Panty, Stocking and Brassiere...

By SapphireBlue595

1.1K 24 1

Brassiere Anarchy is Panty and Stocking's younger sister who is lazy and prefers to sleep rather then eat swe... More

Death Race 2010!
The Turmoil of the Beehive

Excertion Without Honor and Humanity

340 8 0
By SapphireBlue595

Panty, Stocking and Brassiere: Excertion Without Honor and Humanity

Garter: Daten City, A town flinging to the threshold between heaven and hell with a piece of its human inhabitants, it's regularly threatened by foul tempered, evil spirits. A faded darkness lodged in the cracks of troubled souls will have struck this town today, unnoticed. However, there are some who wield a light beyond all human understanding, and ascend their tools of righteousness to eradicate those shadows bound by the bowels of hell. But who could it be given the three that are eliminating this darkness? Are they servants of G**, or minions of the devil.

An area far from the city. A church is located. This is the home of our protagonists.

On the outside of the church. A dog? Puppet? Wearing a purple collar with green skin is hopping around. However a flash lighting  mysteriously hits and strucks down the dog like creature. Once the lightning stopped the dog was charred in black and smoke emits from his body.

Then a panel suddenly opened only to reveal a man with an afro wearing pastor like clothes. The said man is holding a hammer. And with one swoop he hit the dog using the hammer. The dog then coughed out a later with the initials "W.C."

After the man went back inside, the church bells were rung. Causing a man to fall out of bed with no clothes on. He was in a room filled with junk.

Rando man: Oh shit, what the hell's going on!?

His actions caused the woman next to him to wake up, yawning.

In another room, a girl also woke up for a split second before going back to bed not in the mood to deal with today's shit.

In another room, another girl was not even bothered to wake up. She was not ready to deal with bullshit.

Now inside the interior of the church we see the same man and dog. The dog was just bouncing around until a couch came down squashing the dog.

Garter: good morning panty?

Panty ignored him. She smiled and waved away the man.

Panty: See ya later.

Rando perv: anytime.

Panty yawned.

Garter: Good morning, Stocking?

Stocking flipped her hair looking tired.

Stocking: Morning... Morning sugar.

Panty grabbed some cake from nowhere and continues to eat it.

Garter: goodmorning, Brassiere?

The girl wasn't even listening since she was still asleep. Garter watched as the sisters were in there pajamas ignoring him.

Garterbelt: Reminisce bless us with a clue that should lead us to a ghost take out so listen up Hookers!

Garter then started to go through his afro fetching the letter. He went through the contents.

Garterbelt: Toilet.

The Anarchy sisters weren't paying attention and continue to ignore him nevertheless Garter still continued. A string fell down from the roof and Garter pulled it down and a white board appeared.

Gaterbelt: We have reports of people being suddenly and inexplicably sucked into their toilets, almost as if the commodes are eating them alive. Taking a massive dump is one of the most vulnerable positions a person can find themselves in. Or someone or something to pray upon their weaknesses is a vicious and tangible act. Whoah, this be the work of a ghost, y'all!

Again ignored

Panty: You gotta love morning wood.

Stocking: you really don't have standards do you?

Brassiere began to wake up and immediately the two sisters looked over.

Panty: Morning sunshine.

Brassiere: Ugh....

Panty: anyways, It's crazy good actually. Three spins and half a twist when you wake up

Brassiere: Can you go one day without sex?

Panty: Can you go one day without sleep?

Stocking: I'm more interested in sugar.

Panty: how about protein?

Stocking: Depends?

Panty: It's good.

Brassiere: For you only.

Panty: it is though. Ain't that right though Garter?

Garterbelt: Shut up! First of all, why the fuck you think I know the answer to that? And secondly, if you don't wanna be stuck here forever, the only option you pathetic excuses for anything resembling angels have is to buy your way back into Heaven with Heaven Coins you collect exterminating evil ghosts!

He opened up a briefcase with only three coins inside

Garterbelt: Contrary to popular belief, you are not here to collect men, sugar and sleep! So focus and stop acting like fat-ass hoes!

