The Grim Reaper || ghost x re...

By HexBreakNotHere

180K 3.3K 5.4K

"They call her 'The Grim Reaper' she's a good soldier, she doesn't speak, due to her trauma in childhood. Doc... More

before i start the book
1.New Environments (rewrite)
2. Traning and Missions
3.A Week Off
4. Getting Back to Work and Camp Fires
5. The Mission
6. Safe House
7. Months Later
8.Two Weeks One Night
9. oppdraget gikk galt
10. Taken part 1
11. Taken part 2
12. Nightmares
13. Home
14. Recovery
15. Bad Memories
im sorry

16. Lectures

3.5K 91 41
By HexBreakNotHere

- (y/n) pov -

I woke up from a restless sleep, it was quite.. I breathed in the soft sent of pine and cooking food...... I blinked a few times.. somebody was cooking food. I'm not alone. I quickly grab my knife I had under my sleeping bag, and quickly made my way out of my tent. To find a tall man. His face was covered, kinda like ghost. But he wasn't ghost. Was he the one who's been messing with me- 'of course he is. Don't be an idiot.' Well that was helpful.. I guess.. he was sat down playing with the fire.. and the food. I was just looking at him knife still in hand. I guess he got the feeling he was being watched and he looked in my direction. His eyes went big, and I narrowed mine at him. I pointed my knife at him. "Who are you?" It was quiet and he kinda backed up. Maybe he doesn't talk.. my knife still pointed at him. "Stay." My voice was full of warning. All he did was nod his head.

I went into my tent and grabbed my notepad and pen and went back out to see he was still there. He was just further away from when I last saw him. I tossed the book and pen to him, he just looked at it. I pointed the knife to the book the back at him, as to let him know to write down some stuff. I sat down where I was standing. I was not expecting this today... I studied him. He was wearing a uniform.. so he's army... what's he doing out here? He looked nervous.. he tossed the book to me, snapping me out of my trance. I looked at him more aware of the situation I was currently in. "..i..uh... I speak English ma'am...." I nodded my head. So he can speak..he has almost a German accent.. maybe he was austrian.... I huffed well this is going to be fun...wait did he call me ma'am...? "what are you doing here?" I wasted no time in asking him. I needed to know what he wanted and why he was here. My voice was stern. He didn't respond, he looked nervous. "Whats your name?" He looked at me like he was about to say something but thought against it. He said nothing. I inhaled this was starting to become annoying. "Oi tree boy, name. Now." He looked more nervous. ".. eh.. i-its.. um.." he was tripping over his words. I sighed. " ok fine. Your name is tree boy. My name is reaper. What are you doing out here?"

His eyes lit up. "I got lost ma'am." He sounded happy about that.. why? While lost in my thoughts once again he had handed me a plate with ham and eggs.... how the fu- 'you can get eggs from birds (y/n). He got the eggs from birds." I blinked a few times and now I was looking at his back. He must be eating.. I put my knife away, he wasn't a threat, and he seemed to trust me enough to turn his back to me and not attempt to attack him.. I might have to help him find his way back to base.. or worse take him home.. after we were done eating I started to pack my stuff. He asked if he could help but I just shook my head. I didn't want him touching my stuff.. after I took down my tent I turned around and.. he had packed the cooking supplies.. I nodded my head. And put that on my bag. " witch way did you come from tree boy?" I knew where the main base was. So I'd take him straight wether or not he pointed that way or not. And then he pointed behind he, he shook his head and pointed left. I guessed he smiled because his eyes were bright. I nodded my head and he stared to walk that way but I grabbed his collar and walked forward. "Uh reaper ma'am.. I went from left." I looked up at him.. he's taller then fucking ghost.. I shook my head and looked forward. " im taking you to the main base.. hq.. once there you'll find an officer and tell him what happened. You'll leave me out of the story. Then you'll go on with your life and forget about me. Understand?" I looked up at him again. All he did was nod his head.. this was going to be a long day...

-Ghost's pov-

I have been searching for her all night. It's morning so price is most likely having a shit show right about now. I looked around saw a fant smoke stream that was in the sky. But from the looks of it.. she would have already been gone if I ran over there. It's best if I save my energy to lecture her when I see her. She could have gotten hurt. I made it to her.. "camp" by the end of my thoughts.. she wasn't here as expected. I looked around to see if I could find were she went next or witch way she went... so I searched for her, this is going to be longer than expected... how fun..

