspaper had their faces plastered all over them and about the split. And three months after the split, still....nobody is over it.

"Here you go my lady", Steve chimed. I smiled, "Thanks Steve", and handed him the money. "You're quite welcome. How have you been?", he asked. I glanced down at my coffee and back to him, "Fine, got a job uptown where I live now. I work in a small coffee shop like you". He nodded his head smiling, "I'm happy for you. It was nice to see you again Cheyenne". I nodded my head, "You too", before walking out of the shop.

I squeezed my heands around the warm coffee, attempting to get them warm. I heard footsteps behind me and then felt somebody tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me?", the man asked in a thick British accent. I turned around shocked, "What are you doing here?". He flashed me a smile, "Cheyenne, I can't believe it's you".

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