Into the Dragon's Den

By what_the_fawkes

112K 2.6K 342

⚠️ Please read the warnings! ⚠️ Laena Velaryon, the second of her name, was born fourteen months, to the day... More

When You Were Young
High Tensions
Let's Hurt Tonight
Stone Cold
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
Dazed and Confused
Your Sex is on Fire
Everybody Hurts
Unhappy Birthday
This is War
Dont Blink
Hard to Breathe
Bleed Well
Cold (But I'm Still Here)
I'll Be Missing You
Way Down We Go
It Ends Tonight
Love Me Like You Do
Truly, Madly, Deeply

Playing with Fire

5.9K 142 8
By what_the_fawkes

It was late the next morning, nearly midday, when Laena sat at the table in her mother's room, still in her robes, still tired from the night before. As she picked at the leftover food from breakfast, she listened to Rhaenyra and Daemon debate with one another over their children. The rest of her siblings had already broken fast and had begun their day without her.

"Clearly the children cannot even pretend to play nice, Daemon. If we stay it will only end in some kind of disaster."

"Rhaenyra, as you said, they are children. What's the worst that can happen with us here to keep an eye on them?"

"Did you see Jace and Aemond last night?" Rhaenyra cried out, "they're going to kill each other." Daemon snorted.

"I will do as you command, princess. If you want to return to Dragonstone, that is what we will do, but I do not think it wise to leave your father with the greens, not in the state he is in."

"Father's right, mother," Laena interjected. "You haven't seen grandfather in years and he looks worse than ever; he needs you here. If you like, I will keep an eye on the boys as much as I can." Daemon mussed her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"That's my girl," he murmured. Rhaenyra sighed and shook her head, but finally agreed that her father needed her more than the children's rivalry was a threat.

Laena dressed in her leathers and pulled her curls back, braiding them as best she could. Her hair was a constant battle and sometimes she wished she could have inherited her mother's tresses, rather than her eyes. At the thought of her genealogy, her mind drifted to her fathers and she felt a pang in her gut. She missed them both: her strong, valiant Ser Harwin and her warm, comforting Ser Laenor. It was all she could do not to collapse to the floor in tears.

Perhaps losing two fathers in only a matter of weeks was why she had taken to Daemon so quickly. Not only had he given her the comfort she desperately needed, but he had trained her and taught her more about dragons than Laenor or Harwin would have. She was grateful to have him as her father, but he would never completely replace the men she had lost. When Laena finally collected herself and the pain in her heart subsided, the made her way through the keep to find her brothers.

"If you aren't going to train, you shouldn't be in the yard," she scolded as she joined them. "You're only going to antagonize him." The trio's eyes all shot over to Aemond, who was conversing with Ser Criston and readying for another sparring match.

"Are we not dressed for training?" Jace countered, gesturing to his own clothing.

"Yes, but you're just standing in the corner," she complained with a roll of her eyes.

"Fine, fight with me, sister." Laena shook her head in amusement but grinned. They had sparred many times and Laena always won. "Without dual wielding..." he added teasingly. Damn him... Jace knew she wasn't nearly as skilled at holding a shield. She enjoyed the ease and movement of two blades. Behind her, she could hear the clashing and clattering as Aemond and Cole began to fight.

Laena selected her items and readied herself, sliding her arm into the shield. The blade she picked was longer and heavier than last time, and gods she hated it. She sank back into her stance and grinned at her brother. Jace struck first and she easily countered, their swords clashing. Jace was physically stronger than she was, but she was more agile. When he shoved against her shield with his own, she stumbled backward. She caught herself with a roll, landing in a crouch.

"That was low, brother." she grinned, "You would be eating the dirt already if I were armed with my preferred choice of weapons."

"Sister, you know better than that. When in battle we— "

"Make do with what we have..." she echoed Daemon's teachings, pouncing at Jace. His sword caught the edge of the shield and half of it splintered; Laena tossed it away as her brother grinned victoriously. The crowd that had been watching Aemond and Cole now observed their fight, and Laena could feel the eyes on her. Their swords clashed repeatedly and there was a collective gasp when Jace bashed her in the face with his shield, not caring that Laena was a young lady and it was hardly seen as appropriate.

"You're going to regret that, dear Jace," she sneered at him, wiping the blood from her split lip. Her brother smirked at her and raised an eyebrow, challenging her. When he lunged forward, she rolled to the side and kicked her foot out, catching him at the ankle. He stumbled to the right and she smirked knowingly. It was just too easy for her to best him. He regained his footing quickly but it was already too late; she jumped up from the dirt, fisted the back of his hair, and yanked, tugging him backward over her shoulder. He toppled to the ground and she pressed the tip of her blade to his throat.

