Amphibia x male reader

By TDOG4903

374K 5.7K 13.8K

When four teens get sucked into a world of frogs they will go on crazy adventures and find feelings as well More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Short 1
Chapter 9
π˜›π˜©π˜’π˜―π˜¬ 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘒𝘭𝘭
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Short 2
Chapter 12
Short 3
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

4.7K 117 157
By TDOG4903

We're outside as we see the gang standing next to a wall with a cart of vegetables with them

Hop pop:now kids just cause we lost the family stand doesn't mean we can't sell our produce out of a janky wheelbarrow.

Anne:this...this is pretty sad.


Sprig:ah criminal activity excitement!.

He says as he puts on a three hole beanie

Y/n:my favorite kind of activity!.

He says as sprig hand him one as well

Hop pop:Take that off! This is perfectly legal!.

He says snatching both of their beanies


Anne:then why are we hiding in an alley?.

She asked as they looked out watching frogs pass by doing their natural routine

Y/n:yeah! Ally's are the sign for criminal activity!.

Hop pop:uh..stop asking questions and follow my lead.

He then sneaks out the alley and taps a random frogs shoulder

Hop pop:*whisper* psst lady wanna buy an eggplant?...

Y/n:yeah but don't snitch ya dig?.

Y/n said now behind hop pop holding a sharp carrot like a knife

The frog turns around as hop pop "huh's" in shock

Female frog:*gasps* hoppy!.

Hop pop:what! Sylvia!?.

He exclaimed pushing y/n back


Sylvia:come here you sweet potato.

She says as she hugged him

Hop pop:I...I thought you had moved away?.

Sylvia:yup but I'm back in town now let's take a look at your veggies.

(Ayo the way she said it)

She said as hop pop blushes and sweats

She then walked into the alley towards his cart and began inspecting his vegetables before picking one up that strangely looked like hop pop

Sylvia:oh I'll take this one I've always had a soft spot for the weird ones

She said with a wink

Once again hop pop starts blushing and sweating as he stammers

Sylvia:well I better be going goodbye hoppy.

She says as she takes out a copper and puts it in hop pops coat pocket before hugging him goodbye

Hop pop:uh uh g-goodbye Sylvia..

He watches her leave the alley as he lets out a deep sigh

Anne:Hop pop you dog!.

Hop pop:huh?...

Sprig:what's happening?...

Polly:what's going on?.

Anne:Hop pop is clearly in love.

She said as sprig and Polly's eyes slowly widen


Polly:I didn't think that was possible!.

While y/n had a natural expression


Hop pop:Am Not!...




Hop pop:okay maybe a little.

Anne:ohhh you should tell her how you feel!.

Hop pop:*sighs* I wish I could but you saw how I was back there I have trouble even putting sentences together...I wish there was another way to let Sylvia know how I feel...

Suddenly they hear the sound of hammering as they look out the alley to see a crowd of frogs

Hop watch the wheelbarrow for a sec...and don't let that boy take a bite out of the vegetables.

He says walking to go investigate as the three turn back to see y/n has his mouth wide open over one of the veggies before he stops noticing the stares he's getting

With hop pop he stands behind the crowd as he sees it was toadie nailing up a giant paper on the message board

Toadie:Dance fever! With family fun! Shenanigans! Romance! Tonight from 6:00 p.m till...hmmmmmm?.

He said shrugging as he hopped off his latter

Hop pop hums as he rubbed his chin until he hears Sylvia speak up in the crowd

Sylvia:been a long time since I've danced with someone might be nice to feel the embrace of a man

She says acting out dancing with someone as Felicia chuckles


She says a little embarrassingly

Hop pop stammers and plays with his fingers from what he heard until someone pokes his shoulder

Hop pop:huh?.

He turns only to see no one there but then someone slid their finger up his back making him turn again but once again no one was there

Confused he turns to leave only for him to walk into a finger as a blue frog laughs

Blue:Ha Ha! Classic gullible Hopadiah!.

He says as he flicks hop pops upper lip as he grumbled

Hop pop:oh hey Monroe....

Back at the alley the group was peeks around the corner watching

Anne:who's that?.

Sprig:that's Monroe he and hop pop have been rivals forever.

Polly:Monroe wins at pretty much everything...lawn bowling shuffleboard...other old man activities

Y/n:ooooh rivalry battle!.

Monroe:you're not seriously thinking of going to this thing are you? Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself like last year's barn dance fiasco Hahaha! See you around old-timer!.