Once he finished, he could only watch the dog named Chuck fart before being punched and stomped upon which led to him being dragged on the ground and gets hit the three girls over and over agina. Then Chuck finally stopped while he also splattered on the board next to Garterbelt.

Stocking: we know.

Brassiere: we get it.

Panty: Fuck it. Let's roll.

The three of them got changed and ready.

Panty: Stocking, Brassiere.

Stocking: Panty.

Brassiere: Panty.

Panty: Let's do this!

Panty then raised a car key. And turned it th car on the sound of an engine was heard along with music. The pink vehicle blasts out of the ground.

Panty: Woohoo! Pedal to the metal!

Brassiere: This better be worth the the time...

Panty: of course it will. Go see through! GO!

As they rode off the sound of flushing could be heard. There were two people present one being a woman and a plumber.

Woman: Haha! Yes! It's never flowed better. Oh God, you are a master at your craft.

Plumberman: thank you, I'll be back later for a quick inspection.

Woman: Such a hard working man...  wanna come inside for a drink? I need  you to inspect my plumbing.

Her attempt of flirting was cut short when a vehicle Slams onto the plumbers truck with the said plumber laying on the ground.

Panty: got him.

Brassiere: A toilet and a plumber?

Panty: Youre the one?

Stocking: He's the one?

Brassiere: He's not the one.

Panty: He's the ghost? Is that it?

She pulled out her gun and pointed it at him then jumped on top of him as the woman watches.

Panty: Tell me, do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya? Do ya?

Stocking: Does he?

Brassiere: This is getting boring.

Panty shoots directly at his head. Every time she shots he would say ow.

Man: ow! Ow! Ow!

Panty: Huh? it isn't him.

Brassiere: knew it

Plumber: Cut that out. It hurts.

When the plumber said that his beautiful face was shone and that got panty to be in a mood.

Panty: Fuck, you're a hot piece of ass.

Woman: You are preaching to the vag, sister!

This made Panty drool taking off her panties then hands it over to her to sister.

Panty: Hang onto these for me.

Stocking: Gross.

Brassiere: Yucks.

(Sexy times)

After that they left the man and drove off back to the church. They were sitting on the couch from earlier infront of Garter.

Panty: Oh! Yeah! Well, he's feeling lucky now.

Stocking: Yeah but he isn't the one.

Brassiere: And he was to ugly.

Panty: He was the one A really good one.

Stocking: Your taste is fucked up, sister?

Brassiere: It was already low but it got lower suddenly.

Panty: Youre the ones who are fucked up. Fuck of

Garterbelt: Shut the hell up, you bunch of dirty bitches!! Start doing your damn job. Oh damn it all! Let's just eat!

Garter picked up Chuck and threw him away.

Few minutes later...

Panty: *belch* Shit, was that good.

Brassiere: I'm so full I can sleep for 5 fucking days

Stocking: Your curry is unreal, Garter.

Garterbelt: *laughs* That's cause it's black baby. You won't ever go back.

Stocking: So, what's up for dessert? I'm guessing chocolate. Oh, for no reason in particular.

Brassiere: . . .

Panty: Well, I don't give a shit. So I'm gonna go take one. I'll be in the can if you need me.

Stocking: Don't let the toilet eat you.

Brassiere: No one wants to see a shitty panty.

Panty: Oh, screw off!

A loud thud was heard from the bathroom door.

Stocking: We should have picked up some chocolate bombs from the Meta Muffin bakery! Those-

Panty: Does she even hear what she's saying?

Stocking: –tasty brown goodness in my mouth all the time!

Brassiere: Maybe we should have. They were good.

Brassiere yawns.

Just then the sound the toilet was making didn't sit right with panty with a few seconds past until

The toilet was trying to eat Panty up.

Panty: Fuck! Shit! Ahhh! Stocking! Bra! Help me, goddamn it! Stocking! Bra!

Stocking: Shut up, Panty! No one wants to talk to you while you're taking a dump, it's so disgusting! I hope you shit your face off while you shit in yourself if it makes you feel any better.

Brassiere: Just go do your shit without bothering us.

With the toilet finally flushing Panty inside she was still fighting the toilet trying to get put of its hold.

Panty: Fucking shit!