"Too easy, brother..." she teased, scarcely aware of the applause around them. She offered her hand and tugged Jace up from the dirt.

"That really hurt, Laena," he complained, rubbing the back of his head.

"We make do with what we have," she replied with a shrug. They grinned at one another and then he gave her a shove. "Luke, you're next." Her little brother was hardly a challenge, but she longed to help him improve. Within two minutes, he had been knocked face-first into the dirt.

"I hate fighting! I'm no good at it. I'm no good at sailing either. I'm not good at anything!" He stormed off, despite Laena calling to him.

"I'll talk to him," Jace offered, hurrying after Luke. Laena sighed and shook her head as she collected their weapons. Her baby brother was so critical of himself and it worried her. He was far worse than Jace had been at that age and she could tell that the whole petition debacle had gotten to him.

"They're never going to excel if you go easy on them." She bristled at Aemond's voice, just behind her.

"Who says I was going easy on them?" she countered snidely.

"I fought you two days ago, niece. If you can hold your own against me, then you're going easy on them..." She hummed an acknowledgment and turned to face him.

"Well, the onlookers have gone, uncle. Care for a rematch?" Aemond raised his eyebrow at her. Eventually, he nodded and shrugged at her.

It was different fighting Aemond without a crowd watching. Not only was there more space to move around but there was less to distract them. When he smacked her with his shield, just as Jace had, she huffed in irritation as her lip began to bleed once more. Laena attempted the same tactic as before to rid him of his shield, but this time he was prepared. He gripped the edge of it and tossed her to the ground. The air was knocked from her lungs and she rolled, narrowly escaping his blade as he swung.

He tossed the shield, then, certain he had won. Laena took advantage of his overconfidence. When he leaned down, no doubt to say something taunting, she wrapped her ankles around his and tugged, rolling herself forward. Aemond hadn't been expecting it; he fell back and she rolled on top of him, her legs pinned around his hips; pressing her blade to his throat. The look of sheer surprise on his face was her reward.

"You're never going to excel if I go easy on you," she teased. It was of time had been suspended. They stared at each other, breathing heavily. And then she felt it—hard, solid, pressing against her thigh. Her eyes widened and she flushed, desire blooming in her gut. Ever so briefly, she shifted her hips, and then he was pressed perfectly against her the center of her trousers and she was fighting the urge to moan.

"Laena!" Her brother's voice rang out through the yard and she was scrambling to remove herself from his lap.

"Jace, what is it?" she called as she dusted herself off, refusing to look at Aemond, the heat of embarrassment rising in her cheeks.

"Grandfather has asked for you." She threw her blades down and hurried into the keep, ignoring the way her heart pounded in her chest...

"You're never going to excel if I go easy on you," she teased. Aemond stared up at her in disbelief. Even Cole had been unable to beat him for months. He cursed himself for thinking he had won before the match was over. Laena's chest was heaving as she stared down at him, the blade pressed to his throat. Her lip was still bleeding, a stray curl had fallen in her face, and her violet eyes shone victoriously. Aemond had never seen anything so beautiful and he couldn't help his cock stirring beneath her. When her eyes widened by a fraction and her cheeks went red and he knew she could feel it too. Then she shifted against him, and he nearly groaned, wondering if it had been intentional. He longed to grip her curls and tug her lips down against his. And then her fucking brother called her name. As she hurried off, the prince let out a frustrated groan and fell back against the dirt...


Laena returned to her rooms that night feeling ill. Her grandfather was dying, there was no doubt, though it was unclear how much longer he would live. His health had been deteriorating for years, and yet he had lived on. As she sat by his bed, he stroked her messy, braided hair, and spoke of how he had missed her terribly over the years. She recalled how she would sit with him as a child and he would tell her tales of Old Valyria, and suddenly she wished she hadn't lost so much time with him. Laena held his hand and spoke softly to him, and, when he fell into a poppy-induced sleep, she continued to hold his hand. Sometime later, Helaena joined her at the King's bedside.

"Hello, Helaena..." she murmured.

"Niece," her aunt greeted. They sat in comfortable silence for a long moment. And then raised voices in the corridor startled them both. Laena rose to investigate but Helaena gripped her hand.

