De'vil wears puppies: Dolly's...

By LunarGuard177

1.2K 23 3

What would you do if the family you care for is no longer around? More

Behind the book cover
Chapter: 0 Prologue: alt ending
Chapter: 1 The De'vils Victory
Chapter: 3 You're to Blame
Chapter: 4 The New Me, The Real Me

Chapter: 2 A Clear Mind

168 4 0
By LunarGuard177

*entering through the front door the air is stale within the dark and empty hallway*

*walking pass the living room, chew toys can be seen laying about on the ground untouched*

*walking into the kitchen goosebumps cover the body as a draft can be felt coming from the large hole in the center of the floor, and Dolly Dalmatian sits down in front of the hole vividly remembering her parents, siblings, and her life ripped away in that one night*

"GO! NOW!" *Delilah barks at Dolly as Dylan grabs Dolly by the tail pulling her into the hole*

*ringing builds in the dalmatian's ears as tears form from the flashback while the room grows a reddish orange*

"Pearl! They dognapped the puppies!" *Dolly barks as she tries to chase down the shipping container* "hop on!" *Pearl whinnies back and both dalmatian's jump onto Pearl's back*

*Dolly grabs ahold of her temples while her ears fold in-between her paws as she does so, as tears run down the dalmatian's face, the ringing grows ever so louder as the room around her becomes dark*

"DYLAN! DON'T LET GO!" *Dolly shouts while Dylan tries so desperately to hold onto Dolly as the ship slams into another wave ripping Dolly out of Dylan's grip forcing both dalmatian's to watch grow further apart before Dolly is carried out to sea*

*all Dolly can hear is ringing as a long and painful scream forces it's way out of the dalmatian while the flashbacks played over and over becoming seared into Dolly's mind as she crumbles to the ground breaking down from the pain that grips her body as tears run down the dalmatian's face*

*knock* *knock* *knock*

*the knocking can heard coming from the front door, as Dolly lays there sobbing more knocking can be heard and Dolly gets up whipping away some of the tears before walking over to the front door and opening it*

"Dolly! I heard what happened, i came as soon as possible! i'm sorry to what happened to your family, are you okay?" *Roxy Rottweiler hug rushes Dolly the moment the door was opened*

"Oh! H-Hey Roxy..." *surprised by the visit Dolly smiles weakly as she hugs the Rottweiler back*

*Roxy puts Dolly back down giving her some space* "i can stay over for the night if you need any company?" *Roxy barks as she looks down at her friend*

"Oh... umm... thanks Roxy... but i... uhh..." *Dolly breaks her gaze from Roxy unable to find her words as she wipes away the rest of her tears*

"I understand Dolly, you've been through alot these past couple of day's, it must be hard on you, and if you need anything just let me know, okay?" *Dolly looks back up at Roxy and gives her a hug as Rottweiler does the same before heading out* "i'll be back tomorrow! get some rest okay?" *Roxy barks as she heads off into the night while waving to her friend*

"I will!" *Dolly waves back watching her frined leave before heading back inside closing the door behind her, and letting out a sigh before walking into living room and jumping up onto the couch*

*taking a looking around the dark and empty room, Dolly lays down while letting out another sigh before curling up into a ball* "i wish Dylan were here..." *Dolly whimpers out as she founds herself drifting off*

*Dolly eye's lazily open as she is awoken, not knowing why the dalmatian woke up she takes a look around the moonlight filled room and all she could see are squeaky toys strewn around the floor*


*jumping up to her feet as the giggling catches Dolly's attention, her ears perk up becoming aware to her surroundings*


*recognizing the laughter as her little sisters Dizzy and Dee Dee, Dolly can't seem to find where the laughter came from*

*just then Dolly hears pitter patter coming from up stairs, jumping off the couch and making her way to the stairs, she stops at the bottom step* "Dizzy? Dee Dee? Is that you?" *Dolly asks as she raises a paw and begins to slowly walk up the stairs* "pups? Now is not the time to be playing games..." *Dolly nervously barks making it half way up the stairs*


*small paws can be heard running across the hallway at the top of the stairs as they laugh and giggle*

