Baby Girl

By yeahokaymf

418K 5.2K 1.4K

"You're cute when you're jealous." He mumbled against my lips causing my eyes to shoot open and pull back fro... More

Chapter one: Asking for it
Chapter two: Naughty kittens get punished
Chapter three: My naughty little princess
Chapter four: No time out Daddy!
Chapter five: You need to eat baby
Chapter six: I can wear whatever I want!
Chapter seven: Shopping Daddy!
Chapter eight: Crime and punishment
Chapter nine: Princess is a brat
Chapter ten: If you're going to act like baby
Chapter eleven: Serious case of the grumpies
Chapter twelve: Behave kitten
Chapter thirteen: Let's "talk" baby
Chapter fourteen: Babysitter?
Chapter fifteen: That's a no no
Chapter sixteen: Bad mood
Chapter seventeen: Family dinner
Chapter eighteen: Family Thanksgiving

Chapter nineteen: Family discussion

9.4K 149 50
By yeahokaymf

My high had pretty much disintegrated as I finished my food as slowly as possible, an entire rock sitting in the pit of my stomach the entire time.

"More?" I questioned after turning in my seat to look up at Joel through innocent eyes when I finished, hoping he would say yes, even though my munchies were long gone.

"After we talk." He answered firmly from above me, him and Kyle disregarding their hunger completely, instead conversing lowly behind Sara and I as we finished our food.

I was guessing Kyle had said something to Sara as well, giving as she'd been silent this whole time, only shooting me looks full of dread, to which I returned with a mirrored expression.

I heard Martins deep voice and turned to look behind me curiously, spotting him walking up to us with a scary look on his face. He met my gaze almost immediately, and I quickly turned back around with a blush.

I bit my lip nervously, and looked over at Sara and shot her a meaningful look after seeing her almost empty plate.

Slow down!

I really did not want her to finish anytime soon, knowing that neither of us were gong to like what happened next.

Sara shot me a look, telling me that she was.

"I know you're stalling Sara. Stop or you'll finish later." Kyles voice boomed from behind us, causing Sara's eyes to widen.

Sara paused, and her cheeks turned a dark crimson before pouting, and noticeably speeding up.

In no time, she took her last bite and both of our chairs were pulled out simultaneously, causing a light scrape to sound against the checkered dinning room floor. A few heads turned our way at the sudden disturbance amongst the soft chatter, and I looked away in embarrassment from the attention.

I took Joel's hand uneasily and stood, wishing I were anywhere else but in front of Joel's entire family being reprimanded right now.

Gina had mysteriously shown up out of nowhere and walked besides Martin as he led us all out of the dining room.

I swallowed as Sara and I were guided through the living room full of conversing family members, everyone taking one look at Martins face and side-stepping to let us all pass through.

My heart started to race more as I accidentally made eye-contact with Joel's uncle, the same one with the big cigar hanging out of his mouth. He stood with an arm around his wife, and shot me a knowing look, a hint of amusement shining in his brown eyes.

I frowned and looked away with an internal humph. Screw Cigar Man.

I felt Joels protective hand curl around my waist and pull me gently to his side. I sighed and faced forward, leaning slightly into his comfort as we took a sharp turn into the huge hallway that led multiple doors, including Martins office.

I wondered briefly if I should make a run for it. I could make it, if I ran fast enough and lost him in the vast crowd. I dismissed the idea immediately, Joel would catch me and then swat me as soon as he had me in his proximity.

Before I knew it, we halted in front of Martins extravagant office entrance and I nervously shuffled my feet, wishing I would have never smoked that stupid freaking vape.

A four digit code was punched into the gold pin pad to unlock it.


His anniversary, I would have dwelled for the millionth time about how freaking adorable that was, but couldn't think of anything other than my raising blood pressure.

There was a click in confirmation and the door unlocked, sounding like a death sentence in my ears.

Martin opened the door and held it open as we all piled in, and I immediately spotted Jo sitting with her back to me as soon as I passed the threshold. She was sitting on the leather couch that sat in front of her fathers polished black desk, and I could hear her sniffling audibly.

Oh no.

I looked over at Sara with wide eyes, only to see her already staring at me with a cautious expression.

The door shut, and we were led to the couch and I automatically sat closer to Jo who sat against the left arm rest. I looked at her, spotting a few stray tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, and I itched to give her a hug but instead settled on taking her hand in mine, squeezing it softly.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled.

She didn't answer, only turned to lean closer to me while shooting me a look I knew all too well.

We fucked up.

Sara sat down close to my other side, and I turned to see her gaze focused straight ahead, apprehension clear on her guarded expression. Reluctantly, I followed her eyes and immediately tensed, catching sight of Martin sitting in his massive chair behind his desk, Joel and Kyle standing on his right, and Gina on his left with her hand resting on his shoulder.

