Wild ones| Tracy beaker retur...

By PevensieDreams

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'"You'll be the death of me O'donavon. We're not partners in crimes" "Oh yeah? Could've sworn you've been s... More

T W E N T Y - ONE \ "Home alone"
T W E N T Y-TWO \ "Liberty in the Dg"
T W E N T Y- F I V E\! Social media!
Twenty-Six --> Face the music *Edited*
T W E N T Y- S E V EN. ->" One for Sorrow"

T W E N T Y-FOUR/ "What would Gus want?"

162 4 2
By PevensieDreams

*TW : Homophobia*

S1, episode 5.

MIKE HAD ARRIVED FROM seeing a family about Gus. It wasn't anything too serious, he went to see if they would be up to foster him. After last week, everyone needed some good news. Unfortunately, he'd gone in the morning although he thought there wouldn't be a problem if he'd left earlier. After parking the car he was about to walk in through the front door only to be stopped already.

"Look at what you did to me!"
Gus exclaimed as he and Indigo walked out of the house to greet him. He wasn't in a clam mood today so she had been spending the past hour calming him down. "It's barber Wednesday and you left without telling me." he begun to say. "I'm so sorry, Gus, but wait.." he almost responded with, taking two steps aside. "I couldn't cross the barber's off my list, so I had an unscheduled forty three minutes."

"I'm sorry-"
Mike tried to apologise again even though it was impossible too. "I did tell him you'll be back soon. I even offered to trim his hair but he didn't let me" Shrugged Indigo whilst Gus carried on with his rant. "- That's because last time you made it all wonky." he casually reminded her. "It would have been 60, but I wasted waiting for you! so I scheduled piano practice. I had to teach Indi the keys too because she's been wanting lessons for a while now but I couldn't focus which made me break Beethoven." he showed the glued piece of statue stuck on his arm. " he wasn't done ranting."That's awful, I'm so.." he barely got out. "You weren't there to help us fix him."

"Again, I wanted to use my special glue.."
Chimed in Indigo, remembering how she asked if Gus wanted any help fixing the statue but he denied for the second time. "He only wanted you" she remarked as she got glared at. "I'll shut up now" she uttered, holding her hands together awkwardly.

"-It ruined my lunch!"
Gus went on with telling his story and how the plate fell onto him. "Gina got cross because I wouldn't let her take it off, cause I wanted you to do it!" he complained. Within less than a minute later, Mike got a chance to speak. " Gus! I've just been to see a couple who want to foster you." he excitingly announced although he didn't get the reaction he hoped for. He didn't say much and stormed back inside. Him and Indigo went in as well trying to see how will deal with it.


Was the honest response Gus gave to Mike while they were in the bathroom sorting out his bandage. "Gus, at least consider it." he did his best in convincing him. "I'm sorry." he randomly apologised. "What for?" he got asked. "Whatever's making you try to get rid of me."

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. Your social worker started this when your dad moved to Germany." Explained Mike but he wasn't too happy about it. "She's supposed to talk to me about things like that. " he frowned. "Yes. But she wanted to get the right couple first. And I think she has. So I said I'd talk to you cos I know you much better then she does" he reasoned.

"You don't know me very well if you think I'd want to leave."
Disagreed Gus main reason being he wasn't ready yet. "Why don't you talk to Ronnie and Dawn, and then decide?" Mike offered to him whereas he knew his answer. "I've already decided." he debated.

Mike was nearly done with cleaning the glue off. "You might change your mind if you met them." he objected. "Indi will tell you that it's not so scary once you've seen the people" he mentioned her and her eyes twitched at the mention. "Yeah, but, I also said no. I wasn't ready either" she voiced onto his opinion. "Yes I know. I thought you'd tell him there's nothing to worry about"

Gus decided against everything. "It doesn't matter what Indi will say. I'm not changing my mind" he told Mike whereas Indigo pretend to be hurt by his comment. "Ouch" she fake scoffed. "It wouldn't make any difference. I don't want to be fostered." he kept on disagreeing.

Mike wasn't giving it up easily. "You might like them" he did his best in to persuade him. "Not enough to want to be fostered." he pushed further with trying to make him see it won't hurt unless he tried. "You can't know that until you've met them." he surely debated.

"Yes, I can!"
Argued Gus whilst he got up from the chair he'd been sitting on, leaving the bathroom. "I'll go talk to him" Offered Indigo as he went downstairs. "Thanks Indi." Appreciated Mike. She rushed after him seeing he was entering the living room in a mood. "You okay?" Tyler asked him. He was playing a game of pool with Ryder as the pair entered. "I can't get Mike to understand that I don't want to meet the foster parents." he explained.

"Your getting fostered?!?"
Shockingly gawked Tyler, stopping the game. "No. Mike and my social worker think I should" Gus said to him honestly. "How come they choose you?" Jody quizzed. "Cos my dad moved to Germany." he gave another explanation. "I'll have them if you don't want them" he hoped. "The system doesn't work like that" he got told. "I know but you could pretend wanted to meet them. And then I could accidentally meet them instead." he planned.

"I won't do it."
Rejected Gus whereas Tyler kept on trying to change his mind. "Why not?" he questions. "Because the system doesn't work like that!" he argued against it. It turned into an on going debate. "Oh come on, just to help a mate" he tried. They weren't even friends- what is he on about?. "You're not my mate."

Indigo and Ryder couldn't help but laugh at the argument. "I'm I?" she had to ask, earning a confirming nod in response. They were pretty much best buddies by now.

"Maybe I'm not. But we're both care kids and you shouldn't waste foster parents!"
Madly scolded Tyler storming out of the room. He just wanted the same golden opportunity as some of them were getting.

"This isn't about you!"
Shouted Ryder within defence yet gave a soft apology. He next ran after Tyler seeing how he would cheer him up. He was probably wrong for shouting but it wasn't any of their choice really.

"Would it kill you to do the right thing and help him out?" Sassily asked Jody whilst she got up off the couch she was sitting on. "Tyler! Tyler, are you alright?" she calls, catching up to Ryder.

Gus and Indigo gave each other a thoughtful look. He didn't know why they were getting involved; it was him who had to meet the parents not anyone else. This was going to be one of those tough decisions. And so, the two walked off to the office.

"What are you going to do?"
Gina questions Mike whilst she was looking at some papers. "I can't force him to see them if he doesn't want to. That'd be cruel." he tells her. "Oh, what, more cruel than keeping a boy, like Gus here until the system decides he's old enough to fend for himself?" she asked within a hint of anger.

Just then Gus entered while they were talking."Gus!"
greeted Mike as him and Indigo arrived. "Perfect timing" Claims Gina before she wondered off. "Why?" he curiously replied. "Because I want to talk you about fostering." he perks. "And I need to talk to you about how you know you're doing the right thing."

"Is that because you've got a feeling you might be doing the wrong thing?"
Questioned Mike and he gained a nod of confrontation. "Look, we can take this whole fostering issue as slow as you like." He started to speak around the same timing that Faith entered. "You're having second thoughts aren't you?" he suspected. "I'm still on my first thought, which is 'no.' admits Gus. His attention then got focused onto the next person. "What can I do for you, Faith?"

"Just wondered if you'd signed my permission slip for my half marathon?"
Faith asked. "Yes. I have. It's here somewhere" Mike says to her, going to look for the piece of paper handing it to her. "There you go." she took the slip from him happily. "I'll sponsor you when the page is set up." he added onto his sentence. "Thanks" she thanked him thus changed her focus onto Gus. "You shouldn't turn down this opportunity" she said nicely.

"I'm not talk to you about this. I'm talking to Mike and Indi"
Bluntly replied Gus with a hint of madness. Faith was quit hurt by his reaction, she wasn't expecting it. "Alright, Gus. She's only trying to help" he clarified as she left them alone. "Do you still want to be a forensic scientist?" Mike asked him. "Yes." he causally declared. "So, I think you'd find it would be easier to achieve if you were in a family situation." he carries on speaking although nether of them saw that she had been listening then finally walked out. "Why?" he quizzed.

"Yeah, why?"
Echoed Indigo in a similar confused look wanting to know on how that would work out. "Because you'd know a lot more about living in the real world, which eventually would help you cope at university." commented Mike and she started to do some thinking. "Soo if I stayed at Nadine's house she would've showed me the roots of being a teenager?" she thought out loud, confused on the topic. "Basically. Even though she was probably a teen in the 90s" he joked causing her to lightly snicker. Despite her being emotionally drained the past week she was still her bright and happy self.

