late | jjba stardust crusader...

By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

7.7K 202 88

late /lāt/ doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time "he was late, just as al... More

Zero - Initial Character Information
One - More Fairy Godmothers?
Three - Fly Flying on Our Flight
Four - Here We Go Again
Five - Fire and Metal
Six - Elements Clashing
Seven - Who Nose?
Eight - We Were Mooned?!
Nine - Mmm, Monkey.
☆ - April Fools Special
Ten - Pongo vs Homo (sapiens? sexual?)
Quick Update
Eleven - We Are Singa-POOR
Twelve - I Can Be Your Angle or Yuor Devil
Thirteen Part One - A Stand User's Guide to Wrestling

Two - Please Count Me In

738 18 15
By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

Published: January 19th, 2023.

Images of (Y/N) are drawn based off of me, but it's just a placeholder -- (Y/N) looks like YOU or whatever you'd like (Y/N) to look like <3


"I'll pull it out fast, with no damage to his brain. My stand has the speed and accuracy to grab a bullet mid-flight." Jotaro crouches down, with Star Platinum hovering over Kakyoin, who currently has a vampiric flesh bud controlling him.

"Don't! That flesh bud is alive! There's a reason why part of it is outside the skin. That's why even a skilled surgeon can't remove it!" Joseph (Jotaro's grandfather) shouted in protest, worried about his grandson touching DIO's particles.

As Star Platinum grasped the bud in between two fingers, its tentacles shot out to the boy, much to the watcher's dismay.

"Shit!" "The flesh shot out a tentacle!" Avdol and Joseph were watching in horror, as sweat beaded down their faces. They couldn't lose Jotaro!

"Curses! Let go of it, Jojo!" The Egyptian man steps forward, warning the boy of what is coming to him.

"It'll infiltrate the brain of anyone who tries to remove it!" Joseph screeches. However, the flesh tendril made its way closer and closer to the complex organ that controls the body.

Suddenly, the eyes of the boy under control shot open. Looking up at the random guy he fought, he sees that Jotaro is trying to save him.

"Why are you..?" He weakly whispers, horrified by DIO's flesh bud traveling up Jotaro's arm, to which, Jotaro tells him not to move, or else Kakyoin was a dead man.

As the bud is visible through Jotaro's neck, Avdol steps forward, worry plastered over his chiseled features. "Let go now, Jojo! It's reached your face!" He did not want the boy to be controlled, as to him, it was a fear worse than death itself.

Surprisingly, an arm shoots out, stopping Avdol from moving any closer. It was Joseph. With a stern, but calm look on his face he beckons for Avdol to wait. "This is my grandson we're talking about here. His body may be under siege, but he'll remain cool as a cucumber. He and his stand are as solid as a rock!" It was calming to know that Jotaro's grandfather was confident in the boy's abilities, as it made it easier for Avdol to trust his actions at that moment too.

Jotaro's stand abilities, as stated by Joseph, are more powerful and precise than a machine. And boy, was that machine working! As the flesh bud is pulled out, it flails around, but Star Platinum grabs the entirety of it out of his body, ripping it apart. The older man then taps the flesh with his Hamon energy to disintegrate it. It was finally over.

Kakyoin slowly sits up, hand going up to his temple where the bud previously resided. He was absolutely flabbergasted at what just happened. "Why? Why did you risk your own life to save me?" Jotaro stared for a second before turning his back.

"Dunno... Can't say I really know why myself." Jotaro was silently selfless. That's who he is and always will be.


As Kakyoin was getting patched up by Holly, he had a thought lingering in his head. Wasn't there another person with a stand? A girl?

"Kakyoin, was it?" Holly's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "I think you're overdue for some rest. Why don't you stay with us tonight?" She then turns her head to her father. "Papa, go get his futon ready."

The burly man was sitting cross-legged, arms across his chest. He was shocked by the request. "Huh? Why me? I've never even liked the idea of sleeping on the floor!" Slapping the ground, he cries. He doesn't even live here! Why couldn't she ask Jotaro, another host of the house to do so? He was the guest for God's sake!

