Kenny Omega Fics & Oneshots (...

By ItJazzBicch

14.9K 156 6

All of my fics for Kenny Omega which includes fluff, smut, and all of that stuff! More

A God's Message (SMUT)
Ready, Set, Record. (SMUT)
Sporadic Gift (SMUT)
The Fool
No Matter What (SMUT)
Battle Cry (SMUT)
Behind Tinted Windows PT. 1 (SMUT)
Behind Tinted Windows PT. 2
First Hand (SMUT)
Welcome To The Club (SMUT)
The Last Laugh (SMUT)
The Last Laugh PT. 3

The Last Laugh PT. 2 (SMUT)

756 13 0
By ItJazzBicch

"And the band is back together again!" I heard Gallows yelling, followed by cheering.

It was almost like my duty to give Kenny a hard time. I was his arch nemesis and I just had to go see what they were up to now that the Young Bucks, "came to their senses" and rejoiced with Kenny.

I always knew how to put a priceless look on their faces, all of them stopping what they were doing once they saw me heading their way, my women's title shining brightly on my shoulder as I smiled:

"Hello boys!"

"Hey," Gallows sighed, trying to break the awkward silence.

"How amazing is this? Me, the bucks, and Kenny Omega, all of us the champions of AEW!" I smiled brightly, catching them all off guard, "Good hermanos, I expect you two to win back your championships?"

"Of course, girl!" Karl laughed, always putting his pride first; Gallows adding:

"We'll have all the belts before you know it!" 

"I hope so," I sighed, "I think that we can all agree that we are championship material. These girls are becoming too easy for me, to be truthful. Maybe I should pop up in Impact, take the title there too."

"Copycat," Kenny whispered under his breath, instantly triggering me, which I responded with:

"Well at least I'm not so simple minded that I let an old man corrupt me and I didn't need to cheat to win my title."

Literally, Karl, Gallows, Matt, and Nick; All of them were trying to mind their business, gasping at my comment, scared to see this argument escalate. For a change, Kenny didn't have a response, there was just this angry look in his eyes that could be seen through his sunglasses,

"That's what I thought," I laughed, trying to ease the burn as I said, "Don't get me wrong, I know what it's like to be in high pressure situations in a title match. You are a damn good wrestler, the second-best wrestler in the world and the wrestler in first place, well that's me! I am the best damn wrestler in the world."

This time, Kenny did have a response, laughing back at me, taking a few steps closer, titling his glasses down so he could look me in the eyes and say:

"The boys don't know about our last 'fight', but if I recall-" 

Before he finished, he got even closer, whispering to me:

"You were screaming my name like it was the last thing you would ever do. So, who's really the best huh?"

"Of course, you change the subject," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Don't act like you didn't love it," Kenny snickered, walking past me and bumping my shoulder, his boys following him, yelling as he walked away, "See you around, Champ!"

As Kenny walked away, I just looked to the ground, trying to fight off the anger, turning it into laughs, whispering to myself, "Just wait for round two, Kenny."

Throughout the night, a lot of things were going down. The young bucks had their first match as heels, putting on a killer match, even I couldn't critique them. I got to see how my number one contender was doing in competition, really trying their best to come after me. I always observed my opponents to plan my attack, but tonight, I had something else in mind.

Kenny, Nick, Matt, Karl, and Gallows, along with Don, just finished their interview, looking like they walked out of the eighties and again, I felt like it was the time to make my presence known, but specifically wanting to speak with Kenny. 

"Your car is being brought around now, ma'am," One of the drivers informed me.

"Thank you, dear," I smiled, catching Kenny in the corner of my eye, being a smartass as I said, "You know, even I can't deny it. You guys look damn good."

"I think you must have forgotten who we are," Nick laughed; Matt adding:

"She's always been a bit delusional. Probably from the superkicks we gave her before."

