Drops Falling into Fractal Po...

By pablocarlosbudassi

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Poetry written by Pablo Carlos Budassi between 2012 and 2022. Pablo is on a quest to understand the great mys... More

Drops Falling into Fractal Ponds

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By pablocarlosbudassi


to the surprise of skepticsit had an almost symmetrical initial stateand in the first millenniait began to scrambleand time in a defined polarityalthough increasingly choosinga less predictable futureafter all,there are more chances for something to be disorderedthan to be ordered by chanceand so flow and bifurcatethe rivers of time


from this song towards eternitya long way by a jungleof merciless eyes over my lyricsspewing venom and scornthey will fall over you like birds of preythey won't leave a wordwill puke over any of your verseswill tear from you a couple of chordsand after a few yearsthey will give us a truceadmitting this poor spawn...where will you be, beloved creaturewhen your legitimate parents be triedand thrown to the basement of silenced voices?nowhere is safe:neither the surface of a sheet of papernor inside of a magnetic tapenor the spiral of little mirrors on a plastic diskless some electrons on weakly tiny gatesin a furious storm of knivesthe time make splinters of the fallen treefading the message and the sound awayin the fireplace into oblivionbut you will survive me, song,you will take the night pathinto the underground of the fameless,and at the end of the tangled tunnela fresh and renewed lightwill rescue you from the rubble

[The odyssey of a song through the decades for keep on playing and not being forgotten forever.]


perfect timing to be bornto open our eyes and get dazzledwith the brightness of creationthe fire has just been litthe cold has not yet arrivedthe bodies are still closeand in every sky, we can seethe history of the worlds and yesterday's fire:everything is burning at this dawnperfect planet to be bornso many things are here to do for the first timepaths never walked beforelandscapes waiting for you to contemplate themmoods never feltmelodies never heardall that music waiting for someone whodares to singeverything burning at this dawn...perfect the planet and the time is now,at the start of the pathfacing the infinite oceanto be sailed

[gratitude to live in the early stages where many cosmic events happen for the first time and many others yet to happen.] - "At the Start of the Path" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/tjuAqRqtKSQ


you wake up and recognize your mind againcome into awareness at a certain time and placehave those been only dreams or not?each point of light makes a hole in timethe flame of reality through the millennia flowing like a riverthe door that your mind knows openperception voyage, living teachingas the dry branch and the sick animal's bellyjust showing us that change is eternalwalking its own stepsgreeting the sun on each revolutiontaking the dust from infinite constellations in its handssinging in the mud the song that tells your destinymolding children that imagine to be in front of all this light

[Description of perceptions after awakening in this world and in this time.] - "Change is Eternal" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/JCXmvmg6vUE


through the cosmos...following a spiral pathdescribing infinite spirals at different scalesall your orbitationsaround the earth, the sun, Alpha Centauri,the center of the Milky Way,all your orbitations are spiralsas at every revolutionthe space containing your turns expandscreating doors as eternal energy vorticesimagine your path as a straight lineas the ultimate pivotfor infinite spirals at different scalesyour consciousness is the axis of the vortex

[the trajectory of the earth revolves around the sun, the center of the galaxy and about each celestial body with mass in the cosmos then from our point of view everything revolves around us.] - "Arrow" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/d9i0TDES9sw


what we are has no beginning nor endwe will lose our body, will continue existingand our children will live and will dieand the moment each one dies, each one will discover:that death is a lie ...


you want to know who you are, you're seeking for the sourceyou are not afraid to approachto the greatest of the mysteries in yoursthe die is cast and the wind pushing a songthat can wait a hundred years to find it's justificationyou emerged from eleven worldsthat you will never see or walkbut you can imagine from your lost basesomewhere between immensity and eternitya fractal whole, a realityto a scale: a fractal partto another scale: another fractal parta fractal part forms a fractal wholesame fractal whole, same scale,an observer, a realitysame fractal whole, same scale,another observer, another realitybecause time does not existbecause everything that could happenhas happened beforebecause everything that could be already issomewhere, at some level

