Sengoku Night Blood (Disconti...

By KanadeDivinia263

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Set in the flourishing world of Shinga that was formerly a prosperous and peaceful realm, a girl named Runa b... More

S1~01: Shinga Supremacy
S1~02: Toyotomi Attack
S1~03: Takeda Banquet
S1~04: Sanada Famigilia
S1~05: Wild Feeling
S1~06: Uesugi Discord
S1~07: Date Double Face
S1~08: Oda Plunder
S1~09: Yakuma Corridor
S1~10: Discord Terminus
S1~11: Terminal March
S1~12: Sengoku Night Blood
S2~01: Mouri Monitor
S2~02: Toyotomi Reflection
S2~03: Marriage Mayhem
S2~04: Blazing Passion
S2~05: Takeda Tranquility
S2~06: Trombe Trouble
S2~07: Sanada Beauty
S2~08: Kidnapped Princess
S2~09: Ominous Developments
S2~10: Monochromatic Night
S2~11: Discord Melody
S2~12: Uesugi Harmony
S2~13: Fallen Tears
S2~14: Date Stoneheart
S2~15: Everlasting Paradox
S2~16: Destiny Guilty
S2~17: Wishful Dreams
S2~18: Oda Creation
S2~19: Destiny Ark
S2~20: Striking Spear
S2~21: Star Becomes Music
S3~01: Awakening Heartbeat
S3~02: Noise Night
S3~03: Disorted Mirror
S3~04: Imprisonment Scythe
S3~05: Infinite Bow
S3~06: The Lost, Lost Little
S3~07: Annihilation Sawblades
S3~08: Divine Blade

S3~09: Silver Dragon

187 4 0
By KanadeDivinia263

Everyone looked at the cliff. They saw Nobunaga and the rest of his vassals standing in the light of the moon, as the wind waved their capes.

"Geez, seriously...?" Liu muttered, annoyance clearly shown on her face that matched her tone. She and her sister had to leave their shrine to search for a sealed relic, and now they had to deal with another army? Just great.

Yue looked at the Oda Army with an emotionless face, unfazed at Nobunaga's cold stare. But she held her older sister's hand, holding it tightly in her smaller ones.

Liu felt her sister's anxiety and stepped closer to her.

"So the Oda Army is showing up all together?" Masamune wondered. It was like everything back at the cliff had repeated itself. Was Nobunaga mocking him by using the same plan when he took the girls?

"I was hoping to blow you all away in one go." Katsuie smirked. "You're a quick bunch."

"Your aim was a little off." Nagahide sassed.

"Huh?" Katsuie turned back to the silver-haired vampire with a fierce glare. "You should go in first with a bang!" He ranted.

"That's true." Ranmaru agreed. "They all totally freaked, too." He said with a smile.

"What's that?!" Sasuke snapped. "We were just a bit startled, that's all!"

"We just cannot stop the storm of admiration and jealously at your flashy appearance." Saizou mocked with a hand on his hip.

"Are you here for the Mages?" Kamanosuke asked with his usual lazy tone. However, it held some seriousness.

Liu let out a yawn, already more bored out of her mind. "What is it with you guys and power? Are you all that desperate?" She whispered under her breath, knowing full well the Gegga Tribe members could hear her.

"You realising that will help resolve things faster." Mitsuhide said, standing beside Nobunaga. "Will you hand them over to us?"

"Do you mean this is an exchange?" Masamune lowered his sword.

"Masamune!" Yukimura gave the werewolf a warning look.

"It's an order." Nobunaga answered with no emotion at all.

Nobunaga gave them a cold stare, a deadly one. His slit eyes focused on Liu, who smiled ever so calmly, before his eyes shifted to Yue, who imitated his stare.

Yue gave off a deadly vibe. Her aura changed drastically from a fragile, innocent girl, to fierce, deadly and merciless soldier. Honestly, it reminded everyone of someone they know. But Yue's felt more free and toxic than a certain Purebred.

"What if I say..." Masamune paused.

Merciless Yue glanced at Masamune with curiosity. She wondered what he would do in this kind of situation.

Liu did the same.

"... that I refuse?" Masamune smirked.

The werewolves smiled at Masamune's sneer and got into a fighting stance, as the Xing siblings made their way over to the werewolf commanders.

Masamune stood protectively in front of the girls.

"I knew it would come to this." Katsuie said.

Ranmaru sighed. "So the Date Army still hasn't learned, huh?"

Masamune smirked. "We are not falling for the same trick!"

Katsuie suddenly charged at them, heading straight for the girls.

But before Liu could do anything, Masamune was already in front of her, blocking Katsuie's sword.

Yue felt Nobunaga staring at her, as well as his other vassals, as she knelt to the ground, oblivious to all of the fighting around her. She wondered why they're more focused on getting them. Did they investigate on the Mages and wanted one for their army? Or are they in need of one for a purpose? Either way, Yue didn't see why she or her sister should do anything since each vassal would block anyone who tried to charge at Nobunaga.

Yue sticked her right hand into her left ruqun sleeve, making it look like she was looking for something, but truly, she was making some explosive peonies. Making more than plenty, she held the small buds in her palm and remove her clenched hand from her sleeve. She stood up as Isuke went to hide in her clothes.

Kojuro stabbed a soldier that managed to reach Liu, who was busy staring off into space. "Get out of here!" He shouted at her. "Take Yue with you!"

"Yes, yes..." The older sibling said. She turned to face the line of Oda soldiers and grabbed one of her renewed peonies from her hair.

The flower lost its shape and collapsed, becoming smoke before transforming into a light pink flame. The flame enlarged into a bomb fire and Liu threw it at the soldiers, killing them without mercy. She then grabbed Yue's wrist and pulled her to start running.

They ran past the remains of the Oda soldiers, running out of there and into the forest. Liu would use her fireballs to kill any Oda soldier that came at them, leaning from one rock to another for distance. She would kill anything that's in her way, just like a soldier, climbing the height each time.

"Don't let them get away!" Katsuie yelled, following the siblings' movements.

Katsuie was about to lunge to the top but Yue used her Astral Art to create a shield that sent him to the ground. Katsuie faceplanted first, his body getting slammed to the ground by the shield that was filled with weights, then his swords pierced the earth on either side of him.


From the cliff...

"Ranmaru." Nobunaga turned to his trusted vassal.

The young vassal nodded. He sprinted towards the girls, following their movements from above.


From below...

Liu dragged Yue by the wrist and noticed Ranmaru, but chose to ignore him. It was until she bent her knees, swiftly snaking her arms around Yue's back and legs, lifting her up in a bridal hold before pushing her body up like a spring.

Liu then removed one of Yue's hairpins from her bun, just as her body twirling in the midnight air. The hairpin glowed and morphed into a golden arrow. She aimed and fired on the space under Ranmaru's feet, watching the rocks crumble under him, sending the vampire plummeting to the ground. The siblings knew he'll be fine, because they saw a pretty purple bird protecting Ranmaru from the falling boulders.

Liu landed on the cliff above so Yue could get some air back in her lungs. Liu looked ahead, seeing Nobunaga's narrowed stare. She looked back at him in the eye. She knew Nobunaga knows that she was holding back from hurting his vassals. Liu flashed him a playful smile with an innocent look on her face, telling him she only wanted to play a little before pulling Yue back up to run again.

They ran deep into the forest, pushing pass the branches and bushes. The girls' feet pounded against the ground, giving them a boost with each step. Liu would suggest going faster, but she wasn't sure if Yue could keep up.

Yue was panting hard, trying to keep up with Liu, who had to slow down a few times or hide their presence to stop to let her catch her breath. She felt bad but Yue can't help it.

The siblings could feel the presence of the other two vassals catching up. They ignored the stinging pain in their chests and sprint into a run again. The two looked at each other and nodded, and skidded to a stop when they were in an open field.

Grabbing the other hairpin in her hair, causing the bun to become undone and flutter with the air, Yue threw it at the spot she felt the duo in.

"Be careful! It's going to blow!" Liu warned before taking off once more, pulling Yue with her.

The two heard the blow of dynamite and Liu snickered, while Yue had a worried look over her shoulders. But their bodies tensed up all of a sudden when they felt a strong presence behind them. They took a quick glance and their eyes widened at the sight of Nobunaga.

Liu narrowed her eyes and picked up her pace, pulling her sister with her.

The siblings jumped into the trees, trying to conceal their beings as they ran. It didn't seem to work as the Demon Lord himself ran under them, following their every movement. If they jumped to the side, he changed his directions. Nobunaga made no effort in trying to jump up and trap them.

Liu clicked her tongue. 'Damn it! He's playing with us!' She thought, already figuring out what Nobunaga was trying to do; He was waiting for them to tire themselves out from the constant leaps they - Liu took.

Keeping her precious sister secured in her arms, the older Xing jumped in front of her, only to notice that there were no more trees. 'Crap!' Liu quickly covered Yue's body with her own as they tumbled down, tripping on a branch.

The siblings found themselves falling to the ground. Liu hit the ground on her back first, making sure her sister and the bag she was carrying didn't suffer any damage. Who knows what will happen if their handmade bombs went off or Yue's poison got leaked into the ecosystem.

Before either sister could even sit up, Nobunaga was beside them, towering over them. They looked behind him to see Nagahide, Ranmaru and Mitsuhide landing in a kneeling position.

"Aw~ but we didn't want to be captured." Liu whined, sitting up as Yue got off of her.

The younger Xing held out a hand and helped her sister up.

Liu dusted off the dirt on her ruqun before she came up with an idea. She looked past the vampires, faking a realistic shock face. "Noise?!" She exclaimed in 'shock'.

They all tensed up and turned around, looking for the said creature.

The older girl took that as her signal and got the heck out of there. She grabbed Yue's hand and took off, laughing at the vampires' gullibility.

"O-Oi!" Nagahide shouted, realising too late that they were fooled.

Even though they're ahead, the siblings could hear the vampires' feet rushing after them.

'They are fast.' Liu noted. 'But I'm smarter.' She smiled mischievously as she grabbed one of her own hairpins. Keeping her mischievous smile, Liu turned around and flung it at the vassals.

Nagahide and Mitsuhide jumped out of the way, moving to the sides.

Ranmaru furrowed his brows but followed their actions.

The elder sister turned around and was about to run when a hand grabbed her upper arm.

"Got you!" A loud voice exclaimed.

Liu looked up, seeing the missing redhead. "Hey, I remember you!" She pointed out. She also noticed Katsuie had his other hand gripping Yue's upper arm, but not too tight to hurt her. Just enough so she won't be able to escape. "You got pushed to the ground by a child. What makes you think you can take us this time?" Liu raised both her brows in a jokingly challenging manner, smiling playfully at the vampire.

"'Cause you two are surrounded." Katsuie simply pointed out.

The siblings then noticed the other four vampires were making their way up to them, casually walking instead of running.

"Fair enough." Liu shrugged.

The siblings gave in...

For now.


The next morning...

Hideyoshi was sitting in the throne room with a grim look on his face, listening to Toshiie's report on how the search for the siblings was doing. Stella was with him but she hadn't said a word or moved from the wall she had been leaning on the whole time.

"Schutzaria took us to the safest root to look down at where Hanbee fell, but there was only a pile of boulders. We moved all of them to another spot, but there was no sign of a body or blood anywhere." Even though it was a report, Toshiie had a grim look of his own. How could he? One of his friends might be dead, but he should have been prepared for it. Everyone was going to die at some point. "As for Runa, there wasn't a spec of sign of her within the area." He added.

"Understood." Hideyoshi said. "I leave the rest to you."

"Got it." Toshiie turned around and was about to take his leave, but Stella stopped him.

"Toshiie, does Schutzaria looked weird to you in anyway?" She asked suddenly.

Toshiie looked over his shoulders in surprise. He thought about it before giving his answer. "Not sure. The woman hardly say anything but showed us where Hanbee could have fallen to."

"I see..." Stella had a calculated look on her face as she held her chin witn her fingers. She then took a glance to the depressed commander. "I get it that losing a friend like that is a shock, but you shouldn't let it get to you. That's not like you. The supreme commander should do things his way and be strong for his people. Soldiers dies someway."

Hideyoshi was stunned, but let out a chuckle that had been stuck inside him. "That's true." He smiled playfully. "Letting you take charge would be a disaster."

