Ashes In The Castle ||| Aemon...

By naerysa

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Enemies to lovers. OOC Rhaenyra ⚠️this was my first hotd fic so keep in mind some canon/universe details may... More



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By naerysa

Naerys took eight houses by the time the Greens decided it was time to march on Harrenhal. Despite the warnings they'd received from the Red Keep, Naerys was persistent.

Aemond knew she was persistent. He never expected her to cease. He just knew that he would not be able to stop her on Vhagar. Taking Harrenhal was the only other choice.

Accept her terms or die. She didn't kill smallfolk, didn't kill those who surrendered. But those who were stubborn, who refused to acknowledge Rhaenyra even after being given a chance, were shown no mercy from the heir.

"Our allies will lose faith if we do not act. Naerys Velaryon cannot be allowed to continue this conquest uncontested."

Aemond knew they were correct. Not acting would lose them the war. He would give the order to spare Naerys as his betrothed.

"Prepare our soldiers. We march for Harrenhal."


Naerys returned to Dragonstone before she took her ninth Green-declared house. She needed rest, to check in with her mother and the council.

Even she knew the Greens couldn't leave her uncontested for much longer. They'd prepared their Houses for her, told them to expect an attack. But it didn't matter.

Vermithor was learning how to go to war. To avoid scorpions, to take them out first as the main method of hurting him and his rider. By the time houses equipped adequate defences, it didn't matter.

Only another dragon could take on Naerys. So she left before they made that decision, to regroup and decide if she should continue her attacks.

Her arrival back at Dragonstone was relieving; it had been weeks of staying with allied houses and hunting for food to feed Vermithor. A few gracious smallfolk allowed their livestock to be sacrificed for promises of money and safety.

Naerys left Vermithor on the Dragonmont and returned to the castle. The knights bowed, opened the doors for her, and took her to see her mother.

She could feel the heaviness of the air even as she walked the halls. Something was happening and Naerys was afraid of what. Had there been a development with Joffrey or Aegon? They were her last brothers; she couldn't lose them too.

As soon as she arrived by the painted table, she could see that the development was good. Rhaenyra embraced her when she arrived and then had her heir take her place around the table.

"Your conquests of the Green houses have been fruitful. And your commitment to our agreement is admirable. More, however, our goal has been reached."

Rhaenyra looked at Naerys with a proud smile, her hands holding her up as she leaned onto the table. Her daughter returned her gaze, wondering if Rhaenyra meant what she thought she did.

"We've received word that the Prince Regent is marching for Harrenhal with 4,000 soldiers and his dragon. King's Landing is undefended."

That was why.

Naerys had a direct part in forcing the Greens to act. She'd done her duty and fought for her mother. They would actually be able to take steps forward and capture King's Landing from Aegon.

"Lord Corlys will sail his ships into Blackwater Bay. He's already sent word to his men."

Corlys held his head high as he nodded. The Velaryon fleet would carry more soldiers used to attack the city. Unsuspecting, as Aegon had no match for it.

"Prince Daemon has already fled Harrenhal and sent a message to the men still loyal to him in the City Watch. They will open the gate for our soldiers on our signal."

Rhaenyra took a breath as she looked at her council around the table. Those who had been loyal from the very beginning.

"Prince Daemon, Princess Naerys, and I will take to the skies with our dragons. The Dragonseeds will be given roles after the capture of the city. They have not had the time to bond thoroughly with their dragons and we cannot risk burning the city in the chaos."

It was a reasonable request. The Targaryens had their whole lives to form connections with their dragons, the Dragonseeds had only months, hardly a year. If they lost control, it would be detrimental.

"When we take the city, there will be prisoners and executions. But there will be those who we spare. Dowager Queen Alicent is one of them. She will not be harmed upon our capture of the city."

Many around the table were confused by the request. The Dowager Queen played a direct part in usurping her. But then, what power did she truly have under her father?

Regardless of the reason, Rhaenyra wasn't questioned. The commanders would tell their men of it, to spare her and her daughter. Helaena hadn't acted as Queen since her son was killed in front of her.

Things would take time to be set in motion. But in two weeks, the Blacks would have King's Landing captured in less than a day. And Naerys would finally be able to see her brothers again when they were called to the capital.


The day the Blacks claimed the capital, the Greens assumed they'd won a victory. They put the entirety of House Strong to death, captured Harrenhal. But they were unaware of what chaos was erupting in King's Landing.

