Squad Chaos - 04 - Reminisce...

By SquadChaos

672 82 99

It's a journey started with only three friends, one destined to restore the world to its glory, the other tw... More

Beauty of the bond
Siblings Reunited
Unexpected battle
The one who turned into a darkbearer
The love of a brother - activates true power
We all have secrets
We are not the last ones alive - Another Fox Arrives
Meet me in Selenia on the Next Full Moon
"I am, Talus Agares"
I am the one who holds the power.
He is finally here!
Train me!
Her unbreakable will power!

Uncanny Encounter

27 8 15
By SquadChaos

The cold breeze, followed over the little waves of the never ending lake, danced through the night, caressing everyone with its wonder, with the little fairy lights lighting up the whole area, and the empty bar looking like a hut, was right in front of the squad, as they followed the smoke they saw earlier, this is where it lead them. They couldn't help it but get mesmerized by the beautiful scenery.

The girls gets off Amethyst as soon as they reached the place, and as soon as the girls got off Amethyst, she turned herself back to her normal size and jumped into Claire's arms.

Sha: *Slowly walks towards the hut, looking around curiously* Wahh.. what is this place!? Is anyone here?

Shiroi: *Goes and sits on a bench looking around as well* Hmm...

Yoshida: *He puts his hands into his pockets narrowing his eyes wondering if something is wrong or not* Should we be here?? *He asked as he walked to Sha who is standing next to the hut*

Ky: *Standing next to Jiao who is admiring the fairy lights* Could this be a trap? *He says looking around*

Jiao: If this is a trap, they worked really hard on it.. *He says referring to the magical lights*

Ave: I don't think this is a trap.. its too beautiful to be a trap.. *She goes and sits at a bench different from Shiroi's *

Claire: *Hugging Amethist in her arms, she walks to Ave and sits right next to her* They say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Ave: Right right...

Ming: *She looks at Jiao who is admiring the fairy lights and then goes with Claire to sit at the same bench as Ave, with Claire* Yeah, Claire is right..

Horus: *He crossed his arms as he stood beside the lake looking at everyone wondering about the beautifully decorated open bar as if he is feeling uneasy* mhm..

Aly: *walks to Sha and Yoshida curious to look inside the hut* Ave, appearances can be deceiving sometimes.. this might be a trap like Ky said.. *She rests her elbow on the counter as she poked her head into the hut trying to look for someone*

Rocel: *He stands up holding a bottle of rum, inside the hut* Ah, welcome.. *He says with a soft smile as he stood up* Finally the long wait ends.

Aly: *Gasps as she got startled* Holy!! Uhhh.. Someone is here..!!

Sha; *Looks at Rocel and tilts her head staring at him* Hmmmm...?

Rocel: *Chuckles seeing Sha looking at him and says as he pour the drinks* So, how was the trip from up?

Sha: *she narrowed her eyes raising one of her eyebrow* How did you know we came from up? Also, do we know you? You look so familiar..

Yoshida: *Looks at Rocel narrowing his eyes as he felt a familiar presence* hmm..

Aly: Yeah.. I feel like we have met before.. but I can't quite remember.. *She tilted her head as she was trying to remember*

Rocel: *Chuckles as he made drinks ready for everyone* Well, Most people pass this place right after they come from Equinox, so it was a wild guess.. *He gives a soft smile to everyone who have been staring at him* Please, enjoy the drinks and your stay.. *He then looks at Sha and smiles softly slightly nodding his head*

Sha: r..right... *She narrows her eyes grabbing one of the drink* hmm..

Rocel: You all might as well stay here for the night, its not safe to travel at night, especially the path to D'vaheim.

Yoshida: How did you know we are going D'vaheim? *He grabs a drink as well*

Rocel: *Gives a slight smile to Yoshida before he turns around to get back with his business in making more drinks*

Yoshida: *Looks at Sha confusingly*

Sha: *looks at Yoshida and shrugs confusingly*

Shiroi: He is right, whoever he is.. We should stay here for the night.. this look safe..

Horus: *Slowly walked to Shiroi as he nodded agreeing to what Shiroi said* I think Shiroi is right.. I don't know much about D'vaheim either, there must be a reason why people don't go there often..

Ky: *Walks to the bench Ave, Claire and Ming are sitting at, and sits next to Ave* D'vaheim sound scary.. do we really have to go there??? Why am I even asking.. of course we have to go there..

Ave: *Giggles and pats Ky's head* we have faced more scarier things before, haven't we? We can go through anything..

