By rose123410

253 5 0

It's the school festival and the "2A" class (yes, they'll be in the second year here) will have a maid cafe... More


253 5 0
By rose123410

The count was over, everyone was waiting for the final decision, teacher Aisawa had a small piece of paper in his hands which contained the result, he was going to say it, it was time to find out what the theme for the school festival would be.

"A cafe maid..." said the teacher with his typical tired tone of voice.

Most of the men jumped with excitement, of course, except for two of them, who honestly had no interest in that kind of thing.

"Wait, that's unfair, we're less than them!" Uraraka complained, "Obviously they were going to win!"

"It's true they took advantage of the fact that they are men and they all wanted the same thing!" Mina said, she was also upset about the issue.

"Hey little rose, don't bring me into this!" Katsuki yelled since he hadn't even voted. "Besides, what's the damn problem? It's just clothes!" They were making a fuss about nothing.

"I didn't vote for that topic..." Izuku muttered pouting, he wanted to do a superhero play.

"Aisawa-sensei, please say something..." Asui asked, she also found it uncomfortable to have to dress as a maid, the aforementioned yawned, then raised his voice and said "silence" with that everyone closed their mouths.

"The results cannot be changed since the majority decided that... "the teacher saw the disappointed face of his female students "However, the girls can add something to the topic to make them feel more comfortable..."

For some reason the boys had a bad feeling. In just a few seconds the girls got together and started gossiping among themselves.




"Okay Aisawa-sensei, we've made up our minds" Uraraka said with a big smile.

"Okay, say it so I can add it to the registration form" he said as he took a pen.

"We want it to be an inverted Café Maid" the older one noted what was said and then left the classroom.

Everyone was silent for many seconds and then several of the men left the place at full speed to catch up with their teacher, for no reason would they dress as maids.

"Hey, why the hell did you do that?!" Katsuki yelled.

"Kacchan, please calm down..." Izuku asked when he saw that he was being rude to his companions.

"Shut up Deku!" he replied.

"I don't see the problem, besides they're just clothes" answered the brunette with a smile on her face and made her remember what he himself said just a few minutes ago.

"Don't play funny, round face!" he yelled angrily, before he committed a murder, Izuku got between them.

"Please calm down..." the freckled boy asked again with a pleading look, Katsuki looked in another direction and frowned.

"Yes, listen to your boyfriend" Uraraka had become a bit annoying since she found out that they were both in a relationship.

The brunette crouched down as fast as she could before receiving the explosion that the blond launched, after which he left the classroom muttering multiple insults.

"Uraraka, you don't have to bother him... " Deku said letting out a sigh at the end-Besides, I agree with the other boys, I don't want to dress as a maid and I'm sure Kacchan doesn't either.

"It will look good on you Deku-Kun, you have the face of a woman" the aforementioned felt offended but at the same time he knew it was true, then he made a depressing face

"But I don't want that..." he trailed off before saying what he was thinking.

"What did you say?" Uraraka asked not listening to him.

"N-Nothing" the girl raised a confused eyebrow.

"Well, anyway, I'm sure Bakugo-kun will do a good job.
I work as a maid" she seemed confident in what she was saying "I have a plan for that to be the case" A mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"U-Uraraka... What are you going to do?" Her friend was always kind, but somehow when it came to Bakugo they both argued a lot.


Classes had ended, unfortunately for the boys the form was sent and with it their dignity.

"Bakugo-kun, a first year girl says you have a shitty face!" Uraraka yelled from the classroom door, the way she said it made it clear that the message was from herself.

"What did you say round face?!" For obvious reasons Katsuki got angry.

"I said you have a crap face!" an awkward silence formed among those who were still present, one of them was Izuku with that said he gave her the middle finger and then ran off.

"You're dead!" Katsuki didn't hesitate for a second to follow her, Deku went behind them worried about what was going to happen.


Ochako headed for the first year classrooms and Kacchan didn't take long to get there, he was angry, and with good reason, Uraraka had crossed the line.

The blond opened the door abruptly but he instantly realized that there was no one in that place, except a small girl.

