A New Beginning: An Apex Lege...

By Asteran1

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This story takes place within the Apex Legends universe, involving two best friends who were able to join the... More

Chapter 2: First Blood, New Champion
Chapter 3: Life Outside the Arena
Chapter 4: Evil Eyes

Chapter 1: Arrivals

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By Asteran1

      Sean awoke from his sleep as the truck he was riding in hit a bump and came to a stop. He looked around and saw they had finally arrived at their destination. He looked out the window and saw the massive facility that would be their new home, with The Syndicate's insignia embroidered on the tallest point of the building. The truck suddenly lurched forward, driving past the armed gate and pulling up to the main entrance. The driver stopped the truck and waited silently, staring at the duo in the backseat. Sean smiled and looked over at his best friend, who was still asleep.
         "Iv...Iv! Wake up..." he whispered, but his best friend didn't stir. He laughed softly, and gently shook her by the shoulder.
        "Ivory...we're here. It's time to wake up." he repeated, a little bit louder this time. Ivory moaned and groaned as her blue eyes opened.
         "You're a jerk, you know that, Sean? I was really enjoying the dream I was having." she pouted, rubbing her eyes, her blond hair messy on one side from sleeping.
        "I'm sorry, I would've let you sleep, but we're here. And the driver doesn't look like he'll wait forever." he mentioned with a chuckle.
        "Fineeee...let's go." Ivory complained as she opened her door and got out of the truck. The bed of the truck opened up, and the two best friends grabbed their suitcases out of the truck.
        "You were dreaming about her, weren't you?" Sean asked, which Ivory replied with a nod.
        "Yep, I was thinking about the night that Ink and I...you know..." she replied, blushing. Sean smiled and gently patted his best friend's shoulder.
         "I know Iv...I'm still so happy for you and Ink. You two....you really are perfect for each other." he replied, to which Ivory responded by flipping her hair and smirking.
          "I know, I am pretty perfect, aren't I?" she asked. Sean rolled his eyes and gently shoved her as the duo walked towards the entrance to the complex.
          "Even though I'm certain she is still a bad influence on you, Iv." Sean retorted, which earned him a punch on the arm.
         "Oh? You mean like how I became better at-" she began to say, but Sean quickly cut her off.
          "I'm not even going to let you finish that thought Ivory, come on..." he grumbled as the two walked up the front steps and up to the metal door.
            "So, who's your favorite Legend that you've seen compete?" asked Ivory skeptically.
            "My favorite? Iv, don't you think that's an odd question? Considering that soon we'll be eating, training, and living with them? While also fighting them in an arena?" Sean replied, thinking in his mind why she would ask something like that.
           "No. Does it look like I care though?" she asked, a smirk on her face, her piercing sky blue eyes staring up at him.
           "Ivory, I have only ever seen you care about a few things since we met and became friends. Having fun, getting into fights, messing with me in your spare time, and of course, Ink." he answered with a smirk of his own.
           "Exactly. Now answer the question, dumbass." Ivory snickered with amusement.
            "Okay, fine. Bloodhound, I've always thought that they were seriously cool. Their respect for mythology and hunting with honor was always very fascinating to me." he replied honestly.
             "Valkyrie or Wraith for me. They're just way too fucking cool." Ivory answered, almost instantly.
            "Gee, I wonder why you think that..." Sean teased, and Ivory punched his left arm as the two stopped directly in front of the door. There was a small bar with a laser circulator inside above the door, and it turned on as they got close.
           "Stand by for identification scan." said an automated voice as the laser spread out and scanned the duo. The laser finished scanning them, then flashed green.
           "Welcome, Ivory Black. Welcome, Sean Hawthorne. You may enter the complex." the automated voice droned as the door slid open in front of them. Sean and Ivory exchanged a look, both equally impressed by the security measures in the place so far. The two of them stepped inside and saw several of the Legends talking, but all of them fell silent when Sean and Ivory entered. The duo stared around, until one of them walked over. She had dark skin, short black hair, and a scowl on her face.
           "You two must be the new Legends we were told about. I'm Anita, but you'll know me as Bangalore in the arena." she explains, extending a hand. Sean shook it firmly, then gestured to himself and Ivory.
           "I'm Sean, and this is my best friend." he explained, and Ivory shook Anita's hand.
             "Ivory, Ivory Black." she announced. Anita's expression didn't change, she just shook her hand and gestured for them to follow.
        "I'll show you guys to your rooms, then I'll show you around the complex. There's a lot you two are gonna have to learn." said Anita bluntly as she started walking away. Sean quickly followed her, with Ivory rolling her eyes and following as well. The two followed Anita down a long hallway, until she stopped, and pointed to some doors.