"In fact, Holly, get that futon out of my room and give me a real bed!" His silly little tantrum did not affect his daughter, whom he raised. Of course, she knew of his antics.

"Papa, you're in Japan, you should get accustomed to the Japanese way of life." She copies his patting motion on the ground, mocking him. "Oh, and call me 'Seiko'."

"WHAT!?!?!" Joseph bellowed, that's not his baby girl's name! He gave her that name! She told him she wouldn't respond to anything but Seiko, which ripped Joseph's heart in two. As he continues to call his daughter Holly, she quite obviously ignores her father and turns to Kakyoin.

"How's the pain Kakyoin?" She asks the boy. "I'm fine... but there's something else." He replied. Why wasn't Jotaro mentioning the girl? Did he not see her somehow?

Everyone turned to look at him, what did he have to say? "There was this other girl there, I think she also had a stand." Jotaro knew exactly who he was talking about, that annoying ex-friend of his.

"Good grief." He mumbles. The other men turn to look at Jotaro and Kakyoin.

"Do you think she was being controlled by a flesh bud?" Avdol curiously asked the boys. They all needed to gauge whether or not this so-called girl was a threat to the Joestars.

"It's just (Y/n). Didn't know she had one." Jotaro replied, voice flat and unamused.

Holly's face lit up at the mention of (Y/n). "Oh my! I haven't seen her in forever!" She looked at Jotaro, who hadn't hung out with (Y/n) in a long time.

Joseph squinted his eyes at his grandson, who was very nonchalant after seeing another stand user. "And? Is she a threat?" Or... was she something else to Jotaro? Of course, that was his first thought, old man Joseph thrived on romance too much. Like way too much.

"No." Short and simple. That's all his replies were, about the girl. She wasn't a threat, but she probably wasn't someone Jotaro liked, at least, that's what everyone but Holly thought.

"She was able to fix a guy's eye, I think she used her blood with it." Kakyoin spoke up, trying to clear the awkward atmosphere brought upon by mentioning the other stand user.

She wasn't a threat right now, so no one decided to pursue the matter. But if it came to it, they would definitely deal with her as required.


FIRST-PERSON POINT OF VIEW (TW: knives, self harm-ish)

A loud knocking on my front door wakes me up from my sleep. Ugh, I had a spare for the first period, so I was going to sleep in -- no luck for me I guess. Groggily, I sit up, rubbing my eyes, getting all the crusties out from the crevices. An even louder knock follows while I'm getting up.

"Jeez, this person has no patience," I mumbled to myself, walking towards the door. Why would someone be knocking now anyways? It was somewhat suspicious, so I peeked through the peephole. Only to find the biggest bitch ever. Jotaro Kujo. God, why am I seeing so much of him lately?

This probably was connected to what happened the day before, with a battle against fairy godmothers. But why was it so important that he needed to talk to me?

Another set of loud and rapid knocks follows, just as I'm unlocking the door. Swinging the door open, I shouted "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I really was too tired to deal with his bullshit at the moment and was grumpy and groggy. He probably would beat my ass for being so rude, but it was the price I was willing to pay.

"You need to heal my mom." He quickly turned away and walked towards his house. I stood there in utter shock and confusion. No hello? No 'How are you doing (y/n), sorry for rejecting you like a bitch boy'? Whatever, I quickly put on my shoes and followed him, making sure to close my door behind me.

"What's going on with her?" I curiously asked, I cared for Holly so much. When Jotaro and I were friends, she was always so kind to me. She's a wonderful soul, and the fact that Jotaro resorted to me means that it may be serious.

As we got to his house, I felt such a menacing aura. What was happening right now? As he led me around the house I was familiar with, he brought me to his living room, where his mother was lying in a cot. My heart dropped at the sight. She looked so sickly and weak. But, why couldn't they take her to a hospital? Why did they need me? And, there were three other men in the room. Honestly, I was terrified. Who are these people?

"Hello. My name is Avdol. I am a stand user, just like you." A sexy hot man steps forward and introduces himself to me. 'YOU'RE SO HOT!' is what I wanted to say, but alas, this was not the time and place for this.

