Searching for Myself

By StarryNight1983

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What would you do if everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie? How do you go on when you don't... More

Searching for Myself Sneak Peek
My Fairytale Awaits
Home Cooked Dinner
Out of the City, Into the Forest
My London Friend
Is this a Date?
Being a Tourist
My Sweets
Take Care of Floppy
Hotness Overload
Wrong Conclusions
New Lady in Red
Rescuing Her
Fate at Work
Hunky Firefighter
Can't Go Home
The Urge To Do What I Can't
Chemistry Building
Meeting Jerra
New Babysitter
Painful Memory
Celebratory Shots
Its All Coming to an End
My Moo
His Dilemma
A Sibling for Jerra
Halloween Festival
Five Dates
I'm a Secret
She Devil
Dance Encounter
Trusting Me. Trusting You.
Fire Brigade
Bustronome London
Officially Official
Sad A Pact
I'm In This For Forever
Christmas Tree Lighting
Night of Pleasure
Dating Abbie
I'm Thankful For...
Sparkly Ring
Love Island
Bro Chat
Don't Go Dying Before Me
Magical Baker Bobby
To The Parents Who Didn't Want Me...
Little Nugget
Family Bonding Part One
Family Bonding Part Two
Family Bonding Part Three
Wintery Fairytale Gown
Fourteen Days
Family Christmas
Take Care of Her...
Something's Missing From His Eyes
Winter Wonderland
Winter Blues
I Screwed Up
I've Got You
My Storm
First Milestone
In Photographs
Little Warrior
Family Friends
Cupcakes and Pizza
Anniversary of his Betrayal
Five Dates
Searching for Pleasure
Da Da
First Date Again
Fairytale Complete
Epilogue - Full Circle

What Not To Do

28 2 5
By StarryNight1983


Abbie snaps out of her stupor to see everyone off. Hugs and congratulations are given. As soon as I shut the door behind Andy, who's holding Jerra, I pull Abbie into my arms. She exhales with relief and I feel all the tension slip from her body. I'm scared. She's not acting like herself. I'm not sure this is what she really wants and I'm terrified she's about to change her mind. It is fast. I'm well aware of how our relationship went from zero to full speed in no time at all. We skipped a bunch of parts to be getting married and having a baby. I'm also cognizant of the fact that this is almost history repeating itself. I've already done this. I got a girl pregnant then married her. It's not the same though. This time it's happening with the right woman and I am beyond excited. I knew a long time ago that she was what I wanted. For Abbie though, she was blindsided by all of this. I'm not sure she knows how to feel right now then to throw a baby into the mix... Wow. She's giving me a baby. The woman I love is giving me a baby. My grip tightens around her at the thought. This is seriously surreal. I now have everything I've ever wanted. My life is truly complete.

"Abbie, my love..." Her bright blue eyes meet mine. "I feel like we cornered you into something you're not ready for." I hear the emotion in my voice, but I can't help it. I'm terrified. "I want you to be happy. I don't want you to feel forced into this. You should be over the moon happy right now. I am."

"My love? I like that."

"My love," I whisper out before pecking her lips. "Love you."

"Love you. I am happy, Wyatt. I'm just... in shock. Honestly, I think the rational side of my brain is battling with my heart. My heart is madly in love with a man and his daughter." I give her hands a small squeeze. "My heart knows it's ready. Now my brain on the other hand is saying whoa, slow down. You've hardly dated. You can't get married yet. We're having a baby though, so that changes this a bit even if I don't want it to."

"Get out of your brain and focus on your heart then." She giggles at me, so that's got to be a good sign. "How about we spend the rest of the night celebrating our engagement? We'll think of all the logistics and how crazy we are later. Sound good?"

"Ok, but I need to tell Morgan first. She'll be devastated that she's not the first to know." She rushes away from me and grabs her cell to video chat her.

"Happy Turkey Day, my Abs!" Morgan sings. "How'd your dinner turn out? You stuffed on turkey?" I settle on the couch near Abbie.

