Mad Sounds, Alex Turner

By sweetadoring

124K 3K 2.9K

'AM' based story More



3.5K 104 73
By sweetadoring

Driving in London was a nightmare.

They were already running late and were now stuck behind traffic - they should've taken the train because the stress off being stuck behind an old lady in a Toyota whilst trying to make it to Miles' house on time was antagonising. Olivia was stressed enough as it was.

For the past couple of months they had kept their relationship secret (Olivia had a suspicion that somehow Matt was aware of it from the subtle smile on his face at Alex's small gestures) which had proven difficult for both of them.

Holding hands under pub tables and stealing glances at each other from across the room, with a smile that only each other knew what it meant, was all coming to and end. After today they could be as affectionate as they pleased without worrying that someone might catch them.

Alex noticed how Olivia's leg was bouncing and how she bit her bottom lip so he absentmindedly asked, "Why is it that I'm always driving?" He hoped that he might be able to distract her - even for just a moment. He wasn't sure if it was running late that was making her stressed or if she was having second thoughts about telling everyone - either way he'd turn the car back around and cancel their plans if it would make her happy.

Alex had to resist smiling when he heard Olivia laugh, her leg stopped bouncing as she replied in a tease, "Because you're the only who wrote 'when the sunset gets behind that little lady sittin'-"

"Okay, okay, I get it." He quickly cut her off but sent her a smile to let her know that he liked her reference and wasn't annoyed by her poking fun at him for writing so many songs about her - which they had spoken about . . . A lot. Mainly it was Olivia teasing Alex - bringing up lyrics to watch as he turned shy as if he wasn't the one who wrote them.

"Much less picturesque without her catching the light." Olivia continued humming quietly, she was no longer trying to make fun of Alex but instead was just genuinely enjoying the song niwcthat she had gotten it stuck in her head.

"I can put it on if you want? I've still got the cd in here from when I listened to it when it first came out." He offered, his fingers already flicking through the small array of cd's in his door compartment.

"Pass it over." She told him. He handed her the cd and she open the case and placed the disc into the cd player - 'Do I wanna know?' beginning to play. She closed her eyes and lent her head against the head rest, Alex's singing relaxing her as she focused on his voice. "You should write more songs about me." She mumbled.

Alex chuckled not because he thought she was joking and found it funny but he found it humorous that she could ever think that he hadn't already began writing more songs about her - it wasn't like he could help it, every time he wrote there would always be a hint of Olivia mixed in with the metaphors. She was his muse and he didn't know how he found any inspiration before her.

"Trust me I never stopped.", he told her.

This caused Olivia's head to perk up with a gleeful smile - she wasn't quite sure if he was joking or not but she didn't care, she melted when she heard him say that, "I never knew you were still writing songs." She always saw him reaching for his notebook to quickly scribble stuff down or strum a short riff on his guitar but nothing that would suggest he was working on new music.

He shrugged, thankful that he had the excuse of having to keep his eyes on the road as he became bashful, "I'm constantly writing, never know when your gonna get something good." He told her trying to downplay his previous statement.

Olivia pouted, "Why do you never play any for me?" She always wanted to be the first person to hear whatever Alex created. She couldn't help but be slightly offended that she had been clueless about it and he hadn't even told her.

"I don't know, don't want to mix work and pleasure I guess." He said.

Olivia nodded and replied, "Fair enough." She understood what he meant and she wouldn't want Alex at one of her photoshoots but she couldn't help but be slightly affected by it - or maybe it was the fact that she was nervous and wanted a different emotion to focus on, bitterness wasn't what she was hoping for but it found it's way to the forefront.

Alex noticed he change in demeanour and realised how he must have sounded so he added, "I can play you something I'm working on when we get back if you'd like? It's only basic right now and I've been experimenting with a new sound so just give it a chance."

She smiled at the way he rambled and how nervous he had suddenly become any sadness from him hiding it from her dissipating - she noticed he was much less confident around her, that he no longer was playing a character. "Anything you create is magic Alex. You could have a tambourine solo in your song and I'd still think it was the greatest part."

"Your biased." He reasoned.

She smiled, "Extremely."