"But I don't need foster parents for that. You always explain things to me when I don't understand them" Firmly argued Gus, fighting against any change, begging to leave as well. "Yeah, but Gus, I'm-" Called out Mike whilst him and Indigo made their separate ways. "Indi, what do you think I should do?" he quizzes when they were out in the corridor.

Indigo truthfully had no clue. She was in the same confusing puzzle. "I don't know. I'm still debating on my problem.. that's been on pause for two weeks now" she pulled a horrified facial expression at the thought of solving it. "I guess our social workers have something in common" she blurts. "What?" Gus asked her as she made a stop at the living room. "Them thinking us being fostered would be a good thing. And mine also said it's my choice. Trust me, you don't have to rush it if your unsure. Just go with the flow" she wisely advised in addition to walking in whereas he went to his bedroom.

"And how do you know?"
Frank begun asking Faith who'd just spilled the beans. "I heard him and Mike talking about it with Indi just now." she confesses to everybody. He stood beside her once he wasn't playing pool."Here she is" he greeted once seeing the aspiring artist walk in.

"What kind of parents would want someone like Gus?"
Judged Elektra simply because she was purely confused by the situation. She currently sat by Rick and Quincy on one of the main sofas whom happened to be relaxing in the middle. "That's a bit harsh" he defended the boy. She didn't get why. "So you don't think he's weird?" she asked out of spite. He didn't care.

"I don't think he's weird. Odd, yes, but only sometimes. That's how he is" Disagreed Quincy whilst she glanced up at Elektra. She might've secretly had other thoughts when she saw him for the first time although now that she knows him a little he was just a regular kid to her. "Although it would be nice to finally have my midnight dance parties without wearing earphones" she debated. "And I would be able to ask for help on my homework too" she threw in. She hadn't one hundred percent recovered from making a connection on the fact someone from her past may be back in town; she was planning on acting normal until she knew the truth.

They all then begun creating a pros list on not having Augustus around if he were to say yes. "Hmm. No more sticking to a Gus time table" Started off Carmen in awe.

"I could bathe at 6:30"
Beamed Rick, carrying on with the list making them all chuckle.

"Me and Indi could play the piano after breakfast!" Tee vouched in a pleased tone earning an high five from Indigo who'd sat in the middle of her and Carmen.

Johnny stood behind the girls relaxing on the seat's arm. "Is he defiantly going?" he mainly asked the brunette with pink and red strips. "He hasn't decided yet" confirmed Indigo and that made both of them go upstairs without saying anything to the others. He wanted to make sure he isn't waiting it. "No. Tyler wants to meet them instead." Gus tells him as he sat at his desk. He knew no one would ever allow that. "The system doesn't work like that" he addressed.

"That's what I told him."
Gus clarifies as Tyler simply barged in with Jody and Ryder mid discussion. "Um.. I'm sorry I shouted at you." he apologised yet he went straight to it. "I've been thinking about what you said" he started to say. "And?" he wondered. "I can't lie to Mike" he certainly assured him.

"You're not lying"
Begun Jody, stepping closer. " You do want to meet them so they can meet Tyler" she stated quit proudly. Ryder looked at her weirdly. "But then the parents would know about the switch?.." he confusingly acknowledged, looking down at her seeing as she was very short. "And? it's clever" she praised their plan.

Johnny also though it would be ridiculous. "It'd be a waste of time" he argues. She thought the opposite. "No, it wouldn't! Tyler's fun, he'd be loads more interesting than Gus" she said. "It doesn't matter what we're like. We're in care. There's no such thing as a happy ending." he spat in addition to leaving the room being fed up.

"You're wrong Johnny! Mike told me that we will get a happy ending!" Angrily shouted Indigo when he walked out. She shouldn't be stuck in her world of fairy tales though it was the one thing that did help her forget about her real issues and she's sticking with those words until the day arrives. "I'm gonna go sleep early. Night" she announced to those who were there. She couldn't believe another person was most likely stepping out of her life once more. The thought of it made her do a bit of adding up as she went to get ready for bed.

"Why are you so desperate to be get fostered?"
Gus questions Tyler within interest. "Because, I've always wondered what it'd be like to live in a proper family. And if a couple want a boy like you, then, they might be able to settle for a boy like me." he estimated. And within the short reasoning he'd gotten; he begun to re think his whole answer.

"Come on"
Jody urged to Tyler and Ryder now heading out as well. They each going to their own bedrooms since it was getting quit late and they would be needing a lot of energy for tomorrow.

**** *** ***

Once everybody had fallen asleep; Gus finally changed his mind on meeting the couple Right now he made his way to where Mike slept at exactly two in the morning going to tell him. "Mike. Mike" he kept calling for him buy he remained asleep until he tried again. "Mike!" he shouts rather loudly causing him to wake up. "What's wrong?" he asked in a panicked tone after being disturbed. "I've been thinking." he started to say.

Mike sighed because he thought someone was in trouble or there might've been a fire somewhere. Why else would he have gotten startled?. "I was asleep, Gus" he tiredly responded. "But you're awake now." he clarified. "Yeah.. what can I do for you?" he asks groggily.

"Invite the foster parents. I've decided I want to meet them"Gus shortly told him thus walked out of his bedroom. He then fell back asleep despite being woken up in the middle of the night.

Little did he know, this was going to be an on going situation for him for the next few days.

****       ***     ***

IN THE MORNING AFTER HE'D gotten a made up decision, Mike had phoned the couple saying they were allowed to visit. Meanwhile; Tee, Jody and Indigo were helping Tyler out with an outfit as if he was meeting the mysterious adults. "What was the look you were going for?" she asked, seeing that he disapproved it.

"One that says 'This boy can be fun, but he can be serious too'"
Replied Jody quit proudly even though Tyler didn't like the style he was given. Tee tapped her chin as she did some thinking about how to make it look even better. "I think you might be missing some of the fun part." she constructively suggested. She agreed with her. "I'm listening" she agrees before they each faced him.

"Are you seriously letting them do this to me?" Moodily questioned Tyler to Indigo who happened to be struggling with not laughing at him. "Tyler, we're experts in fashion. You've got no other option- deal with it" she spoke through her held back laugh. "Unless you want Carms involved?" she said knowing he didn't want anyone else helping causing him to aggressively shake his head.

Tee took an extra glance at the suit and she came up with an idea. "Well, how about some of these?" she went to pick up a jar of pins she had collected, putting one on as Jody did the same. "There you go. Look, Tyler, don't get your hopes up. Remember they came to see Gus." she re reminded him.

Tyler became a bit annoyed at the reminder. "You're in a dog's home looking for a puppy. You can't get the one you thought you wanted so you're bound to buy another one, aren't you?" he rhetorically asked earning a nod from Jody whilst Tee and Indigo shared glances at each other. Once he'd gotten sorted out, the duo went downstairs just in time to see what the visitors look like.

Gina saw the younger kids lurking about in the hallway as she walked up to them. "Hey, come on guys, go! they're not here to see you." she told Tyler and Jody off for waiting around. "Mike!" she shouted when the buzzer went off.

"Yup, coming!"
Mike shouts back whilst he ran down the stairs going to open the door. "Hey, hey. Go. Scoot. Go on" he demanded to Tyler and Jody, not wanting the duo there at all. "In the other room. Give Gus some privacy. Go! Go!" he instantly rushed both of them and they walked off towards the living room where everyone else was hanging out.

"Gus! Gus!"
Jody called for Gus when she stopped walking for a short while. "We're in here" she informs him like she were giving a signal for whenever he was ready to swap over. She raced into the room around the same timing that the gusts entered.

"Hello! nice to see you again."
Mike greeted the two women who were walking in. By then, Johnny had appeared on the stairs being nosy as usual. "And er- you've met Gina?" he heard him ask, introducing her. She then left letting him continue. "And this is Gus. Gus, this is Ronnie." he introduced.

"Hello. Lovely to meet you. This is my partner, Dawn."
Kindly greeted Ronnie.

"Hello. You're early"
Stated Gus in response unaware that Johnny was there, checking his watch." Three minutes, thirty seconds. She wouldn't let us wait in the car" Dawn tells him in conformation. "Shall we go through?" Mike asked the couple therefore he showed the way to the quiet room.

