Star Wars Rebels: The Final F...

By AssassinNovice72

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In the passing few years of the Rebels in their fight against the Empire, their final destination is not far... More

Chapter 1: Heroes of Mandalore Part 1
Chapter 2: Heroes of Mandalorian Part 2
Chapter 3: In the Name of the Rebellion Part 1
Chapter 4: In the Name of the Rebellion Part 2
Chapter 5: The Occupation
Chapter 6: Flight of The Defender
Chapter 7: Kindred
Chapter 8: Crawler Commandeers
Chapter 9: Rebel Assault
Chapter 10: Jedi Night
Chapter 11: Dume
Chapter 12: Wolves and a Door
Chapter 13: A World Between Worlds
Chapter 14: A Fool's Hope

Chapter 15: A Family Reunion - and Farewell

635 5 23
By AssassinNovice72

Ezra sat in the turret gunner chair, looking at the holo of his mother and father. How happy he was when he was younger. "Mom? Dad? I know what I have to do now, but I'm afraid, not for me, but for my friends. For Mako." he spoke aloud.

Standing just underneath him was Mako, leaning back against the ladder as she just listen.

Then Hera walks up to her, to say something, but she pulls her finger to her lip and points up. "They've fought so hard and given so much and helped me to understand why you stood up against the Empire and made the sacrifices you did," he spoke.

Hera just smiles to herself. "I wish you could meet them, my new family. I guess, in some way, you will be with us today when we finish what you and Uncle and Aunt started," he spoke and looks back to the holo again.

"I want you to know everything I've done and will do begins with you," he promises them. Smiling at the holo one last time "Ezra?" Hera calls out, he was pulled from his thought and looks down at the two. "They're bringing her up," Hera informs, Ezra just nods to her.


Ryder and Kallus walked Pryce along towards the two parked ships, "You disgust me, traitor." she snaps to Kallus, who just looks at her, "The day I betrayed your Empire, Governor, was the day I stopped betraying myself." he informs her.

Pryce just rolls her eyes at him "You've given up years of service, a promising career, and prestige, for what?" she questions as he just looks at her. "To join a band of failures who don't stand a chance," she growls at him. "So quick to ensure a victory, that's Imperial thinking right there," Mako calls out.

The governor just looks at her, stiffening in fright as she sees the Former Jedi standing just at the ramp of the Ghost "And besides, I think we do..." Ezra calls out.

He and Hera walked out from the Ghost as the Mandalorian stepped out and stood at the ramp. Their chief sat at the foot of the ramp, playing with Leto in his hand.

"Especially with your help," Ezra informs her, but Pryce just laughs. "I will never help you," she states, glaring at Ezra. The young Jedi shot a flick over to Mako, who just grins to herself "Uh, yes, you will. It will be your last act as Governor of Lothal. You're finally going to do the right thing and help free your home world." he informs her.

"I will do no such thing." Pryce declares. Mako chuckles as Ezra looks at her, "Told you she wasn't going to be easily convinced." she informs him as she walks up by his side.

He nods in agreement then looks back to Pryce, "Okay, if that's your choice." he answers, Mako took a step forward, making Pryce steps back, but Ezra stops her, "No, no, no. she's not worth it, sis." he informs them whistles to the wolves. The rebels step out of the way as Pryce turns, stepping back as the white Loth-wolf snarls at her, marching forward as he snaps his jaw, barking at her.

She startles back, falling to the ground, scooting back at the wolf towers over her, barks, and snaps his fangs at her, as she scoots right at Ezra and Mako's feet.

Both were looking down at her, "Or you could transmit the victory code, and then we could fly to the Capital as your prisoners. If the odds against us are as bad as you say, what do you want to lose?" he offers her

Flicking her eyes at him, with panic "Fine. I'll do it. Just call off your dog." she begs. Mako frowns at her as she steps to Pryce's side, placing her hand on the wolf's shoulder.

He steps away as she stood over Pryce, the governor froze in fear as her eyes were locked with Mako's and the former Jedi squats down and grips her face in her hand, "And you say you're from Lothal." she scoffs, shoving her chin away.

Pryce just exhales as she lies there, Mako stood up and glares at her, "Be grateful you're still useful." she informs her and steps away. The Mandalorians just watched her leave. One just whistles impressed. "Oh, I definitely like her." another calls out. Leo grins to himself, shaking his head at his brothers.


The gunships were in the air, the rebels in control, Chopper calling out over the radio as the rebels were ready. "I don't know about this plan, Rex," Gregor spoke.

"In my experience, when it comes to Jedi, the worse the plan, the better the result." the old clone informs his brother.

Ezra was pondering his own thoughts, getting Sabine's attention and she nudges his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" she asks. He turns and just looks at her, he stares for a moment. "I know I can always count on you," he informs.

But she just arches her brow at him. "All right, what are you up to?" she questions. But the comlink went off before he could answer. "We're coming up on the Capital. Better be ready." Hera informs them.

Leo flicks his eyes to Sabine from his seat. "Copy. Head for platform zero delta," she informs her. "The command center? You're going to attempt to launch the dome." Pryce spoke up.

Then smiles to herself, and both Leo and Mako frown at her, "Your plan is worse than I thought." she grins, and Mako wanted to snap at her, but Leo held her hand, stopping her. "Mmm, bolder. You mean bolder than you thought." Ezra informs her.

"More creative than you thought." Sabine threw in, "More smarter than you thought." Leo threw in as well. "But to mention, more thought out than you thought." Mako threw in as well.

Pryce just frowns at the Rebels, "Now, about those landing codes..." Kallus informs, holding the comlink in front of her. "And remember, I'll know if they're correct." he reminds her.

Pryce just grins at him, taking it from him, "Gladly. The sooner we land, the sooner you will be my prisoners." she answers. Mako just charges her brow at her, "Should you tell her?" Leo whispers to her. Mako looks at him, momentarily then shook her head as she looks away.

They approach the dome, reaching the landing pad. "Executive code 6-2-7-3-1-1," Pryce spoke out in the comm. "Code's authorized, Governor. You're clear to land. Security will take the prisoners on the platform." the officer informs her.

The gunships touch down on the platform and they all step out of the ships as a security team meets them the rebels were cuffed as the others in their disguise. "Nice and easy, governor," Kallus whispers to her, his blaster pointed right at her back.

They meet with the team, halfway, "We'll take it from here." the captain informs them. "They're all yours," Ezra answers, Zeb growls at him as Leo growls as well. "Hey! Look out!" the trooper calls out.

Zeb roars as he shoves Ezra forward into the troopers and jumps over them, sprinting towards the door. "Stop him!" Ezra calls out.

The troopers turn and fire at them, but Ezra ignites his saber and slices their blaster, and shoves the troopers to the sides. The rebels split up and fired at the troopers on the platform.

Zeb charges towards the blast doors as they begin to close. But he jumps in the middle and holds the doors open, Sabine, Leo, and Ketsu slide through into the hall.

Zeb strains as he tries to keep the door open, but steps in and the door closes. "Kestu, get that door open!" Sabine shouts as she and Leo's eyes were on the hallways.

The troopers fired at the rebels as they were pressed against the walls. "And try to jam their comm system!" she calls out as Leo fires at the troopers.

The rebels outside took over behind the crates, Kallus shoves Pryce along with them as they fired back at the troopers.

They step out, trying to corner them, but shots were fired, they looked and saw Hera and her droid charging out from the gunship.

Then Mako appears behind them as she knocks one unconscious and Hera took out the others. "Go, go go!" she orders as they sprint for the door.

Leo and Sabine fired at the troopers, taking them out. "How's that door coming?" Sabine questions as she looks back. Ketsu toggles the controls as they beep. "Got it!" she answers

the doors open as the rebels were charging towards the doors. "Nice work." Zeb congrats to her. "What about the comm system?" Sabine asks her. Leo kept his eyes on the halls. "They're all locked down. Now, let's get everyone inside," she answers her.

"Hey, purple guy! Get into position!" Hondo calls out, waving his arm. Zeb just frowns to himself. "Good luck," Ketsu informs him as they ran inside and Zeb just steps outside.

Hondo held the frame up, trying to get the right picture "Okay, okay, getting there. Right there, and stop!" he orders and Zeb stops in front of him. "Melch, back further, a little more," he orders to the ungnaut. "Go, bah-bah-bah," he orders with a wave of his hand and Melch just steps back.


The rebels make it to the center controls, Sabine works at the controls as the others joined them. "Can you get us in?" Hera asks her. "Give me a minute," she answers. Toggling the buttons.

The Imperial inside was ready for them as the officer just looks down at them, "Where is the security detail?" he questions them. "Communication has been cut off." the worker informs him.

"Ezra, we are in position," Hondo informs them, and the leader turns to them. "Sabine." he calls out, she turns and nods at him, "Okay," she answers. "Hondo, go!" Ezra orders him.

"Now!" Hondo orders and Melch takes off running., Hondo steps out of the way as Melch gains speed, and Zeb stood ready, his held webbed together.

Melch steps into his hands and was launched up at the control dome, "They can fly." Hondo said in awe.

Melch went high into the air, landing right on the glass of the dome, the Imperials inside, looked up at the Urgnaunt on the glass as he waves at them.

They aim their blasters and fired at the little guy, luckily the glass was strong to withstand the shots, but that didn't stop him from closing his eyes.

"That's our cue," Ezra spoke and the doors opened, the rebels charge into the control center, and Ezra and Mako jumped at the control panel as the rebels aim their blasters at them. Ezra takes out the officer's blaster as Mako aims her saber right at him.

