Kenny Omega Fics & Oneshots (...

By ItJazzBicch

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All of my fics for Kenny Omega which includes fluff, smut, and all of that stuff! More

A God's Message (SMUT)
Ready, Set, Record. (SMUT)
Sporadic Gift (SMUT)
The Fool
No Matter What (SMUT)
Battle Cry (SMUT)
Behind Tinted Windows PT. 1 (SMUT)
First Hand (SMUT)
Welcome To The Club (SMUT)
The Last Laugh (SMUT)
The Last Laugh PT. 2 (SMUT)
The Last Laugh PT. 3

Behind Tinted Windows PT. 2

741 12 0
By ItJazzBicch

"Hey, Y/N!" Brandon sighed, looking stressed.

"What's up, man?" I smiled, ready to take on any task because I knew that's what he was going to ask. 

"I really hate to take your time away but Nick and Matt need me. I also have to film a Dark Order bit. I can't do both. If I give you my camera, can you film the bit for me?" Brandon asked kindly, almost begging, "Please?"

Brandon did have a lot on his plate lately, sadly a big majority of that was due to my brothers. I wasn't busy at all so I smiled at him while taking the camera. 

"You got it! Are they in their lounge?" I asked, confirming what I assumed. 

"Yeah! Thank you so much, Y/N! I really appreciate it!"  Brandon smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"No problem!" I smiled back, walking off to the lounge. 

While making my way to the lounge, I was looking through the camera because when I booted it, it said the storage was low. 

In the main menu, you could see previously recorded videos. At first, I didn't care and was ready to go into the settings, but then I saw the image of the last video.

It was Nick, Matt, and Nakazawa. 

My heart about stopped when I saw that. I had to watch that video. Quickly, I checked my surroundings, no one was around so I stepped into another hall, sitting down on the chair by me, beginning to play the video, playing close attention:

"Now, Nakazawa, how long have we known each other?" Nick began. 

You could tell Nakazawa had fear in his eyes, but he was cooperating, nervously responding with, "A long time."

"A long time indeed," Nick acknowledged, "As friends, we need to ask you a question and we need the truth."

"Okay," Nakazawa said slowly, a little confused, but listening whenever Matt asked:

"Last week, when we were in the limo. Nick and I had an interview. The only people left in that limo were Kenny, Y/N, and you. Something happened in there. Am I wrong?"

Nakazawa had to report to Kenny and you could see the fear in his eyes when they began to ask questions. He shook his head no, but Nick and Matt weren't buying it. 

"No?" Nick chuckled, "When we were on our way back to the parking lot, the limo was shaking. Wanna tell us why?"

"Yes, do tell us. Because not only was the limo shaking, whenever we told you to drive off, Kenny was awfully nervous," Matt pointed out, "You're covering for him and We know it."

Nakazawa was really trying to avoid everything, but Nick pulled out some evidence. 

"See this jacket?" Nick said, and I about died, it was the jacket Kenny was wearing that night, "Look whats in it?"

Nakazawa looked into the pocket, realizing he was out of other options, looking inside of the jacket and knowing what was in there.

"You see that! They're fucking panties!" Matt yelled, "And the only woman near Kenny that entire night was our little sister!" 

"They were in there having sex weren't they?" Nick yelled, "Don't even try to lie about it!" 

Finally, Nakazawa didn't even bother to fight it, "Yes, they were."

Matt and Nick were pissed. It was not what they wanted to hear. Nakazawa thought he was safe, but as soon as he let his guard down, Nick and Matt super kicked him right in the face. 

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT TELLING US SOONER!" Matt yelled, expressing their anger.

That's where the video ended and I was panicking. I didn't care about that bit that I had to film, all I knew was that I needed to get to Kenny and now. 

There was a bathroom near by and I rushed into there, calling Kenny. Sadly, I called twice and he didn't answer. The third time worked though, Kenny sweetly saying:

"I'm sorry that I missed your calls, baby. Is everything-"

"I need to show you something and right now, Kenny! Where are you?!" I said quickly, panting from how nervous I was. 

"I'm about to head to my private locker room," Kenny informed me, "is everything okay? You sound like you're freaking out."

"I am freaking out! You'll see when I get there!" I whined, hanging up the phone and bolting out of the bathroom. 

I was running like the wind, making sure I could avoid people, especially Nick and Matt. Kenny jumped up quickly whenever I bursted through the door, locking it. 

"Y/N, please tell me what's going on!" Kenny pleaded, watching while I pulled up the video. 

"Just watch!" I exclaimed, handing him the camera. 

Kenny and I had the exact same reactions. He was in complete shock. We were busted. Nakazawa sold us out. 

