So Strange Is The Tranquil Li...

By Yuno_Hein

4.9K 240 41

This story revolves a man who is just...lost. Where does a warrior go when the battle is done? To the next so... More

One Last Task
Tip Of Strength
Curiousity Angers Those Disturbed
Dragon's Venom
Small Reunion

Colliding Beliefs

678 38 4
By Yuno_Hein

Ahri's Point of View

Bruh, the hell does that mean?! It's a fucking bird! Professor, you're drawing what seems to be a bird!! Like shouldn't he be writing pronunciations instead?!

Damn even I couldn't get a single idea of all that was written there so I simply copied it all.

We all did our work quietly and for a reason when some struggled to copy the symbols on the board. I was fast enough to be keep up with Professor Ivern so I had the leisure to daydream a little.

He already erased the board once and was writing a fresh set. I was just bored so I leaned my chin to the table and peeked at the others. Kai'sa seems to be doing well, Ekko was straight up sleeping and Ezreal was struggling a bit.

If it comes to drawing, I know Akali was good at it so I looked behind me only to see her left hand swinging a kunai with her left index finger.

She was looking at her paper though so I peeked at her noted only to see a crossword that she was busy solving. It's a little irritating to see how she's not so focused. She raised an eyebrow to me making me roll my eyes as I looked back to the board. 

I continued where I left off and Ivern seems to be finished when he placed his chalk down. The buzzer also rang making me rush the remaining hieroglyphics while the professor clapped the chalk away from his arms. A few more stroke and...done.

That was a little exhausting making me sigh as I tucked my notes back into my sling bag. It's problematic since I don't know any of the symbols he drew but I guess I'll look into it later. Ugh, I do hope Ivern would explain tomorrow though. 

"Everyone if you're done I suggest you go to your next class. Now then, farewell," Ivern said and some stood up to bid him goodbye.

I also stood up and Akali followed suit along with the other two. We refrained from talking since we had to pass the professor but the moment we got out, I sighed out my complaints.

"Any of you going to 2-D?" I asked since that was where my next class was. The hallway was quiet though but I knew Ivern dismissed us earlier than the other class, there still should be 10 minutes for the second buzzer to ring.

Some of my classmates were already on their way but I still didn't know where Evelynn and the rest are going.

"Nah, mines in 3-A," Akali replied as she finally stopped twirling the kunai. Evelynn shook her head and Kai'sa pressed her lips as her eyes looked at the ceiling before shaking her head.

"Aww, well I think I should get going," I said, the place was big so going to classes are such a headache sometimes.

"Oh right? Ahri do you know the language by any chance?" Kai'sa asked making me groan. I shook my head when I didn't really find the reason to learn it when I was young.

"Hah me neither," Akali chimed in making me raise an eyebrow as I looked at her with a smug smile.

"I know," I replied making Kai'sa chuckle.

"Wha-? Mnggh," Akali groaned with a pout on her cheeks but I just sneered as I poked it a little with my left index finger.

"Enough ladies, I'll be going with Akali since our class seems to be the same. Kai'sa?" Evelynn asked as she looked at her.

"I might be walking to the last stair. Mine's way down in 1-E so it's a shame," she said and sighed. I get why though, the stairs can be annoying but she's actually lucky since she's closer to the canteen at that rate.

"Well then, shall we?" I asked and they nodded. We all departed when I had to go through the left side of the hallway while theirs was on the right.

Huh, I'm actually surprised I'm not with anyone today. I usually gather a crowd when going to the next class but I don't mind this serenity once in a while. I hummed myself a song as I walked the hallway since it eases me up a lot. Not like the other class can hear me anyway so I just hop skipped until I reached the stairs.

"Dadela~tada da dum da~" I let out as I hurried down the stairs. I'm glad this place has a lot of stairs that could lead you directly to every floor, it's wide too but the air was pretty cold especially when there wasn't any window where sunlight could travel to.

I met a couple of students along the stairs who greeted me so I did the same but none of us stopped. Ugh just thinking of going up the stairs was giving me shivers but I can finally see the hallway. Hmm there's P. E. today, I wonder if anyone is willing to spar with me besides Evelynn. Ekko seems a little off today so I doubt he'd even put up a fight. Well either way I'm not planning on letting them win. I jumped directly to the hallway when I can't help but feel a little excited. We get to meet with dragons, a fresh batch of sparring partners and Y/N who knows the famous warri-

*!Clang!* the sound echoed through the hallway cutting my thoughts off as I flinched. I didn't expect that so I looked to where the sound came from and was surprised to see Y/N with his briefcase on the floor. His right was holding his weapon beside him like a staff but his stance, now that I look at him he's actually big even without the jacket.