"Not exactly. Dinner got sidetracked a bit."

"That sucks. You went through all that and you didn't get to enjoy it? What happened?"

"I got to enjoy it, I just didn't go back for seconds."

"Abigail," she says with some kind of warning. That's strange. Maybe I'm misreading her tone of voice, it just sounds off.


"I told you we weren't doing this anorexic shit again and I meant it." What the hell? Anorexia? My eyes sweep over Abbie's body. She gained back the weight she lost that week she was depressed. Did that affect the baby at all? "I thought you were better since you and Wyatt got back together."

She looks really nervous when she glances at me. I don't think she wanted me to know about it. That's concerning. She looks back at Morgan and shakes her head at her. "Why do you always assume the worst?"

"Since my baby girl is too far away to keep a close eye on."

"Well you have nothing to worry about. I actually have some news. Some pretty big news."

"You're pregnant?"

"Shut up," she rolls her eyes with a snicker. I take it Morgan knows. Makes sense. I doubt she'd go through all of this alone. It hurts that she didn't turn to me right away. I get her reasonings, but it's still upsetting. When did she first find out? How did she feel in that moment? I have a lot of questions here.

"You're moving home then?"

"Definitely not. Morgan, will you please shut up and let me tell you?"

"Fine. What's this big Turkey Day news?"

"I'm getting married."

"WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL DID YOU JUST SPEW FROM YOUR MOUTH?!?! GIRL!!!!" Shit. This doesn't sound good. Is she pissed?

"I'm getting married."

"Abigail Kingston! I sent you to England to find yourself, not find a husband and baby daddy!" She definitely knows. "I thought you weren't going to be with him just because of the baby. What the hell are you doing?"

"Getting married?" Wow. I know it's fast so it's not unexpected for some to be concerned about it, but anger? She sounds angry to me. All my loved ones are happy for us. I just didn't expect Morgan to take it this way.

"I don't even know the dude. I admit he seems like a catch. He's definitely fuckable." Abbie glances at me with a small smirk. "Why can't you just fuck him and have fun? Why the rush to marry him if the baby has nothing to do with this?"

"It's not about the baby. I love him."

"You can love the guy without jumping into marriage. I've never even said two fucking words to the man."

"Is now not a good time then?" She asks as she shifts her phone so I'm included on screen.

Morgan pales slightly. This feels awkward considering everything she just said. "Fuck. Sorry," she mumbles. "Could have given me a fucking heads up here, Abs."

"Sorry! I didn't expect you to react like this."

"Hello," I awkwardly wave at her. What the hell am I suppose to say? Morgan is Abbie's person. I have to win her over. She has to be ok with this. "For the record, I'm definitely a catch." Abbie gives me a huge smile and nods in agreement.

"I can tell you're a nice guy," Morgan says to me, "but I don't know you so I don't trust you. There was that shit with Victor and Ivy and I'm not close enough to the situation to know what the hell is going on." Fuck. She has a right to be suspicious of me. I'm sure Abbie goes to her to complain so she's only getting a one sided picture here.

"I understand your concern, but I think I've proven myself worthy of your Abbie. I love her." I move closer to Abbie and stare into her eyes. "I'll always take care of her and cherish her and our baby. You have my word on that," I say as I turn my attention back to the stranger on the screen.

"Damn, girl. Are we really serious here? We're doing this marriage and baby thing all in one go?"

"Yeah. We are."

"What the fuck, woman! How long have you even been together? You can't possibly know he's your forever in this short amount of time."

"She's my forever," I lament. "I don't need anymore time than this to know I want to make a life with her."

"Holy holy hell!" Tears instantly spring from her eyes. Crying has to be a good sign here, right? "Marriage? You're getting married? We're only 23 for crying out loud. Are we even old enough to get married? You'll never ever come back to me now." Shit. "You're always gonna stay there because you'll have a husband," she sobs.

"Aww, Moo."

"What am I gonna do without you? You're my Abs. I need you. I always thought you'd come back but you're not. Abbie. No. Please. Pick me over him. You're my everything. I'll help you raise your baby. We can do this together. Have a girl power moment." Tears are pouring from Abbie's eyes now too. Fucking shit.

