masquerade | house of the dra...

By songofsapphire

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After Rhaenyra and Daemon take the King's Landing, they manage to capture their kin and after her coronation... More

characters pti
characters ptii
the dragon queen
the stormy seas
the beginning of the end
the leech
the wedding bells

the bastard prince

177 6 0
By songofsapphire

"Rhaenyra!", Daemon entered her chambers to meet with emptiness. It was still early in the morning, the Queen should be in her chambers.

After the coronation, Daemon took the king's chambers to himself even though they belonged to Rhaenyra and gave her the consort's chambers, the ones that Alicent used only a year ago. Now she was living in a small chamber that only contained a bed and a day bed, one window -which wasn't even opening because of safety issues and a small desk without any paper and ink. Rhaenyra argued to put some books in it but Daemon convinced her that Alicent's old allies could pass notes this way. So it was too forbidden.

"Where is the queen?", he hissed to the poor guards and maids in front of the door. "It is still early, why isn't she in her chambers?"

"The Queen went for a walk, your royal highness.", Ser Harold from afar, he had just stepped to the corridor and Rhaenyra was walking with him. She was wearing only her nightgown and a silk robe and her braids were messy.

"Like this?", Daemon asked while pointing out her outfit. "You went for a walk like this?"

"What is wrong with it? I am the Queen, I can wear whatever I want."

"Did Alicent wear whatever she wanted or did she dress like a Queen?", Daemon looked at her with distaste. "I'll give her that, common whore or not, she knew at least how to act like a queen. Maybe I should allow you to talk with her, you can learn a thing or two."

"I am quite comfortable with that outfit. Also it's still quite early Daemon-"

"Yes and that's another issue. What were you doing that early?"

"I went on a walk before everybody woke up."


"Because then I will have to work.", Rhaenyra rolled her eyes and they all heard the jaw-clenching sound of Daemon.

"I want to find you in your chambers whenever I want."

"I am not your consort Daemon.", she was harsh for the first time. "I am the Ruling Queen myself. You cannot find me wherever you want like I am some kind of a trophy. I will do whatever I want to do and you will learn to respect it. I don't want you near my chambers this early ever again. Do not disturb my walk.", Rhaenyra gave him the cold shoulder and entered her chambers leaving everyone in discomfort.

Daemon especially looked very surprised. "Where was she?", he asked Ser Harold directly.

"On a walk, your highness."

"And why you were with him and not some other kingsguard?"

"I am the Lord Commander, it is my duty to obey our queen."

"Did you obey her when she told you to fuck her?", Daemon asked nonchalantly while the maids and Ser Ryam looked down with shock.

"I beg your pardon?", Ser Harold barked as he turned red with anger. "You mistook us with your wretched gold cloaks boy, white cloak means honour. We swore a vow and we follow it."

"I know what honour is-"

"Even the rats in the Red Keep has more honour than you.", Harold snapped and Daemon took a step back.

They examined each other for a few seconds.

Daemon was a mediocre fighter. Sure better than most but nothing exceptional. Criston Cole defeated him countless times, Harwin Strong beat him, and even Laenor Velaryon beat him more than once. Most of his talent was due to Dark Sister otherwise Ser Harold would cut him in half in under a minute.

"I think you misunderstood me Ser Harold.", Daemon spoke with a tone he thought would be dangerous.

It was easy for Rhaenyra, to manipulate her and then get away with it. It was easy with Laena too. He never liked Rhea because she had the power in their relationship. He was a consort to her when she was an heiress herself. A broodmare, only to be used by her to gain heirs. He wouldn't hesitate even for a second to eliminate Rhaenyra if she would repeat the act she put on minutes ago ever again.

But it was different with Harold. Daemon didn't have control over him. He had a strong mind and a strong body. And he knew when to choose opponents and when not to.

"I hope that I did, Prince Daemon.", Harold didn't even blink and then made a head gesture to Daemon. "I will escort her grace once she wishes to enter the small council meeting."

"Tell her-", Daemon closed his eyes for a second to regain his calmness. "-that the girl is here."

