Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)

By Aabicus

130K 5K 912

After a gruesome death by her parents. Eliana Rose once again knows she is to be reincarnated into her 27th l... More

Chapter 1: So I died.... again
Chapter 2: The void + New world
Chapter 3: New world
Chapter 4: So the plot begins...
Chapter 5: Hello little crow
Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!
Chapter 7: Sexy Stranger
Chapter 8: Dinner party day
Her house-
her house- part 2
her house- part 3
Chapter 9: Founders day
Chapter 10: Founders day-part 2
Chapter 11: Lets get some shit done.
Chapter 12: Slater, Rose and Trevor
Encounter with a creep - snippet and soulmate poll.
Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)
Chapter 13: So much shit in one chap
A/N + poll (/▽\)
Chapter 14: pain, pain and more Pain
Chapter 15: Katherine MY LOVE
Chapter 16: More Katherine talk
Chapter 17: Even MORE Katherine
Chapter 18: Carnival creeps
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Kidnapping?
Chapter 21: Hello Elijah
Chapter 22: Mr Easter Bunny
Chapter 23: Oh nO I hOpE I doNT faaaaAAL!
Chapter 25: Love?
Chapter 26: Can I just Die?
Chapter 27: Betrayal????
Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus
Chapter 29: Rebekah (Short chap)
Chapter 30: Wakey wakey
Choose a dress
Chapter 31: Cinderella Fetish (pt 1)
Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)
Chapter 33: Mates? MATES!
Chapter 34: Is this a Fanfic?

Chapter 24: Mutts

1.7K 81 13
By Aabicus



I shiver at the noise, and crawl up against the wall, bracing for impact.
The pure rage shone brightly in his eyes, even in the dimly lit room that resembled a basement.

"I'm sorry papa,"  I whisper,
My words coming out as choked gasps instead, my body shaking, with fear or adrenaline .

'Papa' growls in anger, grabbing a cane that leaned against the wall. 

"SHUT UP," he hisses, before yanking at my hair, and dragging me from my safe corner.
The concrete floor, causing rough burns on my skin. My body was smaller, frailer, what I would imagine me to be as a child. 

He pulls me out of the basement like room, throwing me into the centre of what looks like a family meeting. The other people gasp and jump away as I'm thrown onto the dining table, cracking it in half. The impact, making me squeak, but not sound truly came out. My throat hurt, like I had swallowed razors.

"Please,"  I beg, I grab onto his leg in desperation, but it only gets worse as he kicks me off. 
He beats me with the cane, It's wooden shape, engraving into my skin in bright red. The medal patterns, stinging like bees.
I look around,
desperate for support,
desperate for mercy, 

yet when my eyes lock with my sisters' and brothers',

They just look away, awkwardly.

"YOU!" Smack "FILTHY!" Smack "HALFCAST!" smack.
Tears gather at the corner of my eyes. My world begins to shatter.

Mama . . . . . Please, 

help me

I curl into a ball, protecting my head.
His beating get worse, until he gets fed up, deciding to kick me in the ribs.
I hear them crack and the air is nocked out of me as I am sent into the put-out fireplace,
The cinders fly and cover me, while cracks carve themselves into the brick-like patterns.

My hands shake, and I dare not to look him in the face as he walks up and squats down in front of my fallen form.
My crazy hair, covering my face like a shield,
providing a false sense of security.

"I should have gotten rid of you, the moment you were born." He hisses into my ear.

"If your filthy mother wasn't such a whore, Then perhaps you would've had more of me."
"Instead she births a rat, just like her."
His voice is sharp, And his calloused hand slowly moves around my face.

Suddenly, he grips it and forces my head to face him. 

Trickles of sweat drip down my forehead, as we keep eye contact. The room is silent, I could almost hear a pin drop.






His hand snapped so quickly, I wasn't able to blink.

The force sends my head snapping to the side, and the sound echoes around the room.
I hear my sister snort, My heart aches, and my cheek stings, A ringing echoes in my left ear.

Slowly, he stands up, turning and walking out of the lounge area,
the rest of the family filter behind him.
Only two, give me pitying looks.

Back to reality

I gasp awake, A migraine pounding at my skull.

What was that? It must've been a dream . . . . But it felt so real. No . . . It must be a memory.

I sit up with a groan, looking around, to see that I'm in Damon's room.
I get up to check the time, then listen for the others in the house.

