come back 2 u, taa

By trentl4ver

8.8K 164 45

"every time you try to forget who i am, i'll be right there to remind you again." trent alexander-arnold @tre... More

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1.1K 25 2
By trentl4ver

"look at what the cat dragged in!" exclaimed curtis as he opened the front door to reveal lorelai.

"unfunny," lorelai mumbled before laughing and walking in.

"im glad you came lor," he whispered into her ear when he gave her a hug. "and by the way i am hilarious."

"um you're not," lorelai said back before turning around.

"come on i'll get you a drink," said curtis as he led to the kitchen.

as curtis was poring her a drink, she saw saffie walking over to her.

"saff!" she squealed before unsigned up to her and wrapping her arms around her. "omg i missed you!"

"lor omg you came," saffie said as she reciprocated the hug.

"um am i just third wheeling or summat?" curtis mumbled as both girls turned around to see him.

"shut up," saffie said laughing. "i've not see her in ages."

"alright, alright i'll leave you two to talk," he said before kissing saffie on the cheek and walking away.

"still don't know how curtis pulled you," lorelai said with a laugh.

"well he does have his moments," saffie said picking up her glass.

"aww im happy for you," lorelai replied.

"and how about you," saffie said. "last i knew was you got out of that shit situationship."

"ugh that was awful i remember that," she groaned putting her head in her hands. "and nah im still miserable and single."

"well shall we talk about who's here tonight," saffie said with as smirk on her face.

"don't want to," lorelai mumbled. "i'm trying not to think about it."

"well what happens when you see him?" saffie questioned.

"not trying to think about that either," groaned lorelai. "but i do need to go and find neco and im hoping he don't make and appearance."

"well i wish you luck," saffie said before lorelai walked off.

"well you don't look that happy to see me," she heard a voice say before she turned around. she instantly recognised who it was.

"thank god you're here," lorelai mumbled.

neco williams wrapped his arms around the girl.

"hello you," he carefully whispered into her ear.

"so you decided to come then?" lorelai said.

"course. couldn't leave you all by yourself could i?" neco said with a laugh. "you would of called me anyways, figured it was better if i was here in real life."

"i'm glad you came but don't think i have forgiven you for for moving away," she said.

"shut up you have forgiven me otherwise i would still be blanked," neco said with as smirk on his face.

"ok but still. i'm glad things are working out for you at forest cause at least you're not a benchwarmer anymore," she replied with a smirk on her face knowing he got pissed whenever she said it.

"not very funny lor," neco snapped.

"nah you know i'm funny,"

"that was too far lor."

"yeah alright but im not sorry."

"maybe i should go back to nottingham," said neco.

"ok ok i'll shut up. so let's talk about the fact that you literally beat one of the best teams in the world like what?" exclaimed lorelai.

"yeah i know that was mad."

"wanna come to do the rounds with me?" asked neco.

"yeah alright."

lorelai had been walking around for ages. well that's what it felt like to her. she'd gotten bored of meeting too many people she had no clue about the name of them and decided she'd had enough.

"i'm gonna go and find haley," said lorelai to neco as they had reached a new group of people.

"you sure you don't want me to come?"

"nah it's fine i'll see you in a bit," she replied.

she manoeuvred her way around groups of people trying to get through.

i thought curtis said this was a small party.

she found herself stuck going down the corridor pushing and shoving through people to try and get her way past. when she quickly looked up to check where she was going, she froze in the spot at the sight.

she saw him.

it had been a long time that she hadn't see him and today she finally did. she saw his messy mop of hair on his head, the one she had always told him to get. the grin on his face made memories come flooding back to her of all their time together. the sound of his laughter was one of the the things that pained her the most. she had gone from hearing it everyday to never again. his laugher once again bought back memories of when they used to spend every time they had together tangled up in each others arms laughing, watching the football or playing fifa. but all of that was over now. just as quick as the memories came, was just as quick as how she wanted to block them from her head. it pained her to think about it especially considering he was in her view.

she missed the quick turn of his head which caused him to lock eyes with her.

that made everything worse. his eyes were her favourite part about him. he always used to make fun of her for it teases her about how it was soppy. it made her love them about him even more than she had.

she quickly regained composure when she realised what was happening and started walking in the opposite direction to get out of there.

in simple terms trent was getting bored. he couldn't really be bothered to be here. it didn't feel runny considering how shit liverpool had been playing at the moment and the fact that he felt it was partly his fault. he didn't want to let it on but it had been affecting him. he didn't know what was going on and he hated it. he hated not knowing. he still came to the party because it was still one of his best mates birthdays but he wasn't his self.