"The girl?"

"The Rogare girl. She is in Storm's End for whatever reason only the Gods know but I will go there now, to greet her. And then I will bring her to Dragonstone. Has the boy arrived?"

"Prince Jacaerys is still in the North but we are expecting his arrival in Dragonstone in a few days."

"Tell him to be quicker. I cannot entertain his future wife forever.", then a wretched smile appeared on his lips. "I mean I can and I could entertain her more than he could ever but I have a habit to grew bored very quickly. So tell him to hurry for my possible leftovers."

Harold held himself for not making a disgusted face and only made that gesture again.


"Where is she?", Daemon entered the halls of the Storm's End quickly while Borros and his family were still eating.

"Your grace-", Borros attempted for a quick bow, Elenda and the girls followed him but Daemon didn't have any patience he was roaming around the halls like a child.

"Where is the girl?"

"What girl your grace?", Borros asked with a quiet voice. They were fucked.

"The girl!", Daemon pointed out with an excited grin. "The goddess that my stepson will fuck soon, where is she?", when no one answered and looked at each other the grin on his face disappeared and this time he asked with a subtle fury. "Where is she?"

"She and her family sailed to Dragonstone with early lights."


"She and her famil-"

"I didn't ask you to repeat you imbecile cunt, I meant how could you let it?"

"She is the future que-"

"The key is here the word 'future', she is not yet."

"She is the Princess of Dragon-"

"Again, not yet."

"The wedding happened with a proxy."

"Not legal yet.", he pressed every word.

"Okay then she is the Princess of Lys-"

"She may be the Princess of Whores and Pillowhouses which I don't care as long as she doesn't show her talents to me in bed. What I care about is her gold. Her other wishes are not important. She doesn't have and will not have any rights here."

"Try to tell this to the hundreds of Triarchy and Rogare soldiers and her brothers around her. She didn't come here alone.", Borros opened his hands. "If she wishes to leave she leaves, Daemon. There is nothing I can do about it. They said her meeting with you is unnecessary and decided to wait for her betrothal in Dragonstone."

"Unnecessary?", Daemon snapped. "She said unnecessary?", his eyes darkened because of the worst of emotions.

She exactly said, "I do not wish to endure such weather because I need to wait for a very old man who thinks still has game to undress me with his eyes. Even the idea of it disgusts me and I rather meet with my fiancée on that Godforbidden island. At least I would have some piece of mind."

But of course, none of the Baratheons said that aloud. There was a power struggle between Rhaenyra and Daemon. And as they speak, Rhaenyra was winning. Daemon was going to make a lethal mistake soon enough and she would get rid of him -which would also break her due to her incapability to rule Jacaerys Velaryon would find himself as the king sooner than he expects and the girl would become Queen and everybody knew that she and her family will use the king as a puppet. So her era could start at any minute.

But of course, there was this other option. Daemon could actually get rid of her and her bastards and make himself king and would probably take the girl as his consort anyways and she would still have power maybe not as much as she would with Jace but she would still be the Queen.

Both Borros and Elenda were clever people, they played their cards accordingly and kept their mouths shut. If they showed loyalty to the girl and to the girl alone then their status wouldn't be shaken by any storm.

"He said, your highness.", Elenda saved the day once again. "Her brother, Prince Lysaro."

"Is that so?", and suddenly he snapped back to his calm state. "I'll go there then."

"We also heard Prince Jacaerys is very close there. The weather had been good.", Borros threw the bait at him and saw the way his face crashed for a second with a subtle delight. Oh, the way he hated the crown prince was priceless.

"Good.", he deadpanned. He knew he could have his way with her, because who would say no to him but now with Jace there he had to behave. At least until the wedding took place.

Then he turned and left the hall without saying anything and went quickly to Caraxes to fly to Drasgonstone and hoped to arrive before Jace so maybe he could steal a kiss or two, and murder the girl's brother in his way.

"Father,", Maris asked. "which one of will escort to the princess?"