- (y/n) pov -

We were about half way to hq. He had asked some questions but, small talk hadn't worked with either of us. Tree boy was too shy and I was not wanting to talk. I took a look around avoiding tree boys gaze. I didn't want to make eye contact with him. I sighed to myself and I stopped walking. Tree boy looked at me. "Um reaper ma'-" I closed my eyes "please stop calling me ma'am. What do you want tree boy?" I looked up at him I was now sat against a tree to rest my legs for a minuet. He was just stareing at me. I tillted my head at him. "What? I got something on my face?" He shook his head and sat down across from me against a different tree. It was quite for a while. He didn't respond to me.. was I to harsh with him? I closed my eyes. I wonder what ghost and everyone else was doing, maybe they got my note.. they were probably looking for me.. I wonder what ghost was doing.. was he looking for me? I wonder if they miss me.. I wonder what soaps doing and what gaz might be eating.. was price worried? I opened my eyes. Tree boy looked to be taking a nap, maybe he thought that's what I was doing... I sighed to myself... I wanted to see everyone again, I miss there faces...

I grumbled and got up to walk again I looked to my right if we walk now we should get there a little before night fall.. I walked over to tree boy and woke him up. He looked tired. Tree boy looked at me. "Ready to go reaper?" All I did was nod my head. I then helped him up of the ground, he was kinda heavy but it was nothing I couldn't handle.. I huffed. "We should make it to hq a little before dark..." I was tired but I didn't want to sleep around a stranger I barely knew... I didn't trust him even if he was nice.. looks can be deceiving.. we walked about 10 minutes before tree boy stopped. That put me on edge. I looked at him. He was silent. "Tree boy?" No response.. he didn't have a weapon in his hand but I still kept my guard up. He sighed, and scratched the back of his neck. He looked at me. "..I uh.. I don't mean to pry.. but... um how.. how did you get your scars..?" Familiar ringing filled my ears, then my eyes became blurry. Flashbacks to begin tied and a chair and torchered for hours on end fill my mind and having to eat dog food.. and knowing full and well that graves was all behind it.. but nobody believes when I say graves is alive... my face felt warm. I blinked a few times and then the ringing faded away.. tree boy was rambling on about something. I wiped my face, I was crying... I sighed once again and started to walk, tree boy caught on and followed me. He apologized multiple times for making me cry but I shook my head. "Its.. it's not your fault you didn't know.." my head was down but I paid attention to where we were going. "Uh reaper?" He sounded a bit concerned. I looked at him "what?" He pointed behind us he spoke lowly as we walked "were being followed" my eyes went a bit wide.. there going to get me again. Shit- I don't want to go through this again, I don't want to lose my family again. I just got them back. Tears started to swell I'm my eyes. Then I snapped... I stopped walking. Price put out a search party and it was most likely soap or gaz.. graves can't get me. He doesn't know where I am..yet.. tree boy looked more concerned. "Reaper are you alright?" I nodded my head. "Yeah.. Im ok tree boy.." he nodded his head. I turned around the other way a stood there for a moment just looking for some kind of life... there was nothing. I turned back around and took tree boy to hq. No words were exchanged between the two of us for the rest of our time together.

Once at the treeline next to hq tree boy had thanked me and walked away. It was sunset right about now.. I'd be going home tonight or early morning tomorrow.. I wonder how everyone is going to react to me being back after running away... I probably should have at least told price or soap where I was going. There all probably very worried about me... I just needed a moment to myself to breathe...I felt trapped, and now that I remember them correctly. I would go back with a small smile on my face... I turned around to go back home. I missed them, I wonder if price will make his tastey burgers and fries.. probably not but you never know.. after about an hour my legs started to burn and it was now night. I had a flash light on me so I turned it on to see better in the dark. I was probably 5 or 6 hours away from home if I was quick enough I could make it before morning and just sneak in threw my window.. though I'd get yelled at I would be home and that's all that matters.. I had my small vacation, now it's time to get back to work.. as much as I would love to stay longer out here I need to get back to my routine.

After an hour of walking I realized I was about 30 minutes away from camp.. I would take a break when I got there.. I was starting to get a headache. I stopped walking for a moment and looked around. What if we were being followed.. if I was then I'd lead them back to home... and I led them to hq... well I could care less about hq but they could tell them where home is. Fuck. I quickly looked around again and ran back to the treeline where hq was, I needed to see for myself.  My head was spinning, I probably should have listened to the doctor and stayed in bed.. well were here now. I looked at hq for a good solid 10 minutes seeing if there was anything out of the ordinary, there wasn't. A wave of relief washed over me. I turned around and walked my legs and lungs were both burning but I needed to get back home to explain- no I left them a note that's enough explaining for them. After 10 minutes of walking I bummed into a tree. I quickly apologized and continued walking.