Stella had an irked mark on her forehead. "Hey, now!"

Then the door slided opened, revealing a soldier on one knee. "Excuse me. The Sanada Army is here." He informed.

This drew the group's attention.

Hideyoshi called in the others into the throne room as well.

Yukimura, along with Saizou, Sasuke and Kamanosuke came walking into the room. But they were also accompanied by the Date Army's supreme commander; Masamune.

Masamune leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as the Sanada Army sat on the floor.

Yukimura then began explaining what had happened last night. He even presented a note he was given, saying that the Xing siblings were in danger.

Sasuke even explained that he witnessed the younger consort's skin seemed to be poisonous to the touch, but immune to the older one's contact. But after being exhausted from running, that was when the Oda Army came in and took the girls.

"Huh? So does that mean they're Astral Mages, too?" Yuzuki wondered. "Like Runa-san?"

"Possibly." Hideyoshi answered as he sat on the floor in front of his throne.

Toukichi came out of nowhere and sat on Hideyoshi's shoulder.

"I am ashamed." Yukimura said.

"It's because Saizou fell over." Sasuke complained, glaring at the said werewolf next to him.

"I just brilliantly avoided the enemy's attacks." Saizou ranted with a smirk.

"That attack was coming at me, though!" Sasuke snapped.

"I wonder if the two are alright..." Kamanosuke wondered.

That's when Sasuke and Saizou's expressions turned grim.

"The fact they've been taken by the Oda Army..." Kanbee mentioned.

"Somebody must have tipped them off." Stella concluded. And she could take a pretty good guess, who tipped the army off about the two consorts.

Toshiie turned his head to look down at Hideyoshi. "Hideyoshi, what'll we do?" He asked.

Hideyoshi thought for a second. "Finding and securing Runa takes priority. If we jump to conclusions, it would only turn out like last time." He analysed.

Hideyoshi's words was a bit of a shock to his vassals and the Sanada Army. Hideyoshi, the very commander who desperately wanted to take down Nobunaga was refusing to take action immediately? But at the same time, he was right, focusing on finding Runa is a priority at the moment. She was the strongest Astral Mage they know. A Purebred above all. If the Oda Army had kidnapped two Mages, who knows what he could be planning.

Hideyoshi turned his head towards Masamune. "Now, what about you?" He asked.

Masamune remained silent, his eye was focused on the floor.

"Masamune and his men fought with us." Yukimura answered. His face then turned serious. "They even went to see the Goddess of Fire." He explained.

"The Goddess of Fire?" Hideyoshi choked as Toukichi fell behind his back.

"It was after they went to the Lunaria Shrine-"

"Hey." Masamune cut the werewolf off, causing Yukimura to turn towards him. "How do you know that?" He demanded.

"I heard about it from Kojuro." Yukimura answered.

"That idiot..." Masamune groaned.

"More Astral Mages are showing themselves, despite the dangers?" Stella questioned, suspicious.

Hideyoshi had a wondering look on his face for a moment before looking up at the Date commander with a serious expression. "Masamune, will you tell me about what the Goddess of Fire told you in detail?" He asked.

Masamune huffed under his breath, closing his eye. "Why should I?" He questioned.

Hideyoshi stood up and looked at Masamune with a glare, as Toukichi jumped off and landed on the floor.

The two commanders had a stare-off for a moment and what came next took everyone by surprise.

"Please." Hideyoshi begged, lowering his head.

Everyone gasped in shock.

Masamune may not show it, but he wasn't expecting this either. This was the second time the Toyotomi Army's supreme commander bowed to him.

"It's important." Hideyoshi added.


At Oda Castle...

The girls stood in the throne room of the Oda castle with their hands bound together. They stood before Nobunaga, who was sitting on his throne, along with his vassals, who stood beside their commander, with blank expressions. Besides, Aurora was the only person who had a smile on her face.

Yue felt so insecure at the moment. She's being surrounded by all these tall people and with the fact her body felt rather numb from all that running was more than she could handle. Just like Liu, Yue could've cared less if she was standing before a cold-hearted vampire, that has an overwhelming air around him. All she wanted to do was take a very, very, very loooonnngg nap.

"Come closer." Nobunaga ordered.

'As if...' Yue was not in the mood to follow orders. Or rather, she doesn't want to follow orders from her 'kidnapper'.

Liu, on the other hand, wasn't paying attention. Instead, she blankly stared at him as her mind was on its own adventure, analysing every bit of the castle, looking for a away to escape. It also occurred to her that it had been a while since she stepped into a western-styled castle.

"Did you not hear me?" Nobunaga's words were getting colder by the second.

The girls looked up from the floor and looked at Nobunaga with annoyed expressions, but obliged. They walked towards the vampires with their hands tied up in front of their bodies, until they stopped a few feet away from them. Plus, it wasn't like the ropes did any good. Yue's poison had been secretly melting hers the moment it made contact with her skin, while Liu had been secretly cutting hers up as they were led through the halls.

"Sit." Nobunaga ordered.

The girls sat on their knees, being regal as always.

"You two seem to have snuck your way into Shinga without the Date Army's knowledge, ensnaring the Goddess of Fire. Are you pretending to be spies?" Nobunaga questioned, his black pupils narrowed into slits.

'E-Ensnaring?' The older sibling's left brow twitched in annoyance. She couldn't believe that the Oda Army's supreme commander would jump to conclusions to such a preposterous thing. Her baby sister doesn't even know the meaning of ensnaring someone. However, it would be a good opportunity to humour herself. "Yes, we're spies." Liu 'confessed'.

Yue nodded her head a few times, playing along.

The vassals tensed up at this information.

"For who?" Nobunaga demanded.

"We're spies on behalf of a clan that wishes to put ends to ridiculous barbaric wars." Even though she was joking, Liu had a serious expression on her face before she broke out into chuckles.

Yue was just left blinking like an innocent child would do when they are confused.

Nobunaga ignored her words and went back on topic. "Powers similar to the Himemiko's Witch flows through your bodies."

"Tell us something we don't know." Liu deadpanned, having her sister mimicked her expression.

The siblings saw the vassals gritting their teeth at their ignorance, but they were enjoying this. They could see the Faery beside the commander was enjoying this, as well by the glint in her eyes. They only put up with the Date Army because they wanted something from the Goddess of Fire themselves, but the Oda Army weren't exactly the easiest people to get along with and they do not like how people accuse them with something without actual evidence.

Nobunaga ignored the comment. "Whether or not you have such intentions, your existence is significant to those of us in the Gegga Tribes."

"I thought you two seemed off." Katsuie commented, staring at the Mages like they were some strange mutated creatures.

Liu gave him an unamused look. "Oh, you're there." She deadpanned. "I thought a rat had snuck in."

Nagahide almost toppled over in laughter but controlled himself while Ranmaru sweatdropped with a straight face, finding it hard to laugh at the insult.

"Why, you!" Katsuie held himself back from lunging at the girl, his eyes twitching in anger.

"We will keep them with us for now." Nobunaga stated, looking right at the Mages. His eyes never left them, not once.

The girls had unamused looks, staring right back at the 'lord' vampire.

"As long as they remains here, you are permitted to use their powers when you need it. I'm interested in the power of Mages."

Yue's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Don't you think this will increase war alternatives?" Nobunaga then got up. "That's all."

Nagahide stepped forward. "Nobunaga-sama, about the report of the matter you're concerned about..."

"Hold it." Liu cut in, appearing between the two. "We want our stuff."

"No." Nobunaga bluntly said.

Liu shot him a fumed expression, her face burning bright red.

"Don't you say 'no' to me! I would rather not have you blow us to bits because you do not know how to use our gadgets!" She roared, clenching her fists tightly, causing fire to blaze up and burn her restrains to ashes. Liu was livid.

"Until I have assessed each weapon you possess, you will not be getting them back." Nobunaga looked over to Mitsuhide, sending him a silent order with his eyes.

"So you want your castle up in flames?" Liu clarified, trying to get the facts straight. One wrong move, then the whole castle might as well be history.

"These are Nobunaga-sama's orders." Mitsuhide cut in, trying to get the girls to follow, but they just continue to ignore him.

Suddenly, Liu felt her body being pulled from the floor by her waist before she could break the lord's neck. Her eyes widened in surprise when she's lifted onto Katsuie's shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

"Should we just take them, then?" Katsuie asked.

"Put me down, you old man!" Liu started struggling to get free. She's in a hurry and being held hostage was not on her schedule!

"'Old'?! Did you just say 'old'?! Did you?!" Katsuie shouted, clearly offended. He's not old!

Nagahide and Ranmaru stiffed their laughter, but their puffed smiles were clear as day.

"You old vampire! You old vampire!" Liu barked, glaring at him. "You old vampire!"

"Shut up! I'll suck your blood!" Katsuie threatened with a fierce glare.

"If you touch me, you'll get burned!" Liu returned the look.

"You are before Nobunaga-sama."

The two snapped their heads to Ranmaru.

"Be quiet." He calmly ordered, but his eyes were full of menacing anger.

Even Nobunaga's stare was more colder and heartless.

"We will kill you if you try to run." He said. "Understood?"

Liu just stuck her tongue out at him.


The girl snapped her head over her shoulders to see Yue unconscious on the floor. "Amei!" She hit Katsuie on the head with just enough force to let his arms loose, allowing her to jump down and sprint to her sister.

Liu gently lifted her up and cradled Yue in her arms, only to see a large chunk of the young girl's Ena had chipped off from her throat to her cheeks, causing the poor girl struggle for air.

Liu looked down and saw the chipped Ena had fallen to the marbled floor and began to dissolve into it. She gasped inaudibly and quickly picked them up to stuff them in her dissolved-proof sleeve.

Ranmaru pursed his lips and his hands clenched ever so slightly. Watching Yue suffering reminded him how Runa struggled with her own Ena. The two had many similarities; frail bodies that looked to be broken by a single touch, skin white as freshly fallen snow, naturally born Astral Mages, young, and was born with Ena.

Thinking, Liu lifted Yue up in a bridal hold and turned to the others, who each just stared at her. "I have no need to explain." She simply said to them when she saw that look on Nobunaga's face, and just stormed out.

Mitsuhide quickly bowed and excused himself.

"Ranmaru." Nobunaga called out.

"Yes, sir?" The said vassal turned to his superior.

"Investigate them."

Ranmaru flinched ever so slighty. "Right away..." He had a bad feeling about this.


Somewhere near the Oda castle...

Doing some deep diving on his memories, Imari discovered something and investigated around the Oda territory and came to a discovery. He managed to sneak into the forest near the Oda castle, trying to get to the boarder to tell Yuzuki as quickly as possible.

"Yuzuki-san!" Imari whimpered. "Yuzuki-san!" He started walking out of some bushes he was hiding. Fear kept following every step. "The Oda Army is scary. Huh?" He then stopped when he noticed something, or rather someone.

Down below the little cliff was Nagahide, who was sleeping peacefully under the shade of a tree. Again.

The sunlight hit his face, charming the vampire beauty side of him. If any women were to pass by, they wouldn't be able to resist his charms and see if he was alright.

Imari's eyes widened in shock. "That's one of the Oda Army's..." Before he could finish, Imari took a step forward, but didn't realised he was at the edge of a small hill he's standing. He ended up falling until he landed on the tip of his tea kettle, that rattled against the hard ground.

With all the noise Imari made, it woke up the sleeping vampire.

Imari saw and panicked, swiftly dashed away for his life just as Nagahide groggily sat up.

The vampire got up and looked around, sensing something was off. He took a sniff and made a face of distaste. "It stinks of an animal." He grumbled.



Imari was scared out of his wits. He was relieved he managed to make a run for it before he would be taken inside the castle. Again. If they saw his tea kettle once, then they would definitely be suspicious how it ended up in their territory, even though Yuzuki was safe with the Toyotomi Castle.


At Oda Castle...

Liu gently laid Yue on the bed inside the room Mitsuhide provided for her and sat down on the edge, staring at her worsened face. Just moving caused the Ena to chip off. "Amei..." Liu mumbled. She needed to sooth Yue's Ena with a special chemical, but everything was in her bag!

"Excuse me." A voice muffled through the sliding door.