This can't be good. I nervously eyeball Abbie. I kiss her cheek. I don't know what to say to this, but it doesn't feel like a conversation I should be involved in. I think Morgan is clearly upset because she wants Abbie to come back to New York. I think that's the bigger issue here than us getting married so fast. "I'll give you ladies some alone time."

"Thank you."

"Morgan, I look forward to properly meeting you. I promise, with all sincerity, that Abbie is my everything too." I kiss her again and walk into the bedroom.

"He's so sweet," I hear Morgan cry out.

"I know. You're going to love him," Abbie sobs.

"I know." They're having a big sob fast.

I sit on the bed and pull out my phone. I check out the website to a local jeweler to see when they open. I have no idea what kind of ring I want to get for her. I wasn't even considering doing this. Jerra definitely sprung this on us, but I don't even care. My little girl has definitely been the ultimate matchmaker here. How much is my budget for this? I don't even know. I'm going to need to go through some numbers before we go. We're having a baby so that's something to consider too. No. I'm getting her an amazing ring because it's what she deserves. I'm not going to let the baby take something away from her. I can't wait to slip it on her finger.


I sit staring at Morgan on my phone. Neither of us are saying anything. We're just sitting here watching each other bawl. Wyatt was so sweet to give us some privacy. I'm glad he understands this is something personal between the two of us. Eventually, both of our tears dry up.

"Morgan, please be happy for me," I beg. "You're the only person I have and I need you to be excited about this."

"Ok. Alright. Alright," her voice changes into a more positive tone. "I have to wrap my head around this surprise. I'm just getting use to the fact that you're having a kid and now you're getting married. So give me the deets. How epic was this proposal that it swept you off your feet? Let me see your ring."

"Oh. Well, we're picking one out tomorrow."

"OH! So you get to pick out your own ring? That's fucking amazing!"

"Is it? I guess. I never really thought about it before. Isn't it something the guy is suppose to do?"

"Nah. How the hell do I know though. I don't even have any marriage prospects. How'd he propose? Was it super romantic?"

"Not exactly," I laugh.

Morgan frowns. "He's sounding less and less like your Prince Charming here."

"Stop. It was spontaneous and surprising for the both of us."


"Jerra. She more or less asked me."

"The daughter?"

"Yeah," I say with a huge smile. "She asked me to join their family and asked why I didn't want to. I panicked, not knowing how to explain to her that it doesn't really work like that. Wyatt tried to explain it but then said she was right."

"And then?"

"Then I bolted. Ran out of the house without answering either of them."

"Scared the shit out of you, didn't it?"

"Yeah," I admit. "Wyatt followed me out and he was so understanding and sweet." My voice softens as I talk about him. "He professed his love and asked a few more times before I told him about the baby."

"Bout damn time for that."

"I know. He assured me that wanting to marry me has nothing to do with the baby since he asked before he knew. Then he went down on one knee. I said yes before I even had time to process it."


"It's fast. Too fast, I know. I want to marry him and we're having a baby anyway, so why wait?"

"You shouldn't I guess," she sighs out. "I can't believe you're really getting married."

"Be my maid of honor? Please? I can't do this without you."

"GIRL! Just try to stop me! When's the big day?"

"No plans yet."

"So next month? Christmas Eve then? You two seem to be working fast." I laugh at her but she does have a point. "Wedding in a month, baby in nine? Isn't that how it's working?"

"Stop," I giggle. I turn and peek towards the bedroom door, wondering if Wyatt can hear us. I lower my voice. "I met my parents the other day."

"Say what?! Slow your fucking roll! You did what?"

"I met them." A tear slips from my eye.

"Holy shit, Abigail. Are you ok?"

"Not really. I don't know how to feel." I twirl a curl around my finger.

"What did they say? Did you shock the shit out of them? Did they instantly know it was you? Do you look like them? Were they nice or mean? This is huge, Abbie!"