My attention was drawn to a girl who was kneeling as she tried to cover up a cut located on the side of her arm. Her short hair, though black, shines purple when light is reflected and she was wearing the uniform. I can see her gritting her teeth making me go to where she was but I noticed what was stopping Y/N.

In front of him stood whom the people call one of the heroes. Well more like a celebrity but she is famous for holding a rank in the army for her age. Her dark blue hair was long enough to reach her hips but the Mantle of Decorum resting on her head was what sold her identity.

I wanted to drag the girl away from the fight but Y/N just raised his weapon a little and let it fall to the ground. I can feel the vibration it let out with such an easy gesture making me think twice about approaching especially when the atmosphere around them was getting cold.

"Who are you?" the girl asked with a growly tone as she raised his voice. I saw Y/N lean his head to look at me only to look back in front and reached for his briefcase before walking forward. His eyes just made me notice I was wasting my time observing so I just ran to where the girl was and tried to aid her in any way possible.

Y/N's Point of View

"I was wondering where you were," I let out as I walked to the girl. Shards made of metal flew by the gesture of her hand but I didn't have the time to be wasting it with her. She smacked her lips and tried to get through me as the shards were pointed at the girl. Was I not loud enough for her to hear?

The distance was enough for me to throw my halberd lightly and grabbed the edge of the handle before swinging it once. The chains acted like a trail when they followed the motion but I can still see the shards forming what seems to be some sort of protection as it all twirled around her. It tried to block my swing especially when I was using the broad side but I could tell that wasn't enough.

It didn't stop my swing and I was much more disappointed with how easily I pushed the shards away as I let the swing continue. I got her in the abdomen and sent her flying by a lot of distance to the point she even got some air time. Well, she landed on her feet but slid a few more before she stopped.

Even when she blocked it with her arms the damage done should be enough. I thought that could end it but a glow made my eyebrow twitch as I focused on the reason. A golden armband strapped to her left bicep, I heard Piltover made a fascinating breakthrough and seeing it work felt a little annoying.

Tsk, healing attributes. It could've been helpful back then...well I'm not sure but her back rose telling me she's alright. She is far away now so I walked forward, the distance is to my advantage but I needed to talk with the violent one.

I can hear her gasp for air as I got there and when she noticed I was near, she gritted her teeth. I can tell she was glaring at me so I smiled a little behind the collar as I let the halberd down to the ground again.

"State your name!" she growled as the shards all pointed their edges at me.

"Y/N L/N, I come from Ionia," I replied as I kept walking. She was backing away with every step I move forward to the point it's getting annoying. I was fucking unlucky to be caught in the crossfire but I do know who caused this ruckus.

"Then move! These Noxian dogs have no right to stain these lands with their foot!" she said making me roll my eyes as I lifted the halberd just to place it back down. That thud was enough to keep me sane for now when something was scratching my insides. A different kind of sensation but still familiar. I wanted her to lash at me with all she have for a fight but I just ignored it when I didn't have the energy to comply.

"Xan Irelia, it's a pleasure to meet you I guess and no. That is something I won't do when you're acting more of a Noxian than anyone here," I let out when I was also gripping the handle with all my might. I tried to calm myself but my heart was beating wildly when I'm expecting her to fight. I have no plans to do it though.

My words only angered her more, she gritted her teeth and squatted down a little as if she's ready to dash and slice but I moved first. I may be big but I'd rather boast about my speed. Also learned a few perks from fellow soldiers but I didn't need those now. Pressing my foot to the ground and doing a small leap was enough for our face to meet.

"Do you even know who I am?" she asked amidst her surprise making me chuckle. Those chuckles turned into a low laugh so I sighed to calm that sarcasm. Know? Oh I do know you lady!

"I already told you, Xan Irelia Commander of the North Wall," I said and lowered my body just for me to whisper a few words.

"Or would you rather hear the commander of the lost troops?" I asked all while holding my temper. This made her flinch and back away as fast and finally, that slightly opened jaw and the air just smells of terror, hmph.

The information only soldiers knew that they hid from the civilians. A stupid decision was made by a commander letting her troops chase the enemy, chase a bait that led them all to their doom. I wasn't there when I took charge of the west and east wall but thanks to her my work was doubled. I had to move every fucking time just to make sure none of the enemies would breach the damn walls.