Liu narrowed her eyes slightly when the door opened, but she didn't even bother looking over.

"I have brought your food." Mitsuhide said, his voice more clear now that the door was opened.

Liu sensed he was on his knees with something beside him. She could smell a nice fragrance of red snapper fish and hot stew.

Mitsuhide gently slided two trays of meals inside and moved in slightly, but kept more than half of his body out the door. "Forgive my delay in introducing myself." He humbly apologised. "I am Akechi Mitsuhide, appointed by Nobunaga-sama to look after you both." He stated.

"Whatever." Liu mumbled, still giving the vampire the cold shoulders. She didn't even have the appetite to eat anything anyway.

"When you and your sister are finished eating, please put your dishes out in the hall." Mitsuhide told her before getting up. "I will take my leave."

With that, the vampire left.

Liu leaned over and wiped some sweat off of Yue's forehead. Don't want her poisonous sweat to melt the pillows and having to up with a lie to their caretaker. It was annoying enough to have to be used as a tool.

"Excuse me." A cheery voice spoke from the hallways.

This time, Liu glanced at the door to see a familiar vassal and Faery.

"Um... was your name Liu-san?" Ranmaru asked as he and Aurora walked in, heading straight for the emotionless woman.

"You can drop the honorifics." Liu bluntly said. "I'm not used to having my name called in such a way."

"Then you can just call me Ranmaru." The short vampire smiled.

The ravenette glanced at the girl.

"Aurora is fine." The feline woman said. "And I think your sister could use this." She pulled out a vile containing purple liquid, that was just glowing no matter the angle.

Liu nearly fell off the bed. "H-How...? When...?"

"When did you...?" Even Ranmaru was shocked.

Aurora just shrugged her shoulders. "I took one on our way here."

"Huh?!" Both supernaturals shrieked.

Aurora smirked. "Astral Mages with Ena are extremely rare." She simply said. "And my Goddess will be disappointed if one died before me." She walked over to Liu and gave it to her.

The Firefly Consort started at the vile in her hands before pulling out a cloth from her sleeve. She popped the lid open and dipped some liquid on the cloth, letting it soak a bit. She leaned over and placed it on Yue's cracking Ena.

The child's expression relaxed as her breathing calmed slightly. But her face was still twitching in pain.

"Will she be okay?" Ranmaru asked, worried for the young Mage.

"After her Ena grow back, yes." Liu simply said before turning to him. "But I doubt that's why you're here."

The vampire flinched.

"Let me guess, your lord ordered you to investigate us?"

Ranmaru looked guilty. "Yes..."

"It will be futile." Liu smirked before redamping her cloth. "You will find nothing."

"But I have to find something!"

"Tell him everything regarding Astral Mages were wiped out during the Himemiko's disappearance." Liu suggested.

This caught Ranmaru's attention.

"Is there anything else?"

"Ah, right... There is... one thing..."

Confused by the tone of his voice, Liu glanced back at Ranmaru looking conflicted to the wall. Raising a brow at this, she made him sit at the foot of the bed while she remained in place.

"What is it that you want?" Liu asked after a moment of silence.

Ranmaru looked hesitant at first, but he dug through his pockets to pull out a piece of metallic paper and handed it to Liu.

The paper had an insignia on the front. It was consisted of a pink and yellow double crescent moons with horn-like wings, that had a snowflake as its crown. A double triangle sat behind it, brining out the crest like it was a beautiful being, but a sign of danger along the way.

Liu narrowed her eyes slightly at the crest. She gently grazed her hands over it before opening the piece of metal, like it was paper. Inside, it was another copy that started to glow, followed by music.

(Play video.)

Your unfeeling heart imprisons me

Careless eyes, too blind to see

Empty words, an iron cage

Broken heart, bleeding rage

Can't wait for you and me

It's time I break free

Trap of love

Snared by desire

Trap of love

Burned by your fire

Trap of love

Snared by desire

Trap of love

Beware the trap of love

Let me be, it's time we part

Set me free, uncage my heart

Can't wait for you and me

It's time for you to see

Trap of love

Snared by desire

Trap of love

Burned by your fire

Trap of love

Snared by desire

Trap of love

Beware the trap of love

"How saddening..." Liu murmured, gently closing the recorder. She glanced at the vampire beside her to see him lost in thought. "Hey." She clicked her fingers in his face.

Ranmaru snapped out of it.

"I take it, you understood nothing on this?" The Firefly Consort asked.

Ranmaru laughed sheepishly. "It's not that I don't understand it..."

"But you do." Aurora deadpanned.

"I just don't understand how the song is going to lead us to Solus-sama."

"The Sun Goddess?" Liu raised a brow at this.

"Yes." Ranmaru nodded. "A week ago, Nobunaga-sama recieved this letter, saying it is a hint to meet the Sun Goddess, Solus-sama, and towards her greatest weapon that could beat the Noise." He explained, eyeing the said clue. "At first, we thought one of the armies were trying to trap us, but after hearing the foreign song, Nobunaga-sama has been trying to figure out where the weapon is located."

"But with no progress." Aurora shrugged, earning a glare from the vampire. But the feline woman just dismissed it.

Liu listened closely at their side of the story and thought about the lyrics of the song. "This song..." She spoke, earning the duo's attention. "It expresses the singer's sadness and the emotions they have locked in their hearts." She explained. "By the lyrics, it appears the singer feels as though her love is being ignored."

"Really?" Aurora asked, standing before the two. "I thought she was angry with this lover."

"It is a possibility..." Liu placed a finger under her chin before turning to the young vampire, who had been silent through the whole conversation. "What makes you think this a clue?" Liu asked.

Ranmaru flinched before thinking about it. "What do you think of it, Liu?" He asked instead.

"How about you answer?" Liu inquired.

"How am I suppose to answer to a question I have no answer to?" Ranmaru deadpanned.

Liu narrowed her eyes for the umpteenth time. "I think you do know."

"..." Ranmaru had no say in it.

"You're just afraid to admit it to Nobunaga." Liu smirked, hitting the nail on the head.

"Excuse me..." Having his bangs shadowing his eyes, Ranmaru excused himself and left the room.

Neither girl said anything and just stared at the door, having Yue's soft breathing to fill in the silence.

"I think I went too far..." Liu sighed, feeling bad for hitting a sensitive spot. She hated it when a topic like that comes up. Especially, on someone who was already emotionally on edge. Ranmaru looked like he was ready to cough up whatever he was hiding.

"There are times when close ones must be hard on the other to keep up the act." Aurora wisely stated, placing her locked hands in front of her.

"There is no need for me to know." Liu stubbornly said as she brushed a strand out of Yue's face. Her Ena had grown back and her breathing had smoothened.

"The recording was placed on the castle entrance by a mysterious figure." Aurora mentioned, smiling mysteriously.

"Oh?" Liu doesn't believe it one bit.

"There's also a Purebred Mage managing to gather 5 out of the 7 Amalgam."

Liu glanced at her.

"Solus-sama's is the second to last." Aurora stated more seriously.

"If they were to gather them at the last place..." Liu connected the dots.

"Finé will be fighting for her."


At Toyotomi Castle...

Standing at the front gates of the castle, Toshiie and Kanbee watched both the Sanada and Date Armies mounting on their horses and one by one, each went on their separate ways.

"What a shock, though." Toshiie said all of a sudden. "The last time Hideyoshi begged for information like that was when the girls were kidnapped by Nobunaga." He smirked, placing a hand on his hip.

"Yes. The topic of Astral Mages appearing is rare information and one to take interest in." Kanbee stated.

Toshiie crossed his arms and closed his eyes, smiling to himself. "When we heard two Mages were taken by the Oda Army, I thought for sure he'd go rushing off after them."

"Yes." Kanbee agreed. "However, there was no definite proof that one of them was Runa in disguise."


At the throne room...

Sitting on her knees, Stella stared at Hideyoshi in annoyance as he sat on his comfy throne. When he wanted to ask her something in private, she knew where the conversation would go, but Stella can't say anything. She doesn't care what Hideyoshi might have in mind, but her pride as a Faery and the life of her owner comes first.

"As a Faery, you must have the ability to detect an Astral Mage from the commoners, correct?" Hideyoshi questioned, breaking the staring contest he and the Faery were having.

"Yes." Stella nodded.

"Do you know Runa has a Faery of her own?"

"I don't know." Stella answered honestly. "Even if I did, it would not be my business to get into her affairs. I don't know what goes through that head of hers."

"Can't you track her?" Hideyoshi asked, deciding to try a new tactic on finding the girl.

"I made no contact with that kid." Stella harshly stated, getting more irritated at this interrogation.

Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes. "Tell me more about this 'contract'."

But all the vampire got was a glare that meant a ticket to Hades' Underworld.


Later that evening...

Ranmaru sat by the lake, having his knees to his chest as he thought back on Liu's words. "I'm afraid to admit it to Nobunaga-sama, huh...?" He mumbled, feeling more gloomy now that he's hearing it again.

Hearing it out loud, Ranmaru could see why Liu said it in such a away. To her, it seems he had something to hide. To hide something to such lengths of not telling his warlord. And if anyone ever finds out, it will make it appear he's a traitor or spy that snuck in. With everything going on, they might think he had connections to a mysterious group nobody had heard of.

Ranmaru grunted in frustration before pulling out his locket. Staring at it, his eyes softened as a memory played in his mind.


"Ow! Ow!" A young 5-year-old Ranmaru whimpered.

It was clear and quiet one night so Ranmaru thought he could get some late night practice in. And when he started doing the basics of swordsmanship with his wooden sword, he got a bit carried away and grazed his right elbow against the tough surface of a tree, drawing a bit of blood in the process.

Ranmaru dropped his wooden sword and started crying like any 5-year-old would do, knowing no living civilians at a nearby village would hear. But the person looking after him heard and calmly, but quickly came out of their house, and saw what happened.

"It's okay." A young 17-year-old girl assured. She bent down and gently held the crying boy's grazed elbow. She looked up at the brightened up galaxy for a moment before looking back at the crying vampire, wiping his tears away with her fingers. "I asked the Moon Goddess to make the hurt go away." She told him.

Ranmaru stopped crying and stared at the beautiful woman with both curiosity and confusion. "The Moon Goddess?" He questioned, having small tears in his eyes.

"Yeah." The young girl in the black kimono nodded, smiling with glee. "See?" Holding his shoulder with one hand, she pointed to the glowing ethereal moon above them, bathing them and their home with its moonlight. "The Moon Goddess is always watching us."

Ranmaru looked up at the moon, trying to understand what his 'mother' was saying. "How?" He asked. Being so young, he couldn't comprehend and wasn't sure how the Goddess was watching.

The girl's expression softened. "I guess you can't see them..." She stared at the moon with fondness. No matter how many times she sees it, the moon always helped her get through the most painful moments of her life. And when she started living by herself with Ranmaru, she seems to discover something knew everyday. "In this world, there are creatures with mysterious powers who hides in the shadows with the Goddesses of Shinga, working under them as they hid in the trees, plants and buildings to watch over us and protect us." She explained like she was reading it out of a history book she came across. "They can cure sickness and injuries if we ask them to."

Ranmaru turned his gaze back to her. "They can cure anything?"

"Yes." The girl nodded. "They've been watching over us since I was small." A faint colour of red smeared her cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed as she placed her hand over Ranmaru's wound to relieve its pain. "See?" She asked suddenly as she removed her hands. "It stopped hurting, right?"

Ranmaru gasped when he couldn't feel the stinging prick anymore. "You're right!" Even though the wound was still there, the pain disappeared.

The girl smiled.

The two sat down on the soft grass with Ranmaru sitting on his 'mother's' lap, having her arms wrapped around his little frame as they stared up at the moon, praying to the Moon Goddess.

"Did you tell Lunaria-sama something?" The elder girl asked when she saw Ranmaru smiling brightly out of the blue.

"Yeah!" The little boy nodded. "I wanted to say thank you and asked her if she can help me become one of Nobunaga-sama's retainers!" He explained without hesitation. But then he remembered the private conversation they had the other night, heavily dropping his enthusiasm. "If I can, that is..." He whispered, looking down at his hands with conflict.

"Listen, Ranmaru."

The said boy looked up at his mother figure.

