Radiators are my only weaknes...

By PirateQueen14

68.9K 3.9K 663

I know everything about boring things like science but what I want to know is, what is pain? What does it fee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chpater 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 51

651 49 2
By PirateQueen14

The next day, I was waiting with Kiyotaka, and I wasn't happy. "Why are we early? I don't like waiting!" I complained.

"Christmas tree." He pointed out the giant one to distract me.

"Stupid." I pointed at him.

"Ayanokoji! Rekka!" Sato ran over to us.

"You're here early." Kiyotaka pointed out.

"We are to," I added.

"Yeah, you both are. Did I make you two wait a long time?" Sato asked us worried.

"Yes," I answered.

"No," Kiyotaka answered making her laugh and she then looked around nervously.

"Are we going now?" Kiyotaka played dumb.

"Yeah, I-Oh, Rekka! You look all dressed up!" Sato exclaimed.

I was wearing my black coat like yesterday along with a black and dark red checkered skirt. I have a scarf with the same pattern and black tights along with some black shoes and a red shirt.

"I'm dressed." I nodded.

"The skirt it's nice." She explained.

"Hello there. Ayanokoji, Rekka." Hirata greeted us.

"Very red." I nodded.

"Glad to see you are well." Hirata grinned.

"Are you on a date, as well?" Kiyotaka asked him.

Hirata looked a little confused since I was here. "Well, it's Christmas, after all. Karuizawa invited me out." He explained. I saw her slowly stop clinging to Hirata's arm like it was to prove to Kiyotaka that she was single.

"I'm glad I can spend the day with someone." Hirata hummed.

"I heard that was what Christmas is about! I have my own date later!" I happily exclaimed shocking him, and he looked to Kiyotaka. "Not him it's with my...slave?"

"Are you okay?" Hirata asked me.

"She's getting better. Rekka is with us just in case she falls ill again and since she has a date later, it will just be Sato and me then." Kiyotaka explained and Sato blushed.

"Your look is a little different," Hirata commented as he looked at me.

"Kiyo said it looked nice and was warm enough," I explained as I pointed at my skirt.

They were all shocked for some reason. "Well, you would wear anything. You even tried going out in PJs again today." Kiyotaka reminded me.

"They are the best clothes! Mine have pandas on them! Pandas!" I exclaimed.

Hirata laughed and patted my head. "Say you guys want to make this a double date? Or a so-called triple?!" Kei exclaimed.

"A double date?" Hirata asked.

"Yeah! You and me, Rekka and Ayanokoji and Sato!" Kei grinned. "It might be a fun change of pace!"

"More people sounds more fun," I added.

"But it's Christmas. Don't you think they have plans?" Hirata asked her.

"Sato, what do you think?" Kei grinned at her.

"It sounds fun to me." Sato grinned. "What about you, Ayanokoji?"

"If the rest of you are okay with it, I don't really mind." Kiyotaka nodded.

"Okay, that settles it!" Kei celebrated. We went to the cinema first and I had my own bucket of popcorn making me grin happily.

I sat next to Kei during it since she wouldn't stop me from eating so much like Kiyotaka and the movie was so boring!

"Ugh!" I let out as I felt myself being shaken.

"Rekka, you fell asleep." Sato giggled.

"The torture is over, right?" I asked seeing the lights are on.

"You didn't enjoy the movie?" Kei asked me confused.

"They were so fake," I complained. "Every tear and word, even the blood! The popcorn kept me going, then I gave up and fell asleep."

Kiyotaka patted my head. "You did good sitting still for so long." He helped me up, and we made our way to the next place.

It was a restaurant. "I have a reservation under the name Sato," Sato informed the lady at the front.

"A table for five? Right this way." She led the way, and the information went right over Hirata's head.

"A table for five? How did you pull that off?" Kiyotaka asked Kei.

"I asked Sato to change the reservation to five a little while ago!" Kei laughed nervously.

"Liar." We both let out as we followed after the others.

We sat at a booth, and I had a chair on the outside like usual and we all got some drinks. "A slushy?" Kei asked me as I still had my coat on since that was the condition Kiyotaka gave me so I could have one.

"I can't be bothered to wait to drink something," I explained. "And it's red, orange, green, yellow! I'm drinking a rainbow!"