"Shit," he said when he couldn't find the chestnut, he turned around ready to leave but the unknown girl spoke to him.

"I feel negativity in your aura, have you had a hard childhood?" he asked, the opposite raised his eyebrow in surprise.

"And who the hell are you?" He didn't know why out of nowhere they had spoken to him "I'm busy, don't bother me..." he was rude as always.

"Do you have any problem? You feel lonely? Any self-esteem problem?" The girl's voice was slow and soft "Do you feel tired...? Sleepy?" Katsuki's eyes began to close, what was happening? Even he didn't know it, a sudden tiredness had invaded him and he continually turned to sleep.

"Kacchan, please don't do something crazy!" Izuku finally managed to reach him, it had been difficult since he had gotten lost in the corridors.

"Sleep..." at that moment the blond's body fell on the girl "Aaah weighs, Uraraka-sempai!" the aforementioned came out of her hiding place, she was hiding under one of the desks.

"Huh?" The freckled man said when he noticed that scene "K-Kacchan?" He approached to remove the body of her unconscious boyfriend from her" What happened?"

"I told you I had a plan!" Uraraka said with a smile on her lips.
"And she's helping me with this," he pointed to the girl.

"Uraraka, don't do unnecessary things, Kacchan will get very angry... Besides, why do you ask a kohai to use her quirk for this? Neither I don't even know what you're going to do."

"It will only be for the festival, after that everything will end" he said simply "Besides, she didn't use any quirk, this is something she learned by herself, it's called hypnosis... And it's not free either..."

"Is he charging you?" he was incredulous of what he was hearing, this was becoming a bigger problem.

"I won't pay him, you will" Uraraka said.

"What?!" Izuku sometimes couldn't handle his friend's crazy things.

"Come on say it" the brunette made a sign to the girl and she nodded.

"Bakugo-senpai... at the count of three you will wake up and give Midoriya-senpai a passionate kiss..." the face of the last one turned red-One...

"W-Wait! What?!"Izuku tried to stop her "N-Don't do it."

"Two..."Uraraka seemed to be enjoying this "And three.

The blond's eyes widened slowly and then he began to look around, he was very calm, that was something rare for him, without noticing Izuku's gaze met his eyes.

"Kacchan?"Katsuki slowly wrapped his arms around his neck, the freckled boy's heart began to beat a thousand per hour and the blush did not fade from his face, without anything else to say he started a fiery kiss
"Wait..." he tried to get away, but he was unsuccessful, the kiss was so deep and hot that Katsuki began to make some strange noises, at that moment Izuku heard a click coming from the girls, when he looked at them he realized that they were they were taking pictures "Hey..." despite wanting to speak again her lips were trapped madly.

"Come on, it's not news that you're dating, she just wanted a picture of you kissing" Ochako commented "In return she'll help us with the school festival, you know Bakugo-kun wasn't going to accept, and if for some strange reason Had he done it, he would have done it grudgingly and the customers would have left."

Katsuki began to take Izuku's breath away, the unknown girl, noticing it, approached them.

"Bakugo-senpai go back to sleep..." he whispered very close to them, the blond closed his eyes and fell into the freckled boy's arms.

"What just happened?" Izuku asked, he was panting from that kiss.

"It's called a trance..." answered the unknown girl "While he's in that state, he'll do whatever I ask, even if I tell him to have sex right now, he'll do it" Midoriya got scared.

"Th-So what are they going to do?" she asked fearfully, she would put her trust in her friend even though she didn't really trust her.

"Well, according to Uraraka-sempai they need him to behave well for their cafe maid so this order will not affect him too much, it will only be used that day..." Izuku didn't know how to react to that "I need a keyword that activates the order, it has to be something they don't say normally."

Izuku and Ochako looked at each other, and then they began to think, a word that almost never appears in their vocabularies was something difficult to look up.

"I know..."Midoriya said, he would say a very difficult word so that the others wouldn't have a chance to hypnotize Kacchan, the girls looked at him attentively"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious..." a long awkward silence formed between them.