"It's such a long story," I sigh out. "I wish I could tell you in person. It turns out my birth mom was the doctor who saved my life."

"No... Fucking... Way..."

"I know. Wyatt knew but said nothing to her, obviously. So when I was in her house, she recognized me immediately but didn't know why I was there. Morgan, they're so nice and pretty. They're really pretty people. I look like my dad. My hair belongs to my mom though and they want me."


"Why do they want me?"

"Because you're the most awesomest human ever."

"They don't even know me. They claim to love me and all this shit. It's just a lot."

"Girlie, you've got a lot you're dealing with right now. New relationship instantly turned fiancé... surprise baby growing inside you... a new home halfway around the world... meeting your birth family... You need to take a breather."

"I feel like I can't marry Wyatt until I figure out what to do about them."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I don't know how to love strangers. I don't know how to jump into this instant family that claim they've always wanted and loved me. Think how different my life would have been. I wouldn't have known what it was like to lose my mom. I wouldn't have known what it was like to be unloved and ignored by my dad and brothers. Would I have even suffered from depression or anorexia? Would I have grown up feeling loved and safe? It's not fair."

"I don't know. We'd never have become best friends then and I love you, Abbie. You'd never have known your mom and she loved you too."

"I love you guys too," I cry. "It just all feels like so much."

"You can't change the past or what happened to you. I know it was hard, but we have some fucking awesome memories. You need to focus on your future. You found the man you claim you want to marry. You got yourself knocked up. You've got an instant family with him and his kid. Now you just need to decide if your life is going to include your biological family or not. The reason you think you can't get married until you deal with this parent thing is because you want them there." I go to speak but she cuts me off. "Don't argue with me. You do. You just don't want to admit it."

"That's not necessarily true. I don't want it hanging over my head. I need to make a decision, accept it, and move on."

"Or you just said they were nice and wanted you. I know you, Abs. You're not going to walk away from that."

"They didn't want me though. They got rid of me. If I was so wanted, I'd be British right now. At least Cora didn't want me."

"Cora?" I forgot she has no idea who my parents are.

"Birth mom. According to them, nobody knew she was pregnant. She ran away to a whole other country and put me up for adoption. That's how far she wanted to be away from me."

"Or maybe it had nothing to do with you at all. You said she ran away. She ran away from something. Abbie, you can't condemn people for a decision they made. It's nothing you've ever had to face."

"I'd never get rid of my kid like that. I did get myself knocked up at an unideal time. Adoption was never in consideration."

"Yeah, but that's because of what you went through. You know what it's like to be an adopted kid. It doesn't mean Cora faced the same challenges. She ran away from something." Yeah her dad and that makes no sense. He's seriously so nice and he actually tried to find me. "So your birth dad didn't know about you?"

"No. Not until afterwards I guess."

"Did you ask him what he would have done if he had known?"

"No. I didn't get the chance to."

"So you're punishing him for something she did?"

"I guess I am, but Morgan..." I cry out in frustration. "Stop making so much sense."

"I'm not trying to upset you. I'm trying to understand everything."

"They got rid of me!"

"She did."

"I'm so mad and hurt!"

"Then tell them that. Tell them you're mad. Tell them they hurt you. Let them know what you went through because of the decision she made. Then you have to hear them out too."

"They're just strangers," I whisper out.

"Wyatt was just a stranger not that long ago too. Now look at you guys."

Wyatt's deep voice sounds through the room and I jump. I didn't know he had walked back in here. "She's right, Abbie." He crosses the room and pulls me onto his lap. He pushes my hair from my face and cups my cheeks.

"Damn right I'm right," Morgan laughs.

Wyatt chuckles slightly at her, but his eyes stay focused on mine. "I think you need to talk to them. You still have unfinished business. No matter what you end up deciding, you're not ready to make that decision until you get everything off your chest."

"I wrote them a note." My voice sounds so week with emotion. "When I was 13, I wrote them a note. It's kind of a poem I guess, but..."

