Lost in the Fog

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

100K 2.8K 480

A broken, powerless soul is lost to an unnatural fog. A cycle of pain and torment allows him to eventually be... More

A Fracture of Pain
New Struggles and Saviours
Respite From the Dark
A Chill Wind Over the Night
Death is Not An Escape
Frenzied Thoughts
Darkness Among Us
The Path Less Travelled
Tormented Without Choice
Reinforced Resolve
Cursed with New Power
Cursed with Empathy
A Glimpse of the Other Side
The Doctor is IN
Misplaced Trust
The Mentor's End
The Twisted Masquerade
The Twisted Masquerade Continues
A New Path Ahead
What it is That Came Before
Trickster's Paradise
The Alchemist's Workshop
The Spider's Nest
A Glimmer of Hope
The Gamble
Not so Smooth Sailing...
"What happened to you?"
Projected Impacts
A Date of Importance
Beginning of Resistance
First Day
Home Away From Home
Finally Catching Teachers up to Speed
How Tragedy Bleeds Reality
Capture a Lullaby
Izuku's Report
Burnin' Questions
The New Glyph
Flight of the Fugitive
Looming Darkness
Stalkers in the Shadows
Lost and Found
Sports & Slaughter
Test of Intention
The Truth
Three Lost Kids
Why am I here?
Brought to the Light
An Edge for Victory
Forged by Fog
The Impact of Choice
Punching the Pack
Missing the Little Things...
War on the Horizon
From the Fog
War of the Fog
Final Embers of Hope
THE Decisive Strike
Humanity's Resilience
Entity's Aftermath
Birth of An Imperium

An Average Saturday

760 25 3
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

The leadup to the Sports Festival was grueling for both hero classes. Class A and B both understood why, especially why Izuku was in charge of the new training methods. They pushed them beyond anything they had done before, and were preparing them for the future. However, there wasn't much time left. The weekend before the actual festival, Izuku went back to his home. It was standard routine at this point, since his mother had still refused move to campus. Why she didn't want to didn't make sense to the greenette. He was a target, UA students had become targets, after that USJ incident. Sadako stayed on campus, in order to help those who had questions, and to relax with people her age. As he approached the apartment, the greenette couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. It's just about the sports festival on Monday. That is all. He approached his mother's door. He didn't want to just teleport inside. Better to save mental fatigue for the day he'd need it most. Besides, even though he kept it on him, he made sure to not have it visible. He'd acquired a jacket from the support department that could hide it easily, while being able to be accessed at any point. It was a great change, and necessary for the months to come. He knocked on the door, and he heard Inko call out, "Just a moment!"

It was then that the door opened. She was happy to see him, and of course he was happy to see her. After a long, meaningful hug, Inko led him inside. She took his jacket for him, and asked as they entered the living room. "So, how have things been for you?"

Smiling, he elaborated. He honestly shouldn't be talking about this... but he couldn't lie to his mother. "It's been good. We had training with Class A and Class B. Things are all on track. I am a little on edge because of the sports festival next week... but I'm sure that's just nerves. I've never been one for the spotlight..."

Inko, however, looked at him with an unusual reaffirmation. It was unusual that his mother wasn't worried for him... but chalked it up to being happy to see him after the week. "It will be amazing to see you there! Just, be careful, won't you?"
He smiled, determined to do his best. "Of course."

However, despite that, there was something, a gut feeling that something wasn't right... but Izuku pushed it down. He was at home with his mother, there shouldn't be any reason for concern...

The first clue was that the tea she offered had an off taste. Couldn't place it, but it was still decent. But that's all it was: decent. Inko's food and drinks were usually... spectacular. And that set off alarm bells. The real red flag was dinner.