"Damn" I huff and go to get changed. Bringing a hand to rub my face, I freeze as I feel a sticky not on my forehead.

You better not die while I'm gone, 

don't drink my bourbon, 


If you don't I will make you babysit Elena

Damon ;)

I smirked to myself, when I see the little smiley face he drew on it, before folding it up and stuffing it in my pocket.

I guess I should head to the grill.






The grill, as always, was bustling.

God this place is brighter than my future . . .

I bitterly slurp on my milkshake, Doing a happy shuffle since it tasted like heaven.
Might I add, The Grill, Makes the BEST milkshakes.
I go to dip my French fry into my milkshake,
I suddenly Jolt as I feel a hand come down on my shoulder, causing me to aggressively turn around.

"BITCH WHO TF-" I pause when I see Jenna, looking equally as startled, while Alaric smiles oppologeticly, I quickly give them a sorry smile. "OH! sorry Jenna, Alaric. I was focused on my milkshake."

Jenna smiles at me, but the smile turns sour as though she thought of something. "Yea, Wish I could do that, instead of thinking of 'You know who'" She sarcastically says, as they both go to sit down with me. I give Alaric a confused look. "Why was she thinking of Voldemort?"

Alaric snorts. "Yeah no, It's much worse . . . Jenna? you want to say it?" Jenna aggressively slurps on the milkshake that I pass to her, and sets it down with an annoyed sigh. "The prick is back"

I widen my eyes in false surprise, before they droop in annoyance. "You have GOT to be kidding me." Jenna nods with wide eyes.
"I KNOW, he also dropped a bomb on me," And I gesture her to continue with invested eyes.
"He's Elena's BIO DAD, Along with Alaric's ex wife's ex boyfriend." I put my hands onto the table firmly, "NO WAY!" Jenna nods Aggressively
"YES! and you know what that means? It means, Elena is my Sister's husband's brother's daughter, And her mother, is my boyfriend's deceased wife," I look at her apologetically and put my hand on her, causing her to relax and give me a smile. 
Alaric sighs. "Yeah, uh, it's uh, overwhelming," and I chuckle,
"Understatement of the year," Causing Jenna to snort, while taking another sip of my Milkshake, She rolls her eyes as she looks at the door.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Jenna groans and leans back on the chair, As john walks over with a cocky smile. Alaric slumps back with a defeated look.

John Smiles at us, "Hey you three, you think I can, umm, join you?" I grin, while sipping on my milkshake, Jenna just keeps her eyes on the menu. "Do you have to?" she spits out, clearly annoyed with his presence.

My ears perk as I hear Elena, who I'm guessing, is talking to Damon.
Deciding to get out of this awkwardness, I clear my throat, just as John points out the latter's entrance with a, "Look who's here."

I smile at the three, "Well you three have fun, I needed to catch up with Elena :)"
Jenna gives me a pleading look, but I shoot her a wink, causing her to huff.
I snicker and walk off, giving Alaric a reassuring shoulder squeeze as I pass him. 

As I approach Damon and Elena I hear them talk. "We just need to get answers, So please, Just don't do anything stupid," Elena hisses at him while Damon replied with a bored "MHMM"

His eyes lighten up as he sees me, pulling me in by the waist, Elena blankly just stares between the two of us. 
I slurp on my Milkshake as I look at them. "So? Here to kidnap john?"

"Yep" Damon says with a smirk as he looks at me. Elena butts in
"NO! we are here to TALK . . . you know what?, Val you're much better than him," She huffs out, then begins dragging me along with her, discarding Damon, who stood there momentarily looking offended before walking alongside us towards john.

Damon then steps in front of us to greet john, very passive aggressively. "Buddy! how ya been?" John just has a pained as he replies. "I've been alright Damon" 

"Says the guy who looks constipated," I mutter under my breath causing Jenna, Alaric and Damon to bust out laughing, since they were just close enough to hear my comment, John looked between the three of them in confusion. before shrugging it off.

"It's good to see you," Damon just glares at him intensely and I elbow him in the stomach. He turns around to me with a 'WTF' look. "Be the better man, remember?" I whisper to him with a smirk, causing him to playfully roll his eyes and whisper  a "Fine, you're highness," before following after john who had walked off.