Just as Johnny begun leaving the stairs; he got joined by Carmen and Lily. "Johnny! did you see them?" she was first to ask him. "Yeah, what are they like?" Lily questioned afterwards. "Let's just say, Tyler's going to wish he never asked to bring them here" he judged, implying what he saw.

Lily asked out of curiosity as the three of them strolled to join the rest of their housemates. Of course, Johnny being himself, he carried on judging Ronnie and Dawn's relationship. "It's two women. They're gay!" he spitefully said like it was any of his business.

"What's wrong with that?"
Carmen questions him, clearly thinking there was nothing wrong with it. "Everything. They're not proper parents." Johnny wrongly assumed. She thought the opposite of him."That's a horrible thing to say"

Apparently, Lily didn't think so. "I agree with him" she took her time to reply. " Lily!" gasped Carmen within shock. "What? I'm not being anti-gay. I'm just saying all kids need a dad" she simply declared. "That's funny. Cos you managed just fine without one for years!" she argued. "I got mine back and I liked it a lot better, thank you." she coldly shot back.

"See. Lily egress with me and she should know." Was the last thing that Johnny told both girls therefore decided to continue his walk. He thought he was right about everything and he went to see if anyone else would agree with him or not.

Whilst that was going on; Gus was currently being questioned by Dawn. She had her own notebook just like he does. "Are you a fussy eater?" she started to ask him. "Does not liking fish with bones count as fussy?" he wondered. She gave his a question a quick think before replying. "No" she assured him. "Then no. But I need to tell you-

-"And do you take baths or showers?"
Dawn goes on with asking questions, not letting him finish off what he had to say. "Baths, at 6:30pm. But, I really need to tell you-" Gus tried to speak once again. "- Do you prefer-" she almost asked another one but her wife stopped her before she could. "I think Gus has something that he likes to say. " Ronnie interrupted her with kindness. "But I haven't finished our questions" she complained slightly."Your questions" she says. "Well, one of us needs to be organised. What is it, Gus?"

Gus then went into the plan he'd agreed to do with Tyler and Jody. "My answers to your questions don't matter. I brought you here to meet Tyler, one of the other boys" he casually told both Ronnie and Dawn, surprising them as well as Mike. "What?" he replied within shock. "So, you don't want to be fostered?" he got asked. He seriously didn't want to, at least not yet anyway. "No, thank you." he quickly but honestly admitted.

"We didn't.."
Mike struggled to say seeing as he had no clue of when it had been talked about. "Tea, anyone?" Gina asked as she walked in with a bright facial expression. What she didn't know is, the meeting hadn't gone very well.

"We're leaving"
Sadly announced Dawn whilst she put her notebook away, standing up to leave. "I'm really sorry about this." Sincerely apologised Mike. He thought this would've been the chance for it to happen. "Dawn, wait" Ronnie did her best to change her mind. "Why? Gus doesn't want to be fostered."

"Tyler does! have him instead"
Gus surely begun to convince the couple. "We don't want Tyler. We wanted you" Dawn turned down the other option as she stood up. "You don't want us. There's no point in continuing" she finished off speaking and he was starting to feel bad about it.

"You've made such a lovely tea. I'm sorry to waste it" Ronnie apologised towards Gina as she stood up as well. "That's okay" she appreciated but she had zero idea what happened for it to go downhill.

"Um, well.." Dawn mainly said to herself whilst she cut a slice of the cake, wrapping it in a piece of tissue to take with them for later. "There. Now only our time has been wasted." she handed the wrapped up cake to Ronnie who had nothing else to say since she was quit disappointed. Mike then started to show them out.

Gina took a seat beside Gus as those three were leaving. "What happened, then Gus? did you get them here just for Tyler?" she asked already having some sort of idea.

Gus got up from the seat not wanting to speak with her at all. "I don't want to talk about it!" he cried in a distressed tone and walked off joining everybody else. Jody was still getting Tyler ready when he approached the group. "Am I meeting them now?" he impatiently asked. "They've gone." he informed him. "Why?" he whined out of misery. "Because I didn't want to get fostered. And they didn't want to foster you."

"They've never even met me!"
Tyler huffed, crossing his arms.

"You had a lucky escape."
Johnny soon started to speak. "Can't believe they were gay" he carries on with judging the relationship earning two looks of disbelieve from Elektra and Quincy. 'Jerk' she thought. "Why does that matter?" Gus asked him seeing as he didn't have a problem. "It shouldn't be allowed!" he continues.

"That's disgusting!"
Disgustingly disagreed Elektra with complete horror. "Why? it isn't normal!" he honestly remarked whilst she looked over at Quincy looked pretty mad at him - she didn't blame her, what he was saying didn't sit right with her.

"Some people think I'm not normal. Are you saying I shouldn't be allowed?"
Upsettingly asked Frank because he knew those words were something a bully would say. "Of course not, you're different." blabbed Johnny, struggling to find a correct response.

"He's not exactly, normal, is he?"
Fought Elektra, pointing at Gus. "I am!"
he confidently argued with her. Faith then stepped into the argument. "Leave it." she firmly instructed, reading a magazine. "No! sorry, you're completely out of order." she aimed towards Johnny who became defensive. "I'm not! come on Tyler. You wouldn't want two mums would you?" he rhetorically asked.

"Course I would! it'd be so cool."
Accepted Tyler in offence as he jumped off the pool table, leaving the room with Jody following him.

Quincy had been keeping all of her anger inside , listening to the different opinions. It actually hurt her more than anything how she knew there were going to be some people in the world who wouldn't accept her for who she is let alone her sexuality. The 200s wasn't an easy time for her or anyone else going through a similar situation. She hoped there would be a year when the universe didn't see members of the lgbtq+ community in a negative view. They were all human, didn't matter what you were.

"I don't care what he says. Kids need a mum and a dad." Johnny strongly debated ignoring the cold side eye he was getting from Quincy. Even Ryder was giving him the most unlikeable look ever.

Elektra started to get up not wanting to listen to anymore of his lame opinion. "Oh yes, cos that worked so well for you, didn't it?" she sarcastically spoke; getting in his face. your mum got a lovely new dad and let him do whatever he wanted, and stuck you in care" she spat. "It wasn't like that" Defended Johnny standing up for himself and Tee. "Then why are you here?" she asks, shoving him onto the sofa.

"That's enough!"
Yelled Tee in full defence.

Faith simply found it amusing the way they were arguing - which wasn't new. "I love it. A bunch of care kids arguing about what's normal" she says, looking up from the magazine she'd been reading. "As if we'd ever know." she mumbled.

Indigo stared at all of them with pure disappointment. She thought they were better than that. "Sometimes you guys make me wanna scream like, badly. Why should it matter if someone has two mums or two dads, or a single parent? it shouldn't." she expresses moving from where she had stood. "And you, why are you so hung up on judging people? it's almost like your saying Quincy shouldn't be dating Elektra-" she continues ranting about his wording. "-That's not what I'm saying though" he interrupted her and she gave him a 'seriously' expression. "Yes, that's basically what your saying. Use your head first before opening your big mouth Jonathan" she next skipped out of the double doors acting like nothing happened. She just wished he wasn't so clueless once in a while.

Quincy felt pretty proud of Indigo's comment. She gave Johnny a simple discreet 'Your done for' on her way out as she went going to cool down rest of the passing hours.


Later in the day; each of the kids headed either upstairs or into the kitchen. The argument caused there to be a division and they were now trying to solve the issue. Tyler had gone to remove the suit he wore now that he wasn't meeting Ronnie and Dawn anymore. It was rather a difficult piece of clothing for him to take off but it eventually worked.

"Oh. Plan didn't work, then?"
Rick asked as he walked into the room. "They never even meet me." Tyler complains although he didn't see what the problem was. "Never mind. It was worth a shot" he complimented. "It's not fair!" the curly haired boy continued complaining. "They didn't come for you in the first place."

"I know!"
Tyler yelped in a 'duh' way. "So what are you so wound up about?" Rick carries on asking him. "I guess I thought if I had a new mum, then I'd forget the one who didn't want me. Johnny's right about living in care. There's no such thing as a happy ending."

Jody stood up from where she had been sitting. "What you on about? you've already got one. I'd rather live with my Dumping Ground family than my real family, any day" she surely confronted.

Tyler was quit disappointed about how it didn't work out in the end. "Looks like your stuck with us a bit longer, mate" Comforted Rick.