Kallus quickly walks into the room and stood next to Leo and Sabine as they were working at the controls. Ezra leads the officer to the others. "Rex, lock them in the storage bin," he orders.

The old clone turns to him, "Yes, sir, Commander." he answers and leads them away.

Ryder and Zeb walk into the room, Ryder pressing his blaster at Pryce's back.

"It's only a matter of time before you're discovered. You can't hope to defeat my forces," she informs them, but Sabine joins the men, that were at work. "Defeat them? Hmm, not planning to. But we do want them all in the dome." she informs her.

"We'll utilize protocol 13," Kallus informs her. "The Empire's new order, for the immediate recall of all personnel to the base for a full evacuation," Hera informs her.

Pryce looks up at the former governor. "Once they're all inside, we'll launch, and it'll be goodbye to the Empire," he tells her as Ezra and Hera stood next to him, Mako steps up to the windshield and looks up at the sky. "Spectre-2 to base."


The others were loading up onto the Ghost as the Mandalorians were checking over the Arrow and Leto, standing on Nar'or's shoulder. "We're in, and we've taken the dome. Wait for me to signal for pickup." Hera informs them as Wolffe walks up to Vizago and Mart.

"Acknowledged, Spectre-2. Nice work. We're standing by." he informs her, then looks to the two. "I forgot to tell you guys, Ezra gave me a special mission," Mart informs them.

Nar'or just looks at them and walks up. "You too? Mako also gave me a special mission," he spoke, Leto turns his head and notices something, familiar white eyes, looking right at them.

Vizago just blinks at them, "What are you talking about?" he asks but Leto snarls at the approaching menace, getting Noa'or's attention. "Watch out!" Vizago cries out.

Shoving the two out of the way, Rukh dives right at them, slamming Vizago onto the ground, he was out cold as the assassin turns back to the three.

The Mandalorians stop as they glared at the assassin, he takes Wolffe out easily then turns to the young man, that fired at him, he dodges the shots and kicks him right to the ground, smacking against the crate.

Wolffe came up behind him and wraps his arms behind him, lifting the assassin off the ground.

But he headbutts the clone and threw him to the ground. Then he picks up the blaster and aims it at Mart. But it was shot right out of his hand.

He growls and looks at the Mandalorian, "Ah-ah-ah." he tells him, Leto hissing at him. Rukh went to charge, but snarling caught his attention as the white wolf run upright the Mandalorian. "If you want to kill another day, I suggest you leave. Take the gunship and leave or Loth here gonna get a nice meal," he warns him.

Both Leto ad the white Wolf snarl at the assassin. He takes careful steps back, flicking his eyes to the rebels on the ground then to the creature that stood behind the Mandalorian, then to the Mandalorians step out. "You can't hope to take all of us and the wolf, can you?" Noa'or questions him as they gripped their blasters.

Rukh growls at them and quickly retreated to the gunship, powering it on and retreating, leaving the rebels where they lay and heading towards the Capital.

Removing their hands from their blasters as Noa'or lowers his, "Sure it was wise to let him go?" Jakar asks, Noa'or turns to him. "You remember what Mako told us, the success of our mission here on Lothal starts with the Assassin's returning to the capital," he informs them.

They exchanged looks, Noa'or pets the side of the wolf's fur, and soft growls echo from the wolf. "Now we just need the signal," he spoke and they looked down at the knocked-out rebels.

On his way back to the capital, Rukh hails the Grand Admiral. Who responds to the call? "The Rebels have captured Pryce. I have no doubt they've used her codes to infiltrate the Imperial headquarters. To what purpose, I do not know." he informs her.

Thrawn just looks at him, not stunned at all by the news. "I expected Governor Pryce to fail, but not so completely. You must get inside and deactivate the shield generator before the Rebels lock down the Imperial Dome," he informs as he turns away from his assassin.

"And then?" Rukh asks, Thrawn looks over his shoulder, "Then, wait. I'm already en route." he answers and the call ends.


Rex works as the control panel in the center of the room, and Leo and Sabine are still at the panels in the back as Gregor and Ryder watch over Pryce.

Zeb and Ketsu stood at the front as Mako was meditating then the panel beeps. "Got it," Leo answers Sabine turns to the Jedi. "Ezra, we're ready," she informs him.

He nods and turns away, "Kallus, you're up." he spoke, and the former agent nods at him, "Attention, all personnel. Protocol 13 is now in effect. Report to your action stations immediately. Repeat. Protocol 13 is in effect." he informs the Imperial personnel.

"Hanger 2-7 to Command. Please confirm lockdown order." the officer spoke through the comm, making Pryce grin to herself.

"Command center to all units. The order is confirmed." Kallus informs him, "This is highly irregular. Please repeat sector authorization." the officer said again.

Mako slightly turns her head as her eyes were still closed. "Ryder, get ready," Ezra whispers to him. "Repeat. The order is confirmed." Kallus repeats again.

"This is ISB Colonel Yularen. I am executing the override code. Base Gamma Zero." he informs him, "Imperial Security? I was unaware ISB was involved." the officer informs him. Ryder shot a look over at Ezra. "That is the point of this exercise," he informs him. "This this is a drill?" the officer asks.

"Is it? And do you always question the orders of a superior officer?" Ryer questions him. Everyone went quiet as they just waited.

A momentary pause, "Proceeding with protocol 13 immediately." the officer answers, and the others took a moment to breath. "Sounds like they bought it, Colonel. Nice work." Ezra said to Ryder. Who just grins at him?

All the Imperials on Lothal began to pull back toward the Dome and immediately return to their stations, but a gunship returns to the Dome, and out steps Rukh as he finally returns to the dome.

The death troopers greet him and he immediately marches towards the door. "All personnel, report to your stations. Protocol 13 is in effect." the woman over the PA informs as the city was nothing but locals.

"All units have returned to their duty stations, and the dome is now secure." Kallus informs him, "Hera, start the launch cycle. Sabine, Leo, set the self-destruct." Ezra orders them and they got to work.

"We do have a way off this thing before it explodes... right?" Hondo asks them. "That's where the Ghost and Arrow come in to pick us up," Hera informs him.

"All right, let's get airborne," Zeb informs them, Hera works over the controls. "These thrusters haven't been fired in years. It's gonna take time to prime them." Hera informs them.

"There won't be time," Mako calls out, everyone just looks at her, she slowly opens her eyes and looks up to the sky. "He's here," she spoke.

They stop in their action and look up at the sky, seeing the Star Destroyer loom over them. Mako rose to her feet and stepped forward. "Thrawn," she said again. "Shutting down the launch cycle," Hera spoke as she gets to work.

"No. we can't just sit here." Ketsu informs her, Hera looks over her shoulder at her, "Thrawn is holding position directly overhead. If we launch the dome, we'll crash into his ship and destroy the entire city." she informs her.

Leo flicks his eyes away, looking down at the cylinder attach to his belt. Karabast. We're trapped." Zeb snaps. Ezra walks past the others and stood next to Mako. "Chopper put me through," he orders, the droid plugs in and hails the ship right above them.

And the holo of Thrawn stood before them, "Governor Pryce is our prisoner, and we have complete control of the Imperial Dome, with every trooper, pilot, and officer trapped inside. You failed Thrawn." he informs him.

Mako flicks her eyes to her brother, momentarily. "Leave Lothal, and we might let your troopers out before we blow the dome to pieces." Ezra offers him.

Thrawn wasn't brother at all by his threat. "Are you quite finished?" he asks, taking Ezra by surprise. "If you truly wish to save Lothal, Commander Bridger, the only term I'll accept is your immediate and unconditional surrender," he informs him.

Ezra was just confused by his words, "Why would I surrender when I hold your entire army prisoner?" he questions him. Mako steps up to the counsel and casually taps at it. "No, you've moved simply my assets to a safe position so that I can bombard the civilians of your home without incurring Imperial casualties," he informs him.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock as Leo and Mako weren't all that surprised. "Rex, raise the planetary shields!" Sabine shouts, and he does so. "It won't work," Mako calls out, they looked at her. "Rukh is on the dome right now, he just disabled the shields," she informs them.

"She's right, the generators just went offline!" Rex shouts out. Ezra flicks his eyes to Mako in shock, who was completely calm. "Your shield generator is under my control, as Miss Firebreather has informed you. Just so that you understand that my intentions are genuine, I shall demonstrate my power. Open fire." he orders.

And the Star Destroyers opened fire into the city, destroying buildings and endangering the lives of the people of Lothal. The rebels watch the locals run away in fear as they took over from the raining turret fire.

Eyes widen in horror as Mako closes her eyes and places her hand on his shoulder. "Ezra." she spoke, suddenly calming the Jedi that stood before her, both stood in a void of stars "Calm. Breath. And focus. See what I see," she spoke through the Force. Her eyes glowed, faintly.

Her vision flashes before his eyes, seeing what is meant to happen, he shakes the vision away and looks at her, "Now choose." she spoke, pulling away from him as her eyes faded back.

Ezra nods at her, exhaling as he looks back, "Enough! We surrender!" Ezra cries out to him. Thrawn then calls off the attack. "I await your arrival. Both of you. And make no mistake, come alone. If you attempt any heroics, I will resume the bombardment and destroy your city and then your friends." he answers.

The holo ends, and the two exchange looks and turns away. "Ezra, Mako..." Hera calls out as she follows them, Sabine looks at Leo momentarily as he tightens his fist.