she didn't normally prop up in his thoughts as much as she had been now. he knew he missed her. he missed everything about her. he craved her so badly that he wished he could go back and do it all over again.

trent knew he wasn't at his best. but what that reminded him of was her. the way she used stay up with him for hours practicing. the way she used to come to every game. the way she was there for him in every way possible. he missed it.

trent had heard a loud laugh which was the cause of him quickly looking over his shoulder. when he saw lorelai there he was slightly frozen on the spot.

he saw the black dress she was wearing which looked incredible on her. he remembered that dress. it was the one she used to where when she had no clue what to wear. her hair was still jet black like it used. she used to threaten to bleach it when she was older and he always shut her down every time.

she was laughing with curtis at the front door with a smile plastered on her face. he loved her smile. it was his favourite thing about her. he would never get bored of looking at her smile. it was another thing he had missed.

when she began to turn around, he quickly looked away wanting to avoid eye contact. it was still too soon for that.

when trent realised who he was making eye contact with, he was unsure what to do. once again he turned around to see lorelai but this time she was looking straight at him. just as quick as the eye contact was made was just as quick as it was broken. when she turned the other way, part of him wanted to go after her. but he knew he couldn't do that. he didn't have that right anymore.

lorelai spotted haley from across the room and rushed over to her.

"haley ive got so much to tell you," lorelai said a little breathless from being so fast at trying to find her.

"i've been trying to find you everywhere too cause i'm a bit lost," groaned haley.

"can we please go somewhere else."

"of course come on," haley exclaimed before grabbing onto lorelais hand and running off.

"fucking hell," haley mumbled as she processed what lorelai just told her. "so you finally saw him."

"i know."

"so like what did you feel when you saw him?"

"i'm not sure," lorelai said quietly. "i mean he was just there and i was just staring at him for ages. i must of looked like a right creep."

"well he's fit so it makes sense why you were staring at him."

"haley," lorelai groaned giving her a push to the shoulder. "shut up."

"alright, alright i'm sorry," mumbled haley. "maybe you should talk to him."

"nah not today i can't be bothered with that."

they heard the squeaking of the door and both of their eyes darted to the the door. it slowly started to open before a figure walked through.

"i've been trying to find you two for ages!" neco exclaimed as he walked into the room.

"yeah and there was a reason for that," grumbled haley.

"well you're not very good at hiding then are you?" snapped neco as he came and sat down on the bed.

"ugh both shut up," mumbled lorelai as she sat up from the position she was just in.

"it's fine i'm going anyways. i'll see you in a bit." haley said before leaving the room.

"how are you?" neco questioned as he shuffled closer to her.

"don't really know. i saw him and it felt so weird."

"have you talked to him yet? it might help."

"i don't want to do that tonight. i don't want to think about it any longer."


they sat in a comfortable silence for a little while. lorelais eyes were fixated on the ceiling, thoughts clouding her head as if they were racing.

neco looked over at her noticing what was going on.

"what are you thinking?" he questioned knowing that she had something on her mind.

"seeing him bought back a mix of memories," she mumbled. "some of which are ones that i've tried to block from my brain."

neco wrapped one of his arms around her.

"just forget about them and think of something else."

"like what?"

"i don't know. maybe like good things that are coming up."

"i'm going dubai next month."


"i'm coming to see your game in a few weeks."

"exactly. supporting the right red team."

"shut up. i can never betray liverpool like that. i am only there for you." she grumbled. "do not expect me in a forest shirt."

"i thought that was pushing it a bit far to be fair," he laughed. "maybe another day."

"it's never gonna happen," she snapped. "ever."

"alright, alright i get the gist," he said. "but didn't forest beat liverpool?"

"for fucks sake," she mumbled.

lorelai sifted her way through crowds of people once again. she wanted to leave.

"i'm gonna go curtis," lorelai shouted trying to get her voice heard over the music.

as soon as she had said bye she left the house reaching the cold breeze that swept over her the second she walked out.

she took a deep breath of the fresh air trying to calm herself down slightly after what had happened at the party.

she reached her car, placing her head down onto the steering wheel. she know knew that there would be frequently more times she would have to see him.

lorelai thought she had avoided it. she thought she had done a good job at it as well. but now she knew it wasn't gonna be possible.

she knew she would see him again soon.

omg liverpool r a bit shit atm
anyways xx
this chapter would of been out a lot easier if i hadn't deleted it by accident so apologies for it being a bit late but i got there xx
hope you enjoy xx

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