I just snicker and turn to Elena, Slinging and arm over her shoulder with a smirk. She looks at me, slightly biting her lip. "So El, Since Demon's off to be all manly, Its time for more fries and pool"

We both laugh and head to the pool tables.





After 30 or so minutes, I step back from taking a shot at the pool table, And back away from the group, and Elena. Just as I see Damon get introduced to the news reporter girl, who he blows off before walking to us with his glass of bourbon. Him and Elena talk, just in time for Elena to get a phone call from Stef.

What ? no . . .  Caroline shouldn't get hurt, Since Tyler knows about mason, and that he hasn't been killed. WTF is happening?

Shit, whatever, I have to go get Caroline

Being well aware of where the Werewolf camp was, Due to me doing a scouting round, I vamp to the location. I hear Caroline's screams as she screams in agony.
"LET ME OUT" she keeps banging against the cage they put her in.

I clench my fist in anger, watching Jules walk out of their caravan, I jump up into A tree to have a clear view of the camp.

Why TF did this happen? it should have only happened because Tyler called them.

Dammit, what did he do?

I stare in confusion, looking around at all the wolves in the area,  

2 . . 4. . 5. . .6 . . . 7 and 8, including Jules.

I can take them, I should be able to nab one for Klaus too . . . 

I hear Stefan approaches, quite far in the distance, Patience is key at this moment.

Stefan and Tyler walk up to the opening where the trailer sat, It was quiet and the air was tense. Stefan had Tyler firmly by the arm, who looked uncomfortable and avoiding eye contact with everyone. Jules stood there, watching them.

"Where's Caroline?" Jules just tilts her head with her arms crossed,
"Locked up tight"

Bitch, I can't wait to give you up as a sacrifice. Caroline's husbando will make sure you die PAINFULLY

Stefan walks up closer. "Let her go, and I'll release Tyler," Jules stares at him, emotionlessly.
"It doesn't have to get messier than it already has. . . I'm not your enemy Jules"

"A little too late to be waving a white flag, Don't you think?" She looks  cocky.

Stefan sighs. "You need to leave town, No one else needs to get hurt." Tyler nervously looks between the two. 

"I'm NOT leaving without Tyler." I hear Tyler gulp, and Stefan keeps eye contact with Jules. "Tyler's free to make his own decisions, As soon as you release Caroline." Stefan tilts his head robotically. And on que, Damon walks out from the woods, with a little style.

"My brother, the peacemaker" I grin as I hear Stefan sigh in annoyance and turn to look at Damon, who looks between the two groups. 
"Well, since Stefan got here first, I'm gonna let him try his way, BEFORE I result to my way" he pauses, before looking back at Jules. "Which is a little bloodier." He cocks his head, and lowers his voice. "So . . . Give us Caroline"

I just sit in the tree and roll my eyes. 

Over confident Bastard, I'm coming for you soon Care-bear

I say to myself, just as I hear her whimper in pain.

Jules glares at him. "Let go of Tyler"

Damon just purses his lips. "Give us Caroline, Not a full moon, and it's not an even fight, you know it," Damon points out. Jules just Tilts her head, Damon just stares "We'll Take you"

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy," Jules brings her fingers to her lips and whistles, looking to the side. Stefan, Damon and Tyler follow her line of sight, Spotting the other Seven werewolves, popping up from the woods from all sides. A few with stakes, And one with a pump of vervain. Jules smirks and looks at the Vampires. "Lets try this again, GIVE US TYLER"
Damon looks at Tyler, and nods towards Jules. "You heard em, go," Stefan lets go of Tyler's arm, and he goes to stand beside Jules.

Brady calls out to The brothers. "Which one of you killed Mason?"

Damon does an 'OH SHIT' face and slowly points to himself with a smirk. "That, would be me"

The werewolves look between each other, and Brady grins lowly. "BOYS, make sure that one suffers." He point a stake at Damon. 

Damon looks around awkwardly for a while, before turning to Stefan. "You think we can take em?" stefan just purses his lips, also awkwardly looking around. "I don't know about that . . . "

Damon just clears his throat. "OoKay then . . ." 

As he goes to lunge, I take this as my entrance.

In a swift jump, I land in front of the trailer, between the Salvatore brothers, who look momentarily stunned .
Jules flinches and swiftly growls at me, eyes yellow. Her boyfriend soon zooming out beside her alongside another random wolf, also flashing their yellow eyes. Tyler flinches and calls to me. "Val?"