"They fucking know, now Kenny!" I about cried, "'Matt and Nick are going to kill me!" 

"Nakazawa! That bastard!" Kenny growled, pissed off more than anything, "I can't fucking believe him!"

"You?! They found my underwear and everything. Like they're my brothers! That's so, just oh my god. Jesus save me!" I whined and when things got silent, there was knocking on his door. 

We both looked at each other, scared and ready to panic again. Kenny put the camera in my hands, whispering, "The closet. Now."

I listened and just went in the closet. Just like we expected, it was Matt and Nick. 

Damn Kenny was good at keeping his cool, opening the door, saying, "Hey guys whats up?"

"You know, ready for another night of kicking ass," Nick chuckled. 

"Hell yeah," Kenny chuckled, giving them high fives, "You guys are killing the new gear."

"Thanks man," Matt sighed, "After our match tonight, we need to have a guys night. Just like the good times, get some food, relax and just talk."

"Yeah, have a nice talk," Nick sighed, the tone of his voice giving it all away without saying it directly. 

"Is everything okay? That didn't sound too friendly," Kenny pointed out. 

"We don't have the time to go into detail, but we need to have a talk," Matt informed him. 

"Also, we're taking Nakazawa to the ring with us. So, tell that pipsqueak to move his ass to the guerrilla. 

"I'll let him know," Kenny sighed, fist bumping them "Go kick some ass."

"Don't we always?" Matt laughed and shortly after, I heard the door close. 

I was in the closet losing my mind, slowly stepping out when I saw Kenny coming to the closet. 

"They're going to pull some shit tonight, Kenny."

"I can't believe this shit," Kenny huffed, taking a handful of his hair, "We've been together all this time without them knowing and now they because of Nakazawa of all people! Fucking Nakazawa!"

"Kenny, calm down please," I sighed, "I know that we're busted. I'm pissed myself, but hey, maybe this won't turn out to be as bad as we are thinking."

"Do you not know your own brothers?" Kenny scoffed, "They're gonna try and super-kick my head off! I've seen them do it to guys who only looked at you! Let alone sleep with you!"

"I don't know what the hell we're gonna do," I whined, plopping down on the couch. 

"Well, they're gonna have a lengthy match. I'm going to watch it," Kenny huffed, sitting down next to me. 

It was so hard not to panic, even watching Nick and Matt through the television. Every time they looked into the camera, it was like they were staring deep into my soul. 

Of course, they put on one hell of a match. I always cheered for them and enjoyed their matches, but the butterflies came back whenever they took microphones, cutting a promo after their match. 

"Hey Nick, going back to the old ways, not taking anyone's shit, doing whatever we want? That mentality shot us up to the top and for some reason, people don't take us seriously," Matt huffed, Nick adding:

"This is the end of the line! I know that when get in that ring, we showboat, we show off a little, but that's done. We are blood brothers, have a family in this industry and I don't care who you are! Whether if it's me, Matt, or our baby sister Y/N, you make one wrong move, do something we don't like, even look at us the wrong way!"


"Oh my god," I cried, holding my head, Kenny whispering:

"They really directed that at me."

Kenny just looked up at the screen, his face turning red, his chest heaving and I tried being comforting when I leaned over, holding his thigh while cooing, "Kenny, baby-"

Before I could say anything else, Kenny stormed off. The cameras were still rolling and while I was on the couch, still losing my mind, Nakazawa randomly got shoved back onto the stage, Kenny right behind him. 

Kenny was going to town on Nakazawa, rights and lefts, knees to the stomach, grabbing his head, yelling:


Right after, Kenny picked him up, putting him on his shoulders, slamming him to the steel part of the ramp with a one winged Angel. 

"Kenny, what the fuck!" I yelled at the television. 

He just confirmed Matt and Nick's suspicion. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Brandon busted through the door to Kenny's locker room. 

"Y/N! What the hell! I thought you were filming the skit!" Brandon scoffed at me. 

I tried to make an excuse but instead, I yelled at him, "How the hell did you even get in here!" 

You needed a key to get into Kenny's locker room and my jaw about dropped, completely dumbfounded when Matt stepped in front of Brandon, holding the key and Nick was following him. 

"Brandon, beat it. This is a family issue," Matt commanded and Brandon did not hesitate to leave, shutting the door behind him. 

"Hm, I wonder why you're here in Kenny's locker room," Matt huffed, being a smartass, "You guys watch the match together?"

"Or were you in here going to pound town like you did in the limo during our interview!?" Nick yelled. 

I was speechless, sitting on the couch like a child who was about to be grounded, Matt yelling:

"Our best friend, Y/N? Our best fucking friend!"

"How long have you two been doing this?" Nick questioned and I answered quietly. 