Then the tree grabbed my arm. My eyes went wide and I grabbed my pocket knife. I went to attack said tree person who grabbed me. Be they grabbed my other hand my ears started to ring if felt like they were about to bleed. My face felt hot, I was trying my hardest to attack my attacker but I was failing miserably. I was tired and I could barely feel any of my limbs. I dropped my knife  after they squeezed my wrist. Well this is it I'm going to die. There was muffled yelling but I could barely hear it, I just want to go home. Why can't I be left alone. I shut my eyes and force myself to make the ringing stop. My eyes shot open and I headbutt the person in front of me. They let go of me and held there face. I fell to the ground landing on my back. This was my chance to escape. The ringing had stopped and I crawled to get up, once on my feet I ran as fast as I could all the way back home. I had to get to price, soap- I needed to tell someone. I needed to be safe. They were behind me but I was faster. I knew where I was so I sucked it up and made myself run faster. They were yelling but I wasn't stopping to see what they wanted. I still had my bag on me. But I lost my knife. That was my favorite knife.. I stopped running for a moment the tree person wasn't behind me anymore. I looked around I was 2 hours away from home walking distance, but if I run- a stick broke from behind me. I booked it out of there. After running for an hour I saw home. I made myself run faster. Once to the doors I swung it opened and quickly shut and lock it. I ran to my room and flung my bag off. I could hear the struggles of the tree person trying to get in. I went back out to the hall, I was out of breath. My eyes lit up I was home I ran to the break room, no body was in there. Then I ran to price's office I knocked quickly. I heard a come in but barely gave him the chance to get the second word in. Price looked worried. soap and gaz were in the room as well. I talked as best I could. "..t-tr..tree" I spoke between breaths then pointed to the front door. Price told soap and gaz to check it out and I fell to the floor landing on my but. I was tired from the running, everything hurt. I was basically gasping for air. Price got me some water and I chugged it down. Gaz and soap came back with ghost. They looked at me confused. "Uh was this the tree people outside?" I looked at them and shook my head " thats ghost.." they nodded there heads and price spoke "maybe you should go get some rest kid you look exhausted." I nodded my head and noticed ghost holding his face.. but my vision was tunneling. I got up and got to my room and passed out before I even landed on my bed.

Once I woke up it was morning, I was in my bed and nothing was out of place. I took a few deep breaths. I got up, took a shower then got dressed for training. After I was done I went to the brake room to get something to eat. I walked in the room and saw everyone was already up and they were all sat at the table... they all looked at me. I was getting nervous. Then flashbacks of last night ran into my mind. I gave them a nervous smile. "(Y/n). have a seat." He sounded more pissed then usual.. and so I did. I sat next to him because that was the only seat left to take. I was panicking.

I didn't have my notepad on me so I had to force myself to talk this time. I spoke lowly. " what's up guys..?" I looked up to the tree in front of me. They avoided my gaze.. I looked at ghost. "I think you know why your here." I was silent I didn't say anything. We sat there like that for 10 minutes. Ghost irritated even more then when I first saw him spoke. "You broke my nose last night (y/n)." I tried to speak but couldn't "you ran for 3 hours straight no brakes. You were in a panic, you were crying."  He slammed my knife on the table. Witch made me flinch. "I-" "i am not done talking." All I did was nod my head. He was talking, but the ringing field my ears. I realized he wasn't wearing his mask and there was bandaging on his nose.. tears field my eyes. Ghost was scolding me but stopped and looked in front of him I looked at what he was looking at. It was soap yelling at ghost. My eyes went wide, I'm fucking everything up.. I put my head on the table and covered my ears wishing for all the yelling and the ringing to stop. Tears spelling out of my eyes. I started to mumbled Norwegian, some of it explaining what happened and that I was sorry over and over again. 

After what felt like forever there was a hand on my shoulder. I looked up it was  soap. He grabbed my arm gently and led me to the couch he sat us both down. He grabbed a pen then a notepad. He was talking but I could barely read his lips right now. He was also looking back at the guys and saying some stuff. Then he wrote. 'Whats wrong? Tell me how I can help.' I read when he wrote. And with a shakey hand wrote down 'the ringings back and I can't hear, I don't know how you can help just make the yelling stop.' More tears ran down my face. He nodded his head and turned to the guys I didn't know what he was saying but they all nodded he turned his attention back to me. And wrote down some stuff but I didn't want to talk anymore, my head was killing me. At some point I blacked out and when I came back too. I was laid down on the couch while the upper half of my body is laid on ghost, then my legs were laid across soap and gaz. I was on my side pointed at the tv. They were watching a movie.. it was the never ending story...

[Hellooooo my simps! I'm back I'm not dead I promise. Idk when I'll put out another chapter, because we're moving but I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't mind the miss spelling. I love all of you and I'll see you next update or if I have an announcement, untill we meet again bye byeeeeeee~]

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