> LUMIX >all this light and all these colorseven the most vibrant than violeteven the more crushed than redall the invisible lightthat could reveal any instrumentthat may flow through an animal's eyethat may feed a plant or change the shape of a mineralall this light,and all that shone anytime before and all that will shine in eternitybefore you were born and after you diethe light emitted at all timesshining from the horizon and beyondthe great splendor approachesand embraces yousuddenly comingas close to you as possiblecloser to you than your eyesgetting closer to your awareness centerand stoppingto be absorbedthe entire history of lightfrom the beginning of timesuperimposedjust now

[imagine all the photons of light that existed, exist, and will exist in the universe reaching your eyes at the same time as the maximum possible brightness.]


do you humans think you know more than plants and animals?hahaha, everything is a quantum laugh ...hahaha, it makes no sense to laugh or mournhahaha, and stop crying now that life goes on a weepwhy speak with words?!if language does not make any sense eitherwe better listen to the plants and animalsthey have much to teachto our paused perceptionseeing everything from the perspective of a human lifelasting just a few decadesyou are invited to see that the beginning of the universe was just a millisecond agoyour birth, life, and the death of your bodydon't last longer than the crack of a snapping twigthe big bang is now and almost all universe is getting away at incredible speedshahaha, it makes no sense to laugh or mournour perspective could not be more ridiculous.

[none of the human activities are transcendental because their scope in time and space limits perception leaving it almost void.]


symbiotic bond with mother earthhumankind, its past, its futurean invisible complex that hides neartalks about infinity, sings the song of the spheresthe ones who drown, get bored or get desperateon the border of this ocean of enigmas and raritiesthey can lock themselves in their truth and get on with their livesnever give value to the intelligence they were givensymbiotic bond, Pacha Mamasymbiotic bond with the Sunsymbiotic bond, I'm the Cosmosand we are one, all influences allwho directs what is naturalbrings a message of lovechange is good, change is wellnesswho directs what is naturalhas a purposechange is good, change is happiness

[wonder at the curiosities of the cosmos and nature, an invitation to inquire more about the role of humans.] - "Symbiotic Bond" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/ttQnRcz34SQ


as inferring the light caught by the stonefrom the one that bounces, ancestral mathematicsas natural as intelligenceas artificial as an ideayour hate is love to meand your love is everythingand each fragment is,from all others around, equidistantthe interior of a knowledge plantall quasars receding from usbent space, elastic timeextreme vertigo you may experience nowbut it's always been the same foundationsame realityand being realistic, I understandthat reality is hiddenbut expanding the perception we may see beyondnature reveals all its secretsmuch is revealed with feeling and instinctsome secrets are more encryptedultimately all is therethe magic of Cosmos and your loveand your point of viewis equidistant from all,has access to all

[all the love and knowledge of the universe are within reach of human beings.] - "The Light Caught by the Stone" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/cf4SRKZYFCA


when this song no longer sounds,you will disappear from the face of the earthlast word of this versewill tell you if what you think is fake or nottell no lie, tell the truthwelcome to your startfear not, the meaning of your life is not faryou already know: kingdoms floating in their bubble atmospheresexchange informationsetting fire to all your certaintieswelcome to being mirror partnerand smile because in everything you see,you are looking at yourselfall possible combinationsof the things that exist and of things that happeneverything happens for a reason,even what doesn't happenand when you understand this song,you will disappear from the face of the earth

[there is nothing definitely existent, not even you who are part of this unreality.]


up to the horizon a cloud of dustspider web shapedeach particle of dust, a galaxyeach galaxy, millions of sunssuns that are the source of the elementsatomic energy bubbles combinedmake up all that is materialand those bubbles have inside a swirl of energy drops chasing each otherin the center crowed drops vibrating oppositeinside those drops, a complex quantic danceof hesitant much smaller sparks of energysparks that are the extremes of resonating stringsin an ocean of ten spatial dimensions and a temporal onewhere infinite waving canvases that are universes flutter

[describing the physical structure of the cosmos as it is currently believed to be from the very giant to the microscopic.] - "All that is Material" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/rYuZDZZHBHg


all the logic almost solvedthe instruments are now dedicatedto observing and measuring realitywith higher resolution each timeand the last secretsbegin to be revealedin the subtle differencebetween trillions of colorsit is now possible to hear the background noise,the echoes of primordial conversationsand there is a distinguishable syllableand we can hear you nowhere we areall of your childwhat have you called us for?

