𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀...

By yurtlehenderson

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📥REQUESTS: CLOSED📥 So I began taking requests on my tumblr account [@yurtletheturtlehenderson] and so I dec... More

𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 || Mike Wheeler
𝗨𝗻𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 || Dustin Henderson
𝗖𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗹𝗲 || El Hopper Headcanon
𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 || Mike Wheeler
𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵-𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 || El Hopper
𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 || Nancy Wheeler

You Weren't There || Nancy Wheeler Sequel

388 11 0
By yurtlehenderson

SEQUEL TO: You Were There

PAIRING: Nancy Wheeler x Fem!Adopted!Harrington Reader, Nancy Wheeler x Platonic!Robin Buckley, Robin Buckley x F!Platonic!Adopted!Reader

GENRE: A cup of fluff, a pinch of angst, and a sprinkle of doom ~~☆

WARNINGS: reader is fem coded, but no actual pronouns are used. vol. i and vol. ii spoilers, mentions of (canon) death/injuries

A.N: girl help, something in me keeps saying to make this a blurb series and it's getting harder not to listen

SUMMARY: After a long and stressful visit to Cali visiting family (whom you didn't get to see very much of) you return with Will, Jonathan, El, and Mike to your home in Hawkins. There you are reunited with your friends, your brother, and girlfriend Nancy. Her and Robin's newly kindled friendship has come to many a surprise, and you were no exception; but evidently its not quite the shock Robin had when she discovered who you were dating.

You weren't there. Nancy thanked God you weren't there. And yet, she wished with all her heart you were; you and Mike. Just to hold you two again in her arms and know you both were safe.

Hawkins was on the brink of total collapse and you, Mike, Jonathan, and his family were (hopefully) far from any kind of danger.

You weren't there when it started. Chrissy and Fred's murder, Victor Creel, the angry mobs, Vecna-all of it. And shit... Max. How would she tell you? Nancy knew, like your brother, you loved the kids. But you always had a bit of a soft spot for Mayfield. She knew you would find a way to blame yourself somehow; that you weren't there. But you didn't know, and you surely hadn't seen how powerful he was. Nancy prayed you never would.

You weren't there because you had left with Mike to Cali to visit family. Steve had nearly gone with you but he couldn't get out of work. Had he, Nancy would have had to worry about one less person.

At least it had allowed her to befriend the famous Robin Buckley; official best friend to the Harringtons and a girl you wouldn't quit talking up. 'Robin said the funniest thing today, I totally thought of you,'. 'Nance, I'm telling you, you have a lot more in common with her than you might think.' etc. It wasn't that Nancy was jealous; she trusted you completely. But sometimes she couldn't help but wonder just what could have bonded you two so that would make you want to introduce the two of them so badly.

But damn it if Robin hadn't grown on her. It might not have been the easiest thing for Nancy to admit, but the more she got to know Robin-the more Robin got underneath her skin, chipped away at her patience with all the grace of a jackhammer-the harder she found it to push her away. There was just something infectious and addicting about Robin and her runaway attention span and quick wit. She could keep up with Nancy in a way others couldn't, and her strictly Platonic-With-a-Capitol-P friendship with Steve had certainly brought out a fresher side to him. Even better, Nancy found the two of them had something very important in common; you.

Nancy first noticed it in the first 15 minutes of alone time with Robin. The ride to the library was not one spent in easy silence. Between the rapid flipping through the radio stations, the flipping of the sun visor up and then down and then up, the tongue-in-cheek humor, and-oh, hell-now the feet on the dashboard. Here, she thought it was just you.

You weren't there when Robin and your brother followed her into her room in her search for a disguise. Had you been, she was certain with the two of you there, Steve would have been worn down twice as fast.

"You have a Tom Cruise poster," she had chortled, coming to a full stop having barreled into her room. Then came a shit-eating grin she had seen in you once or twice. "You have a Tom Cruise poster,"

You weren't there, and yet she heard your relentless teasing as if you were glued to her side. 'I see Tom Cruise is still here.' At the time, your arms had wound a gentle but almost possessive hold around her torso that she had a hard time admitting she enjoyed. Your smirk had been audible despite it being buried in the back of her shoulder. 'I certainly hope this means I don't have any competition.'

