Brawl Stars x Reader

By g00mb13

8.3K 156 80

Welcome to this fanfic! I recommend reading the "Request's info" So you can have an idea of what i write and... More

Request's Info (Closed)
A perfect heist | Belle x Reader
Byron x Reader General Headcanons
Fang x Reader Relationship Headcanons
A Sheriff's Confession | Colt x Fem Reader
Grom x Reader Headcanons!
Starry Night || Stu x Reader
Buster x Reader || Night in the Movies
Chester x Reader || Picnic Pranks (Fluff)

Ash x Reader || A really Trashy Confession

731 16 8
By g00mb13

Personal Note from the author
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Just bringing a new x reader!
I just wanna say thanks for all the support! Also this one fanfic was really hard , sorry to all the scottish people who will have to watch me try to include scottish phrases and accents even thought i know nothing 😭, i hope y'all enjoy this!
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You've been working at pizza tower for a while , a medieval themed generic pizza place full of...children and of course , pizza.

The people who worked here honestly looked like they needed to be sent to a psychologist from the horror they have seen and endured from children here , but that's not the point

The place had been looking for new hires since everybody who had ever worked here ended with their sanity gone , this of course it's an exaggeration but you may fear this might be true , since you've meet Grom and Ash , they didn't seem very happy to be here , Grom was afraid to death of children and Ash.. Ash was just angry , he was fragile ,but not in the flower kind of fragile , fragile in the BOMB kind of way 

But you've always admired his courage.
. . .
You finally start to feel yourself waking up

The birds are chirping and you feel as the rays of sun hit your skin , soon you hear the alarm go off

"-Ugh.." you tried to reach for the Alarm but as you saw it didn't turn off , you finally opened your eyes on annoyance 

You got off bed and brushed your teeth and took a nice bath , to end this routine with putting your uniform on , you packed yourself a quick meal which seemed to be  toasted bread and jam with an half empty juice bottle 

You walked for some while admiring the other places in the distance , there were some brawlers hanging around and saw some on Star Park was dangerous but good 

You finally standed in front of your Job and checked in , as soon as you stepped in and opened the doors you could see children running and screaming , either from fear or from playing , or maybe it was just Grom the one screaming.

You quickly left your belongings in the workers place and rushed to help , you went into what seemed to be... children chanting? , You went into the massive crowd of children to try to see what was going on until you finally saw it.

It was Grom being tugged by a couple of children , somewhere on his back and some were..biting his legs? , from your mind you could probably guess they were trying to take him down or something , you could see Grom trying to shake all the little pests off while holding a petrified look on his face, you knew how he felt towards children, and you wouldn't let him deal alone with this

You quickly started shooing the children and placing them to the ground, "Shoo! Go play in another place! Shoo shoo!" , To be honest it was a weak technique but it worked, You lifted your view only to meet Grom absolutely Frozen in place , probably from this traumatic experience with the kids 

"...Grom? Are you alright?" , He shook his head and started holding that particular forced smile he always had under that hoodie ,you were starting to worry

"Hey listen..if you aren't ok you can go take a break , i can cover you up for the rest of the day" you said warmly towards him 

Grom took some time to answer until you finally heard him: "Are you sure Y/N? This seems like too much work for you!" He said with a bit of worry on his tone 

-"Whaaat? Too much? There isn't too much for Y/N , I'm strong!" you replied , to be honest you weren't that strong but you really wanted to do your good deed of the day by helping a friend 

"Dont say i didn't worry ya!...."but anyways , thank's Y/N , you really saved me there"  you heard his tone soften up as he held his fist wanting a fistbump 

You quickly fistbumped him , -"Hell Yeah dude , i have your back"-  , You said enthusiastically and Grom noded "Hey Y/N , Tell Ash i'll be gone for a couple of hours , until then , до свидания!" 

You lifted your thumbs up as a sign of "I will do it" as he began to walk away.

You sighed and clasped your hands nervously , to be completely honest , it WAS a bad idea to get in charge of a job of two. You really hope it wasn't some kid's birthday today , those things sure get messy. 

 you tried to get lost in your train of thoughts as a distraction from the mess around you , but soon enough you heard a loud crashing noise followed by someone screaming insults , you quickly turned your head to the direction of where that noise came from and stared at the obvious reason: Ash.

It seems like some random kid came running towards him while sweeping and made all the trash fall again onto the floor , or…at least that's what you could get from the view , It was Ash pointing at some kid and screaming at him , but the kids weren't even paying attention 

You approached the situation and stared at Ash while he continued yelling at the kids , but when he realized you were literally behind him he immediately stopped and looked embarrassed , he faked a cough and quietly but awkwardly continued sweeping the floor glancing at you a few times again

"So…" You awkwardly said , and to be honest? your way or working was returning the same energy as other people gave you , so if ash was being awkward , so do you.

You stared at the trash he was picking up and leaned down to help picking more up , He stopped for a second to see what you were doing and then continued

"Hard day uh? Maybe next month we'll get a day off or two" You tried making a quick chat 

Ash answered with some mumbles

-"Excuse me?... sorry i didn't heard what you say" you twirled your fingers nervously

-"I said …" as he continued mumbling with a bit of impatience 

You noticed he was running short of patience tried to play it off and make it seem like you heard him

"Oh! Oh haha , Yeah.. totally" you returned the comment with a big smile 

Ash looked up at you and sighed 

"Sorry Y/N , yer know i'm a bit of a crabbit sometimes , and this headache is killing me!" 