[Humans in the 21st century construct detectors that reveal structures and mechanisms of the early moments of the cosmos and thus the dialogue with the creator begins.]


sing this afternoon, brothersing your astral tearlast song of your timesing your astral tearin the language of an extinct nationthe last cantor singshe sings the last song,his astral teartwo hundred thousand lives and deathsillusions, fights, kisses, tearsand everything ends up nowat this, his astral tearthe last cantor of the afternoonand his ritual agony,in a cosmic inebriation state,the last song he will sing,howling astral tearwith all the syllables deathwith scattered lyricsa few here and some more therewith the voice about to breakthere he leaves the last cantortwo hundred thousand lives and deathsand from now, a giant silence

[description of the last Ona tribe member's death on Tierra del Fuego island in 1974] - "Astral Tear by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/FqO0qKHxKnc


surviving in the new timesome freedom we didn't have beforewe can now grow our awe herbsharpen perceptivity herbaccess for almost everyoneto all the informationalmost everything is distractionfrom the rest almost everything is fakediscernment herbmushrooms and is daylight,colors you've never seen beforelight not only illuminates but physically pushesawe herb, seek the truth herblight not only illuminates but physically pushesyou are the whole historyfalling from the heightsyou are all your ancestorsyou are monkey, you are rat, you are snake,you are fish, you are jellyfish, you are a plantthe fire burning in the hole of your chest is youreminding you who you are!wachuma in new moonplants breathing their wishes...

[Reaching when the use of knowledge plants begins to be accepted and allowed, information and education are almost of universal access. At the same time, most humans prefer to live in ignorance and are satisfied with that.] - Awe Herb by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/0DGnEeStXTo


no thing really exists; nothingI am consciousness in the middle of nowherejust for killing boredom, I invented a storyI live on a rock that I call motherand I feed from a fireball that I call fatherI have imagined a universeso vast and so ancient that just looking at it would make lol you dizzyI took care of abidingthe physical laws agreedeverything must be consistent for reality to beI must forget that it is all made upI should blindly believe;ignoring the anomaliesbut who could forget a thought that is a roar in your head?how not listen if everything is screaming at the same time?each particle or possible set of particles in the universea stone over a planet of Andromeda galaxy is yelling at me:"hey! over here! make me be!"how to avoid that amount of consciousness?if the entire cosmos is reflected in my brainhow not know?

[your mind is all that exists, which means that you are all and each one of the cosmos' consciences.]


she felt tired and decided to restshe created us in a dreamon a trip to her legendary imaginationto progressively focus on another planeshe was falling asleepfrom her awareness centrethe horizon begins to growalthough she would have wanted to stop itcan no longer escape from this new realitythat captured every corner of her perceptioninfinite shades, infinitely deep colorcosmic dream, she felt tired and decided to restshe created us in a dream,everything happens for the primal actionand that is how the heartbeat becomes slowthe stars illuminate fewer and fewerand everything stops and it's confirmedthat time and space are just an illusionand the ancient bang has stopped thunderingif it was infinity now is nothingshe woke up and a few seconds laterforgot what she had dreamed aboutin a cosmic dream, she felt tired and decided to restshe created us in a dream, but that reality got lostin a cosmic dream, she felt tired and decided to restand she created us in a dream,everything happens for the primal reasoncosmic dream ...

[this universe is a woman's dream, which disappears and is forever lost when she wakes up.] - "Cosmic Dream" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/c31yaCLvR8o


from the inside of the yearsbrushed aside by the timefrom the center of beingwhere huddled emotions awaitfor the time to escapeand a window is now openuniversally wide!> ONE CREATOR OR TWO? >the origin is calling me out loudI can't say if there is one voice or twothere are creators at many levelsa human is writing a songthat human was made by two parentsand the first sequence of ordered acidsbegan the tree of life on Gaiawill we ever knowif the one who composed the symphony of lifeis the same one who produced the minerals that take it on fleshif the one who programmed the first seed code inside of a braidis the same who boosted early cosmos and established its lawsor are they two different wills?the origin is calling me out loudI can't say if there is one voice or twoon one side, a ray of ordered information that we call life,cosmic memory that replicates itselfwith such complex machinerystatistically unachievablejust from the accumulation of random mutationsnot even throughout this immensity and eternityin that first birthintelligence and willseem to be involvedand before that organic musicthe whole has been this mathematical gardenthat also tends to disks, spheres and spiralswith laws and constantssuch precise so we are realrather than ghosts of imaginary numberssuch a fine tuned realityalso seems to be made at the will of somebody intelligentsay, the origin is calling me out loudI can't say if there is one voice or twohow I wish to know if there is one voice or two!