"I remember it," Morgan interrupts me. "Read it to them, Abs. Let them see the hurt you went through. You have to remember that the decision was hers though. It doesn't sound like anyone else was involved with it so you can't really be mad at them for that. You also don't know what it was like for her either."

I lean my head against Wyatt's chest and stare at Morgan. I wish she were here. I'm so thankful I have Wyatt though. He wraps his muscular arms tightly around me. "Love you," he whispers into my hair.

"Aww. Ok. You guys are seriously cute. Alright. Enough of this sad shit. Didn't you guys just get engaged tonight or something?"

"Yeah," I laugh as I wipe my tears.

"Go slip into some sexy lingerie and fuck your hot guy. Wyatt, buy her an extra special ring tomorrow."

"I plan on it."

"Abbie, it's going to be ok. Maybe you moved to London and found your Prince Charming because you're actually a Brit after all. No matter how badly I want you here, you're not American, so get that sexy accent figured out. What's your last name, Wyatt?"


"Perfect. Get rid of the bastard's last name and take Wyatt's. No reason to have anymore ties to that dickface. Abigail Harris sounds fantastic. Love you. Now go get laid."

I can't stop laughing at her. That's why I love Morgan so much. She's opinionated and she lets me know exactly what she's thinking. She doesn't just tell me what she thinks I want to hear. She pushes me. Then she flips it all by making me laugh. "Ok. Love you too. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving. We'll do some wedding shit soon since we've got a month until the wedding."

"A month?" Wyatt asks with surprise.

I shake my head no. "That's just Morgan." I turn back to my phone. We blow air kisses at each other before the screen goes dark.

"How come you didn't talk to me more about your parents?"

"I don't know," I sigh out. "I guess part of me felt bad. Here I am complaining about something you wish you were able to do. You can't and I feel like shit for being such a drama queen about the whole thing."

"No, Abbie. I want to be included. I've already made peace with the fact that I'll never know who my parents are. It sucks, but it's ok. I do agree with Morgan though."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I wanted her take. She's blunt. I know she's right, but I want to be mad at them."

"That's ok. Tell them that."

I take a deep, shaky breath. The thought of telling them how angry I am scares me. "I'll think about it. Is that ok?"

"Of course. Though I heard you say we can't get married until then, so don't take too long," he winks. I know he's joking but I get the feeling he's worried I'm going to change my mind about this engagement.

"When do you want to get married," I ask.

"In a month?" He chuckles, making me giggle. "Whenever you do."

"Like is there a season or month that's important to you? Do you envision it being a certain way? What about a theme? Anything special you want? Anything at all?"

"Honey, I want you to have your dream wedding. Whatever you want is what I want."

"Because you've already been married..." So it doesn't actually matter to him. How could I have forgotten? He's been through all of this. He's already got to be a groom and given his last name away. Is this even special for him?

"Abbie," he chuckles. "You have a look of distaste on your face. Tell me what you're thinking."

"No. It doesn't matter."

"It does matter. To me it does. I don't want you to keep anything from me, not anymore."

"It's just, since you've done it before, does it make it not as exciting this time?"

"See? That wasn't hard to ask, was it?" I shake my head. "It's more special this time because I'm with the right women. When I told you I never loved Ivy, I meant it. We got married just so she would keep Jerra. That's it. When I said my vows, I felt like I was making a mistake. When I put that ring on her finger, it felt like a mistake. The entire time I had a terrible feeling that I was making a huge mistake. Not this time though. Not with you. Ok?"

"Ok." I give him a small kiss. "Does she have your name?"

He sighs. "Yeah. She still has my last name."

"Dammit. I hate that."

"I'm sorry. I wish I wouldn't have given any of it to her. My last name belongs to you and only you. You're the woman I want to give it to and I'm excited you want to take it."

"Me too. Do you have wedding pictures?"

His face scrunches up with disgust. "You want to look at my wedding pictures?"

"Yeah, so I know what not to do. I don't want a wedding that resembles hers at all."

His face is still crinkled up. "Is this going to upset you or anything?"