"What kind of nerd knows the phrase of Mary Poppins?" asked the youngest with an expression of disbelief and horror.

"Apparently Deku... and the author..." Uraraka answered.

Midoriya felt offended, saying that had made him look like an idiot, although he was sure Katsuki would have thought he was.

"Well, it doesn't matter, that will work anyway" he approached the blond again "Bakugo-sempai... when you wake up you'll forget you were here and how you got there, you'll just think you're in this place by mistake... too when you hear the word..." he began to think how he would say something so complicated, but in the end he succeeded "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Deku swallowed saliva, apparently it wasn't as difficult as he thought "You will become a polite and cheerful maid..." Izuku She felt chills just thinking about it "on the count of three you'll wake up and leave school since it's time to leave, one, two and three..."she snapped her fingers.

The blond's eyes widened and the first one he ran into was Deku

"H-Hi Kacchan" Izuku said, he couldn't hide his nervousness.

"What the hell are you doing here? Walk, we have to go back to the bedrooms" she began to push him out of the classroom, she hadn't even noticed the two girls.

"Kacchan, don't push me..."

"Fuck off Deku..."


The weeks passed very quickly and with that the UA school festival finally arrived, the room was well organized, the tables were well decorated and the maids were well dressed.

"HAHAHAHA" Kaminari and Kirishima weren't afraid to make fun of the Bakugo set.

"Shut up you stupid idiots!" Katsuki demanded, Master Aisawa had threatened to deduct points from those who didn't dress as requested "Damn... Why is this skirt so small?" He complained as he tried to lower it to no avail.




"Exactly Uraraka... Why is Kacchan's skirt so small?" Izuku asked, pressing until it burst a small box of juice that was delivered to him a few moments ago.

"Don't be mad at me, it was Momo who made the costumes, not me" replied the brunette, her friend seemed a little annoyed.




"Hahaha Bakugo, you have nice legs" Kaminari said as he lifted her skirt with a strong wind that was caused by his hands and which passed under the cloth.

"Stop fucking idiot!" Katsuki yelled again.

Izuku looked at that scene with a characteristic smile of his, but inside he wanted to hit Kaminari with the one for all 100%.

"Okay, Deku-Kun it's time to say the word, the customers are about to arrive" Izuku seemed focused on what Kaminari and now Kirishima were doing to annoy Bakugo.

"Uraraka forget that word, I don't want Kacchan to change" asked the freckled boy, Uraraka ignored him and simply approached Bakugo-No Uraraka...!

"It took me time to memorize that word, now I'm going to say it" said Ochako "Hey Bakugo-Kun!"  she began to approach him more quickly.

"Don't bother me round face, I'm not in the mood to put up with your Voice..."

"Have you seen the Mary Poppins movie?" she would begin with a question so that later it would not sound so strange.

"Who the fuck would see that thing?" Bakugo seemed puzzled by that question.

"It's true that it's strange, but it has a well-known phrase..." he stopped for a few seconds, the opposite raised his eyebrow without understanding what she was getting at "That phrase is... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

At that moment something clicked in Katsuki's head, everything had changed.





Some were scared, others just couldn't stop laughing, and yet another was about to explode with jealousy.

Katsuki Bakugo was smiling brightly as he ushered the customers to their respective tables and then offered them something to drink, all of which he did with unimaginable kindness.

"This scares me..." Kirishima mentioned, "Why is Bakugo acting like that?"

"Hahaha Don't ask, this is very funny" Kaminari couldn't stop laughing "A moment ago I asked him to pose for a photo and he did hahahaha, damn I got stuck."

"Everyone is looking at Kacchan's legs" Deku said, his eyes were so wide it was scary.

"Was the maid Yandere role Midoriya's?" Kirishima asked "I thought that was Todoroki's job" he turned to see the aforementioned and he also observed him and approached.

"They took away my plastic knife," said the two-colored boy.

"That was because you tried to nail someone!" exclaimed Uraraka.

"I thought that was my role," he replied calmly as he shrugged.