At the recollection, Nancy's face had ducked down to the floor in an involuntary effort to hide the heat in her cheeks, though not for the reason Robin likely suspected. Mercifully, the topic had changed and their evolving plan recaptured everyone's attention.

You weren't there for the trek through the woods to Skull Rock, wherein Nancy finally made your wish a reality; Robin Buckley was her friend. She was surprised at how easy it was to accept. Nearly as surprising as her almost admitting the nature of your relationship. Sure, maybe Robin knew you were into girls, but she didn't know Nancy was. And Nancy had no knowledge Robin was either. They were completely oblivious. And it remained just so when Steve had called out in victory upon arrival to (the correct location of) Skull Rock, unknowingly cutting off Nancy's confession.

And once more, Nancy would thank her lucky stars you hadn't been there when they found themselves in the middle of Lovers Lake. Dustin's theory had brought them here, the four of them squashed into a tiny little rowboat in search of Watergate; herself, Robin, Eddie Munson, and Steve. Your brother. There was an aching ball of fear lodged in her ribcage as he prepared for the dive. (There was also a strange feeling of being watched).

"Steve," she had said, somewhat shocked at how small her voice came out. "Be careful."

A look was shared between them, one filled with meaning. Sure, they had a history, but those feelings had long since burned away, leaving behind nothing but mutual love and respect. Though maybe not in the way it once had been. Simply put, this was her friend, and she was his. And both of them knew what he was about to do was not in the least bit safe. Nancy couldn't lose Steve any more than she could lose you.

His solemn nod told her he knew. And that he would. For her, and you. And with that, and an impressive form, Steve had dove into the unknown.

The wait for his return had been hard. But thanks to Robin, not completely unbearable. Her faith in Steve was well placed, but the unknown that waited for him in that damn lake is what had left Nancy so uneasy.

"You know," said Robin, hands glued to the rim of the boat and peering down into the black water. Nancy knew just enough about Robin to recognize about two or three of her nervous ticks had come out as she said this, but couldn't quite pinpoint what they were. "The average adult can hold their breath for three to five minutes. A-and Steve has experience. So probably longer. He'll be alright,"

Nancy took another look at the girl across from her and felt a sudden rush of gratitude. Of course, Nancy knew Robin was trying to reassure herself as much as she was anyone there, but that wasn't what brought her comfort. Oddly enough, it was the worry. If there was ever any doubt behind Robin's "platonic with a capital p" speech, it had just been obliterated by the shake in her voice Nancy herself had just been fighting. She knew now, for certain, the matter regarding Steve's safety was of great importance to more than just herself and you. That what was brought her comfort.

And it was just their luck the overwhelming comfort of Steve's return to the surface was then immediately sunk. Right along with him. That wait was just too agonizing to endure. Nancy didn't fear whatever the hell just yanked Steve back under, she feared what would happen if she didn't dive in after him. So she simply didn't allow it to take him.

The only thing to delay her was the sudden but gentle tug on her arm from Eddie, telling her to wait. "You're not going in there, are you?" Maybe Eddie had been afraid of what may happen to her and Steve, maybe he was afraid of being down two people so quickly. Or maybe it was both. But Nancy didn't have time for either.

"Just wait here," she ordered before disappearing beneath the water with a splash. And ignoring the fearful pleas of her name tearing up Robin's throat.

"Nancy!" It had been a shriek filled with worry, and it had been the last thing she had heard before the rush of water around her as she swam to the bottom of Lovers Lake with a dangerous amount of adrenaline.

Not five minutes later, the four of them reunited and stood panting on the floor of a barren Lovers Lake located in the Upside Down, a flock of what appeared to be demo-bats scattered dead at their feet. They had narrowly escaped death (again) from the welcoming party that waiting for them on the other side of Watergate, and it was then three of those four had another reason to be grateful for your absence, as much as they missed you.