Sha: Listen to your sister!! *She giggles*

Rocel: *He smiles before taking all the drinks and bringing them to everyone*

Shiroi: So.. you are....? *He looks at Rocel as he handed the drink*

Rocel: Rocel.. it's just Rocel..

Shiroi: Right.. Rocel.. You don't get that many customers.. do you??? Since the location is bizarre... why did you still make a place like this in this location?

Rocel: *He narrows his eyes hearing Shiroi, then he looks at him without saying a word, before he walked away*

Horus: That was weird.. also, I never knew about a place like this and trust me I've travelled all over AquaTerra, except the main land of D'vaheim

Shiroi: So you never saw this place before..? *He asked Horus curiously*

Horus: *Nods crossing his arms* that's what makes it more weird..

Yoshida: *Narrows his eyes as he heard Horus and Shiroi* mhm..

As everyone was settled and enjoying their drinks, suddenly their enjoyment gets broken by a sudden presence in the bushes at the back of the open bar.

Sha: *Gasps as she looks at the bushes that just shook* What was that??

Rocel: *He looks at the bushes and then looks at Sha* were you guys followed??

Aly: Not that we are aware of..

Everyone was startled and alerted as now that they think they might have been followed. Suddenly, the bushes on the other side shakes succeeding getting attention from all the squad members. They all stared at the bushes without saying a word as they were not sure of what it is.

Sha: *She narrows her eyes as she stood firm on the ground, looking at the bushes with the corner of her eyes as she finally noticed a passing shadow* Someone is here.. *She says before suddenly dashing towards the bushes and runs into it* hh...

Aly: God damn it Sha!! Geez... *Seeing Sha running towards the bushes and going into it, she sighed before keeping the drink she was holding on the counter of the bar* guess we have no choice.. *She runs right at where Sha went*

Yoshida: *Looks at Aly go and then looks at the others* What she said.. *He tilts his head towards the bushes as a sign of let's follow them*

All of them nodded before getting up and runs after Sha and Aly who went ahead of them.

When they got out of the bush, they found Sha and Aly standing in middle of an open ground area with their back facing each other.

Rocel, stared at the direction where everyone went this time a smile did not appear on his face but worry.

Sha: You can feel that? *She says as she slowly opened her fist summoning her trident*

Aly: Hell yeah! *She slowly opens her fist summoning her scythe as well* But I have a weird feeling about this..

Sha: I am sure there is only one person, but

Aly: There are more than one shadow...

Sha: *Nods as she looked at the bushes not far from them* yeah..

The squad stood a bit far from Aly and Sha as they looked around feeling the same as Them two.

Yoshida: *Looks at Sha and then looks at the bushes*

Ky: And here I thought we would get a little time to rest.. *He mumbles as he stood with the squad*

Ave: Well, this is meant to happen..

Suddenly, the whole area started to get covered in mist, making the whole area foggy enough for people to not see anything around them, yet each other.

Shiroi: Stay close..

Horus: *Gets in front of Claire shielding her* what's happening.?

Ave: Mist is a rare mana.. especially when its fused with shadow mana.. mainly used by Kurayami clan.. just like how Hanamichi's are specialized in blood mana..

Yoshida: Hanamichi.. Sha has a soul bound contract with one of the Hanamichi..

Horus: So, we are up against a Kurayami?

Ave: I'm afraid yes.. They are well trained assassins.. as far as I know.

Horus: I thought Their clan got wiped out long ago..

Yoshida: Apparently not.

Jiao: okay.. sounds dangerous... soo Who have the ability to see through this fog?

Claire: Sha.. Sha can.. *she says as she remembered the time sha saw her through the gushy wind*

Ave: Yes she can..

Ky: But she is over there.. not here..

Ave: And the fog is separating us from them. *Her voice was filled with worrisome*

Shiroi: It is after Sha! *Before he could finish it, suddenly they all hear the sound of two weapons clashing*

Everyone gasped as they looked at the direction where the clashing happened.

Aly: *Suddenly she gets thrown right at the rest of the squads, gets crashed onto the ground right at Ave's feet* Aghh... *With her scythe sent flying away at Yoshida's feet*

Ave: *Looks down at Aly with her eyes widens* Aly!!

Aly: *Looks up at Ave panting heavily as her eyes were full of worry* Sha!.. *She says panting*

Yoshida: Tchs.. *He grabbed Aly's scythe and throws it at her before he tries to head towards Sha through the fog, but suddenly gets stopped as he heard Sha*

Sha: STAY TOGETHER..! DON'T GET SEPERATED!! *she shouted out loud through the fog*

Everyone looked at each other and nodded as they agree to Sha.

