Turn In The Cosmic Express St...

By Xiaoshuo_

10.7K 151 1

Xia Yufei, who was suddenly laid off, returned to her hometown in the countryside, planning to use the house... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 37

67 1 0
By Xiaoshuo_

Chapter 37. Dark Energy Do you still believe in light?

    Under the dark night, the red signal bomb soared into the sky and exploded dazzlingly like fireworks.

    The short-lived light and heat illuminated the land on the border, and also exposed the densely packed robots to people's sight.

    "In the name of the supreme military commander of the Blazing Kingdom, I issue the final order to all the soldiers. Fight for the country and the people and never retreat until the last moment. Let every drop of blood become a flower of glory!

    " The robot team fought together, and the soldiers of Blazing Kingdom were ready to go, staring at the battle situation intently, and rushed to the battlefield as soon as the signal for the final attack sounded.     At this time, the chaotic battle situation was far worse than the commander thought. The foreign coalition forces obviously obtained some kind of black technology. Not only did the advance team retreat steadily, but even the robots that were injured and out of control were used by them to stand up again. Attack allies.     The border would fall in less than an hour like this, and the commander's grip on the communicator became even tighter.     Can't wait any longer, the soldiers must enter the battlefield immediately to survive!     He made a decisive decision and pressed the second button in the command room, and another flare was launched into the air.     When the soldiers saw the signal, they rushed into the battlefield immediately, blocking the army of tens of thousands of robots with their flesh and blood.     In an instant, the flames shot up into the sky, the sound of shells exploded everywhere, and the border turned into a fire dragon blocking the enemy's progress.     On the other side, people in the city far away from the capital also heard the abnormal noise, and gathered together in fear and looked into the distance.     They still don't know what's going on, because they haven't heard the real and cruel appearance of war for a long time, but their subconscious mind has already felt the danger is approaching, which is the self-protection information engraved in everyone's DNA.     In the fear of the unknown, they heard the piercing sound of sirens.     "Alert! The whole country is about to enter a state of emergency avoidance. Please prepare to enter the evacuation shelter, and follow the guidance of the police and social worker robots to avoid danger immediately!"

    Frightened, the crowd became restless and chaotic.

    At the same time, in the distant foreign gathering places, people are holding candles with peaceful faces to observe a special sacrificial ceremony.

    The women and children tied to the cross had lost their breath, but their consciousness had entered another place—

    the latest row of the most realistic anthropomorphic robots on earth in the center of the venue was slowly waking up.

    Their appearance looks no different from human beings, but they have the strongest mechanical bones, hard and soft skin, and an immortal life.

    When the first robot combined with human consciousness fully came to life in horror, the audience erupted.

    The crowd cheered, hugged each other excitedly, and even chanted self-sacrifice.

    It seems that the moment for human beings to go to the altar has arrived.

    On the contrary, the other half of human beings living in darkness are about to go to the hell of destruction...

    "Do you still believe in light?"

    In the black hole of time and space, Panao knelt down in front of Xia Yufei who lost his mind, and asked She stretched out her frosty hand.

    But Xia Yufei who was sitting on the ground didn't react at all, her eyes were empty like a delicate puppet who had lost her soul.

    Seeing that she was in a state of being unresponsive to the outside world, Panao didn't give up, took something from the clothes sticking to her chest, put it in her hand and continued talking to herself.

    "I know this is a big blow to you, but this world is so cruel. I was once as confused as you and didn't know what else to do, but you changed my mind."

    Xia Yufei raised her head in confusion.


    Seeing that she finally had a reaction, Pan'ao smiled and leaned against the stone pillar with her, although there was an indescribable sadness in Xiao Ke's eyes.

    "Yes, to be precise, there is your grandma. You have influenced me. Do you know that the planet I live on used to be very similar to this place, with beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. But the speed of civilization development The faster it is, the easier it is to invite disasters. Just like you people on earth, disasters come from within."

    Panao thought of his hometown, and the beautiful scenery of Selena, where the pink nebula glowed and rotated.

    However, all good things were destroyed in that coup.

    In order to seize power, his uncle did not hesitate to betray his home planet, and joined forces with the captain of the Void Ghost Ship to launch a large-scale massacre.

    After that bloody night, less than half of the life forms survived on his home planet.

    In order to survive, he had to escape into the universe and leave his favorite home planet.

    He also wanted to take revenge, but due to the disparity in power, he had to forbear and hibernate, secretly saving power.

    But after waiting for a long time of disappointment, he began to lose himself, not knowing what he should do and what else he could do.