        "Sean, that's gonna be your room," she explained as she gestured to the door directly to her right.
         "Ivory. Yours is gonna be 3 down and on the left. They've both got plenty of space, so you don't have to worry about it being cramped." Anita explained.
         "I was about to ask about that. Also, are we allowed to decorate the room?" Ivory asked. Anita stared at Ivory with a deadpanned expression.
         "It's your room. You're allowed to do whatever you want with it. Just make sure not to blast music at 3 in the damn morning, like some of the others around here..." she muttered, just as someone ran past them at high speed, nearly knocking them over. Anita wasn't fazed in the slightest as the person ran by, however Sean was very surprised as a socket wrench went flying past his face. He turned his head and saw a girl walking towards them, an annoyed look on her face.
           "What have I told ya about touching my tools, Silva?" she asked as she walked past him. The girl wore almost all orange, with a teal shirt underneath her orange jacket with a sarcastic looking cat on it that left her stomach exposed, a shoulder pad on her left shoulder, elbow pads, a knee pad on her right leg, an insulated glove on her right hand, wrist guard on her left wrist which covered some kind of tattoo, and yellow and white sneakers.
            "Okay, come on! Even you have to admit that was funny, Ramya!" Silva shouted as he laughed, looking at her upside down as he lay on the floor, metal parts scattered near him. It took Sean a second to fully realize that the two that had just entered were two of his fellow Legends, Rampart and Octane. Octane was a skinny guy with prosthetic legs, wearing green, gray, and white shorts, a white vest that was ripped around the stomach area, a black ripped up t-shirt, and a pair of goggles on his head with green lenses. He also wore a breathing mask, some kind of rain cap, some kind of modified Dialysis kit around his waist, and had tape wrapped around his upper bicep and lower forearm on his right arm. On the left arm, was a tattoo that said in large, all black lettering "PLUS ULTRA" which according to what Sean remembered from seeing his brief moments in the Games, was part of his catch phrase.
           "Funny or not, ya don't touch my tools unless you want a beating. Stupid Plonker.." Ramya muttered as she grabbed a wrench out of his hands and stood up straight, noticing Sean and Ivory for the first time.
           "Who are these two?" she asked.
          "They're the new Legends that arrived today. This is Sean, and Ivory." Anita explained. Ramya tilted her head with a wild grin, her sideways ponytail dangling towards the ground.
           "Haha, new faces! Sweet!!!" she exclaimed as she walked over.
            "Pleasure, mates! Ramya Parekh, best mechanic in the Outlands!" she exclaimed proudly.
           "That's actually really funny, because Sean is also a mechanic. He knows his way around any tool, any project, anytime. But he's also a Hothead." Ivory joked.
           "Iv! Come on!" Sean exclaimed as he glared at her. She just shrugged with a smirk.
          "What? It's true!" she laughed.
          "Oh you're a mechanic eh?? Ha, good. That means I can charge ya extra for mods to ya gear." Ramya joked smugly. Sean rolled his eyes at their antics, while he was used to it from Ivory, having Ramya do it after they just met was kinda annoying.
          "Haha, well I'm off to my shop. Thanks for the laughs, mates." said Ramya as she walked off without another word.
          "Octane, pick yourself off the floor already. You have a room, use it." Anita ordered, but the Adrenaline Junkie stayed where he was.
         "Why you gotta be such a buzzkill, amigo? I was just having a little fun with Ramya." he scoffed.
         "You stole her tools, what did you think was gonna happen?" Anita asked, before turning to the two new arrivals.
         "This goofball right here is Octavio Silva, but you probably know him as Octane. He's the..." Anita said as she trailed off, trying to find a good word to describe him.
         "The Daredevil? The Octrain? Certified badass?" Octane offered.
         "More like Comedic Relief, and even that's pushing it." Anita corrected, which made Ivory chuckle.
            "Hey! Come on! It's not my fault you can't see how awesome I am!" Octane complained, but Anita shook her head and looked towards Sean and Ivory.
           "You two go on, get settled into your rooms. Once you're ready, I'll have some of the other Legends show you around the place, show you where everything is, and then we'll all meet up in the mess hall for dinner, as long as they don't call us for a match." Anita explained. Ivory smirked and fist bumped her best friend, which Sean reciprocated before she walked off to her room, while Sean just walked through the door to his. He looked around the room, and saw it was very decently sized, like Anita had described. There was a walk in closet, a full bathroom, a large bed big enough for two, which Sean didn't see why. There was a dresser for all his clothes, a desk near his bed, which he really liked, since he did like to tinker and sketch, and a small bedside table as well.
          "I really think I'm gonna love it here..." he thought to himself as he began to unpack.