Jules suddenly puts her hand up, gesturing to the other werewolves to stop them from attacking us as she looks at me with curiosity. 

"You're the other werewolf aren't you? Tyler told us a lot" She follows up with a smile, And I clench a jaw when I hear Caroline's sobs. Damon hisses in confusion at me. "What?"

 Brady Looks bewildered and hisses to Jules "what are you doing? She looks like she's going to kill us"
Jules leans back and pecks him on the lips. "Relax babe, she's one of us"
I hear Stefan catch his breath, "Val, you-"

I can hear the betrayal in his voice, And I fell the same thing radiating off of Damon, I don't bother turn to look at them.

I chuckle lowly, And all the werewolves present, slowly eyes me, I Can Feel Stefan and Damon's eyes burning into my back. 
"Of course, I'm one of you" I say, my voice dripping of sugar. I hear Caroline's whimpers stop, I can almost see the look of horror and betrayal on her face. Damon growls behind me.

Geez, Chill my dude

Third person POV

The wolves collectively relax, Smiles edging their faces, Jules speaks up as she steps forward, ruffling her hair. "Good, we were just Getting rid of a vamp-"

Blood splatters across the her face and upper body, Jules freezes.
Her voice sticking in her throat, with a hand frozen midway as it was combing through her hair that was now littered with blood.
She slowly turns to look at her Packmate's headless body which staggers slightly, before flopping to the ground.

Val stood in front of them, Her head was face down to the ground, with her Hair slightly covering her face. She slowly lifts it to look at the remaining three wolves, eyes flashing a grey-blue colour. Damon and Stefan Just stand there, mouth agape.

Blood droplets, lay littered across her face, some, even dripping down. Her eyes sat empty, before a smile etched her face,  Her fangs glinting as they slightly pierced her lips. 

She turns her head to look at the head she held in her hand and gasped, turning to the still stunned werewolves with eyes wide and false shock.
She smirks slightly, her eyes now glinting red.


Jules growls. "YOU!" and the werewolves attack. Damon, now shaking it off, Whispers a 'That was HOT'  into Val's ear, She smirks, giving him a wink, before going to slam a werewolf into the trailer wall by the head. Stefan also high fives her as he dodges a stake.

Two werewolves lunge at her, But she just grabs one by the neck and slams him into the other, finishing them off by ripping out their hearts. She then proceeds to throw the heart at Damon yelling "HEADS." 

Damon, being an idiot, turns around and gets hit in the face with a heart. Val laughs and goes to snap another werewolf neck.

Val POV 

I was enjoying this WAY too much, Ripping out hearts, snapping necks, Who would've thought?

Suddenly my ears perk, and I hear Stefan grunting, Vamping to where he is, I rip out the heart of the werewolf that staked his back before pulling out the stake lodged into it. He grunts in pain, And as I am about to pull it out, I hear Damon get shot.

Gosh, careless I say . . .

"Sorry stef, I'll be Back," I Yank out the stake, and Vamp to Damon, who was shot by Brady. I arrive Just as Brady goes to stake him, Deciding to cut off his arm for fun.

Brady grunts, and stagers back while looking at his arm, while Damon lies there moving his head up to look at me. I Shoot him a quick smile, Which Fades as I feel the pounding pain in my head.

Ah  . . . the witches are here . . . Did they really think I was one of these werewolves?

I act as if the aneurism hurts, and fall to my knees beside Damon, who looks at me concerned and grabs my face tenderly. I keep clutching my head, acting as if I'm in extreme pain. Damon looks around franticly, while holding my face. 

I sigh in content as I feel the Pounding stop, and I flutter my eyes, before giving Damon a kiss on his nose and standing up, pulling him with me. He stares at me. "What happened?"

I just shrug. "Aneurism . . . I'm guessing witches"

Elijah's witch looks at me. "Sorry about that." I just grin and nod at him, Damon grips my hand tightly. Stefan and Care-bear walk up beside us, I tackle her into a firm hug.

After telling us to leave, The four of us reluctantly walk away,
GOD was it a long day . . . 





I sat on Caroline's bed, food, tissues, blood and movies in hand, to surprise her.

