Hazbin Hotel ( Alastor x oc D...

By Sayuri-Nishino24

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what if charlie isn't the onlying royal as well Meet her bestfriend Jasmine Daughter of lord dante and Lady S... More

Jasmine Bio
Cousin Anna Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

432 10 1
By Sayuri-Nishino24

Purplish red smoke transitions into Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb fighting egg bois

''Cherri Bomb: Heyyy, thanks for the back up, Angie!''

''Angel Dust: Hahaha!''

''Cherri Bomb: *Fires rocket launcher*''

''Angel Dust: You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages! *puts hands behind his head*

''Cherri Bomb: *launching another cherry bomb* Where've you been, anyway? I thought you up and died or some shit.''

''Angel Dust: *lighting a bomb and handing it to her* Oh, I wish! I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town. Some broads are lettin' me stay rent-free if I play nice.''

They both cover their heads as the explosion sets off behind them, then grin at each other as they jump into the field.

Angel Dust: *Continues to shoot down egg bois with what seems to be a drum mag M1928 Thompson* Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no "problematic language"... Her words, not mine. *steps on a broken tile, launching an Egg Boi airborne and shoots him from behind as he sighs again* These crazy bitches are no fun! I've been clean for two weeks!''

''Cherri Bomb: *in disbelief, smiling* Ho-ly shit!''

''Angel Dust: *looks at the leftover smudge on his finger* Well, sorta clean. *destroys an incoming Egg Boi* Just clean as you can get from a shitload of Bolivian marching powder! *gets chained and thrown aside by Sir Pentious*

''Angel Dust: Ohh~ Harder, daddy! *raises left eyebrow*''

''Sir Pentious: *taking it seriously as he gasps* Son?!''

Angel lowers eyebrow as Cherri kicks Sir Pentious to the side.

'' Sir Pentious: *hood flares open* Grr! You whores have no classss! In war, The side remembered is the side with the most ssstyle! *adjusts tie*''

''Cherri Bomb: Or the side that ain't dead! *decapitates an Egg Boi*''

''Angel Dust: *stands up and removes the chains restricting him* Speakin' a style, is your hat like, alive or something?''

''Sir Pentious: Oh! Well, that's none of your GOD DAMN BUSSSSINESS! Now, is it?''

''Angel Dust: Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?''

A sign that says "Loser" can be seen in the background pointing at Sir Pentious as an Egg Boi acknowledges the roast.

''Egg Boi: *cups hands* Oooooh! *gets pebble thrown at him by Sir Pentious*''

''Sir Pentious: *enraged* I'm going to blow you to bitssss!''

''Angel Dust: *eyes him up and down* Hm, kinky!''

''Sir Pentious: Oh, not like that! *hood flares open as a sign that says "Pussy" can be seen pointing at him in the background* Pervert! *knocks over an Egg Boi*''

Angel notices an egg boi with a tentacle launcher which causes him to push Cherri to the side out of fear.

Angel gets tangled up in all the tentacles.

''Sir Pentious: Not so cocky now, are we?!''

''Angel Dust: *unamused* Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes outta ya mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole *limbs gets pulled on as Sir Pentious reveals a drill which jump starts* TIME! *reveals his third pair of arms carrying a gun* And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on. I mean, it's just *pulls out M1928* sad! *shoots it at Sir Pentious*

''Cherri Bomb: So, think you're gonna get in a lotta trouble for this?''

''Angel Dust: Eh, *retracts his third set of arms* what's one little brawl gonna cause?''

Charlie and Killjoy can be seen trying to duking it out on each other like it's some sort of WWE match while a fire alarm goes off in the background with Trench entering the scene, covered in flames.

''Tom Trench: WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?!''

''Cherri Bomb: Glad you haven't changed! *slugs him on the arm* You know you're my favorite guy to party with!

''Angel Dust: You know it, sugar tits!

''Cherri Bomb: *takes out one last bomb* You ready to finish this?

''Angel Dust: *takes out Thompson gun* Born ready, baby!''