Sean stepped out of his room, scratching the side of his head. He was now mostly settled in, just had a few odds and ends to finish up, but that could wait until later. He looked down the hall to his right and saw that Anita and Silva were both gone. He saw the door to Ivory's room and walked towards it to check on her.
      "She's not in there, you know." said a female voice. Sean turned his head, his eyes making contact with a pair of blue eyes belonging to a shorter woman with black hair tied up in a bun. She was shorter than Sean was, maybe up to his shoulders, and dressed in all black.
      "What?" he asked, confused.
       "Your friend. She isn't in her room. She left a few minutes ago with Anita and Silva. Anita asked me to show you around since I was close by." the woman explained. Sean turned around fully and faced her, then walked back over.
       "You're Wraith, right? I remember seeing your last match just before Iv and I got here. That was quite a win." he pointed out, a smile on his face. Wraith stared at him, the smallest smile appearing on her face as she slowly stuck her hand out.
      "Wraith is only my name in the Arena. Call me, Renee." she replied.
        "Sean. It's nice to officially meet you, Renee." Sean answered as he shook her hand.
         "Come on, I'll show you around the complex. There's a lot to see." Renee stated as she began to walk away, and Sean had no choice but to follow the Voidwalker. She showed him the Workshop where Ramya was neck deep in her work, the training area, where he saw quite a few of the other Legends training, but he knew he would get to know them as time went on, whether he was fully looking forward to it or not. Truthfully, he could barely keep his excitement contained as Renee continued to show him around, even showing him the labs, where he saw another familiar Legend, Caustic, working on one of his gas traps for the next match. She eventually led him outside to a massive area that overlooked a body of water, simulated with carved rocks, massive bones from a Leviathan, and several target dummies and moving target panels.
            "Welcome to the Firing Range. You'll rarely ever see it empty. This is where you'll be able to learn which weapons suit your fighting style. You can use any sort of combination in weaponry that you want, but it's recommended that you normally don't use two weapons with the same ammo type. We do have one more stop to make, but while we're here, let's see how well you shoot." Renee stated, and Sean walked over to the gun wall, looking at the vast arsenal of weaponry that he had at his disposal. His eyes scanned through them, until his eyes locked on to a Sentinel, a bolt action sniper rifle.
            "Hm. Nice choice, only question is...how good is your aim?" asked Renee, crossing her arms. Sean smirked and loaded a full clip into the back of the sniper, grabbing a scope as well. As soon as the scope came close to the body of the sniper, it swirled around his hand and attached itself to the Sentinel.
           "What the...?" asked Sean, very confused.
         "Nanotech. All the laser sights, stocks, barrel stabilizers, and hop-ups are made of Nanotech. Makes them easier to swap out or attach when in a fight or just looting." Renee explained as Sean grabbed a couple Shield Cells from the shelf, popping the caps off and using the coils to amplify the Sentinel's power.
         "You know how to amp the Sentinel already. Good, that's one less thing you need to learn then. Let's see how well you can shoot. Fire when ready, Sean." Renee proclaimed, and Sean smiled as he looked down the scope and aimed with the Sentinel. He locked onto one of the many targets in the range, and fired; the shot striking perfectly.
         "Congrats. You hit a perfect shot on your first try. Now do it with the whole mag." Renee muttered, unimpressed. Sean smirked, and looked down the scope again, letting himself breathe in, and then exhale as he fired each shot; 6 rounds, 6 headshots, with one shot left.
        "6 for 6 so far, okay not bad. But this last one determines it." said Renee, almost sounding impressed. Sean smiled at her then looked down the scope one more time, ready to prove himself. As he lined up the last shot, he heard footsteps approaching rapidly, followed by a shout of excitement.
        "Renee!!!!" a voice shouted as someone tackle-hugged Renee. Sean looked away, accidentally squeezing the trigger and firing the last shot, missing by a significant margin. Sean sighed and stood up straight as he looked towards Renee, eager to scold whoever just interrupted him; but he couldn't speak once he saw who had just arrived. Renee was hugging another woman, who was slightly taller. She had blue eyes like him, short blond hair, and wore several heavy layers of jackets, along with a pair of blue insulated gloves and boots.
        "Hey, Wattson. It's nice to see you out of your lab for once." Renee smiled, while Wattson just laughed softly.
         "Oh, but you know me by now, mon ami. I'm always working on something!" she exclaimed.
       "Have you eaten today? Or rested at all?" Renee asked, and Wattson nodded with a warm smile.
       "I have, Renee. Don't worry about me, I'm fine." she replied, still smiling. Her gaze suddenly moved to Sean, and their eyes met.
       "Oh. Who's this, Renee?" she asked curiously. Sean extended his hand towards her, smiling awkwardly.
       "Hi. I'm Ig-Sean!! I'm Sean...I'm one of the new Legends. My best friend, Ivory and I just got here a little bit ago." he explained, introducing himself. Wattson giggled as she shook his hand gently.
        "Hello, Ig-Sean. I heard there were two new Legends arriving today. I hope that you'll fit in with the rest of us quickly!" said Wattson, clapping her hands softly.