"I will of course silly.", Cassandra belittled his sister.

The four girls had their own talents. But of course two of them stand out. He would love to see his eldest daughter Cassandra or his prettiest daughter Floris as a princess somewhere but his greatest assets weren't them and two empty heads would only cause him problems in the future.

Maris was always the most clever one, the one who could hear no one can and the one who can see no one can. She could sense a storm miles away, even better than the Velaryons. Maris could be everything they need in the future. With her being on Illythia's side, she could know everything and tell them how to prepare.

And Ellyn was the kind of lady Illythia needed. Surely when she took ladies from other kingdoms they all would be in a race to gain her favours. The Queen or the Dowager Queen or Princess Helaena or her bastard daughter -neither had the favour of both sides anymore. Both the smallfolk and the nobles started to despise Rhaenyra, smallfolk loved Alicent but the nobles were weary of her now, and the same went for both Princess Helaena and Princess Jaehaera. Illythia Rogare would be the only way to enter the Keep and to the heart of the royalty. Borros killed before because of fewer reasons than that. And the girl would need someone who knows the customs and the laws and the rules and would teach her without making her feel inferior. Ellyn was the best candidate for it.

"No.", Borros sharply said. "Maris and Ellyn will.", then he added after seeing the shock and hurt on Cassandra and Floris' faces -surely both expected the choice would be them but not this time. "And I will not hear anything about it, my opinion will not change. You two get ready you will leave for the capital tomorrow. You must be there to greet her grace."

Floris started to cry and Borros feared Cassandra will explode but both girls left the hall quickly and a knowing smile appeared on Maris' lips.

"We will not shame you father, you can trust us.", Ellyn said and Borros shook his head.

"Your mother will explain your duties to you. But let me summarize it; your loyalty is towards the girl and to the girl only. The Westerosi politics changed every day so loyalty to one Targaryen when there are so many of them now isn't wise. Stick with her and stick with each other. Your primary goal is to find good matches for yourself and don't forget, your first candidate must be a Rogare brother, not a Targaryen one."

The girls left the hall and Elenda turned to her husband. "So you have a brain in there at last."

Borros only huffed and rolled his eyes but a small smile formed on his lips either way.

Elenda normally would send Cassandra and Floris but after meeting with the girl the other day she too realized that their new princess valued smartness over ambition and prettiness. It was good to see Borros realise that too so they didn't have to argue about it. It was in their best interest to have one plan.


"If you say she is not here too I swear to the Gods-", Daemon started to roar the moment he dismounted Caraxes and a stern voice stopped him.

"What will you do then?", Daemon quickly turned to the voice.

Brownish golden hair, deep blue eyes, red lips and a prominent nose. The hair was dark for a Lysene but Daemon knew enough that her mother was a Braavosi trader's daughter so it was normal. She was wearing a blue dress -lighter than her eyes, with long red vests that reached to her ankles, a red necklace on her neck and a red belt on her waist.

"Princess Illythia,", he bowed a little while still checking the girl. He hoped to see a cleavage or two but there wasn't any. What kind of a Lysene was she? "it is an honour to-"

"I had heard that you lie as you breathe but I never thought I would see the day to see it in the action.", a very sharp accent with a low voice cut their conversation and when Daemon turned he saw a ghost from the past.

The man was both taller and bigger than Daemon himself. He wasn't anywhere near being a giant but he had the body of a warrior, unlike Daemon. His hair was gold too, not dark as his sister's but still not as pale as the Targaryens. His eyes were a darker blue, indigo even, and he was wearing a dark blue tunic and gold coat over it. One hand was on his sword which Daemon knew was Valyrian steel just like Dark Sister. Truth, it was called. It wasn't a long sword but it was longer than Dark Sister with a black hilt that had a gold woman symbol on it. The sword was shining with the boy's every move under the rare sunlight in Dragonstone.

"Prince Lysaro, it's been a moment since last I saw you."

"Yes, right after you ran like a coward."

"When I cut your uncle into half, right?"