"puppies?" *Dolly barks a bit louder, making her way to the top of the stairs* "where did you go?" *looking around the pitched black hallway* "now is not time to play hide and seek!" *nervously barking again as Dolly walks towards a room she thought she heard the pups run into* "Dizzy? Dee Dee? pups? are you in here?" *upon opening the door, moonlight stretches inside the room reveling both Dizzy and Dee Dee playing tug of war with a rubber chicken*

*sighing in releaf Dolly walks towards the puppies* "Dizzy, Dee Dee it's the middle of the night, you two should be in bed." *as Dolly barks at them they stop what they were doing and playfully bark back at her*

Both: "arr aarrr aar arrr ruf ruuuff"

*as both jump up and down one at a time while they bark*

Dee Dee: "Dolly! Dolly! Look who we found!"

Dizzy: "it's!"

Both: "mr. Funny face!" *laugh*

*looking up pass the pups Dolly see's a shadowy figure standing next to the window as moonlight pours in reveling Hunter De'vil*

"hello dalmatian's" *hunter says taking a few steps forward and both Dizzy and Dee Dee walk up to him wagging their tails* "Dizzy! Dee Dee! Get away from him!" *Dolly barks at them as she gets into a attack potion* "aww they can't help it, you dalmatian's are to die for!" *Hunter adjust his jacket reveling it is made out of dalmatians, horrified Dolly steps back before looking down at Hunters feet and witness Dizzy and Dee Dee conform to the De'vils feet as their eye's are hallowed out foreheads stretched as the shie laces tie themselves up while the eye's are sewn shut, turning the young dalmatian's into shoes all the while Hunter laughs maniacally*

"wh-wha..." *losing the will to fight Dolly slowly backs up paw by paw with her tail between her legs as the De'vil continues to laugh* "n-no... i-i was supposed to protect them..." *Hunters laugh grows louder as his arm reaches out for Dolly* "oh, no it seems i've missed one" *a wicked smile runs across the De'vils face as he reaches out to grab Dolly as fear takes a hold of the young dalmatian, Dolly paws move on their own trying to get away from De'vil as Hunter's arm stretches out above the dalmatian* "NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!" *Dolly's eye's widen from the fear, unable to get away as the De'vils hand snatches her*

*the nightmare forces a gasp out of the dalmatian as she shoots up wake in a cold pant with her heart beating against her chest while taking in deep breaths*

*some time passes by and Dolly manages to calm down a bit before looking around and finding she is still in the empty living room on the couch lighten up by the morning sun as a clock can be heard tick tocking away*

*the young dalmatian sniffles while using her paws to cover her eye's as tears stream down Dolly's face before rubbing her eye's whipping away the tears and then jumps down off the couch heading up strairs to the bathroom, walking inside the restroom Dolly hears water dripping down into the bathtub, the dalmatian wags her tail and pulls back the curtains with a smile and excitingly barks* "Dylan?" *her smile disappears and her tail stops wagging as she find the tub empty* "...oh..." *Dolly sighs as she hangs her head, walking up to the mirror and grabing a tooth brush and begins brushing her teeth before heading back downstairs and into the dinning room and starts to set up the table using the bowl flinger to line up the table then remembers there is no one left in the house but her* "uhhg why did i even set this up in the first place?" *grabing her bowl the dalmatian walks over to the kibble pump and fills her bowl before walking back to her end of the table, setting the bowl down and stares at it for a while birds can be heard chirping as a clock tick tocking away within the now empty home*

*after some time of staring at her food the dalmatian stomach rumbles in protest and she reluctantly takes a few bites just before knocking can be heard at front door*

*upon opening the front door Dolly is greeted by Roxy Rottweiler* "good morning Dolly! Did you sleep well?" *Dolly manages to put on a smile and replies* "oh, umm, g-good morning Roxy, i forgot you were coming today...heh" *Roxy notices something is off as Dolly pushes through her smile* "well i came back like i said i would and i wanted to check up you, how you holding up today?" *Roxy asks while wagging her stubby tail*

*Dolly looks away and scratches the back of her head for a moment before turning back to meet Roxy's gaze* "well i uh... made breakfast... fforrr the pups... heh..." *shocked to hearing such news Roxy looks at Dolly a bit puzzled* "i thought officer Pearl said tha-" *Dolly rises her voice a little cutting off Roxy* "well officer Pearl is WRONG! MY family IS doing just FINE!"