        "Yeah, me too. My best friend and I talked about this for months before we got here." he replied, thinking about the journey here.
          "The journey is always the hardest part. But the destination is always worthwhile." Wattson encouraged before she turned back to Renee.
         "I must get back to my lab. My work won't finish itself, you know." she laughed, a sound that made Sean's chest tighten out of nowhere.
          "What are you working on, if you don't mind me asking? Maybe I can help out, I know my way around technology pretty well." he offered politely. Wattson however, shook her head.
          "I appreciate the offer, but non, I must politely decline." she answered.
            "Wattson is the kind of girl who likes to handle her tasks alone. She has a very specific way of  doing things." Renee explained, and Sean nodded in understanding.
            "I see, and I completely understand. I apologize if I offended you, Wattson." he said apologetically. Wattson chuckled and shook her head, her smile still directed at him.
           "You have nothing to apologize for, mon ami. It's no trouble at all." she replied, giving Renee another hug before skipping off.
           "It was nice to meet you, Ig-Sean. I hope to see you around the complex!" she exclaimed.
           "Yeah...you too, Wattson." Sean replied, but she was already back inside, the door closing behind her. Renee chuckled next to him as she shook her head.
               "I'm gonna give you some free advice Sean, since you're new around here." she exclaimed, which made Sean confused.
                  "Um...okay?" he replied as Renee looked him in the eyes.
             "You seem like a smart guy. So I doubt you would do this anyway...but if you ever try to hurt her..." Renee trailed off. Sean didn't have time to even process a reaction before Wraith grabbed his arm and judo flipped him over her shoulder onto the ground. He coughed and groaned with pain as Renee dropped to her knees, pulling a Kunai from behind her back and pressing the blade against his throat.
              "You will have every single one of us to deal with. Except for maybe two, but trust me, you'll live longer if you follow my advice." she declared. Sean nodded ever so slightly, nervous to even take a breath.
             "Consider me warned, Renee..." he replied, and the Voidwalker seemed satisfied with his reply. She put her Kunai away and helped him to his feet, dusting herself off.
             "Good. Now, we know you can aim, we know you can fight. There's just one last thing to clear up; the limits of your abilities in the games. But first, we need to know what they are. So show me what you've got." Renee explained. Sean smiled, this was what he had been looking forward to. He grabbed a thermite grenade and walked a safe distance away from Renee, smiled, and threw it at his feet. Renee looked at him in shock as he stood in the flames, completely unharmed until the flames faded.
              "I'm fireproof. Can't get burned by fire, but can still take damage from other ordnance you guys have got. My second passive will further add on to that, because when I step through fire...I can do this!" he shouted with a smile as he took off, running a complete lap around the shooting range before skidding to a stop in front of Renee.
            "Superspeed, with fire. I'll be able to get a speed boost for 5 seconds once I run through fire in a match. My "tactical" ability will be this." he explained as he summoned fire to his hands and threw them at a target close by. The fire stayed on the ground, then shot up in intensity for a few seconds before dying back down on its own.
          "I'll be able to shoot two of those to block an opponents path, make it difficult for them to see, and do damage to defensive perimeters or other Legends. Each one has a 15 second charge time once used, so I gotta use them sparingly." he added on. Wraith seemed genuinely impressed now, which caught Sean by surprise.
            "You've really thought this out haven't you? Good, that makes it much less annoying to teach. Now, what about your Ultimate?" she replied, crossing her arms. Sean smiled and pointed to the sword strapped to his back.
            "This is my Ultimate." he explained no as he pulled the sword off of his back, then stabbed it into the ground. He felt his fire channel through the blade and unleash itself, a wave of flame spreading across the front of the shooting range, and stopping before the second row of targets.
             "Eruption slows others down, does extra damage to defensive gear, and damage to other Legends. It'll last for 10 seconds before having to recharge again, with a charge time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The radius of the blast could get higher, but I can't risk it cause I don't want to burn myself out." Sean explained. Renee looked like she wanted to ask him something else, but she hid it well.
           "Alright then. Seems like you've got your abilities all figured out, then. That's good, that's very good. You made the right choices by coming up with these limits on your own." she pointed out, a small smile escaping her.
         "Thank you, Renee. You know....I'm kinda surprised." he exclaimed.
               "Why are you surprised?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
         "You seemed...really cold when I first saw you, but I was surprised to be wrong. You're actually...really nice." he pointed out. Renee didn't seem to take this well, because she scowled at him.
              "There is one more place to show you, and there might be some more Legends in there for you to meet. Feeling up to it?" she asked, and Sean nodded eagerly, following Renee back inside, confused as to why her attitude suddenly changed.