"No. Promise. It'll be really embarrassing if it looks like I'm copying her wedding. It has to be different."

"I packed all that stuff away."

I quickly jump up and pull on his arm. "Let's go find it."

"Right now?"

"Yeah. Come on."

"What about fucking your hot fiancé? Isn't that what we're suppose to be doing right now?"

"Oh my poor baby." I give his lips a small kiss. "You're definitely getting laid tonight. I need to see these pictures first. I can't plan this wedding until I know my no's. Come on! You wanted this so don't drag your feet on me now."

"I want to get laid," he pouts and I giggle at him. "Ok. It's in the garage," he reluctantly says. I follow him out there. He definitely uses this space for storage. It's where he parks his motorcycle too. He moves to the far right corner and picks up a tote. He sits it at my feet and opens it. He said he packed the Ivy stuff away. I didn't really consider what all would be in here. It's like an Ivy time capsule. I instantly hate it and want to burn everything in here.

There's a photo album with a picture of the both of them holding a baby Jerra. I move that one aside. I find framed photos that must have once been displayed in their apartment. I pull out what's clearly their wedding album, but I sit it aside. I want to see what else is in here first. I'm just curious to know what kind of stuff Wyatt held on to.

"That's the album," he says as he points to the book I just sat next to me. I only nod at him.

I'm currently holding a framed 8x10 picture of them from their wedding day. Ivy is breathtaking. She looks every bit of the supermodel I always thought she was. Her dress is a simple, silky sheath. She's wearing flowers in her hair. Wyatt looks so handsome and sexy in his tuxedo. They're posed in a flower garden. It's surreal to see them like this. Wyatt takes the picture from my hands. I didn't realize they were trembling until he removed it. He glances at it for only mere second before sitting it back in the box. I pull it back out though. There's another photo album underneath it. Opening to the first page, tells me this one was from college. I find a beautiful and classic wedding invitation. It's ivory with gold script and a floral border around it. There's another invitation to Ivy's bridal shower. He kept this too? There's a picture frame of dried flowers. Is this her wedding bouquet? I pull out a case that says they're the digital files from the videographer and photographer. Ivy's garter and a crystal H cake topper is also here. There's a small velvet ring box. I open it to find two plain gold rings.

"She sold the engagement ring," Wyatt states. I actually forgot he was here. I feel a little bad about snooping now. It's like I'm spying on a part of his life that I don't really want to see but I'm also desperate to know about. Even though there are still things in here to snoop through, I quickly pack everything away except the wedding album.

"Didn't she want any of this?"

"No," he laughs. "She took the pictures that were just of herself. That's all she wanted."

"Why did you keep it then?"

"Not really sure," he shrugs. I watch as he shoves the tote back on a shelf and turns off the garage lights. "It felt wrong to just throw it out. Even though it was a mistake, it's still our memories. I thought Jerra might like it someday." Jerra... Here I was worried that he saved them because of some hidden love for her. How many times does he need to reassure me? "Want some water?"

"Sure," I call over my shoulder as I walk into his bedroom. My bedroom? I assume this is going to be my bedroom. Should I just move in now since we're engaged? Wait until after the wedding? We have a lot to discuss.

I lay on my stomach at the foot of his bed, facing the tv. I search for a Christmas movie and settle on a classic. Wyatt hands me a bottled water. I take a sip and toss it next to me. He digs through his drawers and disappears into the bathroom.

I open the wedding album. Traditional. Classic. Summer or springtime. Everything's pretty green so I'd guess summer. They got married in a large church. White and pink floral bouquets line the aisle. Bridesmaids wore pink. I recognize Andy standing up with Wyatt. Ivy has one girl. The reception looks expensive. Ivory table cloths that look like silk. Large floral arrangements with candles. The same draped silk material is gathered at the ceiling to the center of the banquet room where a huge crystal chandelier hangs. The white, ivory, and pink cake is huge and almost completely covered with flowers.