They had finally managed to find a place to park and yet they were both still sat in the car, a bottle of wine as a gift sitting in a bag on Olivia's lap. The feeling was similar to meeting the parents - which they still hadn't done and Olivia was personally avoiding. The potential opinions and reactions kept replaying in Olivia's mind. She knew that they would all be supportive but she couldn't help have little doubt.

"Ready?" Alex asked her, weary of how nervous she looked as her eyes darted between Miles' front door and the time displayed on the car dashboard.

She sighed and gave her best smile to try and convince not only Alex but herself that she was fine, "Yeah."

She made no effort to move and Alex gave her a sympathies smile and placed a hand on hers,"Are you sure? There's no rush."

She knew that he wasn't referring to going to Miles' and was in fact instead referring to their decision to tell everyone. The fact that he would keep it a secret, even though she knew he desperately didn't want to, just for her made her smile. She held his jaw and gave him a kiss as she lent over the centre console, "I can't wait to do that in public."

She felt Alex smile against her lips and she pulled back after giving him a quick peck on the cheek, carrying on she told him, "I want everyone to know we're together."

"Yeah?" He smiled sheepishly - unsure if she meant it or if she was just saying what he wanted to here, in all honesty he still couldn't believe that she was going out with him. He often had to remind himself that it wasn't a daydream and was in fact reality so it wouldn't surprise him if she soon realised that she was too good for him.

"Its just normal nerves, they all will be happy about this right? I know that it doesn't matter but they're your friends and I know they're important to you.", She revealed.

"They're our friends.", Alex corrected.

Olivia rolled her eyes playfully. He wasn't wrong but he knew what she had meant, "They're more your friends then mine, you grew up together. I only know them because I thought you were hot."

She hadn't even realised what she had said until she saw Alex smirk, "You did?" He asked, teasingly. Olivia groaned as she felt her cheeks grow red.

"Yeah." She admitted before humbling him just a little bit as she added, "A complete dick but extremely hot."

Alex ignored the first part of her statement and instead focused on the part he was more interested in as he told her, "Keep going." Liking hearing her say that she found him attractive - how could he not feel a burst of serotonin after that?

Olivia sighed and told him, "You're still a dick." Though it didn't stop Alex's smile as he was still happy about the new fact he had learned.

He rubbed his thumb her the hand that his was resting on and gave it a quick reassuring squeeze, "They all love you - if not more then me - and I'm sure they'll be happy that I'm no longer moping 'bout not being with you. I think they can all tell that something is up anyway because I've not been grumpy for a while."

This did make Olivia laugh momentarily until her phone buzzed with a text she checked it quickly and told Alex, "Lauren's asking where we are."

"What do you want to do?"

Olivia held the thin bag up, blue tissue paper concealing the bottle, "I wouldn't want to waste money on the wine."

Finally, they both got out the car, Olivia not even having a change to reach for the handle since Alex had already jogged to the other side to open it for her.

Miles' door had never looked as ominous as it did right now - as if it was 10 feet tall and towering over her hauntingly. Alex knocked and Olivia could hear the music being turned down and the murmur of a conversation quieten down. It didn't take long for the door to swing open - Olivia and Alex quickly disconnecting their hands.

"I don't want to know what took you two so long." Miles joked and Olivia would've laughed if they weren't there for that exact reason.

She was just thankful that Alex was with her and was composed enough to respond, "Traffic was a fucking nightmare." He told Miles whilst stepping inside.

"Alright Olivia?" Mikes asked as she followed Alex inside. She couldn't bring herself to speak without stuttering so she simply handed him the bottle of wine with a smile. "Is it my birthday or something?" He laughed before leading them into the living room with everyone else - Alex glancing behind him to give Olivia a reassuring smile.

Suddenly, she realised that they never actually discussed how they were going to do this - they were too caught up with the idea of telling everyone that they hadn't even thought of a plan. They should do it now - that's what makes sense. If they left it too long the moment would've passed and it would be strange to mention it between goodbye hugs.

Since when did they have so many friends?

She didn't realise how many of them there were until she walked in and felt as if all eyes were in her and Alex (obviously they weren't and she was just being paranoid).