You were on Steve's mind often, particularly when it came to the dangers he feared you coming home to. Robin, like her friends, was grateful you weren't around for the dangers, but on more than one occasion, found a part of herself wishing you were-your curiosity and unique way of looking at any problem surely would have sped the Creel investigation along. And Nancy thought of you, for the same reasons. And not without absolute certainty, Mike was with you, and you were protecting each other. She couldn't say for sure what told her you and Mike weren't without your dangers in California, other than past experiences. But she hoped you both were safe.

Utterly convinced her luck couldn't be pushed anymore, she stood gaping in her driveway at the brazen horn of a pizza van came barreling up the cul-de-sac to deliver to her Mike and you (not pizza, as the van's advertising would otherwise suggest). And not just you; Jonathan, Will, and El. Even who she could only guess to be the infamous friend Argyle she had heard so much about from Jonathan.

Everyone was here and everyone was alive.

You and Mike were alive.

Four years now of escaping monsters and still Nancy is certain she has never moved that fast. She was in your arms in an instant, swept quite literally off of her feet and in your arms. Her smirk was smothered deep in the crook of your neck, where she could hear-where she could feel-the vibrant laugh bubbling up your throat. It was music to her ears.

Her feet returned to the ground but she would never have felt it; as far as Nancy was concerned at this moment, her relief had her floating.

Her hands were secured on the sides of your face, palming gently at your jaw and temple as she inspected you and unintentionally spoke the

-"Are you okay--?"

-"Are you okay--?"

The two of you laughed.

Nodding, she gave you a knee-buckling smile-one of relief and sheer joy as she looked at you. She looked at you like you hung the moon, and you knew she was seeing the same look in you. "I'm okay," she swears, melting when you clasp your hand over hers where it is on your face. "I'm okay. Are--?"

"--I'm okay. Really," you promise, and it's like another breath is rightfully returned to her lungs.

"A-and Mike, he's--?" You follow Nancy's eyes over your shoulder at Mike a few feet away. He's trapped in their mother's grip-it's anyone's guess she's not letting him go any time soon.

"Safe," you smile. "A little scarred, probably, but I think that ship sailed for all of us ages ago," she doesn't laugh at your comment, because she knows it's not a joke. But that hasn't stopped her smile. But the sight of yours falling did.

Your eyes weren't on her anymore, they were frantically scanning the yard with rising panic. "Steve. What about Steve, is he okay?"

Nancy nodded instantly, and yet it wasn't fast enough for her standards. "Yes! Yes, he's okay! I promise. He--" she was looking too now, not daring to let go of you for even a second. "He was just--"

Steve, damn his timing, had just gone inside with Robin to grab another box of donations for the car. He had just missed you. And yet, thanks to that same timing, he came waltzing out of the house-donation box in hand-and right into your line of sight with Robin on his tail. Locking eyes, you watched him freeze where he stood. The donation box-thankfully, nothing but kitchen towels and old placemats-was dropped to the concrete and forgotten in his dust.

Another laugh of relief was released from your lungs as Steve met you in a bone-crushing hug. Literally. No sooner had he tackled you in a fierce and protective hug did you catch the sharp wince he was trying so hard to hide from you. Thanks to his years of athletic injuries (and the past three years) you always knew when your brother was trying to downplay his pain for your sake.

"What? What happened? What did--?" You asked immediately, trying to break free from his hold and save him from himself. He wasn't quite ready to let you go. "What did you do to yourself?"

"You're okay," was all he said as if he hadn't heard you. He just hugged you tighter, and you caved. You missed him so much, and the worry for his sake (and Nancy, and everyone else for that matter) had been eating you up inside.

"Yeah," you smiled. "I'm okay,"

Nancy was still beaming as she watched you two. Even when you broke away, immediately you began a search over your brother for evidence of injury.

"Now what the hell happened?"

He shrugged, left hand going to his abdomen and rubbing at it with a wince. "Ah, you know, same as usual. Got my ass handed to me. What else is new?" He nodded to your forehead, where there remained some traces of dried blood you had missed.

It was your turn to shrug, stepping back into Nancy's touch that hovered over your lower back, the two of you gravitating back to each other's sides. "Ah, you know, same as usual. Kicked some ass, took some names. What else is new?"