Ezra handed his saber to the droid, Chopper looks sadly at them as they continued to walk. "I understand that you think you need to do this, but..." Hera calls out, they both stop and looked at her, "This is what we're meant to do." he informs her.

"There's another way. There's always another way." she assures him, Mako just frowns at her, "Hera, you heard him, if we don't do this, he's going to destroy Lothal. We have to do this." she informs her, but Hera grips their shoulders, looking them both in the eyes. "No, I won't let you go. Either of you," she swore to them.

The rebels step in as it was a choice that no one liked, but it was a choice, nonetheless. Ezra flicks his eyes back to her, "All right, if this isn't the way, then what is?" he asks her.

She pulls away from them. "Let's see what we have to work with," she spoke and turns away. Everyone gathers around the control panel, "Charge up the dome's cannon. We'll blow him out of the sky." Zeb spoke up as Hera turns on the holo of the destroyer and dome.

"Easy," Rex orders him, and Ezra and Mako step up behind them, just watching. "Our turbolasers are no match for that Star Destroyer," Rex informs him. "Even if we do blow him out of the sky, we don't want him to crash down onto the city," Kallus informs them.

Rex flicks his eyes up at the vents and looks over to Chopper, the droid nods at him, plugs into the outlet, and pops a vent open.

Sabine turns and looks to Ezra "The only answer is to find a way to get the shield up." Hera informs them, "One last time." Ezra mutters, then looks to Mako, and she nods at him.

Then he looks to Sabine. No words were needed as it was a conversation that the eyes said all. "Hera..." she spoke, walking over to the others, they watched her leave as the others looked at her, "Over here. We should use the primary schematic if we're going to find a way to raise the shield," she informs, stepping in front of the layout of the dome.

Everyone joins her, "We need to get down here and take control of the power terminals." she instructs. Leo steps up and grips Mako's hand. She looks at him. "I wish..." he starts, but she just smiles at him.

Grips the side of his neck and pressed her forehead to his, "I know." she answers. He stood there, just taking her in. "Remember what I told you," she spoke.

He nods and pulls away, standing in front of the vent and webs his fingers, and stood ready. Ezra looks at him and nods, he ran to him, stepping into his hands and Leo shot him up to the vent.

He stood ready again, meeting Mako's eyes. "I love you, Mako. I always will," he whispers. She ran to him and steps into his hands, "The feelings' mutual." she whispers and hosted into the air. Ezra grabs her hand and pulls her in.

But when Sabine looks back, all she saw was Leo, looking up at the vent. "How do we get past all the Imperials we've locked in here with us?" Zeb asks her.

"We can bypass the upper barracks levels using the executive turbo lifts," Kallus informs, Leo locks his eyes with Sabine, she nods at him, seeing how worried he was, but inhales and walks towards them.


Ezra drops into the hall, striding forward as Mako drops in behind him.

He looks at her as she locks eyes with him, both nod and they hurried towards the gunships that awaited them on the platform.


"So, we got a plan to get the shield up. The trick is to pull it off before Thrawn loses patience. We need to stall him somehow. Ezra?" Hera spoke as she turns back.

But neither Ezra nor Mako were in sight. But the sound of an engine catches their attention as it lifts into the air and flew towards the Star Destroyer.

"We have to stop them." Rex spoke up, Hera pulls out her comlink, "Ezra, Mako, don't do this." she begs them. Then Sabine places her hand on her shoulder "Hera, we have to trust them." she informs her, Leo walks up and stood next to her.

"The best way we can help is to get that shield up, so when Ezra and Mako make their move, we're ready. We have to assume the generator room will be well-guarded, so we'll need two teams to hit it from different sides if we're going to capture both power terminals," she informs them.

"And from what we know, Rukh, Thrawn's pet is at one of those terminals and he is slippery. Both teams will have to be well divided, not just by numbers, but by skill and endurance." Leo informs them, but both looked to their captain. "That is if you agree, Hera," Sabine asks her.

She just smiles at her, "It's a good plan. The best chance we've got." she informs them, Leo just smiles at her, but Chopper pulls out and shouts to them.

They looked at the droid. "Stormtroopers," Sabine spoke as Ezra's eyes were on the door. They gathered in "It appears my troops have decided your drill is over." Pryce spoke up. Leo blinks and looks back at her, "What are you looking at?" she snaps.

"I just remembered, you're still here," he answers, looking back at the door, she just frowns at the Mandalorian.


The Gunship approaches the hanger of the Star Destroyer. Ezra exhales, taking a moment as Mako sat in the back, looking at the clouds of Lothal. Remembering when she was younger, her father always rose her in the air, making her feel like she was flying.

Precious memories that were close to her heart, she opens her eyes, hearing the stormtroopers that gathered in front of the ship. Once it touches down, they both hop out and stood in front of the troopers before them.

They approach the two, and weapons were taken from them as cuffs were slapped onto their wrist. They looked at each other, Mako takes his hand in hers and Ezra squeezes in comfort.

They were taken to Thrawn's office and there sat the Grand Admiral as he looks at the two of them, "It was a wise decision for you to surrender." he informs them.

Ezra just glares at him, "We didn't have much of a choice." he answers and the trooper steps out of the office. "Oh, nonsense. You could have chosen to let your people die. However, you chose to be a Jedi." he states, standing from his desk.

"Predictable." he spoke and turns to the art mural on his back wall, "You follow a long history written by the Jedi, where they choose what they believe to be morally correct, instead of what is strategically sound," he informs them and steps away.

"And yet, the Jedi have survived," Ezra informs him, Mako flicks her eyes to Thrawn, watching his every move. "Hmm, the Jedi once numbered in the thousands. What's left are a scattered, frightened lot, mostly beaten and in hiding, or poorly trained children like yourself," he informs them.

Both just glare at him, but neither dares speak a word. "I must admit, the mysteries of the Force are an enigma to me. But for all their abilities, all the power, the Jedi lack the vision for how to wield it," he spoke, picking up the mask and looking at them.

"The Force isn't a weapon, but you'll never understand that." Ezra snaps at him, "Oh, I don't have to. It was not my intention to utterly destroy Lothal, but that is inevitable now." he spoke as he places the helm down.

Ezra flicks his eyes to Mako, she locks eyes and shook her head no and they both looked back to Thrawn. "These are a few of the artifacts I've gathered from your home world. I saved what I could." he spoke and stood in front of the stone slab "I have even taken some of Sabine Wren's work. She's quite talented. Or was quite talented." he informs them.

"You think you can take whatever you want, things you didn't make, didn't earn, things you don't even understand! You don't deserve to have this art or Lothal." Ezra snaps at him, but Thrawn was unaffected.

"Who deserves what is irrelevant. What matter is who has power," he informs, stepping in front of them, Mako just narrows her eyes at him. "But that is something the Jedi won't teach you, so I'll take you to someone who will," he spoke. Mako raises her head, unafraid


The door before them opens and they step into the room, in awe of the temple door that was in front of them and the holo of a man dressed in white robes stood before them.

"My Emperor," Thrawn calls out, with a bow. "I have brought you Ezra Bridger and Mako Firebreather," he calls out as they stood at the foot of the sand before him.

The emperor, Palpatine slightly turns his head, "My dear children, I've so wanted to meet you, and here you are at last." he turns to them, and Mako stiffens, the rage inside her crawls under her skin as she now faces to face with the man that murder thousands of children, ripped families apart, destroyed worlds, and did it all laughing.

The Emperor himself.


On the outskirts of the plains, Noa'or looks down at the rebel before him, looking bored out of his mind. "Really? You're gonna sleep for this long?" he questions.

The others just groan as two were playing Sabacc, Leto tilts his head at Mart and looks at Noa'or as he looks the wolf walks up, making Noa'or look up to him, "Think you can wake them up?" he asks.

The wolf just pants as he licks Mart's face. He groans awake and flutters his eyes open, upon seeing the Loth-wolf loom over him, he was wide awake. "Wolf!" he stammers as he quickly scoots back.

"Really? I loom over you for an hour and the second you see his face, you're scared?" Noa'or questions. Leto chatters to himself as the wolf huffs at him, Mart just looks at him, blinking as Wolffe flutters his eyes open. "What?" he answers.

"No, I mean... Not you." Mart answers as the clone stood up, "Look!" Mart said again as the wolves joined them. Noa'or stood up and stretches his back. "Well, nice to see you're still kicking," he mutters.

"Ha-Ha! I win!" A Mandalorian calls out as he slams the cards down, "You little...!" the other shouts and dives right for him, the others cheered the fight on. "Hey, Vizago, get up!" Wolffe calls out.

The smuggler groans as he sat up, hand pressed to his head, "What's happened now?" he asks, looking at them. "We were ambushed by that creature. Thrawn's pet." Wolffe answers with a sigh.

"Yeah, I saved your lives and our four-legged friends here drive him off. You're welcome." Noa'or answers as the two Mandalorians as they were both in a lock. Leto chirps as Noa'or turns to them from Leto's chattering "Luubid gar t'ad! vi ganar bigger kebise at akaanir jaon." he orders them.

They stop, looking at him, and groan in annoyance as they pulled themselves off one another. "This isn't over." the young hunter growls. "Name a place and time, I'll be there." the other growls, pointing at him. "Gev bic," Noa'or calls out.

"Wait, the last gunship is missing!" Mart informs them, as they looked around, "That thing is gonna warn Thrawn about our attack!" Woffle warns, "Oh, he already did, Thrawn should be over the Capital right now." Noa'or informs him.

