
By Arainafanficreader

13.3K 370 61

Lilly was a normal woman she worked at a daycare and was an ex-marine. She wasn't married or in a relationshi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

2.5K 66 13
By Arainafanficreader

Thasik knew that the journey to the blue and green planet would take more than in Human time 2 weeks. Since they were so far he just hopes his suckling survives.

Lilly was busy on the phone with her boss she informed him that she had recently taken in a baby and requested a maternity leave and the boss said she can stay as long as she wants. She was grateful for Amazon since they are close to her town and it took only two days for them to deliver. She smiled as he took out the clothes. She knew that Yautja wore loincloths but she wanted him to be dressed cutely. She smiled as she watched the baby sleep his small stomach going up and down softly. In his hand was a bone, not any bone, it was the bone of a moose that her father had hunted it was a very interesting day. She still doesn't to this day know how her dad managed to hunt a moose and kill it but he did.

She also ordered a baby bag since she only goes out for work, and groceries, and yeah only for work and groceries she's not very social. Soon she took off the handmade diaper and she was thankful full it was dry and put on the softest diaper she could buy since she doesn't want his skin to react badly. She then took out some soft footsie pants it was light brown and then a warm top which was also light brown and covered her now baby with a soft yet thick blanket. She then walked to the bathroom and took a shower before using the toilet and drying herself off. She walked back to the room and opened her closet choosing some lace panties and bra* red * and some thighs and a shirt. She placed a baby monitor in the room before placing pillows on all sides of the baby before walking out of the room not noticing a tiny spider camera following her.

Thasik was sitting in his chair when the camera from his suckling turned on and it showed on the big screen showcasing the ooman di that took in his suckling. They weren't surprised at a female training but they were surprised when she trained with farmhouse weapons. Soon she was lifting heavy weights and many could see that this ooman di had a little muscle. She was lifting two times her body weight but then suddenly they heard a wail and they saw her pick up a device where the wail came from and rushed out of the room and the camera followed.

"Elder this ooman di is interesting isn't she," Buka said as he walked towards the Elder. He knew many of the female ooman di knew how to fight but they weren't at large like the Yuatja.

"The ooman di is interesting but we should set course to get my suckling and also get the location of that s uyuit de( pathetic) female I want to kill that zabin(insect) myself "

Buka nodded before turning around and walking away to do what he has been ordered Thasik let out a sigh and held the small toy made of bones that belonged to his suckling in his hand.

" I swear on my life ill return you to me my little one."

Thasik sighed as he held the toy and watched the stars go by. Soon very soon he'll hold his son and nothing and no one can stop him.

Lilly rushed back into her bedroom to the baby she pulled off her sweaty shirt and as she neared the bed she saw him sit up. She gently picked him up and placed him on her lap and took out her breast and the baby saw. He quickly opened his little manubils and his little moth to allow the nipple. He soon started to drink and he stopped crying and whining and let out a purr. Lilly rocked her body back and forth and touched the front of his pants and found a bulge and knew she had to change him and so she slowly took away her breast and laid him down he started to wiggle his body in protest not feeling full. She gently took off the pants and the baby started to cry but she had to finish she pulled at the flaps and took off the wet diaper and took a wipe to clean the area. She soon lifted his little body by his feet to slide in another diaper and placed his cute little butt down and closed the diaper with the two flaps. She then put his pants back on with a whine from the baby and took him in her arms and lifted him high and he giggled. Lilly smiled as she kissed him on the forehead he purred and wanted to be held close and Lilly sensed that so she held him close and let him latch on. He drank again happily purring away. He still had the bone. Lilly didn't mind since she always loved to hunt with her dad. She had two brothers one died in Iraq the other got married and is now traveling the world with his husband. Her mom died of depression and Her father of lung cancer. She loved her parents and they loved her but they were a bit old when they had her when she was born her dad was 45 and her mom was 42. She was their surprise baby. She, Her father, and her brothers would go hunting when it was the season and they would collect the bones and the heads of their hunt and stuff them so they could be hung on the wall. Her hall had all her hunts she stopped after her dad died since it would be the same.