Monroe walks away chuckling as hop pop narrows his eyes at him

Hop pop:oh we'll see about that Monroe...we'll see...

Suddenly he hears a whistle blow as he looks towards the alley


Sprig yells with his three hole beanie on as y/n also with his beanie on was the first to book it out of there as Anne tries to keep up while holding Polly


Sprig runs back into the alley as punching sounds could be heard while hop pop books it as well

We're back at the house as we see hop pop peeking out from from his study room before closing the door

He grabs a book called "so you think you can't dance a beginners guide" as he places it on the book stand

Hop pop:can't dance huh? We'll see about that.

He flips the book open to a page that has two frog doing the dip

Hop pop:looks easy enough.

He goes to the middle of the room and carefully picks up a mop

Hop pop:sorry Sylvia.

He said as he gently grabs the middle of the mop

Hop pop:and a-one and a-two and-AHH!.

He dips the broom to far as it snapped in half making him fly forward crashing into his book shelf making a bunch of books fall into him

He sits up and sighs

Hop pop:*sighs* Looks like it's hopeless...

He said before bass pounding could he heard as it shakes the room

Hop pop:what in tarnation?...

He gets up and goes to investigate where the music was coming from as he hears it coming from the basement

He peeks down the basement hatch and sees it was Anne's phone making the music as she dances

While y/n was on his bed with his leg on his knee bopping it vibing to the music

Hop pop:*gasp* Anne can dance?...

Anne then turns finishing her dance as she opens her eyes seeing hop pop

She freaks out letting out a little shout as catches herself on the table before she kicks her shoe at him as it hits him in the face making him fall down the stairs

Anne then quickly pauses the music as y/n sits up

Y/n:hey! What gives I was feeling that!.

Anne:hop pop what the heck dude!?.

He then turn to see hop pop on the ground

Y/n:oh what I miss?.

Hop pop:Anne I need your help


She asked putting a hand on her hip

Few minutes passed as hop pop took the giant paper off the message board on makes it lean on the wall showing her

Hop pop:that's why I'm begging you teach me your ways! I can't tell Sylvia how I feel but maybe I can show her by dancing with her!.

Anne:huh never figured you for a hopeless romantic hop pop let's do this thing!.

She says throwing her arms up into the air

Hop pop:hey Um...think we could keep this just between us? And I mean JUSt us!.

He says pointing to y/n

Y/n:alright alright!...

Anne:you got it HP my lips are sealed.

We then cut outside as we see sprig Polly who has popcorn and y/n sitting on a stump while y/n's eel dog sits next to him

Sprig:Whoo! Dance it up hop pop!.

Polly:Shake that booty!.

Hop pop:....what happened to the zipped lips....

He said while y/n looks at his eel dog

Y/n:what the heck man I said don't tell anyone.

He whispered as his eel hound as it gave him a confused look

Anne:couldn't help it this is just too juicy!.

She says stretching as she's now in her workout/dance outfit

Anne: besides when I'm done with you you and Sylvia will be locking lips by the end of the night

She said as she moonwalks away as hop pop blushes and sprig and Polly both groan in disgust


Polly:uggghhh come on!.

Y/n:locking lips....

He said looking up in confusion

Anne then walks over to her phone which is laying inside a bucket and presses the play button playing music

Anne:lesson one foot work!.

And then began to show a short demonstration dancing to the music

As she finished she shot finger guns at hop pop signaling his turn while y/n began clapping quickly in the background

Hop pop then nervously looks down at his feet before he started to bounce up and down for a bit feeling the beat until he tries to take a step falling forward rolling into an ant hill


He popped out screaming as sprig throws a bucket of water at him

Y/n:Nooo! You'll drown them!.

he said as he ran to the ant hill and began picking them up one by one


He shouted each time he was bitten

Anne:lesson two rhythm!.

She said as she then began taping a hammer on a metal bucket rhythmically to the music

While hop pop had a wooden bucket and tried to bang rhythmically only to start tapping it too fast as he reeled his arm back and brings it down missing the bucket and hitting his foot

Hop pop:OW!!!!.

He exclaimed while Anne winces

Y/n:oof i know that hurts had a hammer land on my foot once...walked it off though.

Anne:lesson three freestyle!.

She said as they all one by one put out their legs minus Polly who hops next to them stretching out her little stub hand

Anne:freestyle is expressing yourself in your own unique way

First up is Anne showed her freestyle

Then sprig showed his

Then Polly showed hers

And then y/n

Y/n:awwwwwww yeah!.