They blinked and looked at the Mandalorian, "And you let him get away?" Wolffe questions him, "Well, that was part of the plan." he answers.

That catches Woflfe's attention. "What plan?" Vizago asks, the Mandalorian pick up their things and headed onto the Arrow. "The backup plan," he answers.

"It's just like Ezra said," he spoke, then Noa'or's comm went off, he pulls it out and looks down at it as it was beeping in a rhythmic pattern.

Leto jumps as he chatters to a smirking Mandalorian "That's the signal, let's move Mandalorians." he calls out as they hurried onto the ship. "Come on!" Mart calls out as he ran into the Ghost and the two hurried after him.

"Wait, what does that mean? What do you mean it's just like Ezra said?" Wolffe asks as he and Vizago join him in the cockpit, powering on the ship.

"Ezra told me there was a chance Thrawn would get back to the Capital before they finished their plan, and if it looks like that was the case, he gave us a special mission," Mart informs him

The Ghost was hailed and they answered, "Mako had a vision, right before Pryce's attack, of everything that was going to happen before it did." Noa'or informs as both ships lift off the ground, the ramps close shut.

"And right before they left, Mako informed all of us what was going to happen and when she gave the single to initiate the backup plan. Hence, Ezra's mission to Mart," he informs, the two ships began to hover over the grasslands, the wolves running alongside them.

The ships then began their descent up into the sky and the wolves howl at them, The Ghost and Arrow headed into the clouds

"Ezra wanted us to get into a high orbit around Lothal and send out a signal beacon on Frequency Zero," Mart informs him,

Wolffe just blinks at him, "Frequency Zero? Nobody uses that anymore. We are we supposed to be... Who are we supposed to be contacting?" he questions the boy.

Noa'or chuckles on the others end, "Not sure it's a who, more like a what, and if I told you what, well, that's the part you might not believe." Mart informs him.

"I still don't believe it, but knowing Ezra and Mako they have this sense of... doing the unexpected," Noa'or informs them, making Wolffe and Vizago exchange confused looks as the ships went into the clouds.


As the troopers were setting the detonators, a vent pops opens, and out drops a Melch, getting their attention as he aims the blaster and fired. Taking out one of the troopers.

"Blast him!" the captain orders and Melch takes off running with two troopers on him.

But as they left, the door opens as the rebels stood right behind the trooper as Zeb smirks at him. The trooper turns, only to meet Zeb's fist, and was knocked to the ground.

He chuckles as they step out of the control central "Works every time.." he spoke as Sabine and Leo took off the charges. "Of course it worked, my friends. Just look at Melch. He's positively magnetic!" Hondo spoke with praise as Melch ran with two of the troopers behind him, firing their weapons.

But as they vanished, they smack onto the ground with sudden force. "I'm sure you've got a special relationship, Hondo. But we're kinda on a mission here." Hera informs as she looks at the others, "We've gotta get that shield up over the city." she informs, everyone to stand in two lines, all looking at Sabine. "Rex, Hondo, and Kestu, you take the north tower," she orders.

They stood ready, Leo, Zeb, Kallus, and Gregor, you take the south. I'll talk you through it from here." she informs them, Leo places his helm on as Zeb steps forward. "Let's go, Rebels." Zeb orders them and they take off out of the room and down the hall.

But as the door closes behind them, Hera frowns and looks away "What is it?" Sabine asks her, Hera flicks her eyes away "I just hope Erza and Mako..." she starts. Sabine places her hand on her shoulder. "They know what they're doing," she assures her, Hera looks at her, seeing the Mandalorian smile.


Ezra and Mako glare up at the Emperor that stood before them. "That will be all, Grand Admiral. Take the girl with you, I wish to speak with the boy alone, first," he orders.

Thrawn bows his head and takes hold of Mako's arm, Ezra looks to his sister, "Remember what I showed you." she whispers as she was lead out of the room. "I apologize for not being there in person, but governing the galaxy takes up much of my time," Palpatine spoke.

But Ezra just glares at him, "I know who you are and what you are." he snaps at him, "You misjudge me. Can you not see the opportunity that stands here before you?" he asks, gesturing to the stonework behind him.

"I see a part of the Jedi Temple, which you stole from Lothal." the young Jedi snaps at him. "I had this portion of the Temple moved here stone by stone for you. Forgive me, but I would have thought you would thank me for this effort," he informs the young Jedi, almost hurting from the ill-temper pointed at him.

"Thank you? Thank you for destroying the Temple. For imprisoning my people? For killing my parents? Taking away my Aunt and Uncle?" the Jedi shouts at him. "My dear boy, it's you who chose to destroy the Temple. The actions of your Rebel friends require a form hand to ensure that there is order on Lothal," he informs him

"Your aunt and uncle were criminals against the Empire, wanted for treason of betrayal. As for your parents, allow me to offer what might have been, and what yet may be," he spoke, then steps to the side and offers the doorway to him.

With caution, the young Jedi stepped forward, passing the Emperor, and stood in front of the doorway. "Dinner's ready, Ezra. Ezra?" Mira calls out from the end of the hall, where the light shines.

He recognizes that voice, it was his mother. "They are waiting for you." Palpatine informs him, and the Jedi flicks his eyes at him, "Go to them. Open the door." he tells him.

Ezra looks down the hall once more "This is what you want. The life you deserve." Palpatine asks him, Ezra shook his head in disbelief, "But it can't be." he shoots at him. "Yes, it can, but you must choose to make it so." Palpatine informs him.

The Jedi looks away, pondering over his thoughts, thinking of the choices before him. "Ezra?" his mother calls to him once more. He opens his eyes and steps into the hall. Palpatine grins to himself as his plan was working.


Thrawn and Mako stride down the hall in silence, the Grand Admiral. The officer flicks his eyes down at the former Jedi as she was completely neutral in her expression.

"Ever since you've come aboard, you have been uncharacteristically quiet this entire time." he points out. She remained quiet. "Or have you finally realized that the Empire has won this fight and is unable to find found an alternative," he informs her.

The silence was her answer, Thrawn grins to himself. "Though I will admit, you were a worthy adversary, kept me on my toes even. So much like your mother, when she escaped from an Imperial transport ship. All from the help of your voice." he spoke.

A small flicker of her eyes catches his attention. "She was clever in her tactics, strategy of battle, and concur attacks. But the power she carried in her voice. That is what moved many people." he spoke in awe.

A faint chuckle in his voice, "The belief in her words, as if both her mind and heart were in it. Faults of the Tokodana royalty, both in family and military." Mako flicks to the corner of her eyes

"The Rulers would always mingle with the subjects of the kingdom, to show that, even in royalty families, there was no difference between them," he spoke, flicking his eyes away. "I've always admired the freedoms the subjects of Tokodama, but it was those very freedoms that ended the royal family and kingdom even the clone wars came it an end and the palace became a den for cutthroats, pirates, smugglers, and where you wanted to disappear," he informs her.

Eyes the young woman. She turns her eyes away, not at all bothered by this, Thrawn turns away from her. "Then there's your father," he spoke up again, her eyes flicking right at him, a tight frown on her lips.


The Rebels charge through the doors, firing at the troopers in the reactor "Base, this is team A, we're in." Kestu shouts into her comlink as she, Rex, and Hondo look around the reactor.

"Copy that, Team A," Sabine answers her as the rebels fire up at the troopers on the control panel. "What's it look like down there?" Sabine calls out as the rebels dive behind the panel below.

"Oh... it's just great. Really wish you were here." Ketsu sarcastically answers as they fired back.

But the death troopers and Rukh charge into the reactor and fire at the rebels "Our problems are multiplying. We could use some help down here." Rex answers as he takes cover.

"Team B, where are you?" Hera calls out on the comlink.

The rebels step back into the hall as they fired at the troopers, blocking their way. "We're heading towards Sector GL-44, but you know that plan we had to trap all these stormtroopers in the dome?" Zeb answers.

Then they dart off down a split hall. "It just occurred to me, we're trapped with all these stormtroopers in this dome!" he informs her. Leo fires back at the charging stormtroopers as they fired at the retreating rebels. "If you got any suggestions, now would be the time!" Leo calls out. "We got it. Ryder, close blast door 58-58." Sabine informs them.

As they reach the end of the hall, the door behind them began to close, the rebels looked back at the troopers that were cut off them from. "Suggestion made. Nice going, rebels." Leo said aloud.

"You should have a clear path to the shield generator now," Sabine informs them. They exchanged looks and ran down the hall, entering the reactor.

They hide behind the tower and look out at the firing troopers onto their fellow rebels. And on Zeb's signal, they opened fire on the troopers drawing their fire away.

"Rex, we need those towers back online now!" Sabine shouts at him, he quickly dives through into the altar of controls and fires out at the troopers, peeking out as he saw the handle he needed to pull. Right across the room.

"I can't get to the control panel. You've gotta extend the bridges," he informs her.


Chopper chatters as he quickly plugs in and began hack, the the outlet electrocutes him, shooting him right out and he falls back into the ground.

"Ugh. Chopper's been fried. The circuit was protected." Sabine shouts as she looks down at the panel. "Great now what?" Rex questions. "Find an override panel. You should be about to do it manually from there," she informs him.


Rex flinches away from the firing and then looks over to Ketsu, "Any Ideas?" he asks.

She looks at him and grins. "Yeah, but I'm gonna stay anyway," she answers and began working on the panel wall. Rex stood up and fired at the troopers.