There was fear and there were nerves. Naerys could only wonder what defences the Greens would use, if they'd missed something. If they lost King's Landing, the war would be over.

But she was confident in her family, in what they were able to accomplish. She and Vermithor were a team, they could handle whatever came their way.

Her brothers died for the opportunity. The opportunity to take the Iron Throne back and have their family rule. Naerys wouldn't let it be in vain, wouldn't let any sacrifice be in vain.

They would take King's Landing that day. There was no other choice.

Naerys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra approached the city on dragonback. Above their marching soldiers and the men that were arriving with the Velaryon fleet.

The dragonseeds followed. There were too many of them to stop.

They knew it was coming as soon as the ships were spotted on the horizon. But there were plans for that too.

Maesters trying to send messages from the rookery were arrested. Riders who tried to flee to ask for help were taken too. No one would be coming.

By the time the dragons and soldiers arrived at the gates, the Gold Cloaks had killed or arrested the seven captains who commanded the gates.

The gates were opened. And the true battle started.

Rhaenyra's soldiers would have to fight through the city and get to the Red Keep. The soldiers defending it would have to be killed or arrested. But after, when they had control, Rhaenyra could finally sit the Iron Throne.

It was fierce. Some smallfolk tried to revolt, knights hid in buildings to ambush the Black forces. But they pressed on.

Most smallfolk were terrified of the dragons that flew above the city. They stayed in their homes and hid from sight, praying they weren't the target of the invasion.

The dragons were there to insight fear into the Red Keep. A threat. That if they fought hard, they would burn it down.

While the soldiers took the city, the dragons took out any watchtowers or archers that tried to contest them. Any who made an attempt didn't last long.

Inside the Red Keep, the council of Greens held out for one reason: to give Aegon and his children time to escape. Larys Strong smuggled them out of the castle through hidden passages. Unknowingly, they slipped past the fighting with knights by their sides.

Princess Jaehaera was dispatched with Ser Willis Fell to Storm's End. She would be safe from the Blacks with the Baratheons.

Prince Maelor, Aegon's last male child, was dispatched with Ser Rickard Thorne to Oldtown, to Lord Ormund Hightower.

Aegon would be smuggled by Larys Strong himself. And they would make for the docks while the city was overrun by the opposing forces.

Naerys watched from above as the soldiers made it through the city and to the gates of the Red Keep. Vermithor circled above it, around the towers, to watch as the Green council and soldiers yielded.

After hours of fighting and fear, of trying to defend themselves, they knew it was over once the soldiers made it past the gate.

In hopes of sparing themselves and the lives within the Red Keep, after the Blacks had advanced into the Training Yard, they surrendered.

No more fighting, no more killing. There was no need for the dragons to be used to destroy the city. That wouldn't help anyone.

The soldiers cleared the Red Keep before Rhaenyra ever stepped foot inside.

She, Daemon, and Naerys were met outside the Dragonpit by her Queensguard. They would lead Rhaenyra through the city, to keep her safe.

The Dragonkeepers took no sides. They cared for the dragons, they weren't vindictive or loyal to either. They took the dragons of the Blacks and returned them to their places in the Dragonpit.

"My Queen." The knights bowed to Rhaenyra. "The traitors have been arrested, the Red Keep has been secured."

Rhaenyra let out a breath. A massive weight lifted from her then. They'd done it. Taken what was rightfully theirs.

"And though the usurper and his heirs were smuggled out..." her knights stood tall in front of her. "The Iron Throne is yours."


Rhaenyra's court, her supporters, her husband, and her oldest child, were gathered in the Throne room.

After so many months, years, even, since they'd seen it last, it was good to be back home. Where they rightfully belonged.

Daemon and Naerys stood at the base of the empty Iron Throne. Waiting for what should have been the moment Viserys passed.

The doors opened. Armour, white cloaks. They walked in first, silencing any chatter that had been taking place.

With one movement, the entire room watched the door. Naerys could feel the moment weighing on her, the anticipation of it. Her heart beat loudly as she watched her mother appear in all her glory.

Wearing a dress of red and black, a dragon embroidered on the front and the golden crown of her father on her head, Rhaenyra revealed herself to those who vowed themselves to her.

