Hot and Cold

By kiwi_is_the_name

15.2K 250 14

Shay who would rather be called Kiwi is a long brown haired girl who is going to school in college. until one... More

Can we please leave like NOW!
What am I doing?
What did you say?
This cant be happening
bestfriends or maybe a little more
im sorry
Are they ok?
never again
Pack meet
You got to be kidding me! -_-
This is ours
Next book in the series


310 7 0
By kiwi_is_the_name

I waited in the waiting room after I had gotten here. The doctors had told me I couldn't watch. I had paced the floor for an hour before sitting down. Running my hands shackly through my hair I signed.
What was taking so long.
I stood and started to pace again.
"Are you the spouse of Shay Black?" A doctor asked walking up behind me. Whipping around I nodded my head.
"I am so sorry to give you this news. We did the best we could to save her but I am so sorry. Sir Shay did not make it."
I collapsed to my knees looking off into the distance. She was dead and I couldn't save her. I couldn't even get her here fast enough for her to live. Tears slide down my face as my body heaved. I sobbed out loudly and landed flat on my face. Crying out the doctor touched my shoulder.
"Your children are in the other room though if you would like to see them?" I stood up on shaky legs and followed him to a room with white walls. Rows of baby cribs where lined up in neat rows. Some contained babies but most where empty.
He walked me up to a crib that contained two girls. There eyes where what stood out the most. They where two different colors. One was electric blue and the other was a light purple.
A smile grew on my face as I started to see the resembles they had to there mother.
Though they where only minutes old, they already had a full head of black hair. There body frame seemed small and there hands where the smallest thing ever.
Laughing I picked them up.
"Hey you guys." I cryed. "Did your mommy name you?" I asked hoping the doctor would answer me.
"Shay died before picking out names for them." The doctor said from behind me.
"Did she say anything about them or mention anything at all?" I asked.
"Yes she had said they reminded her of Strawberry's and grapes." He laughed.
I smiled to myself as I decided there.
"My babies Strawberry Kiwi Black and Grape Kiwi Black."

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