Ezra walks further down the hall, gaining a step close to the light. But he could almost see his mother, standing in the kitchen, making dinner as she usually does.

"Ezra, I made your favorite!" Mira calls out, Ezra stood right in front of the light as Palpatine was right behind him. "The gateway will not be open forever," Palpatine informs him, Ezra shot a look back at him.

"Go now, before it's too late," he tells him. But Ezra just shook his head at his words "No. this is a lie. They died... I felt it." he snaps at him. "Ezra!" Ephraim shouts at him.

Ezra immediately looks back at the light. "Where is that boy? Did he run out again to play with Mako?" he asks his wife, walking up to the island.

"You know it is possible to change fate. There are infinite paths and infinite possibilities, but you must open the door." Palpatine informs him. Ezra flicks his eyes away from the Emperor as the idea... was alluring.

"Son? Are you coming?" Ephraim calls out again, gaining Ezra's attention.


The rebels fired at the troopers, trying to thin the herd, Ketsu just manually hacks away at the controls until it beeps. "Got it!" he calls out.

She quickly pulls back into cover as the bridge pulls out. The bridge slowly extends. Then the doors opened and in ran Melch, with a trooper right behind him. Rex took him out as Melch jumps over them and ran onto the bridge.

"Look at him go!" Hondo calls out, Melch fires his blaster, taking out one, until he was shot. "No!" Hondo cries out, Melch cries out, with dramatic, and fell back onto the bridge.

Hondo fires at the troopers and then pulls the Urgnaunt off the bridge. "Melch, what were you thinking?" he questions, pulling them behind the tower. "You're not a hero. You're a pirate, like me." he cries over his little friend.

"Even with that bridge extended, there's just too many of them!" Gregor calls out. Leo and Zeb look back at him, "We're gonna have to do something drastic." he spoke.

The two exchanged looks, then look down at the assassin as he was right in view. "All right, we'll do it!" Zeb answers and the two charge, "Zeb, Leo, don't!" Kallus calls out. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gregor calls out as Zeb jumps right past the troopers, Leo flew right after them, throwing a detonator at them, he shot at it, right before it hit, taking the troopers out.

Zeb roars, getting Rukh's attention as Leo lets out a war cry, but leaps right for the assassin. Zeb crashes into him as Leo shot at the two death troopers, taking them out and they went right over the edge.

"Wha... they're crazy!" Gregor shouts, but Kallus just looks at him, "Well, it was your idea. Come on!" he shouts they both towards the center controls and began to work.

But amid their hacking, one of the troopers, slowly sat up, raising his blaster at them. Firing at it hits Gregor right in the chest.

He lets out a gasp as he staggers for a moment, Rex looks up at his brother in horror. "Gregor!" he calls out, as his clone brother raises the trooper over his head and threw him right off the edge.

Kallus ran to the edge, watching the trooper fall over right over, Gregor staggers for a moment, gasping as he grips at his chest. Kallus turns to him, catches him, and lowers him to the ground.

But the old clone just looks at him, "Get that shield up." he orders and shoves the former agent away from him, taking shallow breaths


"Your father grew up on the streets of Tatooine, both his mother and father abandon him at a young age. But Anakin Skywalker and his mother took him in at the age of 5 and raises him as his own." Thrawn explains to Mako as they continue their walk.

Mako flicks her eyes away, "But his... uniqueness in the Force made him rise in the ranks of the Order at an alarming rate, but he never accepted the title of Master, rejected a seat of their council, making him worthy of their Order." he informs her.

He flicks his eyes to Mako, seeing the cracks in her mask. He grins to himself. "It's only of the many things that made him... inspirational," he spoke.

Mako slows in her walk, "It's a pity that he met an untimely end, it could have helped us create a better world. But chose death in the end. All that power was his fingertip. At your fingertips." he spoke, looking back at her as she came to a complete stop.

He turns and stood in front of her. "You have all that power at your fingertips and you don't even use it to gain what is rightfully yours," he informs her.

She kept her eyes lowered, looking down at her hands. "But instead you waste away your potential, resisting an Empire that cannot be defeated. If you join with the Emperor, he can show you your full potential." he offers her.

Mako finally raises her head and looks him dead in the eye, "You should have taken Ezra's offer of surrender. You may be around long enough to prevent the downfall." she finally spoke.

Thrawn steps back, surprise at her words. "What?" he asks, she nods and steps forward "But your logical mind always believes to be to one step ahead of the others. In believing you won this fight. But all you've done is ensured that your defeat is inevitable," she spoke.

Thrawn held a tight lip as he tightens his grip on his arm, "And what makes you so sure of that?" he questions. Mako tilts her head. "And here is where the understanding of the Force and all its power will forever elude you," she answers.

But before he could speak a sudden grip was at his throat, making him choke, Mako, glared at him the cuffs drop from his wrists as she raises her hand, "Because can't even begin to understand the power I possess." she growls.

Her eyes changed as her markings glowed along with her hair, which faded into gray. "Time and time again, you have underestimated me, thinking you had me all figured out, but you haven't been further from the truth." she retorts.

"But... Jedi... don't... harm..." he chokes out. Mako tilts her head again, pulling her hand towards her as Thrawn was pulled towards her. Meeting him at eye level. "When did I ever say I was a Jedi?" she answers.

His eyes widen in horror as she grins at him, the sight of her grin reminded him of a certain creature, but she shot her hand out, slamming at the wall, he lets out a shout and smacks onto the ground.

Mako stood over him, and held her hands out, retrieving her saber from his possession. "I would kill you, but you're not mine to kill," she spoke.

He groans, looking up at her as she just tilts her head, the glowing flicker for a moment as they die down. "But right now my brother needs me more," she spoke and ran through the hall, heading back towards the chamber.

Thrawn groans as he slowly props himself, panting as Mako was fading from his sight.


Ezra looks out at the gateway in front of him, "So few have a choice to live the life they want. Why deny yourself?" Palpatine questions him as Ezra steps closer, looking at his parents, and seeing the smiles on their faces.

"Mom? Dad?" he calls out, reaching for them, "Ezra?" Mira calls out. Palpatine held his hand out and the cuffs drop from his wrists, freeing his hands.

Ezra looks back to him as Palpatine quickly folds his arms. "There." he gestures to the key slot next to the young Jedi. "The control for the gateway," he spoke as Ezra looks down at it. "Activate it and you can be with your family again." he offers him.

Ezra just looks back at the gate as his parents were looking right at him, deep frowns on their faces. "What about my friends?" he asks him. "If you open the gateway, you will save your parents. They shall live." he offers him, rejecting Ezra's question.

Ephraim and Mira steps towards the gate as the glowing figure before them and they saw their little boy, all grown up. A deep frown on his face as he held his hand at the key slot it glows at his touch.

"Go on. You deserve this." Palpatine tells him and urges him. With his hand at the key and his other reaching for his parents. His parents frown as they reach for him. "Mom? Dad?" he calls out again, their hands almost touching the barrier.

"You'll always be a part of me," he tells them, they blink and smile at him. "But I have to let you go," he spoke, hurt and pain in his voice, the tears streaming down his cheeks, shutting them tight.

"NO!" Palpatine shouts as Ezra pulls his hands away and shot them right at the sides of the walls, destroying the gate. "We love you, Ezra," they said to him, one last time before the gate was gone.

The young Jedi quickly turns ran as the hall collapses in on itself behind him. Palpatine just shot his hand to the young Jedi that sprinted right towards him.

The holo flickers between the light version and the dark of Palpatine, but Ezra didn't stop, he continued forward, passing right through him. As the walls crumble in and with a bright light, destroy everything.

Ezra jumps out of the way of the wave as the temple was nothing but a rumble. Slowly pushing himself and looks back at the temple. The holo of Palpatine steps out as the image flickers, revealing the true Palpatine.

The Sith Lord Sidious.

He looks down at the ruins of the temple that was brought onto the Star Destroyer as the Jedi stood to his feet once more. "You're wrong. I have a family. I don't need anything from you." he declares to him.

Palpatine just frowns at him "Unfortunate." he answers then the door behind him opens as the Elite red guard stood ready. "Destroy him and bring me the girl, she may still be of use to me." Palpatine orders.

Ezra snaps his eyes at him and charges toward the guards. They stood ready, he slides towards them and shot his hand out, two went flying as one stood his ground, they charged their staffs that glowed just like the gateway and he was lifted off the ground.

All three joined together as they suspend Ezra in the air, restraining him. He flinches in pain, then looks behind him, seeing the rubble of big rocks.

Straining he reaches his hand out, and the rumble began to shift. Trooper charge into the room and opened fire on the Jedi. He shot his hand out and the rumble rolls right toward them, taking out a trooper.

Mako charges into the room, seeing everything. "Ezra!" she calls out, the troopers looked at her as she saw Ezra shoot out his hands. Mako shot hers out, throwing the troopers and guard right into the rumble, creating a smoke cloud.

Coughing as the clouds settle, Mako steps out, stumbling over the rocks, "Ezra! Ezra? Ezra, Where are you?" she calls out. The young Jedi steps out. "Here. I'm here!" he coughs.

Mako ran over and takes his arm. "You okay?" she asks, helping him stand. "Yeah, a little dusty, but yeah, I'm okay," he answers. She nods at him and looks at the blocked door. "We have to go," she tells him.

Held her arm out and moves the rumbles with ease, "Mako Firebreather." Palpatine calls out, the holo of him, stood before them, in his true form once more.