Over in the kitchen Tee, Carmen and Lily were talking to Johnny. "So just stay out of Elektra, Quincy and Indigo's way and stop winding them up." she told him off. "She bad mouthed our mum" he fought. "Only cause you went off about gay fostering." she remarked.

"I couldn't care less. gay or straight. What matter's is having a mum who loves you, which neither of our straight mums do." Carmen also spoke up, backing up Tee's point.

Johnny had a lot to think about, because right now he wasn't in anyone's good books at the moment. He wasn't sure why they were mad at him he just thought he was saying his own opinion - he was but it certainly wasn't the correct thing.  After that discussion the four got ready to relax.

Down the hallway upstairs; Mike was doing the laundry just when Gus went in the same direction as him."Gus. I want to talk to you about Ronnie and Dawn" he casually said when seeing him. "I want to talk to you about being normal" he went to the point. "Ronnie and Dawn are perfectly normal" he informs him.

"I never said they weren't"
Gus shuts down his reply. "It's just Elektra said that I'm not normal." he informs Mike within thought. "...I think we should meet them again. Round their house this time?" he gave another go at convincing him. "No. Every time I think about getting fostered, it gives me a tummy ache." he reasoned on why he won't go. "That's cos it's a big decision." he clarified. He about to think of another option. "Stop making me think about it, and my tummy ache will go away!" he protested against the offer, leaving to sleep early.


At precisely two in the morning,  Elektra snuck into Quincy's room with a few of her sleeping things. She hadn't stopped thinking about what Johnny said in the afternoon and quit frankly neither had she.  She tiptoed down the corridor although it seemed like someone else was also up at that time too.  "Shove up will you?" she quietly greeted as she'd opened then closed the door.

"Okay, wow. Hi to you too"
Whispered Quincy once she looked up from her duvet she'd been hiding under.  "What you doing here?" she asked, shuffling to the other side of her bed.  "Do I really need to say?" Replied Elektra in a question. " I just wanna talk" she got told as the space by her got taken up. Instant fear rushed through her brain. "Why?" she panicked.

"Hey, relax. It's not what you think. I'm not breaking up with you"
Reassured Elektra since she figured that's why she got nervous. "Oh." she breathed out, feeling less worried.  "The argument earlier made me think about something.. if we ever were to go out in public, we'd get that exact reaction from people even older who don't particularly agree with us. Cos in their eyes couples with the same gender should be illegal.. all I'm saying is, we shouldn't care about everybody else.  It's none of their business on who we have feelings for or date.  It bothers me that there's teens and adults just like us going through any kind of sever homophobia because of whatever's mindset they have" she tearfully ranted. 

"Yeah.. it's messed up. But we can't do much about how things are in life Lex. there's always gonna be two different generations.  And we can't change how someone's mind works. For all we know this has been going on way before any of us were born so, an older person would've gotten told not to trust the community 'cause it's apparently 'disgusting'" Quincy used air quotes when she spoke, snuggling up to Elektra. "Honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I've never cared from the age of fourteen. I like whoever I like- " she continued talking, turning onto her side. "If someone has a problem then that's on them.  I just want to have parents who'll accept and support me. Us... " she took a pause, wiping the tears off both of their cheeks. "You're the best thing that's happened to me and I wouldn't want it any other way"  she confesses; hoping she didn't destroy their bond for saying it. It was the middle of the night after all.

Elektra was quite surprised by the confession simply because for two reasons. The nickname 'Lex' was something an old mate used to call her but the way Quincy said was different. It sounded more caring and loving instead of being a backstabber.  She really did love her and it were a mutal feeling that she's never had before.  The future was theirs. It would be a little bit of work for everyone else to feel comfortable with their relationship yet as long as they had each other she wasn't worried.  "I admire you, y'know"  she says, moving closer. their bodies now touching. "Really?" she questions within awe. "Yeah" she softly chuckled.  She had the sudden urge to say those three little words even though there was all the time in the world.

Quincy's lips formed into the biggest smile ever. This might've been the first time she's truly felt extremely happy being with someone - one who didn't treat her like crap or force her to be apart of a gang she didn't want to be in. She could be herself and that's all that mattered.  "I admire you too. I'm so glad we meet" she replied, her eyes filled with happiness.  Less than ten minutes later they fell asleep in each other's arms feeling safe being in one's presence. Now that she's finally found herself, she knows not to make that same mistake she did when she was younger.

For some unknown reason; Indigo was wide awake as well. She'd been thinking about how different her life would be if she wasn't at Elm Tree house and lived with her mother instead.  The place had been her true home for years, she couldn't give it up. But on the other hand it would be her turn to step into the real world soon, she would need all the help she could get to not be afraid of growing up and being without her found family.  She didn't know what it was that scared her of being an adult, she's always been that way since she was a kid. Well, she wasn't over eighteen yet but she sure did feel like she was.  She had a year and a half until she turned sixteen, a year before she moves out. However, she shouldn't be focusing on the what ifs and when's. She should just focus on the present; so that's what she she'll start doing.

When the time arrives, she'll know where she'll be in the universe. For now she's got to lean to find her own way without having her sister around or Sapphire or Tracy.  At least she's still got Mike and Gina to teach her the ropes in life.  So far she's doing okay, hopefully tomorrow Johnny won't say anything dumb because she didn't want to go off on him again. She's gotta keep acting her age instead of growing up quickly.  What's the rush?.  After having a little think to herself, she eventually closed her eyes and snuggled up to her teddies.

Across from the blue based bedroom, Gus had woken up to tell Mike his made up choice. It took him a while but he finally got there. "Mike!" he whisper shouted causing him to stir awake. "What's wrong?" he worriedly asked him. "Nothing. I've been thinking."  he deeply sighed for the second time that week.  "I was asleep, Gus." he tiredly replies. "But your awake now, Mike. I've decided I'm normal" he told him casually.

Mike praised in a sleepy tone. "Ronnie and Dawn wouldn't want to foster someone who wasn't normal. So I must be, mustn't I?"  Wondered Gus in curiosity. "Not if you keep waking me up at two o'clock in the morning." he eventually confronted. "Are you just saying that so I'll stop waking you up in the middle of the night?" he questions, getting ready to leave. "Yes. No! no! wait" he calls as he stopped him from leaving. "Have you been thinking about Ronnie and Dawn?" he earned a nod of conformation. "Tummy ache?"  he got a 'no'. "You know I wouldn't suggest anything that wasn't right for you,Gus. Do you trust me enough to go visit Ronnie and Dawn tomorrow?"

Gus took a few minutes to think of his response. He was nervous about meeting them again but he couldn't put it off forever. "Yes" 
he certainly answered in addition to letting Mike fall asleep, walking out of the many guest bedrooms.  Now that he's officially decided he felt a bit braver than before and now he could go along with tomorrow.

THE VERY NEXT DAY It was a calm chill out session whilst the kids were sitting in a peaceful silence.  Johnny sat at the computer researching something just when Gus walked into the room. "Can I use the computer?" he asked as he approached.  "I've got another ten minutes." he told him, looking away from the screen.

"That only gives me fifteen minutes to plan my Ronnie and Dawn visit schedule, before I get changed" Gus gave him a reason on why he needed to use it. "Are you going over there then?" Elektra asked with interest. "Yes" he gave her an honest reply, looking at her for a second. "And I need to see how long it takes." he carries on reasoning with Johnny.

Elektra was still confused on how he made the decision. "What made you change your mind?" she curiously asks. "Because I trust Mike." Gus quickly said to her before facing the other way. "And I need to check the traffic." he went on with trying to get a turn.

Indigo thought she'd go see what Johnny was researching and why he was taking forever with using it.  Last night, she'd also made an final choice on being fostered. She realised there was nothing to be scared of; she could see it as a new chapter in a book.  She stood behind his shoulder trying to see the website.

"Don't let him force you into it"
Rejected Johnny as he looked over to Gus and Indigo standing by him. "Leave him alone. He's made up his mind"  Argued Elektra, reading her book as her legs rested onto Quincy's.  "Big mistake" he murmured under his breath yet they both heard him.  He really was getting on their nerves now, it wasn't even funny anymore.  "What did you say?" she coldly questions, in a mad tone.  "I said.." he begun speaking in a clear voice, standing to him use it. "Not again!" Worried Faith in pure anger as she moved from the pool table going to stop the fight that's happening. "Gus is making a big mistake"  he ignored her comment. By now, a show down was about to happen.