"He was on his knees, helping my father, didn't even carry a sword and the war was over but of course, you had to add one more war crime to your list and killed him, like the coward you are. From his behind."

"That's not how I recall the events.", that was what exactly happened but he wasn't going to admit it.

"Who is he?", the girl asked. Daemon expected a goddess but even Rhaenyra was prettier than her despite her old age. He had heard the Rogares had soft features for their girls and sharp warrior ones for their boys. And yet this girl fit into neither category and the disgust on her face reminded him of his first wife Rhea. Suddenly all of his desires disappeared and he tried to find a way to rail up Corlys so he would start a war against the Rogares and he could butcher both houses.

"This Prince Daemon Targaryen, the consort of the queen."

"I thought the queen was younger. Isn't she pregnant?"

"Oh the queen is younger.", Lysaro grinned devilishly along with his sister, both never blinked and looked directly at Daemon. "16 years I believe? Still in her thirties and he is what? Fifty?"

"Fifty-four.", Daemon gritted his teeth.

"And this is my sister."

"I understood that much."

"Apparently you didn't.", the girl answered. "Otherwise you wouldn't mistake me for my sister."

Daemon's whole mood was gone now and he was sulking, he just shook his head.

"This is my sister Galantea. Izzy is inside."

Daemon closed his eyes and tried to count to ten. "May I see her?"

"If she pleases."

Daemon took a step towards them and Lysaro did too. He was 26, younger than half of his age and was a well-known fighter. They said that he started to train when he was only three and was the best warrior in Essos. Daemon wasn't in the mood to find out how better he was.

"She does not.", Galantea answered with her relatively lighter accent. "She will not leave her chambers and will not have any guests until her betrothed arrives. Which he should have a long time ago."

"Prince Jacaerys on his way."

"I am sure he is.", Galantea faked an understanding. "But my sister is not. And you do not wish her to be unhappy about your prince's actions. The wedding still did not happen and can stay this way if she says so."

"Oh, but the wedding was held by proxy, didn't she tell this to anyone?"

"That proxy only holds your people, not our or our Gods. We will have a Valyrian wedding to honour our Gods not yours and that cannot be held with proxy."

Daemon opened his mouth but Lysaro cut his speech and switched to Valyrian. "You are assimilated here. Your language, your culture, your customs and your Gods are forgotten here. Ours not. So why don't you step aside and let us reclaim the Valyrian traditions, old men."

Both Lysaro and Galantea could swear that they saw the way Daemon's eyes got twitched but both left before he could say something.


"Where have you been?", Daemon asked angrily the moment he saw Jace. He had been living like a guest in his home past two days because of that brat.

"In the North.", Jace opened his arms and made a face like 'how dumb must you be to ask such a question?'.

"Jace.", he gritted his teeth.

"Daemon.", he mocked him.

"Prince Jacaerys.", Lysaro entered the room before Daemon got physical and he cursed the Lysene prince under his breath. He was in every corner, watching him with unblinking eyes and sizing him up. Daemon was going to kill that guy right after the wedding. "Finally you had arrived."

"It's my pleasure Prince Lysaro-", Jace put out his best mask but Lysaro was unfazed.

"One would think that this is our house and you are the guest while the truth it the opposite.", he spoke in Valyrian and Jace turned to Daemon with confused eyes but still with a smile. "Does the boy knows the language of his ancestors or not?"

"Yes I agree our ancestors would be very content with this union.", Jace said with a smile and turned to Lysaro with excitement. Daemon huffed and Lysaro examined the boy up and down and huffed, turned around and left the room all while Jace's smile faded.

"What had happened?"

"They are Lyseni they speak Valyrian.", Daemon spoke in Valyrian.

"I know they are Lysene and we are Valyrian but I don't understand what is the case. Daemon?", he asked once he turned around and left the room too. "Daemon?", he called his name a few times after that but he didn't turn back.

When Jace stood there, very confused, a girl spoke with a light accent. "My sister expects you in her chambers."

"In her chambers?", Jace laughed while turning to the girl. "This is my home, she should come to me not the other way around."

