Baby Owl

By Kiba_Loves_Anime

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Just some bokuaka story because I felt like making this (also to see how my writing has improved!) More

Authors Note
Part One
Part Three

Part Two

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By Kiba_Loves_Anime

"Good morning Akaashi!!!!" Bokuto beamed as he jogged up to his best friend "you'll never guess what!! I have the best lunch today!!" Akaashi smiled. "Good morning to you too, Bokuto-san. What do you have for lunch?" Bokuto beamed even more "well I made it myself so--" he was cut off as Akaashis face expression completely changed from cheery to distraught. "What's up with your face!?!"
Akaashi sighed. "If you made it, it probably is not going to be very healthy. Show me what you have please." Bokuto faked a hurt expression. "Akaashiiii don't always assumeee it's actually healthy this time!!! I think.." Bokutos face had turned slightly puzzled. "You're going to have to see it at lunch!!!" Akaashi sighed, but didn't disagree. The pair began to walk into the school gates and they waved goodbye as they reached their classes.

Akaashi was currently sitting in Math, waiting for the bell to ring. Akaashi found math rather boring, he was good at it yes, and he hated other classes more but math was just boring. And it was especially even more boring because Bokuto wasn't here complaining by his side. It was just him and the people in his class, which he only knew like one or two names. Akaashi was not very social. He did know this one boy though, he was called Rori. He was a transfer student from Europe and he was very nice. Although he did have broken Japanese. It was still very good though Akaashi thought, because Japanese wasn't the easiest language to learn. But other than Rori, Akaashi could only name about two other people who he spoke to maybe once or twice. Akaashi sighed as he stared at the clock. After math was lunch, and at lunch ment being with Bokuto. Akaashi should be happy, but waiting the last ten minutes of a class feels like waiting an eternity. Akaashi decided to doodle in his jotter to pass off time. He will admit, he's not the best artist, but he certainly wasn't the worst. First he drew a little flower and a bee, then he tried working on some tree's, then he drew a cat, then a dog, he also drew a dove and after the dove he drew an owl. And before he knew it, he had a little bokuto cartoon face on his page. "Shit." Akaashi mumbled under his breath. He drew all this in pen so he can't rub it out, and people are going to question why the upperclassman he hangs out with a lot is big and bold on his maths jotter page. He could always scribble it out, but he didn't have the heart to do so. So he instead turned the page and wrote the title and date. As he began paying attention again, the teacher had gone from teaching about percentages to somehow talking about algebra. "What..???"
Akaashi thought as he stared straight at the whiteboard. "Akaashi. Is there a problem?" oh no. This was Akaashis worst fear, being called on and having everyone stare at him. "No, sir. No problems here." The teacher slowly nodded before looking at Akaashi's jotter. "Stay after class please, I need a word or two."
"Well shit."

The bell had rung and everyone but Akaashi had left the room. "Akaashi are you okay? You are one of my top students what seems to be bothering you? And why is your page blank."
Akaashi internally gulped as he thought about what to say to the teacher, and also how to make it fast to meet Bokuto. After all, they normally meet at a certain spot. "Well uhm." Akaashi cleared his throat. " I did my work on the previous page. I ran out of room." The teacher sighed. "Mind showing me?" "Why is he so persistent?" Akaashi nodded as he turned the page slowly, and showed it to the teacher, covering the bokuto drawing with his palm.
"That's a lot of drawing. Just, next time pay attention okay? You may go now." And with that Akaashi bowed before running away to get Bokuto.

"Bokuto-san! I am so sorry I am late. I got held up by my Maths teacher." Bokuto turned to look at Akaashi and smiled. "Akaashi getting held up by a teacher? My my what unique news! Since when did THE Keiji get held up?" Bokuto laughs as Akaashi flushes a bit from embarassment. "You've been held up too Bo." Bokuto laughed even harder. "I'm Bokuto Kotarō, of course I get held up!" Akaashi giggled, what he said was very true but it's one of the things that makes Bokuto, Bokuto. "Why don't you show me that hideous lunch then?" Bokutos laughed turned into a scowl. "It's not hideous!!" Bokuto huffed as he say down on the floor, behind the schools back wall, Akaashi following shortly after. Bokuto took his lunch out and handed it to Akaashi. "Here." Akaashi took Bokutos lunch with care and opened it. "Really?" Akaashi deadpanned at the lunch. "Is this leftover dinner? Does this mean this is the dinner your parents prepared for you last night, but you were at my house meaning you didn't tell your parents you were at mine?" Bokuto looked guilty at first but then his face turned shocked with amazement. "HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?!?!?!?" Akaashi winced at Bokutos random burst of energy. "Keep quiet, Bokuto-san. I'm just good at knowing my best friend. But anyways, besides the point, tell them next time." Bokuto nodded. "Well, I texted my mum after she sent me a text message saying dinner sooo." Akaashi hummed. "Okay then, Bokuto-san." Akaashi still looked at the lunch in his hands. "I'm going to give you some fresh salad though, all this greasy stuff can't be the best for you." Bokuto whined. "It isn't that bad!!! Don't disrespect my mother's cooking!!" Akaashi burst out laughing. "What's so funny!?" Akaashi pretends to wipe a fake tear. "Bo, this is literally food from the takeaway across the street from your house." Akaashi explained, still chuckling. "whaAT!? They backstabbed me!! I'm not there and they get a takeaway!!!" Akaashi burst out again. "You surely would of known when packing your lunch right?????" Bokuto shook his head no. "It was just leftovers on a plate so I just put them in my box..." Akaashi was actually crying laughing now. "Bo you're quite silly. But in all seriousness, please take some salad." Bokuto giggled. "only if you have some of my leftovers." Akaashi smiled and agreed. They both exchanged food and began eating peacefully.

