My Possessive Bully (Taekook)

By lamprini_taekook

511K 17.6K 2.3K

Jeon Jungkook is the strong true blood alpha and bad boy of the whole pack, he is also a cold and bad person... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Merry Christmas ❄️❤️🎄
Chapter 4
Happy Birthday My Tiger 🐯
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

11.4K 454 44
By lamprini_taekook

3rd person pov

~with namjin~

Jin and namjoon were cuddling on the back of the class because jin hadn't slept well the previous night because of the nightmares he had, he didn't explain them to his mate and his mate didn't forced him too. "Jin baby are you alright now?" rm asked looking down at his mate, the other didn't answer, his eyes were close he tried to clam himself and his wolf down but his wolf was restless for some reason, he had a feeling that something bad would happen, but he didn't know what exactly. Namjoon didn't push the matter much, but he too could feel his mate's discomfort.

The bell Rang and the couple left the class, walking towards the cafeteria to meet the others, when they arrived they saw, jimin, yoongi, J-hope and Lucas eating but they didn't see jungkook nor taehyung and that made Jin worry, when they  reached the table and greeted the others,he turned to look at jimin asking him "have you seen taehyung?", "no hyung I haven't, I knew he had gym class this morning but after that he didn't show up" jimin said nervously, cold sweat began to run over jin's face, in no way would he want the nightmares he saw to come true, he tried to call the younger but he didn't pick up after he hung up, yoongi's phone light up revealing that someone had sent him a message, then yoongi took the cell phone on his right hand reading the message that had been sent to him out loud "it's from jungkook..... and he says that he and taehyung will be at the pack house, when we'll end with our classes we should go to them", the three omegas had their mouths wide open from shock they didn't see that coming.

"So you are telling me that not only jungkook and taehyung are together but they are at the pack house too?" namjoon asked getting a nod from yoongi "what are they doing there and the most important question is how they end up together?" Lucas asked with curiosity, "I haven't the slightest idea" J-hope answered shaking his head. "Anyway let's eat I'm hungry and the lesson starts in 15 minutes" jimin said and start eating his food meanwhile yoongi was trying his best not to sleep on the table, he was very tired but he needed to eat, so he hold himself and ate his food. Namjoon had put Jin to sit on his laps to calm him down, he knew that his mate didn't trust jungkook at all and especially with taehyung "baby, I promise you that tae is just fine with jungkook" rm whispered in jin's ear making him goosebump, he just nodded his head and start eating his food. As for hoseok and Lucas both of them seem to have a great communication.

~at the training grounds~

Taehyung's pov

After what happened between me and jungkook, I wasn't able to talk to him without blushing or look at him in the eyes, I'm really shy and what I did make me even more embarrassed towards him, when he got into the car he didn't say a word, he didn't look at me either, all he did was turn on the radio to have a relaxed atmosphere in the car or he just did it because he didn't want us to get awkward with each other. I was looking outside the car's window seeing the familiar place we were in....the training grounds. Where young children learn how to become a wolf for the first time, where they are trained how to manage the new emotions that are caused to them , they also learn to make friends, help and respect the elders  too but most importantly they learn that they have to respect every rank, alphas, betas and omegas. I love seeing children playing and having fun as an omega the The maternal instinct is always there, and my longing to acquire such a creature myself makes my heart beat loudly with enthusiasm.

A smile was placed in my face I exit the car and walk towards the pups but a hand stop me before I get away, I turned my head to look at jungkook, his eyes were intimidating they were screaming dominance for kilometers but that never stopped me from getting lost in them his eyes were like a big maze, you can get lost anytime, you can meet terrible monsters but there will always be a light...a warmth that will show you the right way out of this maze alive and that's what jungkook makes me feel alive I interrupted my thoughts when I heard him talk to me,