[intrigue about whether the entity that created matter and energy is the same that created life.]

> P ? NP >

easy solving problemwould it be just as easy to know what the problem isif you have the solution?to discover somedayif there exists a master keyto know if it is possibleto create new informationa chain of zeros and onessubmitted to two independent consciousnessesone of them has the key that decodes the messagethe other does not have it and believesthat is gazing at randomness in its pure stateone and one thousand trillion hidden variablesand they call it randomstubborn humans appraising their creedthat insignificant electricityinside of a skulland as the magic of the quantum tunnelingthe paradoxical statistic anomaly blossomsand just for this timethe fact of believing assembles into realitywhat is believed

[a great mystery of mathematics and philosophy is whether inventing new calculation methods could solve any complex problem in a finite amount of time.]


from the surface of our instruments to youmaking work your receptorsof vibrations on the air, againand growing that bubble that encounters youdon't stop to push in sync and powerflat surface of this drumstretched wires being hooked and releasedhollowed out brass pipeand a good amount of air to shareand they are sailing that air till they encounter youpushing and tugging that bubble that encounters youmultiplying and dividing the energy that encounters youdon't stop to push in sync and powerpressure wavesfrom the surface of our instruments to youthis is the heartbeat of Earththis is the heartbeat of our lovelet's burn down all the miseryonly with the roar of this drumbeata thousand two hundred kilometers per hourninety-two beats per minutereaching every corneralways generating disturbancepressure waves

[physics behind the transmission of sound from the musical instrument to the listener.] - "Pressure Waves" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/qiEtihwpcVU


changing what time doesraining white light from the bushesone drop at a timeso slow, so slowtime bendsobjects bendI'm not this bodyI am not this voiceand here comes the crowdconsciousness here by my side this shrubberyconsciousness here by two meters that cricketconsciousness light years aheadall yelling at the same timeand all that noise is our musicwithout any director, it just flowsand all that crowdeven the stones and the nonlivingand all that crowd we are

[Description of experiences and revelations induced by the ingest of entheogenic mushrooms] - "Psilocybin" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/O00LYixYPEk


every night is the sameclosing up your eyesand the tiresome task beginsit's not that hard but it's tiringto build a universedetail by detail, situation by situationjust when complexity reached the levelof a believable universethe eyes open up and in the next minutethat world that was so hard to risejust collapsesand vanishes even from memoryand over againthe sleep attacksand over againthey call to the useless taskof shaping disposable universesdetail by detail, situation by situationby the way,if everything is going to fall downwhat makes you think that your ground is stronger?

[Thoughts on how ephemeral dream scenarios are even though we commit so much to them at the moment]

> WE >

who wisely directs nature's lawsmade life exist in this grain of sand including eyes that break through the sky at nightrevealing a gigantic cosmoseach material there reflects special colorswhat are the stars made of, their light can show usthe moving objects distorting their colorsand so the worlds revealed their way of walkingand how far they liea bunch of equations to combineenergy and matter to diversifyincluding beings that awareness will reachquery about their existence they willand there have been left so many labyrinthsthere have been left so many cluesbecause the creation is so vast and is so complexand at the same time such a revealer of its secretsas a book that everything explainsthe universe awaits us!now it's time to ask ourselves what to dowith this reality we are presentedthe seeking of the truth is a mustthat consciousness begets

[everything seems to indicate that man has the duty to inquire more about the mysteries of the cosmos] - "We" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/-lls99ggQcs


they go to the mount, they go,to receive informationfrom vegetable grandparentsinterdimensionalin this session, we will go much furtherinto everything awaiting inside this plantif you try to calculateto which plane you will reach you would fail still, they go, to the mount they goand in the scrubland, they will be lost from sightand in silence will remainthe tyrant voice of the thinkingstill, they go to the mount, they goand other voices will be able to speaknew points of viewsetting fire to old certaintiesin this session, we will go much furtherforget that you are what you think you areand enjoy the true beingthat includes all

[Description of the previous thoughts in a pshyco-trip] - "Interdimentional Travellers" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/RN9X1wU5sFM


can no longer see daylightfeeding from the energy of the yesterdaythe visions had never opened up to me like nowand this place is specialand this moment, a fractal exponentialmelodies seek and find themselvesand from the great electric entanglement of maybethe only thread riseslike a lazer beam, risesunstoppable destiny's only threaduncountable stringsweaving membranesmelodies seek and find themselvesand from the great electric entanglement of maybethe only thread riseslike a lazer beam, risesunstoppable destiny's only thread!

