The Sun God Like Pup(DISCONTI...


2.9K 76 15

I will be on a break for a while, I haven't had a lot of inspiration or time to write things I want to cause... More

Reader info
The sun(1)
the bright soul(3)
what should i do? (4)
this is what i have to do now(5)
what a mess.. (6)
special chapter
important note(12/08/22)
important update
remake is out

new job and new friend? (7)

181 6 0

I looked at Mr. Crowley with a awkward face but I can't be mad I would need to work or do something to say here plus I'll be payed to win win I guess.

"Ok I'll do it, but I also want to have grim stay if that's ok.. "
Grim and Mr. Crowley looked at me with a surprised face.

"Ehh you be at me to stay!?!"
Grim looked like he was about to cry or something

"I mean yea why not I would be pretty lonely living here on my own... I think it would be nice to have you around"

I looked away from the awkward situation as I scratched my head

"Ehm! "
"I wouldn't mind that since he did help with the ghost problem and you two made such a good team but you won't be students just janitors"

Grim looked at me and jumped at me from excitement, he was crying a little bit and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit
"hahah, g-grim get down! "

"Thank you a lot Mr. Crowley it means a lot and I'll work very hard so I can make my worth here!! "

I give him a very bright smile as I was holding grim but it looked like Mr. Crow had one more thing to say before leaving for he night.

"Oh yes by the way since the school is too big and you won't be able to do all of it in one day you will just do the main entrance for tomorrow. "
"I'll make you a schedule for what will be cleaned on what days little tiger but for now that is all have a good night and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. "

And with that Mr. Crowley left, I now had clothe, a job, and a new partner to spend time with. I think my life here will be full of fun!
I let out a small yawn as I looked at the time on the clock


"Ehhh!! It time for bed grim let's go we have a big day ahead of us in a few hours!! "

I run up the stairs with grim in my arms, I set him down on the bed as I put away my clothes besides my pajamas and a towel to take a shower.



The ghost pop up out of nowhere screaming at from and y/n.y/n jumped awake into a fighting position without know what was happening. These actions scared from awake that made him fall of the bed hitting his head hard on the ground.

The ghost started to laugh very hard at y/n and grim, the ghost then said to the two

"Good morning sleepy heads you need to get ready for your new job, also the head master left you a phone in the table so you can contact him"

"Bye bye now get ready, you got twenty minutes!! "

Y/n was still Some what jumpy after what happened but over all he wasn't tired so he grabbed some clean clothes to change into after his shower.

"Grim I'll be back pick up the room a little while I'm in the shower! "

|| ten minutes later||

Y/n walks out of the bathroom with semi wet hair and he had in some nice lookin clothes on. For now he was wearing a white button up shirt, he wore a under shirt too, with black dress pants and comfortable shoes since he'll be walking all over the place.

"Ok grim hurry up we might as well get some breakfast since Mr. Crowley said we could eat during the eating times"

Grim gets very excited from y/n's words and goes running to him as he climbed to y/n's shoulder. The two then walk out their new home to the main building that had the cafeteria.

||at the cafeteria||

There were many kids from different doors sitting at tables with their dorm mates or some tables had people from different dorms.

Y/n looked straight toward to the line trying not to make eye contact with anyone. When he gets into the line it didn't take long till he grabbed the things he wanted same with grim. Y/n grabbed a simple thing of toast, eggs, bacon and strawberry milk to drink. Grim grabbed a big meat bun to eat cause he's special....

After y/n payed for the meal , he looks for a table to sit at while walking around so he doesn't look even more awkward. Y/n found a table next to the corner of the cafeteria, it was a nice quiet spot y/n liked it a lot... Well it was quiet till grim started to eat very loudly.

||time skip after breakfast to out side by the status||

Y/n look mesmerized by the statues, they were so beautifully built. After looking at the place for a few minutes y/n got to working, he started to sweep the walk way of dirt then racked the grass of leaves.

There was a student that noticed y/n and grim cleaning by the statues...

"Ok well this part is done grim grab the bucket and dustpan over here to we can go to the next spot"

As y/n was waiting for grim he took another look at the statues, the student had nice Orange colored hair and he stood around 5 foot 7 with a average build body.

Y/n was still mesmerized by the statues but he didn't know who they were....

"They look so cool, but who are they?... "

The student walks up to y/n and said

"You don't know the Queen of Hearts?"

Y/n looked at the boy with a surprised faced and asked

"The queen of hearts?, what a beautiful name"

"She was a queen who lived in a maze like garden of roses long, long ago.
She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step."

"She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her.
You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"

Y/n looked at the boy with amazement, the queen of hearts what a cool queen y/n thought.

Grim came out if no where and said

"Wah! That is seriously messed up! "

"Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan.
I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"
Said the orange headed boy to grim

The it hit grim, who the hell was this dude?? Grim looked at the orange head boy and asked him

"Yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong.
But puttin' that aside... Who are you?"

Word count-1159
Sorry this took a while to finished I've been busy with school I have finals next Friday and I need to finish a lot of work 😭 but I hope you all have a good day/night/evening

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