They all laughed at their comeback, but I always came back at them as I said: "Maybe so, but I wasn't here you two saying that when I had you both by the balls, begging me to not ruin your baby makers. If I didn't have a heart, believe me, I would have."

Nick literally squirmed as he recalled the memory from our crazy match in Japan and I added to that burn as I turned, seeing my Ferrari headed my way, saying, "I should have. I wasn't too impressed. Your wives must have low standards."

"What did you just say!" Matt said quickly, ready for a fight, which made me laugh, watching Gallows hold him back. 

"Your car, ma'am. I left the keys in the engine," The driver informed me as he stepped out of my parked car. 

"Thank you, again!" I smiled, walking to my car door that was already opened, having one last goodbye as I said to the boys, "Putting all of our pasts and rivalry bullshit to the side, we are a lot alike than we think. I don't know if you guys realized that, but seeing all of us becoming champion, being the amazing wrestlers we all know we are. It's a damn good feeling. I told you that I missed the old you and you listened. AEW is about to get a whole hell of a lot better. Am I wrong?"

"You're not wrong," Don said to me, "But I am the one to thank here."

"No, you're not," I smiled, "You don't believe me? Remember my first promo here, when I brutally crushed Hikaru? How I told Kenny he needed to be himself again? He listened. Still don't believe me? Have him tell you about our 'fight' afterwards. You all have known each other long enough to trusts each other with some secrets. I don't mind if one of my gets brought into the light a little."

"Kenny, what the hell is she talking about?" Matt said quickly, standing at Kenny's side.

"You won that fight, Kenny. Even I can't deny that. So go on, tell them," I encouraged Kenny, but he was quiet, just staring at the ground for a moment, "You didn't mind bragging about it to me earlier."

Seeing them all confused, only Kenny knowing the truth, it was the funniest things I probably ever saw, adding to it, saying: "Goodbye and goodnight, boys!" then copied Kenny's signature pose as I got into the car, smiling, "Bang!"

In the review mirror, all I saw was Kenny, just staring as I drove off in the moonlight, engine roaring like hell, leaving him in the smoke from my tires.

My hotels were top notch and as I drove into the private garage to park my Ferrari, I sat in the car for a moment, looking at a few texts I got and I jumped, being scared a bit while I heard knocking on the window, seeing Kenny at the side of my car.

Quickly, I rolled down the window, groaning, "This a Ferrari. Knock on my window like that and I will knock you into next year."

"Hold your horses, cowgirl," Kenny sighed, leaning down to the window, just staring into my eyes.

"I don't think you came here just to sit in look at me. If that's the case, just take a photo. it'll last longer," I informed him, my bit of anger always knew how to turn me into a smartass.

"You really played your cards back there," Kenny smirked, his eyes showing his frustration. 

"So did you tell them?" I smirked, leaning a little close. 

Quickly, Kenny looked away, backing up so I could roll up the window and exit the car. I stood against the car door, waiting for a response and again, Kenny was just quiet, looking to the ground.

"I'll take that as a no," I sighed, crossing my arms, "You should be the one to know, Kenny. If my opponent plays me, I dish that right back. One way or another and like I said, I don't care if they know. But it's clear that they're concerned and they want to know."

"It's none of their concern," Kenny sighed, but I tried to play mind game with him as I responded with:

"This isn't the first time you had issues with the Bucks The trust that they have for you, it's becoming fragile. I can just see it."

"You're really trying to stir the pot between us," Kenny whispered, shaking his head.

"No, you did, actually!" I informed him, "You're the one who mentioned to begin with and I saw the looks on all of their faces. They've been questioning it from the start. All I did was stop by and congratulate you guys on what you've been accomplishing."

Kenny quickly looked away, knowing that he was the one who lit the spark with his comment, changing the subject as he finally turned to me again, saying:

"I will give you credit, what you said, it's true. We're all champions, the best in the industry. We have all converted like we're in our primes again, a once in a life time moment is happening twice where we are on top of the world! Don might take the credit for it, but it's true, you sparked it. You wanted Kenny the Cleaner and you got him."