"Will you shut up?!" 
An highly annoyed Quincy yelled, getting off the couch she and Elektra had been sitting on.    "Stop trying to put him off!"  she also snapped as they stood in front him. "No! we shouldn't be with gay couples." he continues brutally judging the different couples people were in. She looked at him up and down in complete hatred.  "wow" she flatly let out, sarcastically.  "You disgust me" she sneered.

"That's like saying I shouldn't be here because I'm black" 
Faith stepped into the argument within full force, holing onto the club. "It isn't!" Johnny denied her statement now becoming annoyed. "It's prejudice, Johnny"

"She's right! deciding you hate all gay people when you don't know any. Your basically saying we shouldn't be allowed to live here either"  Defended Elektra in a strong voice.

"I'm not- I don't hate gays!"
Disagreed Johnny although it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about.  He earned many looks of disagreement from everybody else as he looked around.   "I don't! people are already down on us cos we're in care. What about when he's living with lesbians?" he carried on saying, pointing at Gus who'd been searching his route there with Indi. They both looked at him in disappointment.  "You're so ignorant Johnny!" Elektra screamed, harshly shoving him.

Quincy couldn't keep in her anger anymore. She was done with him being judgemental, she 'accidentally 'rose her fist swinging it at his face smacking him in the nose. Violence was never the answer in scenarios like this but she simply had enough of people saying they're commutable when in reality they're not. Suddenly, she'd gotten taken by Ryder in full force whom wasn't letting her take another swing. "Oi! get off me!" she madly demanded as she got carried.  She was very fidgety in his arms and tried to escape his hold.

"And let you knock the kid out? no." 
Strongly turned down Ryder, keeping her from leaving the not so tight grip he had.  He took a look at her knuckles which were now bleeding. He hasn't seen her throw a punch in ages, it amazed him how much strength she held. Guess he's taking the first aid kit out, dealing with yet another injury.

"Leave him alone!"
Cries Tee in a way to stop the two from hurting her brother. "Gus is supposed to be your friend. Be happy he's got a family?"  she questions in disbelief. "I am, but.."  Begun Johnny when the got up but she cut him off from speaking. "Shut up! I am so ashamed of you. I wish you weren't my brother." she blurted within anger.  He stormed right past her, going to be alone for a few hours.

It was probably safe to say; Indigo had never been so shocked in her entire life.  She didn't know what she found the most interesting - Quincy punching him on the nose or Tee saying she wished they weren't related. In all fairness he most likely didn't know he was being judgmental and that's what annoyed all of them. Hopefully someone will educate him on it since she wasn't going to be the one doing it.  "Come on, let's go get you ready" she mumbled to Gus since they were done researching. The duo left without a word, this was his moment. She wasn't letting anyone else ruin it for him. As he got changed into a black and white suit, she waited out in the corridor going over the decision she made.

"Let's go get that cleaned up, yeah?"
Suggested Ryder to Quincy wheras she gave him an annoyed look as he kept holding onto her. They then left the room going upstairs where the first aid kit was. On their way out, she didn't bother with disobying since she'd pretty much hurt herself for the first time in forever. Not that it was a good thing. The minute they walked into the bathroom he instantly got flashbacks yet didn't dare bring it up. "Sit." he instructed in a firm voice simply becuse she'd try to escape.

"I'm not a dog"
Sneered Quincy as she went to the counter near the sink and hopped onto it carefully without falling. "I can do this by myself, y'know? I ain't five" she carried on speaking within annoyance, watching the box be opened. "I know that. I'm just doing what I do best" Ryder told her while unwrapping some bandages, adjusting the right size. "What? being a pretened doctor?" she joked preapring to close her eyes for the cold medicine.

"Yeah. Exactly, a doctor" Ryder lightly agreed while he next opened the bottle, holding onto the cotton swab. "Can't belive you casually punched him on the nose. Right after Elektra shoved him too" he said in a hint of disapointment. "The kid desreved it. Kept talkin' smack about how Lesbians and Gay's shouldn't exist. Or breath the same air. Or anyone in the lgbtq+ community. It just really pissed me off" grumpily conffess Quincy being distracted by the sting. "Someone needs to educate Jonathan 'cause it'll only get wrose when he gets older if he isn't educated properly" she ranted and he listened, wrapping the cleaned up spots on her knuckles. "I'm sure he feels bad for saying it. It's not like he knows any better anyway. And like you said.. we need an reliable adult to teach the importance of being homophobic." he comfrimed now making sure the bandage was on tight enough. "There. No more fights 'kay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Can't make any promises"
Dreadfully responded Quincy. She hadn't been that winded up in ages. She's got to admit it did feel quite good being able to let go. "I'm not aplogsing till he realises his actions." she says then jumped off the counter she was sitting on. "Thanks Ry" she thanked him when leaving him alone for a second.

♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡

Soon as he was done getting ready, Gus met up with Indigo who'd been waiting by his door for quit sometime now and the duo went to see Mike downstairs almsot having similar walks. "I've just done my just in case. We have to leave now to get there for elven O'clock" he announces when walking in. "You look posh" he complimented his suit and tie. "You don't. You said this was a big deal. Want to borrow a tie?" he offered in response.

"I'm not wearing a tie, Gus. "
Certified Mike as he picked up a bag. "I know. That's why you should borrow one of mine" he got told. He realised this was probably a tatic for something." Have you scheduled for going back upstairs to get a tie?" he questions, resting his hand on his arm. There was a short pause before Gus responded with "...No..." quite slowly, re thinking if he had. He hadn't. " I think we'd better just leave, then." he assured the boy and they stepped out of the room leaving the house. "How many toilets have they got?" he asked when walking down the hall. "They'll have at least one."

"But what if someone's in there?"
Unsurely questioned Gus seeing as he was becomig worried. "You have to wait"Mike tells him and they approached the front door. "You cross your legs" he briefly remarked, opening it. That didn't make him feel less nervous. "Bye Indi" he rushingly spoke, stepping outside. "See you later. Can't wait to hear all about it" she gave a small wave and waited to closs it once they were gone. He continued to ask questions in the car. "What if they offer me food I don't like?" he goes on.

Mike had arrived at the street where Ronnie and Dawn lived. "You politely say' 'no, thank you'"
he replied although he sounded a little bit mad by all the questions he was getting. "Can I use the computer? And what if I hadn't realised-" Gus nearly got to say but he stopped him before he could. "Gus!" he loudly cut him off. "Mike?" he questioned. "We're here" he told him. The boy looked around, seeing they were parked outside the house. "That was quick". he says in amazement. He didn't think so. "Not from where I'm sitting" he said to himself thus they got out of the car, getting shown inside.

In the living room, there was a grand piano in the middle and it had natural colours painted on the walls. There was also a few notebooks on a coffee table near the door followed by miniature statues and framed pictures held up further down. Gus went to the piano, checking it out first. "I like your tie." Dawn complimented his outfit. "Mike wouldn't wear one." he tells her.

"It wouldn't match with his outfit. But it works with yours"
Dawn kindly replies, taking a look at what Mike was wearing. "Shall we sit down?" Ronnie offers so they wouldn't be standing for too long. "Good idea." Accepted Mike then they both took a seat on one of the couches. "There's a toilet though there. If you're worried about us hearing you, use the one upstairs" she directed.

"Well, that's the first of his questions crossed off his list." Mike said as Gus headed out. "Can we get you anything to drink?" he got asked by Ronnie followed by another suggestion. "Tea, coffee, apple juice, milk, tap water?" Dawn also offered to him. "Coffee, white, one sugar please" he accepted the offer and she went to go make it. "We're so glad Gus agreed to come over. If you had anything to do with changing his mind, thank you." she appreciated the visit. "You may not thank me when he starts on his lists of questions." he warns her casually knowing he would have a lot to ask.

At least ten minutes later Gus had returned from using the bathroom. He'd begun asking questions from his latest notebook. "And would I be allowed to play the piano?" he asked within interest. "As long as I'm not playing it." Conformed Dawn. Ronnie then mentioned something else onto the topic. "Dawn wouldn't play duets" she mentions. He doesn't either. It was only a few times where he would. "Neither will I. I practise after breakfast and sometimes in the afternoon." he informs the woman. "I practise after work." she told him. He wrote it down. "Would we have quiche on Fridays?" he carries on asking.