     "So what do ya think, chica? Place pretty cool so far?" Silva asked, barely keeping himself in place as he showed Ivory around the complex.
          "It's definitely really cool, Silva. There's so much I haven't seen yet." she replied, looking around in amazement.
           "You'll have plenty of time, chica. Don't worry. For now, let's head to the common room. There's more Legends to meet!" Silva explained as he started running down the halls again. Ivory smiled at his energy, and followed.
            Silva raced into the common room and started running circles around everyone, laughing with excitement, with Ivory walking in a second behind him, laughing.
           "Is he always like that...?" she asked, and the Legends in the common room all turned and stared at her.
          "Octavio, who's this...?" asked one of them.
          "I'm one of the new Legends, my name is Ivory Black." she stated confidently. One of the Legends, a Hispanic woman wearing all white with her brown hair in twin braids walked over, looking her over before smiling.
           "It's a pleasure to meet you, beautiful. Loba Andrade," Loba replied, extending her bejeweled hand to Ivory. Ivory shook it, trying to control her heartbeat.
            "A pleasure to meet you too." she managed to say, as the other Legends walked over and introduced themselves. There was Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy, a 50 something Salvonian with a prosthetic right arm, Bloodhound, a mysterious person that didn't show their face, Pathfinder, a blue robot that sounded happy every time he spoke, Mirage, a stuttering goofball that tried to flirt with her, and Newcastle, who was over by the kitchen, cooking.
            "It's nice to meet you all, I'm sure I'll fit in here just fine..." smirked Ivory, and then her smile widened as she saw Sean walking in with Wraith.
         "Hey, Iv!" he shouted as he began walking over, a smile on her face.
          "Hey, Sean! I see you've made a friend already too." she pointed out, teasing him. Sean rolled his eyes and walked over with Renee.
          "I have. How was your tour?" he asked as he began shaking the hands of the other Legends.
           "Oh it was swell, this place is huge!" she exclaimed.
            "Oh it definitely is, and it's hella fun, lads." said Walter as he grinned wildly.
             "It certainly is! It's fan-fantabu-fantabulistic! That's the word." Mirage exclaimed, a cheeky smile on his face.
            "You mean fantastic right, Mirage?" asked Renee as she glared at him.
            "Y-yeah! That's what I said!" he replied, trying to recover.
           "That is not what you said at all, Mirage." Loba teased as she crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.
            "Hey now, come on. That's totally what I said!" he retorted, but no one listened. Ivory found herself laughing as she saw the chemistry between the Legends, they bickered like family, but not in a bad way...it was much nicer than how her own family treated her...except for a few special people she had grown to know over the years. Wraith suddenly walked over and flicked Mirage on the head, then sat down on one of the couches and began to read a book. Mirage sat down on the other side of the couch from her, while Fuse and Bloodhound sat down on one of the other couches. Loba of course, sat by herself, that is until someone wrapped their arms around her neck. The Translocating Thief looked up and smiled.
             "Why hello there, Kairi." she said, to which the other woman smiled.
            "Hello yourself, Loba." Kairi replied as she looked over at Ivory, her gaze burrowing into a frown.
             "Are you new? I don't remember seeing you around here before." she pointed out.
             "Yeah, because she's one of the new Legends that just arrived today, Valkyrie." Wraith retorted, not looking up from her book. It took Ivory a second to realize that she was in the same room as both of her favorite Legends. Internally she was screaming, but on the outside, she kept her emotions in check.