I had to stop myself from shrinking away, I could barley deal with Joels no-nonsense eyes alone.

I suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Do any of you have anything to say for yourselves?" Martin questioned, with a voice full of authority.

I couldn't respond, desperately trying to sit still at the heavy glare I was receiving from my pissed off Daddy, his thundering eyes beating the other three by far.

I looked away, this couldn't be happening, how did they even find out?!

Before anyone could respond, Jo stumbled out an apology on all of our behalf.

"We're really sorry dad, it-it was only a one time thing, we-!"

"Interesting..." He interjected, and reached into his suit pocket and pulled out Jo's dab pen. "Considering that this is half empty, it sure doesn't seem like it was only a one time thing." He thundered, glaring at Jo before turning his eyes to all of us.

Damn it.

"Who's is it?" Joel sternly inquired, eyes never leaving mine.

I swallowed and avoided his eye as best I could.

No way I was ratting Jo out, I couldn't.


I refused to look at him, now squirming in my seat.

"No, please-" Jo cried. "I-It's mine okay? Leave them out of it, they-they had nothing-!"

"You all played a small part in this, young lady." Gina cut her off with clear disappointment. "And it was wrong of you to drag them into this, Josephine."

"I-I know, I'm sorry." Jo whimpered, and looked down at her lap, looking completely dejected.

Yeah, I couldn't do this.

"It's not hers, it's mine." I blurted out without a second thought, and almost crumbled when everyone's attention turned to me.

It was silent for several seconds and I received an elbow to my side from Jo, and a light pinch on my thigh from Sara, but I ignored them. I was much too preoccupied willing myself to stay strong against the severe glare burning into me from the man I still couldn't look in the eyes.

I had the sudden urge to run again.

"Is that so?" Martin questioned me inquisitively.

"Kai." Jo warned from beside me, squeezing my hand and trying to get my attention. "Don't-"

"I would listen to her if I were you darling, you know I don't tolerate liars." Joel warned me shamelessly.

"I-I-" I stumbled.

"No, actually it's mine." Sara declared, cutting me off.

I looked at her in shock, squeezing her hand I didn't realize I was holding, my eyes screaming what the fuck are you doing?!

She squeezed my hand back, but otherwise paid me no mind, too busy having a stare off with Kyles dark gaze.

"I see." Martin sighed after a moment. "I was hoping we could handle this in a more mature manner, but I can see you three are a bit too under the influence to make grown up decisions."

I frowned, and couldn't help but to openly glare at him at that, and felt both Sara and Jo tense up as well.

How dare he!

However, Martin didn't seem bothered, he just tilted his head and watched us, before focusing his gaze on Jo. "That's quite alright, we will meet back here in half an hour. Joel, Kyle. Please give your mother and I some time alone with Josephine." 

Both brothers gave a curt nod and walked around the oversized desk and towards the couch. My eyes widened and I let go of both of the hands I was holding, trying to scoot closer to Jo and unsuccessfully get away from my boyfriend. I whined lowly when a firm but gentle hand wrapped around my forearm and pulled me off of Jo and to my feet.

"No! Wait!" I exclaimed too loudly stepping away, aiming to yank my arm out of his grasp.

My attempts were easily subdued and I was abruptly pulled closer, his head leaning down slightly so that his lips could graze my ear.

"You can either walk out of here like a good girl, or I will carry you out like a naughty one." He threatened lowly, although I'm almost positive it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

I swallowed and felt my body heat up, not able to imagine the embarrassment I'd feel if I were to be carried out of Martin's office like a misbehaving child, the threat alone was bad enough.

No thanks.

I shook my head, eyes wide. "I'll be good." I mumbled.

He pulled away and shot me a warning look before taking my hand in his and leading us to the door.

I looked over to Sara to see her glaring at the ground while Kyle talked to her in a hushed voice. I couldn't help but want to laugh, the brief moment they shared a perfect depiction of their entire relationship.

However, after glancing over at Jo's miserable face, I instead felt like crying.

"Jo-Jo." I called and stopped walking.

"Kai." Joel warned, giving my hand a light squeeze.

I didn't listen, just looked at Jo with sorrow, wanting so badly to go and comfort her.

"It's ok Kai-Kai. I'm okay." She tried to assure me, although her tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes made that pretty impossible to believe.

Whenever we were all in trouble she was always the most emotional, she didn't like to disappoint her family, especially her parents. It's usually cute in any other situation, except this one.

My name was called again, more darkly this time, and I knew that I was a second away from actually being carried out of here, so I sighed and shot Jo a reassuring look before continuing walking.

It was then I noticed Kyle hauling Sara forward with a hand wrapped around her bicep right behind us, a scowl painted on both of their faces. I frowned, turning more to investigate, but my hand was promptly tugged and I almost crashed into Joel's side from the momentum, his arm wrapping around my waist to catch me.

