Call Hyungs [Jungkook Hurtfic]

By SSears90

2.8K 135 27

[Oneshot/Requested] Pre-Debut BTS has to go on a trip for a schedule. Unfortunately the company says Jungkook... More

Call Hyungs.

2.8K 135 27
By SSears90

Requested by Anonymous  


Jungkook's six hyungs were angry.

The band hadn't debuted yet and were working tirelessly on debut content, and were just informed they'd be traveling down south of the country for a schedule.

But Jungkook wasn't allowed to go.

He wasn't allowed to go because he was 15 years old and the company told the members that the event location was a 16 and up venue. Namjoon said that if Jungkook can't go, they didn't want to either but the company got angry and yelled at him.

Within the two years that the group had been a band and living together, they were never separated. Ever. Nobody was ever left alone without someone else from the group right there beside them. So this was new, and nobody in the group liked the idea of it.

They were told that the company would set Jungkook up at a staff members house. None of the hyungs agreed to that because it was a staff member they'd never met and they weren't comfortable leaving their youngest with some complete stranger, whether it was a staff member or not. Unfortunately nobody in the band had much say in the matter and just got screamed at more for 'being defiant and not good team players.'

In the end Jungkook said they shouldn't risk their jobs over it, and he'd just suck it up if he really had to.

The day came when they had to drop Jungkook off at the staff members house, who they were informed was named Igo and he was from their IT department at the BigHit building.

Igo greeted them all at his door and let them in. Jungkook had packed lightly and only brought a backpack with some clothes and his toothbrush, but his hyungs took it upon themselves to pack him a huge suitcase with other things he might need. Practically half their dorm was in the suitcase.

Jungkook didn't realize just how shy he would feel until he was actually in Igo's house. He immediately felt himself getting nervous and worried about the week ahead as he took deep breaths.

All of the hyungs started discussing to Igo everything Jungkook liked to do in his free time and all the stuff in the suitcase, his favorite foods, what time he usually goes to bed, etc.

"There's more clothes if he needs them," Jin started. "There's some games and some medicine.."

Taehyung cut Jin off and pulled out a blanket, "And his favorite blanket! It's his favorite because I got it for him. He likes to sleep with it." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook felt his face turn bright pink with embarrassment. He nudged Taehyung and whispered, "Hyung please.."

Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheek playfully," What, maknae? We all know you like to sleep with your blankie."

"Taehyung!" Jungkook cried as more embarrassment filled his chest. All of the hyungs started chuckling. He realized his hyungs were acting like a mother dropping off their newborn baby with a stranger and he hated it. He felt nervous and shy enough already and they were making it worse. At the same time he really didn't want them to go. He was going to miss them terribly.

Jimin wrapped Jungkook in his arms and rocked him back and forth. "Take good care of him please," Jimin said to Igo as he kissed Jungkook's head, "He's our baby."

All of the hyungs started going on and on about how much they were going to miss Jungkook and how he was their favorite maknae in the entire world.

"This is quite a long goodbye," Igo said. There was some annoyance in his voice.

"We've never done this before," Yoongi replied. Jimin started crying, which then made Hobi and Jin start crying too. Everyone pulled Jungkook into a hug and as much as he didn't want to, he also started crying.

"It's just a week, I'll be okay," Jungkook said reassuringly even though his own heart was hurting. Just a week.

The hyungs finally headed out on their way and Jin made sure to exchange numbers with Igo. Jin was the only one in the group with a cell phone so he told Igo to call him if Jungkook needed anything.

"And we'll be calling to check in too," Hobi said. They finally departed after more tight hugs.

Jungkook turned to Igo and the two stared at eachother silently for a moment. Jungkook gulped. He hated being so painfully shy.

Igo took a step towards him. "I hate kids. Especially the ones your age."

Jungkook took a nervous step backwards. Oh. He looked at the front door already longing for his hyungs to come back.

"Stay out of my way, don't touch any of my stuff, and then we shouldn't have any problems. Got it?" Igo said. Jungkook nodded nervously. Stay out of his way and don't touch his stuff.