           "Hi, I'm Ivory...Ivory Black. It's nice to finally meet you Valkyrie, officially..." she stated calmly, despite the utter breakdown she was having inside her head. Valkyrie chuckled and shook her hand firmly.
            "Nice to meet you too, Ivory. That's a pretty wicked name you've got. Also please, it's Kairi. Kairi Imahara." she replied, giving her a wink. Ivory felt herself blush, her cheeks turning red. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her best friend smirk.
           "You'll have to excuse her, Valkyrie. She blushes easily, especially considering you're one of the Legends she looks up to." he stated, capitalizing on the opportunity to tease her a bit. Ivory responded by flipping the finger at Sean, to which he gladly returned. Valkyrie of course, got a laugh out of it as she walked over to Sean.
          "You must be the other new Legend I heard about?" she asked skeptically.
          "That's right. The name's Sean, but my call sign is gonna be Igneous." he explained.
          "Igneous? That sounds like a bad action movie, amigo!" Octane laughed. Valkyrie rolled her eyes as she shook Sean's hand firmly.
           "It's Kairi, kid. And don't pay attention to him, I think that's a kick ass name to have as a Legend." she assured, which caused him to smile with gratitude.
           "Thank you, Kairi. I appreciate that." he replied, before finally noticing the jetpack she had on her back.
            "Wait a second, are those Northstar class thrusters? From a Titan's chassis?!" he asked, letting the gear head side of him show a little bit. Kairi smiled proudly as she gestured to her wings.
            "That they are. You know your stuff, Sean. This jetpack was made from the wreckage of my father's Titan. They're more than wings...they're a legacy." Kairi explained.
           "Then you carry your father's legacy proudly, Kairi." Sean replied with a polite and respectful smile. Kairi smiled at this, looking back at Ivory with a smirk.
            "You two showed up to the games together?" she asked.
            "Yep. We go way back, Sean and I. He can be an idiot at times, but he's a good guy." Ivory replied, which got a chuckle from several of the Legends at Sean's expense. He rolled his eyes at this, already having a strong feeling that it was gonna be like this a lot from now on.
            "It sounds like you two are gonna fit right in. Welcome to the Legends." said Newcastle with a chuckle. Sean smiled at this, but then something in his gut told him he was being watched. He closed his eyes, and focused, something he had taught himself in the months before he had joined the Apex Games. His right arm lashed out, and he shot a fireball straight up. He heard a metallic grunt as a tall robot crashed into the floor right next to him. All the eyes in the room turned and glares at the robot.
         "El Demonio..." Loba snarled as she glared at the red machine with hate. He stood up and glared straight at Sean with cold yellow eyes. He was easily 7 ft, with spindly limbs, long thin fingers, a loincloth around his metallic waist, a red bandana on his metal head, and a grayish/white face plate that was now half burned.
         "You...you damn Skinsuit!" the robot shouted, but before he could do anything, everyone in the room except for Sean and Ivory had a gun pointed at him.
        "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Revenant. Not unless you want a new body to boot up." Wraith warned, and the robot snarled before stomping off.
        "So, that's Revenant, the Synthetic Nightmare, huh? About as much of a jackass as I thought he'd be." Ivory deadpanned as the Legends holstered their guns.
          "Yeah, and about as scary as a Prowler Pup." Sean added on, which caused Kairi to chuckle.
           "I like these two." she stated, which earned chuckles from the others.