"Gus, I think that's enough questions."
Mike stopped him before the list could go on for hours. They weren't staying there for the whole day. "I still have forty three left" he replied in defeat. "We have to get back for lunch."

"Would you like to look around before you go?" Dawn asked, mainly because she saw he might be wanting to stay with them. "Yes, please." Accepted Gus. The house was practically like a mansion, it had a lot more rooms. "Great." she replies thus the two got up and went for a walk.

Ronnie was quit amused at how the dynamics had changed. "Do you think that means he's interested?" she questioned Mike within hopefulness. He wasn't too sure. "We'll see" he unsurely answered, giving a light shrug.

♡♡♡♡    ♡♡♡


Johnny had been in his room for quite sometime now. He was upset on how everyone kept having a go at him, he didn't know why. He was also sad because Tee said she wished he wasn't her brother; that got to him the most. Suddenly, someone knocked on his door though he didn't exactly feel like talking with anyone. "Go away" he says to whoever it was but it opened anyway.

"I'm not apologising"
Quietly complained Quincy as her and Elektra walked in. She wanted to be left alone as well, taking in her anger. She wasn't allowed to. "You are." she replied in the same volume. She fought against pulling faces at the blue haired girl , she could just get it over and done with. "Whatever" she mumbled.

"It's us. Feeling bad?"
Elektra questions when they entered, standing by his drawers. "What do you think?" sadly replied Johnny, facing away from the duo. "Good." she started to say. "Now you know how gay people feel when people mouth off, without knowing anything about it." she lectured causing him to turn around. "Look, if you're going to hit me, get on with it." he dreaded although she didn't have to. She handed him a packet of crips and a drink but wasn't planning on fighting him. "Thought I'd fill you up first. Might make the fight a bit more exciting." she sarcastically remarked. "I don't have to do that. Quincy already took one for the team" she continued speaking, placing her arm on her.

"... I didn't mean to. It was a force of habit, I guess" Sourly spoke Quincy yet she realised how dumb that sounded. "...It was a reflex. " she tried making the choice of words better but it wasn't doing her any justice. "We came to apologise" she told Johnny, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Elektra begun to speak again once it was her turn. "We're sorry-" she almost got to say. "What, that everyone hates me?" he asked, wondering why they were apologising. "No, that Tee laid you in like that. And how Indi had a go at you. Although you did ask for it." she grimaced whereas he didn't exactly agree. "Didn't ask for this, did I? didn't ask to get dumped here." he says in self pity. "Nobody wants me. Am I really that bad?" he questions. "'Course not. It's just not your turn. So don't let it get to you. Otherwise they'll have won."

Questioned Johnny since he didn't have a clue on who she meant. "Whoever put you in care. " responded Elektra, making him see a better view in the world.

"Hm. And I'm sorry for shoutin' and then punching you."
Apologised Quincy afterwards. He didn't deserve it like she thought he did. "Just, don't test me again. Or next time it'll be more than a punch" she deeply threatened then walked out, going to get ready for lunch. As she headed downstairs, Elektra followed after her.

Once he'd thought about what he was going to say to Tee, Johnny also went into the kitchen. As he entered he saw that she wasn't alone and it were the perfect timing for him to apologise. "Tee, Indi. Can I have a word?" he calls towards both of them as they were setting up the table. "Maybe later." she objected continuing to place mats down. "Please."

Wondered Tee simply because she didn't feel like talking at that moment. "It's private." Johnny declared but she still wasn't going to. "I don't want to talk right now. And neither does Indi, right?" she nudges her shoulder as if she were giving a signalling she should carry on ignoring him. She mouthed 'no', squinting her eyes in annoyance. "I'm trying to say sorry!" he kept on trying. She finally faced him, not holding a mat. "Say it to Gus, for letting him down. Or Ronnie and Dawn for insulting them." she ranted within pure anger.

Indigo let out a low whistle. She's never seen Tee so angry before, it kind of fascinated her for some reason. She wasn't going to be apart of a sibling rivalry but she was up for talking to Johnny whom upsettingly walked off. "Be back in a few" she informed her therefore placed the cups down, rushing after him going past Elektra and Quincy by the counter. On her way upstairs she saw Gus and Mike entering the main entrance.

"Come on then. Don't drive yourself mad, Gus. You don't have to decide right away."
Mike tells him as they passed the piano. They'd just arrived from the visit and it seemed like it was going really well. "I'm not driving myself mad" he says in a sort of stressed out way. "I'm trying to decide what to decide." he cleared it up, having a struggle on finding the correct answer. "Hiya Indi" he greeted her as he went past.

"Hi Mike"
Indigo greeted back, going to where Gus stood. "How was it?" she asked him hoping it didn't freak him out too much. He didn't know. "Good.. I think. Their house was really big, they've got a grand piano and Dawn said I could use it whenever she isn't" she calmly told her in admire. "That's great. Bet you had lots to ask" she suspected in a non judging way.

"I did. But then Mike stopped me because it was time to go." Conformed Gus as she grinned. "I had forty three questions left and I didn't get a chance to ask the rest" he complained slightly when they went back into the kitchen now that lunch was prepared. Even though he hadn't decided on wither he'll be moving out, he really will miss having these sort of chats with Indigo. No one else understood him like she did, besides their care workers.

"Hey! you're back. How'd it go?"
Gina also asked when they walked in. "I need lunch." was all he replied with, stretching his arms behind his head. Then, a load of questions got thrown at him . "What was the house like?" "Are you going to live with them?" "Go, if you liked it." Carmen, Johnny and Frank say. "What are you going to do?" "You should stay." Tee and Jody say next. "You should go." voiced Elektra although it was clear they were making it a lot more complicated for him than it already was.

Ryder took notice of how the many questions were making him feel a bit uncomfortable. "You okay mate?" he asked within worry. Obviously not. "I don't think he is" States Quincy, having a bite out of Gina's cooking. "Erm.." he trailed off hoping someone else would get the overlapping to stop.

"Guys! back off. You're not helping!"
Shouted Faith in defence since she saw that Gus was being overwhelmed by all the questions too. Each of the residents stopped talking.

"You're making my head hurt!"
Gus uncomfortably cried. He then made his way to his bedroom not having any lunch.

"So it didn't work out?"
Gina asked Mike, thinking it was a no to staying. "Actually, it went really well, which is probably why he's in a bit of a state." he explained to her. She somewhat understood and carried on with what she was doing. As she was by the sink, she took a short look at Quincy's wrapped up hand. "Er- Quincy" she calls out causing her to glance up from her plate. "Yeah?" she replies in confusion. "What happened to your hand?" she asked, mainly because she didn't tolerate any psychical fights under her roof. She's been in these situations too many times with Mariana although she had a hunch she had some hidden anger no one knew about as well. Not that she was comparing the two.

Having all eyes on her Quincy acted like she didn't hear Gina at all. "Huh?"
she tries, lifting up her fork. "I said.' What happened to your han-" she nearly said expect she wasn't having it. "Gina, ican'tactuallytalk" her voice became muffled as she stuffed her mouth with a small amount of food in a way to not get lectured. "Quincy." she firmly gave another go at getting her attention once more. This time she took a swig of her drink after she'd finished eating. "Oh- is that- " she breathed out as she stood up, pushing the chair backwards. She really wasn't in the mood for questioning. No matter how important it was.

"We need a word with you yeah? it's about your restraining order-"
Gina attempted at telling Quincy that her social worker sent an email. "What?" she loudly spoke, walking out of the kitchen before running off. She gave a ticked off look towards Mike whom looked like he was holding back his laugh. She might as well try again later in the day.

".. what restraining order?"
Nosily questioned Rick seeing as he didn't know anything about the previous week. Gina knew he was only looking out for one of his best friends but she couldn't tell him anything. "She'll tell you once she's ready, okay?" she promised although he wasn't sure he could wait that long. "Sure" he says in a less untrusting tone.

Ryder avoided the eye contact he was receiving from Rick. He wasn't planning on telling him anything, let alone ask about the fire and why he made such a big deal out of it for ages. It wasn't any of his business therefore he wasn't going to say why she acted that way.


At least a minute later, Faith had gone to speak with Gus. She knocked onto his bedroom's door, waiting for an approval to be let in. "I'm not talking!" he shouted back. "Its Faith. I want to ask you something"  she tells him from the outside. He got up off his chair going to open it. "What?" he questions. "Do you really want to be a forensic scientist?"  she curiously asked.

