Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.6K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Spare my life?

480 26 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

Today is the day where a bunch of shit is about to happen. I feel like October is going by slowly. I can't wait for this month to be over so I can have a nice girls trip with my friends and hopefully turn up as the city girls.

I talked to my dad when I found time and he was proud that i put the devices. Yeah yeah I was shocked to find out i made him proud considering the fact that he hasn't been impressed with my working skills since this whole thing started. I'm surprised Sthembiso didn't find anything cause i saw him enter his office looking for the devices but he didn't find them.

I'm glad he was blind during that time and may he continue being blind until its time for us to attack his family. I'm sure i have completed step two so we moving on to step three which is the final step, hopefully. I don't think i can put up with the fake dating.

Even though it's nice being with him cause he really knows how to treat a girl and knows how to satisfy a girl but it can be draining sometimes. It hurts seeing me play the child the way I'm playing him. Yes I know I said I like seeing them guys getting hurt but not in this way. I just hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me for what i did.

I'm interuppted from my thoughts by my ringing cellphone. Can't a girl get some alone time so she can think her actions through. I check the caller and its Kuhle. I wonder what he wants from me.

"Kuhlekonke Ngcobo." I greet. "I didn't do anything wrong so why are you addressing me by my full name Amukelani Mngomezulu." he says and i chuckle. "I just felt like being formal today." "Oh okay then let's be formal." "Is there an emergency?"

"Yes the emergency is about the investigation of that guy." he says. I had totally forgotten about that one, let's just hope Langa didn't do the same thing I did. "Can I call Langa and see how far he is with this thing and i might give him your number so you guys can talk without the middleman." I says. "Had you forgotten?" "No."

"She totally forgot." he mumbles. "I'm sorry but I'm sure he didn't forget. Let me call him now then I'll call you back." I say. "Okay I'll be waiting for you." I drop the phone and dial Langa's number.

"You do know I have a family right." he says. "You do know that I'm apart of that family right." I say and he chuckles. "Uright?" (Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena my favourite person in the world." (I'm good and you.) "And she wants something.." "Please don't look at it like that." "How can i not cause the only time you call me that is when you want something."

"Okay it is true but this thing is serious." I say. "Another tape?" he asks in an amused tone. "Oh shut up idiot its not that. It's about the guy i asked you to investigate." "Yeah what about him?" "Have you solved the case?" "Yes i have." "Okay good at least you didn't forget like I did."

He laughs "Do you want to know who framed him?" he asks. "It's not me it's the person that hired me. Can I send you his contact details so you guys can talk man to man." I answer. "Sure I'll give him a call." "You see it wasn't a big thing." "You still wanted something at the end of the day." I roll my eyes.

"Anyways let me go I have places to be, people to meet and money to make." I say. "Go make that money so we can spend it together cause you owe me a lot for what i did." he says and i laugh. "I'll call you once I get it." "Yes you should cause you need to show that you care about me."  I smile. "Sharp sizokhuluma." (we will talk.)"Sharp." I drop the phone and dial Kuhle's number.

"I'll forward the contact details then you shall hear from him." I say. "Ngiyabonga. You really helped me a lot." he says. (Thank you.) "No problem. Anything for my special friend." "Sharp I'll see you on Monday." "Sharp." I drop the phone.

I get up and make my bed then go downstairs to make myself food. I already brushed my teeth I just wanted to chill in bed a little while longer. I decide to go all out and make shakshuka and toasted bread. I hear a knock on the door and i groan. Why is this person coming now when I'm about to eat good food?

I open the door and i see my lovely boyfriend standing there...ohh wow look at you claiming him as yours..isn't he mine anyways...I ain't say nothing...and it better stay that way. The way my subconscious likes making fun of my situation is not okay anymore.

I give him a hug. He smells absolutely wonderful. "I wonder why you came when I was about to eat serious good food." I say. "Because I'm hungry." he says. I make space for him to enter and we walk to the kitchen. I take out two plates and i dish up for the both of us. "What did you make?" he asks. "Shakshuka with toasted bread." He nods.

"It smells amazing." he says. "Of course it would I made it." I say and he chuckles. I give the plate to him and he thanks me. We walk to the living room and i switch the tv on.

"Do you have everything ready?" he asks. "Yeah I do we just need to get ready and all is set and done." I answer. "How has your week been?" "It's been hectic with the back to back court cases. I thought i would use this weekend to rest but here I am on a killing spree." He chuckles.

"At least you will enjoy this killing spree of yours." he says. "I know I will its been a while since I last hurt somebody." I say and he laughs. "How has your week been?" "It's been okay. I've just been planning this whole thing and bribing people that need to be bribed." "Are you nervous about this whole thing?" "No I'm not." I nod.

"Oh well we need to start cleaning this place up so we can get ready." I say. "I've always known you like using me." he says. "Hawu my place needs to cleaned. I've been helping you with your place so now its time to help with mines." "Okay fine since I'm a nice person I'll help you." I smile. "Hence i agreed to dating you." He chuckles.

"Now let's start cleaning. We have a lot of things to do." I say. We stand up and start cleaning the entire penthouse.


