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By Emery-MeMe

9.6K 343 22

A tale of a Hobbit, a Wizard, thirteen Dwarves, a Siren, and how they traveled across Middle-Earth, fought th... More

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562 17 1
By Emery-MeMe

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fɪᴠᴇ
« Aɴ Iɴᴄᴏᴠᴇɴɪɴᴄᴇ »

THE DWARVES SCREAMED in pain, unable to cover their ears. The trolls covered theirs, but it was no use. The Siren's scream was too strong. The trolls brains rattled in their skulls, one by one fainting, their eyes rolling into the back of their heads. Only then did the scream stop.

A loud crack was heard and the sun blinded the company. The passed out trolls turning to stone. Gandalf rushed into the clearing, firstly releasing Bilbo from his sack. The two helped the others, until Adella was the only one left.

Thorin, sword now back in hand, ran at the Siren, pointing it at Adella's throat, the sharp tip of the blade kissing her skin. "What were you thinking?" He glared down at her. "You almost killed us all!"

"Calm yourself, Thorin, Adella wasn't trying to kill anyone." Gandalf walked towards them cautious. "She knew exactly what she was doing."

"What of tha trolls, then?" Dwalin motioned to the creatures now encased in stone. "You mean to say she wasn't tryin' to kill 'em?"

Gandalf rose a brow. "Like I said, Master Dwarf; she knew what she was doing. She only put them into a state of sleep. It was I who brought death upon them. She has sworn to not harm you."

"She broke the vow." Thorin seethed, staring at Gandalf harshly. "She knew the seriousness of this. She must pay the consequences."

"She saved your lives." Gandalf protested. "Are you not curious as to how her call didn't affect you in the same way?"

"That's no excuse." Thorin turned back to the female and pressed the tip of the sword further into her neck, piercing her skin. Adella closed her eyes. He was right. She knew what would have to happen. She was ready.

"Uncle, please." Kili begged.

The King ignored his nephews plea. He raised the sword, ready to plunge it into her chest. With one final look at his kill, he felt his arms stall. A tear slipped down her pale skin. Something inside him fought against his better judgement. He placed his sword back into its sheath, before stalking away.

Bofur and Kili quickly rushed forward, pulling the girl from the sack. "Oin!" Bofur yelled, noticing the small bleeding cut on her neck and the redness under her hair.

Oin came over, checking the girls injuries. "Most likely from the blade." He mentioned as he cleaned the cut. "Her head'll be alright. Just a tad bit irritated from the manhandling."

"Are you alright?" Bilbo sat beside the blonde. Adella nodded a weak response. She wouldn't speak. In her mind, Thorin's mercy had meant she was forgiven and the vow remained unbroken. She would never open her mouth again, not unless Thorin commanded it.

"Thank you." Fili approached, holding his hand out for her to take. "You have saved my life twice now." She took it gratefully, then helped Bilbo up as well, before following Fili back to the others.

"Adella, my dear, come with me." Gandalf patiently waited for the small female to jog over to him, the two leading a small group of Dwarves into the foul smelling cave. "Be careful what you touch."

The further they ventured in, the worse the smell became. The Dwarves and Siren gagged and coughed. She was beginning to think she preferred her hair being ripped from her head.

     The company looked around, inspecting the many weapons and trinkets the trolls had hoarded.

     "Lass, come 'ere." Dwalin called from further back in the cave. "Looks like somethin' you'd enjoy." He held out a funny shaped weapon. Adella took it from him, unsheathing it. She was met by a double bladed weapon, it curving slightly in the middle. "Told ye ye'd like it." Dwalin smirked, taking note of her eyes lighting up as she inspected it.

     She looked up at Dwalin with a thankful smile and a nod of thanks. She put the weapon back in its sheath. The two turned, where Nori, Gloin, and Bofur were burying a chest. "We're makin' a long-term deposit." Gloin informed.

     Dwalin and Adella both smiled lightly at their friends. They would most likely forget it existed.

     "Let's get out of this foul place." Thorin retreated. Adella took note of the new sword he held. "Come on, let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori." They followed, with the small Siren not too far behind. They rejoiced the fresh air.

     "Now what?" Kili sighed. They were all tired.

     "We move on." Thorin instructed. The Dwarves were disheartened by the news, having not slept, but pressed on by collecting their weapons. They would rest later.