"I thought I'd never hear those words come from you while speaking to me," I gasped, smiling, "I wasn't lying to you, Kenny. I really wasn't. But since you brought up our last, fight, seems like you want more."

"I will tell Nick and Matt when the time's right," Kenny informed me, taking a few steps closer to me, his hand on the roof of my car as he towered over me, "But how about you and I, we be adults, stop insulting each other and stop beating around the bush."

"I'm listening," I whispered, looking him up and down quickly, trying to read his body language, knowing I was right once he said:

"I will admit, I started it earlier when I brought up what happened between us. I knew how you would react. I was trying to see if you would break first, but I have to give it to you, you're a tough cookie."

"I thought we weren't going to beat around the bush," I sighed, cocking my eyebrow, both of us actually managing a smile, Kenny finally not beating around the bush, his leg going between my thighs, his chest against mine.

"It's clear that even after our last, intense, encounter, there's still a lot going on between us and things are different. I can just feel it, but  I'm sure you know that when I travel, I always have my own room. Usually, Matt, Nick, Karl, or Luke, even Don nowadays, are one of my guests, but tonight, I wouldn't mind have a special guest."

"Aww special?" I giggled, "And you know, maybe try taking me out on a date or something first. Be a gentleman."

My comment made us both laugh, but Kenny cutting to the chase while he added, "You and I both know that we have been fighting this feeling all damn day. Believe me, if I didn't have Don and them up my ass like how they have been lately, I definitely would have came to your locker room or gladly invite you to mine. I'm sick of fighting it and I'm sick of waiting."

"Welcome to the club," I scoffed, "But just know, if I'm going to be your special guest, things aren't going to be like last time."

"Since I like, entertaining my guests, I'll let you do whatever you want," Kenny offered, arousing my curiosity.

"You sure? I have a very creative mind and you know that," I informed him, Kenny smiling:

"I know and I like that."

At the same time, Kenny pressed me against the car, his body against mine, a smile on both of our faces as he slid one of his hotel room keys down the cleavage of my shirts, whispering: "703. Don't leave your host waiting."

Our conversation ended at that. I got the small bit of bags that I had, putting them up in my room and as soon as I was done, I pulled Kenny's key from my shirt, whispering, "703."

Without hesitation, I made my way out and to the elevator, feeling my heart beginning to race just by walking down the hall, but then I heard: 

"Well, well, well!"

I turned to see Nick, Matt, Karl and Luke, all coming out of the elevator.

"It's getting late. Shouldn't a pretty lady like you be getting her beauty sleep?" Luke snickered.

"I am pretty, but also a busy lady. So, if you don't mind, I have to get going. I have business to attend to," I informed them, trying to walk past them.

"Business? This late at night?" Matt pointed out, trying to get more out of me.

"You aren't the only one who's been successful in business, Matt," I made known, "Just like you guys, I have invested in the business aspects of wrestling as well."

"Alright, I'm cutting out the bullshit," Matt huffed, stepping up to me, "First Kenny whispers something to you today and tonight, you try stirring the pot and talking about some, fight, between the two of you. I want to know and I want to know, now."

"That's up to Kenny to tell you," I sighed, "Now again, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

"Just know, if you're trying to hurt Kenny, you will not succeed," Matt huffed, trying to intimidate me.

Instantly, I busted out in laughter, "If I wanted to do that, I would have done it. It's not that hard. I learned that way back when we started in Japan."

I always knew how to make Matt angry and this time was no different, Matt whispering to me, "I know you're up to something and I'm going to find out."

At that point, I was done with Matt, shoving his shoulder a little as I walked away, sighing, "Goodnight, gentlemen."

Matt thought I was up to no good, but it was a completely different situation than he thought it was. I wasn't trying to use Kenny or anything. Like he said, there was just something different and I didn't mind giving in a little, going right up to Kenny's room.