    Until an accident, Ouyang Hong discovered his identity. He thought that this human being would betray him and report it in exchange for points, but what he waited for was a delicious pastry to welcome his new neighbors.

    He began to think about what the meaning of his existence was.

    If he could never wait for the letters from his subordinates scattered on various planets to gather and counterattack, would he live in darkness and mistrust forever like this?

    Just when he was most confused, it was Xia Yufei's appearance that made him see another possibility.

    That ordinary human is obviously so weak, but so tough to be strong.

    No matter how difficult the recipient is or how powerful the enemy is, this human girl will grit her teeth and never give up. In the end, she will always find a solution to convince the other party. The kind of identification with her from the bottom of my heart.

    This is something Panao has never seen since secretly observing so many cosmic couriers.

    For the sake of points, those couriers of the Star Alliance from extraterrestrials can even ruthlessly attack their own race, doing everything they can.

    So he began to wonder how far this girl could surpass the previous interstellar courier.

    And now, when the trajectory of this planet is also developing like the trajectory of the fall of his home planet, this ordinary human has finally embarked on the same path as him back then.

    Perhaps it was because seeing Xia Yufei was as helpless as seeing her weak self back then, Panao was no longer under the control of reason and just wanted to help her.

    Seeing that there was still a trace of warm pastry in her hand, Xia Yufei's throat felt astringent.

    This is probably the only warm place on the alien who is about to freeze into an ice sculpture, right?

    It's not that she doesn't understand Pan'ao's intention to comfort herself, but she can't see any hope in the future at all. This sense of despair makes her helpless as if she has fallen into an outer space without oxygen and can only wait for death.

    Panao finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing her complicated eyes.

    At least it's not the worst thing if you're still willing to think about it.

    So he continued to enlighten: "What is the meaning of living? This is a question your grandma once asked me. Whether it was me at that time or now, I don't know, but there is one thing she said is right. , living is not one's own business, everything is closely related and affects each other. If you know the ending and don't do it, it is a foregone conclusion. She asked me, do you believe in light? If you know that one day the light will come Are you willing to live in the dark if you disappear?"

    Panao deliberately paused here, and Xia Yufei asked anxiously, "Then how did you answer?"

    Panao smiled, and the icicles on the eyelashes were like falling snow Lightly sprinkled on the ground, the icy blue eyes were as unfathomable as a crack in a polar glacier.

    "Of course the answer is unwilling. Even though light is sometimes fatal to me, I still need light to illuminate my world. I will try my best to pursue light so that it does not disappear in my life. Your grandma Tell me, this is what it means to live."

    Xia Yufei was stunned, and the corners of her eyes were moist.

    Yes, when I was a child, my grandma always comforted her every night that frightened her, pointing to the starlight outside the window and telling her to believe in the light, no matter it is day or night or any moment, the light will always exist.

    Even if a person loses their eyesight, the light remains in their heart.

    So as long as a person believes that the light is still there, it is enough to bravely face the unknown darkness.

    As in night, so in life.

    Xia Yufei tightly held the pastry in her hand and supported herself to stand up again.

    That's right, even if the future will definitely be destroyed, so what, as long as you are still alive, there is always a chance to rewrite it, even if it is extended by a minute and a second, it is a miracle!

    Because she believes in the light, the light will always exist, and even if her life ends, she will turn into a new light.

    This is the interesting part of life, no one person or force can fully define it!

    Xia Yufei walked up to the octopus man again, her awe-inspiring eyes were firmer than ever before.

    "Tell me, where does their power come from? I don't believe that there is no power that can defeat them in the whole universe!" The

    octopus was shocked by her powerful aura at the moment, and seemed to see something he had never seen before in a blur. The light is like a colorful flame with heat.

    So it was finally relieved when its life was about to come to an end, and it smiled and told a secret to the earth girl he once despised.

    "I only know that their power comes from darkness, from dark matter, and from the most negative energy in every particle in the universe. Their race is brave and good at fighting, as if they have immortal bodies, and no planet can defeat them. But the universe has always There is a legend that as long as you condense the purest light, you can compete with it, but this is almost impossible. There are impurity rays in all light energy, and there is no pure light in the universe. I think I have reached the last moment, I apologize for my slighting you, I hope you can find the power to change the universe."

    As its last sound dies away, the last space begins to collapse with it.

    Seeing this, Panao immediately destroyed the black disc.

    As the dazzling light exploded, Xia Yufei was wrapped in an icy body, and only heard a piercing buzzing sound in her ears, which made her have a splitting headache...

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