Igo showed Jungkook to the guest room upstairs and told him to make sure to keep the room clean. Jungkook nodded again. He didn't know what else to say or do except simply agree to all of the rules. Which felt very foreign to him because at home he got away with breaking any rules his hyungs ever tried making. It was his special maknae privilege.

"Now just shut up and leave me alone," Igo said as he left the room.

"Okay," Jungkook pouted. He sat on the bed and pulled a gameboy out of the suitcase his hyungs packed him and lay there playing with it for a while. As the day went on he was really missing his hyungs so he went downstairs and asked if he could call them.

"No," Igo said angrily.

"But hyungs said to call them," Jungkook pouted.

"Only if you need something. In which you don't."

"I need to call them."


"To talk to them."


"I miss them.."

"I don't care," Igo slammed his hand on the counter making Jungkook flinch, "Using the phone costs money. I don't care if you miss them. That's no reason to call them. Go away. "

Jungkook didn't argue, he ran to the bedroom and cried into the pillow. He knew this was going to be nothing but a long, terrible week.

The next few days were just as lonely and terrible for the maknae. Igo wouldn't really feed him. He was only allowed to eat small snacks like bread or pretzels. He thought he'd probably actually starve to death before his hyungs got back. He also hadn't gotten to talk to them in days and his heart was broken. It seemed as though they weren't calling to check in which confused the maknae, but what he didn't know was that they had been trying to call numerous times and Igo made excuses every time saying Jungkook was sleeping or in the shower or busy with something. Sometimes he wouldn't even answer the phone because they were calling so much.

On day 3 Igo seemed to be in an exceptionally bad mood. He was angry and Jungkook didn't know why but the man was going around breaking and slamming everything. Jungkook realized that Igo was drunk and that terrified him. He could smell the alcohol even from his room. He wanted nothing more than to call his hyungs because at this point he was just scared and wanted to get out of that house. Igo wasn't letting Jungkook touch the cell phone, so Jungkook realized his only option was to try and steal it so he could sneak a call.

While Igo was in the bathroom Jungkook ran downstairs, snatched the cell phone, and ran back up to the bedroom. He immediately tried calling Jin but nobody was answering the phone.

Please please please. Please one of you hyungs pick up!

His heart was racing and he was sweating with anxiety hoping someone would pick up. The phone went to voicemail but unfortunately he couldn't leave a message because the voicemail was full.

Damnit, Jin!

Jungkook panicked more when he heard Igo coming up the stairs screaming. He hid the phone behind his back as Igo stumbled in.

"Where the hell is it, you little pain in the ass?" Igo spat.

"What?" Jungkook asked innocently.

"Don't act stupid with me! Where is my cell phone?!"

"I-I don't know," Jungkook lied. Igo walked up to Jungkook and clutched the front of his shirt into a fist. "Don't you dare lie to me."

Jungkook stared at Igo with terrified eyes and couldn't stop himself from starting to cry. He was so incredibly terrified. He was hoping maybe being honest at this point would help the situation. With a shaky hand he reached behind him and grabbed the phone, offering it back to Igo.

"I'm s-s-sorry," Jungkook whispered as he sniffled, "I just wanted to call hyungs."

Igo immediately smacked Jungkook across the face. "I told you that you were not allowed to do that!" Igo screamed. Jungkook flinched backwards and cried harder. "I'm so sorry. I'm just scared."

"I'm so sorry, I'm just scared," Igo mocked in a degrading voice, "You really are a little brat aren't you? I don't like little brats!" Igo screamed. Jungkook could smell the alcohol on Igo's breath and he felt sick. Igo started screaming at Jungkook more about incoherent nonsense and the boy could feel his anxiety taking over. He was panicking. Igo started hitting him over and over with angry fists. He finally panicked enough to try and run out of the room but Igo grabbed him by the ear and started pulling him.

"Oh, you want to leave do you? Let me help you!" Igo screamed.