Yoshida: *Clenches his fist with anger as he wanted to go to her so bad*

Shiroi: We should listen to her, she can finish this since she can see through the fog. If we go, we will only get in her way since we can't see a thing in this thick fog..

It wasn't seconds ago, the shadow that Sha has been looking at suddenly dashed at her, she managed to stop the attack by crossing her trident against the man's dagger that was aimed at her.

Sha: *Stops the person's attack with her trident held cross against the tip of the dagger, with her face close to the person's she looked right into his purple eyes glaring, as his face was covered with a gas mask but his eyes* Who are you? *She grunts clenching her teeth as she asked, before she jumps backwards*

Kurayami: *As he looked right into Sha's eyes when his attack was blocked, he narrowed his eyes without saying a word, he jumps back as well, but to dash at Sha to attack her again*

With that, Sha dashes at him as well, blocking every attack, as Sha keeps blocking his attacks with her trident, he keeps attacking her more faster and accurately, their weapon clashing against each other started to make the fog to start disappear slowly , leading the rest of the squad to finally see a glimpse of Sha and The person.

Yoshida: Sha.. *He steps forwards towards Sha, but gets stopped by Shiroi* he looks back at Shiroi with an angry look*

Shiroi: He isn't the only one..

Yoshida: What?

Aly: *Stands right next to Ave and looks around through the fog* Oh yeah.. we've got company..

Ave: Are they his allies?

Jiao: The one fighting Sha isn't a Darkbearer.. but, the aura I'm getting from the other presence is the aura from Darkbearers..

Horus: Kurayami's don't get along with dark creatures..

Yoshida: *Clenches his fist as he gets angry* So you are saying we have more than one enemy here..

The fog is almost cleared, so it is enough for them to see everything around them, including the Ones already involved in battling.


Sha: *As she stops another attack from the person, she looks to her side with the corner of her eyes* hhh.. *And then she looks right into the eyes of the person in front of her* Are they your friends?? *She asked in a serious tone hoping for an answer*

Kurayami: *He narrowed his eyes as he looked to a side with the corner of his eyes, with tension seen in them as if he feels he is in trouble* he then jumps backwards as he stood firm spinning the dagger in his hand* hmm.. *he looks side to side panting a bit as he sees a Darkbearers emerging through the shadows*

Sha: *Puts down her trident as she stands firm, looking at the Darkbearers that keep emerging as well* hmm.. *The whole place went silent as if there are no other movements other than the Darkbearers emerging from the shadows* Guys?

Ave: *She quickly summons her Axe as she got ready* They are rookies..

Jiao: Yeah.. Sha, don't worry about them.. we can handle them.. just take care of that guy.. *He jumps up as he transforms into a flaming Phoenix before heading at the Darkbearers*

With that everyone nodded as they dashes at the Darkbearers not letting them reach Sha.

Kurayami: *Tilts his head seeing how the squad acted, he changed his gaze at Sha* You got good friends here.. *He says as he spins his dagger*

Sha: *She tilts her head with a proud smile* Finally, you talked.. *With a smirk, she dashes right at him pointing her trident right at his neck*

Kurayami: *He gets startled with her sudden attack but manages to dodge and hit the trident with his dagger, and turns into a shadow getting behind Sha in an instant*

Sha: A Kurayami, I see.. *She chuckles before turning around* What is a Kurayami doing attacking me?

Kurayami: *He narrows his eyes as he heard her* I follow orders.. *He says before he dashes at her*

Sha: Who's orders exactly? *She hits his dagger with her trident as she dodged his attacks* (Mind: He is not here to kill me for sure.. what is his motive?)

Kurayami: *He jumps backwards and stands firm staring at Sha* I don't have to answer all of your questions.

Sha: *she stands firm with a smile holding her trident upside down* Oh I'm sorry, I ask questions when I know someone is up to something, you are going easy on me and you clearly have no intention to kill me.. So who is this person who gave you orders?

Meanwhile, the rest of the squad took care of the remaining Darkbearers with ease. After finishing with the Darkbearers they all decided to just wait for Sha to finish off her fight.

Kurayami: *He squints his eyes hearing her as he was a bit shocked to see her notice his actions* mhm.. *He got lost into the thought of who this girl really is and how she knew about his actions that clearly, as he was staring at Sha, he didn't even notice the darkbearer behind him*

Sha: Oye!! *She dashes right at the person, and touches his chest grabbing the shirt as she pushed him down suddenly with speed*

Kurayami: *His eyes widens as he gasped, getting grabbed and pushed down that quickly, he didn't even had the time to dodge* Ghh.. what...!!