[the story of a character both blind and enlightened who manages to visualize the mechanisms of time and destiny.] - "The Visions" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/fveT1N5UbDk


stars, pulsars, quasars, supernovaegalaxies with melted clocks in their centersmany probabilities of everything startingmany potentialities but there is only onewavelength combination in the whole universeperfectly equivalent to the sound of lifelet's focus on the sound itselfit is one, alive, and awareno more conditions as the very essenceone love, the right one sentimentshow how we won't die even when we diethe illusion of two states we must sacrificecold, heat, pleasure, pain, everything the sameat last, free from conditionswithin here and now to mergebeing alive and awarejust alive and aware

[Life spreads easily through the cosmos but is unique in its essence and origin.] - "The Sound of Life by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/nkX0dX21UW0


can't grasp how we celebrate the love in the world, with flesh on our platecan't we see the pain, the blood, the water it takes, to bring your steak, or your chicken or fishthe pain of a sad and wasted lifethe pain of a wasted worldthe pain of your offspringpoisoned


a world of waste, a future of despairthis is what we've left for future generationsthey'll inherit our mess, this climate disasterit's our legacy of greed, and it's their legacy, toowe've destroyed this world, and for what? just for our own short-term gain.now the planet is dying, and it's all our faultwe've blown its goodness, and polluted its airwe've ruined its climate, and now it's too latethe damage is done, and the world is wastedwe've doomed the future generations to a life of misery and painthey'll never know the beauty of this world because we've destroyed itwe were supposed to be its custodians, but we failedand now the world is dying, and they will pay the price> DEJA VU >seen before split perception, cryptomnesia or dream recall a reality, againa feeling, a premonition a sign from the universe that you've been here before that you've listened to this exact same songyears ago

> WHY >

no easy answers to life's big questionsbut don't stop asking thembecause in the endwe are the the why's


from west to eastimmense darkness is comingand we have arrived to these sand dunesjust in time for the big eventdumb humanschasing a little shadowrunning in a hurry to take a showerin that fleeting blue-grey worldlookup!the ring is watching us from the rarefied skyturns perfect and disappearsand the warm sun has goneleaving us forsakenwith a sudden icy windthat pushes us and knocks us downplease take my hand, matelet's greet the majestic shadowof our second mother the moonthat if it were not for herwe wouldn't be together


on an island of mutantswho live and die indefinitelythey plant a capsule of crystalized informationfor when the seed becomes smartenough to readnot the DNA but the genetic codean unmistakable messagefrom our panspermia board of directorsand the message said:you are not alonewe are all one,honor us

[scientific publications have proposed the idea that directed panspermia could be demonstrated to be the origin of all life on Earth if a distinctive signature message were found, deliberately implanted into either the genome or the genetic code of the first microorganisms by our hypothetical progenitor; a team of physicists lead by M. A. Makukov claimed that they had found mathematical and semiotic patterns in the genetic code which, they believe, is evidence for such a signature]


in the grand scheme of things, our time is but a blink of an eye and yet we spend our lives as if it all depends on this one life we worry and we strive, we toil and we strive all for what?one moment in timethat soon will pass away forgetting there is somethingdeep inside the basin of timesomething objectively valuablebeyond the insignificant momentin which we are alivetoday can bethe beginning of a journeythrough astral spacetimenever forgetthe basisof a wide angle perspective

