The 100 Group Chat : Modern AU

By allmyotpsarecanon

347 3 8

The 100 Group Chat set in the modern universe. Focused mainly on Murven & Bellarke ❤️ Disclaimer ! I obviousl... More

💯 Group Chat 2
💯 Group Chat 3
💯 Group Chat 4
💯 Group Chat 5
💯 Group Chat 6

💯 Group Chat 1

57 1 2
By allmyotpsarecanon

Octavia Blake is creating a Group Chat...
Today at:
6:15 pm

Octavia Blake added Clarke Griffin
to the chat

Octavia Blake added Raven Reyes
to the chat

Octavia Blake added Bellamy Blake
to the chat

Octavia Blake added Jasper Jordan
to the chat

Octavia Blake added John Murphy
to the chat

Octavia Blake added Monty Green
to the chat

Octavia Blake is typing...

Octavia Blake
What's up bitchesssss?

Bellamy Blake
O.. what is this?

Octavia Blake
It's a phone, Bell

Bellamy Blake
ha. ha.

Jasper Jordan

Octavia Blake

John Murphy
I mean, amazing idea? I wouldn't go that far

Octavia Blake
Yeah you would

Raven Reyes
He definitely would. Haii back bitches !!

Raven Reyes
Finn is pestering me asking why he isn't on here

John Murphy
Because he's not invited, no one wants him here

Octavia Blake added Finn Collins
to the chat

John Murphy
Why add him??

Octavia Blake
Cause he's Raven's boyfriend!

Raven Reyes
Why do you hate him??

John Murphy
I don't trust him

Raven Reyes

Finn Collins
I don't trust you either

John Murphy

Monty Green

Clarke Griffin
Omg yes love this Octavia!🥰

Bellamy Blake
There's a problem though...

Jasper Jordan
What problem??

Bellamy Blake changed Clarke Griffin 's name to:
Princess 👸

Bellamy Blake
There we go

Bellamy Blake
Problem solved

Princess 👸 is typing...

Princess 👸
I hate you.

Bellamy Blake
No you don't :)

Princess 👸 changed Bellamy Blake's name to:


That's the best you could do?

Princess 👸
🙄 Well you still are one half the time

Princess 👸 changed Asshole 's name to:
Asshole "RebEL kInG"

Asshole "RebEL kInG"
Why the sarcasm?

Princess 👸
Because ✨ i am ✨ being sarcastic 😌😌😌

Jasper Jordan

Asshole RebEL kInG
I didn't ask to be called the rebel king, princess

Princess 👸
Uh huh ok 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻

John Murphy
ahahaha I take it back, this is entertainment

Raven Reyes changed John Murphy 's name to:
Cockroach 🪳

Cockroach 🪳 is typing...

Cockroach 🪳
You're hilarious, Reyes

Raven Reyes

Cockroach 🪳 changed Raven Reyes '
name to:
Birdie with her big ego 🦅

Birdie with her big ego 🦅 is typing...

Birdie with her big ego 🦅
Omg shut up, you🪳

Cockroach 🪳
Yeah make me, Reyes

Finn Collins
Hey John, you think you could stop flirting with my girlfriend?

Cockroach 🪳
Oh fuck me

Cockroach 🪳
First of all, don't you dare call me john ever again

Cockroach 🪳
Second of all, we're just friends

Birdie with her big ego 🦅
Finn, don't be ridiculous

Finn Collins
I'm not being ridiculous!

Octavia Blake
Ok listen boys, I don't want this
animosity in my group chat

Octavia Blake
You be civil or you go, ok?

Cockroach 🪳

Finn Collins

Octavia Blake
Good 😁 Someone change my
name pls

Jasper Jordan changed Octavia Blake 's name to:
Legend Octavia

Legend Octavia

Legend Octavia changed Jasper Jordan 's name to:
Joint favourite barman JJ

Legend O changed Monty Green 's
name to:
Joint favourite barman MG

Joint favourite barman MG
Our moonshine is elite 🍸

Joint favourite barman JJ
Of course it is 🍸

Princess 👸
We are not keeping these names

Asshole Rebel kInG
You are, princess

Birdie with her big ego 🦅
I am not typing anything in this
chat if my name is "birdie with
her big ego"

Cockroach 🪳
Woops you already did, Reyes

Cockroach 🪳
Can I change Finn's name?

Princess 👸🏼
Murphy 😂🤣

Legend Octavia
Nope, don't you dare Murphy

Cockroach 🪳

Finn Collins changed his name to:

Asshole "RebEL KiNg"
The fuck?

Joint favourite bar man JJ

Cockroach 🪳
SpaceWalker ??

It's an inside joke between me and
my girl

Cockroach 🪳

Joint favourite bar man JJ
Murphy sarcasm level skyrockets 🚀📈

Joint favourite bar man JJ
HA skyrockets! Space Walker !

Legend Octavia

Birdie with her big ego 🦅
That was a good one Jas 😂

Joint favourite bar man JJ
Knew you'd love my space joke 🚀

My first fic for The 100! I love Group Chat & Insta fics, especially ones with those comfort characters so I wanted to do my own ❤️
Hope you enjoy this one!

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