It didn't help that Alex had reached for her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze - he couldn't stand to see her so nervous, it was so out of character for her, and he no longer cared if anyone mentioned it. He wanted to hold her hand, to let her know that he was there, so he did.

Clearly Alex had also realised that they didn't have a plan as both of them stood side by side in the doorway for far too long - long enough for everyone else to notice how strange they were acting.

"You gonna sit down?" Miles asked.

"Actually, erm-" Olivia began using her other hand to scratch the back of her neck nervously.

"We've got a bit of news." Alex said taking lead squeezing her hand again and Olivia couldn't help but smile.

"Spit it out then." Jamie called out, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Me and Olivia are," he gave a quick glance at Olivia for a final confirmation - she was already watching him and gave him a smile and a nod, "we're dating."

It was silent - no one said anything. Olivia could feel her heart race and her head grow faint as she watched them watching her - she despised it. Anyone ghost of a smile disappeared as her face dropped and she looked concerned at their lack of a reaction.

She wasn't sure if she expected a round of applause or screams of terror but she definitely didn't think she'd be met with silence. That was until they heard Miles' familiar cackle and everyone else burst into laughter as well. Olivia and Alex looked at each other in confusion.

"It's not a bloody joke." Alex told them all.

"We know it's a not a joke, it's just funny because we all already know you two are together.", Matt told them being the most composed.

"You do?" Olivia asked, leading Alex to the sofa as they both finally sat down.

"We've known for weeks, you two are not good at hiding it.", Katie laughed.

"I've seen you two snogging more then Matt and Breana." Nick said.

Everybody seemed to be nodding in agreement and Olivia and Alex looked around in bewilderment. They were meant to be surprising them with news but suddenly they found themselves shocked by the information everyone else seemed to be hiding from them. It seemed like they weren't the only ones keeping secrets.

"Wait - if you all knew then why didn't you bloody say anythin'?" Alex asked them.

"It was clear that you were trying to hide it but doing a miserable job, we were just gonna wait until you wanted us to know." Matt said with a shrug.

"Though, it would be awful if you never did tell us." Breana added.

"You're telling me I was worrying for nothing!" Olivia scoffed with a hint of a laugh at how anti climactic the situation was. She was just happy that they would no longer have to worry about being caught. They could even hold hand as if it was normal like they were doing now.

Everyone nodded in response and Olivia laughed.

"Well, anyone want any wine?" Miles asked holding up the bottle that Olivia brought.


Alex and Olivia dating was so natural - in fact it made group gatherings even more enjoyable. They were more relaxed than usual (she suspected not having to hide any hint of flirting helped) and could focus on having fun with their friends. She didn't even mind all the teasing from that came along with it - in fact she quite enjoyed the way they'd point out Alex's love sick puppy dog eyes when staring at her.

She was looking forward to seeing everyone later on, however, dull working on a shoot late the day before she hadn't gotten much sleep. Being extremely tired she had slept in until 12 and didn't have the energy to get up, still asleep cocooned in Alex's bedsheets since she stayed over.

When she eventually did wake up the sun was already shining brightly and she groaned at the harshness, though, it did light the room up in a heavenly glow. Her movement allowed Alex to notice her wake up. He had been up for a while, getting dressed, having breakfast and setting up his plan downstairs, before sitting down next to her and writing some ideas in a small notebook.

When he noticed her begin to turn and face him he smiled at her and announced quietly, "It's your birthday."

She groaned and suffocated herself in the pillow, "I know, I'm getting old." She complained, jokingly. She was getting older but she would hardly class herself as old - at least not for a couple more years.

She heard him laugh, turning her head so her cheek rested against the cotton sheets she watched as he threw his head back slightly. Him laughing was a beautiful sight - especially when he was doing it so enthusiastically and not quietly under his breath.

"Stop being cynical, you're not allowed to be cynical on your birthday." He criticised and reached over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear as she lazily let it fall over her face not having the energy to sweep it out of her eyes - luckily, she preferred when Alex did it for her.

Her arms were folded above her head and she smiled as the feeling of Alex's fingers softly moving against her cheek, closing her eyes to relish in the tenderness. "I thought that on your birthday you're allowed to do what ever you wanted to do?" She justified somewhat distracted by his trialing hands that were now tracing up and down her arm.

