One shots (creative title, i...

By wannabeflyonthewall

389 48 596

A bunch of short AUs, one shots, or head canons from different fandoms Don't die of boredom while reading ple... More

The First Thing I Saw Was You [Ziam]
Sometimes [Larry or Ziam]
I wasn't expecting that. [Larry]
We can be pathetic together [Ziam]
Royal-gay [Larry, Shiall, Ziam]
The Playground [Larry]
The Last Show [Larry]
Communicating With Their Eyes [Ziam]
Must Be Love [Shiall]
Seen That Before

Yule Ball [Romione]

1 1 0
By wannabeflyonthewall

What if Ron asked Hermione to the Yule Ball first? 

A/N: My first Harry Potter story :D If you're not a HP fan and you understand none of this, sucks to be you. (Sorry, that was mean. Ask if you've got questions :D) I do not claim these characters, and some part of this is copied from The Goblet of Fire (it's the first paragraph, in italics) so I don't claim that bit either. This obviously contains spoilers for the fourth book/movie and onwards. And I do not hold the transphobic views that JKR does.

"I have something to say to you all. The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish-" Lavender Brown let out a shrill giggle. Pavarti Patil nudged her hard in the ribs, her face working furiously as she too fought not to giggle. They both looked around at Harry.

Hermione stared determinedly at her wand as she put it carefully in her school bag - she'd be giving away no hints as to who she wanted to ask her. It probably wouldn't matter if she did anyway.


"Ginny. wait up!"

"Hermione! Heading to the library?"

"Yeah. Have you heard the news?" Hermione asked, catching up with her in the hallway after the school day was over. They walked next to each other, feet tracing the familiar path to the Hogwarts Library.

"I've heard about the ball, yeah. Bit of a bummer that I can't go, being a third-year and all."

"Unless you get asked, that is - I know you're dying to go with Harry," she teased. Ginny blushed a little.

"I know you're dying to go with Ron," Ginny fired back. Hermione opened her mouth, "Don't you try and deny it! It's so obvious."

"No, it is not!"

"It is. Especially to me - I've had enough of you telling me my brother is stupid and simultaneously cute/hot/adorable, whatever floats your boat."

Hermione blushed, "Do I really do that?" Ginny nodded at her. "In all fairness, I've heard the same about Harry from you, Gin, albeit with a little less of the stupid part."

Ginny shrugged, "He's hot - and he's pretty smart."

Hermione facepalmed. "I don't need to hear about my pseudo-brother's quote-unquote 'hot-ness'."

Ginny shoved her playfully. "Anyway," she said pointedly, "how are you going to get him to ask?"

"Could ask you the same question." Hermione said.

Ginny raised an eyebrow at her. "You know for a fact he's not going to ask me - you've actually got a chance with Ron."

"What makes you say that?" Hermione asked, dragging her finger along the stone brick wall of the seven-floor castle. They were a couple corridors away from the library.

"One - Harry is crushing very obviously on Cho. Two - you're actually in Ron's grade, and his group of friends-"

"Oh, shut it, Harry definitely considers you a friend of his."

Ginny continued as if Hermione hadn't interrupted, "Three - he's definitely also got a crush on you!"

"He definitely does not like me back," Hermione stated indignantly.

"He does!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ok, prove it," she challenged.

"How long do you have? I caught him crying because you wouldn't talk to him last year-"

"It was his fault I wouldn't talk to him!"

"He sends you about double the amount of letters than he does to Harry on holidays-"

"That's got to be because Harry's aunt and uncle would get mad with an owl flying in and out all the time!"

"He told me to give you your two Sickles for your spew thing-"

"Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare! S - P - E - W! Not 'spew'. And he doesn't really care about that, I can tell."

"Well, he cares about you enough to try and make you a little happy by helping your society! And after your first year, he was literally praising you so much - I once listened to a five minute rant about how smart you were, and how much he loves your hair. And after your second year about how you solved the entire mystery!"

They walked into the library. "Well, ok, but I still don't think that's really concrete evidence-" Madam Pince, the Hogwarts librarian, shushed her aggressively as they found seats at an available table. She lowered her voice to a whisper, "and even if it is, he's still not going to ask me. He's daft like that - I'm positive he has no idea I want to go with him."

Ginny looked at her disbelievingly, "Really, Mione? Start dropping hints, then! Ask him yourself!"

"No! Are you crazy?"

"Probably, but that's not the point here," she whispered. "Honestly, one of these days I'm just going to lock you both in a broom cupboard for however long it takes for you to start snogging."

Hermione blushed. "You wouldn't!"

"I definitely would."

"She definitely would." Fred said, approaching their table with George.

George backed up his twin. "We don't know what it is, but, knowing my little sister, she definitely would."

Fred continued, "Speaking of younger siblings, do either of you know where dear Ronald is?"

"Probably in the common room. Why? And why are you two in the library?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"He's got a letter from Charlie," George said, holding out a rolled up piece of parchment.

Fred answered Ginny's other question. "That, my dear sister, is something for us to know and you to find out. I'd suggest being out of the library by 5."

Hermione reached out a hand, "I'll give it to him. Saw him write the original letter."

George gave it to her. "Thanks. See you around." He saluted them, and the twins walked away, laughing conspiratorially.

Ginny waved at them. She turned to Hermione, opening her mouth to speak. "Anyway, ask him! Or something. Anything. I'm placing a bet. 5 Knuts that he'll ask you to the ball. Or that you'll ask him."

"Fine! He's not going to ask me, so get ready to pay up."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "I don't make bets I won't win."