I didn't mind using the key and walking into his room, nonchalantly and I expressed my frustrations as I said, "Your bullet club buddies playing the watch dog roll tonight?"

"What makes you think that?" Kenny questioned, sitting up in the chair that was in the corner of the room.

"Guess who wanted to play, interrogation and intimidation whenever I was on my way up here?" I smiled sarcastically, actually quite annoyed by that event.

"Matt?" Kenny guessed first, "He's such a hot head."

"They were all there but Matt was the one asking the questions," I huffed, putting my keys and my phone down on the end table by the door. 

"Never mind them. Like I said, they will know when the time is right," Kenny sighed, "But in the meantime, I'm done holding back my temptations."

Before I could even take a few steps forward, Kenny was out of his seat, ready to get his hands all over me. Our lips colliding, smacking into one another like magnets. I didn't mind, but wanted to get him worked up as I chuckled:

"Can a girl get out of her heels first?"

"I'll be getting you out of more things than that," He whispered, biting at my lower lip, going after my blouse.

It didn't take long for clothes to disappear. First my blouse, then his shirt, pants next, his briefs along with them. I was down to my panties and bra whenever I whispered between kisses, "Remember how you said, we could do whatever I wanted?"

"Yes, I remember," He cooed, listening as I said:

"Get on the bed."

Without words, Kenny went and laid right on the bed. I got a good rush out of seeing his incredible physique, Kenny just watching me, smiling devilishly as he was stroking himself softly, waiting to see what I was going to do and the idea finally popped into my mind once I looked down to the floor, seeing his belt still wrapped around his pants.

Slowly I took his belt, then looked up to the bedframe, seeing the small slot of the wooden frame and that's when I knew for sure.

"Oh, is that how you're feeling?" Kenny chuckled, knowing he was in for it once the belt was in my hand. 

"Hands," I instructed, putting them above his head, slowly tying them to the bedframe, making sure he couldn't break free easily, but not making them super tight either. 

Afterwards, I stood at the end of the bed again, staring deeply into Kenny's eyes, watching him lick and bite at his lower lip, each move nice and slow as I unhooked my bra, letting it fall free, revealing my breasts, making sure I was more of a tease when I turned around, taking a sip of the water Kenny had waiting for me, wiggling my hips as I bent over immediately after, bending all the way down to take off my panties.

"You've always been the, put on a show, kind of girl," Kenny noted.

"Alway," I smirked, winking at him, "I see I work that magic a little more than usual when it comes to you."

Kenny's cock was hard, rock solid, really showing off his length, all without even touching him. I wanted to be as much as a tease as I possibly could, making that worse as I slowly crawled onto the bed, like a lioness ready to attack its prey. 

The moment I got to his cock, I placed a nice, wet kiss right on his crown, sucking at it a little, hands rubbing all over his thighs and up to his hips, leaving just that kiss behind, his entire cock brushing against my sternum, breasts hitting at it a little, I even gave them a quick squeeze so their softness hugged his cock and just by the look in his eyes, I knew how much he was enjoying it.

While leaving kisses all over his abs, maybe even some love bites, I made my why all the way up to his neck, finally on top of him, rubbing myself up against his crown so he could feel how worked up I was too, all of the moisture and the good feeling he wanted as I about sat on top of his cock entirely, but only let the crown get a feel.

"You really like taking your time," Kenny whispered, looking down to see my hips move a little, my hand sliding up his chest and wrapping around his throat a little as I whispered back:

"Good things come to those who wait."

Finally, I let him have what he wanted, sitting on his cock, all the way down to the base. We both shared a faint moan, that was more like a gasp; his eyes closing tightly, taking in the feeling of me being wrapped around him again.

"You definitely weren't lying," Kenny chuckled, opening his eyes for a moment, his eye contact making up for the physical contact that he couldn't feel with his hands.

"You think it's that good already?" I smirked, showing him how much that could advance as I started rolling my hips a little faster, leaning back and bracing myself on his thick thighs. 