The minutes passed, and everything went according to Uraraka's plan, Katsuki did not stop smiling, his kindness was more than you could imagine, even a moment ago he drew a ketchup heart on an omelette with the phrase "I Love You"

Izuku couldn't take it anymore, for that reason he didn't want Katsuki to dress as a maid, he knew that many people would see what only he could carefully observe in his privacy, that was Kacchan's legs.

From the beginning there were several men and women looking at him, which was stressing him out, he could keep calm but he didn't know how long it would last.

"Kacchan, don't you want to take a break?" asked Izuku as he approached him jealously and looked away from the rest of the people "You've worked a lot, you should take a break..."

"What are you talking about, Deku?" he smiled kindly, the freckled man felt a chill just by looking at him "I have to serve all the customers."

"But... You've worked very hard, just rest for a moment" he asked again "I'll serve the customers for you, yes?"

"Fuck you Deku" Katsuki said, although his voice sounded very sweet as he said that "I told you I have to attend to all the customers" he chuckled at the end as he turned around to continue with his work.

"He insulted me, but somehow I liked it..." Izuku muttered pouting "It's not fair..."




Bakugo didn't seem to get tired, even thanks to him more customers had arrived, he had been handing out flyers throughout the school, that's how everyone found out about the cafe maid.

"Kirishima brings the order for table five!" Kacchan yelled. "And you Deku, stop wasting time and bring the drinks!" Somehow he had become the leader of the maids.

"Bakugo! At which table did you say you wanted the orders?!" Asked Kirishima, who was carrying a tray full of desserts in his hands, it was very difficult for him to hold all of that since he was wearing high heels that caused him to wobble.

Izuku was also the same, it was too difficult for him to walk in heels, he didn't understand how women managed to wear them without feeling that at any moment they would fall face down on the ground.

"The orders go to table five!" Katsuki exclaimed, although he didn't need to shout since he was a few steps away from him, this time Ejiro managed to hear him clearly, but what they least expected happened.

At that moment, Kirishima did not realize that his feet tripped over the leg of a table and then collided with Bakugo, the blonde, noticing this, tried to grab what the opponent had in his hands, but, at that same moment, Kirishima also he tried, which was not well coordinated by both, their bodies became entangled as if they were a pair of ropes and finally they both fell, although not in a "decent" position, rather it was a very indecent position.

Katsuki's butt was sitting on the redhead's chest, his back was in front of his face, and his skirt had risen up over his face.

At that moment, a loud metallic sound was heard, due to the fear of witnessing that scene, Izuku had dropped the tray of drinks he was holding in his hands.

"Why did you drop that?!" Bakugo exclaimed when he noticed that the freckled boy had also thrown away the order from table five.

Izuku didn't say anything and just walked towards him in complete silence.

"Kacchan..." The opposite looked at him confused, Deku was frowning, it was very strange to see him like that.

"What do you want?" asked Katsuki, at that moment Izuku took his arm and with a single jerk made him stand up "What's wrong?!" he complained since that had hurt him.

"Let's go..." he began to pull him out of the classroom, he was being rude, so much so that not even Katsuki could get away.

Kirishima didn't know what had just happened but what he did know was that someone was looking at him with an angry expression.

"H-Hello Kaminari..." he smiled nervously.

"We're done..." said the electric blonde leaving the room.

"That?! No, wait baby!" She stood up and went after him.

"The Maid cafe isn't over yet!" Uraraka yelled indignant that four of the maids had left.


The door of an unoccupied classroom slammed shut, the one who caused this was Izuku, he was holding on all day, but now he couldn't take it anymore, he was jealous, Katsuki had been kind to everyone, which never happened to him, He showed a lot of his skin to people, things that only happened with him, and above all he showed his butt to someone other than him, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"What's wrong with you?" Katsuki asked, letting go of Izuku's grip. "The festival isn't over yet! Why did you bring me here?!" Apparently he was upset since he wasn't doing his job.

At that moment the freckled man cornered the opponent against a wall, then placed his hand next to his head, he was doing the so famous kabe-don.