"Ahh! Ow! Stop! You're hurting me! Please stop! I'm sorry!" Jungkook screamed and begged for Igo to let go of his ear as he was being dragged down the hallway. They got to the top of the stairs and Igo started screaming about how Jungkook can feel free to leave as he grabbed the maknae by the shoulders and pushed him down the stairs.

Jungkook tried to catch his fall on the steps but couldn't. His body tumbled to the bottom and on the way he both felt and heard something in his arm crack.

Screaming. A lot of it.

Jungkook curled up into a ball on the floor as he clutched his arm to his chest. This was the most excruciating pain he'd ever felt in his life. He was screaming his lungs out in pain and crying for his hyungs. He looked at his arm and it was already bruised and swollen. He hyperventilated uncontrollably as he kept crying.

Igo made his way down the stairs and walked up to Jungkook.

"Whoops," he said with no concern in his voice at all. "You should have watched your step."

"Stay away from me!" Jungkook screamed, "Stay the hell away from me!"

Igo couldn't take the screaming and crying and decided to call for an ambulance. Not that he was concerned about the fact that Jungkook was laying there injured, he just wanted someone else to come and take him so he could be someone else's problem. He called 911 and said that Jungkook accidentally tripped and fell down the stairs.

Paramedics arrived quickly and Jungkook was having a panic attack at this point. He was in a pool of his own sweat and couldn't breathe. Paramedics wrapped an oxygen mask around his face while they offered comforting words. The oxygen mask made his face sweat even more. It made his anxiety worse. They were poking and prodding him with needles as he lay there in pain before moving him into the ambulance.

Igo told them to take him to the hospital without him. Igo didn't care less about going.

Jungkook couldn't tell if he was crying because of how badly his arm hurt or because of how incredibly scared and alone he felt. Nothing like this had ever happened before, but even during the smallest minor injuries his six big brothers were always there to hug him and tell him he'd be okay.

And right now he didn't have that and he felt cracks in his chest forming into deep holes of emptiness.

"Please call hyungs," Jungkook cried to the paramedics while he was in the ambulance. They asked him for his hyungs names and number and Jungkook gave it to them before falling into another fit of screaming in pain.

He was rushed into the ER and immediately people were poking and prodding him with more needles and shifting his body around to take x-rays. He was given pain killers and other sedatives and soon his screaming turned into slow, quiet whimpers.

He was told that his arm was broken and they had to cast it, but the drugs had him so hazy he didn't quite understand what was going on or what he was being told. He kept looking around the room wondering where his hyungs were. He wasn't even too sure what happened anymore or why none of them were there.

His body started to feel really heavy and the sedation was starting to make him feel really dizzy. He stared up at the lights on the ceiling and couldn't help but have the irrational fear that he was going to die alone here. His eyes kept closing and opening again.

The sedation eventually knocked him out cold.


Jin got a call from a number he didn't know.

"Hello?" Jin asked. A receptionist started explaining to Jin that they had Jungkook at the hospital because an ambulance had brought him in due to injuries.

"Injuries?!" Jin screamed, "What the hell do you mean injuries?! How did he get hurt!?"

Yoongi grabbed the phone from his hyung and put it on speaker, asking the receptionist to clarify. The receptionist said that they got a call about a boy falling down the stairs and needing to go to the hospital. The members completely broke down crying and panicking. They asked if he was okay but the receptionist said that was all the information they could give over the phone. The hyungs said they were on their way. They tried calling Igo but he didn't pick up.

They immediately packed up everything and demanded that someone bring them home, as it was a rather long journey back to Seoul. The hours back were full of panic and dread. The members hugged eachother crying trying to think of every possible scenario of how their baby could have fallen down the stairs and gotten so hurt. Their chests filled with dread when they thought of how scared he must be.

When they arrived at the hospital they were immediately brought to Jungkook's room. He was fast asleep.

"Oh our little Jungookie..." Hobi pouted, "He looks terrible."

Jungkook was still caked in sweat and now had a cast on his arm. They could see the swelling and bruising underneath it. He also had a black eye. He had dark circles under his eyes and the hyungs just knew the poor boy was exhausted. Taehyung dropped his head onto Jungkook's chest and turned into a sobbing mess.