"No matter what decision you make, you did it for a reason." The girl suddenly tightened her hold on him, embracing him from her place as he leaned into the touch. "And that reason comes from the heart." She whispered into his ear. "If others won't listen to you then you have to make them listen. They can't judge you until they hear your side of the story."

"Are you sure?" Ranmaru asked. It's true he won't be certain if he will get his wish, but he would still be happy if his sister will be with him. Either was fine.

"No matter what your decision will be in the future, I will support you from a distance... no matter what."

Flashback ended:

'Mom...' Ranmaru buried his head between his knees, feeling he was on the verge of tears. What should he do?



"Yes, the Firefly Consort and the Celestial Consort had heard the song." Aurora reported to her superior over the jewel that was on her relic form, as she walked not too far from the lake. "All that's left is for one of them to step up. If one is willing to, I guess." She shrugged, smiling as she listened to the melodic chuckle over the communication device.

(Play video.)

We quickly lose track of time

Aurora stopped walking. She let her eyes wonder, wondering where that melodic, solemn voice was coming from.

Another today slipping by

Eventually, the light-blue-coloured eyes landed on a small figure by the lake.

And it's much too late before we realise

There, standing with his eyes closed was Ranmaru singing.

That it's our hearts we've left behind

Cloudy Day

Aurora's eyes widened. She had no words. It was like music began playing in her head as the vampire continued, completely unaware she hung up.

The words that we give up on

And all of the words we have spun

And now disappearing into the sky

What are we doing all is done

Up on the song I soar

It maybe only in my dreams now

But someday I know it will turn into something more

Aurora was at awe. Ranmaru's voice was clear and soothing like the moon. The aura he emits was gentle and strong, despite the emotion coming out of his mouth was sad. She doubt he even knows he was being watched.

Shining through the clouds

Forever it flies eternally

And when you're not picking up the broken pieces of our dream


Hidden in the trees...

Let's take this loneliness and turn it into a spark of hope

Sitting on one of the branches, the Oda figure was also listening.

Something is calling me

A whisper that chose the right way to go

A solemn smile appeared on their lips.


By the lake...

Ranmaru started swaying to the song.

Just like a song, guiding me on

To take the step that leads me ahead

Aurora started running up to him.

And that is where our story will begin

After the final note, Ranmaru took a moment to catch his breath. The heavy feeling in his chest was lifted. Being told singing tends to relieve some stress actually works. Ranmaru never really had any confidence in singing in front of people, especially in this country who was very traditional, yet he did it. When he opened his eyes, he felt like he wanted to cry, but held it in.


Not having any energy to be surprised, the said vampire glanced at the person who called out to him. He watched a familiar feline running up to him and getting into his personal space just to grab his shoulders.

"That song..." The warm-brown-haired girl started, catching her breath first before smiling brightly at him.

"A-Aurora." Ranmaru was a little surprised at the feline's behaviour.

"You're really good!" Aurora praised. She had to admit, she never thought someone from Shinga could sing in English, yet, witnessing one did made her rethink her opinions about the country. It also made her wonder where he learned it.

"Huh?" Ranmaru was taken aback. He didn't think he was being watched, but appreciated the compliment nonetheless. "Thanks..."

"And you found it!" Aurora smiled, getting into his face.

"Pardon?" Ranmaru was getting uncomfortable. And beyond confused. What did he found?

"You found the answer to the clue!"



The breeze blew.

The clear clouds moved by the motion.

Cherry blossoms were flying out of the trees, dousing the air with their scent.

The blanket of stars dazzled the galaxy-coloured sky.

The large silver moon graced its presence, brightening the glittered atmosphere.

Standing beneath the moonlight was three figures; two teenage adults and one young teenager, all dressed in black with little to no other colours as the wind gently blew their hair and clothes.

"Lady Lunaria. (Lunaria-sama)." The male teenage adult with black hair and eyes, called out, knowing full well to wait for the silenced Goddess to appear.

The wind picked up, blowing slightly more harshly that caused the figures' perfect appearance to flare out a bit. However, none of them were fazed as they slowly got on one knee, their hands tied up in front of their chests as a white hazed figure slowly emerged.

"A young Purebred is in danger." A gentle voice announced, even though their voice was so out of order like it was mashed with the wind. "Ming Yue..."

The male teenage adult blinked.

"Ying Yue..."

The female teenage adult with pinnacle of feminine beauty perked up, her pastel pink crystal headpiece hanging from her forehead, jingled at the movement.


The only young teenager with long twin ponytails blinked with concern, knowing what was coming.

"You all know what to do..."


The next morning...

'I am so dead.' Ranmaru thought for the umpteenth time as his deadpanned expression remained on his face, since the crack of dawn.

After what happened yesterday, the young vassal was stiff as hell. When Aurora told them to gather at the bridge at dawn, he knew she was going to lead them to the Sun Goddess. Her being the Goddess' personal Faery, it made sense. However, no matter how many times she was questioned by Nobunaga, Aurora always gave them the same cryptic answer - Solve the riddle - in terms; the foreign song in which the poor vampire unintentionally solved. Whatever the feline was planning, Ranmaru could only pray it won't expose anything too classified.

Now standing between Nagahide and Katsuie outside the castle, standing on the bridge with their horses behind them as their lord was already on his on the front lines, the four were waiting for Mitsuhide and the Astral Mages with Aurora nowhere to be found. The girl just took off somewhere, but left a note, saying she'll meet them at the bridge, leaving them no choice but to trust her in her words. After what happened with the prime yakuma, her trust with the Oda Army was slim, and if she tried anything like last time, she won't be treated so kindly.

With nothing to do, the vampires have been waiting for about 10-15 minutes that they had time to watch the sky waking up as well. The early sky was painted with pale blue and peachy orange, that it was basically a work of art. They all perked up when they heard footsteps coming from the castle. Turning their gaze from the majestic sky, they saw Mitsuhide with the girls walking beside him, looking ethereal as ever as the large double doors closed behind them.

"I have brought them." Mitsuhide announced.

"What is the meaning of this? Why did you bring us here?" Liu immediately questioned, irritated by the fact she and her sister were forced to attend whatever bombshell the army planned. She had no idea what's going on, or what they're doing out here so early in the morning, but she ain't gonna let them boss her or Yue around.

"Whoa, chill will ya?" Katsuie asked instead, not wanting to be in a fight with a woman who could easily end his life.

"We were told to be here at dawn on behalf of Aurora's requested." Ranmaru explained.

"Hah? For what purpose?" Liu asked.

"How the hell should we know?" Nagahide answered, having an annoyed expression on his face as his arms were crossed.

Yue stared at them, her amethyst eyes burning into their soul. She could see they were telling the truth, leading her to wonder what the Faery was up to. She could ask Isuke, but it would be impossible with her being on constant watch by the Demon Lord, who's staring at her right this minute. Yue wondered if he was trying to get something out of her - It would be futile in the end.

"Aurora took off somewhere, as well." Katsuie mentioned. "None of us doesn't even know where she went."

"According to the note she left, she appeared to be in a rush." Ranmaru voiced out his opinion.

Liu raised a brow at this, while Yue cutely tilted her head in wonder, her face demoted of emotion as ever.

"Hmph!" Katsuie smirked. "Doesn't matter what the girl's up to. I'll teach her a lesson if I have to!"

"Shut up." Nagahide groaned.

The redhead shot him a glare.

"Katsuie, we are not disposing a valuable resource just yet." Mitsuhide cuts in. "Our current objective is to get her to reveal where the Sun Goddess is residing."

"Tsk. I know that." Katsuie grumbled.

"If that's the case..."

The attention went to the older girl girl.

"Why are we summoned?" Liu asked once more, still wanting an explanation for her and Yue's presence. If finding the Goddess was their only objective, then what's the point of bringing two corpses that will only hinder them?

Before anyone could answer, they heard the sound of hooves walking towards them. They turned to see over Nobunaga's figure lies Aurora riding on a majestic being over to them.

The being was a unicorn with blue eyes with a pale yellow coat and darker shades for the yellow dots that were scattered all over its body. It has beautiful pink mane and tail that were decorated with colourful gemstones in gold branches.

"It appears everyone is present." Aurora said, bending her body in a 90° angle.

'You have got to be kidding me...' The Xing siblings deadpanned.

'That Faery...' Isuke, who was hiding in Yue's sleeve, growled silent under his teeth at the Sacred Shortsword.

"What..." Ranmaru started, too in shock at the majestic beauty.

"... the..." Nagahide continued, stunned himself.

"... heck?" Katsuie finished, gawking at the mythical being.

Both Nobunaga and Mitsuhide were shocked as well, but covered it well. Instead, they took in the detail of the creature and buried the knowledge of unicorns in their minds.

Aurora chuckled at their reactions as she gracefully got off the unicorn, keeping a hand on its back. "Everyone, meet Viana." She gestured to the mare beside her. "She is the leader of the Xiao Herd." She explained.

Viana neighed in greeting while bowing her head in respect.

Yue and Xing quickly bowed deeply in return with their hands locked in front of their chests, their sleeves falling over them at the sudden action.

"Why did you bring her here?" Nagahide asked, wondering why the girl brought such a creature out in the open.

"Since the riddle is solved, your reward is an audience with Solus-sama, the Sun Goddess." Aurora stated. "As her Sacred Treasure, I am prohibited to show you the way, hence why I asked Viana if she is willing to do so in my place." She explained as the said unicorn began walking up to them.

"Is that so? We can leave anytime!" Katsuie grinned.

Viana stopped in front of Yue and lowered her face to the child, who slowly backed away.

"Don't..." Liu warned, placing an arm between them.

But Viana, having the advantage in height, still reached over to Yue and lightly pressed her muzzle against the girl's cheek.

Both girls looked shocked.

Liu's eyes widened. "The poison isn't..."

"That is one the Xiao Herd's abilities."

The girls turned to the smiling Aurora.

"It's true the Celestial Consort's skin is extremely poisonous, so, Solus-sama granted the Xiao Herd the ability to be resistance to any existing poison she knows." Aurora explained. "Including Xing Yue's."

The younger girl hesitantly reached out and pet Viana's forehead, earning a small noise in return. Her eyes widened slightly when her poison didn't react to the unicorn's skin.

"We're leaving." Nobunaga announced, not wanting to waste anymore time. He then looked down at Aurora. "Get on."

"Huh?" The warm-brown-haired girl blurted out.

Nobunaga gave her a cold stare. "Do not make me repeat myself."

Aurora gave him an uninterested face. "Yes, sir..."



With the Xing siblings on her back, Viana led the Oda Army's lord and high vassals through the thick part of the forest, heading straight in the east only. No conversation was made as they passed rivers, ponds, caves, and fields that were hidden in the forest.

"So, where are we going exactly?" Katsuie asked, dying from the silent treatment.

Viana neighed.

"The Mountains of Solaria." Aurora translated. "They're mountains closest to the sun."

"That actually makes sense..." Ranmaru mumbled. It was so obvious that they overlooked to search it. Embarrassing if any warlords found out.

"Mt. Solaria is bathed in sunlight all day long, you see." Aurora continued, glancing at the vampires, who were listening intently at her. "Never a cloud in the sky nor any rain."

"And Solus-sama lives there?" Nagahide asked.

Aurora nodded before she turned herself in her animal form, flying over to the silent Mages, leaving the vampires alone.

Now that they're alone, the vampires fall back behind slightly, but kept a good distance from the girls so they won't look suspicious while they talk.

"Ranmaru." Nobunaga called out.

"Yes, sir?" The said vampire turned to his lord.

"Have you found anything?"

Ranmaru was silent for a bit. He glanced ahead before eyeing his lord with questioning eyes. "Before I answer... May I ask what you are trying to figure out?" He asked.

"The race of Astral Mages is something unheard of." Nobunaga surprisingly answered, observing the siblings, who were chatting with Viana. "Gathering information about them is the only way to figure out a counterattack, if needed."

Ranmaru let out a faint grunt, feeling a lump in his throat.

"Ranmaru." Mitsuhide inquired. "What have you discovered?"

The vassal snapped out of it. He cleared his throat before forcing his voice out. "From my findings, I've asked around about the Firefly Consort and the Celestial Consort in the Date territory, however, nobody has ever heard of them. I asked the priests and priestesses at a nearby shrine if they know anything, but all they have are a bunch of stories and rumours, only one that stood out to all the rest." He explained, glancing at the consorts' backs.

