Finding Utopia

By Humanning

903 75 6

A strange dream takes Luz to a distant planet where everyone and everything is seemingly perfect, she meets A... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 2: What's Going On?
Chapter 3: Back To Reality?
Chapter 4: An Uncanny Contact
Chapter 5: Past Lives
Chapter 6: A Friendly Neighbor
Chapter 7: Good/Bad Intentions
Chapter 8: Conflicting Priorities
Chapter 9: A Turn of Events
Chapter 10: Intriguing perspectives
Chapter 11: Hurtful words
Chapter 12: A Hidden Pathway
Chapter 13: Unexpected Coincidences?
Chapter 14: Awaited Confrontations
Chapter 15: How It Happened
Chapter 16: Emotional Serendipity
Chapter 17: Finding Utopia
Chapter 18: A Draining Paradise
Chapter 19: The Wishes
Chapter 20: A Leap Of Faith
Chapter 21: Stronger Together
Chapter 22: Consequences!
Chapter 23: Good Riddance!
Chapter 25: Unprecedented Situations
Chapter 26: Knowing When To Stop
Chapter 27: A Break To Think
Chapter 28: Subconscious Mind
Chapter 29: The Last Wishes
Chapter 30: Fin

Chapter 24: The Simpler the Better!

9 2 0
By Humanning

When Luz decided to go back home, she was actually feeling strange, so she started googling pregnancy symptoms as soon as she got home.

Luz * to herself*: " Interesting, I do have some of these symptoms, but isn't it too early? It's only been a few days and I already feel a bump, I already threw up and have fatigue."

Luz: " Interesting, what should I do? it could be going quickly or it could be just weird... Should I try going to a gynecologist? but what if they think of the baby as something like a parasite?... I can't risk becoming a lab rat for the government!" 

Luz decides to take a nap as she was extremely tired, so she made sure to eat and take vitamins first. But something peculiar happened to her, Luz slept for a whole 3 days, her friends were too busy dealing with Maya's mess and comforting her that they forgot to contact her, and even when they did, she didn't answer, so they started getting worried.

Aliaan then decided it was time to check on his pregnant wife, upon his arrival, he searched the whole apartment before going to the bedroom where he found her in deep sleep, Aliaan panicked and decided to take her to the hospital, but what the doctors told him and his friends left them all in utter shock.

Doctor: " Sir, are you aware that your wife is 6 months pregnant?"

Aliaan: " That is impossible, she only found out recently!"

Doctor: " So you know she's pregnant? Did she not tell you how long it has been?"

Maanaa: " This is weird, did you notice anything wrong with the baby?"

Doctor: " Unfortunately yes, the baby seems to be fighting for its own life, the mother and the baby need great care and nutrition in these delicate times!"

Thiyya: " Thank you, doctor, we will take good care of her, can she leave today?"

Doctor: " Yes, you can take her home after the IV treatment is finished, make sure she stays hydrated and consumes red meat"

Aliaan: " Thank you for your time"

The friends turn to each other with concerned looks after the doctor leaves, each thinking about the next course of action.

Xeelai: " I think we need to contact the watchers!"

Aliaan: " Oh pleaaaase! not the watchers"

Maanaa: " As much as I dislike them, I think they'd know more about this than us"

Ziri: " Um, excuse me? What are the watchers?"

Maanaa: " Remember how I told you guys about how babies are made in Aaraa?"

Thiyya: " Yeah, you put them in the baby oven and it cooks them"

Maanaa *awkwardly* " Aaaa, that's one way they put it, but during that period, the watchers are the ones that overlook it all, they know what to feed the fetuses or babies, what they should be exposed to, they even monitor the parent-child visits" 

Ziri: " They sound like uptight, serious nannies"

Aliaan: " They also act as if they know better than everyone and judge how parents raise the born child after, they make several visitations throughout our childhood and ask many questions!"

Maanaa: " Sometimes quite intrusive questions, which is why a lot of Aaraans dislike them!"

Xeelai: " They also still parent us whenever we cross their paths even as adults"

Thiyya: " Yeah, they sound annoying, but do we absolutely need them?"

Marco: " Are they all like that? Isn't there at least one that isn't so insufferable? "

Xeelai: " I have a cousin, she's pretty young and new to the job, so she's not as annoying!"

Aliaan: " Is she from our district?"

Xeelai: " No, she's from the southern one."

Maanaa: " Great! I hope she can keep a secret, we don't want the Elders to find out just yet."

Xeelai: " I will make sure she does, be right back, I'll go talk to her now!"

Marco: " Can we come with?"

Xeelai: " I don't know about that!"

Thiyya: " Last time we could barely breathe and it was too hot and humid"

Maanaa: " I've been working on something for you guys, if you give me a bit of time, I'll finish it, it'll help you breathe better and not feel too hot"

Marco: " You are seriously incredible, also very humbling, our people have a long way to go"

Aliaan: " Our people are older than yours so we had more time to grow"

Maanaa: " Anyways, Xeelai should go first and give his cousin a heads-up before the rest of us arrive"

Maanaa disappears into a wormhole, then Xeelai, the rest keep waiting for Maanaa to come back, meanwhile, they go check on Luz one more time.

Thiyya: " Can you believe how big her belly became from 3 days ago to now?

Ziri: " It looks like a tumor !"

Thiyya:" Don't say that!"

Ziri: " Sorry baby" * pouts*

Marco: " She looks like a sleeping beauty, I hope her being in a coma would be the worst thing that happens to her"

Thiyya: " Didn't she wake up?"

Ziri: " I'm sure she did otherwise how are they going to let her go?"

Aliaan * sighs*: " Actually, I had to pull some tricks, Luz didn't wake up but we can't leave her in this place, the baby is growing too fast, she's going to give birth soon"

Thiyya: " Wait what? You mean she's been like this for 4 whole days now?"

Aliaan: " I'm assuming so since she didn't contact us or answer our calls!"

Marco: " I hope we convince that watcher before things start getting more complicated"

Maanaa appears, walks toward her friends, and starts giving them some devices that look like open-ear headsets.

Ziri: " A headset? How is this going to make us breathe better and not feel the hot humid weather as intensely?"

Maanaa: " You see the back part? it connects to your brain, I can't explain too much to you, but the fastest way was to make your brain think it's adaptable so the rest of the body follows and therefore the weather and the oxygen you'll get on Aaraa will feel optimal, just as we feel it but you won't feel a difference since it will feel just how you feel on Earth"

Thiyya: " I just got goosebumps, it's weird to me how simple you make it to be, I'm sure the technology is much more complicated than we can ever think"

Maanaa: " Actually, that's where most earthens are wrong, you're still using overcomplicated ways to solve simple problems, the more advanced a civilization the more you'll find they use simple solutions that are overlooked by a less advanced civilization to solve complicated problems"

Marco: " So in order to be more advanced, we need to think simpler?"

Aliaan *interrupts the conversation*: " Guys, you should go, I'll stay with Luz, please hurry we don't know how much time we have"

The friends put their devices on, Maanaa gives them the exact location of Xeelai and they all jump into their respective wormholes toward Aaraa.

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