I hear as she walks out of the bathroom, It takes a while for her to notice me, and she walks by, her face looking tired, and her eyes look like she ha just cried. I Vamp to her, and Embrace her. She simply jolts in surprise, But it doesn't take long for her to start crying uncontrollably. The whole night, she cried, and I stayed by her side, Making sure she won't be alone that night. I help her take off the vervain covered spikes, just as we hear Tyler at the door. 

To top it off, Bon and Elena soon join us for a sleep over. Everyone fell asleep at 10:00.

So I decide to leave, and come back later, when I'm tired.




At Salvatore boarding-house.

Yes it was late, and Yes I was bored

So OBVIOUSLY I would raid Damon's bourbon stash. 

I plop my bag on a chair and look at the shelves of bourbon. My favourite song playing on my Earphones.

Where's the one bottle I was saving for myself?

I sigh, deciding to sneak into Damon's room to see if he left it there, I carefully open his bedroom door, Making sure not to let it creak, sniffing the air for bourbon scents. Strangely I also sniff out, wine and soap. Shrugging it off, I proceed to look around, Only finding empty bourbon bottles.

This friggin alcoholic

I decide to take a look in his bathroom, cus the dude loves to drink, anytime, anywhere. 

Damon's bathroom is a mood, Quite modern, and very open, Who wouldn't love that. 
Yes, that's the problem, because if I had thought about it, then I wouldn't have walked in on it.

Yes, I decided to waltz into his deep bathtub convo with hot news lady, And GOD was it awkward.
I screech and drop my phone, quickly covering my eyes while, both Damon and Andy, Look at me wide eyed. Andy jumps out of the tub and grabs a towel. Damon moves to compel Andy to forget what happened and leave, We both look at her run out before I turn to Damon.

 "Now THAT, is a hot woman" Damon just glares at me and I sheepishly rub my head before, walking up to the bathtub and kneeling down beside him. 
"okay, I'm SO sorry Dames, it's you're fault for hiding my bourbon," He gets up in my face, and squints his eyes.

"Um no? It's my bourbon, AND it's also my house." I grunt in annoyance, but he soon smirks, moving his hand around in the bubbly bathwater. "So? Wanna join me?" he leans into my face.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, if its NEW bathwater, News lady and you might be hot, But I know NOTHING about your hygiene" Damon grumbles, begrudgingly taking a Sip from his wine glass before getting out of the bathtub. Nothing but soap bubbles to cover his privets. I just gape at his abs.

Damn, I wish I was Ripped Like that

Damon turns to me Looking cocky. "You like what you see?" I raise an eyebrow.
"If you had a shower, then yes?" I laugh as I hear him grunt, Speeding to the shower.

I go to lean against his wash basin table, Listening to the Shower get turned on, and start running. I pick at my nails, as I hear Damon call from the Shower. "Oi, Get me a towel!"
I look down at the towel sitting next to me.

"Get it yourself Demon!" I hear him grumble, before he turns off the shower faucet. I take a sip from his wine glass, Just has he Vamps in front of me, Butt naked. I Look him up and down as he places his hands on both sides of me and Presses me against the basin.

"Hmmm, 10/10 in sexiness, But you could use a little sway in the hips when you walk," I the grab the towel and wrap it over his dripping hair. He just stares at me intently as I dry him off. 
"There you go." I then proceed to wrap the towel around his hips, ignoring his . . . . Goods? Yes, it was very awkward.

"I need a distraction." he stares at me, still pushing me against the basin. I just sigh, "Fine, But we talk about what's going on after? Cause my bet is on Elena"

As soon as I said that, He was in my face, Our lips colliding once again.

This totally a best friend comforting kind of thing

He roughly grabs my hair and sends kisses down my neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive points. I feel him suddenly pause, Then open his mouth, to graze his Fangs along my neck teasingly, Then finally Biting down gently.

Third POV

Damon moans as he tastes her blood pooling in his mouth, his arms, needily pulling her in by the waist, Val strokes his hair and turns her head slightly to place kisses on his neck, Also grazing her fangs over a good spot to bite into. Her tongue traces the area, Just as her fangs also plunge themselves into his neck. Damon groans as he continues to taste her blood, as well as feel her bite. A few Seconds later, They both pull away, Panting profusely. Val pecks him on the neck, "That was great!" Before Vamping off onto Damon's bed. and patting the spot beside her.

"Now you wanna talk about it? Cause I have to get back to a sleepover soon"





The next morning- Val's POV

The Phone rings, And I whine, turning to snuggle into bonnie, Caroline turns over and accidentally pushes Elena off the bed. I fall back to bed after I hear Care-bear complain and turn to cuddle into me.