"I know damn well Irelia!" I growled in my own tone when the people that were lost reached half a thousand. She began to grow anxious and tried to shake it away but seeing how those blades were wobbling, it seems I was able to remind her.

"Why? did you know?" her voice turned more calmer but my ears picked up her trembling tone. Then tears fell from her cheeks as they flowed to her chin.

I was sure that no one heard us and I looked back only to see Ahri helping the girl go to the other side of the hallway. Hmm, the armband has a healing ability so her still bleeding meant that they'd been fighting for a while.

I heard Irelia sniffing as her arms tried to wipe her tears away. I walked closer and she didn't even bother to react at all. I just sighed and raised my weapon higher than usual before letting it fall. The thud made her hic as her arms hastened their movements.

"Stand up commander!" a tone I haven't used for a while, a command that held a piece of my temper made its way to her ears. As a soldier, her body reacted on its own as she stood straight and tall even when tears didn't stop. My she doesn't know who I am. I only know her due to that event along with the file General Karma gave me so I bet she doesn't recognize me.

"The war is over, the grudge and temper you hold need to subside," I said as I gave her a pat in the shoulder before walking past her.

"What do you know of me?! They are the reason I no longer have my family!" she said with such hate but her voice was lower compared to before. I just turned my head to the left and tilted it to the same side.

"Me too commander, me too," was what came out of my mouth. I can see her eyebrows rising and her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something. It's already a long time ago and yes, I know why you wanted to give chase to the Noxian. I too harbored the anger you are having, it's just...

"The students here weren't the cause of that. You are judging them for a decision they couldn't make Irelia, your temper is the only reason you're making things worse," I continued.

"It's best if you find something else to fill your emotions. Before you'll end up like me," I whispered the last part and walked away. Anger, rage...I knew them well, knew them to the point that they're the only things I can relate to.

I just hope that Irelia will find something else to fill that, once the anger calms there's nothing else to come back to. That state of numbness, it's the only thing you can feel once you forget all the others.

I got to my class and seeing how it's empty made me shrug when I had the liberty to choose a seat. I just walked to a seat and chose the middle column at the far back. I sighed to myself when it felt like I caused some trouble but I don't really care if I get expelled. I just took out the notebook where I wrote the dragon's language and tried to translate what I knew. Still, I looked at my arm that grabbed the pencil and wondered.

"Why am I trembling so much,"

Ahri's Point of View

"Did the bleeding stop?" I asked as I tried to peek at the wound. The lady was just as tall as I am and she smiled as she nodded. I wasn't really supporting her when she carried her weight but my right arm was wrapped behind her in case she'd fall. It looks like a normal wound but I get the feeling that wasn't all she has.

"Miss Ahri, please proceed to your next class. I'll be fine by myself," she replied and her voice was just like Evelynn by the tone. Sounded charming but I couldn't really oblige to her words.

"Hey, I got time to spare so I'll join you," I replied but she shook her head and faced forward.

"I can go there by myself. Also, I want to be alone if possible," her voice weakened on the last part. I tried to see her eyes but she just closed them with a faint smile.

"I...I understand," I didn't find the courage to disagree especially when her right arm tightened its grip on her injury. Now that I look at the armband, she had the same color as Irelia's. Then that means she's also in the top section!

"Uh, can I have your name? I-I'm Ahri," I stuttered. The top section is filled with students that rose to their categories and were given the golden armband as both an award and a signature, is she a mage like I am? I'm surprised I haven't fought with her all this time.

She looked back with her eyebrows stretched up. Seems surprised, even lost that smile when her lips opened a little. I also found out the line that crossed her eyebrows down to her cheek now that I can see her clearly. She let out a scoff, it didn't sound rude when it's more like a sigh of relief before she chuckled.

"I am Le'Blanc, I'm honored to know you Ahri," she said as her left arm reached to me. Again, the way she speaks sounds like royalty but I just smiled and shook her hands lightly. I didn't want to stress it too much so we lowered it down.

"Thank you for your help," she said and bowed down lightly. It was a bit of a stretch doing that making me feel a little awkward but she rose and looked back confused. I did the same and noticed how the hallway was still empty, even Y/N and Irelia was nowhere but I heard Le'Blanc letting out a small humm making me look back.

"Ah sorry but do you know that man by any chance? Your armbands are similar so you're in the same class aren't you?" she asked. I nodded and Le'Blanc somehow kept looking at the hallway as if she's trying to catch a glimpse of someone. I just smiled when I felt like she wanted to know his name.

"Y/N," I said making her raise widen those eyes a little before looking at me. She was just startled making me chuckle.