I didn't even try to fight and it moaned, getting just as much pleasure with each roll of my hips, his crown hitting so deeply, Kenny adding to it as his hips chased mine a little, every inch sliding out and coming right back, quicker and quicker with every given second.

"Fuck," Kenny whispered under his breath, feeling how tense he was. It was hard for him to not have more physical contact and it was becoming even hard not to tap out, but I just boosted that up even more.

"You're telling me," I huffed, "I'm the one doing all the fucking."

His eyes opened again for a brief moment, a small smile on his face as I brought up what he said to me last time, stealing his line directly. Making things a bit harder for him as I just began to bounce on top of him, over and over, the sight of my breasts bouncing become great entertainment for him, his head trying to lift up and go after them.

After so much, seeing him breathing so heavily, his hands trying a bit to be freed, I gave him a moment, letting him get in his deep breaths, but warning him as I said:

"How about we step it up a notch? Think you can handle it?"

"Hit me with your best shot," Kenny panted a little, shaking a bit as he inhaled deeply.

"That's not just a song and you're about to find out," I chuckled, giving him his final warning.

This time, I knew it was going to be a little rough on me, but I was good at handling it, placing my feet firmly on the bed, squatting down, taking all of him and the feeling was new for the both of us. My athletic abilities were really on my side.

It didn't take long for my walls to clamp up, squeezing him even tighter. Even I couldn't hold back the noise that I was making, my head falling back for a moment as I was fighting through it, feeling my thighs clamp up along with my walls as I knew my orgasm was close and Kenny wasn't too far behind.

"Oh fuck, Y/N," Kenny groaned, his eyes sealed, head falling back into the pillows.

"Yeah?" I whined, picking my head up to see him, his body turning red, hands going nuts, trying to break free. It made me question how much he could actually handle, "You need me to stop?"

"After all that work, you better not," Kenny warned me, the look in his eye dead serious, the pleasure too great for both of us, but that's exactly what we wanted, "You better not stop."

"How's this?" I asked, out of breath, actually sweating a little, but pushing myself through.

The bed was even shaking a little from how fast I was going, up and down. At the point, I was surprised I could even take it from how my walls were clamping, pulsating hard, Kenny adding to it as he kept picking up his hips, making sure mine slammed into his, the feeling making my who body shake.

The both of us were groaning, moaning, with Kenny's hips adding to the movement, I was on the verge of screaming, letting out a few, switching positions so that I was on my knees, but still taking that same impact, my hands pressing onto his steaming hot, red chest to the point where you could see my hand prints a little.

"Oh, my fucking god, Y/N!" Kenny groaned, "I'm about to cum so hard."

"I am," I whined out, near tears, my heart pounding so hard that my chest hurt a little, my orgasm running wild, gushing out all over him, making a mess, his hips still chasing after mine, making more waves come out of me, hands holding onto his shoulders for dear life, feeling his body seize up, cock throbbing hard, which made me cry out, "Kenny!"

With one last roll of my hips, I collapsed onto his chest, breathing through my nose and out of my mouth, trying to get as much as air as possible, just exhausted. The both of us exhausted.

"I know you're tired, but I'm just as worn out," Kenny tried to giggle, "Please let my arms down."

"Only because you said please," I laughed, sitting up and freeing his hands.

The moment he fell, he let out another deep breath, saying again, "Oh my fucking god. I thought the first time was crazy."

"You're shaking like hell," I pointed out, placing my hands on his biceps to feel it for myself, on top of seeing it.

"So are you," He sighed, holding my thighs, feeling how horribly my legs were shaking.

"Well yeah, I was doing all the work," I giggled, smiling devilishly as Kenny whispered: 

"It's only fair. I did all the work last time."

This time I couldn't hold back my laugh, falling next to Kenny on the bed, saying. "Well, now we're even."

Kenny did acknowledge that by nodding his head, turning to me, kissing me softly as he whispered, "Just wait till the tie breaker."

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