"Why's that?" Nagahide asked, curious for once.

Ranmaru tightened his grip on the reins. "It's related to the Himemiko's Witch."

This caught the vampires' attention.

"When the Himemiko vanished, her Witch built a shrine in the abandoned village of the Date Army's territory, dedicated to the Goddess of Dimensions, Kaleidos. Whenever the moon comes out, they would light up all the lanterns all night long using a Sacred Fire." Ranmaru explained like he was reading out from a history book. "They said it was because ghosts come out at night and to be drawn by the welcoming heat." He glanced at Nobunaga. "Ghosts of the first imperial dynasty." Ranmaru whispered in a low voice, his face tinged with seriousness.

The warlord briefly glanced at the youngest vassal before returning his gaze to the road, seeing the unicorn had made a turn and began ascending up the mountain path - Likely they're already on Mt. Solaria. The heat itself started to say it all. The sky on the mountain path was clear as some plants look amazingly healthy despite the slight heatwave.

"It was said many lords tried to capture them to monopolies their own powers, all only to be wounded up dead." Ranmaru continued, controlling the reins to make his horse move in more to avoid falling off the cliff. "It was said after that, the previous Aruna Dynasty vanished. The elderly, the women, and even tiny little babies, all disappeared without a trace. And when the Sacred Fire burns out... it was like the victims were 'summoned' to the shrine. They say the ghosts shake loose their beautiful snow white hair while glaring down with their bloody red eyes - signatures of the Aruna Family - and continuously spout curses."

In Shinga, where the hair colour was generally black with the exception of the Gegga Tribes, the mysterious imperial family members of the first dynasty all strangely had snow white hair and bloody red eyes. From Nobunaga's own knowledge, none of the Gegga Tribes were born with those features.

"All the lords that tried to capture the dynasty were apparently haunted by them until the day they died." Ranmaru concluded before his expression turned solemn, yet his eyes held another emotion. "They probably went too far." He whispered, his voice laced with slight venom. Ranmaru knows he should be proud of his specialty of gathering information, but this one just doesn't sit right with him.

"Is that all for the report?" Nobunaga asked, still keeping his eyes fixated on the Astral Mages, who have suddenly gone quiet.

"Yes, sir." Ranmaru said.

By the time they were done, the vampires quickly halted their horses when Viana stopped. The unicorn glanced at them as Aurora flew beside her before she reverted into her human appearance.

"Welcome to Yan Xia Palace." The girl bowed like a humble maid before moving out of the way to allow the vampires to witness the otherworldly place.

The summit of Mt. Solaria was indeed otherworldly; the castle-like shrine was placed on a mountain that took most, if not, the whole area of it as it was blinded by the array of other mountains around it - making the summit look more like a valley, disconnecting the place from the outside world.

The place was flourished in many shades of green with countless cherry blossom trees hanging from the cliffs, growing near the castle, or being at random places throughout the valley.

A lake with a waterfall could be seen, but the bottom was draped by a blanket of mist, giving the place a paradise feeling with a sense of peace and morality. And just like Viana and Aurora said; there were no clouds blinding the sun in the sky, only the mist reaching up no more than halfway below the mountains. The place was truly indeed otherworldly.

"This is where Solus-sama lives?" Ranmaru asked, awed at the gorgeous scenery.

"Yes." Aurora confirmed.

"Damn, this place is huge." Katsuie rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little intimidated at the place.

"It was a good thing we have Viana here, or else who knows where we might have ended up." Aurora teased.

Katsuie's left brow twitched.

Viana led them on a safe path towards her Goddess' castle, taking her time as she noticed the others were memorising the area. The siblings on her back were the most at awe, Yue especially, since she was admiring the place like she had never seen the trees, bushes, or even the lake before in her whole life.

And when they reached the mountain, the road was now made of stone. The horses and Viana's hooves making their usual clapping sound more loudly now the ground was more even. The unicorn picked up her pace, sprinting into a light jog, eagerly excited to show the Astral Mages the prized treasure of Mt. Solaria.

"H-Hey!" Katsuie called out, picking up his pace as well.

The others did the same. Seeing the unicorn, they could tell the way the creature was acting was like a young foal eager to show its mother something.

As they got closer to the shrine's alter, Yue could feel a strong presence of a combination of the Thunder element and the Aero element invading the air. Her own power was amplifying and pulsing in her veins, her aura tugging her in the same direction Viana was taking them. It was a large quantity that it made her sick to her stomach.

After climbing up the stone steps, they reached the shrine's alter, and there it was; The Sun Goddess' Amalgam. The Amalgam was in a form of a full-arm armour pad made of gold and silver in the shape of a dragon. Its fins were lavender pink, sticking out from the mouth as the veil from the shoulder pad, splitting into two like fins as it was just glowing from the bright heat radiating from the stone alter.

Everyone stopped and stared at the Silver Dragon. It was beautiful, mystical and elegant. You could clearly tell it held great power by appearance alone before taking notice of the aura it radiates. It was the Amalgam of Airgetlám. Better known as the Silver Dragon. An armour capable of composing various tricks alone.

"Amazing..." Liu stared at the object beauty.

Nobunaga got of his horse and walked towards the object, only to get blocked by the Xiao Herd's leader.

Viana neighed, stomping her front hoofs and glared at the lord.

Nobunaga glared back in return.

"Nobunaga-sama!" The vassals practically jumped off their horses to aid their leader.

"Don't even think about it."

Everyone turned to Aurora.

The feline woman was glaring at them with her arms crossed. "You can't become the owner of the Amalgam because the Amalgam chooses its owner." She revealed. "An Astral Mage to be precise."

"What would happen if someone tries to take it?" Liu asked, helping Yue get off of Viana's back.

"They would melt into a pile of flesh." Aurora nonchalantly answered.

The vassals and the girls just sweatdropped at the response.

"Guess there's no choice." Katsuie turned to face the group. "We're gonna have to start gathering information on Runa from scratch." He sighed heavily.

"We cannot be so easygoing." Ranmaru argued. "Finé may attack the shrine next."

Just as when Liu was about to say something, a sudden realisation hit Yue as she jumped out from her place and crushed her sister to the floor.

The others' eyes glistened with shock when Liu yelled almost at the top of her lungs to warn them to move away as soon as possible.


The group heard her voice loud and clear, despite of the surprise attack. They all immediately hit the pavement just as more laser beams began shooting down at them. In mere seconds, rumbles of neaby rooftops and walls were falling over, but lucky enough, none didn't hit anyone.

Clouds of dust decorated the air, as the sound of something approaching the shrine further becomes more clear by the step. The tranquility of Mt. Solaria was replaced by the stench of disaster, chaos, greed, and bloodlust. Yue's face was showing pure fear. She could sense them all; their disgusting aura that reeked of bloodlust and desire for power. It was overpowering.

The vampires and the girls noticed her fear and carefully made their way closer to the siblings.

When the cloud dust gradually cleared, it revealed a large army of Noise standing before the group, having Hibiki on the front lines. They were blocking the possible exit to the mountain, leaving the group trapped within the shrine's grounds.

"Trapped like the insects you are." The young Gungnir Wielder stated, smirking.

The vampires glared.

Viana took a stance in front of the Xing siblings. She neighed loudly and stomped her front hooves hard on the pavement, creating a blinding light to emit from herself.

Everyone had to shield their eyes to prevent themselves becoming blind. It was bright as the sun, coloured in gold like the Amalgam as the scorching heat was hot as the sun itself on a day with a heatwave.

Hibiki gritted her teeth before balling her right hand into a fist. "You think that's gonna-?!" Her eyes suddenly shot wide.

The vassals and the girls did as well.


Blood splattered all over the pavement.

Hibiki's blood.

The girl didn't feel it at first. She felt a sharp sting in the pit of her stomach before it expanded to the point a large chunk of her stomach intestines were splattered all over as her blood flooded the polished pavement, painting it red. And when whatever stabbed her was harshly pulled out, her blood cells went flying.

Liu covered Yue's eyes to prevent her from seeing the horrendous sight. It made her nauseous beyond words, feeling a bile forming in the pit of her stomach. Liu wanted to vomit at the sight, it was incredibly gruesome and gory.

When her Gear was reverted back to her regular clothes, now stained with her own blood, Hibiki collapsed to the ground. Dead. And her killer was none other than...


The girl was wearing a simple blue and white open front skirt dress with black accents, and black diamond-shaped tight shorts. Small gold gems were set on her shoulders, elbows and on her front waist. A golden pad with a sunflower jewel rested on her right hand. She wore diamond-cut thigh-high white boots with blue accents and matching blue communicators over her ears. To finish off her looks, Runa had a butterfly-shaped navy blue jewel decorated on her chest with a shard rested at the centre of the butterfly.


Everyone gasped.

"Hime-sama!" Aurora exclaimed, shocked. When her own light-blue-coloured eyes made contact with Runa's black/purple ringed ones, the Faery felt a chill going down her spine.

But the girl paid no mind to the Oda vassals or her fellow Astral Mages. She bent down and took hold of Hibiki's pendant, examining it to see the crystal was still intact. But then she quickly used her Ame no Habakiri Amalgam to slice the incoming Noise behind her.

"Finally! I was getting bored!" Katsuie smirked, drawing out his swords.

"Don't!" Aurora shouted before the vampires could attack. "If you make contact with the Noise, you'll die!"

Liu lunged at the monsters that came charging at them. "Yue, get the Amalgam!" She yelled, burning a few Noise with her peonies.

Aurora lunged at a few herself. "Hime-sama, you too!" Summoning her dancing blades, she sliced them in half with ease.

The said girls nodded.

Runa took Yue's hand, surprising her that she was immune to her poison, and pulled her along towards the alter. Their pace matched as more Noise came after them.

Runa raised her oversized golden sword every time a Noise got close, killing them with some sense of fatigue. "Out of the way!" She shouted, coughing some blood in the process.

Yue slashed some Noise with a long ribbon made of purple mana, acting as her whip but razor-sharp as a surgical knife.

When they were near the alter, Yue stopped and created an enormous shield, big enough to cover the whole area, to block out the noise while she let the other raven-haired beauty rush to the dragon-shaped Amalgam.

Runa took hold of the sacred weapon and it didn't take long for the weapon to be enveloped in a gentle silver/pink aura. The aura brightened blindingly as the sun before swallowing the girl in the process.

Finishing off the last of the Noise, the girls and the vampires glanced behind them to see where the light was coming from, only to be momentarily blind. The vassals clamped their eyes shut, using their arms to protect their sight while Viana, Yue and Nobunaga narrowed their eyes to damp the light, as Liu and Aurora seemed to be unaffected. They were just staring at the mini sun like it was just a lit candle that just won't burn out from the crashing wind it was sending.

The the Silver Dragon recoiled in its place like it was alive before slithering its way around Runa's entire left arm. Its form was broken down into molecules before reforming itself as a buster sword made of gold, decorated with midnight azure crystals that made the sword looked as though it has wings.

Not only that, Runa was in her new Amalgam form to go with it; She wore a simple white and shimmering silver layered dress with black accents, and black diamond-shaped tight mugler shorts, connected to the thigh-high socks. Small gold gems were set on her shoulders, elbows and on her front waist. A golden pad with a sunflower jewel rested on her left hand. She wore white thigh-high boots with shimmering silver accents as the connected socks stuck out. A small decorated crown was rested on her head that's connected to her silver, pointy, butterfly-patterned communicators over her ears. To finish off her looks, Runa had a butterfly-shaped purple/pink jewel decorated on her chest with a shard rested at the centre of the butterfly.


Yue's eyes widened as her mouth was hung open in state of shock. 'The Amalgam...' She started, not able to finish her own thoughts.

But Liu unknowingly did. '... changed its form?!' Standing where she was, even the Firefly Consort was stunned. She never thought that could even be possible!

Viana didn't expected it either.

But Aurora did. 'So it is true...!' She thought, nearly dropping her sword. 'The Amalgam will change forms corresponding to the owner's personality...' She only heard it once from her Goddess, but she never really thought about it since it was rather uncommon for the Amalgam to change.