Gus admits knowing that's what he wants to be in the future. "It's hard work qualifying." Faith went on. "I know" he assures her within certainty. "You like planning ahed don't you?. Did you plan that there are fourteen of us, sixteen if you count Lily and Mariana?"  she continues asking him but he didn't understand where this was going. "What's that got to do with studying forensic science?" he confusingly asks as she walked in. "Sixteen of us to one Mike and Gina. That means you only get roughly 17% of their focus and encouragement. But on your own with two foster parents.." she begun estimating. "I get 200%  of their focus and encouragement" he worked out.

"Giving you a 200% higher chance of academic success."
Planned out Faith. Her plan was working for a while till she got corrected by Gus on the maths. "183% actually, because I'd have got-" he started to ramble a little but she stopped it. "Gus! do you understand what I'm trying tis say?" she asked just for reassurance. He did. Once they were done talking with one another they headed back down where everybody (including Quincy who'd retuned) were cleaning up.

"I'm going to be a forensic scientist. So I''m going to live with Ronnie and Dawn."
Gus had announced to everybody when him and Faith were entering the room. He'd made his official decision after having a simple adding up.  "Good luck"  someone encouraged.Although Mike wasn't so keen on it. "Why don't you try it for a weekend first?" he suggests but it maybe his nerves. "I've made up my mind.  Faith helped me"

Indigo and Mike were a little bit shocked at the news. She thought she'd done an alright job on giving advice, however, she was happy a choice had gotten made.  "That's awesome." she finally spoke after finishing off her drink that was halfway empty. She got up from her chair now going to the sink and placed her plate and cup on the side, turning on the tap soon washing them then she put both dishes into the drier.

"Thanks, Faith."
Appreciated Gina. "Now I just want to go."  Gus blurts then left the kitchen. She sent a glance towards Mike plus Indigo who were still shocked at how eggar he was on moving when for the whole week he'd been against it.

Soon as lunch was over, Johnny went to talk with Gus followed by someone else (he was waiting for an apology from her).   "Gus , I wanted to say well done on getting fostered."  he slowly congratulated him as he was sorting out his suits. "I thought you didn't like Lesbians?" he questions, moving from another side of his wardrobe.  "I was wrong. I really hope this goes well for you"  he continued saying.

"Me too" 
Chirped Indigo in agreement.  "It's not going to" Stressfully responded Gus, her and Johnny wore similar complicated facial expressions. "How do I pack all this up so I know where it is?  how do I unpack it, when I can't plan where to put it?" he asked while fixing his rock collection.  This called for 'Operation goodbye' (something she just thought of). " Don't even worry about it- Leave that to us" she advises plus they begun going downstairs. She then did some extra thinking on her apology; it made her feel like she were doing a youtube video. "Jonathan?" she started saying, using his full name.  He encouraged her to continue talking as they went down the stairs. "Sorry for calling you a loud mouth and having a go at you. But, you did deserve it. You kept making fun of people who don't. I got mad 'cause I hear that sort of stuff nearly all the time at school sometimes and my teachers suck at educating my classmates.  It makes me wanna be class president some day , suggest we have a club where kids in my year can feel safe, talk about feelings or whatever" she apologised within reasoning, hoping down a stair. "Relationships are all the same. Doesn't matter what gender it is, it's still love.  We just gotta learn not to say things that are hurtful" she finished off her rant when they reached the bottom step.

Johnny took in her apology. They may fight daily about different topics but, at the end of the day it was either Tee or Indi who made him a better person.  He was taking his time in growing and changing the way he thinks.  "I forgive you.  I guess you were right..  I do need to think before I talk. " he took in the lesson he got from Elektra earlier. It made him see a lot of sense.  "I swear a light bulb went of when we were talking a few minutes ago. What were you thinking about?" he asked her, hoping she'd share whatever ideas she had.  "Not sure" she shortly told him in addition to them going towards the living room afterwards.

Over in the laundry room, Tee was washing some clothes just when Elektra wanted a word with her. "You're being too hard on him." she started saying as she went to one of the many washing machines. "I'm not the one who pushed or punched him."  she argues back, standing up. "You're not listening to what he's saying." she points out. "And you are?"

Confirmed Elektra, defending her words. "If you listened, it's not about Gus and gay fostering. It's about Johnny feeling unwanted. " she carried on saying whereas  Tee thought she's talking rubbish. "And you're really not making it any better."  she said before leaving that area of the house.

It didn't long for their to be a discussion on a leaving party. Carmen was already throwing out ideas. "Me and Lily will bake the cake."

"We should have music." 
Rick throws in another suggestion and as did Frank. "Like a proper party." he implied.

"You shouldn't throw Gus a party." 
Johnny rejected all the ideas that were being given. "Why not? he's leaving" Carmen quickly argued with him but it was simply one sided. "Don't jump down his throat. He hasn't said anything yet"  Elektra stopped any arguments from happening. "You shouldn't throw Gus a party because he wouldn't want one." he thought from his perspective.

"What would he want?"
Frank asked him. From there a whole plan got made on the proper way to say goodbye tomorrow. It'd gotten late and they all left to get sorted for bed. 


LATER ON IN THE NIGHT  Gus was brushing his teeth in the boys bathroom and Tyler had finished washing his face in the other one. "This time tomorrow, you'll be brushing your teeth in a new bathroom." he gladly said but he wasn't saying anything back. He was about to leave and then turned round. "I'm glad you didn't waste Ronnie and Dawn, but it's going to be weird without you here." he congratulated him on his second stop. He carried on brushing just as he was leaving again. "Especially for Mike." he throws in, patting his shoulder.  Those small words made him be aware of how big of a new chapter this will be for the person who's always teaching him everything from such a young age. After he did his routine, he went to the bedroom hoping we could speak to him- there wasn't anyone there would've been recently.

Where else would one person be if they were sad about someone going?. Well, there was many options really. You've got the kitchen, living room, or garden. It was too late to be in any of those room.  That just ruled out the office.  Once again, time had turned into '2:00am' meaning nearly everyone would've been fast asleep by then. Well, all expect for Mike and Indigo who were still awake. Gus went out of his room and into another place where those two were after checking on his way downstairs.They were both looking at old pictures that got taken over the years. She had a cup of tea in her hands, taking slow sips.  "Look at this one! all of you look so young here" he gushed with sadness in his voice.

"Ha. Me, Tee and Harry look like babies."
Quietly snorted Indigo as she took a glance at the current photo being held. Her eyes begun to water when she did an extra look at it. She truly did miss Sapphire, Lily (despite seeing her almost daily), Toby, Tracy,  Liam and Mariana. It then emotionally hit her that the place was going through a lot of changes and there'll be even more people joining them soon. Who knows if they'll swap houses as well - she wouldn't be surprised if they got moved.  "Sometimes I wonder what Toby's doing. Do you think he's travelling? or being known for writing reviews on comics?" she guessed dreamily.

"I think so. Knowing how much of an expert he was and had a huge collection"
Reminisces Mike agreeing with her assumption.   "Or maybe he's living his wildest dreams." he adds onto the guessing. Just then, Gus had entered. "Why aren't you asleep?" he asked the pair looking at photos.  "Why aren't you?" he questions, dropping them. "'Cause I need to tell you I'm not leaving." he explained causing there to be a disappointed reaction. "Gus! why?" he disappointingly exclaims, getting up.

" Ronnie and Dawn have each other. You don't have anyone."  
Gus sadly reasoned with Mike whom didn't disagree with him. "That's not true-" Indigo almost got a chance to speak but he didn't let her. "I meant romantically." he gave her a brief explanation on what he was saying.  She let out a soft "oh"  yet she knew he wasn't wrong about that. The duo then noticed how sad the became. "What's wrong?" they ask in unison.  "Hay fever."  he lied.  "Tracy used to get that."

Mike simply chuckled at his response. "Yeah, maybe I caught it from her" he replied with, in a non serious way. "You can't catch hay fever" Gus tells him although he caught onto the joke. "Do you miss her?"  he got asked.  "Yeah. All the time.. but she had to move on, to make more of her life. Just like you."