Ezra glares at him as Mako kept her back to him, "How beautifully you have grown. So much like your mother." he spoke. Mako lowers her arm. "You can be so much more than what you are, walk a better path. The path of power." he offers her.

She shot her hand out at him, and the sudden grip on his throat catches the Emperor off guard, as he chocks, clawing at his throat. Ezra looks away, seeing his sister turn to him.

"Do you honestly think I would ever join you, after all the lives you destroyed? I was warned about you, I have seen what you've done and I will never join you," she growl, tightening her fist.

He chokes, looking at the young woman as he reaches for her "But... but..." he chokes. "Jedi don't harm?" she finishes, Ezra steps back behind her.

Mako huffs with a grin, "I never said I was a Jedi, I was never meant to walk the path of a Jedi." she spoke, Palpatine blinks as his hands were at his throat. "Then again, I am your granddaughter," she spoke.

Both Ezra and Palpatine looked at her in shock, she raises the Emperor off the ground as he gags. "Goodbye, Grandfather. We will never meet again." she declares and Force pushes him away.

Palpatine cries out as the holo cuts out. She exhales and lowers her arms and turns to her shocked brother "Wait, what?" Ezra asks. Mako rolls her eyes, "You're the Emperor's granddaughter?" he asks.

"Can we not discuss this right now?" she questions and ran for the door, Ezra was right behind her. "Wait, you can't just drop a bomb like that and not expect questions!" he calls after her as they both ran down the hall.


Zeb began climbing the generator as Leo stood at the top one, both looking around for the assassin they took down with them.

Zeb looks down, seeing Rukh following him. "Zeb!" Leo calls out as he lands on top of the generator. "Give me your hand," he orders, offering his. Zeb kicks back at the assassin and takes the Mandalorian's hand.

He pulls him up, then looks over, seeing the assassin reel his fist back, Leo dodges the punch and kicks at him. He lifts back into the air, moving out of the way as Zeb took a strike at him.

But Rukh dodges the attack, taking hold of his arm and throwing him past him. "Zeb!" Leo calls out as the lasat cries out as he falls.

But he catches himself on the bar, "Huh?" he looks at his foot as he held on tight. Rukh growls, kicking at Zeb's foot than as he pulls out his spare blaster and aims at him.

Leo growls at him, charging as he pulls out his cylinder, igniting the blade, and slices right through the gun. He cries out in pain, holding his hand close as he looks at the Mandalorian, armed with a saber.

The shock was the only expression he had as the Mandalorian shrugs at him, "I know right, how shocking!" he shouts, using his other hand and right hooks him.

Throwing him off, "Zeb, his foot!" he calls out, the Lasat looks at the assassin, gripping hold of his foot, pulling it in, and bending the bars around it.


The two ran through the halls trying to make their way towards the bridge, but Ezra slows to a stop as Mako slows as well. "What are you doing, we're almost there," she questions him.

But Ezra just looks at her and smiles sadly. "This is where we part way, Mako," he informs her. She blinks at him, realizing what he meant.

"But Ezra, it's too soon," she spoke, taking his hands into hers. Ezra looks down at their hands, rubbing his thumb against them. "Your path doesn't follow mine," he spoke, looking up at her.

"You're meant for so much more than following after me," he spoke, she frowns, just looking at her brother. Nodding her head as she flicks her eyes down. "You knew this was going to happen and you can't change it," he spoke.

She sniffles, "I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt." she answers, looking at him as the tears were streaming down her cheeks. Ezra smiles at her, wiping away her tear. "We always find our way back to one another. Right?" he informs her.

She nods at her, sniffling as she tries to remain calm. "We're going to see one another again, no matter what," he promises her. She looks at her brother one last time, remembering the first time they met, playing together, finding each other on the streets, and surviving.

Their lives flashed before her eyes as she looks down at her troublemaking little brother whom she would follow into the depth of the darkness without hesitation.

She wraps her arms wrap around him tightly, he smiles and leans against her hugging her just as tightly. "I'm going to miss you, Ezra Bridger," she mutters. He just smiles and leans into her shoulder. "Live a full life, Mako Firebreather," he tells her.

They both pulled away from one another, Mako wipes away her tears and nods at him. Ezra nods at her and ran right past her. She stood there, for just a moment, looking back as she watches her brother leave.

She turns away as she knew if she looked any longer, she would follow him. She raises her head and exhales, calming herself as she takes off down the hall, heading for the hanger.


The Destroyers moved into position "All batteries, prepare a full-scale bombardment of the city. On my Command." Thrawn orders, his anger was showing. He was outsmarted, by the same child again and again that always a step ahead of him.

He was not holding back anymore. The turrets aim right for the city below them.

The rebels in the dome looked up at the Destroyer as they were now armed. "I think we're out of time," Hera calls out. Sabine pulls out her comlink, "Guys, now or never." Sabine warns them


Ketsu pulls the lever, "Now!" she calls out "Zeb?" Kallus calls out, the Mandalorian was in the air as Zeb climbs back to the top.

The assassin tries to pull his leg out, but the bars bend tight on his ankle. "Don't wait on me!" Zeb calls out as the Mandalorian was in front of him "Zeb!" Leo calls out, holding his hand out.

Kallus toggles the buttons and the generator's power is on. Creating that chain reaction. Zeb grabs Leo's hand and the Mandalorian flew out of range of the current. Rukh looks over at the approaching power.

Then looks back up, seeing the Mandalorian saluting him "Nice knowing ya!" he calls out, pulling his brother to the floor level.


Hera activates the power, "Shields up!" she shouts as the board was green.


"Fire!" Thrawn orders and the Destroyers opened fire, the people were about to run under fire, but the turret shots were touching them, or the city.

They looked up, seeing the shield standing between them and the Destroyers.


"It worked! The shield is holding!" Hera said with rejoicing, Sabine just exhales with relief.

"The city is safe." the captain mutters to herself. Sabine just smile at her.


"Sir, they've engaged the shields." a worker informs the Grand Admiral.

This surprise Thrawn as he turns away, "Rukh! Rukh! What's your status?" he shouts through his comlink.

"Sorry. You'll have to call back. He's busy at the moment." Zeb answers him. "Geez Zeb, what have you been eating, you're heavy." Leo groans on the line. "Hey, I'm not that heavy, most of me is muscle," Zeb answers.


Both looked back down at the body that was crying out in pain, then went limp. "Ew." the two rebels groan, flinching away from the deep-fried smoking corpse. "Oh, that nasty." Leo groans as he looks away.

Zeb pats his shoulder, "Uh... Yeah, um, never mind about calling back." he informs him, Leo just gags as he shook his head.


Sabine ran over to the powered-down droids, "Chopper?" he spoke, pulling the droid back up and looking him over, "Chop! Chop, wake up!" she shouts, banging her fist at his dome.

Chopper began to power back on, he spins his dome and turns to Sabine, chattering at her. "Oh really? Yeah, that much be tough, but can you please see if you can contact the Ghost or The Arrow? It's almost time to get out of here." she snaps at him.

He chatters at her, then turns back to the outlet and plugs right back in.


Hondo sat next to the deceased Urgnaunt, frowning as he looks away, "Once again, I have let my crew down." he pulls his face into his hands. "If only I could get Melch back, I would tell him..." he starts.

But unknown to him, Melch slowly woke with a snore, raising his head and looking at the pirate. He gets the pirate's attention as he stood back on his feet and a smile on his face.

Ready to hug the hold pirate, "...that he is fortunate to be in my service because only that keeps him alive! Ha!" Hondo spoke as he stood to his feet, his arms crossed as Melch just hugs him.

Rex ran across the bridge on the upper level, Kallus gently plays Gregor down, looking up at the old clone, and steps out of his way. Rex kneels next to him and took his hand, "It was an honor to serve you, Rex." speaking softly.

Straining in his words, Rex held his hand tightly "It was an honor to fight with you for something that we chose to believe in." he spoke one last time before he went limp. "Huh. We did it, Gregor." Rex smiles at him.

Gregor's hand went limp Rex's as he places it on his chest, "We did it." he said one last time and hung his head at the loss of his brother.


The Destroyers loom over the city, and Thrawn glares at his comlink as the doors behind him open.

The troopers turn and were fired at, and taken out. Thrawn then turns and looks at the young Jedi before him. "Looks like you lose, Thrawn," he informs him.

The Admiral just frowns at him, "A momentary setback." he informs him, Ezra aims his blaster at him. "We'll see," he spoke, very sure of himself.

"Sir, several unidentified objects have just entered orbit." his officer informs him. Thrawn just looks over at him, "My blockade will intercept them." he assures him.

"They've destroyed the blockade. Our ships are just gone." the officer warns him once again. This angers Thrawn "Get Captain Pellaeon." he orders him and the workers to open the line.

His com beeps. "Sir, they came out of hyperspace! I've never seen..." the lines went static until it was cut off. "Admiral, we have incoming." the office warns him.

Ezra just nudges his blaster, "Take a look." he offers, and Thrawn turns away and looks out the windshield.

Appearing through the clouds, the Purgils came in charging as the Ghost and Arrow were leading the charge.

Many Purgils came, big and small alike. The rebels aboard the Ghost just looked at the charging purgils "So, would you have believed me if I told you that this was Ezra's plan?" Mart asks as Wolffe just look at the purgils.

"No, but this has Bridger written all over it," Wolffe answers him, but chuckles anyway. Vizago places his hand on Mart's shoulder and chuckles "Yeah. That's why it's going to work." he agrees.

