Into the Dragon's Den

By what_the_fawkes

112K 2.6K 342

⚠️ Please read the warnings! ⚠️ Laena Velaryon, the second of her name, was born fourteen months, to the day... More

When You Were Young
High Tensions
Playing with Fire
Let's Hurt Tonight
Stone Cold
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
Dazed and Confused
Your Sex is on Fire
Everybody Hurts
Unhappy Birthday
This is War
Dont Blink
Hard to Breathe
Bleed Well
Cold (But I'm Still Here)
I'll Be Missing You
Way Down We Go
Love Me Like You Do
Truly, Madly, Deeply

It Ends Tonight

2.6K 74 5
By what_the_fawkes

Bright light wormed its way into her unconscious and Laena groaned.

"Why didn't you tell me just how badly you were wounded, Laena?" Rhaenyra's words greeted her when she finally opened her blurry eyes. "I would have never allowed you to fight."

"Mother," she breathed with relief, tears filling her eyes. And then she sat up in a panic, pangs of agony slicing through her. "What happened? Is everyone okay? Did—"

"Calm yourself..." the queen commanded, pressing her back into the pillows and rubbing her arms comfortingly. "Everyone is alright." Laena promptly burst into tears. Thank the gods...

"I thought I failed again." she choked out, "I thought I lost them like I lost Helaena, like I lost Luke..." Her mother shook her head.

"You were right. None of the Gree s left wanted to fight. You did well, my love..." Rhaenyra brushed her hands over her daughter's curls and Laena leaned into her mother's touch. "A good ruler knows when to fight, and when to stay their hand. I'm very proud of you."

"And," she swallowed, "Daemon?" Her body trembled at the thought of him and she instinctively clenched her hand over her stomach.

"In his quarters, under heavy guard." Rhaenyra told her. Laena nodded and then closed her eyes in acceptance.

"I want to see him," she finally said. Her mother sighed. "Mother, please? I want to see him now."

"You're not well enough—"

"Mother!" Hesitantly, Rhaenyra agreed, helping her up and assisting her in dressing. Laena didn't want to see him, she needed to see him. Despite the mix of fear and resentment she held for him, she needed to mend their shattered relationship, sooner than later... If they didn't find common ground the fighting would never truly be over.

"I have so many questions..." she said, as she hobbled along, clinging to Rhaenyra's arm.

"I shall do my best to answer them, my love." her mother replied.

"Ser Erryk?"

"Healing from his injuries, along with his twin." her mother answered. Relief flooded through her at the knowledge that her knight was alright.

"Alicent and her children, Helaena's children?"

"They have all been confined to the Tower of the Hand, for now. They will be given a chance to bend the knee. Do you know what you're going to do about being in love with both of them?" Laena choked in surprise and then doubled over in pain from her exertion.

"No, no I don't." she finally admitted when the pain subsided. Two guards were posted outside the door as they approached. "You can go, mother. I think it's best if I do this alone."

"Are you sure?" Rhaenyra asked. Laena nodded. "The guards are just outside of you need anything." The guards stepped aside and opened the door and she struggled into the room, holding her hand to her abdomen for support.

"Daemon?" The sight that greeted her made her swallow. Laena had expected her anger to resurface. She hadn't expected the scene to unsettle her so deeply. Daemon had visibly aged since she had last laid her eyes on him. He had bags and dark circles beneath his eyes and looked like he hadn't eaten in days. He didn't respond. "Daemon?" she tried again, her knees wobbling as she made her way toward him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying again.

"Kepa?" He finally blinked and looked up at her.

"Ñuha dōna riña ..." he breathed, a hand reaching out to cup her cheek. My sweet girl... Her stomach was aching and she leaned against his chair for support, gasping for air. He rose and helped her into his seat.

"I hurt you... Laena I—"  He squeezed his eyes shut in shame and his head fell against her knees. The sight of it made her stomach twist. In all the years she had spent with Daemon, regret was not an emotion she had ever seen him wear. The man had raised her for years, had trained her, had comforted her when she cried. Despite the pain she was in physically, the thought of losing him pained her more.

"I know..." she said, leaning against him. Part of her longed to hate him for his actions. His anger toward the greens and his need for vengeance had killed Helaena, had nearly killed her. And yet, for years he had raised her, trained her, loved her... If she could start to forgive Aemond for his actions, she could start to forgive Daemon, as well. The only way forward was through forgiveness and peace... "I forgive you. she finally said. He gave her a  look of bewilderment and she gave him a water smile on return. "Look , it doesn't matter how much I've trained or fought, it doesn't matter that I have the blood of the dragon..." she continued, "I am ill suited for war. As long as you stop trying to kill the other half of my family, then, yes. I forgive you..." His arms encircled her shoulders and his lips pressed to her forehead.

"I'm only good at a few things. Apologizing and playing nice aren't among them." he whispered.

"I know," she replied. "But I don't think you a choice. My mother is the queen; she will command you if you cannot behave." Daemon chuckled softly. "Avy jorrāelan, kepa."

"And I you, princess." It seemed easy, far too easy, the way her words of forgiveness sealed the bridge between them. Helaena's words drifted into her mind, something about tapestries and broken threads. No, the Targaryen tapestries wouldn't fall, Laena wouldn't allow it. Forgiveness was the only way she could heal; forgiveness was the way forward...


It had been days, perhaps weeks that Laena had been confined to her rooms. Her mother insisted it was for her own good, so that her body could heal. But it left Laena feeling rather unwanted. She thought about Daemon a lot, hoping that their talk was enough to keep him from allowing his anger to control him. After all, he hadn't meant to hurt her, she had merely gotten in the way.  The twins did not visit her; she had scarcely seen them since Rook's Rest, nor did she attend any councils. She had no idea what plans her mother was making; whether there were still outbreaks of rebellion; whether the Greens had bent the knee...