"That's what my brother said.", the girl spoke and rushed to upstairs while a bulb lit on Jace's head and he rubbed his face.

This was a bad stark. She needed to woo the girl before the wedding so he could keep continuing to have the life he wants. He would never have a child with her, and one day his already existing son would take the throne. And he needed to convince her of it.

A bastard that comes from a bastard. That was how the once great Targaryen line turned into.

He took the steps slowly and he could hear Daemon's inpatient foot steps. He entered the room and meet with 7 women and 5 men and Daemon.

All had blonde hair and Jace took a step towards the door unwillingly.

Daemon was leaning against the wall, and right in front of Jace, there was an old man with blue eyes and pale blonde hair. He was wearing funny clothes and a hat, Jace didn't know who he was and didn't understand why she would bring her court jester here. They had plenty of them. Even his mother had one, Mushroom. He wondered what this one's name is.

Next to the jester, there was the man he met minutes ago. Lysaro Rogare, the heir to his father and the eldest of seven siblings. He was wearing a gold coat and black pants with black boots and of course his sword on his belt.

Behind them, there was standing a woman. Wearing a sleeveless dark green gown with a deep v-neck that reached to her belly button and a dark green coat that left her shoulders open but covered the area between her elbow and wrist. The coat didn't have any buttons so the cleavage was still shown and there was a gold belt on her waist with square-cut emeralds around it. She was wearing long gold earrings with emeralds on its end, multiple rings and a little green tiara. Her hair was pale blonde but not white and she had deep blue eyes. Her hair was straight but wavy on the ends and it was thrown to her back with grace.

One step behind them there was a brownish-gold haired woman with a modest blue gown with red embodiments on its arms and a red belt on her waits. Her wavy hair was pinned to both sides with rubies and she was wearing a small necklace on her neck. And next to her there were two other girls. One that spoke with him minutes ago, her hair was gold and her face was sharp, her eyes hazel and was wearing a shoulderless red gown that had a big skirt while both of his sisters fell down without anything under it. Her sleeves had multiple gold embodiments and her fingers had multiple rings. She was wearing big gold earrings and a gold necklace on her chest, and wavy hair in an updo. And next to her probably the youngest sister. She wore a light green vest that was long enough to reach her ankles and a white shirt under it. Her hair was shorter than her sisters, reaching to her upper arm and it was very wavy. She wasn't wearing any jewelry.

Jace examined the other men in the room, her brothers and such. And then looked at the girls again and didn't find anything in his heart. All looked the same to him. His fiancée was supposed to be a goddess with ethereal beauty but he found her in the depths of inches of snow in Winterfell and certainly wasn't going to find it again in some Lysene's face. If he wanted to admire the Valyrian beauty he would go to Helaena or his step sisters. There was no need of bringing one here at the cost of releasing Alicent Hightower's bastards.

"Princess Illythia, it is my honour to finally meet you.", Jace said and then switched to Valyrian to show off his knowledge.

It took two seconds for him to fuck everything up.

"Your jester and your household are welcome here and we hope that you will find entertainment here. I heard Lys has many fun things like multiple fairs and pillow houses that prepare plays and such. I've heard you enjoy these very much.", he meant to say.

"It's good that you brought your jester too. You wouldn't be bored here. We don't have pillow houses as you do in Lys so it is not that much fun. I heard you loved to play there.", he said.

Daemon cursed under his breath and left the room while Illythia's eyes narrowed she turned around and he watched the way Lysaro's eyes got darkened and he took a step forward not looking at the man who was turning red next to him.

"You can arrive here late, you may not speak our language, and you can mistake our ambassador for a jester but you will not insult my sister like this."

"Fuck.", Jace said while looking to the ambassador who looked very hurt but before he could say anything else Lysaro pushed him to the wall with one hand and then held him in there because he slipped.

"Do you think this is a joke?"

"Joke, what, no?!", Jace opened his brown eyes widely. "Why would I think such a thing?"

"Then you think this all is a game?"