"His name is Y/N, I heard that he's from Ionia as well," I clarified and I saw how she was taken aback by that fact. Weirded out to the point that she had to back away a little as her eyes widened. I can tell she was confused and it kinda made me feel bad. I heard Irelia's yells before Y/N batted her away giving me the idea of Le'Blanc's nation.

"Ah, I-I see. I do owe him a word of gratitude but if you do meet him can you say it in my stead?" Le'Blanc said. All I could do was agree but I do hope she'll say it personally. I just feel like all the words I'll tell Y/N will fly over his head.

"Now then, Miss Ahri thank you as well for everything. I'll be going now," she said with a bow. That was a little too much but I just bowed back hoping it could ease her a little.

"You're welcome, take care on your way," I replied. She nodded with her usual smile before walking away. I turned around and went to class hoping she won't meet any trouble on the way.

Took me 3 minutes to arrive when I did a bit of running and was a little creeped out by the silence. I knew Ivern let us go early but whoever is in charge of this class also did the same. I just went inside and chose the 4th row at the back. The window is tempting but I'd rather not suffer from the sunlight.

I placed my things down to where it wouldn't bother anyone. I checked if there was anything on the desk only to see a red thick book making me shudder. Are we supposed to cover everything in this book? I wanted to see but decided not to when it might just bore me. Since we're learning about Mana Distribution it might just be full of weird stuff anyway.

I hummed myself a rhythm as I took my phone out of the bag. Was just bored really so I tried to see if there was any news about Myra or the studio but none. I switched it to the group chat when I bet there's a couple of insights into what my classmates have been through the past few weeks. With the war over and the celebration held, I was glad to stay here for the first week before our trip to Shurima.

There it is, pictures of the armies marching the streets of Ionia with the flag. All 5 generals were present including the newly titled one, Indomitable Warrior, what a funny name. It made me chuckle when I felt like there were a lot of better nicknames out there.

Oh there's a picture of him. It's from sir Udyr as well so this has to be real! I got a little excited that I hunched my back as I tried to catch any glimpse of his face but nope. Though Udyr got close and was even hugging the man with his left arm I couldn't really see much. It's easy to distinguish him by the armor though, his whole armor leaned more on the black color as it covered him whole. His helmet barely had any holes, just enough for his eye to see which was this thin horizontal line.

"Aarrghh! Why the hell is he so vigilant about this?!" I complained. Don't be mistaken here, I just want to see the man that shined the most during the war. I just want to know the man who saved my home.

I sighed as I placed my phone back and laid my chin on the table. I looked at the board that had nothing written on it but that faint sensation made me furrow my eyebrows. I also heard something and my ears kept facing everywhere to find the source of it. The sound of faint thuds and scritches on a wooden table, that's what I picked up making me freeze.

Instinct made me stand up quickly when something wasn't right. It's not a bad vibe it's just that there's something that I should know but don't and it's bugging me. I walked out of the table to my left and my foot stepped on something. I looked down and saw a thin rectangle made of some sort of metal. The color was definitely black, it's not charred but more like the material used made the color. It did look damaged though and the chains connected to it made me follow through my eyes.

It didn't really take too long when I saw that thing leaning on the wall. I flinched and looked in front when my eyes were finally peeled to see this man writing something as his chin rested on the table.

Damn it Y/N! I gritted my teeth with the thought.

He's way more irritating than Eve by a large margin but he doesn't seem to be focused on what he's doing. His right arm scribbled on a large notebook even when his hair got scattered everywhere on the table. The grays mixed in his hair seem it natural?

I looked at him thinking I could get a glimpse of his intention but he just looked like a damn corpse. His eye was looking past what he was writing when the direction it looked was much higher than the letters he wrote.

"Y/N...when did you arrive?" I asked and just remembered what I did a while ago. Arrghh! I even yelled!

"Earlier than you," he replied and that just made it worse. It made me groan and I can't seem to find anything to talk about. He doesn't seem interested anyway which I admit, it's pretty weird considering my status. Most would usually take this chance to approach me but this guy just seems of it.

I looked at what he's writing and noticed the words I could understand. Above those words was the language that Ivern wrote on the board. He knows that stuff? I wasn't really sure but it did get my attention. I crouched beside his table and tried to get as much information as I can through all his hair and chin that covered most of it.

"You know that language?" I asked hoping to lighten up the mood. Looking at what he wrote I was sure he does, it's just awkward at this point especially when I looked like I was distracting him.