They laughed and said nothing more of it. But both Steve and Nancy had noticed that the usual light in your eyes had dimmed another shade.

"Thank god one Harrington has their shit together,"

Everyone's eyes turned to Robin, who had appeared at Steve's side. You didn't waste a second, sweeping her up in a hug. More or less, the same tearful words of reassurance are exchanged before you return, yet again, to Nancy's side. Steve liked to joke the two of you were made of magnets, always snapping back together.

Another surge of gratitude swept over Nancy, and she rubbed at your back, inviting you in close. Her light was contagious, quickly taking over you and warming you up in the autumn wind picking up from down the street as she rested her chin in close. The small act of affection hurled you into auto-pilot and brought your lips to the crown of her head with a quick and meaningful kiss. As all of you looked between the reunions taking place all up the driveway, you hugged Nancy even tighter to your side.

"We tried getting ahold of you all, but there we couldn't exactly--"

"--I'm sorry!" Robin blurted, shaking away the daze you all seemed to have missed in her a moment ago. "Really, I am but if I may--"

Ohhh. You looked at Nancy where she was still nuzzled in close, though now, granted, a bit frozen. Right.

"did we resurface in an actual, parallel dimension, or something, or-- or am I really looking at the same thing you are, Stevie?" Her ring-clad hand was now clutching Steve's arm like the lifeline it was, never taking her side-eye off of you and Nancy.

Steve didn't answer, his mouth snapping shut. He wasn't involved, and he was determined to keep it that way.

"Huh? Wheeler," Robin fought her blinking gaze over to Nancy. She had nothing to offer but a pitiful wince. "After everything?"

"Robin," you tried, feeling guilty. You were just about to apologize, tell her you hadn't meant for her to find out like this. Truly.

But she didn't give you a chance to speak. In fact, all you had succeeded in doing was calling her wrath down on you like a lightning rod. Your mouth snapped shut, not unlike your brother, and not without a hint of amusement in your features.

She shook her head in a scolding manner that only fueled your smirk. You knew Robin well enough to recognize when her excitement was canceling out her anger, even though she was fighting so hard to hide it. Going as far as to look you up and down with exaggerated disgust that, sadly, didn't look 100% fake.

"Et tu Brute?"

"Robin, I wanted to tell you, trust me," you laughed. "Why do you think I've been trying so hard to get you two in the same room?"

"Uhhh," Robin scoffed, that same dumb-struck look on her face as she gestured widely to nothing in particular. "I don't know, maybe to wave your kick-ass monster-slaying babe of a 'friend' in my face?" She tried, stressing the word friend. From beside you, Nancy blushed, failing to wipe off her amused smirk as Robin continued. "Maybe you were trying, good-naturedly as you so often do, to shove me out of my comfort zone with a very beautiful, but very unobtainable 'straight' girl? Maybe you were just being a bro? I don't know man! But I'm hurt. I. am. hurt."

Another laugh, not feeling too bad at what you said next. "Well," you wagered, giving your girlfriend an affectionate squeeze. "You got the unobtainable part right,"

At this point, Nancy gave up trying to will away the smirk and instead buried it in your shoulder in an attempt to spare Robin. It didn't work.

Robin took one look at all of you, displeased to see so much giggling. She clicked her tongue, finally giving in to the aforementioned contagion spreading to her face. Not because she was happy for you two, but she was still very upset she had been left out of something so exciting and would lord it over you three for the foreseeable future.

"You think you know someone, " she tsked.

Robin felt her heart melt a little in her chest as she took in the sight of you two together. In fact, it brought such comfort to her. Not that she'd ever give either of you the satisfaction of knowing this of course, not now. But it really did fill her with so much reassurance.

Here the two of you were-two of the very small list of people she trusted more than anyone, mind you-so at ease in such troubling, traumatizing times. Just because you each knew the other was safe.

Here Nancy was, after a week of anxious, quick-to-anger fear Robin wouldn't ever think of blaming her for, and she was like a completely different person. Her signature, bad-ass edge Robin had quickly come to admire was still there, of course, but... Robin couldn't pinpoint it. Nancy was just... happy. Very happy. Without fear. Simply because...

You were there.

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