"Elena, Tell your boyfriend that its too early" I groan, Once again passing out. Bonnie and Caroline grumble agreements in response.




"Val we're heading to the grill, wanna come?" I Grumble and cover my head with a pillow. "Nnngg, Noooo, you guys go ahead," I hear Caroline and bonnie laugh. Elena falls on top of me, causing me to grunt. "I'll take care of her, bye girls," 

"Frick you Elena, you're lucky that I love you," She rolls off of me and lays beside me, I Unravel from my blanket burrito and look at her, wiggling my eyebrows. "Soooo, you and Stef going to the lake house?"

El blushes and sighs, "Yeah, I just really need a break, EXCPESSIALLY from John." I hum,
"I understand, Oh by the way el? if anything happens, just grab the necklace Stefan gave you, and picture my face. "

Elena narrowed her eyes at me "Why?" "Cus I'm beautiful, and a gift sent from the gods."
She grins. "Val? you didn't steal any drugs from Jeremy's old stash right?"

I make an offended face and gasp, sticking my tongue out at her as she stands up to go pack.

I stand up, shouting a bye to Elena, before saying a quick spell and teleporting to my mansion. I Startle Emily and the witches, who were playing blackjack, they throw their cards at me in annoyance. I laugh and head to get dressed for the historical society meeting.




I walk into the Lockwood mansion, Grabbing a Cup of tea from the waiters on the way in. I smile and wave at the different people.
I walk past Damon and Andy, Giving Jenna a quick hug. "Hey Jen, I'll be with Mrs Lockwood if you need me," Jenna leans into my ear.
"with how boring this is, I'm always gonna need you, so you better run," I snort and walk up to Mrs Lockwood, who is having a deep conversation with Elijah 'Smith'.

She turns to me and smiles brightly. "OH Hello Val. Elijah? This is Valentina Jacobson, A new member of our town, but fits in just as well."
I turn to Elijah, Extending an arm, "Hi, It's nice to meet you." I grin cheekily, Elijah slightly bites his lip, before gently taking my hand and shaking it. "No, the pleasures all mine." He holds onto my hand for a length of time, before I clear my throat and take it back.
"So? Elijah, I heard you're going to be writing a book on our little old town?" He smirks, quickly glancing at Mrs Lockwood, who looks slightly smitten. "Yes, well, towns like this have a lot of history. It's always the small places, that hide big stories." 
He says, not breaking eye contact. I laugh, and take a sip of tea while locking eyes with him. 

He speaks up. "Oh right, VAL, didn't you say that you were going to give me a tour of the town to even things out?" Mrs Lockwood looks to me in confusion, and I give Elijah an annoyed look, making him grin. I turn to Carol.
"OH, Umm, yeah, no I Umm, I played Pool with him once, Yeah.
I made a promise, That if I loose I would take him on a little tour. and Carol? You know how bad I am at pool right?"
At this, Carol nods, and Turns to Elijah, "Oh Yes, she ALWAYS says she's a pro, But Val here, just has the confidence of a lottery winner." Causing him to chuckle and glance at me. 

I hear Damon's Strangely aggressive steps approaching the three of us, and Carol's eyes light up as she steps from the group to Greet him.
"Damon! Hi!" Damon tightly smiles. "Hi Carol," He pecks her on the cheek as a greeting, while he eyes me and glares at Elijah.
Elijah, now stepping up closer to me, taking up where Carol stood. I look up at him, to see he's already looking at me with a small smile.

Sir PLZ stop being hot

Carol steps back with Damon and turns to Elijah. "Elijah! I want you to meet Damon Salvatore, His family is one of the founding families." Damon hums, Smiling and glaring passive aggressively at Elijah, who just Calmly narrows his eyes and stares back. "Such a pleasure to meet you."
Elijah's Expression doesn't change. "No, the pleasures all mine." They both shake their hands, the Tension thick in the room. I clear my throat, and Elijah's head snaps to me.

"Well it's wonderful to meet you, oh and Carol, The boxes you needed, I've left them in the study for you." Carol 'ah's and excuses herself, before walking off.
I turn to the two men , putting my teacup down and clasping my hands together.
"Well, I could pop a balloon with the amount of tension in the air, How about we be civil and talk things out? After all, we all have the same Motive in the end?" 