She laughed as I was very excited. "Sato, what do you usually do when you don't have school?" Kiyotaka asked her.

"I read about fashion design and stuff." She answered.

"So that's why you like to comment on my clothes and others," I commented shocking her. "You have done that since the beginning of the school year."

"I didn't know you were into that," Kei added.

"Yeah, if only I could get into Class A." Sato hummed. "Ayanokoji, what do you want to do when you graduate?"

"College, I guess." He shrugged.

"What about you Rekka?" Sato asked me, and I stared at the ceiling and they all got silent.

"Go college with him or travel," I answered shocking them.

"Travel?" Hirata asked me.

"Yeah experience what I can before I die!" I nodded, and they had sad smiles on their faces. "There's a huge waterfall! I'm going down it!"

They all laughed nervously and the date soon ended, it was very boring.

"I had a lot of fun, thank you." Hirata grinned.

I tuned them out then my phone went off and I answered it. "Where are you?" I answered the call to hear Ryuen ask me that straight away in a worried tone.

"On Earth," I answered.

I heard him breathe in deeply. "So cat girl, where are you on this earth?" He asked me again.

"On my way to the big Christmas tree, dragon boy!" I exclaimed making the others look over. None of them knew the nickname since they didn't see the time Ryuen confronted Koenji.

"Kiyo, give," I demanded, and he gave me the gift bag he was holding the entire time and I just got really excited. "I'm gonna go decorate a tree! Can we have hot chocolate with the white stuff tonight?!" I asked him.

"Yeah, the marshmallows." He nodded as he patted my head since I was hopping on the spot excitedly.

I spun on the spot then ran off and turned back to wave at them while I held my bag and umbrella in the same hand. "See ya!"

"Bye Rekka!" Hirata and Sato waved to me and Kei seemed to be stuck in her own thoughts

I ran back over and bent down in front of her making her eyes widen when she came back to reality. "Santa will make your wish come true!" I grinned confusing her then I was gone.

I swung my bag as I walked along humming Christmas songs. I'm so excited to try something new for once and to use Ryuen as needed since he's the most useful person for this position.

I found Ryuen waiting for me in front of the big tree, and he was rubbing his hands together to stay warm. "Did she faint or make a new pair of snow boobs?" Ryuen mumbled making people give him weird looks.

"Neither!" I exclaimed scaring him then he turned to me.

"You seem happy." He commented.

"I'm away from lettuce." I grinned. "Let's go! Ask about whatever you want." I informed him as we went into the first store. "I know you have more questions for me. Also, what goes on top?" I asked him as I pointed at the tree in the bag.

"A star, angel." Ryuen hummed as we looked around the store.

"You can buy a ball of water!" I exclaimed as I grabbed it to see it was made of glass.

"It's a snow globe, shake it." Ryuen pointed out.

I did shake it and it looked like it was snowing in the globe leaving me in awe. When I turned to him, he was looking away for some reason.

I had seen his reflection in it. He had been looking at me instead of the globe before I turned to him.

Ryuen must be thinking of what he wants to ask or still can't face me after that whole fight. He's doing quite well. People normally get terrified after I have training practice with them.

As we looked, I found a little section with small snowflake ornaments and I wanted just one. "I won't forget how snow looks then." I grinned.

"You said I can ask any question," Ryuen mumbled as I bent down in the aisle choosing from about ten options and I nodded. "Have you ever been bullied?"

"What is that exactly? I know what you did to Kei was bullying. Kiyo has forced me to take baths then people have caused me heart attacks. I have been attacked since when I was little, but I just fought back." I explained and he looked at me horrified.

"I know baths are boring, well until I got a rubber duck." I grinned.

"You really make people want to protect you." Ryuen laughed. "Is this your manipulation?"

"I'm being honest," I admitted and he was shocked again. "You make dumb faces a lot."

"You just called me dumb?" Ryuen asked like I did something terrible.

"Yeah dumb dragon, you stalked me for weeks." I reminded him as I picked the perfect snowflake.

I brought that and we went outside and I saw there was a place selling ice cream. "Do they have durian ice cream? Oh, Christmas squirrel!" I ran after it.