He moonwalks onto the seen before going down on the ground and doing his move

He then ends it with him laying on his side leaning his head on his fist as anne Polly and sprig clap

Anne:Dang! Nice moves dude....

She notices y/n slowly getting up from the ground looking a bit shocked

Anne:you alright y/n?....

Y/n:alright I'm gonna keep it real with you guys that was actually like the first time I've nailed that.

He says a bit shocked

Suddenly the four would look to the side as hop pop began to dance and it was something

He danced like he was drop onto a deck and flopping like a fish with some other weird poses

Anne sprig and Polly stared in shock and disappointment while y/n stared in amazement

Hop pop:ya daa!.

He says finishing his dance with a pose as he wipes the sweat off his forehead

Hop pop:I gotta say that's the first lesson I actually felt good-

He gets interrupted by Anne grabbing him by the sides of his face as she lifts him up to her eye level staring into his soul

Anne:hop pop if you wanna win over Sylvia....

Anne:never do freestyle again!.....

Y/n:hey I liked it do it again.

Anne shoots her head back to look at him

Y/n:weird stuff attracts me Anne you know this.

And they trained hard Anne taught him the rhythm foot work and other stuff from the morning to the sun setting in the background

Now the four sat in front of him as he practices the moves he learnt

He ends it with a pose breathing heavily as the four clap

Sprig:whoa! Yeah hop pop!.

Polly:miracles happen!

Y/n:I still like the old one more but this is still pretty sick!.

Anne:nice moves hop pop..or maybe I should call you "Hip pop?".

She said smirking as she snapped her fingers


Hop pop:that reference means nothing to me.

Y/n:*gasp* how dare you references are everything...

Suddenly out of nowhere sprig hopped onto the back of Anne's head panicked

Sprig:Guys! There's only ten minutes till the dance come on!.

Anne:oh we gotta go!.

They all then quickly got up and rushed to get ready

We see a bunch of frogs dressed up as around the area there were tables with bunch and vines that had glowing flowers sticking out and in the middle was a dance floor

Over at a table we see Mrs croaker drink multiple glasses of punches

She reaches for another one before her hand and another hand grab the same glass

She looks up to see y/n

Mrs croaker:sorry dearie but this is my glass..

Y/n:hmm pretty sure I had my hand on it first Mrs pretty sure you just drank like five.

Mrs croaker:why don't you refill the cups plus I would like this glass.

Y/n:I would also like this glass.

Mrs don't want this boy...

Her voice changed as she stares up at him intensely

Y/n:I want this.....

He said staring back

Then we see frogs playing instruments on a stage as frogs slow danced together as a struggle could be heard in the background

We then see Anne and the plantars dressed up as anne holds a glass of punch

Sprig:I gotta say as long as you're not being forced to date someone dances ain't half bad

Hop pop stretches his outfits color as he looks up as his eyes go wide gulping

Hop pop:she's here!.

He says pointing to Sylvia who's looking for a glass to get some punch....while in the background a certain pair could still be heard wrestling

Hop pop:I feel like I'm gonna faint can frogs faint!? I don't know anything anymore!!!.

He panicked grabbing the side of his head as anne crouches down next to him

Anne:hop pop calm down.

She says smiling while giving him a side nudge before wrapping her arm around him supportingly

Anne:you are the king of this dance floor! You walk right up to that lovely lady and ask her to dance!.

She says as hop pop lets out a hmph now sitting up confidently before narrowing his eyes

Hop pop:hmph I got this.

He says as he goes to walk over to Sylvia

Anne watches as she's about to take a drink of her punch before y/n comes hopping next to them on one leg before shaking his head and dusting himself off

Anne:hey man you get the punch?.

Y/n:nah we accidentally broke the glass man Mrs croaker is WAY stronger then she looks!.

Anne:man...why do you got beef with Mrs croaker?.

Y/n:it's not beef it's friendly competition our little game I guess you can call it.

He says as at that moment Mrs croaker was walking by as she stops and nudged y/n's leg

Mrs croaker:heh not bad dearie but be prepared next time we both spot something we want.

Y/n:heh you too Mrs croaker and bet bring it on!.

She chuckled and walked away as y/n looks at the punch stain on his sleeve

Y/n:man wish I won that punch though.

Anne looks at her glass then back to y/n before she stretches it out towards him

Anne:here dude you can have mine until they get new cups.

