Shield Hero Idea's [Weapon's...

By ShadowYeager77

2.8K 56 67

[I own no art] More

Shield Idea's [I]
Naofumi's New Party Member's [I]
New Species [I]
Sword Idea's [I]
Boss Idea's [I]
New Species [II]
Naofumi's New Party Member's [II]
Bow Idea's [I]
Kazuma Iwatani Loadout & Party
Ren's Family [I]
Character AU [Infinite]
Spear Idea's [I]
The Original Four
Alternate Start
Naofumi the Spider
Legendary Gun Hero [I]
Shield Idea's [II]
Alternate Start Story Idea's
Shield Idea's [III]
Alternate Start [Ylisse]
Naofumi's Friend's [I]
Alternate Start [Character Origin's]
Devil of the Shield V.S Naofumi [Intro]
Perfect Start

Naofumi's Family [I]

134 3 0
By ShadowYeager77

[Art is not mine]


{Name}<-[Kaito Iwatani]


{Hair Color}<-[Dark Brown]

{Eye Color}<-[Brown]

{Personality}<-[Kaito has a very cold exterior, and doesn't smile very often. He has care for his family but doesn't let anyone see it, being taught by his father that showing emotion is unbecoming of a man]

{Upbringing}<-[Kaito grew up rather privileged as his parents owned the Iwatani family business. He was raised to be the next owner of the business, so he rarely had any time to himself growing up]

{Meeting his Wife}<-[Kaito and his Wife met at a cafe when he was in his twenties. It took him a little over a year to ask her out on a date. The two got married a little soon and had their first child, Naofumi quickly after they got married]

{Family Relation's}<-[Naofumi] <-[Kaito and Naofumi always had a bit of a strained relationship, as a child, Naofumi would want to play whenever, Kaito came home but they never really got that time together. They became mostly strained whenever he found out about his son's Otaku lifestyle, Kaito didn't really understand it and refused to learn about it. At least up until, Naofumi sorted his younger brother out, then he became curious and asked his youngest son why he found it so relaxing. Afterward's, the two tried to patch their relationship little by little although they weren't able to get far before, Naofumi's "Disappearance"]

[Ayumi "Saihara" Iwatani] <-[Kaito and Ayumi have a decently good marriage, they argue a good bit as most couple's do. Both are the current owner's of their respective businesses and often work together on each other's businesses]

[Kazuma Iwatani] <-[Kaito has a closer relationship with, Kazuma then, Naofumi. He had almost lost faith in his younger son before, Naofumi helped sort him out. Kaito often make's time for, Kazuma which hurt, Naofumi deeply. Although he didn't voice it]

{After Naofumi's Disappearance}<-[Although the two weren't close, Kaito didn't believe for one second that he would up and run away, he believed there was something more sinister than meet's the eye. Kaito believe's, Naofumi was either kidnapped or murdered by gang member's or even the Yakuza. He began having a hard time sleeping due to a lack of closure to the case and would sometime's go day's without sleep, he often called the police to make sure they kept the case open so they would look for, Naofumi but this never turned up anything, and the case went cold]


{Name}<-[Ayumi "Saihara" Iwatani]


{Hair Color}<-[Black]

{Eye Color}<-[Green]

{Personality}<-[Ayumi, much like her husband, has a very cold exterior. Although she show's a much softer side to her family. She has a deep love for her children and husband, she's also very close to her father and often get's advise from him]

{Upbringing}<-[Ayumi was born into the very wealthy Saihara family, unlike her husband, she had a little bit of free time when she was younger. She was taught how to run her father's business when she was a kid, and was naturally the heir to the business. Her and her father often played catch in the back yard whenever he had a day off]

{Meeting her Husband}<-[Ayumi met her husband in cafe when, she was in her twenties. She thought he was a rather attractive man and went out on a date with him when he finally built up the courage to ask her]

{Family Relation's}<-[Naofumi] <-[She does not approve of his lifestyle one bit. She believed the Otaku lifestyle was for people who didn't go anywhere in life, that was until, Naofumi showed the lifestyle to his troubled younger brother and sorted him out. Seeing her youngest son find peace in this kind of lifestyle made her curious and she decided to try it out. It started with reading some Manga's and eventually spun into a love for the lifestyle. She thank's, Naofumi for this new found hobby]