Hermione Jean Granger was the most studious person Ron had ever known. There she was, her head bent over a book in the empty common room, the cold night air drifting in steadily through an open window. She impatiently pushed away the hair which was falling in front of her face. The light of the dying fire flickered on the walls, casting a warm glow over the whole place.

Ron walked over, and his heart skipped a beat when she turned to look at him, fire melting her brown eyes into something like liquid gold. "Sorry for disturbing you," he whispered. "You need to take a break, though. And probably go to bed."

"I have an Arithmancy quiz tomorrow! And an essay to finish for DADA."

"Can I help with any quiz prep or anything?"

Hermione blinked. "Yes, please. I have flash cards." The stack she handed him was easily the biggest stack of index cards he'd ever seen.

When he had finished quizzing her with the flash cards, they moved on to editing her essay together. Ron was helpful, when he put his mind to it. He tended to remember very obscure details, and he knew when it was best to interject them into an essay.

A curl fell in front of Hermione's face. Without thinking about it, Ron tucked it back behind her ear. He blushed when she turned to look at him. She looked like she was trying to work him out. Analyse him like he was one of her Arithmancy problems.

In the quiet of the night, in the empty common room, it was easy to get swept up in their own little world. It was like nothing else existed as they looked at each other, both faces a little flushed from how close they were. Their gazes were so intense that they didn't notice the remaining member of their trio stop at the base of the stairs, see them, and sigh, retreating back into his dorm with a resigned look on his face.

The words were out of Ron's mouth before he could stop them. He really ought to create a filter between his brain and his mouth. "Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

She blinked, hard. She was processing, he knew. He knew all of the facial expressions she made. Or, he thought he did. The smile that overtook her face now - fond, happy, and a little shocked - was new. "Yes, I would like to go with you." She was blushing furiously now.

And so was he. "Awesome. Great."

They went back to studying in silence, sneaking glances at the other's happy faces every so often.

The next morning, Ron was half-expecting Hermione to realise that she didn't actually want to go with him, and it was simply the moment that made her agree. When their hands brushed in the hallway and she grabbed his hand, those doubts were cleared. Harry graciously pretended not to notice how red Ron went.

Hermione really didn't mind losing 5 Knuts to Ginny.

Ron had never felt this nervous before. He and Harry had charmed and transfigured his dress robes into looking somewhat nice, and he'd even asked McGonagall for a little advice on transfiguring clothing. He hadn't seen Hermione all day, and he was wondering where she was. The remaining bit of lace on the back of his collar was making him want to rip his entire coat off, but he continued scanning the Entrance Hall for the curls he loved. And the girl he was on his way to being in love with.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he spun around. "Hermione!" He nearly yelled it, relieved that she still wanted to go to the ball with him. She just grinned at him, clearly nervous too. Her smile made him smile. "You look amazing," he said, taking her hand. She blushed, holding his hand maybe just a little tighter than necessary. A few coins changed hands when they walked into the Great Hall grinning at each other.

They danced the night away, laughing and eating and talking. They snuck away to the Gryffindor common room halfway through the night, and it was there that they had a serious conversation about their feelings and what they wanted from their almost-relationship. They kissed once, too, a kiss of confession, of promise, of joy.

They didn't put a label on their relationship, both not wanting the stress of maintaining a relationship on top of their course work. It didn't stop them from acting like a couple, though, much to Harry's chagrin and confusion.

For the rest of fourth year, fifth year, and sixth year, Ron was always helping Hermione when he could. She would get overly stressed, especially around exam time, and he would bring her tea, a kiss on the forehead, and a lot of reassurances. He also encouraged her to spend a little more time having fun and goofing around, throughout the year. She smiled more freely when he was around.

Hermione helped Ron too. She'd let him know when it was necessary that he quieten down a bit and study, and she'd make sure he was always feeling valued and appreciated for all he did for her. Quizzing her also helped him to cement the material into his brain.

They also managed to go to all of Slughorn's parties together in sixth year.

While they were on the run, Harry would often find them curled up together, Ron's arm around Hermione or Hermione's arm around Ron, and it would give him hope and determination. He had to win this war. If not for himself, then for his best friends and their chance at the happily ever after that they wanted.

The Horcrux that they carried around made Ron doubt, but it did not sway his affections. He argued with both Harry and Hermione more often, but was always extremely ashamed once the locket was off.

Hermione was distraught when he walked away from them. And relieved when he came back, though anger won out when she saw him for the first time.

They made up, and things went back to how they'd been since the ball, grinning together and staying by one another's side, parting if it was necessary.

And, in the middle of a battle, love won out over logic when Hermione flung herself at Ron to kiss him. It felt like a first kiss. It was certainly a promise.

The best man at their wedding had many jokes to make about how much third-wheeling he had to do.


A/N: So, I love Romione, and if you don't, that's cool. If you do, we're friends now. I'm aware that their arc in the books is pretty much perfect as, (spoilers for book seven) the first time they kiss, it's after Ron shows that he's matured a lot from being the insecure and jealous young teenager and I think it's so cute how Hermione just throws away everything she's holding to kiss him. And Harry's just awkwardly third-wheeling in his own series, which I think is hilarious xD I know JKR has said she doesn't think they'll be end game or that she thinks Hermione should have been with Harry but I disagree with both of those, as I think Ron and Hermione balance each other out really well - like Ron helps Hermione not always be so serious and Hermione helps Ron be a little more serious. I love Romione so much, but I still haven't managed to find a good multi-chapter Romione fic. (If you have recommendations pretty please hand them over, thank you :D)

If you can't tell, I'm prepared to die on the hill that Romione is a fabulous ship.

I also hope I did Ginny's character some justice, because the movies did not and I detest that. Ginny is one of my favourite characters.


go get a drink of water :D

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