Elijah smiles widely, aggressively dropping Damon's handshake, before holding out his elbow to me, I stare at it in confusion, also feeling Damon's glare.
"Let us go find a suitable space to talk?"
I make an 'Ohhh'  sound before, sheepishly grabbing onto his held out arm, Elijah then turns and glances at Damon. "Are you not coming?" 

I hear Damon grit his teeth, as the three of us walk into a room discreetly. 

Inside the room, I let go of Elijah's arm and lean against the sofa, Elijah move's his eyes from me and glances elsewhere, surveying the room. "What can I do for you Damon?" Damon turns around slowly, eyebrows raised "Oh, I was hoping we could have a word." he says, sounding cocky.

Elijah looks fed up. "Where is Elena?" I look up over at him.
"Oh don't worry, she's safe as far as I know, Laying low, With the werewolf problem."
He nods, smiling slightly. "Oh yeah, I heard." His tone is gentle yet playful as he walks up to me, dragging his finger along the to of the sofa till it touches my waist, as I was leaning against it. "I'm SURE you did, since it's your witch that saved the day." Damon butts in, voice mocking and annoyed, making me and Elijah stop staring at each other. Elijah becomes sarcastic.
"You are welcome"

God sir, You sexy piece of-WAIT, STOP THINKING

Damon leans back onto the work desk. "WHICH adds to my confusion, Exactly WHY you're here."
Elijah slightly rolls his eyes.
 "Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe . . . . And leave the rest to me" He smirks, before turning to me and holding his arm.
"Shall we?"
I smile, and go to grab his arm, but Damon vamps in between us glaring hard. 

"Not good enough." Elijah, moves his head to look at me apologetically, before grabbing Damon by the neck and slamming him against the wall. I snort and cover my mouth to stop the laughter, Seeing Elijah smile slightly as well. Damon lifts his arm as an attempt to choke Elijah, but his hand is pried off with a sickening crack.

"Young vampires . . . So arrogant." he lets go of the arm that tried to choke him.
"How dare you come in here and Challenge me?" his voice is low, and I could almost feel the annoyance. Damon smirks slightly, looking stupid since he's being choked.

"You can't kill me, *WHEEZE* its not part of the deal." He chokes out, And I almost see a Vein pop in Elijah's head. He narrows his eyes at him.

"Silence." Elijah then grabs a pencil, and stabs it into Damon's neck. "AAARGHHhh" 
Pushing him aside, onto the desk. Damon groans, and Rips out the pencil in his neck.
Elijah whips out a Handkerchief, and wipes his bloody hands, glancing at Damon slightly, 

"I'm an original, Show some respects."

He holds up the handkerchief, and Damon rips it out of his hand and holds it against his neck to clean the area.


I stand up and walk up to the two. "Not gonna lie, Dames, you totally deserved that."
Elijah looks at me, quirking an eyebrow. "Whoa, don't stab me too, Damon is just impulsive, I hope this doesn't affect the deal?" 
Elijah chuckles. "I wouldn't dream about it, And no, one man's mistake should not hurt the majority."

"Now . . . .  Shall we?" he holds out his arm again, I glance at Damon pointedly, and hold onto Elijah's arm, letting him lead me out.





I walk into the Salvatore Boarding-house that night ad throw my bag on a chair. 

huh, where is that little-

I grumble, and walk further into the house, into the lounge area near the fire pit. There sat Damon, unconscious, with a weird collar, while rick lay 'dead' on the ground.

Ahhhh, I see, this is where I also get knocked out huh . . . 

And As I thought that, I feel two hands, circle around my head, A painful crunch, and I'm out like a light.

how wonderful




I wake up, groaning as I feel wooden nails, pierce into my skin. Damon is also just coming awake. He turns to me half droopy eyed. "Val . . . " he then turn to follow where the chains on my lead to and groans, leaning his head back. I do the same, Except my eyes brighten. "OH! you're mason's friend right? He told me about you . . . " 

The dudes eyes soften slightly before he straightens us and smirks. "Morning sunshine."

He begins walking, hands still on the chain to my collar. "I saw this movie once, some torture porn flic. Anyway they had this COLLAR device, Heh it was really cool, So I just modifies it, with some, with some wooden nails, OH and, when I pull" I Widen my eyes and Scream As he yanks the chains, Feeling the wooden nails dig into my neck, Blood dripping onto my dress. 