Soon she heard a little whine and placed the baby over her shoulder rubbing his back and patting his butt rocking her body back and forth till there was a loud burp.

Lilly giggled before placing the now asleep baby back on the bed and covered him with the blanket before standing up to go pee, she placed a pacifier in the baby's mouth and he happily sucked on it. As soon as she entered the bathroom she had gotten a bad feeling and turned around to see nothing but something said to leave the bathroom door open and to keep the gun she has in the bathroom ready. She left the bathroom door open and thankfully the toilet was in the direction of the bed as she was done peeing she heard her bedroom door open she wiped and quietly pulled up her pants before slowly placing down the toilet seat and picking up the gun it wasn't a small gun it was a shotgun fully loaded.

Thasik who was busy going through documents suddenly heard his right-hand man say.

" Elder we have found the female that took your suckling but she is in the same location as your suckling. "

Soon the camera went on and they noticed that it was in a high place and they saw that the door slowly opened revealing a rather old and disfigured female. Thasik let out a snarl of anger since his suckling was now defenseless. Till he saw the ooman di * the btw Lilly is in a bra and some workout pants * taking out another weapon and he calmed down a bit.

Soon the female approached the suckling with malice. She wanted to sell the suckling since sucklings are rare, many of the females cant bear sucklings anymore so they decide to not mate the population was decreasing and this suckling was a pureblood. As soon as she saw the thing she was greedy and wanted to take it, but she crash-landed and lost it. She bent over to take the suckling but before she could touch the suckling she felt a cold circular object against her head. She suddenly heard a female voice say.

" Touch my baby and you'll be dead before you could even touch a lock on his head "

She froze and Lilly kept her anger inside. The males were impressed seeing an ooman di go against a female of their kind and her words were translated.

" Move away from my baby," said Lilly as he motioned with the gun and when the female moved away she then said.

" You've just walked into your usl kwe"
The female's eyes widened hearing an ooman di talk her language. Lilly then pulled the trigger shooting straight through the female's round head. Instant kill Lilly slowly brought her gun down and shot the female in the chest for good measure. She soon placed the gun down and took out some gloves before dragging the body out the door and throwing it in the shed. She took off the gloves and threw them in the trash bin. She walked back in checked on the baby and saw he was awake. She smiled and walked to him and when she reached him picked him up and kissed his cheek. She then walked to the box in the corner of her room with a stroller in it and a carrier made of long soft cloth and another carrier. She took the cloth one and wrapped it around her waist and placed the baby inside. She then proceeded to walk around the house making the baby look around in excitement.

Thasik was impressed she not only killed a female but could drag them away the females are heavy and he was impressed that an ooman di could do all that. How can she be so rough yet gentle yet masculine yet so feminine, so protective but wants to be protected? He let out a sigh the reason he was so overprotective of his suckling is that this was his first suckling. He didn't have time to make dozens of sucklings but when he became elder a few years ago *150 years ago * he decided to have one in the future and here his suckling was.

Soon Lilly noticed it was lunchtime and went to the kitchen with the baby wrapped around her chest as soon as she entered the kitchen she went to the fridge and noticed the small camera spider that has been following her around. She wasn't an idiot to not notice a spider as big as her head following her around. Maybe it was the father of the baby watching over him. She knew the baby's name Yeyinde she had read it when she took the blanket. She turned around quickly taking the spider in her hands and pining it down on the kitchen island.

Thasik noticed the ooman di walk into another room and the device followed. What they didn't expect was for her to catch it, it was in stealth mode. Thasik started to have a bit more respect for the ooman di.

Soon they heard the suckling whine and the ooman di placed a glass bowl on top of the device trapping it. But then it was lifted and Thasik saw a small baby Yuatja's hand on top of the ooman di's breast and he couldn't help but want to touch that little hand.

Soon the ooman di was searching the device to see if it had an inserting place and lucky for her it did in its ass. Soon they saw her place the bowl on top of the device they could see her but not hear. They then noticed the female taking out food from a big box and she was busy making something soon she was sitting at the table with two bowls one big and one medium. She then walked out of the room and got a flat thing and opened it before connecting the device with her flat thing.