     Adella tied the new weapon to her quiver for easy access. She wasn't sure how to wield it yet, but was excited to learn. Perhaps Kili wouldn't mind helping her by collecting a few scars.

     Her head suddenly shot up, hearing something in the distance. It got louder as it got closer. She bent down to check the ground, determining just how many there were. By the vibrations, there had to be at least five. Thorin took notice of this, coming to her side. "What is it?"

     She stood, giving him a worried look. It was all he needed before warning the others. "Something's coming!"

     "Stay together!" Gandalf warned, jumping into action. "Hurry now! Arm yourselves!"

     Fili came to stand beside Adella, Kili doing the same at her other side. She rose her bow, ready to loose an arrow.

     "Thieves!" They all jumped at the proclamation. "Fire!" They huddled close together, unconsciously trying to shield Bilbo and Adella from harm. "Murder!"

     The strange looking man stopped right in front of the small Siren. He stared down at her, getting a perfect view of her shining eyes, giving her away.

     "Radagast." Gandalf relaxed upon realization that it was not danger at all, but his old friend. "It's Radagast the Brown!" This eased the others, lowering their weapons. "Well... what on earth are you doing here?"

     Radagast reluctantly pulled his attention from the Siren, turning to the other Wizard. "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong."

     "Yes?" Gandalf indicated for him to continue.

     Radagast opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. He tried again and just like before, he stopped. "Just give me a minute. Oh." He hung his head in defeat and frustration. "I had a thought and now I've lost it." He whined. "I-it was right there on the tip of my tongue." He pointed to his mouth, just before his brows furrowed. "Oh, it's not a thought at all. It's a silly old..." The grey Wizard reached up to the brown Wizard's mouth. "stick insect."

     Adella felt as if she could vomit right there upon seeing the very much alive bug exiting his mouth. Disgusting.

     "Very well." Gandalf handed the poor creature back to Radagast. "Let us find somewhere more private to speak while you regain your memory." He led the Wizard away.

     "Good job." Thorin spoke lowly so that only Adella could hear. "Maybe you are of more use after all."

     Dwalin suddenly appeared before Adella got a chance to turn to Thorin. He pat the girl on the back. "More than just an Elf's prisoner if ye ask me."

     Adella couldn't help the smile that graced her features. She took the time to look back at Thorin, giving him a discreet nod. Him doing the same. When they turned away from each other, Adella still kept her smile, not entirely sure why.

     Just when they all thought they could relax, Adella heard a twig snap. She turned towards the noise, bow drawn. Thorin followed with sword ready. Before they could alert the others, a sudden shriek came from a completely different direction.

     "Was that a wolf?" Bilbo asked. Oh, how he hoped it was a wolf. "A-are there wolves out here?" He stood close to Adella. If anyone could protect him the most efficiently, it would be her.

     "Wolves?" Bofur joined the bundle. He too had hoped it was a wolf. "No, that is not a wolf."

     The sound of a growl reached the Siren's ears before it had anyone else's. She spun, loosing the arrow, the Warg landing at her feet. It got up, shaking the arrow free of its skin. It growled as it stared down Adella. Thorin quickly plunged his sword through its skull.

Another Warg jumped out behind them. It's beady eyes aimed for Thorin's head. Kili got the Warg before it could get his uncle. Like the other, it got back up, not willing to go down so easily. Adella took out her new weapon, stabbing it in the eye as Dwalin caved in its head.

     "Warg scouts!" The King pulled his blade from the Warg. "Which means an Orc pack is not far behind."

     "Orc pack?" Bilbo did not like what he had been learning these past few days.

     "Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" Gandalf seemed angry with the Dwarf King.

     "No one."

     "Who did you tell?!"

     "No one, I swear." Thorin repeated. "What in Durin's name is going on?"

      "You are being hunted."

     Beside Adella, Dwalin spoke. "We have to get out of here."

     "We can't!" Ori panicked. "We have no ponies. They bolted!"

     Adella felt her heart drop. That meant hers was gone as well. Fili turned to her, staring at her sadly. He hadn't kept his promise and he felt horrible for it.

     "I'll draw them off." Radagast informed the company.

      Gandalf didn't like that idea. "These are Gundabad Wargs. They will outrun you."

     Radagast stood his ground. "These are Rhosgobel Rabbits. I'd like to see them try." He turned to look back at the very brave woman. "I'd be damned if the last remaining Siren died."