"Queen Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

The words sounded unbelievably correct as they echoed around the Throne Room. She was the rightful Queen, the named heir of Viserys. She should have been sitting on that throne from the beginning.

Naerys could see Rhaenyra taking it all in. She must have imagined the moment she would sit the Throne a thousand times and yet it had never been quite right. She would never fully be prepared for it.

Still, it was hers. And without hesitation, Rhaenyra strode forward into the room toward her throne.

Each person she passed bowed to her. Rhaenyra kept her eyes forward, on the throne made of swords, to keep herself centred.

When she approached the end, when she got to the stairs, she did make eye contact with her daughter and husband. Both of them bowed to her very deeply. It was hers.

Rhaenyra ascended the stairs. The stairs she saw her father walk a hundred times, even in his last days. And she thought about him as she climbed them, his last time on the throne.

To defend her.

The moment she was at the top, Rhaenyra turned to face her court. She looked down at all of them, a view not many would have. She flattened her dress and lowered herself onto the throne.

Queen Rhaenyra.

She exuded power then, confidence. Rhaenyra let out a breath, like she was home. And she stared forward, relishing what should have been.

Rhaenyra Targaryen had her throne. Unfortunately, it wouldn't last long.


Her first act on the Throne was condemning traitors to death or the dungeons. Tyland Lannister, after they realized the wealth of the crown had been hidden, was handed over to the torturers. They would try and loosen his tongue on where it went.

It came as a surprise to no one to learn that Otto Hightower had been sentenced to death. He corrupted Viserys long before his death. Daemon would be the one to take the pleasure of severing his head.

Lord Jasper Wylde was also beheaded. Done in the Training Yard, they fell together. The Blacks did not display their heads, they didn't deserve it.

The Dowager Queen was spared but held prisoner. They asked where Aegon was in a lazy attempt to find him. They knew she wouldn't say even if she'd been told.

"I don't know." Was all she had to say on the matter.

They didn't bother asking Helaena.

As for the rest of the members of the Red Keep, they were forced to swear fealty to Rhaenyra or be arrested. Most chose the first option. They wanted to live.

And when the primary issues were dealt with, Rhaenyra called for her sons to be brought to her in King's Landing. Her council would be joining her in the days to come.

When the day was done, the stressful but successful day, there was time for rest. Before the harder work would come.

Naerys wasn't given her old quarters back. She was moved to better royal apartments, the ones for the heir. The ones Aemond had inhabited as Prince Regent.

Their maids and maesters would be arriving by ship with the council. The arrival was delayed, in case things truly didn't go their way. It meant that there was a limited wardrobe for the time being. And many things from the previous inhabitants would be left behind.

The girl was exhausted when she retired to her chambers. Naerys learned that her mother planned to officially name her heir in front of the council and lords of the Red Keep. To solidify her place in front of Joffrey and Aegon. Just as Viserys had done for her.

As soon as she entered the bedchamber, Naerys went straight to the wardrobe. She had to see.

She pulled it open and felt her heart pull in her chest. His clothes. They were all there, apart from what he'd taken when they marched. Him.

Naerys thought the feelings would fade when she was gone from the Red Keep. The sight of his clothes assured her they hadn't.

The girl longed for him. Very deeply. His touch, his scent. The sight of him. Everything about him intoxicated her, blinded her senses.

Without shame, Naerys pulled one of the white undershirts from within the wardrobe. She brought it close to herself and buried her face in it.


It smelled like him too.

She groaned and tossed the shirt behind her, onto his bed. Before she changed into her night shift, though, something caught her eye. Something glittering in the candlelight, tucked into the back of the wardrobe.

Confused, Naerys pushed aside his closed and reached down for it. She became even more confused when her hand wrapped around something leather.

Naerys pulled it out of the closet, her eyes softening when she saw what it was. Longing, happiness. It mixed into one.

Her sword. Night's Edge. And Aemond's dagger. It was Naerys belt, her weapons that had been taken upon her capture.

He kept them for her. Hid them in the wardrobe to prevent their destruction. Aemond always intended to return them to her.

That one gesture, it was enough to solidify something for Naerys. She needed him by her side. No matter what it would take. He was hers and she was his.

If he died, she would never commit herself to anyone. She would never be happy. Naerys needed him to stay alive.

Her position as heir would allow her to do that. And as she went to sleep that night, the undershirt tucked under the pillow, she vowed to do everything in her power to protect him.

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