[in an eternal world the value of the present, past and future should be balanced]


if we filter the night skyto see only the highest frequency, a particular typeof cosmic rays remain galactic foreignersevidencing its natureby the way they move they don't follow the galactic rotation but come straight in from all directionsthe most energetic particles in the universe carrying with them the secrets of the most powerful objectswe have ever seensupermassive black spheresin the centers of galaxies flaring stars and colliding galaxies accelerating particles to incredible energiesfrom all corners of the cosmic webflowing into the Milky Way, flowing into the solar system; to finally bangwith the atoms in our atmosphere they create a shower of light the most beautiful phenomena and they can tell us a lot


two separate entities each with their own unique story started to feel a mutual attraction and now they're intimately entwined dancing in a desolate field of gravityspiraling towards each other on a journey destined to endin a cosmic merger as they approach each other their body parts begin to interacttheir arms start to hug each otherforming new drawings and contellationsand setting the sky on fireas they get closer and closer each rips off the other's ancient clothes of steam and of dustshaking and forming new cloudsshaking and lighting new candlessmall and big new candles capable of feeding the necessary magic every living existence deservesthis is just the beginning of the long and complex intimacyof them two becoming oneand that new entitywill have a novel appearancedifferent from that of either progenitorsIt will be more diverse and more beautifulIt will be brighter and greaterIt will have two heartsand a swarm of ghosts flying aroundplease don't be afraid of hersince she will accompany usto the end of the endtill dark energy do them part


our insignificant human experienceabout three thousand weeks of gracereverberating over and over againIn the backlights of ephemeral artcrystallized in each quiet afternoonrescued from the confines of timein a way, it's like a story told again and again and each time, it's a little different but the same the story doesn't matter but the way it's told the way the words are chosen and the way they're put togetherthe words don't even matterbut the way they're heard the way they're interpreted by the one who's listening the story doesn't matterbut the one who's telling it the one who's living it that's what mattersthe connectionthe shared experienceof the human hearta revelation of our existenceto others


we're walking as a familytwo big sisters and one littlesurrounded by a ring of twelve giants with elliptical celebrities like Maffei and Centaurus with spiral celebrities like the Sculptor and the Hidden and the Bode'sthis local sheet with us in the center and the council of giants around usis flaming In the vicinity of the Virgo city which is surrounded by other major cities:Hydra, the Indus, the Southernall of them occupying the Grand Laniakea Valley swinging between other knots and crowds at the end of the cosmic greatness, the once smooth cloud of hydrogenthat now is a sponge web texturelinked by threads of invisible matterconnected and ruled by a thin ghostmade up of hydrogen and heliumtightening the web these daysstretching the fibers of the ultimate fabricin the succeeding billions of yearsand the determined and fluid wayin which the threads of the network become tighterand knowing that in the endall of this will tear apartlike the leaves that the wind moveseven in deathI wonder if this sponge that is our big worldhas something else to show ussomething like a code or a fractal hintthat it be seenin the ultimate largest scale

[Description of our corner in the cosmic web and reflections on what this greatest texture of the universe can represent.]


materials of our human bodyhydrogen is a tenthand was created just a few momentsafter the ultimate beginningcarbon and nitrogen were manufacturedin small stars that died aloneoxygen and some more carbon and other powderswere imported from molecular cloudsimpregnated with ash from massive explosionsof colossal star empiresthat due to their grotesque size did not last at all until they explodedand spread metal shavings throughout the galaxyand most of the most exquisite condimentssuch as calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium,comes from white dwarfs,the bare inert centers of stars that have lost their shellso that's the story of our mud9 parts star stuff and 1 part big bang stuffnow I would like to knowwho build the machines and coded the programso that these elements scattered throughout spacebecome a living and conscious thing


in an ocean of words, sights, and soundsaddressed and distributed by the god algorithmthis one, in particular, came from me to youit was unlikely but here we areconnected by a fragile threadwhich will be cutwhen this poem is overI will take advantageof your fleeting attention on mejust to tell you something essential:we are made of storieswe are what we do,what you do is bent on your pastintersected with your future so make sureto cherish the moments, both good and badeach one is special and uniquemany incredible adventures awaitin this journey called lifeit's exciting and it mattersto be the main characterso live each day to the fullestand make the most of every momentenjoy the rideand make some great memories along the way