"Kacchan..." Izuku was only a few centimeters from his lips "I'm very upset..." he whispered, continuously trapping her lips between his and starting a sensual and erotic French kiss, this clearly surprised the contrary.

The blond had no problem accepting the kiss, but Deku's behavior seemed strange to him, especially when they were still at school, he was almost always very reserved with that kind of thing.

"Wait..." she tried to get away from him, but it was at that moment that she felt the opposite hand begin to get under her skirt "What are you...?!" He was caught by her lips again while little by little they were lowering her underwear.

The only noise that was heard in the classroom was the one caused by their kisses, these were a strange combination between groans, moans and gasps, the freckled boy's mischievous hand subtly slipped up the blond's behind and he gradually gave in to him.

"Wait... We're at school" Katsuki said getting away from that

"It doesn't matter..." replied the opposite trying to kiss him again.

"Of course it matters, idiot," he scolded. "What's wrong with you?" You're acting strange...

"You're the one who's acting strange..." he walked away "You're being nice to everyone when you're not even to me" Izuku knew why he was acting like that, but it still annoyed him that his boyfriend was so cordial to the rest, and he even walked without caring that they saw his legs.

"That's what a maid does" the blonde mentioned, still in his role.

"But you're not a maid, you're Kacchan..." he said as he frowned-Stop acting so cute....

"The festival isn't over yet, let's go back to the room..." He didn't seem to care what the other said.

At that moment Deku got attached to him and whispered very close to his ear the "word" they used to hypnotize him. Katsuki's expression changed instantly, he didn't seem as friendly as before, this time he seemed annoyed.

"What did you do Deku?!" He exclaimed annoyed, the opposite smiled, he liked that the usual Kacchan had returned "Surely that stupid round face had something to do with this! I'm going to kill her!" he turned around, he had the intention of leaving, but at that precise moment they stopped him "Let me go!" he demanded, the opposite continued smiling "I told you to let me go!" without expecting anything, Izuku took the blond by the arm and pulled him to the teacher's desk, then pushed him on top of him "what are you doing?!"

"I'm still upset" he mentioned without removing his friendly expression "Let's do it..."


Deku completely took off his underwear, his legs were bare and he was just trying to let go of him, the freckled man was using too much force, for that reason he couldn't get free so easily.

"J-I swear I'll kill you when this is over" warned Katsuki, the opponent had begun to touch his body in a lewd way "Finish this quickly" despite complaining it seemed that he was beginning to enjoy it.

"Wait a minute, I don't want it to hurt you..." Izuku said "Open your legs a bit, please..." he asked, the opposite knew that this would happen, that was the only thing that bothered him when they had sex, his boyfriend always asked before acting, it was irritating to have to listen to him talk at times like that.

"I told you to do it quickly..." she complained again but she did as she was asked, she spread her legs, her face was flushed.

Izuku did what he had to do, carefully inserted one of his fingers into the opponent's entrance, it was previously moistened with his mouth. The blond gasped as he felt them enter him. Deku began to slowly move his finger and after a few minutes he inserted another.

"Does Kacchan feel alright...?" he asked curiously.

"Shut up now...! Why don't you stick your fingers up your ass so you know if it feels good or not? Idiot... Ah!" a sudden moan left his mouth, that made Izuku smile.

"Okay, I'm going to start..." he warned, continuously withdrew his fingers and lowered his underwear, with the maid's skirt everything was easier, he was excited, he had gotten hard for several minutes, after all Kacchan had that effect in the.

At that moment they both heard relaxing music coming from the corridors, apparently the school was doing its job well, that helped their environment a lot.

Izuku's hands began to caress her legs, that was what she loved about him, she could touch him as much as she wanted and it was only hers, no one else could see that part of him.

Without saying anything else, she began to enter him, her sweet moans were music to his ears, he loved listening to it, it was like being in a private concert where the main star was Katsuki.

The blond felt the same, despite always complaining he had to admit that the sex that Izuku gave him was the best in this world, especially when he made a total disaster of him, he was fucking sexy, his gasps and hot body turned him on to the max.