"Black and green thread must intertwine, lest the tapestry fall." Laena blinked at her aunt as she whispered the words again, as though she were telling her an important secret.

"You son of a whore—" Laena pulled from Helaena's grasp and hurried out into the corridor to investigate the commotion...

Aemond was fuming with himself as he walked through the keep. Why did he allow Laena to affect him so? What was so special about her? She was a bastard, just like her brothers. Aegon joined him, intending to follow Helaena to see their father. Not that the king cared for any of them; all he could see was his perfect daughter, Rhaenyra, no matter how she slighted them all. The more Aemond lost himself in his thoughts, the angrier he felt. Jace and Luke were leaning against the wall near the king's chambers and Aemond's eye immediately narrowed.

"What are you pups doing out here?" he asked.

"Pups?" Jace sneered, "I'm older than you."

"And yet your little sister is far better than you with a sword." Aemond snapped. Aegon snorted with laughter

"I'm heir to the throne; my days are quite full," Jacaerys replied. "I have much more to do than train all day. Something neither of you would understand."

"Arrogant little twat," Aegon said, shoving his nephew. Aemond's hand was around Luke's neck before the boy could finish moving. Jace bucked his head against Aegon's and the prince's nose immediately bled.

"You son of a whore!" Aegon yelled. "I'm going to—" The threat died on his lips as Laena stepped out into the hall, eyes wide.

"Finish that sentence and I will remove your tongue, Aegon Targaryen. Release my brother, this instant." Laena knew Aegon was attracted to her, he had already shown her as much, but the way he immediately complied with her command gave her a smug feeling of satisfaction. "Aemond..." His glare sharpened on her and he gave Luke's neck another squeeze, before shoving him away. Laena grabbed her brothers by the hands and pulled them away from their uncles.

"Laena, you shouldn't get involved—"

"Jacaerys, if I have to remove you from this corridor, I swear you to the gods that you will never father children..." she threatened. He glared at her but tugged Luke down the hall. And then she rounded on her uncles.

"What the fuck do I need to do do?" she hissed at them, "You can't play nice for a single fucking afternoon?"

"Laena, language!" Aegon teased and she smacked him upside the head. His nose was still bleeding as Laena gripped them both by their shirts and tugged them down the hall.

"Where are we going?" Aemond asked, mildly annoyed at being treated like a child.

"Somewhere no one can witness your murders..." she growled. Aemond fought the urge to smirk. Her anger was almost adorable. She shoved them into an empty chamber and slammed the door behind her.

"Must you all be insufferable idiots?" she yelled, "Please explain it to me, make me understand why every interaction must become a fight!"

"Have you forgotten it was your brothers who took my eye?" Aemond finally sneered.

"Brother, singular. And we were children, Aemond." she reminded him through a tensed jaw. "Can't you just let it be?" He shook his head at her, unaffected by her words.

"He owes me a debt," he replied, "someday I will collect it." She stared in disbelief. After all this time he was still threatening her brother?

"A debt? Are you fucking joking?" she cried out. "I thought you said it was an even exchange, for your dragon!" she reminded him. His angry expression remained unchanged.

"Here then," she pulled her steel dagger from its sheath on her thigh and held the blade out to him, hilt first. "Collect on your debt. Right now." The princes both stared at her in shock.

"Are you fucking mad?" he asked.

"Go on, uncle." she prodded mockingly, "Collect your debt. An eye is an eye and I would gladly take on your likeness if it means an end to the discord between our houses." She stared at him, unblinking; unwavering. When he remained frozen in place, his expression unreadable, she huffed in annoyance and sheathed the dagger once more. She shook her head in disbelief, yanked open the door, and stalked away, muttering under her breath about his cowardice...

Why couldn't he do it? Why did he stare at her like an idiot? Laena was more confused than ever. Her uncles made her blood boil, in more ways than one. Sometimes she wanted to kill them, sometimes she just wanted them. Her attraction to Aegon was primal, visceral, but Aemond was different... He intrigued her, he could hold a conversation with her. He was the kind of man who would train with her, ask her to read to him... But every time they were around her brothers, they turned into morons.

Laena spent the remainder of the afternoon in the library, hiding in a dim corner. She read the words without absorbing the information. Chewing on her bottom lip, she wondered what would happen if she mounted Starfyre and flew clear across the narrow sea. She wondered what kind of adventures would await her. She went to bed that night thinking about her stupid brothers, her unwanted responsibilities, and the utter shit her family had plunged into...

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