Third ending

By uzlove18

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taehyung and jeongguk had known eachother almost all of their lives- but thinking their lives would get this... More



259 24 3
By uzlove18

taehyung had started liking, dressing up. he always liked make up. but now that he actually started using a little bit of it, he found himself really pretty, he never knew he looked like that– attractive .

he started getting asked out in public by random strangers which he hated. he had always been a little slow when it came to things like these. he was still childish and wasn't that mature compared to his fellows. so him not knowing that he wasn't seen as kid anymore was natural, he took some time realising that.

and unlike the hormonal teenagers around him he still had no urges to jump over the opposite gender, either primary or secondary. he was too picky. he knew that. so getting stares from alphas and betas and sometimes even omegas when he would go out would just make him self conscious and after a few bad incidents with people harassing him and bothering him, he hated going out.

so today he just made plans to visit the alpha next door whom he had been good friends with almost all his life. he rang the bell standing in front of the main door. mrs jeon appeared from the inside. he greeted her politely and made a small conversation with her before waving a hi to jeongguk's younger brother, junho.

excitedly he climbed up the stairs and without even knocking just entered the room. he saw jeongguk's lying figure as he entered his room. the alpha had airpods in his ears as he was listening to music with his eyes closed.

taehyung mischievously walked upto him and immediately placed his hands on the ravenette's already closed eyes. he waited for the dark haired boy to remove his airpods before speaking.

"guess who am i?"

jeongguk chortled at that, "i don't know. maybe the grim reaper? i did feel like i was going to die young."

taehyung rolled his eyes, removing his dainty hands and jeongguk's heart skipped a beat seeing the pretty face so close to him when he opened his eyes.

"if i were the grim reaper i would have placed my hands over there." taehyung said pointing towards his neck, and jeongguk was too lost to reply.

how did the clumsy cute boy he always knew became this pretty. taehyung's features were accentuated even more as he hit puberty. he was getting really pretty and that.... might have made the alpha feel a little...

tingly in his stomach?

jeongguk got up, sitting straight now as he took in the other's appearance.

"are you going somewhere?" he couldn't help but ask. and taehyung giggled shaking his head.

"no, just wanted to look good for you alpha." he joked getting up from the bed and walking towards tv turning it on. complete unaware of the fact that his one sentence made jeongguk's heart beat even faster.

"let's call junho too, he can watch the movie with us." taehyung suggested plopping down on the small couch. and jeongguk didn't know why for the first time, he preferred to just enjoy the movie alone with the omega.


"it's weekend guk." taehyung whined over the phone.


"and i'm feeling lonely. yoongi is out of town, besides it's difficult for him to come to my house, he lives far. can't you just come over?"

"no thanks. i don't like to be used as a replacement."

"wow seriously guk? fine i'll hang out with junho instead." taehyung muttered angrily.

"wait!" jungkook suddenly yelled, his mood taking a one eighty degree turn hearing taehyung's words.

"what?" taehyung asked, squinting his eyes not knowing what the alpha had to say.

"uh i think, you can just come over."


"because i feel intimidated by your dad and he's home."jeongguk answered honestly and taehyung started laughing loudly at that.

"oh c'mon it's not like he's gonna eat you."

"whatever just come over, i'll wait."

"alrighty." taehyung answered with a big smile.

it was one of those days when he would feel the happiest and he cherished them. his parents let him do whatever he wanted... taehyung didn't know why they act that cruel whenever they lose temper. they could be a perfect family otherwise.

he just shook his head, trying his best not to think about those things and ruin his mood.

and later that evening when he went to the jeons, junho opened the door. "hey tae," the alpha greeted him with a friendly smile, junho was just a year younger than him and jeongguk so he was pretty much like a friend to him too.

"hyung's in the living room." he told the omega who padded happily to the said place.

"hey!" he greeted, spotting the alpha watching a football match. jeongguk's eyes now fixated on him and taehyung was a tiny bit confused about the alpha just staring at him.

"gukie?" he spoke trying to get his attention again. not knowing that it was already on him.

"ah hi." jeongguk replied belatedly. taehyung just walked towards the couch and dropped next to him.

"you know i watched a new movie the other day, it was so good. we should definitely watch it again." taehyung said, already starting his rambles and jeongguk just hummed, his eyes fixated on the pretty face.

he noticed how delicately taehyung's long lashes rested on his bread cheeks and how his lips jutted out into a pout as he spoke. it made him feel things, he didn't really understand.

he didn't even realise when his hand moved and he tucked a strand of taehyung's silky hair behind his ear. taehyung stopped talking.

"what?" he questioned making the ravenette break out of his trance.

"oh, your hair are getting longer." he said smoothly changing the topic and taehyung being taehyung fell into the trap.