Y/n:oh thanks Anne!.

He takes the glass raising it over his mouth and pours it and drinks making sure not to touch it with his lips before stopping leaving some punch inside and stretching the glass back to Anne

Y/n:man I needed that thanks again by the way.

Anne:you're not gonna finish it?.

Y/n:I want you to have some too I should be able to wait for the cups now thanks to you!.

Anne:oh thanks dude.

She takes the glass back and drinks some of the punch before y/n looks back towards her

Y/n:oh by the way nice dress looks pretty!.

Anne chokes on her punch blushing a bit before she coughs


Suddenly y/n's eyes widened as he remembered something

Y/n:OHHHHHHH that reminds me of something be right back gotta stop by Felicia's real quick!.

Anne:huh wait why?.

Y/n:it's a surprise I asked her know now that I think back on it she was like really excited to make it..anyways when I get back let me know when we won!.

He says jumping over the stone fence

Anne:oh alright dude!....wait "win?" You that confident huh?.

She said to him with a smirk before he turns towards her jogging backwards as he shrugs with smirk of his own

Y/n:hey you're the one you taught him right?.

He said as he turns forward running

Anne's face brighten red a bit as she looks down in thought touching the side of her face a bit

Anne:'he...really believes in me that much huh...'

She thought as her blush burned a bit brighter as she then started to chugged her punch

With hop pop he finally reached Sylvia as he stands behind her clearing his throat

Hop pop:s-Sylvia?...

He stammers before a loud voice interrupted him

Monroe:Sylvia Sundew! Would you do me the honor of this dance?.

He says slightly bowing putting out his hand



Sylvia:why Monroe I'd be delighted.

She says walking off with Monroe towards the middle of the dance floor as hop pop panically gasps before going after her

Hop pop:Sylvia dance with me instead!.

He says as they both stop

Sylvia:well hopadiah.

She says intriguingly before Monroe panics a tiny bit

Monroe:Him? HA! He can't dance!.

He smirks raises a brow

Hop pop:I can dance better than you I've been trained by the best and I'm gonna take you down!.

He says with a raised brow and a smirk of his own

Monroe:is that so?...then let's settle this.

The crowd around then applauded as the plantars and Anne gasp

Sprig:the drama!....

Anne:come on guys hop pops gonna need back up!.

She says once again chugging the glass she just refilled before throwing it off to the side as It breaks while the three approached the dance floor

Monroe stands in front of hop pop as he straightens his coat hop pop stands in front of him with his hands behind his back as the crowd of frogs whispered amongst each other

Male Frog:look over there

Male frog2:what's going on?...

Female frog:hopadiah?....

Male frog3:it's a standoff....

Anne sprig and Polly slide to a stop behind hop pop with their arms crossed as Polly and Anne snapped their fingers

(Love the pose)

Mayor toadstool notices what's happening while holding his drink which gets his interest and excitement now

Mayor toadstool:ohh what's this?.

He leans over and grabs a plant that's a microphone? before speaking into it

Mayor toadstool:it appears two stallions have taken to the floor and are about to battle it out!.

The frogs with instruments in the back start to build the music up as the two frogs glared at each other before hop busted out his dance moves first

He was really going at it more determined than ever

He finished as the crowd of frogs were impressed as Sylvia stared at him with a smile

Male Frog 1:you know that wasn't half bad.

Male frog 2:technically proficient.

Anne sprig and Polly cheered in the background

Mayor toadstool:a solid effort my hopadiah plantar!.

Hop pop panted as he looked around at all the impressed frogs as he had a small smile

Mayor toadstool:but how will Monroe respond?.

With monroe he still stood still with an unimpressed look

He merely dusts off his shoulder before chuckling and walked forward

Suddenly he tossed off his hat and jumped into the air before landing and doing the splits before busting out his moves which shocked the plantars and Anne making them gasped

Anne:oh no......

The things this frog were doing were astonishingly impressive from flips spins to leg and foot work

And finally he ends it with a pose himself as the lights shine on him as the crowd cheered while Sylvia stared on raising a brow

Mayor toadstool:well looks like that's it for hopadiah...unless he has something special or unique to show.

He said looking off to the side spinning his hand as anne sprig and Polly look down in shock and defeat while hop pop stared forward

Sprig:well...we did our best and isn't that what counts?...


Anne then sits down on the ground

Anne:I honestly don't know what to do...Monroe's just a better dancer....