*taken a back by the sudden change of attitude Roxy metaphorically takes a step back* "well i'm glad that you and your family are doing fine, i was hoping we can hang out at the park this afternoon if you'd like?" *calming down Dolly replies* "yeah, sure the park, that uhh... sounds great, i'll bring my skateboard!" *Roxy somewhat pleased to hear Dolly will be leaving the house she barks back* "great! I'll see you there around noon" *as Roxy begins to walk off Dolly replies* "okay i'll see you there, heh bye Roxy!" *Roxy Rottweiler smiles turning her head back to Dolly as both wave to each other*

*after closing the front door behind herself the dalmatian walks back to the dinning room and sits down at her spot* "the pups are fine heh... they'll can't resist breakfast, right?" *she whimpers out staring at her food* "Dylan has got the rest this, he likes cleaning up anyways" *she says looking around the table before heading to the backyard* "heh... must be reorganizing his moon rocks again..." *Dolly says forcing a smile while looking up at the tree house*

*hours pass by as the afternoon rolls around and Dolly grabs her skateboard, heading out towards the park*

*upon reaching the park Dolly notices Roxy and Snowball talking with one other at the park entrance while Snowball's human is selling shirts while Dolly skates up to them* "Dolly glad you can make it!" *Roxy turns to meet Dolly as she happily greets her* "da it is gud to see you Dolly" *Snowball greats the dalmatian as well while her Human makes a sale in the background* "so what are we doing today?" *Dolly asks* "well since Snowball's Human is busy i was thinking we could all go skating together!" *Roxy exactly barks* "da sounds gud" *Snowball grabs her helmet and skateboard before the three of them head over to the halfpipe*

*as each dog takes turns going down the halfpipe Dolly pulls a 360 flip, Roxy does a frontside 180, and Snowball manages a caballerial and the three of them continue their flips and tricks throughout the afternoon and into the evening, and as Snowball takes her turn down the halfpipe her leash gets pulled and she goes flying back to her Human while both Dolly and Roxy laugh as they watch Snowball fly through the air back to her Human*

*Roxy and Dolly stroll through the park, playing on the seesaw, rolling in mug, racing down some slops with their skateboards, and Roxy manages to bribe a hotdog stand for the both of them and Roxy gives Dolly a hotdog while they walk to a park bench enjoying the treats as they rest*

*across the park Hansel see's Dolly and walks over* "hey Dolly nice to see you back" *Dolly's heart skips a beat the moment Hansel walked over* "Hansel! Hi! uhh what are doing... here at ttthhe umm... park! park... the park heh heh" *Dolly nervously smiles as her tail wags* "well i came to see Dy-" *Roxy cuts Hansel off with a gesture* "i mean i came with some of my poetry friends! we were gonna hit up the poetry slam tonight, and wanted to ask if you wanted to join me?" *Dolly eye's grow large as sparkles dot ever inch of her eye's before nervously asking* "i-is this gonna be like a uhhh..." *fiddling with her paws Dolly struggles to find words* "yeah like a date or casually hang out" *Hansel replies* "r-r-really?" *her tail wags faster from the unexpected date invite from Hansel* "yeah sure and Dylan or any of your siblings want to join they can"

*realizing what the husky just said he looks towards Dolly as Roxy's jaw drops with a horrified facial expression* "pssh Dylan and the pups have been exhausted all day i think they would be fine with me gone for the night" *both become shocked with what Dolly said while they try to keep their composure* "yeah totally i'll meet you at there at 8?" *Hansel asks barely keeping it together* "yeah sure Hansel! i'll be there!" *Dolly replies wagging her tail* "okay i"ll see you tonight Dolly."

*walking off Hansel waves to Dolly while Dolly does the same as Hansel has become worried about Dolly's well being*

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