Lilly knew this device wasn't human technology. But she wanted to make contact with the father of this baby since she knew that the military will soon come and take away the baby thankfully she had iron walls around her house. She was always over the top.

'Don't blame me when the apocalypse breaks out and I'm the only one safe and you're getting eaten ' was her words to noisy people.

Soon after 59 min she hacked into the mainframe and made herself project into the hologram she saw a lot of creatures like Yeyinde only bigger with more muscles.

Every male stopped when they saw an Ooman di projected. They were shocked as to how she had gotten into their device. She soon let out a sigh and spoke.

" Hello if you can understand me my name is Lilly Feng Kim and I wanted to know who the sire of the suckling I have found "

They snapped out of their shock and Thasik stepped forward before saying with a translator so the ooman di can understand. Lilly learned some words not all just some *reason to sound cool and not sound stupid when she talks to them she did her research from the info so found on the hard drive *

" I am the sire, I am grateful that you have found him he was abducted from my ship, " Thasik said with his usual deep voice. Lilly blinked but then nodded soon she heard a whine and she knew it was for the bone. She rolled her eyes and gave the baby the bone. Soon he whined again she took off her bra and placed one nipple in the baby's mouth and covered the other with his feet.

"It's a pleasure I am sorry for not asking permission before starting to feed him but babies need milk from breasts. Also, you need to hurry to earth, I have a feeling that the people will arrive at my house in a few days to take away your suckling "

Thasik only nodded his head since he knew what the inhabitants of the earth were like some were good others were like xenomorphs.

" Well be reaching your planet soon it's a request from me to protect my son while I'm not there and unfortunately you now have to come with."

Lilly nodded her head before speaking.

" I understand but your top priority is Yeyinde get him off the earth as soon as possible "

Thasik nodded he was relieved that the female didn't make a fuss and he asked Buka to go into hyperspeed which would make them reach earth in 24 hours in human time.

Lilly let out a sigh as she started to eat. What a way to start a day by killing an old Yautja lady. The body was probably still in the shed she'd have to burn it. Shame she couldn't keep the skull.

Lilly made some ribs with bbq sauce and some mashed potatoes for herself and Yeyinde since he can't eat meat yet she had to cut it thin and feed him to see if he liked it. He didn't like it. She tried the potatoes and he liked them but whined and touched her breast. She let out a sigh as she finished her lunch since she had some time to pack she took out a cooler and packed all her spices and sauces and vegetables. She also took some seeds and lots of bottles of water. After she was done in the kitchen as she is a fast packer the kitchen only had furniture.

She soon moved to her bedroom and placed the baby on the bed before taking many of her clothes and packing them up as well as her shoes she also packed up her weapons and all Yuyinde clothes, pacifiers, etc.

Once she was done her house looked empty. She walked towards the bed where Yuyinde was playing with a moose skull. He loves skulls.

Lilly then went and lay beside Guide. He turned to her and snuggled close. She smiles and hugged his little body. 

" Soon your sire is going to arrive and will take you away from here and ill come along. "

She took out her phone and dialed her boss's number. As soon as he picked up she said she had to resign he was sad she had to but accepted it and told her good luck with her life.

Once Yuyinde was asleep she wrapped him in a cloth carrier and tied him to her and walked out to the shed. She dragged the body of the female and threw a lot of wood on her body and poured gasoline on the wood and took out a lighter and set the pile of wood on a flame and took out a folding outdoor chair sat down and watched the body burn.  Suddenly she had the craving for smores she went inside and went to a box panel easel snacks and took out some marshmallows and some crackers and chocolate. She went back to the fire and placed the marshmallows over the fire with a clean stick she had cleaned off herself. Soon the marshmallow was done and she made her smores and Yuyinde who was drinking again tasted the marshmallows in the milk. Lilly sat back and watched the bones burn to ashes. The fire soon died down and there was nothing. Guide giggled as he saw his now mother-figure smile.