"How are you feeling?" Jacaerys asked when he finally stepped into her room.

"Like I've been skewered twice, but mostly fine," she joked with a smile. She grew serious. "No one will tell me what's happening." He sighed.

"Well, there's a manhunt taking place. Larys Strong has disappeared and everyone knows he was loyal to the Hightowers." Laena thought back. She couldn't remember seeing Larys since the day the king died. She hadn't given him much thought until now, but the idea that he had just hobbled off to die alone amused her.

"Jace..." she began. He shook his head.

"You don't have to say it, Laena. I should be the one apologizing. You were caught in the middle and I shouldn't have expected you to blindly pick our side." Laena sniffled and threw her arms around her brother.

"I love you, moron." she said.

"I love you too, brat," he responded, rubbing her back and mussing her hair.

"And the princes?" It was the only question she really wanted to know the answer to and her brother rolled her eyes.

"Still irritating twats," he told her, "They're livid that mother won't let them out to come see you." Her brother's answer made up her mind once and for all.

"That's it. Avert your fucking eyes and help me dress, brother." Jace knew there was no point in arguing and did as she commanded, helping her yank her trousers up and lacing her boots.

"You need to eat more, your clothes are too loose. How am I supposed to find pride in beating you in the yard if you're not at your best." She smiled and hummed her agreement, handing him a cord so he could tie her curls back.

"Jace, you're going to have to help me. It's a long walk. I have to see someone else before we go to the tower of the hand..."

Neither of them spoke as they trekked through the keep. Neither of them needed to. Laena knew Jace would forgive her for her part in Luke's death, just as she would forgive him for his cold words and his part in Helaena's death. They were siblings and neither of them longed to keep fighting one another.

Ser Erryk looked far better than she expected and she was surprised to see his brother roomed with him. Laena hoped that, perhaps, they would find the same forgiveness that she and Daemon had.

"Princess," the knight greeted, pushing himself up in bed.

"Stay where you are, please." she told him with her hand up. "I was relieved to find you both survived, Ser Erryk. Being pitted against your own family is horrid, it should never have been asked of you. I'm sorry for that."

"I stand by my decision, princess. I knew the moment I decided to spirit you and Princess Rhaenys from the keep, that I would likely have to fight Arryk." She surprised him when she hugged him.

"You're an honorable man, Ser Erryk. I hope you and your brother can make peace." Assuring him that she would be back to see him, Laena left Erryk's room and took Jace's arm once more. As they walked across the yard, she recalled the night she had collapsed, bleeding into the dirt. Her breathing grew erratic and Jace looked at her in concern.

"I almost died... Right here... and Helaena—" The words caught in her throat and her brother reached out to steady her.

"Hey, look at me, you're alright. The fighting is over." Jace told her. "I'm sorry about our aunt, I know you were close... But right now you have two dumb cunts who want to see you." Laena couldn't help but giggle, grimacing as her laugh rolled through her stomach. She nodded at the guards and they moved out of the way, opening the doors to the tower.

"Anybody home?" she called sarcastically, trying not to laugh at her dumb joke. She heard hurried clunking above her and fought back her grin. Despite his injury, Aegon made it down the stairs first, abandoning his cane at the bottom of the steps and lifting her into his arms, kissing her fiercely. His kiss felt like home and she found herself clinging to him; running her thumb over the small scar on his cheek. "Ow," she complained with a grimace when he finally released her, her grin betraying the pain in her stomach.

"Laena," her name was choked out and she looked guiltily at Aegon as Aemond came to the bottom of the stairs. Then the prince was shoving his brother out of the way and pressing his own lips to hers. A wanton sigh left her lips as her body melded to his, his familiar touch igniting her insides.

"Keep making sounds like that and I'm going to fuck you against this wall, princess," he whispered against her lips, "And I don't care if Aegon watches..."

"Oh my gods..." she breathed as a lewd idea settled in her brain. She glanced between the princes, heat blooming under her skin at his words and Aemond grimaced at her visceral reaction.

"Oh, you're disgusting..." he said, wrinkling his nose at her. She laughed and pulled him down into another kiss.

"Gods, I've missed you..." she whispered against his lips, their foreheads pressed together. "How is your mother?" she asked.

"She's... not well." he replied solemnly.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry about your grandfather. I just... He would never have..."

"I know, love..." he conceded.

"May I see her?" she asked. The princes shared a hesitant look. "If she doesn't want to see me, I'll leave, I just... I'd like to speak to her..." Eventually, they relented and both helped her up the stairs.

Alicent Hightower was a mere shell of the woman she had seen in the throne room only a short time before. The loss of her daughter and her father had physically taken a toll on her. Her hair had lost its shine; her eyes looked vacant.

"Lady Alicent?" she greeted cautiously, approaching and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, my dear Laena," Alicent smiled at her but her eyes were vacant, hollow. "Have you seen Helaena and Melita? They were supposed to take the children to bed."

"No, no I haven't, my queen, when I see them, I'll let you know..." she said softly, swallowing the heavy lump in her throat, guilt welling inside her. She looked at Aegon and Aemond for some kind of support, but neither of them knew what to say...

She left the tower filled with dismay. Alicent Hightower's mind had cracked, something Laena had never intended. She was heartbroken for her, for her losses. The war, the deaths, they were things she had never longed for. While she had longed to stay and spend time with the princes, she couldn't bear to look into Alicent's vacant eyes for another second.

Laena tossed and turned that night, unable to sleep, unable to warm herself. She felt empty, like Alicent's gaze, and she wondered if she would ever again have peace...

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