"Or are you that sure that this marriage will take place no matter how much you insult us?"

"No! Why would I think that?"

"Well good because this isn't the case!", Lysaro roared to his face. "One mistake and we will return back to Lys and you will wake up with armies around you the next day."

"You threaten us with war? How dare-", Jace tried to push Lysaro but failed and in return, Lysaro pushed him even harder and held him by his neck.

"Listen to me little princeling, we are not here to kiss your mother's skirts or her ass, we are here to make an arrangement between two continents. Do you understand what this means?"

Jace shook his head.

"Good. You are at the adult's table now and here every action has its own consequences. You need us more than we need you.", Lysaro let out a laugh. "Hells, we don't even need you at all. We have the gold, we have the alliances, and we have the armies while your own people conspire against you. Your mother and your stepfather came to us begging for a match, too scared of what will we do to them even that old dog Corlys Velaryon shut his mouth about it. It seems everyone but you understand the grave importance this match has. So stop with the antics and act like a proper prince."

"First of all get your hands off me.", he tried to shake Lysaro with all his power but he was holding him back against the wall with one hand. "Second, speak my grandfather with respect."

"Both of your grandparents are dead everyone from Dorne to the Wall knows that, princeling. We are in charge here not you or your mother. And if you don't wish to run back to the capital and hide under her skirts while trying to explain to her what have you done to start a war, then I suggest you behave and tell your stepfather to behave."

He let go of Jace and Jace almost fell to the ground. After he got up and fixed his collar with anger he tried to leave the room but Lysaro pulled him to himself from his collar again and whispered into his ear. "Talk about pillow houses one more time and I will offer your tongue to my sister on a golden plate. Not the silver ones that you poor people can afford. Solid gold ones.", then he narrowed his eyes and added. "And get rid of this horrible hairstyle, you need to be suitable for my sister. You might be a child but for your family's sake and for my own, act like an adult."


"Are you decent?", Rhaenyra knocked on the door and Aemond didn't even hold his head from his book to react the doors opened as he guess. She could act like she cared about their privacy and wishes all she wants but she was an entitled woman at the core. She always had been. Even if Aemond would say no she would enter, he knew such from their former experiences. "Aemond.", Rhaenyra tried to greet him, looking everywhere but him and was obviously nervous.

Aemond didn't react to it and continued to read his book.

"Daemon went to Dragonstone I'm sure you had heard."

I thought he went to Storm's End, he thought but didn't say it out loud.

"He will stay there until Jace arrives and then they all will come here and we will meet with the Rogare family.", she said with a smile she couldn't contain. Her first child was getting married, and she was excited. "I mean, isn't this exciting? A royal wedding! We hadn't seen once since forever and of course, my first child is getting marr-"

"Is there something you wished to say.", Aemond asked with a stern voice while reading his book. He didn't have time for her.

"Yes.", her smile disappeared and the nervousness came back. "We will have a tourney for their wedding."

"And the part that concerns me is...?", Aemond looked at her when she didn't answer and Rhaenyra seemed lost for a while.

"You look so much like our father under the light."

"Don't.", Aemond said, turning his attention back to the book. "I can snap your neck into two before you can open your mouth to summon the guards. Do not test me Rhaenyra. Say your peace and left my chambers."

"Daemon wrote to me that her brothers will all attend to the jousting, the melee and the archery as her champions and of course, Jace needs that too."

"Ask one of your bastards and leave me alone. I don't give a shit about tourneys and surely I will not fight for the brother of the bastard who took my eye."

"You can't possibly be angry at Luke for it still. It's been 9 years."

"Give me a dagger and let me take out your eye and then let's see how many years would you take to forget it.", he stopped for a second then turned to Rhaenyra and looked at her directly. "I don't even need a dagger, I look at you and my anger becomes my weapon. I can take your eye out with my bare hands -again before your guards could enter here."

"Do this and I will let you see Vhagar."

"You will have to bring Vhagar here from time to time or she will burn down the capital to the ground."

"I will let Helaena and the children see your mother."