"oh yeah, i think i wanna try out how i look with long hair. not too long, just a mullet and long enough so i could curl them and put cute pins, you know i watched a tutorial on youtube...." and jeongguk couldn't even hear the other anymore as he continued just gawking at his face, forgetting everything else.


jeongguk was stupefied, was this just teenage hormones? he wasn't dumb to not realise that he developed a crush on taehyung.

is it because the omega is too pretty and jeongguk being an alpha is drawn to him? or is it because he's known him his entire life so...

so what? knowing taehyung all these years has nothing to do with him finding him gorgeous and stunning.

taehyung always was close to him, he knew the omega was a really nice and loveable person and cherry on top a perfect kid unlike him. but he never really had that urge to kiss his pout away or just keep staring at his face.

yeah it wasn't like he hadn't found anyone pretty in his life before, but it was never enough to make him.... want to kiss the other whatsoever or be close.

he groaned stuffing his face into the pillow. he just thought he found the other cute always but now it's like he finds him annoyingly cute.

he really had a crush on kim taehyung, someone too perfect for him.

and that still didn't stop him from harbouring feelings.

jeongguk loved listening to his heart and he never regretted it.


taehyung made a mistake. he argued with his parents and yes, he got to face the consequences.

his cheek still burning where he got hit. tears slipped out of his eyes as he muffled his cries.

it wasn't his fault.

his sister ruined his favourite shirt. he was just angry. he fought with her and his parents got mad and he did what he always did.

he tried defending himself and he received the punishment. taehyung hated it, hated how he was becoming someone he wasn't, how he would blurt out things he didn't want to say when they hit him.

how he started yelling when they wouldn't let him speak, he hated how he would tell them he hates them, he hated how he would tell them they are the worst and say mean things to them as he would cry.

he loved them more than anything. but they didn't understand him. he was always told he was dumb, maybe he actually was.

he hated how wrong he was. how bad he was. and at times like these he would just wish he should die.

because nobody likes him.

he's so unlikeable.

he don't deserve to live.

but he couldn't do it.

he could never.

because he was a coward and a stupidly hopeful person. after his emotions would settle down he would re-evaluate everything and think he should improve this, improve that, do this, do that and maybe then things would get better.

and that worked.....

that hope was enough for him to be back to his normal self and again act happy or at least try to be happy.

and today was the same.


taehyung finally had yoongi over to his house. his parents welcomed him warmly, his older sister wasn't home and taehyung was glad. his younger brother who was an alpha, helped him make food for him.

out of them all taehyung could say byungho was the most normal. he was a straightforward person who knew how to deal with people, he was a smart and calm person and.... his parents favourite too and honestly taehyung wasn't sad about it.

"your room is so nice." yoongi commented, walking around the room.

his steps suddenly halted as he glanced out of the window, "who's that?" he queried, pointing towards the handsome alpha, sitting in his balcony reading a book.

taehyung walked upto him as he looked at the direction he pointed, he was surprised seeing jeongguk reading a book.

"oh that's jeongguk, my friend and uh he's an alpha." taehyung said, still eyeing the alpha.

"he's cute." yoongi commented walking away. taehyung hummed agreeing with the other.

"yeah, he's quite handsome. his brother's handsome too." he said nonchalantly.

"uh so good genes." yoongi commented throwing his body on bed.

"yeah, lucky him. although i have never seen his dad."


"he lives abroad, has business there. even his grandfather lived abroad."

yoongi just nodded and then the topic changed as they started talking about omega things.


"jeongguk it's a dare c'mon."

the said alpha shook his head, as his friends cheered for him to go kiss a girl from the cheerleading squad.

"oh c'mon don't be a pussy."

well words like these never had any effect on the alpha. so he just sat there not moving an inch. his friends groaned.

"you're literally wasting your handsomeness. exchange your face with mine if you're really going to not use it." his another friend commented and he just chuckled.

their conversation was stopped when the same girl they were talking about approached him.

"hi." she said shyly and jeongguk kept his head down thinking she might be talking to someone else.

"your name's jeongguk right?" she tried again and this time the alpha raised his head, nodding a yes.

"um can i get your number."

no we're just fifteen. he wanted to say. but that was the dumbest excuse he could come up with.

"uh... i don't date."

he said not knowing what else to say. he couldn't like people easily. or maybe couldn't like them enough to date so waiting someone's time wasn't really his thing.

"oh. you do hook ups then?"

and jeongguk just wanted to scream.

dude we are just fifteen.

"no, i just play games."

and his friends burst out laughing at his stupidness. jeongguk still looked at her as if he was dead serious so the girl just whispered an oh okay before walking away.

"thank God you didn't say i just shit." jongdae said laughing out loud.

"your humour really sucks." he stated getting up and picking his bag.

"i swear he's hiding something from us." namgil murmured suspiciously.

he heard them talking but never turn around to respond and just walked away.

and yeah they were right.


jeongguk didn't know why this happened to him. he thought that crush on taehyung would disappear but it didn't.

time passed and they were sixteen now. jeongguk developed feelings for the omega. he couldn't help it.

he started doing cheesy things, like wishing the other birthday exactly at twelve, buying his favourite chocolates for him, remembering his favourite movies to favourite colours, his favourite songs to his favourite lip balm.

he didn't even realise when he started noticing how taehyung fiddled with his hands when he would be nervous, to him nibbling on his lips when he would be spacing out. he knew how taehyung typed a message to which emoji he used often.

he could just sit there and listen to taehyung rambling about absolutely anything. he knew what made him upset and what made him happy.

he just....

fell hard for taehyung. the innocent crush he thought he would soon forget became his first love, he knew he could never forget.

and that just ruined him.


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