"To an extent." He hummed.

"I just want to lay here forever, drowning in the covers and watching movies all day." She told him with a blissful smile.

"Usually you're the early bird and I'm the lazy one."

"I know it's strange." She agreed before finally opening her eyes again and looking up at him. She rolled onto her back and laughed before suggesting, "You know if you bring me breakfast in bed and lunch and dinner I literally wouldn't have to move."

Alex rolled his eyes and put his notebook onto the bedside table so he could focus all of his attention onto Olivia, "No can do, I'm afraid."

She pouted in response, "You're mean. You said it yourself it's my birthday."

"Doesn't mean I'm your waiter for the day. C'mon, how about we go out for lunch?" He offered.

Olivia groaned dramatically, "Too tired."

Alex sighed as he was forced to reveal, "You know, you're making it really hard to give you your present."

Immediately Olivia was energetically sitting up with shock and excitement, "What?" She asked with the glee of a child on Christmas morning.

At the surprise being ruined due to her stubbornness he playfully rolled his eyes as he admitted, "Yeah, it's downstairs if you would ever bloody make it there and stop being so difficult."

"And this isn't just a tactic to get me out of bed." She asked with a skeptical glare at him trying to decipher from his face wether he was telling the truth. She liked to think that she had gotten pretty good at reading him - he would go quiet and try to isolate for everyone when he was sad and when he was happy he would be extra affectionate. However, his small smile wasn't giving her much to go off.

"You'll have to go to find out." He replied.

With a smirk as she leaned over so she could hover above him and told him, "I can think of one birthday gift you can give me where I don't have to get up."

He couldn't help the laugh he let out, "Later.", he said causing Olivia to groan in disappointment backing away not giving him the satisfaction of a kiss after letting her down.

"Okay, fine." She gave in and jumped out of bed and Alex watched with a suppressed laugh as she threw on an arrangement of unusual clothes (one of his shirts, fluffy Halloween socks and a pair of loose fitting floral shorts). She really could make anything look good and he was slightly distracted by the way he natural hair fell in waves and the slightly blush on her cheeks that he didn't notice her waiting for him by the door, "Hurry up, what are you waiting for." She teased knowing he had been waiting on her.

"Okay, wait there." He said getting up, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she was facing away from him and pressed his chest against her back moving his hands from her shoulders to cover her eyes.

Olivia giggled as they began to slowly walk down the stairs. There was a lot of close accidents and Alex had to steady her from falling one too many times but they eventually made it to the living room. They were laughing as they stumbled along the wooden floor until he announced, "Okay we made it, ready?"

"No." She admitted but Alex removed his hands anyway.

"Alexander!" She shouted with the largest smile before she covered her mouth with her hand and tried to force her eyes to stop tearing up. However, the tears were predictable and hard to resist as they fell down her cheeks.

A bouquet of flowers sat in a vase at the centre of the coffee table along with a silver box and an envelope. Along the walls were banners and bunting held up with strips of tape and balloons floating in bunches in the the corners of the room in various colours. It wasn't extravagant but it was perfect and the fact he put in effort where he didn't have to make her emotional.

"Woah, it's supposed to be nice don't cry." He joked with a laugh wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing the top up her head, "It's not like you to be so emotional."

She turned around still in his arms so she was facing him, "I always knew you were such a soppy romantic."

"Seemed to fit the mood." He confessed.

"Definitely worth getting up for." She told him wrapping her arms around his neck whilst his fell to her waist as she gave him a kiss, "Thank you." She whispered against his lips.

"You haven't even opened you present yet." He reminded her. He, sadly, let go of her and walked over so her could pass her the gift and card. She took them and they both sat down on his sofa.

"It's going to make me cry more isn't it." Alex simply shrugged.

She took a deep breath before unwrapping the small box. Inside was a silver blank cd with sharpie on the front that read 'Songs for you'. "It's all the demos and scrapped songs that we didn't end up putting on the album along with some new songs that I wrote about you." He explained.

"Why do you always give the best gifts?" She rhetorically asked leaning her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist before she began to open the card.