"So you think I should leave?"
Questioned Gus for one last clarification.  "Yeah, I do think you should leave." Mike clarified yet couldn't help feel sad he was going. "Indi?" he made another final check as she'd finished having some of her tea. "It's gonna be odd not having you here.. though I'd say take the opportunity for an amazing adventure" she wisely agreed. They were  quit supportive of whatever he decides to do. "It would make the world of difference. " Continued Mr Milligan. He was very thankful for having the two in his life- even if things were a bit rocky between him and Indigo at the start. "You're both very good at explaining things. I'm going to miss that" he appreciated it thus began to leave yet stopped when approaching the door. "Goodnight, for the last time, Micheal Milligan and Indigo Walsh"

Mike was nearly on the edge of crying at this point. "Goodnight,  for the last time, Gus Carmichael."  his voice croaked when he talked.  He couldn't believe how all of the kids were leaving one by one. Yet he was happy to see them achieve stuff.   "Night Gus"  she tiredly says while standing up around the same timing he headed out, going to sleep.  "I'll take that for you. You go to bed" he suggests, taking her cup.  "Okay" Accepted Indigo. She next left as well, trying not to wake anyone else when tiptoeing out.  He also went to sleep after placing that now empty mug into the dish washer.


TWENTY FOUR HOURS LATER everyone had woken up early and were now getting Gus's goodbye plan into action. Johnny thought of a way they'll be able to send him off without throwing a party, it was called ' Gus moving plan'. There were separate colours for everything for organisation.  Some would say it was far too early for them to be awake yet no one was complaining. He showed everybody what tasks they were having by using a pointer. Time went by as they all begun packing everything into its correct stations. Taking down posters and framed pictures into separate boxes along with his many beloved collections, books etc etc. There was a lot of sellotape being used and Gina grew a little mad that it was nearly running out. The next thing they'd packed were his pencils, keeping it in a lined up order.  It was defiantly hard work moving a lot of his belongings without dropping any.  His bedding got removed next in addition to going outside storing it into the van.

Stepping out of his empty bedroom last, Gus took one final glance at it in a mixture of sadness and proudness.  Once they were out on the driveway storing each belonging in, he became a little nervous waiting around. Some boxes were a bit delicate. "Nice and Gentle!" Instructed Mike towards those carrying the heavier ones. Johnny came up to him carrying the poster he used. "Here's the plan, so you know where everything goes."  he handed it over to Dawn. "This will really help us get his room right. Thank you!" she happily thanked him while taking it off him.He then gave him a new statue of Beethoven. "We got you this. Everyone chipped in" he passed it on and he gladly took it. "Thank you. You can go inside now" he exclaims after.

Shockingly claimed Mike. "There's too many people to say goodbye to!" Gus cried within a hint of distress. "All right. Say goodbye and then Mike can wave him off. Come on!" Instructed Gina so there would be less of a hassle for him. "Go on" One by one they each begun sending him off. Saying bye to someone wasn't always easy, especially if you've known them for a long long time.

"We've only known each other for a short while.. but we're gonna miss you"
Vouched Ryder for him and Quincy. "See you around" she bids and they both walked towards the front door.

"Goodbye, Gus. It's going to be fine"
Carmen said as she hugged him. She was one of the last people to say bye. He wasn't a huge fun on hugging but accepted it anyway.

It was then Johnny's turn. "See you, Gus. It won't be the same without you." he made his way to the others afterwards. When he was done, he somehow noticed that they were missing one person. "Where's Indi?" he questions seeing she wasn't there. "She was with us when we were packing" Informs   Carmen and they both looked around.

Mike seemed to have noticed it as well. "Maybe she's inside?" he suggested knowing it was difficult for her too. "I'll go get her" Gina tells him, going back into the house. Soon, it was just him and Gus. "We'll wait in the van" Ronnie said seeing as it were a private moment, her Dawn went into the vehicle waiting until they were finished. "Come here" he nicely spoke and he walked up to him. "It's all right, Gus. You're going to be fine."

"Am I?"
Gus asked Mike out of unsureness. "Of course you are. And I'm only a phone call away, if you want me. Yeah?" He assured him as they went to the front of the van. "Right. In you get" he says. He got in, sitting by Ronnie. "Wait! 'Carers must be able to work with families, and others who are-" he almost got out. "- Important to the child." Quoted Dawn since she knew what he was about to say. "We know the rules. We'd never stop you seeing Mike." she told him with comfort. He took another glance seeing as he was hoping there would be one more person the would speak with.

"See you soon, kid."
Mike bids while he stepped away from the van. But, when he did a certain sound of footsteps came rushing out into the driveway. "Don't go!" called a brunette with pink and red highlights. "There you are- what were you doing?" he wondered.

"I was doing something"
Breathed out Indigo as she ran past. In all fairness she'd spent those past minutes in her bedroom crying her eyes out so no one would see her publicly. She was also creating a present of the memories her and Gus had growing up, she'd imported photos from her camera onto a memory stick plus used one of her pencil holders, decorating it in case he needed another. She would've printed it yet there wasn't enough time to. She slowly approached the vehicle, resting her arms onto the window seal. "Your eyes are all red" he casually stated. "I know" she lightly giggled within sadness. "Here" she passed him the two gifts.

"What's this for?"
Gus had asked Indigo when she gave him two presents. "A memory stick. It's got every single picture I've taken of us. Before we became friends and after. You could store them onto a laptop, frame them.. I don't care. They're yours." she held onto her tears that were nearly spilling. "This. Is a special pencil holder - you can use it for pens too or your rocks." she explains yet he didn't seem keen about keeping his rock collection somewhere else, on another hand, he was thankful for it. "I won't, but thank you" he certainly thanked her. "Don't forget us okay? I'm gonna miss you" she continued, by then tears were flowing. "I'll miss you too" he tells her in honesty, placing the objects down somewhere he would remember. "Bye Indi" he sadly waved at her.

Indigo retuned the wave. "Laters"
she shortly sobbed, stepping away from the van as Mike closed the door. They both watched it be driven out of the driveway sadly, standing there till it had gone out onto the main road. She was too numb to move at that point, her tears nearly stained her shirt she wore. "C'me on then. Let's go have breakfast" he spoke, comfortingly holding onto her, walking inside. As they entered the kitchen, she took a seat beside Ryder whom left a spare chair for her. Sitting down, she didn't speak at all because of how sad she was. She was in too much pain to even talk.

Mike was the same as Indi. Neither were in a right state of mind to have anything whilst everyone else had their own meals. It didn't feel the same anymore.

"I wonder what Gus is having now?"
Lily casually blurts.

"I hope he's had it by now, or he'll be giving them such a hard time."
Johnny adds onto her comment.

"Do you realise, we no longer have to eat Gus's manky Friday quiche?"
Questions Elektra.

"Or Tuesday macaroni!"
Grinned Harry. He earned a response of "'Ey, that wasn't too bad Harry. I liked having macaroni." from Indigo in a bit of defence. "What, every week?" he jokingly asks.


"What if Dawn and Ronnie don't have quiche?"
Rick asked in realisation.

"Oh gosh!"
Faith exclaimed in a fake surprised tone.

Gina made sure the couple had some just incase. "I gave them one to take home." she admits causing there to be a few laughs. "What? I didn't want them to have the Gus experience on the first day!" she surely reasoned.

"Gus was the most annoying boy ever." "It won't be the same without him."
Jody and Johnny say. "No, it won't" Agreed Mike. From there, everybody begun moving from the table, getting their plates and cutlery washed.

Tee eventually was ready to speak to Johnny. "You gave him a brilliant send off. He's lucky to have as a friend. And I'm lucky you're my brother." she simply forgave him.

"We made you this"
Spoke Frank, getting the broken statue from underneath his chair. It was a present for Mike. They had a go at fixing it but it wasn't what it was before. "Thanks guys. Crazy fools!" he appreciated, taking a look at it. "Lads, you're all the best. Thank you so much." he thanked them. He gained an idea, something that would lift everyone's mood up. "Let's go bowling!" he suggested when standing up.

"Why do you suddenly want to go bowling?"
Faith asked Frank since she was still new in the household. "It's what we do, when we need cheering up." he told her, earning cheers of agreement.

"Come on! let's go bowling!"
Accepted Mike and each of the children carried on cheering, leaving the table excitingly going to put their shoes and jackets on. "Ice creams are on me." he says as everybody went out of the kitchen. What started as a sad morning, ending in an cheerful one with lots of excitement. There'll be two spaces free for any new people to move in. But for now it'll just be the current group living there..

14067 words.


This was one of the saddest episodes for me when I was younger. Even now as a young adult. He lowkey was my favourite character back then. I had a lot of fun writing this one x

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