"Hi, I'm (y/n). I currently am standing as well." I replied back. What was he talking about? Was it by chance what they called my fairy godmother? 'Stand' is an ugly name though. No way anyone would ever call it that.

"Quit your bullshit. Don't fucking lie to us. Show us your stand!" Jotaro roared, obviously angry and impatient.

"My fairy godmother? Um... okay." My face showed obvious disdain for the boy. I pulled out a pocket knife and poked it to break the skin on my finger to get some blood out. Now, where was Holly hurt?

"Glass Wand!" I dripped some of my blood into the wand held by my stand, which hovered around Holly as I was sitting beside the sickly woman. I noticed thorns and flowers surrounding her body, but nothing was happening.

"I'm so sorry. There aren't any physical wounds on her body. It's the flowers on her body harming her I think. Is that her... stand? What's going on?" As these words spilled from my mouth, I could feel my shoulders dropping in disappointment. Were they relying on me to help her?

"(Y/n), is that you?" I felt a soft hand grab my own. Holly was awake! Was she okay? I didn't think so. She looked just as pale and sick as before, the only difference being that she was now awake.

"It's been so long? Why haven't you come over lately? I've missed you so much!" As enthusiastically as she could muster up, Holly spoke with joy, but I knew she was struggling.

"I-I'm fine." I coughed with nervousness coursing through my veins. I am so worried for Holly's sake. "How are you feeling?" But just as I said that she fainted, letting her hand drop from my own, I looked up in worry. Tears were brimming in my eyes. Why wasn't I able to help her? But I blinked them all away before I cried in front of these unknown men... plus Jotaro.

"Just as I thought." An older man turns to Jotaro, Avdol, and a guy with red hair. As the man spoke, I listened in, as I obviously was not a part of their conversation. Apparently, the only way to break the curse was to find some guy named DIO and kill him.

"Who's DIO?" I needed to know why they were even thinking of planning first-degree murder in front of me. I am a dutiful citizen who shall report any crime, especially one as heinous as murder!

"A vampire who wants to kill off the Joestars," Avdol replied. I blinked a couple of times. There was no humour across his face or tone as he was speaking.

"What's a Joestar?" "Yes, really, a vampire." Mine and the older man's voices coincided with each other.

"I didn't question you on the vampire my guy. I literally have a fairy godmother. And I know those two do too." I pointed toward Jotaro and the red-haired dude. "Anyways, please answer my question." I referred to the Joestar question.

"I am a Joestar, Joseph Joestar. Jotaro is my grandson, and Holly is my daughter. We are all a part of the Joestar bloodline. We all recently developed stands, which is fine for me and Jotaro, but my poor Holly is too kind and sweet to have a stand, it's killing her!" Choking up, he starts telling me the information I didn't ask for, but actually did want. If this was the case, then I wanted to help these people. Despite everything, I still cared for Jotaro, and I definitely wanted to help Holly out.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I announced, obviously indicating that I was joining their plan, just as they wanted me to!

"Good fucking grief. Why?" Who else would be saying this?

"Cause... I can heal. Wait, none of you can heal right?" If they could and I just pushed myself into the group, that would be SO embarrassing for me.

"No." Jotaro grunted. I know he knows that I know I bested him! Haha! I can go along to kill a vampire (or possibly get my organs harvested because this was a trap that I fell for)!

"Fine with me. I just need to save my Holly." Mr. Joestar spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"Good grief."


A/N: here are the skeleton notes I made for this chapter. I think I am so funny (cue crickets because no one fucking laughs with me, just at me).

kakyoin saved

mentions other stand user who helped the nurse and dude by healing

wtf is a stand

jotaro is like dont fuvking lie you have one

omg what do you mean my fairy godmother??????????

holly gets sick

joseph tells jotaro to get the girl to help

she comes over, sad bc she knows holly and cares for her

cant heal her, its her own stand hurting her, theres no wound to heal

holly wakes up and is like omg hi !!! i havent seen you in so long omg i missed you

ask how shes doing, if shes feeling better

she faints agin

say they need to kill dio


theyre like ... wtf why

cause i can heal, can yall heal? no didnt think so stupid

theyre like... ok slay

jotaro annoyed good gried yare yare daze emo bitch

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