"There's another thing," the doctor said. He gently pulled up the hospital shirt Jungkook was in to reveal more bruising on his chest and ribs.

"Is that from his fall?" Namjoon asked nervously.

"It seems to be," the doctor said. He informed them that the bruising would heal just fine, Jungkook didn't have any other broken bones besides the arm. The doctor left them to be alone.

The hyungs sat around him waiting for their youngest to wake up. Jimin caressed Jungkook's forehead gently and sang to him. They were all overcome with extreme guilt.

"I knew it," Jin said as he wiped his tears, "I knew we shouldn't have left him alone with someone we didn't know. "

"This could have happened no matter who he was with," Yoongi said.

"It wouldn't have happened if he was with someone who was more protective. Like us!" Jimin cried.

"It was an accident," Yoongi replied. As soon as he said it he felt anxious as the thought popped into his head that he at least hoped it was an accident.

After a while Jungkook finally started to stir awake and as soon as he opened his eyes and saw his hyungs he held his good arm out and started crying. They all hugged him and started crying again. They apologized over and over for leaving him alone in the first place. They planted kisses all over his face a million and a half times, telling him how much they loved him.

"How did this happen, bunny?" Namjoon asked. "We were told you tripped and fell?"

"No." Jungkook could feel the anger course through his blood as he was coherent enough again to understand where he was and what happened. "Igo was really drunk and he was hitting me..I tried to r-run..." Jungkook could barely talk through his tears, "and he pushed me down the stairs."

All of the hyungs froze. Jungkook saw their expressions instantly turn from concern to pure blood boiling anger. Their faces were practically purple.

"Excuse said..he...was hitting you...and" Yoongi said with unbelief. Jungkook nodded.

Yoongi instantly started screaming about how he was going to beat the hell out of Igo as soon as he could and Jimin offered to join him.

"Nobody touches you! Nobody!" Taehyung screamed.

Jin wanted to throw up. He asked Jungkook what happened the entire time they were gone, if Igo had hit him previously beforehand, why Jungkook never tried calling, etc. Jungkook told him everything that went on. How he couldn't call, how his bruises on his chest and ribs were from getting beaten, how he wasn't allowed to eat much. The members were even more angry.

"Our poor baby!" Hobi cried. He grabbed Jin's cell phone and called the company screaming into the phone about what Igo did and how he needs to be fired immediately and how they planned to press charges.

Jimin was wiping strands of hair from Jungkook's sweaty forehead. He kept asking the maknae if he was okay and saying that hyungs were going to take care of this. Jungkook cuddled up in his hyungs arms and for the first time in days took a deep breath and relaxed. He finally felt safe again.

A few days had passed and Jungkook was home and recovering well. Yoongi and Jimin had gone to Igo's place to get Jungkook's stuff, and to beat Igo up, but Igo seemed to have gone missing after the police had been called on him. The company informed them that Igo had been fired.

"Good, because if I ever see his face again, I'm going to bash his skull in," Yoongi threatened. Jimin nodded in agreement. Yoongi actually did go out one day and returned home with a baseball bat, "Incase that bastard comes back."

Jin and Namjoon spent a lot of time scolding the company for the placement they put Jungkook in. Saying half of this had been the staffs fault. They told the company that they absolutely refused to ever leave Jungkook with anyone else ever again for the rest of their lives, and not to bother ever arranging a schedule that all seven of them weren't permitted to going to together because they weren't going to go.

The hyungs were glad to see Jungkook recovering well. He was getting loads of cuddles, medicine, and food. Hobi had been cooking a lot after knowing Jungkook was almost starved to death. They told Jungkook how cool and badass he looked with a cast on his arm.

Jungkook had fallen asleep on the couch while they were all watching a movie. Taehyung ran and got Jungkook's favorite blanket and put it over him.

"Our maknae is so cute," Yoongi giggled.

"Yeah. Key word our because we're never letting anyone else take care of him... ever," Namjoon said.

The rest of the members nodded in agreement.

"Ever," they said in unison.

[The End]

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