The Mandalorians on the Arrow just watch the purgils in awe. Noa'or just chuckles. "Still don't believe it. That Firebreather girl is full of mysteries," he spoke then looks down at Leto. "I like her indeed," he informs.

Leto looks away and calls out at the top of his lungs as the two rebel ships and purgils charged at the destroyers. "Battle stations, TIEs will be here any minute!" he calls out.

TIE fighters were sent out to fight them off, and the Ghost and Arrow opened fire on the TIEs as the small purgils destroy them in an instant.

The bigger ones, ram under the Destroyers, breaking the ships, one was taken out in an instance. The people below watch in awe as the purgils were a sight to behold.

Mako found herself in the hangar, feeling the familiar sense of an old friend. She ran right for the edge and looks down, seeing that the purgils have arrives.

She smiles to herself and stood right at the edge. "Freeze!" a trooper calls out, she looks over her shoulder and saw troopers blocking her way back.

Aiming their blasters at her, "Don't move!" the captain orders her, she just turns to them with a grin on her face as she slowly held her arms out. The wind wiped at her hair.

"Step away from the edge and hands were I can see them!" the captain shouts at her. But she just smiles at him, "Ta." she said and fell back, falling from the Destroyer. "No!" the trooper shouts as the ran towards the edge and looks down, watching her fall.

Her eyes close as all the fear of falling never overcame her, she rolls into herself as a purgil flew underneath her, stopping her fall. She looks down at the creature and smiles.

It purrs as it looks up at her, "Nice of you to join the party!" she shouts, then looks up at the TIEs that were trying to take them out. Mako frowns as she glares at them, "Time to end this." she spoke as her hair and markings glowed and her eye changed. Standing tall.


Hera and Sabine took a step back, "Uh, when did this become the plan?" Sabine questions. "You're asking the wrong person," Hera informs her.

They watch as some of the TIEs were strangely crashing into one another, "Uh... Hera. You're seeing that too, right?" she asks. The Captain nods at her. "Oh yeah, I'm seeing it."


Thrawn aims his blaster at Ezra as did the troopers, but their attention was on the windows as the purgils that were destroying all the airborne Imperial forces.

A muffled growl drew his attention, the Admiral looks out and saw the blue star eye looking back at him "Whatever happens next happens to both of us." Thrawn informs him.

Ezra just grins at him, "That's the idea." he informs, Thrawn just looks back at him, "You're willing to endanger your sister, who is still on the Destroyer?" he questions.

The young Jedi flicks his eyes over at the window, seeing Mako was just outside. He grins and looks back at the Admiral. "You sure about that?" he asks.

Thrawn arches his brows at him, and the knocking drew his attention over his shoulder. He sees Mako, changed, and right outside the window. Frowning deeply, she waves at him, then pats the side of the purgil's head and he flew away.

Then tethers crash through the window, and the troopers open fire, but the shots have no effect as the troopers were thrown out of the window.

Thrawn tries to make a run for it, but Ezra shot his hand out, stopping him from leaving and he went flying back and the tethers wrapped tightly around him. He fires, but they just tighten.

"Ezra? Ezra, can you hear me? The purgils, is that you?" Sabine asks and he looks at his wrist com, he grins and answers.


"Yeah! Pretty good, huh?" he informs. Sabine just rolls her eyes at him. "What about Mako? Is she all right?" she asks him again.

"If you look outside, she's doing well," she answers. Hera looks up, seeing a Purgil flying past as Mako stood a top, catches a TIE, and threw it right at an incoming TIE.

"Wow, she had a serious makeover," Sabine mutters, Mako looks at them, waving at them as Hera just huffs a smile as she waves at the passing purgil. "Well, you could've told the rest of us," Sabine informs him.


"I wanted it to be a surprise," he informs her, the doors behind him open as the troopers ran inside. Ezra turns to them and Force pushes them back.

He fires, taking them out, but he lost focus as he was shot in the shoulder. Crying out as Thrawn was loose and stepping forward.

He quickly twists back, disarming him, and shot him back against the panel. The tethers tighten around the Admiral once more.

The door behind the Jedi opens once more, but he turns back and forces close it shut. Then looks back at the struggling Admiral in the tethers.


Mako was taken to a roof and looks up, watching as the Purgils swarmed into the Star Destroyer. She smiles bitterly and looks at the one next to her.

He roars softly as she strokes his cheek. "Go," she whispers. He pulls away and flew up towards the ship.

As all the purgils latch into the ship. Their tethers began to ripple with a glow.

Hera and Sabine look in shock, "When they glow like that..." Hera starts. "They're about to jump into hyperspace!" Sabine shouts.

"Ezra! Ezra, get out of there right now! That's an order." Hera shouts into her comlink.


Ezra just looks down at his comwrist. All the glass shards slowly float and are suspended in the air. "Hera, I have to see this through to the end," he informed her.

Holding his hand out as he kept Thrawn restrained in the tethers. The admiral just struggles and looks at the Jedi in shock. "Ezra, please! Get out of there!" Sabine begs him.

He locks his eyes on the sky before him, "I can't do that." holding the Admiral and the door in place as Thrawn looks out the window, not knowing it won't be the last time he ever say the sky.


All the Rebels gathered at the central command station as they looked up at the swarmed Destroyer. "It's up to all of you now," he tells them.

The small purgils jump into hyperspace. Mako's eyes were locked onto the ship as it was last to leave. "And remember, the Force will be with you, always," he promises.

But right before the ship jumps, Mako closes her eyes as she was taken back to that space.


But as she opens them, she found herself standing on the abandoned watchtower, that was on the outskirts of the city.

It was just as she remembered when she was 16 years old. She exhales as a person steps up next to her. "Quite the view, huh?" Ezra spoke.

She looks at him, a smile on his face as he looks at her. "You loved looking out at the city. Thinking that was everything we ever needed," he spoke.

Mako huffs a smile as the wind caressed her short red hair. "It was a time for us, wasn't it?" she asks. Ezra just chuckles at her, folding his hands at his back.

"We've come a long way. Haven't we?" she asks. Ezra just smiles softly. "From street rats of Lothal..." she starts. "To protectors of the galaxy," he spoke.

They both locked eyes with each other, and she held her tears back, keeping her smile. He raised his hand and caressed her cheek. She shutters a breath, trying not to cry. "This isn't goodbye, Mako. We'll see each other again," he tells her.

Flicking her eyes down, she nods at him. Takes another breath and looks at him. "That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." she huffs. He tilts his head and presses her forehead to hers.

"We will see each other again, but live for me first, ok?" he asks of her, and without hesitation, she wraps her arms around him, one last time.

"I'll find you. No matter where you are," she promises, Ezra blinks a smile as the tears stream down his cheeks, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "I'm gonna miss you, and all the trouble you got us into," she spoke.

Ezra chuckles, sniffling as they were found memories. Mako pulls away and they both turn to the horizon as the light slowly brightens. They both just kept their eyes on the horizon, their hands webbed tightly as the warm light embodies them.


Mako gasps, opening her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watches the ship jump into hyperspace.

Leaving no trace behind, her godly glow drops as she sniffles, lowering her eyes.

The rebels just looked up at the sky, in horror as the last Jedi of the Ghost crew... was gone. The shock just rolls over them as it was not something any of them wanted or knew of.

"Um... Was that the plan? Because we're all clear up here. There are no Imperial ships left." Wolffe informs them.

The shock slowly settles as the rebels looked at each other, "Why are you all just standing out? Move!" Mako shouts through the comm, and the realization hits Sabine, "This is our chance. You heard Ezra. Let's finish this!" she shouts to the others.

They armed themselves, "Chopper, prime the thrusters for launch! We're gonna blow this place." she orders, Chopper rolls into action. "Mart, we need immediate pickup." Hera orders. "Copy that, General," Mart answers her.

"Noa'or, Katar? Still with us?" Leo spoke through his comm. "Still here. Pickup?" Noa'or answers. Leo just chuckles, "Make sure we get a front-row seat." he informs them. Noa'or just chuckles at the end.

Chopper plugs into the outlet and began hacking at the locks of the dome. As they began to unlatch with a hiss and the power of the thrusters on, the rebels wobbled in their place, staggering for a moment as Pryce kicks Melch away from her.

Ryder then uncuffs her from the rail he was restrained "You've lost, Arihnda. You should come with us." he offers her as the rebels ran for the front. "I serve the Empire until the end." Pryce snaps at him.

"So, not much longer," he states and hurried after the others. The door to the hall short-circuits as it was blown off the hinges, Pryce flinches away from the smoke as the troopers came storming in, giving Pryce a chance to take cover behind them.

The Rebels fired at the troopers, and Leo ignites his saber and repels the shots. The dome began to lift off from the city grounds.

Sabine threw out a smoke bomb, temporarily blinding them. Chopper then calls out as he threw the saber to Sabine. "Thanks," she answers as she and Leo jump up to the window. "Ready?" he asks.

She nods and they both slide at the glass and kick it open, Hondo steps out as he catches himself from falling off. "Go, go go!" Leo orders as he fires at the troopers.

One by one the rebels began to climb out the window, heading up. "Zeb, Ryder, move!" he shouts again, they both climb out the window, Rex right behind them, and hurried up, with the Mandalorian chief flying out the window and up to the glass roof.

The troopers climbed after them, firing the Mandalorian repel their shots, and hurried behind the cover with them.

As the Troopers continued to fire, the Ghost and Arrow flew out and Wolffe fired at the glass at the troopers' feet as it caves in under them. Leo chuckles as he watches both ships fly in. both ramps open and the rebels boarded the Ghost, Ryder taking out the trooper, as Leo hurried onto the Arrow.