     All eyes of the company were on her. She paid no mind and she thanked the old Wizard with a smile. Not everyone hated her kind it seemed.

     "Stay together." Thorin broke the sweet moment. They waited for Radagast to depart first, before the company blindly followed Gandalf. It wasn't long before he stopped them, however, the Wargs passing them far too closely.

"Stay together." He reminded them all. "Move!" He led them in another direction.

     That too wasn't long lived when the Wargs passed them again. "Ori, no!" Thorin grabbed the young Dwarf before he could be seen.

     Gandalf glanced around the rock, seeing if the coast was clear. Thankfully, it was. "All of you, come on. Come on. Quick."

     "Where are you leading us?" Thorin questioned, though it was no time for questions.

     Gandalf ignored him, thinking that very thought and that Thorin would not like the answer, possibly to the point to not even follow. The company continued to run. Adella taking up the back in case they needed quick protection. They were brought to hide behind a rock again. A Warg jumping on top of it at the same time.

     Slowly, Adella reached to her quiver, pulling out an arrow. Beside her, Kili followed her lead. They didn't act however and waited for Thorin's go ahead. He turned to the two archers, looking into Adella's bright eyes first, before giving them a nod.

     They jumped away from the rock together, pointing their arrows at the enemy and firing. Kili hit the Warg, causing the creature to tumble. Adella's hit the Orc, resulting in the same.

     As the Warg let out one last shriek of pain, it landed on Adella. It brought her to the ground under it. She cringed in pain. Something had definately broke; most likely a rib.

     She struggled to breathe, the weight of the animal crushing her lungs. Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Bifur rolled the Warg off, Thorin and Nori pulling her out from underneath it and pulling her up.

     "You alright, lass?" Oin asked. Adella nodded. She wasn't, but couldn't let anyone know. Not yet. Her broken rib would just have to wait.

     Calls of Wargs called out to them, growing closer by the second. They had been found. "Move!" Gandalf commanded. "Run!"

     And so they did, including Adella. She winced once more in pain, her side burning. Her breath was labored as she fought to keep up. They wouldn't make it. Orcs and Wargs were faster.

"There's more coming!" Kili warned. He hadn't stayed with the group.

"Kili!" Thorin called to his nephew. "Shoot them!"

Adella couldn't run anymore. She slowed with her bow at the ready.

"We're surrounded!" Fili screamed.

Adella began firing shots at anything that moved. She knew she wouldn't make it, but at least she could help the company escape. Kili moved beside her, ignoring the screams of his uncle and brother as they shot at their enemy.

"Kili!" Thorin called out, his voice distant. "Run!"

He took off for his kin, glancing back to check on his blonde friend. He stopped upon seeing she hadn't moved, still taking out the terrible creatures. "Adella!" He ran back, grasping her wrist. She gave in, running alongside him in pain, Kili finally letting her go.

They were close now, just a few more feet. A sharp, piercing pain ripped through the Sirens side, forcing her to collapse to her knees, clutching her side.

Thorin watched her in horror as Kili reached him, having not noticed that the girl had fell. "Adella!" He screamed her name, praying she'd get back up. When she failed to do so, Thorin took off after her. He reached her just as a Warg had. He reacted quickly, taking down the foul beast. "Come on." He put an arm around her waist, pulling her arm over his shoulders. "Don't stop running." He told her, taking off to reach the others once more. The all too familiar phrase gave Adella another wind.

A horn blared through the air as the two made it through the hole. Adella collapsed to the ground once more. Oin quickly came to her aide, as did Bifur. "Lift up her shirt." Oin instructed, reaching into his pack.

Bifur didn't think twice, undoing her corset and only lifting her shirt as high as he needed to. He was a gentleman after all.

"Deep breath, lass." Oin pressed his trumpet to her stomach. He listened to her breathe, moving the trumpet across her abdomen. "She's broken a rib. It's hard to tell, but sounds like it's pressin' against her lung. She needs help before it punctures."

"I cannot see where tha pathway leads!" Dwalin called from ahead. "Do we follow it or no?!"

Bofur spoke for the whole of the company when he spoke. "Follow it, of course!" Anything was better than the chance of facing the Orcs again.

"Can you stand?" Thorin asked the Siren.

Adella nodded, Bifur helping her to stand. She almost went down again, but was caught before she could.

"Kili, grab her bow." Thorin instructed. He and Bifur taking either side of the girl until she could support herself.

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