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By StoriessBy_T

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By StoriessBy_T

Hi my name is Gi'lani and I'll do anything to find the killer of my mother . I'm a FBI agent and I've always completely my missions/assignments no matter what , I'm actually on a streak right now . The main reason I became an agent was to find the killer of my mother . I know it sounds weird since you may believe there's nothing I can do . But my mother was killed right in front of me at the age of 10 I was drugged so I couldn't see the men who did it . I know in my heart it wasn't a regular house robbery and because of that I'm determined to do whatever I can to bring in the killer of my mother . Let's begin the story .

Monday 6:00 am ,Queens New York

I woke up to my loud ass alarm letting me know to get my ass up for work . I slowly stretched up turned my alarm off and put on my glasses . I went intro the bathroom and began brushing my teeth as I said " Alexa play morning playlist 1" . The music started playing and I hopped in the shower washing my hair . I got out and put on a regular work day outfit *pic * and quickly did my hair like *pic* . I grabbed my phone and purse then started heading down to the lobby I stopped at my complex Starbuck then left my complex building, while saying my goodbye to our bell men . I got in my car turned on my playlist and began my route to my job .

I got to my destination and it seemed like everyone was in a happy mood about something. Before I could ask what was going on I was called into a quick meeting with all the staff members well the important ones .

ST= Staff member J=Jaylen B=Boss L=lani

B: alrighty settle down everyone
Also B: so I believe everyone is wondering what's going on well we were able to locate the leader of DeCavalcante.
ST: really?? After all these years how
B: well Agent Johnson was able to find his last know where abouts by hacking their dark web IP address
L: *yawns *
B: agent P'erez am I boring you ??
L: no sorry I didn't get a lot of sleep last night
J: *whispers *" nice save "
L: shut up

Lani's thoughts 💭..........

I didn't quite mean to yawn but I mean they've been tracking the DeCavalcante's for years I doubt out of no where they would let their ip slip . To me it seems like a set up which means they probably already traced everything back to our software , but luckily we have protected web walls that should keep them from accessing our data . I kept my mouth closed tho because no one is gonna listen to the agent that spent years doing undercover work rather then getting on the field , which is why I'm done with that so I can earn my respect.

End of Lani's thoughts 💭..........

We talked a little more about different assignments coming up till the meeting was over I got up to head to the door when my boss Director .Sánchez told me to stay back for a sec .

L: umm is this about the yawning because I-
B: * chuckles *no it's
L: so what's going on
B: ok so we've got some Intel for you
L: about ??
B: we believe we've found the possible killer of your mother
L: we've been looking for years what's changed ??
J: ok so with the new technology we have now I was able to find the area code of the apartment you and your mother lived in . I searched for the security footage that was erased and was able to De code it to the back up footage and this is what we found . *plays video footage * we believe that you were right -
L: it wasn't just a home invasion
J: nope we found the leader of DeCavalcante leaving the apartment
B: but to get to him you would have to get close
J: that's where under cover work comes in
L: * scoffs * y'all really got some damn nerves
B : what do you mean we though you would be -
L: happy ?? You guys literally took the one thing that is really sensitive for me and used it to help get y'all the leader of DeCavalcante
Also L: I already told y'all I was done with that now all of a sudden you have a lead on my mother death .??
B: ......
L: yea I fucking thought so * walks out *
J: I'll go talk to her

I walked out till jaylen grabbed my arm

J: Lai Lai
L: don't call me that rn
J: look I know you're mad at me rn but -
L: no stfu
Also L: you out all people should know I quit that under cover work so I could get the respect I deserve I'm already 2 of  three female agents that everyone thinks is weak
J: I know but this is the only way we'll be able to get and stop the DeCavalcante's
L: by using my mom as leverage against me
J: look we didn't mean for it to seem like that but
J: ........
L: why did your body language change like you know something
J: what are you talking about I'm fine
L: no you and I both know I've spent years studying body language and yours is giving me " I'm keeping a secret from my bsf rn "
Also L: it changed when I said my mother has been dead for years .......
J: lani I -
L: you're telling me my mother is alive ??
J: ok waittt now we don't know for sure
L: how is that even possible.
J: keep your voice down and I'll explain.
J : * pulls her to a small corner *
Also J: around the time your mother's death went everywhere many agents were looking for her body they looked and looked but couldn't find her so to dial down the publicity
L and J : they covered it saying her body was found .
L: and said it was a random home invasion
J: yea .....
L: wow so the fbi didn't have the balls to say they couldn't do something so instead they let me believe my mother was dead for years
J: well she still could be but we believe she's been with the DeCavalcante for years but we couldn't
L and J : verify till we found that footage
L: ykw I needa go talk to Sánchez
J: no you don't-
L: walks away .

I walked away and started heading to his office I was pissed but something needed to be done .

B: oh lani have you -
L: * throws case file on desk *have I found out the fbi covered my mother's death
B: look we -
L: cut the bull shit I know what happened
Also L : I really should be kicking your ass for lying but ima let it slide for now
B: I-
L: nah I'm talking we need to find the DeCavalcante's and I'm going to take out the leader by going undercover but we're gonna do it my fucking way .
B: *smiles *
B: you've got it !!

I walked out feeling good because I was finally going to find the killer of my mother well actually take out the kidnapper of my mother .....................

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