-"Oh! I have some pills if you want some?"

"Nah , no thanks Y/N , already popped a pill , i'm gonna get better soon" He smiled a bit at your gesture

"Hey Ash! How about i help you leave this place clean in about 5 minutes?" You cracked your knuckles and were obviously bragging about cleaning skills that were unmatched from a real expert like Ash

Ash stared at you and blinked a few seconds and then chuckled " But yer got delicate hands! , sorry Y/N but ya need real experience for this!" He nodded proudly of his work

You returned the stare and tried to play it smug -"Pfft…How hard can it be picking some stuff up and placing it on a bin?" 

" comes the hard part" he glanced to the side and saw some kids leaving nacho leftovers at the ground and messing the walls with some crayons 

You stared at the same place Ash was pointing at "Oh , Eww , But i think i get it now…" 

Ash replied "Aye , are yer backing off or nae?" 

"Not at all! I will fight to become your second in command…my noble Trash Knight" you twirled and bowed at him jokingly

Ash immediately blushed red in embarrassment "Haud yer wheesht" he said with a bit of laughter on his tone before brushing it off

"Ok! Time for yer basic training!" Ash said lifting his broom up

"Ner'er scrub fresh ketchup with water and soap , Always use tissue!" "Second , be canny of yer surroundings , those wee weans are smarter than yer think.." 

You nodded in acknowledgement at his tips for being a "successful janitor" 

"An number 3…most important , NE'ER go onto a ball pit , those things go awry, if yer do , stay at onesel" , You quickly wondered if he ever got stuck at one , it was a funny vision to giggle at.

You continued staring at him while he continued explaining about the job and what you should do and what not , at some point he redirected the conversation to a ramble about his work and it was slowly building up into a raging ramble about how awful it was working there and about the annoying kids he had to encounter , at some point he was even walking in circles while talking about it

"Would yer believe it?! , those wee weans just threw trash to ma heid! , Like I wasn't even there!" 

"Ash?" You then said trying to catch his attention

Ash , fast enough , stopped walking and turned into your direction


-"I don't know if this helps but , i appreciate that you're talking to me about this stuff , so maybe you wouldn't have to pent up all this rage" maybe you were a little direct with your words , but you felt really appreciative today

You could swear you saw that little window he had for a face turn all red , as you watched him trying to find his words again

"I- Ay , Thanks y/n" he paused for a moment 

"Aefauldlie i feel safer amang yer prescence , hope yer don't mind" he twirled his fingers and played with his gloves but as soon as you noticed , you decided to take your guess

"Oh i'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" 

You saw Ash jump at those words

"Nae! It's not that!" He got closer and tried to reassure you panicking a bit

"Ah'm not awkard! , i must admeet i find yer prescence…overwhelming" 

He said tugging his gloves nervously again 

"What…?" You said feeling a bit hurt at this

"OCH! NAE! i meant…yer aaritch! I just" He was stumbling upon every word and every action he made , Ash didn't usually act like this.

"I like you!" He said almost screaming in pure sweat and panic at the thought of ruining this friendship with you , possibly in a good way or bad way 

Most of the kids suddenly stopped playing making a loud silence in the place , some even began whispering little's "What happened?" ,  Ash quickly turned around breathing heavily and ran away outside while looking both ashamed and goofy at it 

You just kinda stared in disbelief of what happened , Ash? Having a crush on you? Of course the word "I like you" has a lot of meanings but the way he reacted made it seem so obvious , You never thought about the idea of you and Ash together , i mean , his company always made you feel good and warm and you thought he was cute and- , Oh my stars ,you also had a crush on him didn't you?  You probably just never sat and thought of it before , you felt a little blush creep into your face while at the same time feeling a little panic from the situation , Classic "Meant to be Lovers who misunderstood the situation from lack of communication" trope , you couldn't let this happen! 

You quickly ran after him

"Ash! Ash come back!" , how was he so fast with his little short legs? 

You finally reached a place near  Pizza Tower where you found Ash sweeping the floor and picking up some trash frantically , probably from trying to distract himself from the stressful situation

"Ash! Why did you run away?" You said trying to recover your breath from running , you just weren't used to it at all probably

He sighed and just kinda sat down , awkardly because of his cubic shaped custome restricting him from moving freely

You furrowed your eyebrows and  sat down next to him 

'Hey , we're cool right? , i have been thinking about it and…i like you too" you smiled at him as a blush spreaded on your face.

Ash finally looked up at you and had a mixed expression that looked either embarassed or really happy 

"Hope yer don't mind the trashy smell then" he laughed a bit at his own comment , You laughed at this too and placed a hand around his shoulder while leaning agaisn't him

You could inmediately feel him tensing up at the touch and you decided to slowly unwrap your hand , but as you were doing it you felt a hand wrapping around you too 

Ash was finally hugging you back and he looked in absolute piece , i mean , this explains everything! , you could finally rest in peace (not literally) knowing that he was just awkard and calmed down inmediately because he had a silly little crush on you , and so did you have one on him

Ash continued with the hug while patting your back , you two finally came to terms and now you had a new trash boyfriend , of course , in a non insulting way

Suddenly Ash snapped his eyes open , as he quickly pushed you a bit to let go of the hug

"Uhm.. Ash? Is there something Wrong?"

Ash stared back at you with panic in his eyes and replied

"We left the kids alone" 

You then felt the absolute horror as you two quickly got up and began running back to the place , not knowing what kind of sticky or unpleasant mess you two may find , but atleast it will be together.

The end

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