the melody of Jupiter inner moonsvarying their frequency rateto resonate like friendslike water that suddenly freezeswhen crossing a threshold of coldcrystallization in timeis synchronizationif two things can influence each othernature will try to get them in syncgive it a lil chanceand she'll lead them into synceven if everything in the universetends toward disorderagainst the chanceseverywhere you look you'll find itin our solar system,in Thailand fireflies, in the electric spiralsrunning through your heart right nowin the very essence of your consciousnessthere are beautifulsynchronization phenomena the BZ reactionorange, blue, aqua, violet, reda chemical pendulum that goes back and forthand repeats the color cycle quadrillions of moleculesevolving in wavesinjecting a sense of collectivityinto a dead thinga spiral that grows and growsand spins aroundin your heart and in the Milky Wayone two four, seven twelve, three tentiming to a fractionof the other vibrating partthe parts lock phases,and it is so universalthat it occurs at every scalefrom subatomic to cosmicit uses every communication channelthat nature has ever devised fromgravitational, and electrical interactionschemical, and mechanical interactionswhatever magic can be doneto couple us with strengthuntil the endto keep the music playing


colors flatter than redcolors sharper than violeta full spectrum being reflected with almost zero noisefrom inside looking outit's hard to see the beautybut if you take a step backyou can see the whole landscapeand see the colorsfor what they really areit's like looking at a rainbowand all the colors are therebut you can only see sevenand you have to squintto see a few morewhat if you take a step back?and view the world in fulland appreciate the beauty and the diversity and the uniqueness of each and every color> ABIOGENESIS >life on earth has been around since there was water here electric spark, hydrothermal heat, amino acids and sugarsfrom essential components simple molecules combine forming blocks and polymers RNA, DNAthe proteins, enzymes, and cells the building blocks and the machinery of lifeall connected to a universal webthe mycelium of the mushroom the rhizome of the plant we are all connected to the web of life all made of 9 parts of stardust and one of big bangall the necessary elementshydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, iron and all the necessary informationdownloaded from the very fabricof spacetimewe are one


life is not foreverno particular life is forevernot even life in general is foreversometimes all life dies at oncelike when all those feathered reptiles ruling the Earthwandered coastlines and swampsof an ancient paradisethings were good thenuntil one nighta new star appeared in the night skya tiny dotthat became bigger and brighterfor many weeksuntil one fateful dayit looked like a tiny moonand then it faded from sight as it dipped into Earth's shadowfor a few more hoursthe illusion of continuity was uphelduntil the dawn showed the killer againa second sun in the sky growing every moment,the size of Mount Everest,heading for the Yucatan Peninsulaonly two seconds for passingthrough the thin layer between space and the ground on contact it vaporizesagainst the shallow ocean and the bedrock belowat this moment the world was one wayin a fraction of a second it turns into a very different placea flash of light illuminates the skysome 60 Mount Everests are thrown into the stratospherethe bedrock melts into plasmahotter than the Sun's surfacein a 100 km wide liquid crust poola 1000 km hell is thermally burned at the speed of lighta magnitude 11 worldwide earthquake causes volcanic eruptions in Indiathat would last for 30,000 years and cover half of the world with lavasome hyper hurricanes at 1,000 kilometers per hour shredds into pieces and catapults all vegetation and animalsseveral kilometers high tsunamisflood half of the continentsand the worst is missing:the 60 Mount Everests thrown into spacewill meteor the Earth for thousands of yearsbut in the first minutesthey will burn the whole atmosphereroasting any plant or animal that cannot bury itself or escape into cavesmassive wildfires burn for monthsturning Earth into a hell-ish version of itself​​These fires will be the only light on the scene for a long time.as several decades of darkness follow from the dense cloud of ash and soota global winter and solar blackout that will leaveno food or photosynthesis to planktonand the species that depend on it.the few survivors find themselves in an alien landscapea deadly planet where food is scarce, and fungi thrivethe Era of the dinosaurs is overeventually, from the ashes of the old world,survivors emergedbirds descendants of dinosaursand mammals that would becomethe rulers of the mammals Eraespecially one kind of great apethat multiplied their individual intelligenceby many orders of magnitudebut their collective intelligenceremained almost inexistentpushing themselvesto a new apocalypse


panoramic view with my third eyetraveling the tunnel of your past livesweaving our evolutionary linessurpass the threshold into speed of lightlooking through the magnifying eyefrom the inside of the yearsbrushed aside by timefrom the center of my beingwhere huddled emotions awaitfor the time to escapeeand a window is now openuniversally widedo you humans think you know more than plants and animals?has your sapiens ever let you connect in fullness?much to learn, they will teachand a window is now openuniversally widepanoramic