Once boarded, the ramps closed as they lifted off. Mako stood at the edge of the roof as she watches the rebel ships take off, over the dome.

The locals stood out on the streets as they watch the Dome fly up high into the air. Leo ran up to the cockpit, "Did it blow yet?" he asks. Leto shouts with joy as Noa'or just chuckles at him.

"The show hasn't begun yet," he answers as he moves out of the way, letting Leto jump onto his shoulders

Once all the rebels were all aboard the Ghost and entered the cockpit, Hera took the controls. "It's gaining over the sea," Rex informs her.

"It's all you, Sabine," Hera informs her, the Mandalorian nods at her and held up her comwrist. "For Kanan and Ezra," she said aloud and presses the button.

The dome began exploding from random places, the thrusters began to short-circuit. Pryce walks up to the ground of the busted windows and looks right out it, standing more proud her head held high as everything around her went in the explosion.

And with a bright light, the dome went up in explosions, and a sudden weight lifted off the city. Mako jumps down to the lower roofs and stands in view. "People of Lothal!" she calls out.

Everyone looks to her "Listen! Do you hear it? The Empire no longer controls our way of life! They are no longer the figures of oppression that watch us! Lothal is free!" she shouts, everyone looks at one another as smiles brighten.

Mako smiles as she thrust her ignited saber in the air. "We are free!" shouts once more. The people cheered with her, raising their fists in the air.

The Arrow flew in as the Mandalorians got a good look at the Woman that stood over the people as they cheered. "Man, I would pity any man, thinking that can take that woman," Katar spoke up.

Leo huffs a smile, "She's a symbol of hope." he spoke. Noa'or leans over him. "A spirit that can never be broken," he spoke up. Leto chatters out as Leo rubs his head. "You better marry that woman," Katar spoke up.

The chief just rolls his eyes, "Ferrik!" he shouts as the others shouted and whistled at him. He just laughs and looks down at the woman as she looks up at the Arrow, lowering her saber. "Bring her aboard. So we can show Hera we got her," he orders and the ramp opens for her.


The Ghost is still high in the air, "Ghost to Arrow, do you have Spectre-7. I repeat, do you have spectre-7?" she calls out. The Arrow flew into view of the Ghost. "We got her, Hera," Leo informs him.

"Hera," Mako spoke up, making the captain exhale with relief. "Mako, you're still with us," she spoke with a smile. "Yeah, I'm all right. Left the Destroyer before it jumped," she informs her

Hera nods and toggles the switches "Rex, bring up every star chart along Ezra's last known trajectory." she orders as the clone gets to work.

But Chopper rolls in, chattering as he got their attention. Then they looked back as the holo of Ezra's message came on.

"If you're watching this recording, then I owe you an explanation. There were several paths in front of me."

The Mandalorians gather as Mako just stares at her brother.

"While this wasn't the one I wanted to take, it was what I had to do. Something Kanan taught me. I'm going to miss you all."

The rebels just looked at the holo.

"Zeb, you can have the top bunk back. For now. Here, I, uh, left a meiloorun in your cabin. I hope it's still your favorite."

The two Rebels just smile at the mention of their names.

"Sabine, don't forget..."

Sabine nods her head, "Right, you're counting on me."

"I'm counting on you."

"But for what?" she wonders aloud.

"Leo, Mako. Live your lives to the fullest, explore the galaxy meet new people, and make connections."

Mako smiles, Leto hops onto her shoulder as Leo webs his fingers with hers.

"And please, for my sake name one of your kids after me."

Both chuckled at his request.

"Just something to think about."

Almost as if he was there, he looks at the rebels before him, Mandalorians alike.

"I couldn't wish for a better family. I can't wait to come home."

And with the last of the message, the holo ends. The others looked among them. "Not to kill the moment, but the Empire won't just let us keep this planet. We need to prepare for how we're going to fight back." Rex informs them.

"Perhaps the Rebel Alliance will see our victory and finally send support," Kallus informs them. "No offense to you rebels, but I don't think the alliance deserves a place here," Noa'or spoke up.

"Brother's got a point," Katar spoke up. Zeb crosses his arms, "We took Lothal without them. We can keep it without them." he agrees.

The distant sounds of cheering catch their attention. "You boys may be right. Listen," she spoke.

Everyone began to hover over the city as they looked down and saw, the entire city was on the streets, cheering for the over-passing ships above them.

The remaining troopers tried to flee, but the locals of the planet corners them, letting them know their planet had no room for Imperials.

Mako smiles down at the people and presses the button for the ramp and ramp out.

She steps onto the ramp, holding the bar as she looks down at the people. Leto stood tall as he chirps at the people. "Looks like the people are with you, General Syndulla," Kallus informs her as Mart was jumping in the back to see it.

Leo steps down onto the ramp as he stood behind Mako, who smiles up at him. "If the Empire wants a fight, we'll be ready to give it to them," Hera promises.

The two ships flew overhead, the Mandalorian wraps his arm around the former Jedi's waist and pulls her in close.

~Years later...~

The fields of the plains were cut perfectly, and the watchtower renewed as the Mandalorian stood a top, leaning against the railing.

Looking out at the renewed Capital city of Lothal with the sea that stretched out in the distance.

A shadow passes over and she looks up, seeing the rebel ships that flew overhead.

"The attack we all anticipated never came."

Sabine Wren ran off the overlook and rode out from the watchtower.

"The once invincible Empire had begun to fracture. The small Rebellion had become bold."

Loth-cats watch in the distance as the speeder Loth-wolves ran with her.

"And with the decisive victory at the Battle of Endor..."

small little reptiles pop up from the plains as a marking one stood tall.

"...the Emperor's reign of terror came to an end."

the Loth-wolves ran off, leaving the Mandalorian as the marked small reptile ran off, leading the others.


A ship traveled into deep space, as a Lasat, Zeb led Kallus onto the bridge with his eyes covered.

"After the war, Zeb took Kallus along to a secret hyperspace path to the planet Lira San."

Zeb removes his hand, allowing Kallus to see the new home of the Lasat. He steps forward in awe as the door behind him opens.

"It was then that Kallus realized he hadn't destroyed the Lasat people, and that they were thriving in this new world."

The people of Lira San just looked at him, welcoming smiles as Zeb walks up next to him, his arm placed on his shoulder.

"A world where he was welcome as of them."


The Ghost flew through the air, gliding over the white clouds. Hear sat in the pilot chair.

"Hera fought in the Battle of Endor, as did Commander Rex and General Mako."

Hera renewed and different than she was before and looks down at the little one that sat next to her, a smile on his face with his hands in the air.

"By that time, there had been a new member added to the crew of the Ghost."

The young boy looks at his mother, looking just like his father. That smile brightens hers.

"Spectre-9, Jacen Syndulla. Born to fly, just like his mother."

Chopper just stood behind them, his arms in the air as if he was having the time of his life.

"And, well, we all know what his father was like."


Ships and fighters, bearing the symbol of the Toluk with the signature color. The Arrow was in the lead as the captain of the ship was pushing in new coordinates.

"Clan Toluk took to the stars, endless adventures awaited them."

The door opens behind him, making the chief grin to himself as the woman walks up and stood next to him.

"Leo fought in the war, only on occasions that suited his clan's skill set."

The General looks down at the Mandalorian chief as he smiles up at her.

"And Mako... she lives her life to the fullest, seeing every corner of the galaxy. The Lady Guardian of the Galaxy."

They both turn to the stars, and a holo of his second in command appeared. "Ready when you are, chief," he answers.

Leo nods at him and activates the hyperdrive and they jump, the ships followed their chieftain.

"Unafraid of the dangers that await them."


Sabine walks into the abandoned senate building, where they were first regarded as rebels.

"As for me, I used to think that Ezra was counting on me to protect Lothal, the planet, and the people he cared for so much."

She stops in front of the mural of the Ghost crew. The Heroes of Lothal. She reaches out and taps the painting of the Jedi.

"But one day, I realized there was more to it."

A figure appeared at the entrance of the senate, the Mandalorian turns and looks at the figure.

Dressed in white and with a staff in hand was Ahsoka Tano, the wandering Jedi with her ship behind her, and sitting on the cockpit windshield, dressing black was the dark warrior, Suri Qin.

"There was something else I was meant to do."

The Wandering Jedi was older than before and wiser in her years, The Dark Warrior bared the wisdom of her years as her scars.

"Ezra's out there somewhere, and Mako searches for him, even to this day.

Sabine just looks at the two and places her helm on, striding toward them.

"And it's time to being him home."

The Mural of the Ghost crew stood at the center of the with the Loth-wolves.

Zeb was in the back, his hand resting on Leo's shoulder as the Mandalorian Chief rested his arm on Mako's shoulders as Leto stood on her shoulder between the two.

They both stood behind Sabine, as she was right across from the Blind Jedi, who rested his hand on the fighter captain's shoulder with her little rebellious droid in front of them.

And standing in front of them was the Jedi himself, Ezra Bridger as a white Loth-cat was parched on his shoulder.

Savior of Lothal, he who walks the path of the light.

Once the three were aboard the ship, it pulls away from the Senate. Heading for the clouds.

The Mural will serve as a reminder to all that come to Lothal. They were more than just the rebels that fought for Lothal.

But were the spark a fire needed to begin the flames that saved not only Lothal but the whole galaxy from the darkness that threatened to swallow it whole.

And their story was one of many that went down as legends.

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