[Kaito Iwatani] <-[Ayumi love's her husband deeply, and has said that he is her soulmate. Her and Kaito didn't care for the Otaku lifestyle, but he began to tease her when she started becoming an Otaku herself. Both have been married for over twenty year's and counting]

[Kazuma Iwatani] <-[Ayumi and Kazuma have a deep family bond that was slightly shaken when, Kazuma began to rebel. The relationship was patched up, thank's to Naofumi intervening before his brother became worse]

{After Naofumi's Disappearance}<-[Ayumi became very distraught when he came up missing. When he didn't turn up after two or three day's she believed he had run away due to their parenting and had no plan's of returning. She began suffering from nightmare's whenever she slept. It got to a point to where she couldn't sleep without holding one of, Naofumi's hoodie's, it made her feel like he was still there. She prayed every day and night, hoping he would turn up soon, but he never did]


{Name}<-[Kazuma Iwatani]


{Hair Color}<-[Brown]

{Eye Color}<-[Green]

{Personality}<-[Kazuma is a very easy going Otaku who enjoy's his new found hobby. He has the most care for his older brother, just about idolizing him, hoping he could be just like him one day. He know's that he's going to be the next owner of the family business but he intend's to keep his Otaku hobby in tact]

{Upbringing}<-[Kazuma is the younger brother of, Naofumi. He was raised much like his older brother, having just about anything he wanted. When their parents lost hope in, Naofumi, he quickly became the subject of their parents working's. He started rebelling against them due to the stress, but thank's to his older brother he found a new hobby that help's him cope with the stress]

{Family Relation's}<-[Naofumi] <-[Kazumi care's about his brother the most out of all of his family. He was very jealous of his brother's freedom at first, but is very grateful for his brother for introducing him to the Otaku lifestyle]

[Kaito Iwatani] <-[Kaito and Kazuma have a good relationship, but Kazuma feel's a little guilty about it, because he know's his distant his father is with, Naofumi. They play catch in the back yard and spend time together a good bit]

[Ayumi "Saihara" Iwatani] <-[Kazuma had a good relationship with his Mother, but the relationship became strained when he began rebelling due to stress. Kazuma thank's, Naofumi for helping them patch their relationship]

{After Naofumi's Disappearance}<-[After, Naofumi disappeared he became desperate to find some trace of him. This was his older brother that just disappeared off the face of the planet, without a trace to speak of. He believed he was alive, he just needed to find him. Little did he know, they'd find him very very soon]

{Teleported to Raphtalia's World}

{It happened when, Kazuma cam across the same book, Naofumi read before being summoned. He had brought it home and began to read it after they had finished breakfast, and when he did, all three of them were dragged to, Raphtalia's world. All three of them were horrified, they had just finished breakfast and now they were in some weird new world. They were in the middle of some forest, so they looked for a way to civilization. Kazuma had a switchblade he was using just incase someone or something wanted to hurt them. Eventually, they found some sort of village. And who they found in that village put them in a state of shock, it was Naofumi himself, in the flesh}

{Ayumi}<-[When she saw her eldest son she swore they must've been dead. She approached him believing that he was an angel, leading them to heaven. But when she was shown that they were alive, she broke down crying. The son she thought was gone for good was alive and well. It took her a while before she let, Naofumi out of her sight afterward's]

{Kaito}<-[Kaito was surprised to see his oldest son alive, he was also surprised when he heard the people of the village referring to his son as "Lord" "Shield Saint" "Archduke" "Count" and "Hero Iwatani". He wanted an explanation, and got a very lengthy one. Believe it or not, hearing all of, Naofumi's stories and achievements lead him to say "I'm proud of you, son.". He was amazed by, Naofumi's willpower and strength to keep going no matter how rough the road ahead was going to be]

{Kazuma}<-[Kazuma would be lying if he said he didn't cry when he saw, Naofumi alive and well. He wanted to know everything that happened. When he heard about what, Malty/Bitch did to him; he wanted to put her in her place. But, Naofumi stopped him, saying, "She's been dealt with already". He'd also be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of his brother for having a Harem of beautiful women. Some thing's never change]

Hope everyone enjoyed. Let me know who your favorite is, and I'll see y'all later, adios.

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