Sha: *As she pushed him down crashing his back against the ground, still holding onto his shirt as she was on her one knee, sitting on the person's lap, with the darkbearer completely missing the person with its attack*

Kurayami: *His eyes widens as he finally saw the glimpse of the darkbearer that's almost at his face as he looked up*

Sha: *With her other hand that's held onto the trident, she quickly pierced the darkbearer with it as she was panting heavily, sitting on his lap* hhh..

Kurayami: *His eyes still widened with what just happened in an instant, he then looked at Sha who is sitting on his lap panting heavily* You.. saved me?

Sha: *Chuckles letting a huge sigh panting* No, I killed a Darkbearer..

Jiao: Seriously? *Suddenly he shouts looking at Sha and glares at her as he walked to her* SHA!!

Yoshida: Eh?? *Looks at Jiao confusingly*

Shiroi: Hm?

Horus: Wow.. *Chuckles*

Claire: What's happening??? *She looks around confusingly*

Ave: Oh Oh.. *She chuckled*

Aly: And I thought I am the one acting like a big sister.. *She chuckles as she knew what's coming at sha*

Ming: *Giggles* Never seen Jiao like this before..

Ky: Well, now you see it..

Sha: eh? *she looks up at Jiao who is standing next to her* what? What? *She blinks rapidly confused*

Jiao: *Grabs Sha by her ear as he pulled it making her stand* HOW CAN YOU JUST GO AROUND SITTING ON STRANGERS LAPS?

Yoshida: *Chuckles* heh..

Sha: Ou Ou OUUU... *She squints her eyes in pain as she tilted her head and gets up with her feet still rested on the ground with the person in middle* Ou Jiao.. ouuu.. I don't sit on people's lap.. this is like the very first time.. ouuuuu it hurts..

Jiao: Who cares it's the first or not.. this is not appropriate.. at all.. *He pulls her ear even more*

Kurayami: *sits up and crawls backwards a bit staring at Sha with his eyes widened* He was trembling as he stared at Sha* Y..you.. saved.. me.. ? I was.. attacking you... but..

Jiao: *Looks at the person on the ground* hm?

Sha: hm? *She looks at The person on the ground, with her head still tilted because Jiao still pulling her ear* She blinks as she pouted a little* Yeah, because you were never really going to harm me.. so why not..?

Kurayami: *His eyes widens even more, as it sparkled a bit staring at her, shocked to know she already figured out his moves* W..who.. in the world.. are you?

Sha: Who am I? Well.. umm.. *she looks up as lost into thoughts figuring out how to explain who she is* ummm

Jiao: Who is she?? I will tell you who she is... *He lets go off her ear and puts his both hands under her armpits and lifted her up*

Sha: eh??? *Blinks rapidly as she was lifted up just like how Rafiki lifted Simba in lion king* Ehhhh????

With that, Suddenly Shiroi, Ky and Horus, gets together and started singing:

Naaaaaaaaants ingonyama bagithi babaa

Sithi uhm ingonyama

Naaaaaaaaaants ingonyama bagithi babaaa

Sithi uhhmm ingonyama


Siyo Nqoba


Sha: ehh??? *Blinks rapidly shockingly confused as she completely felt like the baby Simba*

Aly: *Laughs out loud as she touched her stomach* ahhahaha.. This is the best.. so far..

Yoshida: *Chuckles teasingly*

Everyone else laughed as if they weren't in danger a minute ago.

Kurayami: *He narrowed his eyes wondering what's wrong with these people, they were just fighting and now they are making jokes*

Jiao: *He cleared his throat* She is.. Our leader.. Sha Aqua Lana Zale Doria!! She is...

Before he could finish his sentence he gets interfered with a mysterious voice.

Mysterious Voice: She is of course a leader.. *He walked towards all of them through the shadows*

Kurayami: *As he heard the voice, he stands up quickly and stands firm slightly bowing, as if he knew who it is*

Sha: *Her eyes were widened in shock as soon as she heard the voice, she stared at the mysterious person who came through the shadows and her whole body started to tremble*

Jiao: *Slowly puts her down as he felt the tense*

A serious look was appeared on their faces as they didn't even notice another presence a second ago, but this person appeared, everyone also noticed the look on Sha's face and her hands trembling

Mysterious man: *he stops not far from Sha, with a slight smirk on his face* Hello Little sister... Long time no see..

Everyone was shocked and stayed silent as to see who he is.. He definitely resembles Sha herself, He was none other than Andi Aqua himself.

(Andi Aqua is here? But why? Does the person attacked Sha know him? How did he find Sha? Stay tuned)

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