I looked up at him with a glower.

"Pay attention, little girl." Joel admonished beside me, ignoring my sulky expression. "They'll be fine."

I almost argued, but decided not to push my luck when we were still in his parents vicinity.

Joel opened the door and led us outside of Martins office, and we walked the opposite direction of the other couple, and headed back through the living room.

Joel held my hand and squeezed as we made our way through more chattering family, and to the elevator that was on the far side of the living room wall.

He punched in the code for his room and guided me inside the elevator once the door opened, immediately pushing the close door button.

Why Sara and I couldn't have just used the elevator earlier instead of climbing up all those stairs to her room, was a great question.

Since Joel was the oldest his room was naturally the biggest, being on the top floor and basically a miniature penthouse.

The doors opened in no time and he prompted me inside, the familiar scent of Dior cologne filling my nose.

The room was so Joel. Modern but simple, we've been up here a handful of times but I couldn't help but to always look around and take everything in as if I'd never seen it before.

"Sit." Joel commanded shortly motioning for me to sit on his bed.

I did, hoping to get back on his good graces, although I had to bite my tongue at his tone.

I'm not a dog.

He crossed his arms and glared down at me, looking as if I'd done the most horrible thing in the world.

I frowned, okay I'm starting to understand why Sara was being difficult now, it was just THC, come on!

"Are you just going to stare at me or..." I trailed off with attitude, crossing my arms over my chest as well.

His eyes darkened as he took a step forward, our knees now practically touching, causing my assurance from a second ago to whither away. I shrunk as he bent down a little and whispered lowly. "I know that pen isn't yours, little girl. Whose is it?"

My eyes widened and I looked away from his booming eyes.

"It is mine! I-Cal got it for me." I quickly thought up and immediately regretted it.

Why would I drag Callan into this?!

"Is that right?" His voice was steady and dangerous, and I knew I was on thin freaking ice. He was definitely not in the mood.

I nodded my head, unable to verbally answer.

"Okay, I'll just give his brother a call and-"

"No!" I yelled, my eyes shooting to his with urgency, standing with my hands in front of me in a surrendering motion.

He narrowed his eyes, "no?"

My heart jumped and I sidestepped so I wasn't trapped between him and the bed anymore.

"Uh- look, it really is mine okay? I-I can't tell you where I got it from but I was just stressed out about school and- and I thought-"

"Thought what?" He calmly asked, turning and stepping closer to me, eyes storming. "You know my stance on drugs little girl, and you also know you can always come to me if you ever feel stressed out. Don't you?" His brow raised.

"Yes, I-I know!" I tried to reassure, stepping back a little, trying to seem casual about it. "I just- I didn't want to worry you. And-and I just kinda missed it, is all." I could barely meet his burning gaze.

He hummed and studied me, head tilted to the side.

"You know, I'd be impressed with the amount of times you've failed to lie to me tonight if it didn't make me what to spank your naughty bottom."

I blushed madly, and babbled out in response, trying to distance myself from Joel's advancing form.

"I-I'm not lying!-"

Joel reached forward and grabbed my right bicep and pulled me closer, easily turning me to the side and landing three hard spanks on my behind in quick succession.

I winced as he turned me back to face him.

"Enough." He barked causing me to jump.

"Joel please." I begged, knowing what was going to inevitably unfold if I kept refusing him.

"Last chance, baby."

I gulped at the authority in his voice, demanding me to obey and be Daddy's good girl.

"I- fuck!" I cursed at my inner turmoil.

Immediately, he wrapped a firm but tender hand around my bicep, sitting down on his bed and pulling my struggling form down and over his awaiting thighs.

"No, wait! Please, no more!" I cried before he even started.

"No more?" He questioned amused, rubbing his big hand over my semi-tight skirt, "but I haven't even started yet."

I whined, yet.

"No more." He agreed softly. "For now, if you behave yourself."

I felt like crying, I knew what he wanted but I couldn't tell. I wouldn't. I felt obligated to stand my ground, for both of my friends sake. I didn't mind taking the fall, I didn't want us all to suffer.

On the other hand, I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep this up. Lying to Joel, to Daddy, was not only impossible but also an absolute shit idea. He didn't like it, and I've suffered many times from doing it.

"Please." I whimpered, and gasped at the sudden pinch on my tingling bottom.

"My poor baby. I can practically hear that wonderful mind of yours racing miles." He shushed me when I whined again. "Tell Daddy what's got you so troubled, you know I don't like when my babygirl suffers alone."

"I-I can't." I whimpered.

"Why's that baby?" Daddy questioned. "are you trying to protect your friends?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, squirming. "Please, just let it go!"

"You know me better than that sweetheart." He informed, pulling me tighter again him. "Daddy's getting very impatient, princess."