"Kiss me" Katsuki asked, Izuku didn't take a second to listen to him, his lips were the most delicious thing he'd tasted all day.

"I love you Kacchan..." he whispered close to her ear as he slid his lips down her neck.

The freckled man began to make slow but accurate thrusts, these caused the opponent's body to tremble, so much so that moans came out loudly from his mouth.

"We got to this so quickly..." Izuku murmured when he saw the state of his partner, he couldn't believe it, they almost always took longer.

Katsuki was having an orgasm, for several minutes Deku had been colliding with his prostate, which in itself was already very pleasant, but apparently Katsuki's masochistic side came out, thinking that at any moment they could be discovered made him too hot.

"D-Deku... Ah!" He covered his mouth, he couldn't stop making such loud sounds.




The minutes began to pass and they did not seem to want to stop. The blond man had held on tightly to the opposite body, and the freckled man tried to get closer to him, he wanted him to feel more comfortable and not feel uncomfortable.

And so they continued, they were two lovers enjoying a moment full of passion and lust...


Izuku seemed happy, all his annoyance had disappeared, next to him was Kacchan who seemed to be completely lost, his cheeks were pink and his eyes looked in another direction, that's how he was after having sex, he was silent, calm and submissive for a few hours, even when he was submerged in that state, the freckled man took the opportunity to pamper him.




Right now they were in front of the door of the cafe maid, surely he would be scolded by his friend, but he didn't care, he had achieved what he was looking for.

"Kacchan take a break, I'll serve the customers..." Izuku asked, the opposite nodded and went to a seat a little away from the customers' tables, his steps were unsteady, apparently he had pain in his hip.

"Deku-kun!" It was Uraraka's voice, Izuku was startled to hear it and then saw how she was approaching him "Why did you take Bakugo-Kun?!" he asked, seemed annoyed.

"S-Sorry, I wanted you to stop seeing Kacchan's legs" He was finally being honest "Besides, it's not fair what you did to him...

"If I didn't, I wasn't going to participate properly in the cafe..." he excused himself "I had to go look for Kirishima and Kaminari since Todoroki got a new knife, I don't even know where he got it, and let's say that the other boys don't do a good job" he pointed to Tokoyami who, more than attracting attention, was scaring the customers" Also, Todoroki keeps repeating "Yuki this, Yuki that Who the hell is Yuki?! I took several knives from him but I don't know where he gets more of them from, apparently he was getting too stressed."

"I'm sorry, I'll help as much as I can, but let Kacchan rest" Izuku asked, the girl looked at the aforementioned who was sitting very calmly in a chair.

"What's wrong?" she asked puzzled.

"I-It's private..." he mentioned nervously, Ochako sighed.

"Okay, but you'll work twice as much..." The freckled boy agreed.

At that moment Kirishima approached them.

"Uraraka, this is complicated..." the redhead mentioned. "High heels tire me, and Kaminari refuses to talk to me..." he seemed to lament.

"You must have thought that when you voted for the "café maid"" scolded the chestnut.

"I just wanted to help Mineta... He told me that no one would vote for that option so I helped him..." he seemed sad as he said that, he was regretting his decision.

"Wait, he told me that too..." Denki approached them when he heard the conversation.

"Me too..." said Todoroki who was listening in the same way.

"I also wanted to help Mineta..." Tokoyami mentioned "I thought no one would vote for that option..."

Little by little the boys started to gather and they all said the same thing "They wanted to help Mineta" while they argued, the culprit tried to get out of the classroom, but the sound of a chair falling was heard, Katsuki had stood up .

"Where is that fucking dwarf?!" His look said it all, he was very angry, and he wasn't the only one, the others were the same, especially Izuku, who had to go through a scene of jealousy thanks to him "Oh there you are!" he exclaimed when he noticed that he was a few steps from the exit "You're a dead man!" Mineta ran out but Katsuki went after him, the other boys also did the same.

"But the festival isn't over yet!" Uraraka exclaimed, apparently everything was over for classroom 2A.




"I just wanted to see cute girls in maid outfits!" That day Mineta ended with serious blows.

The end

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