Lilly got up and walked back into the house and went to her room to sleep more like Yuyinde.

This ship soon approached the atmosphere of the blue and green planet. He let out a sigh they went into camouflage and went in the direction of where the woman di location was and when they were near they noticed people who were approaching the house from a few yards away they were approaching fast but it'll take some time before they reach the house.

Soon they reached the woman di location and when they walked towards the door they saw there were boxes Thasik ordered the others who wore their cloaks he was also using his cloak. He had to bend his head her house was big but not big enough for a 9'9 body.

He slowly walked up the stairs and searched for heat signatures. Soon he found two and stopped at the door. He opened it slowly and when he entered he was met with a weapon he now knew was a gun being pointed at him.

" Reveal yourself," said the woman di since Thasik came in peace he decided to reveal his big self.

*He is wearing his mask*

Lilly's eyes widened for a bit but then returned to normal before sighing and asking.

" Are you the one I talked to on the ship"

This nodded before motioning with his head that they had to leave and Lilly only nodded before standing up and picking a bundle with her. This was exciting at first and then Lilly followed. Soon they were out the door and Thasik was beside Lilly cloaked leading Lilly by pulling the fabric to not seem suspicious as if she was walking alone. Soon they reached a part of the forest and soon they heard cars. Lilly moved quicker and the door opened Thasik saw the cars come closer and picked up the woman di and ran towards the ship entering and closing the door before uncloaking himself and telling Buka to take off fast and that was what they did. Soon Lilly was told to sit in a seat across from Thasik which was big but not too big she was a tall woman but they made her feel short 6'2 doesn't mean anything to these 7 ' 8 giants they were tall and more muscular.

They were now out of Earth's atmosphere and they were afloat in space.  She knew that things were not going to be sunshine and rainbows they were lucky that they got away in time. She felt someone wake up and want to get out of the carrier. She soon remembered that she only wore a bra * she put it on when she had to continue packing * but who cares these creatures don't find interest in her. She unwraps the carrier and lets thee suckle free.  Who made adorable noises alerting Tasik.  Everyone on the ship froze the giggles echoed through the ship.  This turned around and faced Lilly who was only in a bra showing off her upper body distracting Thasik a bit but he snapped back to reality when his suckling made a noise to catch his attention. He soon noticed the suckling reach his arms out for him. Thasik purred as he took his suckling from the woman di as held his suckling close after the time they have been apart.

Lilly couldn't help but smile not a big one but a small noticeable one.  She was happy that the two were together again now he was with his father she was only there since he was used to her milk and she have grown to love the little alien. 

She let out a sigh before calling out to the large male yautja and asking.

" Sorry if I'm interrupting but is there a bathroom I wish to change into something comfortable "

ThiTheydded before talking in their tongue and yelling Buka's name. Buka came into the cabin where the elder was and saw the woman di who hacked into his system. Elder gave his order and he was to escort her to the bathroom and make sure she is safe.
As they walked Buka went to grab one of the boxes that had clothes in it and gave it to her* She wrote in English and Yautja it was hard *.  She walked with the box to the bathroom and the door shut.

It took about five minutes before the female came out of the bathroom. He sighed as he took the box and accompanied her back to the elder's cabin where he left her and walked to put away the boxes in her room till they reach their home planet.

As soon as Lilly entered the cabin she heard a little yautja whine not in pain but in hunger. That baby ate an hour ago and drank. She sighed and took off the hoodie she wore and lifted it to sit above her shoulder and walked towards Thasik and then when the little yautja saw Lilly he wiggled his body to reach Lilly she smiled as she gently took him and went to sit in the seat before taking out her breast and he attached to the nipple used to being fed the milky goodness.

Lilly let out a sigh since her breast was starting to swell up. Soon the right one was empty so he sifted him to the left one. 

They watched this and wondered how the liquid taste that his son enjoyed so much. They were going in the direction of their home planet which would take about in human time a month let's see how things go.


Hope you enjoy I spent 5 hours on this enjoy. Ps, it's my day off so I used my free time.

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