Hop pop:well...then I guess I'll just have to express myself in my own unique way.

He said walking back to the middle of the dance floor don't think he'd gonna?....

Anne:*gasps* oh no....Hop pop Hop pop!!!.

She called out to him hoping he'll stop but he kept walking until he stops in the middle

Hop pop:Sylvia I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how I feel about you....but I can show you! Hit it boys!.

He exclaimed pointing to the frogs with instruments

Female frog:....uh yeah we've been hitting it but OK....

They began to play as hop pop lets out a breath before dancing

The crowd stared in shock

Mayor toadstool:unbelievable! I ain't never seen moves like those!'s horrifying...

Hop pop continues from spinning his tongue

To spinning up and down on all fours

Then he bounce on his stomach before standing up and taking out s jar of ants

as he pours them into hips pants

He screams as he quickly moves around in place panicked as his feet move so fast flams ignited from the ground

He then quickly runs over to the big glass of punch and grabs it before running back to the middle of the dance floor and pours it onto himself as he loses finishing his "dance"

Hop pop:Ta-Da!.....

The crowd stares in shock and a little horror

Anne:is it safe to look yet?....

She asked while covering her face

Sprig:no idea.

Polly:couldn't tell you.

They both replied also covering their faces

Monroe:oh-ho yikes well I think it's clear who the winner is.

He says straightening his coat as the frogs spoke

Frog 1:it's Monroe.

Frog 2:not even close

Frog 3:Monroe does it again!.

Hop pop looked around as his face saddens

Monroe:come along Sylvia no need to waste time with losers.

He said lifting his hand towards Sylvia as hop pop groans and the plantars and Anne sigh in sadness

Hop pop began to walk off the dance floor before Sylvia called out to him

Sylvia:Oh Hopadiah!.

Hop pop:huh?.

He turns back around to see Sylvia now dancing as her dance moves were weird as his

Monroe:wha-...she's as freaky as he is! THE HORROR!!!!.

He screams as he runs away

Hop pop slowly smiles as he starts to dance again as the two did their weird little dances as the frogs were shocked and disgusted

Female frog:this is not for children's eyes..

She said covering her kids eyes


She said covering her eyes as sprig and Polly did the same

Mayor toadstool:ok that's enough of that pack it up dance is over! Everyone go home...

He said walking away as the crowd and band followed suit

Hop pop and Sylvia were panting until they both slowly started to laugh

Hop pop:I don't get it..why?.

Hop pop asked

Sylvia:I have a soft spot for the weird ones remember?.

She said as hop pop blushed and stammers

Hop pop:ah...shame the dance is over I could dance for hours with you

Suddenly the two hear a violin playing as two see sprig standing an a stool on the dance floor as he winks to hop pop

Hop pop smiles back before he clears his throat and stands up holding out his hand towards Sylvia

Hop pop:may I have this dance Sylvia sundew?.

Sylvia:why yes you may hopadiah plantar.

She said as she took his hand and also stands up as the two began to dance as anne watches with a smile while leaning on the stone fence

Polly hops over to her on the stand fence

Polly:may I have this dance madam?.

Anne:thought you'd never-


As Anne was about to accept Polly's request she was interrupted by y/n's voice as both turn to see him in a suit extending his hand towards Anne

Y/n:may I have this dance?.


Polly then playfully bows while hopping away from Anne as y/n approached her while she was still stunned

Y/n's regular attitude and face came back as he smiles while looking down at himself holding his coat showing it off

Y/n:pretty cool huh Felicia was really excited to make this oh and remember when I said imagine me in a suit look it happened me in a suit could can you believe it told ya I'd look nice

He said smirking before looking back up to Anne

Y/n:but anyway back on track would you like to dance?.

Anne quickly got herself together and quickly takes his hand


The two walked onto the dance floor before y/n looks to Anne and began scratching the back of his head

Y/n:uh think you could teach me to do THIS kinda dancing I kinda only got the suit and asking the dance thing down heh heh.

He asked this a grin as anne lets out a short laugh

Anne:of course dude I excepted this.

She smiled as she then taught him the basics and all four dance

With Polly she was watching the whole thing before y/n's eel hound came next to her and sat down

Polly turns to the hound

Polly:so you wanna dance?.

The eel hound does a "eh" gesture with its head before grabbing Polly by her bow and throws her onto its back as it began to spin and dance around with Polly giggling

Wanna know a cool little fact? there is two scrapped original backstory's and powers for y/n

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