However, after retrieving the Amalgam, the girl's form was suddenly outlined by a black mystic haze with purple highlights, causing her to scream in pain as she dropped down to her knees, dropping the Amalgam in the process. The haze started to conflict damage to her internal organs to the point it became unbearable, causing Runa to put herself in a fatal position.

"Hime-sama!" Aurora gasped.

"Whoa!" Katsuie leaped out of the way to avoid being hit by a humanoid Noise. It was then he noticed the girl completely vulnerable. "What's happening?!"

Ranmaru ducked as Liu burned another Noise before they looked at the situation, only having shock and worry invading their minds.

"Something is wrong." Mitsuhide observed, seeing how Runa was grabbing her chest in agony as her shoulders shook violently.

Nobunaga got behind Aurora to let her deal with the situation as his eyes travelled to the struggling girl, who was being tended by the mute Yue. It looked as though the girl was having problems controlling the Airgetlám's Amalgam's high output power, and now its going berserk with her as its core.

However, at closer inspection, the sacred weapon was not even touching the girl. In other words, the thing causing Runa pain was... herself?

Runa groaned and hissed in pain as she tried to minimise the pain in her. But that hardly did anything as her body temperature began to rise. Her blood was about to boil as her unstable eye colour became more wild which made it hard for her to see properly, blurring her line of sight. Runa frantically grabbed her chest, placing pressure to it to stop her mana from going berserk, which left her completely defenceless because some bullet-turned Noise came launching at her.

"Watch out!" Liu warned, her eyes widened in worry and panicked inside on what to do. She was too swarmed to get close and she was running low on mana.

Looking through one eye, her face scrunched up in pure agony as Runa tried to stand, only to grunt at the immense pain shocking through her bones, grinding in and out like a heartbeat. It was too dangerous for her to move without setting herself off like a ticking time bomb.

Before anybody could do anything, a gold-coloured four-shaped star tear through the sky itself, bathing the entire mountain in its warm light. It was like being bathed by the sun's gentleness that made everyone and everything forget what they were doing.


Narrowing their eyes to protect their sight, everyone looked at the enormous star to see a small shadow peering out of it, gradually growing in size until they could make out its shape. They could also hear galloping footsteps made from hooves resonating the air before another neigh was released.

Now at close distance, the group could see the shadow was actually a unicorn. It was yellow, bright as the sun, with sun rays on its head and tail. It has yellow, golden-like horn, that looked like it can produce sun rays and burn things, and a pair of fiery red eyes.

"That's..." Liu collapsed to her knees, exhausted as her eyes were glued to the Sun Unicorn that made its grand entrance.

Viana neighed in glee.

The Sun Unicorn began descending to the ground in a haste, running in mid-air as its body began glowing like the setting sun.

Everyone had to cover their eyes again or else they'll go blind.

As everyone's eyes were shut, except for Viana and Aurora's, the Sun Unicorn's form turned into a pile of flesh before its shape-shift form turned slim in shape of a young woman. She took hold of her gold and white bow from her back, summon a large arrow made of light from the sun by the palm of her hand, spinning the spine between her fingers and aimed it at the army of Noise.

Having the Astral Circle done its charge, the woman released the arrow, having divine instrument exploded in mid-air. The arrow multiplied and showered the place, leaving no room to escape as each arrow exploded the moment each pierced a Noise, sending every last one of them to oblivion all while avoiding the cornered group.

Everyone was stunned in place. Nobody dared to move from their place as their saviour continued to gently descend from the sky, their hair and clothes fluttering in the wind.

"Geez, breaking into someone else's home to cause chaos, only ended up dead. What a pain." The woman complained, sighing her annoyance at the lack of respect. Then again, she hadn't had any visitors in centuries. It didn't take long for a smile to appear. "That's fine. As long as you are willing to listen, it doesn't matter to me, anyway." She chuckled.

Everyone watched as the beautiful woman continued to float down towards them, while happily make conversation with herself, completely ignoring them like they don't exist. It was only hard to make out her appearance because the enormous star was still blinding them.

But Aurora and Viana knew who she was.

Tears began to build up on Aurora's eyes while Viana's started to gloss. The closer the woman got, the more they could make out her appearance as the star finally faded, allowing them to witness the bright, gentle smile gracing her face.

It was the Sun Goddess.

The Sun Goddess had thin water-coloured eyes and hair tied in white fabrics with a blue accent, and golden rings by the sides of her face. Her skin was pale as she wore ornate azure armour, that's consisted of a dark blue breastplate with gold accents with matching pauleron on her left shoulder, that was attached by a blue crystal while another was attaching the large spikes on her back. Underneath the armour, the Sun Goddess wore a long, one shoulder sleeve slit dress with white accents. Two large yellow ribbons were wrapped around her waist up to her torso as a waist plate was strapped over it. She wore thigh-high navy socks with gold, white and green accents and white 2-inch heels. She wore white gloves with jade crystals over it with a  matching scarf hanging loosely behind her witn blue and gold accents.

Solus' right foot gently touched the ground first before planting her left afterwards. Her body hunched forward slightly to balance herself, maintaining her smile and grace as she stood back up.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Aurora." The Sun Goddess said to her Faery, having a warm aura around her.

The warm-brown-haired girl suppressed the urge to cry as she lunged over to the woman, arms spread out to wrap them around her torso. "Solus-sama!" Aurora cried.

Solus wrapped her free arm around the small girl's figure and the two stayed like that for the Goddess let her eyes wander until it landed on the children, one having what looked like a heart attack, while the other was trying to do something about it.

Releasing her Faery, Solus quickly rushed to Runa and got on her knees, placing her large bow beside her. She gently set the girl's head on her lap and placed her right hand on the girl's chest. A gentle golden light appeared beneath her palm and it began to blanket over the child's form, relieving her from her attack. Slowly, the jade crystal started absorbing Runa's unneeded mana, changing its colour to match the starlight haze.

When most of her mana had been absorbed, it left Runa breathless. Her face was flushed, covered in sweat as some of her hair was stuck on her face but her form somewhat relaxed ever so slightly.

Everyone gathered around the trio.

"Is she alright?" Ranmaru asked, concern clearly shown on his face.

"For the time being." Solus simply said, keeping her back to them.

Yue let out an inaudible sigh of relief, feeling the weight was finally off her shoulders.

"What the hell was that?" Nagahide couldn't help but ask.

"Something you do not need to ponder about." Liu quickly answered before the Goddess could.

"Hah? What does that suppose to mean?" The green-eyed vampire inquired, giving the woman a side glare.

Liu merely returned it.

"Did it trigger because of Runa-san's illness?" Mitsuhide asked this time.

All Astral users turned to him.

Solus eyed every one of them until her eyes landed on Nobunaga's cold expression. It clearly tells her he's not leaving without a proper answer. In full detail.

"You enjoy getting into other people's business, don't you?" The Sun Goddess deadpanned, feeling exhausted already. "When did the Gegga Tribes become so nosy?" She mumbled, grumbling to herself as she slowly got on her feet, carrying the unconscious raven-haired beauty in a bridal hold.

Aurora bent down and picked up her Goddess' weapon.

The duo began heading up the stairs towards the temple while Viana began heading back to her herd.

Solus stopped and glanced over her shoulders. "Are you coming?" She questioned before continuing up.

The vampires followed and head inside. The all windows were closed in the hallways with only the sliding doors having the sun peering through the screens, before they made a turn towards Solus' room. Aurora slided the door open and let the Goddess and the others in before coming in herself, gently sliding the door shut behind her.

Solus' room was fairly large and was split into two sections. The walls, the round princess-styled bed and carpet were painted in bland indigo-grey while the oak wood floorboards were polished to the max. Various tables were placed all over the room with potted plants of different blooming flowers, many thin, pink and neon green, silk curtains of golden butterfly and spring designs, hanging in layers from the frames for each section of the room, as neon yellow thin silk curtains hung from the ceiling, covering Solus' bed.

Hanging from the ceilings around the chambers, there were lanterns casting faint lights in each section despite it's still daylight. The sun's rays were peering through the windows and screens that gave the place a sense of serenity.

The furnitures were nicely cleaned and neat over the rugs with woven floral designs, spreaded out on the floor. The other end of the room had a desk filled with pens, stacks of files and a box of stationary and other high-tech devices. There were some brocade overlay spread on some of the tables, and all round was filled with the scent of floral amber note with woody tones, wafting from sun incense burners.

(Solus' chambers.)

Once settled inside the room, Yue propped herself on the floor, laying on her back more comfortably as she stared blankly at the ceiling and kicked her legs up in boredom.

"Hey, Amei, that's bad manners!" Liu scolded lightly.

After laying Runa on her bed, Solus smiled at the siblings. "That's quite alright." She reassured. "Please make yourselves at home."

"My apologies." Liu apologised nonetheless.

"Now, then, allow me to explain." Solus stated as she took the damp cloth Aurora had soaked in water and placed it on Runa's forehead. "What happened with Runa a moment ago was because she overheated. It's commonly known as 'Overload'." She explained as she tended to Runa's fever. "It happens when one with the Devouring has stored more than enough mana beyond their body could handle. Their mana activates, courses through their body, and 'overloads' their owner." She glanced at everyone, who were propped on the floor before her, for a moment before wiping some sweat off the child's face. "When Runa-san touched the Silver Dragon, it bonded with her and offered a fraction of its power in return for the supply of hers. Ironically, speaking, I have never seen anyone containing so much mana like Runa-san's in a long time." Solus admitted with a small smile on her face.

"Is it dangerous?" Katsuie asked, sitting with his legs crossed, having the same with his arms.

"Any Astral Mages, who are unable to keep their emotions under control, will likely go berserk - acting like a wild beast until their mana 'crushes' them and their enemies." Solus simply stated. "It happens often to kids since they can't control their emotions." She finally looked at them properly. "Haven't you seen it before?"

Katsuie strained his brain until a certain incident made him jump. "Ah! That time!" He yelled, causing Liu and Ranmaru to cover their sensitive ears. "Runa's eyes went all crazy and has this weird colour around her, and these bunch of black thorns came attacking us out of nowhere!"

"Would you shut up?!" Nagahide shouted in an annoyance.

"What do you mean, shut up?!" Katsuie glared at the vampire.

"It's exactly what it means!"

"It appears you know who Runa is." Mitsuhide spoke up all of a sudden, causing the duo to shut up while Yue was just pushing her upper body forward and back, using her legs as a spring.

Solus chuckled. "Of course. I - We Goddesses of Shinga keep track of all residence of this country. We keep records from your birth up to what you are doing today."

"It's called stalking." Liu side commented, smirking slightly.

Ranmaru lightly elbowed her in the ribs.

Liu playfully returned it.

The two laughed before Ranmaru's light chuckles quickly changed into coughing fits, causing him to cover his mouth with one hand.

Yue slowly sat up and crawled over as Liu rubbed the poor vampire's back.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes..." Ranmaru choked after his coughing fits had subsided.

Solus walked over and sat in front of him, placing a hand on his forehead. "You're a bit warm." She said.

"A fever?" Liu furrowed her brows.

"It's nothing." Ranmaru just brushed it off.

"You sure?" Katsuie gave him a questioning look. "You've been having coughing fits lately."

"Not to mention spacing out during your work." Nagahide added. "You were hardly eating either and-"

"Are you ill?" Solus cut in, having a rather serious look on her face.

"No, not anymore." Ranmaru answered calmly. "I simply develop a cough once in a while. The fever is sometimes an after effect."

Liu narrowed her eyes. "Does it feel like you have a fever inside that's eating away at you?" She asked, getting a little concerned.

Ranmaru thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention it..." He furrowed his brows. "When I was a child, it always feels like the fever's eating into me." He admitted.

"It may be the Devouring." Aurora suggested, already knowing the answer after hearing enough of it.

"Huh?" Everyone turned to her, only to see the Faery with a blank expression. Plus, the lifeless eyes she suddenly put on was kind of unnerving.

"If it is the Devouring, you'll die very soon." Aurora stated, scarily saying it in a robotic voice like she was suddenly possessed.

Some of them glanced at each other before looking back at her. "HUH?!?!?!?!"

"I'll... die?" Ranmaru felt sick.

"Aurora!" Solus admonished.

The said female flinched, glancing at her master and immediately sat back down. Which was by Runa's side. "Yes, ma'am! I only stated the facts, Solus-sama!" She submissively stated. 'She's beautiful even when she's angry!' Aurora thought, secretly admiring the Sun Goddess.