"It started back in Japan, right before AEW started."

"What?!" Matt gasped, "That was two years ago!"

"I can't help how I feel!" I groaned, "Ask Kenny! He's the one who pulled the first move on me!"

Right as I finished my sentence, Kenny came through the door, almost having a standoff with my brothers once the door shut.

"So, you guys know now," Kenny sighed, taking a deep breath. 

"Yeah," Matt nodded, "Just trying to get the details since you know, you cuffed our baby sister and didn't even fucking tell us!"

"I didn't tell you because you two are fucking maniacs when it comes to her! She's an adult and can't even make her own decisions because you two are always in front of her! Even when you're not, you're still in the back of her head!" Kenny scoffed, his face super red because of how angry he was. 

"She's our baby sister!" Nick protested, "She's-"

"I'm not a fucking baby anymore!" I yelled, finally snapping. I had enough of their shit and I let them know, "You both know that Kenny's right! You two are just barely older than me! I'm not a baby. I'm a grown ass woman! You guys literally scare away anyone that you feel shouldn't be around me. It's a damn shame I have no say so in my life because all we've done is wrestle as a group. You guys are so over bearing I want to quit wrestling!"

A huge surge of seriousness fell down all over us, all three of them  shocked by my words but that's how I felt. All we did was wrestle, since we were kids, but Nick and Matt were the ones having all the fun. I was their puppy on a leash, a very short and tight one. 

"Y/N, don't say that," Nick sighed, trying to be comforting and when he took a step closer, I backed away, yelling:

"When are you two ever going to take me seriously! Let's face it, you three are the stars! I'm just your little bitch and I can't take it anymore. My last match may be my very last one because I am deadass, cross my heart and hope to die, I want to quit wrestling because of the two of you and just go back home!"

"Baby, please," Kenny cooed, coming over to me and hugging me tightly, "You know that you're a bigger star than us. I know how much you love wrestling. Like Nick said, please don't say that."

"Kenny, you know I can't take it anymore," I cried, crying real tears, just hugging Kenny again, burying my face in his chest. 

"I won't even lie," Kenny said to them, keeping his arms tight around me, "I should've told you guys whenever I began dating Y/N, but we are right. She can't do anything without your shadows towering her. I know you guys love her and as older brothers, it's hard not to be over protective but guys, you know me!"

I turned my head to look at Nick and Matt, the both of them just staring at each other, then looking down at me. 

"I am giving you the pure, honest truth when I tell you that I love Y/N. It's been two years now already and it's be painful for the both of us to hide it. You should know that I treat her best. I'd move heaven and earth for her, I swear to you guys and if I ever break that, you two can super-kick my damn head off. Hell, I'll do it myself," Kenny said, giving them nothing but the truth. 

His last comment made me laugh a little, which is what I needed and finally, Matt and Nick did something, joining in our hug. 

"We're sorry," Matt whispered, "To the both of you. You know we love you. I promise we won't be so over protective or invade your life in any kind of way anymore."

"We promise," Nick assured, "If anything, it's good to know you have Kenny. I know he's right for you. I just couldn't get over the fact that-"

Nick actually shook when he remembered that Kenny and I did the do in the limo. 

We all laughed, picking up my head when I said, "Yeahhh let's not talk about that. Nakazawa already got fucked up over it. Let's not."

"Agreed," Matt chuckled, standing up and giving me a hug of his own. 

For the first time in what felt like forever, Matt gave me a hug, so full of love, brotherly love from my oldest brother, making me feel like we were kids again, Nick joining in and making that feeling even better. 

Matt and Nick did always want the best for me, even when they were overprotective but them letting down that barrier, it was a positive thing. It was best for all of us. 

It was like when we were kids, carefree, full of life and nothing but fun and love. 

"So," Kenny sighed, wrapping his arm around me, "No more hiding it. Things aren't going to change.  I can just call her baby in front of you guys now."

We all shared a small laugh about that, Matt making me laugh more when he said, "Yeah that's it. I don't need to see anything more or I will kick you."

"Yeah, the panties were terrifying enough as her older brothers," Nick said but I quickly went:

"Ah no no! What did I say?"

Nick finally zipped it, but the both of them smiling and giving us a nod of approval. Once I saw that, I smiled brightly, jumping into Kenny's arms, giggling when he twirled me around. 

I didn't care that Nick and Matt were there. I kissed Kenny, arms wrapped around his neck when I said, "I love you so much."

"I love you even more, baby," Kenny cooed, kissing me softly. 

"Aww," Matt whispered, fake crying, "Our baby sisters not a baby anymore!"

Nick joined in, fake crying but we all shared a smile whenever Kenny kissed my cheek saying:

"She's my baby. Always will be."

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