Damon thrashes in his seat eyes wide, "VAL!"
 I Huff, and Laugh slightly, confusing wolf guy.
I turn to Damon.
"Heh, this is what I get for laughing at you being stabbed in the neck with a pencil."
Damon smirks slightly. "Damn right"

I groan as the guy yanks at the chains again. Jules walks in, "So, I hear you have the moonstone." Damon snorts. "You know the Irony of this moment right now?"

I look around and face the guy pulling the chain. "HEY DUDE, He's the dick, why are you torturing ME anyway?" Jules looks at me with a glare before Brady, her boyfriend storms forward.



Brady growl, "YOU BITCH" He then runs over and yanks the chains from the other dude, pulling it violently. I Groan and spit out blood. "Is that REALLY the limit to you're creativity?"

I Could kill you idiots with a click of my finger, Aint no way anyone's gonna know that tho

"You're going to torture us, We won't talk.  SOMEONE looses a heart, Last time it was you're boy Mason."

Jules steps forward and up in his face. "This time, It's going to be her." she points at me.

I roll my eyes. "Oh COME ON! Why me?" Brady growls and yanks at the chains, causing me to groan and my head to jerk forward. 





"Yknow what the great thing about buckshot is?" I just slump back, tired from the torture. 
"Scatters through the body, MAXIMUM damage." Damon cocks his eyebrows while I smirk.

"Finally, something creative." Jules' Face goes sour And she lifts up the gun and points it at me.
"Where's the moonstone?" 

"Get over it honey, you're never gonna get it."
Damon replies, I snort at him.
"Dude, you sound drunk, and here I'm the one getting tortured more."

"Looking for this?" Elijah appears at the top of the small set of stairs, leaning against a pillar looking smexy in his black suit.

Gosh, being tortured makes me a bigger simp huh

He slowly walks down the stairs and places the soap bar looking stone on the Table beside the couch, Looking up at the wolves, and gesturing to them. "Go on, Take it."

Brady, goes first, only to be stopped by Elijah, and have his heart ripped out, Jules gasps, and staggers back. The other werewolves go ahead and attack him, Once again, having their hearts ripped out cleanly. I See as Jules goes to run, Whispering a quick spell I set a tracker on her, wich allows me to get to her whenever I want.

Elijah then goes to the last guy, who designed the collars, and punches him in the face.
He comes towards me to help me out of my chains, but I gesture to Damon, Elijah frees him before slowly stepping back and staring at him. "You realize, this is the third time, I've saved you're life now?"
Damon just sits there staring at him.

"Thank the Heavens." I use my strength to rip off the chains. Elijah looks at me as I get up, struggling to stand because of all the drugs I was injected with. 

"Easy there," He vamps up beside me and holds me up by the waist as I stumble. I hold onto his neck sheepishly.
"Oh, sorry about this, I realize, today wasn't the best day for heels." I decide to try take off my heels but stumble, Again having to be helped up by Elijah. 

"And that would be the 5th time that I have saved, YOU," He says cheekily, I grumble.

"No, The two stumbles don't count, BESIDES, I was assessing the situation." Elijah studies my face as he holds me against him. "Mhmm" he hums sceptically

I roll my eyes. "Yes well, thanks though. I don't think things would have gone well without you."
He smiles.

"So, Shall I take you home?"  
Damon, who was quiet until now, Stands up, ripping the collar off. He then steps forward.
"She usually stays here, with ME"
Elijah's grip tightens and I see him clench his jaw. "Hey Elijah? How about you drop me off in my car? It's out front." He looks at me, "you were falling over air a moment ago?"
I chuckle. "Yes, but I'm sure the drugs should wear out by the time I get to the house."

Elijah nods slightly, picking me up bridal style before vamping me over to my car, ignoring Damon.

He puts me down, and I use the door as support. Before I leave, I turn to face him. 
"Hey, sorry about Damon, He just doesn't trust you." Elijah stares at me, smiling gently.

"And you do?"
I stare at him, with my lips pursed. 

"Yeah, I guess I do."
Elijah's mouth open slightly, not expecting the answer. 
As he was about to say something, I Cut him off.

"Well Bye! I better get a good night's sleep after that." I wind up my window, and drive off.


hey guys, Plz enjoyy :)

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