I was then being shifted, and my skirt was swiftly lifted above my bottom before I could do anything to stop him. I gasped as the cool air tickled against my skin, my lacy underwear doing little to protect me.

I reached down and tried to pull my skirt back down, but my hand was smacked away and I yanked my hand back in front of me, trying shake the pain out.

I froze at the sound of skin slapping skin and the pain blossoming across my right cheek an instant later. Then a slap with the same force landed on my left, then right again.

It's been awhile since I've been spanked, aside from the warning swats I've received, and I had to say...

I missed it.

The harsh feeling of another swat landing on the opposite side of my posterior woke me up out of that insane fantasy, and I let out a pained cry.

"Ah, Daddy please!"

"You know what I want to know little girl, you're not going anywhere until I have your full compliance." He informed, his hand swiftly finding a pattern.


Okay, so snitching really wasn't sounding like a terrible idea anymore.

But, damn it what about Jo?

I groaned out loud, my ass starting to really hurt.

"I-I don't what her to get in trouble- ow!" I cried when a slap landed on my upper thigh.

"You're all in trouble, little girl."

I didn't respond. He's got me there.

We were all in trouble but I still had a hard time just throwing Jo under the bus. Although how did I know she didn't already throw herself under the bus? She did already. And if it had been me, I would have told the truth right away knowing my friends would have done the same.

"Who's is it?" He demanded in his dreaded Daddy voice, resting his hand.

I tensed, but still hesitated.

The warm hand left my warm bottom and I panicked.

"Wait! No! It's not mine!" I answered instead, squeezing my eyes shut.

"That's good to hear baby, but that wasn't my question." He rebuked.

My underwear was then grasped and swiftly pulled down to reveal my bare pink ass, and I choked.

Jo babe, I'm so sorry girl.

"Okay! It's Jo's!" I sputtered before he could even aim. "It's Jo-Jo's, please, no more!"

"Good girl." He purred and I could practically hear his pleased expression.

I sighed, happy to hear those words and greedily drinking them up like a lost kitten.

Of course, he always had to ruin the moment.

"Tell me what happened when Josephine took you up to her room."

I tensed but relaxed again when his hand caressed my bare ass, apparently not granting me the privilege of pulling them back up.

"Um, well she just asked me if I wanted to get high and we did."


I bit my lip to prevent the cry if pain that wanted to break free, ow!

"More specific please, tell me exactly what happened from the moment you stepped into her room."

I blinked.

"Okay but can we please do without the-" I yelped at the pain of the same spot spanked again.

"Carful, you're in no position to be so demanding."
He scolded. "Now, continue please."

"Uhm." I let out a breath, and recalled back to when I went to Jo's room. "We went into her room and she asked me if I wanted to get high, and I asked her how she expected us to get high without smelling like-like weed, and then she showed me the pen..."

"Where did she grab the pen from?" He interjected.

"It was in her backpack."

He hummed bud didn't say anything else, just rubbed my bottom as I continued.

"And-and I thought she meant nicotine at first, but then she told me that it was a dab pen." I mumbled. "I-I told her that Martin would be mad if he found out but she insisted that he wouldn't."


"Then Sara came in and we all got high until you found us."

"Interesting." I didn't like that tone. "So instead of telling my little sister 'no', you decided instead to follow her lead and do something that you knew was wrong."

Damn, I mean when he put it like that-

I yelped when the steady spanks continued, and wiggled.

"Yes, you-you're right!" I insisted, groaning when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to his toned stomach.

"Yes, and tell me, what happens when you do something you know you shouldn't do?" He questioned.


"I get spankings!" I clenched my fists, willing myself to keep strong.

"That's right." He agreed. "The moment my sister asked you to do something naughty, you should have declined immediately and then come to me. People die from cartridges because they can easily be laced, and I won't have anyone I care about risking their lives to smoke them. Do you understand me?"

My eyes opened. People died from them, what the hell?!

"I-I didn't know! I promise, or I never would have-"

"I know baby, that's why it's so important that you come to me. I'll always listen to you." He caressed my warm rear again. "If you truly missed getting high we could have sat down and figured something out, but going behind my back and lying to me will not be happening again."

I shuddered and I shook my head, "no, never again!"

"No." He agreed in a final tone. "But let's be absolutely sure about that, our time is unfortunately almost up."

"Noooooo..." I whined like a child, not wanting more smacks. "I learned my lesson Joel, I don't-!"

My face retorted to pain at the punishing force of his colossal hand.

"You don't want to be using that tone with me right now." He advised in a threatening tone. "And if you call me by my name one more time tonight, you and I will be having another conversation."

I gulped.


A/N: this is getting too long 😭😭 there will be a part 4 at some point, but next chap might be another prompt, I'm not sure yet!

Anyways, thank you for reading honey bunny's 🐰💕

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