"Mmh," he let out. I couldn't help but chuckle when I get the feeling he doesn't like talking too much. Wonder if it's just me he's treating that way, hopefully not.

"Where did you learn it from?" I still tried to make him at least let out some words for me. I mean he did just do that a while ago but it just felt like that was the maximum words he'll spare.

Silence, I didn't really mind when I was getting a lot of ideas for what he was writing. It's just was seriously ticking me off. I'm barely containing myself to talk and it's messing up the words I'm trying to memorize!

"Met some," Y/N let out making me flinch when I was about to open my mouth. Even then-

"Why are you so casual about it?!" I couldn't contain my surprise. A dragon, we're fucking talking about a creature that hates everything, is proud of itself and usually avoids every human-related shit.

"You met with a dragon?" I calmed myself. Even with my status that luxury is no easy task! Headmistress Karma alarmed us to be careful since status doesn't really matter to them.

"Dragons, yes," he replied with the usual monotony and it just made me open my mouth.

"How?!" I had to ask! If not for this Institute our relationship with the dragons would be rough, rough to the point if we met it will have no second thought and burn me down.

I heard Y/N groan making me press my lips shut. Well, he spoke and mmh, did I overdo it?

"Met their Elder, wasn't a fun time when he was on his deathbed," he replied and that made me try to process everything. A dragon dying? I mean they're not immortal but they can live a long time. I just got more curious about it to the point I clenched the edge of his table and peered at his eyes.

That...creeped me out now that I can see him looking back. I can feel that cold stare traveling through my skin making me tremble when those eyes looked so dead. Bored, uninterested...I felt my sympathy gnawing my mind when he just looked so sad.

He placed his pencil down and sighed as he raised his head. He closed the notebook shut before sliding it to my side but I just can't help but feel that hollow inside my abdomen. The way he looked was prickling my heart when it looked familiar. I just-I can't find out why.

"He died of old age as his body was surrounded by his kin. That was the first time I met their kind, some knew our language and forced me to learn them," he said making me look away as I tried to calm these thoughts. I looked back only to see him looking down on his table, I tried to track everything he said and just widened my eyes a little when I might have brought out a dark past.

"I-I'm sorry," I said and he raised an eyebrow. He seems confused, I take it that he wasn't sad about that? He just faced in front all while his chin was close to touching the base of his neck. His arm took the pencil before his index finger touched the side of the notebook.

"Here," Y/N said as he slid the notebook closer to me. It made me widen my eyes when I really want it.

"You've been focused on it for a while. Return it when you're done," he said making me smile as the tip of my fingers pulled it closer to the edge.

"I won't say no, are you sure?" I asked and I heard him let out a silenced chuckle. Still couldn't figure out the sound when all I heard was the air being filtered through his collar.

"Mmhmm," he replied. I smiled a wide one but I felt like this was a little unfair to him. I'll try to pay him back when I get the chance but I do have one more question.

"Y/N, is it really true? That you know Ionia's Indomitable Warrior?" I asked and that made me flip a switch. I heard him growl out his sigh and it's clear he didn't want to talk about that.

"S-sorry," I apologized hoping it could ease him a little. He just groaned as his right arm reached for his face and just covered his eyes as he looked at the ceiling. A weird reaction but I was just terrified in case he'd hate me.

"There's no reason you have to apologize. Yes I know the man but I'd rather not talk about him," he replied and placed his arm down. I was about to say something but he just placed his whole face down the table. He didn't even try to cushion the fall making the table let out a thud.

I decided to let him be, I just didn't want to annoy him anymore since I felt like that was the only thing I did to him. As soon as I sat down I remembered Le'Blanc making me groan quietly when I missed my chance. I got too focused on something else entirely, urgh maybe next time.

I sat down and began to copy the essential things mostly from Y/N's note. I felt someone enter the room making me look but I don't really recognize this group of ladies. Every semester does feel like a new school when I'm meeting with people I haven't met yet. I looked back to what I was doing and my left index finger pointed at the words I was copying and there it was. That sensation, that feeling as if no one was seated where Y/N was. I could already tell it's my mind that was fooling me when I looked at him and he was still there. Never moved an inch except now his hair was spread out covering his table while the tip of it even fell from the edge.

That's strange, cloaking abilities or invisibilities are pretty common to the point Evelynn has one and Akali uses smoke bombs. It's very important for assassins I'm sure but Y/N's way is just odd. It's like he's placing a bug in your mind that will make you ignore him to the point he wasn't even there. Forget erasing his presence, it's like he never had any to begin with. That's...a first.

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