I didn't know Wyatt had walked back into the room until I feel him crawl into bed. He leans against the headboard and I giggle that he's probably getting a good look at my ass. He shifts my legs and stretches out so his legs run down my sides. He grabs my foot and begins massaging it. This feels amazing. "The wedding looks expensive. You guys were so young. How did you afford it?"

"Her parents. Her mom wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but she was thrilled to throw a large wedding. It was a status thing for them. So many of the guests were strangers that were nothing more than business associates to them. It was strange and I hated everything about it. I turn back to the pictures and study one where they're dancing. I hate it. He may not have loved her, but I hate the look he's giving her here. I hate that he was married before. I hate all of this. I never expected to be marrying a divorced father. I feel Wyatt's hand creep up and down the back of my legs.

"I hate this picture," I voice my displeasure of it aloud.

"Then stop looking at them. Surely you have an idea of what not to do now, right?"

"Yeah. I guess you're right." I sigh as I shut the book. Looking at those pictures has left an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. They had a beautiful wedding. It just wasn't a perfect marriage.

I feel the bed moving around. I look over my shoulder to watch as Wyatt scoots closer to me. Now, as he rubs my legs, he can reach all the way up the back of my thighs. He reaches under my skirt and gives my ass a squeeze. My legs are spread so they are falling on either side of his hips and I instantly turn wet. He's without a doubt getting a nice show now. "This sexy ass is calling my name." I giggle as he gives me a small spank. "Do you like these knicker's, my soon to be Mrs Harris?" I shiver hearing him call me that; Mrs. Harris.

"I don't know. Why?" At that, I hear the tearing of fabric. "Wyatt!" I scream.

"They were in my way. I need to taste your delicious pussy." I give a startled yelp as he grips my tighs and pulls on my legs. He lays back at the same time, dragging me with him so I'm now laying on top of him. He tugs on me some more and I instantly feel his face against my vagina. "Perfect," he mumbles against it.

"Wyatt," I breathe out in a breathless moan as he runs his tongue through my folds. "Oh god." He swirls his tongue over my clit and I squeeze my legs together. He wraps his arms around my thighs and pulls them open wider for him.

"You taste so good, baby." He buries his face. It is literally shoved against my vagina.

"Wyatt," I moan out as I allow my face to fall against his cock. His bulge is so hard and just begging me to touch it. I rub my hand across it, feeling it flinch. I move his sweatpants down and pull it out. Wyatt runs his teeth across my clitoris. I shudder then moan out when he sucks it into his mouth again. I wrap my lips around his dick and Wyatt groans loudly. The vibrations of his moans against my pussy causes me to shiver.

I fight my gag reflex the entire time I suck him. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do this without gagging. "Fuck, Abbie," he moans out. "Climb on top."

"Yes, sir," I mumble with desire coursing through my veins. I turn around and Wyatt kicks his pants off. I take a moment to allow my eyes to sweep across his naked body. This sexy man is going to be my husband. I straddle him and slowly lower myself onto him. "Wyatt..." He pushes up the hem of my shirt and I pull it over my head for him. I shiver as his calloused hands rub up and down my sides. Pleasure is etched across his face. He sits up and unhooks my bra before pulling it off. My nipple is instantly in his mouth. I cling to his hair, pulling it slightly as I continue to ride him. He falls backward, pulling me with him. I kiss him hard, not caring that his face is covered in my juices. "Love you." His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me firmly against his chest. He's holding me so tight that I can't grind against him anymore. It doesn't matter though because he's humping into me and pulling me down to meet the movements. Our tongues continue to dance until my body alights with pleasure. I throw my head back and Wyatt moves his lips to my neck. I scream out as pleasure rockets through me.

"Damn," Wyatt hisses before his moans meet mine. I feel him explode inside me just as my body comes down from it's high. I sit up and look down at him. His eyes are tender as his fingers trail up and down my thighs. "You'll never know how much I actually love you," he whispers out.

"I know because I love you just the same." He grins at me.

I slide next to him and watch as his cock falls. I go ahead and push my skirt off and laugh as I remove the broken thongs from around my waist. "Wyatt! I liked these panties. They were expensive."