"These masks make me look ugly as hell." he says. "I don't think so." I say. "Of course you don't cause you made sure your mask wasn't as ugly as mine." "You look really handsome. Surely there is one woman that is going to drool for you and that woman is me." He rolls his eyes. "Are you sure they going there tonight?" "Yeah and i inserted devices so we can hear their conversation."

"How did you do that?" I ask. "A man doesn't kiss and tell." he answers and i chuckle. I do a final check up and we put on our earphones so we will be able to hear their conversation through out. "Let's go my ugly partner." "It's not funny." I laugh and peck his lips. "You very handsome." He rolls his eyes and i laugh.

We get inside the car we hired for tonight and we drive off to their favourite restuarant. We get there after an hour due to traffic. "Are you ready?" he asks. "Nope but let's go enjoy the show we about to watch free of charge." I answer and he laughs. "Asambe mkam." I blush...why you blushing..shut up. (Let's go my wife.)

He opens the cabion and take out the rings. Yes we playing married couple..I don't know why we doing this but I don't care cause I want to get it over and done with. I put on the ring and it fits me perfectly. This actually looks good on me and i love it...lovey dovey time is over back to work.

"Let's go then." he says. I snap out of my thoughts and i take my bag and exit the car. We intertwine our hands and walk to the restuarant. We get inside and the waiter takes us to our reserved seats. I look around to see if I can spot them and i see them settling down. They look so cute together.

We sit at our table which is a bit far from them but we can still see them. We activate the listening devices so we can hear the conversation. "Would you like anything to drink?" asks the waiter. "Can I please have the berry sangria." I say. "I'll have castle lite." says Sthembiso. He takes down our orders and leaves.

I could hear Nthabiseng laugh. "Kananelo this isn't the time to make me laugh." she says. "But I love seeing your beautiful smile and hearing your weird ass laugh." he says and she sighs. "What's wrong?" "It's Siyanda." I raise my eyebrow. I wonder what Siyanda is going through. Probably feeling like a failure where she is.

"I wonder what she's going through." I mumble. "Something serious seeing that Nthabiseng is concerned." he says. "Let's listen."

"What's going on with Siyanda?" he asks. "Well she hasn't been herself lately. Ever since we lost both cases we haven't been talking as much as we used to and i think that Melo might be abusing her." she answers. The waiter brings our drinks and we thank him. He takes our orders and leaves.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" he asks. "It's been two weeks I think." she answers. "Why would Melo abuse her?" "His taking out his anger and frustrations out on her. Remember that him arresting Sthembiso and Manqoba was a way to distract the families so he can slide in more easily." "Yeah. I'll talk to him." 

"Let me go to the toilet I'll be back." he says and i nod.

"What if you make matters worse by talking to him?" she asks. "He needs to know that he can't put his hands on his wife." he answers. "I know that but that will push him even further." "He might end up killing her and Lusanda will be motherless." "She has always been motherless don't wonder why Lusanda was there more often then she usually is."

"Why is that?" he asks. "To try and impress Sthembiso and all that nonsense." she answers. "She lives with her grandmother?" "Yeah she does. But enough about them let's talk about us." They start talking about lovey dovey nonsense that i don't care about and i switch off the devices.

"This thing keeps getting twisted the more we dive into it." I say. "I know right. I didn't even know that she doesn't live with her daughter. I thought she was a good mother." he says. "Do you think Melokuhle might be abusing her?" "It is possible. He does look like the type that can't control his anger issues." I sigh.

"There's the waiter I bribed." he says pointing towards their table. "Okay." I watch him as he serves them their food and he looks at us then winks. "Was that his signal?" I ask. "Yes I told him to wink at our direction when he is doing what his supposed to do."

The waiter brings our food and we thank him. "Your food looks good can I taste." I say. "Don't change your mind now that you have tasted it." he says. "No i won't do it i will know what to order when we come here again."  I taste his food and it's amazing. "Nah I'm ordering this next time." He chuckles.

After a while I can see Kananelo hold his chest tightly and i quickly activate the earphones. "Kananelo uright?" she asks. (Are you okay?) "No.. i feel like.. I can't breathe." he answers. He tries standing up but instead he collapses to the ground. Nthabiseng starts shouting for help. I'm watching this drama unfold as I'm enjoying my meal.

Some might think it's very evil of me to do such but at this point i don't feel any ounce of emotion when I slowly watch a person lose their life. They made their bed so they must lie on it. The old saying goes you reap what you sow.

The people call an ambulance and i watch them leave. We call the waiter and we pay him and ask for takeaway packets. We put our food inside and leave. We get inside the car and the both of us start laughing.

"You owe me a lot for helping your lanky ass Sthembiso." I say after calming myself down. "Thank you for helping me. It means a lot. I'll show you one way of how grateful I am." he says and i know exactly what that means. This one has turned me into a nympho. "I think you need to pick up the speed so I can see how grateful you are."

Maybe I can use this later on when we actually go to war. Should it become a matter of life and death which it already is I'll tell him to remember the time I helped him so he can spare my life...

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