Panty flies out of the toilet covered in shit. She stood up very pissed.

Panty: Okay, I get it now.

Then Garter, Stocking and Brassiere appeared beside her. Garter was wiping a plate, Stocking was eating a cake and Brassiere was leaning against Garter.

Garterbelt: Okay, you get what now?

Brassiere: Maybe the rice curry.

S, B, G: *hurl*

Panty: I get it all now..

The trio next to her complain about why it stinks.

S, B, G: *hurl again*

Stocking continues to eat before titling her head.

More shit was coming from under the sewer pipes until it all came together to form a huge pile of shit.

Townsman 1: What the hell is that thing?

Townsman 2: It looks like a huge-ass scoop of chocolate ice cream!

Toddler: Hey, I want some, yummy!

But the smell itself caused the people to puke. Then a swarm of police cars were on scene.

Officer 1: Freeze, shithead!

Officer 2: Don't make any sudden movements!

But even though they shot the shit monster it backfired and only for them to barf and vomit.

Big Brown Eye: Shit, fart, doo-doo!

He spread more mess towards the police

Officer 3: Holy shit! What the fuck are we gonna do?

Garterbelt: Ahem.

Officer 3: Oh, no offense, preacher man. But J**** God, what is that?

Garterbelt: Unfortunately, you be starin' into the brown eye of an evil spirit.

Officer 3: Ah!

Garterbelt: The negative energy created by all the plumbers who suffocated and died from the stench of clogged-ass toilets has manifested himself into a vengeful spirit. This powerful ghost utilized all the fecal matter in the city to achieve this pooty-poop physical form.

Officer 4: That's disgusting.

Officer 5: Oh God, he's gonna spew.

Officer 6: I don't think I can handle any more bodily functions.

Garterbelt: Suck it up, dude. Not literally though–oh shit, I'm gonna hurl again.

Officer 3: Please don't tell me prayer's the only thing that can get us out of this.

Garterbelt: Why the heck would I tell you that? G** ain't even here right now. Prayer can go to hell, man! We got angels! Panty, Stocking and Bra, you're up!

The three sisters then appeared next to Garter.

Officer 7: What, you're talking about that walking turdsicle over there?

Officer 8: that goth chick next to it who obviously has daddy issues?

Officer 9: And whats with that emo girl who looks like she has sleep depression.

Panty: It's time for us to flush the toilet.

Bra: Number 1, that was cheesy.

Stocking: Number 2, you smell like shit.

Panty: How about I buy you a cake from that fancy bakery and you manage to do this without saying another fucking word?

Stocking: As long as what I'm saying now doesn't count, I'm in.

Panty: Then let's make this fucking fucker pay for covering me in this fucking shit, okay you can reply to that.

Stocking: Let's rock.

Bra: I want this to end so I can sleep already.

A white ring then appeared on top of them.

Panty: O pitiful shadow lost in the darkness.

Stocking: O evil spirit born of those drifting between Heaven and Earth.

Bra: O dark nightmare which came from the deep parts of sorrow.

P,S,&B: May the thunderous power from the garments from these holy delicate maidens strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger. Shattering your loathsome impurity and returning you from whence you came.

Panty then shot at him

Stocking then sliced him

Bra then lastly shot three arrows at him

PSB: Repent, you motherfucker!

Big Brown Eye: This blows!

The piece of shit then exploded.

Townspeople: *Cheers*

Garterbelt: Good, angels. You got a coin.

Panty: All that for just one?

Bra: We wasted time for one fucking coin!

Garterbelt: Yeah, one closer. So, quit your bitching..

*Bell chimes*

Gaterbelt: The evil has been vanquished, so rings the bell. At least I'm assuming that's why it's ringing.

Stocking: Now keep your promise and go buy me that cake. I need sweets, stat.

Panty: Yeah, yeah. Look, I've found a tasty little treat for me too.

Guy: Whatever you say man, you're an angel.

Garterbelt: You still have a punishment to face.

Stocking: Ooh, like what, bondage?

Garterbelt: What would I get outta that?

Bra: can you leave now?

Panty: Uh, yeah, I've got plans so you could leave me the hell alone.

Guy: Shit.

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