        An alarm suddenly blared, causing everyone to look up.
        "Well, looks like that cake's gonna have to wait. It's match time!" *Newcastle exclaimed as he turned the oven off.
         "Wait is a match really about to start?!" Ivory asked with excitement.
          "That's right, you two better get ready. And make sure your gear is too." Anita explained as she walked down the hall towards her room. The rest of the Legends in the common room all followed her, which caused Sean and Ivory to follow as well. The two of them could barely contain their excitement as they grabbed their jump packs and swords, before quickly following the rest of their fellow Legends out to the Hangar.

         The Apex Legends arrived in the Hangar, and began to load onto the massive dropship that would take them to the Arena. Sean saw Wattson speaking to Newcastle, and he was about to go talk to her when another Simulacrum like Revenant stood up in front of everyone, glaring at the Legends with cold, soulless yellow eyes.
           "Listen up, Legends. The Syndicate has just finished generating the squads for today's match. Pay attention." she explained coldly as the screens on the dropship flashed and revealed each team.

         Bloodhound, Caustic, Loba

         Valkyrie, Mad Maggie, Newcastle

         Seer, Revenant, Gibraltar

        Ash, Vantage, Fuse

       Horizon, Mirage, Angelic

      Igneous, Rampart, Wraith

     Octane, Wattson, Lifeline

     Crypto, Bangalore, Pathfinder

     Catalyst, Fade, Rhapsody

Sean smiled and looked at Wraith with anticipation, and she smirked back at him.
   "Looks like you've got the best eyes in the Outlands watching your back today, Igneous." she said as she twirled her Kunai in her hands.
    "Let's snag a win then, yeah?" Sean asked as he offered his fist towards Wraith. She simply nodded, but didn't bump him back. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Valk and Loba being a bit sweet with each other, sharing a kiss or two, which caused him to chuckle. He then looked to his right, and smiled at his best friend.
      "Good luck down there, Angelic...see you in the fight." he stated confidently. Ivory smirked and fist bumped him gladly.
       "I look forward to it greatly, Igneous..." she replied as Wraith nudged him.
       "Stand by to drop..." she called out as the floor plates of the drop ship lowered, the wind whistling as each trio stood on their platform. Sean looked down below him and gasped, they were heading towards King's Canyon, the very first Arena location that been revealed when the Apex Games first began. Sean looked over at the Voidwalker, and gave her a nod.
       "I'll follow your lead, Wraith." he said as a timer started counting down from 5 from the screens aboard the massive dropship. As soon as the timer reached 0, a loud alarm blared, the match had officially begun. Sean watched as several squads jumped off their platforms immediately, while some others waited for the right time. He looked towards Rampart and Wraith, who both nodded at him as Wraith counted down from her fingers; 3, 2, 1.
     "Let's do this!" she shouted as the trio leaped out of the dropship and flew down towards the Arena. Sean twirled a couple times in the air, and whooped at the top of his lungs.
      "Haha, time to ignite!!!"

A/N: That is Chapter 1 of this fanmade Apex story!!! I had a lot of fun writing this, and more chapters will arrive steadily as time goes on. I will be working on this alongside my other two stories on here, so I apologize for any inconsistency in terms of posting other chapters!! However I am still dealing with a bit of writer's burnout, so I hope you all will be patient with me. I hope you all enjoy, please feel free to leave any comments, I greatly appreciate and encourage criticism, and until next time, read on!!!!

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