"Listen omega, I'll let you go and play with the pups but I'll be watching you so don't do anything stupid like you usually do and get yourself in trouble because I won't help you this time, get it?" he said with a bored expression and my smile just dropped 'welcome back old jungkook I didn't miss you' I said in my head and rolled my eyes" did you just dare to roll your eyes at me? " ohhhh shit he is pissed, get yourself out of here taehyung if you want to live long enough to find your mate" nonononono I wasn't rolling my eyes on you, you understood wrong "I said giving him a fake smile but I didn't expect him to lean closer to my face he was really close to me like REALLY REALLY CLOSE... Oh god help me "Dont give me that fake smile of yours love, it doesn't suits you" he said giving me a dirty grin. I was frozen in my place I couldn't move not even a muscle is he crazy or something? Why he does things like this, he makes my heartbeat rise and my stomach tickled, he will make me sick if he keeps acting like this.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down after some time, I walked to the training grounds the pups were everywhere running and laughing with each other, when they saw me they ran up to me shouting "Taetae you've came" I smiled my boxy smile at them and hugged them one by one "will you come play with us Taetae" a beta girl said sweetly and I just couldn't resist them so I nodded my head, they start clapping happily dragging me where the other pups were playing catch, all this time I was looking left and right to find the one small boy that had captured my heart but I didn't see him anywhere so I decided to ask "lovelies can you tell me were is Draco? I can't find him, is he alright?" the pups looked at me and said "he is sick Taetae", my heart stopped, sick, sick? As in very sick like dying or a little sick like he catch a cold? I'm worried now I have to see him to see if he alright "my daisies can Taetae leave and come to play a little later?" I heard the pups saying 'ohhhhhh' sadly but they nodded their heads. Awwwww don't be so cute my pour heart can't take all this cuteness "thank you my daisies" I said and walked away from them in the school.

Their school and training grounds are together because alpha wanted them to get educated and trained at the same time and I think is better like this, I was wondering In the corridors looking for the nurse's office, once I found it I knocked lightly at the door when I heard a 'come in' I entered greeting the nurse " Hello ehmm can you tell me if a small boy named Draco is here?" before the nurse could answer a childish voice was heard from the back "I'm here angel" I giggle at the nickname and walked towards the beds which were placed further inside the office while I was getting closer I saw a small boy with blonde hair and big emerald innocent eyes looking straight at me but he didn't seem well his eyes were red ans swollen, his face was pale and his body seemed weak my poor baby....  I went towards him and sat on his bed taking him in my embrace he hugged me back giving me a weak smile "what happened baby?", "he has pneumonia but in heavy form and for he's age it is very dangerous" the nurse from behind me said  "Oh my God" I said shocked "he is going to be alright, right?" I said giving the nurse my puppy eyes waiting for her to tell me something good " probably... Yeah" by her look I understood that she didn't give two shits if the pup died or not and that made my extremely mad,

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? PROBABLY? YOU ARE THE NURSE HERE MAKE HIM HEALTHY AGAIN" I shouted making my baby close his ears.... Shit it much be painful for him and me shouting doesn't help either , the nurse tried to calm me down by saying "sir, please calm down I'm trying to do my job"  I rolled my eyes now giving much more attention to the lady or better say the young woman that was standing in front of me, she must be in her late twenties that's why she doesn't care about how bad the situation is, I calmed myself a bit and asked again "how many days is he in here?", she made a thinking face before answering "ten", "TEN, TEN WHAT DO YOU MEAN TEN? HE IS IN HERE TEN DAYS AND HE IS STILL LIKE THIS?", "I'm trying to do my job sir as well as I can and you are being too aggressive right now so I have to ask you to leave sir" she said now glaring at me.. Oh how dare she,

"Listen here you piece of shit, it clearly seems that you can't do your job right, so I'm gonna do it for you, I'm taking him with me, I'm the only one who TRULY cares about him so I'll take him home with me come on baby" I said giving a last glare at the young nurse before taking Draco with me, my baby was so tired that he fell asleep in my arms, as I walked out of the office I heard the woman shout "YOU CAN'T DO THAT I'LL REPORT YOU TO LUNA AND ALPHA" if anyone was in my place they will probably be scared but I'm not, I don't know why maybe.... is Draco this pup makes me really confident so I turned around and answered her "watch me" and with that I exit the school walking past the training grounds arriving to jungkook's car then was when I start shouting "JUNGKOOK", "JUNGKOOK" I was about to shout for the third time but a hand in my mouth stopped me "can you stop shouting like you've gone mad?" I rolled my eyes at him "look I don't have time for th--", "why do you have a kid in your arms? Damn I didn't know you were a kidnapper" he said smirking, I rolled my eyes again "take me home NOW".

Hello my beautiful people I'm finally back, I've been gone for months and I'm really sorry for that, I'll be better in future. Thank you all for supporting me all this time I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did pls vote and comment to let me know your thoughts, emotions and anything else you want also if you want to know when I'll update again follow me too. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜

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