"Sorry, babe. Guess I owe you a new pair of knickers." I giggle at him then a thought suddenly occurs to me. I dive for the edge of the bed and grab the wedding album. "What are you doing?"

"There's one more thing I need to check. I don't want a ring like hers."

"Abbie, no. I want you to pick out a ring you like." When I ignore him, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I squeal with surprise. He flips me and forces me to look up at him as he leans over me. His large, flaccid penis hits against my stomach. "You need to stop ignoring me, wife-to-be."

"I'm sorry. I just need to see her ring. I definitely don't want it to be the same."

"Abbie," he sighs. He runs his hand through his hair as he crawls off me. He looks exhausted all of a sudden. "So far, all our wedding talk has been about Ivy. I'm tired of hearing her name. They're not good memories. I don't want this to be about her. I want it to be about us. Pick the ring out that you like."

"I'm sorry." I feel emotions swell in my chest. I hate that he sounds so hurt right now. I also hate that he's been married before. "I just don't want one like hers. I want you to look at my ring and think of me, not her."

"I'll make sure they're nothing alike, ok? Honestly, I'd never buy you one like that anyway. You deserve better."


"One more story then we're done with Ivy. Deal? This is our wedding and it shouldn't have anything to do with her. If you want pink bridesmaid dresses, you should be able to have them because that's what you want. I don't want you to pick a different color just because that's what Ivy had. I want to give you your dream wedding."

"Wyatt..." I crawl onto his lap. Even though there's a lot of emotion right now, I feel his dick growing hard and I can't help but giggle because of it. "Really?"

He looks at me with amusement. "We're naked and you're straddling me. What did you think would happen?"

"I don't know," I giggle. I rub his face, feeling the harsh stubble there. "Listen. Our wedding is going to be my dream wedding for one reason and one reason only. You. I'm marrying my dream guy. Honestly, I've never fantasized about my wedding so I have no idea what I want. I promise I'm not giving up anything special because of Ivy. I just really want something completely different. Ok?"


"So about this ring."

He sighs again. "It's the one thing I wouldn't let them pay for. Her dad tried to give me money to buy her a better ring but I refused. The ring's suppose to be the symbol of love, right?" I nod. "I wanted to buy it myself. I was barely an adult though. I couldn't afford anything. It was a small solitaire princess cut diamond and she hated it. Hated the size. Hated the shape. Hated the quality. She hated it all. She threw a giant fit when I gave it to her. Then she called her dad to beg him to buy her a new one. I put my foot down and pissed her off. The wedding was almost called off because her ring wasn't good enough." He chuckles but its filled with annoyance. "I almost caved in fear she would terminate the pregnancy. She already had wedding fever though, so she dropped it. We were still married when she sold it," he chuckles again. "So no. You're not getting a ring like hers. Not at all. I'd like to say money is no object, but it obviously is. I'll do my best to get you the one you love though."

Emotions swirl in my chest. "Wyatt..." I run my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. "I would have happily worn the ring you gave her. I would have loved it and cherished it because you bought it for me."

"I know." He gives me a gentle kiss. "That's why you're getting a better one."

"Surprise me." His face scrunches up in confusion. "With the ring. Surprise me. Why don't you and Jerra pick one out together. I'm going to love anything you get me."

"No. I want to get what you like."

"If Jerra wasn't such a little matchmaker, would you have already had a ring bought when you eventually proposed?"

His entire face alights with his grin. "She is a matchmaker isn't she?"

"Yes," I giggle. From the Halloween carnival to now. She's definitely been the matchmaker in our relationship.

"Yes, I would have already bought one."

"Then go buy me the ring you want me to have. It doesn't have to be this huge flashy thing either. Jerra will feel extra special that she's involved with it too."

"Are you sure?"

"More than sure."

"You're incredible." He pulls me into a heated kiss and leans me backwards until my back hits the mattress. A loud moan escapes both of our mouths as he slides inside me again. "I love you." He moves kisses down my neck as he slowly pumps into me.

"Love you," I breathlessly moan in response.

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