"No!" Ryuen quickly grabbed me and lifted me up as someone on a bike went by. "You really can't just run anywhere." He put me down and started to pat down my clothes to get any snow off me.

"Ryuen?..." We heard a new voice and looked to see Suzune staring at him then her eyes widened seeing me with him.

"...I'm on a date with Rekka," Ryuen smirked. "She asked me out."

"I forced you out. You're one of the tallest people I know, and I won't get interrupted when choosing ornaments since your face is there to scare everyone off." I informed him of why he was here, and I went off to the next store.

Ryuen was just left speechless while Suzune looked ready to laugh.

"...But really why did you accept?" Suzune asked him.

"To solve the biggest mystery in this school, I didn't think it would be some crazy girl," Ryuen admitted and grinned to himself.

Suzune was shocked to see what seemed to be a genuine smile on his face.

Ryuen eventually followed after me as I was trying to reach something, I jumped but nope. I looked at him and then pointed to where I wanted him to go and he stood there then was just kind of confused.

I climbed his back and sat on his shoulders making him pause. "Why?" He asked me.

"Ladder, what else are you tall and here for?" I asked.

"To teach you about Christmas." He answered.

"When I ask." I stuffed a sweet in his mouth as I searched through the toppers they have and they are all really large. "Tree is fragile like me, so it can't wear a fat hat like I want to."

"I feel like I'm wearing one," Ryuen added and I squeezed his neck and I was confused when he let out a squeak. "Was that too powerful?"

"Don't squeeze your thighs against my neck!" He yelled.

"Don't you like sexual stuff? So you must like body contact." I asked and he just sighed.

"You are wearing a skirt," Ryuen explained.

"Will jeans help then?" I asked and he groaned again. "Man, you're needy."

"I'm needy?" He looked up at me, and I giggled.

"I'm needy, but I need to be." I rolled back off his shoulders making him freak out and try to catch me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him when he had grabbed onto my scarf choking me a little.

"What are you doing?!" Ryuen yelled as he checked me to see if I was alright. He redid my scarf for me since I did it myself but he said I can't do it right. "You are really weird."

"Sure Mr Perfectionist, it's a scarf," I mumbled as I pulled on his arms to get him to stop.

I then found some baubles, and I was staring at his eyes. "Hey-" He went to say.

"Shush," I demanded as I looked his between eyes and the baubles. "Close enough."

"What are you doing?" Ryuen asked me as I chose two.

"Well, I was told you need to buy an ornament with a special meaning. There are no creepy ones, so I chose one with your eye colour." I explained. "Here's one with my eye colour." I handed it to him, and he looked at it a little confused.

It was a small yellow bauble that was very simple since it had no design on it.

"I don't have a tree..." He informed me.

"I'm not buying you more stuff, Mr. Needy." I huffed.

"No, I mean..." Ryuen looked at it and then grasped it with his whole hand hiding it.

"Oh, you're gonna steal?!" I yelled, and we got many looks making me laugh as he had to explain that I'm dumb to the people working there.

He sighed and found me looking at some more.

"So what's your first name?" He asked me, and I gave him a dumbfounded look. "What?"

"You stalked me and still think Rekka is my last name. It's my first." I informed him.

"...Why?" Ryuen asked me.

"I don't like the other one, it's boring," I answered. "And he called me by it."

"He?" Ryuen let out then grinned. "Then how about we trade names?"

"No thanks, Kakeru." I grinned and he paused.

"How did you-" I showed him my phone where his full name was. "I also have to go with the nurse sometimes to the teacher's office, so I glance at the registers of all the classes."

"...You are sneaky, especially when you ran about like an idiot on the island," Ryuen smirked like I should be embarrassed about that.

"You dived in a bush every time I came around, it was funny to watch!" I laughed.

"So you weren't lost." Ryuen groaned.

"No, I was bored and found a weird rabbit." I grinned as I pointed at him. "Anyway, give I'm paying."

"No-" He went to reject, so I snatched the bauble back surprising him with my speed. "It's a gift I was told you buy them on dates."

"I can't..." Ryuen let out.

"Then buy me ice cream," I demanded.

"This time of year?" He asked me.

"You don't question me you just get it," I informed him as I brought them and he did get me ice cream.

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