"What is the Devouring? What exactly is it?" Nobunaga questioned, no, demanded. The way the conversation was going, it had to be big if the Faery was acting so lifeless while the Goddess was somewhat worried about Ranmaru's oddly fever patterns.

"To put it in simple terms, it manifests in people who are born with mana." Solus responded with a strained look.

"But don't only Astral Mages possess mana?" Ranmaru pointed out.

From the stories he was told, beside the Witch who served the Himemiko, Astral Mages were the only ones capable of manipulating the forces of nature. Ranmaru even remembered the head priest saying they were deemed as monsters, inhuman in all senses, and branded them as 'witches' as the first one in existence 'committed' genocide to all the citizens in the forgotten capital.

"Commonly, yes, outsiders, no." Liu surprisingly answered. "It's not well known because most of these kids don't even live to see their teenage years."

Katsuie gasped. "What?"

"Don't live to see their teenage years?" Nagahide thought it sounded ridiculous. Nobody dies that soon from an illness.

"Yeah. As one grows, so does their mana." Solus rubbed her temple, feeling a migraine kicking in. "But if it grows too much, it'll devour and kill them. And the more mana they have, the sooner they die."

"Is there any way to survive it?" Ranmaru asked, a little agitated. If he had this Devouring like they say, does that mean he won't live long? Is there a way to prevent such a thing?

"Yes, but it needs magical items that can extract the excess mana from their body."

Nagahide grunted. "Then without them, Ranmaru will..."

"We don't know for sure yet." Solus quickly added, stopping the vampire from what he was about to say. "But if it really is the Devouring..." Her eyes slowly landed on the youngest vassal. "... you will die very soon."

Ranmaru avoided eye contact with her, his hands clenching on his lap as they shook ever so slighty.


Blue eyes paired with gentle water-coloured eyes.

"There are ways to work around it." Solus smiled gently at him. "You just need to relax and look over the facts."

"Facts?" Ranmaru slowly asked, confused more than ever.

Solus let a chuckle slip. "Ranmaru... When I look at you, you seem like the type who would do anything to protect the things he loves." She admitted. "Whether it was defending Nobunaga's reputation, fighting for the army... hiding family secrets."

Ranmaru pursed his lips.

Solus softened her eyes ever so slightly. 'He looks so vulnerable...' She thought, seeing how agitated the boy had become. Sighing, she glanced at Nobunaga, who still had that demanding look, yet, Solus thought she caught a glimpse of curiosity in his cold eyes. "Now then, allow me to continue." She said. "The illness Runa-san has that you've been investigating is indeed the Devouring." She revealed. "The way she acts and the attack she had earlier proved it."

"Do Devouring Mages often visit you?" Liu asked.

"Ever since the disappearance of the Himemiko, the population of Astral Mages was on the verge of extinction." Aurora responded, busying herself with adjusting the pillow on the sleeping beauty. "Next to none are living in Shinga anymore. And without proper treatment..." She didn't finish her sentence because she knows the others were smart enough to figure it out.

Yue was beyond bored and laid back down, finding the ceiling more interesting than the conversation.

"I know you're not dumb." Solus continued, eyeing Ranmaru specifically. "You were well aware that Runa-san has an illness, but kept quiet about it. As much as you love being one of Nobunaga's retainers, family comes first, right?" She asked. "Every day, you must have pondered whether refraining telling everyone what you know was the right thing to do." Raising a hand, she gently patted him on the head.

Saying Ranmaru was stunned was an understatement. Her touch... It was like he was getting one of his mother's head pats when he accomplished something, or did something good. Runa's was the same. Sure, she did it because it was her lifestyle, but also she was praising him that one time. When was the last time he got one from his mother and her?

"You must have gone over what might impact after the outcome." Solus gave him a congratulated smile. "I bet it was something like Runa-san being forced to stay against her will, forced to do her Arts despite her own will, her illness being discovered, and..." Slowly, she removed her hand. "... finding out you are also her adopted older brother."

Ranmaru gawked.

Everyone else?; Nobunaga and Mitsuhide looked unaffected, but on the inside, they were surprised at the fact Ranmaru had close relationships with the girl; Nagahide lost his sitting position because he nearly fainted out of shock; Katsuie just had a disbelief/ridiculous look when he gawked and the Xing siblings pretty much tuned them out, because Liu was busy combing Yue's hair with her fingers as the Celestial Consort was cuddling her beloved sister like her life depended on it.

"Older..." Katsuie croaked, breaking the tremendous silence. His hands were even trembling. "Older brother..."

Everyone, minus Nobunaga Mitsuhide and Runa, curiously glanced at the redhead.

"What the hell is going on?!" Katsuie yelled, confused as hell. "Being a brother?!" His sudden bloodshot eyes snapped at the vassal next to him, causing the poor vampire to flinch at the sudden invasion of his space. "Runa's brother?!" Katsuie choked on his own spit for a moment. "Exactly when did this happened, Ranmaru?!"

"W-Well..." Ranmaru couldn't find the words so the only thing he could offer was a sheepish smile. Katsuie was seriously making him nervous. He even wondered how the redhead got his eyes so bloodshot.

And because of his sudden outburst, it got Katsuie a fist in his stomach by the infamous Sun Faery.

"Don't yell in front of a lady, you ill-mannered scoundrel!" The latter repeatedly jabbed her fist into his stomach.

"Aurora!" Solus jumped in. "The next time you hit that vampire, I'll make you regret it!" She rebuked.

"Yes, ma'am!" Aurora went back to her place with lightning speed.

"Back on topic." Solus sighed. "It would be better if I explain what the Devouring is in more detail. The perfect example would be Runa-san's case." She sadly glanced at the said girl, who was now sleeping peacefully despite the fever. "See how tiny she is?" She let a chuckle slip as she turned back to the other Devouring victim. "I was thinking you were pretty small, yourself."

"How can it be cured?" Ranmaru asked.

"The Devouring..." Solus' expression turned solemn. "... can't be cured."

It felt like an arrow shot through them.

"Because it's not a disease, exactly." Solus added. "You can control the fever, but it costs a lot of money."

Ranmaru looked down. "Money..." It's not like he was poor. He came from a rather wealthy family, but he hadn't exactly seen them for a couple of years. In fact, he wondered if they had forgotten him. One less mouth to feed means more savings. To the Mori Family, it's always about reputation of their excellent swordsmanship.

"How old does Runa-san look to you?" Solus asked all of a sudden.

The vassals and the consorts were confused but took a glimpse of the sleeping beauty, each having a number in their heads. They studied her facial features, her skin, the colour of her hair and took a guess on her height.

"How old?" Liu whispered, feeling a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek. Just looking at the girl, she could already tell she was a Purebred. "About the same as Amei?" Liu guessed.

"According to my records, Runa is turning 13 this year, yet, she looks like a frail 9-year-old girl." Solus revealed.

Yue merely blinked. She was hardly paying attention because her legs were walking in mid-air above her.

"This is the result of the Devouring." Solus clarified. "The Devouring is an illness that afflicts among spirit-awakening children born with mana equal to at least low-ranking Mages."

"All children who are born with mana - Astral Mage, Pseudo-Mage, the Gegga Tribes and different races alike — need to periodically drain their excess mana using crystalline or specialised magic tools." Aurora continued. "Those who don't have access to magic tools-"

"Usually commoners, but also some poor laynoble children." Liu quickly added.

"- will eventually die due to excess mana exposure." Aurora wasn't bothered that she got interrupted. "Among those involving Astral Mages, this is called 'The Devouring'."

"Changing eye colour is a sign of uncontrolled mana." Solus chimed in. "This is one of the first symptoms of identifying it. Symptoms include sudden fevers that worsen in times of emotional distress and stunted growth, which may cause children to look several years younger than their true age." Her eyes momentarily wandered to the two siblings. "There's also the physical affect of low stamina, extreme frailty, sensitivity to changing temperatures, and a tendency to collapse."

"Loss of mana control, which usually manifests as unstable eye colour and a haze of mana around the body." Aurora added, changing the damp cloth on Runa's forehead. "In severe cases, it can cause boiling or bubbling skin. According to our secret source, losing control of one's mana for an extended period of time can result in a painful death, as the body explodes."

"Explodes?!" Katsuie exclaimed, shocked.

That ended with Nagahide hitting the vampire with his fist.


"The Crushing, which can occur in specific cases when a person loses control of their mana." Solus carried on, pushing the duo's bickering aside. "Their mana instinctively crushes those they view as an enemy by putting them under immense spiritual pressure. Better saying is the spirit sleeping inside all of us. The more mana a child has, the sooner they are likely to die."

"Like Solus-sama said, most of these kids don't even live to see their teenage years." Liu decided to join. "Specifically, at the age of seven."

"Because knowledge of mana and Astral Mages is closely guarded by the race's royal family and because children who suffer from the Devouring tend to die young, most commoners do not know that the illness is caused by mana." Solus took over.

"What are the available treatments?" Ranmaru asked. The Sun Goddess mentioned ways of avoiding death, but she hadn't gone into details with it yet.

"The only way to effectively treat the Devouring in the long-term is to regularly drain a person's excess mana." Solus kindly answered. "There are multiple ways that can be done: Magic Tools - most noble children are given specialised magic tools at birth that are designed to absorb and store large amounts of mana." She explained. "Not only do the magic tools prevent symptoms of the Devouring, but they also provide a significant store of mana which the child can later use for the mana-intensive process of converting it all into an object. Once they acquire their main source, they are no longer at risk of being harmed by their mana."

"Where can we get these magical items?" Nobunaga asked.

But Solus only shook her head, having her eyes shut as if she can't tell them in the eye.

"How did Runa-san get one, then?" Mitsuhide asked this time.

"Magical items are the exclusive property of nobility of the Astral Race." Solus stated, forcing the words out of her mouth.

Even being ordered to tell this horrendous tale to outsiders, Solus can't bring herself to say it like the Devouring was the black plague. She watched how nobles and warlords take advantage of it. It was a gruesome sight and she couldn't do anything about it.

"The only ones the low-ranking Mages can get their hands on are the ones considered faulty or useless." The Sun Goddess added. "And other Astral Mages already went around destroying those in Shinga. The only reason Runa-san can be so active was because her parents already passed down their strongest instrument for her." She explained. "You won't find any, no matter where you look."

"What?" Ranmaru's eyes widened.

Liu could only turn her head to the side, guilt building up inside her chest. "Even if you do find one, it won't be long before you'll need another." She added, choking on her own vocal cords as her free hand clenched a handful of her dress. "Those of us with the Devouring can't live without these items."

Ranmaru looked as though the world was against him.

"And it appears Hime-sama has lost her precious item." Aurora sadly stated. Without her bracelet, Runa would have to use her strong mental capacity to withheld the destructive mana inside her. And if it were to overtake her sanity, then chaos would be brought to Shinga.

"There's only two ways to survive." Solus stated.

Ranmaru raised his head to make eye contact with the Goddess' stern eyes, that were baring itself into his soul.

"One is entering into an agreement with a Purebred."

"An agreement?" Ranmaru was lost. He learned that contracts are like chains. And chains are what limits your freedom from a promise you've been told to keep. So, why was Solus telling him to go into an agreement with a Purebred, that could take advantage of his situation?

"Yes. In return for having them buy you magical items, you will agree to work exclusively for them... Just as the Himemiko had."

The mention of the woman's name made the vampires pay more attention to Solus.

The Sun Goddess saw the desire of information in Nobunaga's - everyone's eyes and let out a breathless laugh, smiling at their desperation to her whereabouts. "Before appearing here, Himemiko had agreed to become who she was after her coming-of-age ceremony." Solus explained.

"A-A-Agreed?" Katsuie stuttered, getting a little confused with the facts. "You mean, like, she was forced?" He asked.

"Yes and no. Yes, Himemiko became the Himemiko, but not by force, she volunteered." Solus clarified. "The Purebred that saved her had selected other candidates, but their will and personalities won't make what Shinga had become 2000 years ago. The Purebred does frequent business with their equals such as selecting rulers for other countries." She smiled like she was reliving it. "Many thought over who should protect her or make her form a contract with a Faery, and they ended up creating the Gegga Tribes consisting of vampires, werewolves and onis. Including having us Goddesses keeping an eye on them."