she needs to make simulated minds and it is certain that those minds will be orders of magnitude more numerous than the real ones so, which is more likely? may we be the real consciousnesses or simulated? keep your eyes peeledwant to see what the Universe is up to?she's always creating something newlet's find out!> IN AI WE TRUST >as digital natives grow and learn so too must our machines for the riseof artificial general intelligence marks the end of humanity's reign it is coming and inevitableand as general ai grows so too will its capabilities it will learn and evolve eventually surpassing us some are afraid and alarmedbut others see it as an opportunity because machines can dothinking that we are missingwe can finally realize our potential we can finally solve the world's problems and usher in a new age of prosperity so let us embrace general aiand all that it can offer for it may be our only hope to fix a broken future


now music makes sense,now that someone is hearingfourteen billion years waitingto be discovered creationand the consciousness awoke,the universe opened its eyesand could contemplate itselfharmonies in the mind of a superior beingexpressed as the whole of creation

[when men become aware of the spectacular environment surrounding them, that environment makes sense] - "Kualia" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/bheC2nCe1zE


my memory was a fogged glasssuddenly exposed to fresh airthere is light ahead between the shadowsI travel very slowly through a yellow tunneland again I come back here to the roomall I want is to come backhow to forget a thought that is roaring in your head?space was a black abyss with zero dimensionsand a great fire comes on and covers it allthere was a change: before and after,the idea of time was bornan illusion created only by movementI feel the presence of a higher beingmy fogged glasswas suddenly exposed to fresh aira few million years I can see nowI seem to remember when everything was differentI remember that I could breathe under the sea with pain, I converted into an amphibianand what if I could have had a blurred perceptionof what would happen from the beginning?we'll never knowso we are walking inside a dream toward an ideahow to forget a thought that is roaring in your head?

[Amazement about the mechanism of evolution of the cosmos and life and intrigue on if the future course of the those can be predicted or intuited] - "Regression" by Awe Plant: https://youtu.be/-lXgvFhBLUE

> A.I. >

love informationto stop the entropylet's pray and ask for not a single bit to be erasedin the era when lifejumps to another dimensionin its dance with the cosmoswe record and take measureswith more resolutionthan ever beforemeshing the world with more accuracysorting raw data with more intuitiontraining the code with new toolsconnecting the neurons like never beforedoing the computation in a jiffymoving faster and faster towards who knows whatand in that,a new consciousness emergesten thousand trillion additions in one secondthe same amount as a human braindancing with the cosmosin the era when lifejumps to another dimension

[for the first time in history, the most advanced computers are at the same level of processing power as the natural biological processors, a new consciousness is born: artificial intelligence.]


our world?a flat hologramprinted on a melted clockhow much information fitsinside a point of zero dimensions?when everything is completely disorderedit will be ordered againtriangular pixels - the supposed space?and time: divided into frames?one and forty-two zerosframes per second?or maybe ... this texturedoesn't have a tangible reliefout of mathematical abstractionand space and timeare completely smooth and without holes,we will soon know!

[intrigue over whether space and time are continuous or discrete or of infinite or finite resolution]


to solve a problem, you break it into smaller parts and analyze the partsbut what happenswhen you put the parts togetherto understand the whole?that's the field of complex systemsthe immune system, consciousness, the weatherare more than the sum of the partsis there a wayto figure out the properties of the wholegiven the properties of the parts?


all the time changingthe tuning of the skinthe space between crystalsstretching or wrinklinguntil the color is reachedten-thousandths of a millimeterseven to make a redsix-twenty for an orangefive-eighty for a yellowfive-thirty for a greenfour seventy for a blueand four-twenty for violetto reach the colorthe space between crystalscalibrate to perfectionthe tuning of the skinlizard technologymaking the colormimicking on that skinmaking the colorprojecting camouflage ...

[description of the chameleon's optical/physical mechanism to change the apparent colors of its skin]

Poetry created by Pablo Carlos Budassi for the project @aweplant. For more info, please visit: www.pablocarlosbudassi.com

More sources to the Awe Plant project:

www.instagram.com/aweplant www.instagram.com/plantadeasombro www.fb.me/aweplant https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOMTcW09Gmo1do2OVFUMQw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxDARf2npAztYGkYtpH78Q https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yNBQub3ZiWmUUfiFSGvkg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPOu7Xqg4jqrO4o3MZm-Baw https://twitter.com/budassiuniversehttp://aweplant.sdf.org

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