Dear Arabella,

There's so much that I feel I don't tell you enough. Like how you are the first thing that I think of when I wake up and the last thing before I go to bed - and most thoughts in between. I am never not thinking of you and there's never a moment in which I don't adore you.

I used to have this delusion that I would be able to resist you, but, from the first time I saw you - dressed in silver and knee high boots - I knew that I would bound to fall in love. I was foolish to think I could ever try to stop my heart from craving you.

I'd go to the moon and back twice. and steal you stars along the way, just to kiss half of your mouth. You're a river and I want to jump into the water.

I've written you countless love songs but nothing sounds as good as when you tell me that you love me. I never knew love had a sound until I heard you laugh.

Love, Alexander

He heard her laugh quietly when she had finished reading and then she lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him and he looked at her back. Both the with same affection that they could never communicate with words. She dropped her head back onto his shoulder taking another deep breath and relaxing into the cotton of his t shirt. "I think this was even better than your last card." She whispered.


Two knocks was all it took when the door was being swung open, Olivia's hand still in the air in shock at her mothers swiftness. Alex had been unusually quiet the whole journey there and Olivia knew he was nervous - no matter how many times she tried to reassure him that her mum already adored him. "Olivia! Good to see you again." She welcomed immediately hugging her daughter.

When they pulled apart her mum looked to Alex and much to his surprise hugged him as well - he patted her on the back once the shock wore off. "You're taller than you look in pictures." She acknowledged nonchalantly.

Olivia couldn't resist laughing, "Don't tell him that, it'll go straight to his head." She teased smiling at how Alex's cheeks went red from embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you-" He began to say ignoring what Olivia had said but was quickly cut off.

"Don't you dare call me Miss Danes." She warned with a smile.

"I already told him to call you Ellen." Olivia informed rolling her eyes. It was clear where she got her dramatics from - as well as her stubbornness.

"Nice to meet you, Ellen." Alex finally finished.

"You too, Alex. How about we move your stuff upstairs, have you got anything else in the car that you need me to get?" She asked and the both shook their heads. Alex forced Olivia's bag out of her hand and took both of them upstairs as he followed her mum ignoring as she insisted she could carry it herself.

"I'll let you two get settled and unpack, I'll be in the kitchen getting started on dinner if you need me." She told them once she showed Alex go the Olivia's childhood bedroom.

When the door clicked shut behind them Olivia smiled at Alex, "See no need to worry."

They spent the rest of the morning watching tv with a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits. Alex was still tense but seemed to be relaxing more and even made a few jokes, which he was happy Ellen laughed at.

He was putting a lot of pressure on himself to prove himself to Ellen. He spent the entire car ride memorising topics to talk about if conversations became scarce or if there was any awkward silences, however, he found that all the preparation was unnecessary. Ellen didn't struggle with talking to him and he was very grateful that she treated him as she would anyone else.

Of course his music came up in discussion but she wasn't obsessed with hounding him about it. They talked about current events, his favourite movies, what he wanted for breakfast the next day. She even asked him with help with her daily crossword in the newspaper and they sat on the sofa whilst Olivia watched from the armchair and occasionally chimed in with suggestions. Ellen was an easy person to like.

They had dinner (Alex and Olivia washing the dishes afterwards) and after they watched movies whilst playing scrabble and cluedo - despite Olivia's competitiveness Alex had won both games. Eventually, Alex had gone up to bed and Olivia was about to join him but wanted to talk to her mum alone before they left in the morning.

"What do you think?" Olivia asked eagerly anticipating her mothers opinion.

"It doesn't really matter what I think." She told her and Olivia's glare showed that she didn't appreciate the avoidance of the question and her mum laughed before adding, "But, I think he's really great." Anyone could see how happy they made each other and her daughter smiling was all she could ever hope for.

"Right! And he even washes dishes." Olivia smiled remembering that she had said that her dad had never washed a plate.

Ellen reached over and held Olivia's hand, "I'm very happy for you."

"Thanks." Olivia said failing to suppress a gleeful smile, "Okay, I should probably go to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay, dear."

When she entered her bedroom Alex was already asleep and she smiled before carefully getting in next to him. Though, he was clearly not in a deep sleep because she noticed him roll over and with his eyes still closed wrap his arm around her pulling her closer.

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