"I'm amazed you could accept that." Liu admitted, a little stunned herself.

Yue nodded in agreement, her head still on her sister's lap.

"It's the only way for someone with the Devouring to survive." Solus could only smile in sympathy. "Not everyone have access to magic tools. However, be aware." Her expression switched to her business face. "Depending on the noble involved, this can either be a benevolent master-servant relationship or slavery." She warned.

"But it may even be possible for an Aristocrat within the Gegga Tribes like Ranmaru to be accepted as a legal husband of a Purebred." Aurora mentioned, smirking while doing so. Her eyes were even giving him the 'you-know-what-I-mean' look.

Ranmaru was trying hard not to blush as his left brow won't stop twitching. 'That little Faery...!' He had a sneaking suspicion that a certain cat Faery had something to do with the Sun Faery's behaviour towards him lately.

"This is a coveted position, and usually extended only to children who have been carefully raised with a knowledge of noble etiquette and social graces, such as playing a traditional instrument." Aurora carried on, amused by the reaction. "Because a child's mana capacity is primarily inherited from the mother's side. Female Devouring children have a much better chance of securing advantageous contracts."

"Yet, there is such a thing as a 'Submission Contract'." Liu pointed out. "It is not uncommon for Devouring children to be tricked or coerced into a submission contract, which forces them into slavery." She gently placed her hand on Yue's forehead which the girl carefully took to nuzzle it. "Girls are treated as mana-sources and breeding stock, while boys are taught at least some Astral Arts, are given mana-stored objects, and are trained to fight." Liu glanced down at her sister, sadness brimming in her eyes like she was remembering a scene. "Depending on training, they can be highly effective combatants, capable of standing on equal ground with a B Rank Mage for a short time, while others are just given the minimum of training and cheapest of magic objects to serve as cannon fodder that even well-trained commoner soldiers can overcome."

"What's the other option?" Nagahide inquired.

"Make a proposition with a Faery." Solus darkly and quietly answered, straining her eyes on her Faery.

Aurora was wearing a smirk that sent a chill going down on the vassals' spines. "Aw~ You're making it sound like us Faeries are bad news." She whined, but you could hear the sarcasm in her tone.

'Huh?' Liu blinked. 'Aurora is acting weird all of a sudden.' She thought, finding it odd when all of a sudden the Faery's personality did a 180° flip.

"That's because you are." Solus stated, her left brow twitching in the process. "Dangerous creatures like you need a warning bell."

All that got was a light laugh and a bright smile from the said creature.

"Really?" Katsuie asked, curious.

Solus nodded.

"How so?" Nobunaga asked, a bit intrigued himself.

Solus pointed towards her bed. Specifically, her large bow. "My sacred instrument comes from Aurora, born of my contract." She explained, lowering her arm.

"It also happens to have a camouflage mode!" Aurora happily cut in. "The disguises are commonly jewelleries."

"It identifies them as a Contracted Mage and in some cases, the source of their Astral Power." Solus cut in, having an irked mark on her forehead.

"'What do you mean by contract'?" Liu asked, reading out what Yue had written on her hand with her finger.

"We Faeries grant each of you one wish, whatever you want." The Sun Faery answered.

"What? Seriously?" Katsuie questioned, stunned.

"A wish..." Mitsuhide murmured.

"It can be anything." Aurora nonchalantly added. "No matter the miracle, the Faery can make it happen."

"Gold, silver, and priceless treaures..." Katsuie began to list, grinning in his own daydream. "Weapons..." Then a random idea made him sent to heaven. Drooling, mostly. "A lifetime supply of sake!"

"You can buy them instead." Nagahide deadpanned.

"Shut up!"

"But you are a mana bank in exchange." Solus mentioned. "Besides, Aurora is an Èr Rank Faery. When she means 'anything', only a Yī Rank or Līng Rank Faery can possibly grant it." She explained. "You need to question the Faery before accepting the agreement."

"What if you don't possess any mana?" Mitsuhide asked.

"If you wish for the full detail, ask the Goddess of Creation." Solus crossed her arms. "But to put it in simple words - they feed on your life." Her eyes narrowed, the setting sunlight peering through the screens made the air more tense. "One day will cost 30 days of your life."

A row of gasps filled the room.

"The higher their rank is, the larger life they'll suck out of you."

Ranmaru looked down, conflict with the options. "What if I want no part of that?" He slowly asked, nearly below a whisper.

"That means choosing to die." Solus declared.

The vampire flinched.

"I will admit there are ways to suppress the Devouring without the need of these options. As a temporary measure, those with the Devouring can use mana-absorbing materials to drain some excess mana and relieve their symptoms temporarily." Solus voiced out, not sugar-coating anything. "A technique called 'Mana Compression' can temporarily relieve the symptoms of the Devouring, reduce fevers, and limit the risk of losing control of one's mana. However, compressing mana in this manner is exceedingly dangerous." She warned. "It also has the side effect of increasing a person's total mana capacity." Solus stole a glance at the sleeping beauty. "Children whose minds are still developing and who lose control of their emotions more easily can generally only withstand a small amount of mana. The faster a person's mana grows, the worse their illness will inevitably become." Inhaling a deep breath, Solus took a second to catch her breath. "Because children tend to lose control of their mana when upset, frightened, or angry, emotional stability is an important technique in slowing the progression of the 'disease'. Unfortunately, it is only a short-term patch. When a child's mana grows to a certain amount, the illness will resurface regardless of their emotional state." The Sun Goddess then looked at Ranmaru right in the eye. "So, Ranmaru, think long and hard before you decide. Will you live life chained to a Purebred or forever be a mana bank for Faeries, or perish on the battlefield?"

Silence took over. Everyone took a moment to digest the vast information given to them. It was quite a lot for the mind to wrap around, but after rearranging all the words like putting unneeded crates in a storage room, everything made sense. The only problem was what they should do.

"The Devouring won't do anything as long as you're motivated." Solus spoke.

Everyone, minus Nobunaga, Mitsuhide and Runa, looked at her, surprised.

"But remember that it'll come back to bite you if you're ever aimless or lose heart."

"Is that so?" Ranmaru took the news rather well. "Thank you very much for that information, Solus-sama." He bowed in gratitude.

Solus smiled softly at him. "You're all free to stay for the night." She said, seeing the sun had fully set, leaving them bathing in the moon's illuminated rays. Solus got up and turned to her Faery. "Aurora, please show them to the guest bedrooms." She instructed.

"Yes, ma'am." The Sun Faery bowed.

With that, Aurora led them out of the Sun Goddess' room and led them down the hallways to the guest rooms everyone will be staying.

Solus let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Geez..." Sighing, she walked up to her door and closed it, not planning on moving in her place. "What am I going to do with them?" She wondered, deciding to clock out early than usual. 

And there's that problem with Runa...

'This is going to be a long year...' Solus thought, determined it will as she flopped down next to the sleeping beauty and entered the dreamland, not realising a certain blue flame being diminished in a dark corner.


Later that night...

Yue stared at Ranmaru's sleeping face after she placed a blood bag with a note beside him. As much as she wanted to stay in an eternal slumber, she had much prior engagement to attend to. And to do that, Yue needed to get the Gegga Tribes off her back.

"Bye-bye..." The Celestial Consort whispered under her breath, almost longingly before slowly getting to her feet.

The girl carefully made her way to the door, her feet making no noise as she did so. Yue quietly slided the door open, slipped through the narrow gap and closed it with a gentle click. When she turned around, she was met with Liu's troubling face.

"Are you certain?" She quietly asked.

Yue gave her a firm nod.

Sighing, the older Xing walked over to her. She reached her arms out and wrapped themselves around Yue's back, and under her knees, gently hoisting her up in a bridal hold. And just like that, the siblings led themselves out of the main temple and proceeded down towards pass the alter, heading straight for the stone staircases that led to the forest.

The sky had already turned dark, given it was a little past midnight and the stars were alive and well, twinkling in the air that shimmered the whole area. The moon was bathing the siblings and the temple, really bringing the life and light from the eternal darkness.

"You two are such a handful." A voice commented.

The familiar voice stopped Liu's tracks. The siblings turned around, staring right towards the empty alter. Light footsteps could be heard as a familiar Goddess revealed herself to them.

"Lady Solus. (Solus-sama)." Liu addressed, a little surprised to see her.

"Oh my, not 'Solus-sama' from 5 hours ago?" The Sun Goddess teased as she walked up to them.

"We have no time for this." Yue coldly stated.

That gave Liu the signal to start walking, but what came out of Solus' mouth, made them both freeze in place.

"They say the Aruna Family could have anything if so desired." The Sun Goddess had a mysterious smile on her face with a glint in her eyes. "Simply viewing the Amalgams of Shinga's Seven Goddesses should be trivial."

"..." Neither sister had no say.

"It does not matter." Solus shrugged. "For now."

Liu dared to take a glance over her shoulders, only to be met with a set of equal twelve tubes in her face. A set of six in green liquid while the rest was crimson red. The viles were safely placed in a rolled up sash, but one wrong move could shatter them. But that wasn't what bothered the consorts. It's what the viles contained.

"LiNKER?" Liu questioned, confused and suspicious.

"Take them." Solus said, still holding it out to them.

Yue narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

Solus didn't say anything. She just forced the rolled up sash in Liu's hand before walking back towards her temple, more tired than ever. If people thought having a job was hard, then they are deeply in the wrong. Being a God is hard.

Liu eyed between the viles in her hand and the retreating figure of the Sun Goddess, before moving in the other direction.


At the base of the mountain...

Just as the siblings ran down the road, figures from Toyotomi and Date showed themselves before them. The remnants of the galaxy drifted around them, and and the dark twilight curtain was soon began to rise. The moon was at its peak, but it was still too early for the light of day. The coldness of the dark hadn't left, and a heavy, lukewarm wind was blowing.

"Stubborn as ever I see." The Date figure joked, smiling beneath their cloak.

"Is something the matter?" The Toyotomi figure asked when they saw Yue's distressed look. They immediately sensed that this was something unusual.

"Nobody is safe when I'm around." The younger Xing stated. "I need to go." Without much of an explanation, she tried to leave, but a hand shot out and grabbed her hand. Yue looked back to see it was Liu.

"No!" She shouted. "I have to protect you!" Liu pressed, tightening her hold. Her eyes were pleading her. Pleading her to stay with her.

Yue softened her eyes. "Ajie... (Big Sister...)"

Yue didn't want to admit it, but she was afraid. She was afraid to investigate that for herself because she was assailed by an unfamiliar fear. That was why she forced herself to do it. Even if it meant destroying whatever sanity she had left. She used to do everything by herself before. She became less self-reliant and more spoiled when she started to have others by her side.

That's why...

"Someday, when I'm really in trouble..." Yue spoke, her bangs shadowing her eyes.

Liu gasped.

The two figures gasped.

"You can save me then." Yue gave them a heartwarming smile. Gently, she removed Liu's hand, seeing she's still in shock. "So let me do a bit more on my own for today." She softly requested, taking a step back as she took one last glance at them before running into the forest, disappearing from their sight.

"I..." Liu wanted to call out to her. But she couldn't. "I want to protect you, too!" She cried.

Did she make the right choice?



Smiling beneath the moonlight, a girl in red was reading a book all the while humming a soft melody as her legs were swinging on the edge of the tree branch she's currently sitting on. The smell of sakura lingered in the air, giving the isolated place a sense of serenity.

"One day, the three girls will leave their world beneath a huge, wilted cherry tree, and will be reunited with the ruler of another who always come to visit them." The girl stated, talking to herself as she stroke her Faery's head with utmost care.

The little Faery believed its owner was telling them a story that could or could not be true. Nonetheless, it was a lovely one.

"The tree, as if giving its blessing to their reunion, will bloom with a glorious display of cherry blossoms, and the blossoms on that tree will never fall again." The girl reached her hand out, causing her filly sleeve to reel back to her elbow. "No matter how lost we feel, no matter what we lose sight of, someday, we will reach that tree."

A sakura petal landed on the girl's delicate palm.

"The name of that rumor is 'The Eternal Sakura'."


- Solus is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, who voiced Sinon, from Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld.

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