Angel and Cherri pounce onto Sir Pentious and his army as they prepare to clash, Charlie and Killjoy are still at each other's throats screaming, Trench is still on fire, screaming in agony. The camera shows all the characters present, screaming as the scene turns silent.

The royal family limousine can be seen driving back to the hotel. Charlie can be seen hugging her knees and looking out the window when her jacket is ruined after Katie Killjoy attacked her and Jasmine rubbing Charlie back gently trying to make her feel better, while Vaggie sits next to her, glaring furiously at Angel Dust.

''Charlie: *sighs*''

''Vaggie: *eye twitches* [Angel Dust can be seen amusing himself by playing with the car window roller repeatedly.]''

Vaggie: *scrunches up her face*

''Angel Dust: *taking notice* ...What?''

''Vaggie: "What?", "WHAT?!" What were you DOING?! *rips off her hair*''

''Angel Dust: *sighs* I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a "redeeming quality"? *does air quotes* Helping friends with stuff? *rolls eyes*''

''Vaggie: Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!''

''Angel Dust: Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. Ehahahahahah! *Inhales* It wasn't that bad, anyway. *proceeds to play with the button of the car window roller*''

Vaggie throws a folded pocket knife at the window roller and make Angeldust flinch.

"Jasmine: You Vaggie does have a point Angel dust''

''Angel Dust: Aw, come on! I had to! *brushes back hair* My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out my entire persona! *suggestively pushes up chest floof*

''Vaggie: Your credibility? What about the hotel's?! *gestures at a defeated Charlie* Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke! *combusts*''

''Angel Dust: *scoffs* No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! *camera pans to Charlie* And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria! *camera focuses back on him* Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it! *starts looking around the limousine* This thing have any liquor?''

''Vaggie: Can you please just try to take this seriously?''

''Angel Dust: *flicks off a dust bunny* Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist, baby! *snaps finger at her while smiling*''

''Vaggie: Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!''

Angel Dust: *groans* Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?!''

"Jasmine: No Angel dust there not Liquor in here"

''Vaggie: *returns to sit next to Charlie as she crosses her arms* I'm gonna kill 'im.''

''Angel Dust:  Too late, toots. Wait! Would that make me double dead? Hah, and where exactly do I go? To Double Hell? Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it *folds arms confidently*''

 ''Vaggie: *angrily, as she grits her teeth* ¡Con una mierda malparido hijo de-! (For fuck's sake you bastard son of-!)''

''Angel Dust: Listen, who cares if some jack-offs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around! *looks out the limousine window, smirking* You got a bunch a fuckin' Harlequin babies down here! *laughing*''

Vaggie: You're one to talk. *smiles smugly*

Jasmine: Snicker abit then lean back against her seat look out through the window sighing gently.

''Angel Dust: Hey! *motions to his body* This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me, *pushes up chest fluff and takes out a letter* and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!

Takes letter from in between his chest floof and reveals it to Vaggie that features a small picture of a dirty naked old man, who ironically has a "No Angel Dust" tattoo, smothering his mouth on an Angel Dust body pillow and a message at the bottom saying "Show me your feet!! -Bryrin, #1 Fan/Criticand that make Jasmine shiver her spine at the note that angeldust has in his hand.

''Vaggie: Grrr...''

''Charlie: That was really uncool, y'know, Angel.''

''Vaggie: "Uncool"? After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! *looks toward Angel Dust* All thanks to *points at him* you and your selfish bullshit!''

''Angel Dust: Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?''

''Vaggie: *motions "What do you think?"*''

Jasmine shake her head at him before cross her leg over her other leg.

'Angel Dust: *snaps finger* Ah, well shucks.''

''Charlie: Hey, come on. *takes off ruined jacket* We don't know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie. *puts a hand on Vaggie's left shoulder* I-it'll be okay!''

''Vaggie: *smiles at Charlie*''

Jasmine smile hopefuly everything will be alright  until they get a special visitor soon as they made it back to the hotel safe after the incident at the 666 news station. Hoping her friend charlie will be alright.

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