"You already said that a week ago and then you didn't keep your promise. I don't believe a word that lefts your mouth so do not waste your breath here I will not do such a thing. Ask your uncle though. He didn't join one of them since Criston beat his ass -or so I've heard."

"Criston never beat Daemon.", she huffed. "He couldn't, no one can."

"Give me a spoon and him the Dark Sister and watch which one of them will win."

"Aemond.", Rhaenyra deadpanned. "Enough of your games-"

"What games? Do you think I am a liar like you and your husband? No. There are no games with me, no lies, no manipulations only the truth and do you wish the hear the truth Rhaenyra?"

She shivered but shook her head nevertheless. Aemond left the book and approached to her and stayed at a normal distance. "I will kill you and your husband one day. Your deaths will be on my hands because of what you've done to my grandfather and to Criston -to the man who basically raised me. Because of what you've done to my mother and to my brother, because of what you've done to my brother and sister's marriage, simply because you had the audacity to name my nephews and niece as bastards, I will choke you myself and watch the life leaves your worthless body. And I will make Daemon pay when I have him, that's when the games will enter. I will torture him the way he tortured my grandfather and I will cut his throat when he has no choice as he did to Criston and then I will burn him with Vhagar and make her eat him just like he did to Larys.", he watched the way she turned pale and started to visibly shiver. "But do you know what is the one thing I will not do? I will not join the tournaments in your bastard's name.", he looked her up and down and then returned to his couch and book. "Close the door on your way out. And Rhaenyra?", she visibly got out of her zone. "If I don't answer when you knock it means I don't want you here."


"Isn't it exciting?", Helaena asked merrily. "She finally arrived."

Aegon and Aemond send her a look and Daeron asked. "Since when do we cheer for the win of our enemies?"

"We don't.", Helaena rolled her eyes. "With the girl here comes the game. They will try to make this wedding come true and we will try to do otherwise."

"And you see anything about it?", Aemond asked.

"No.", Helaena frowned. "I can't see it."

"What does that mean?", Aegon asked.

"It means I am going to die or something like that.", she said without worry and all of her brothers turned to her in shock.

"What the fuck Helaena?", Daeron asked.

"Or maybe I cannot control these dreams and we need to wait.", Helaena huffed. "Everything can happen."

Aegon looked shaken, Helaena was emotionless, Aemond was thinking something and Daeron was frantic. "Don't make jokes like that."

"It wasn't a joke."

"Helaena.", Aemond warned. "I heard she will come here with an army. How will I manage to approach her without anyone noticing?"

"Let them notice.", Daeron said. "We will change manners. We will act like we are loyal to them in front of everyone and piss them off in secret so when they snap in public-"

"They will start to see them as the crazy ones.", Aegon finished his sentence with a low voice.

"Exactly. Let us do that and in the meantime gain the trust of either one of her sisters or ladies and became close to her. Learn everything about her, her hobbies and such. Her favourite meal and dessert and Helaena can easily be her friend and talk good about you and shit about them. And with that in, make every encounter a coincidence. Make a few jokes like 'are you following me' and such. Girls fell for that shit all the time."

"Is it right to play with some innocent girl's feelings like that?", Aegon asked.

"Since when-"

"What would mother think?", he looked Aemond in his eyes.

"We are doing this for mother too.", Daeron said. "For her legacy and her honour. Rhaenyra is an idiot and Daemon is a plague, we need to honour father's last wish and-"

"I will not approach that throne. And neither will my children.", Aegon cut it short and all turned to look at him. "If we do this, the throne will be your brother. Play your cards according to it.", he looked directly into Aemond's eye while Helaena and Daeron eyed him with shock.

"I would rather die than usurp my own brother."

"But you will not usurp me, I am giving you the crown. I just want to stay as Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor's father and nothing more. I don't want the crown or the throne."

"But mother-"

"I believe mother when she said that this is father's last wish but what wishes he obeyed when we make them? None. Not even a single one. Not even we were children. So we will not grand his too. If we pull this, you will rule this kingdom and I will by your side till the end."

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