"And then I was like 'what the hell ku-bro you're a freaking dumbass!!!' and poor kenma was sat in the corner looking like he wanted to kill himself!!!! I don't know how he's still alive, since he's dating Kuroo and all " Bokuto laughed while Akaashi adored his features. "Bokuto-san deep down you know Kenma and Kuroo have a connection that can never be broken apart. Kenma really does love Kuroo, he just dosent show it around people." Bokuto sighed. "Well yeah that's just Kenma for you, but I wonder how Kuroo deals with that, he's clingy as fuck." Bokuto made a slightly traumatized face as he spoke "Very. Clingy." Akaashi laughed even more at that. "I'm sure he and Kenma have found a way to make it work. I mean, that's what true love kind of is isn't it? It's about working together, whether it's sibling love or romantic love" Bokuto smiled and franticly nodded. "Of course!!! When I get my future lover I'm gonna power through everything with  her! We'll be the king and queen of the world!"
Akaashis fond smile turned into a slightly frowning one. "Her..?" He thought.  "Akaashi? You okay?" Bokuto worriedly asked, concern written all over his face. "Yes, Bo, I'm okay. Although, we should get going soon, since the bell is going to go soon." Akaashi stood up and picked up his bag then lent a hand out to Bokuto. Bokuto took his hand and sprung up smiling at Akaashi, not letting his hand go. "Bokuto-san you can let go now." Akaashi said as he gestured towards their interlocked hands. "But this is fun! Look!" Bokuto began swinging their arms back and forth. "See? Now come on let's skip to our next class!!! I'll take you to your one!" Bokuto began skipping while Akaashi tried to keep up with him while not skipping. Although Akaashi was a bit disturbed by his classmates as they made their way past them. Some of them would comment on how childish Bokuto was being, or how holding hands with his best friend was gay, and some even stuck in the occasional snarky insult, although most of them were directed at Bokuto. Akaashi didn't like it, not one bit. He'd stare down anyone who had made a comment as he continued to get dragged around the halls. Although Akaashi wasn't very social he'd do anything for Bokuto, he's just grown on him. Not everyone hated Bokuto, it was just the jealous ones or the judging ones. Infact, most people loved him.

At last, they had made their stop, outside of Akaashis classroom. "Oh my gosh it's Bokuto!" Some girl had said, as she pointed towards Bokuto. "He's come back!" All of the people outside the classroom crowded around Bokuto and tried to speak with him, while Akaashi was standing outside the class with an angry glare on his face. "Woah, woah easy guys! Don't just bombard me like that. How many times do I have to tell you I don't like this! Haha" Bokuto interacted with a few individuals before making his way back to Akaashi. "Geez people are a litttleee bit nippy. I get why you hate them." Akaashis angry face turned soft. "Yeah, I suppose. Although you can just tell them to go away you know?" Bokuto sighed. "I know I can, but I just can't. It's not in my heart to do so, I've been raised to treat people with respect!" Akaashi giggled. "So there's no polite way to say no?" Bokuto groaned "there is but it's harddd!" Bokuto and Akaashi continued talking until the bell went and people started to file into the halls and their classes. "Bye bye Kaashi!!" Bokuto hugged Akaashi tightly and Akaashi returned the hug for a split second before pulling away and waving his goodbyes. As soon as he was about to turn around he saw a girl from his class approach Bokuto and start to speak with him. Akaashi looked at Bokutos face and assumed she had just confessed because Bokuto was turning all shades of pink. Tch, right. "Her" Akaashi stormed into his class, not even bothering to watch the scene anymore. It wasn't fair, why did he have to fall in love with his straight best friend? Why couldn't he fall for some pretty girl or handsome guy who would also share feelings with him. Oh well, he wasn't going to let it bother him. He sat at his seat and brought out his notebooks and jotters as the teacher began the lesson.

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