It was a new tradition in the Midoriya household to have Katsudon every first night of Izuku's returns from UA's dorms. When she put down chicken katsu, instead, that caught him off guard. Alarm bells rang in his head, and now he knew something was up. This was a sacred promise that she was breaking, for daring to make something other than Katsudon. "Chicken Katsu? Not Katsudon?"
Clearly seeing that this was a red flag for Izuku, the green haired woman explained, "I wanted to make something different... you won't mind if I make that tomorrow, would you?"
"No..." He needed to think to himself, to understand what this... feeling of dread was. With few options, he used the excuse of: "I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."
Smiling, he couldn't help but feel unnerved by her expression as she watched him leave. "Okay! Just know that dinner is waiting for you!"

Izuku went into the hall, and started to feel exhausted. This was different to normal exhaustion, this was targeted, and rapid. Like the effect of a perk, instead of a quirkWhy am I tired...?

It was then that he heard something, coming from his mother's room. What is that noise...? Investigating the source of the noise, he opened the room. It was his mother's, with nothing out of the ordinary. A few pictures on the wall, a neatly organized bed, and a lamp on the bedside table. It was normal, cozy, and reflecting Inko's personality. However, the noise was still there. Somewhere. Turning to the source, he found that he was hearing it from the closet, he tensed, remembering the monster made of shadow. Carefully, he approached, making as little noise as he could... the doors were rattling slightly, as if in response to his presence. Opening the door, he immediately acted.

After all, he just found his mother tied up and gagged. She was shivering, and that was the reason for the doors rattling. Quickly leaping into action, he started to work on the ropes. They were extremely tight, but he could get through them, with enough time. But that was not on his side. "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here..."

Toga knew that the poison she put in the tea was working. It had to be. Giran promised that it would work around now... and all she would have to do is make him bleed to her heart's content. Such a wonderful assignment. As she strode through the home, using his mother's skin, she heard him in the bedroom... and that could only mean...

Getting to the open door, she found that he was struggling to concentrate on the ropes. Hearing her, Toga's target turned to see her.

His glare was absolutely piercing, dissecting every part of her, even down to her soul. "Who are you?"
"Me?" She twisted Inko's smile into one that only a psycho like herself could have given. Her eyes flashed from verdant to gold, gaining cat-like pupils. "I'm not important... but you are. How did you like the tea?"

He didn't even skip a beat, even though he was definitely weakened by it. "You... poisoned it..."
"Nah, I don't want to kill you. Sweet Dreams..." She laughed as his eyes drooped, and he could barely keep himself standing.

However, it surprised her that he was able to resist. He drank the whole thing, and that was enough to put a tiger to sleep in a short amount of time. Her form started to melt, nd Izuku could hear something... a Terror Radius.

This girl was a part of the Black Veil. And it was indeed a girl, as she reformed into a blonde with two messy buns. She salivated at the thought of something, most likely blood. Glancing at Inko, he saw a cut on her arm, blood leaking down.

He didn't know her, but that, ultimately, wasn't important. All that was important was her intent. And that was to hurt him, and she hurt his mother to do so. That made her a bitter enemy.

Her quirk made her naked after the transformation back, and so he was forced to keep his eyes staring into her own. His tired determination thrilled her, and her cat-like eyes glowed with desire. A lust for everything about him, and most importantly, his pain.

"You're so cute standing against the drug! C'mon... just go to sleep..."

However, Izuku was used to overwhelming exhaustion. After all, his perk gave it to him after use. Keeping himself between the psycho and his mother, he carefully pulled out the Auris out of sight. Noticing the movement, she threw multiple knives, hitting him in the shoulder, the thigh, and one dangerously close to the base of his neck.

"Gah!" He fell back, the Auris firmly in his grip. It was now, however, that he was able to act. As she leapt at him, he erected a barrier, making her slam into it. Withdrawing another blade, She stabbed at it. With his exhaustion, he was barely able to stop the blow, as it shattered at the point of impact, the knife buried in.

"Let me make you pretty, covered in your own blood!"
Izuku focused on the fact his mother was still tied up. It hurt to breathe, nevermind speak, so he had to be absolutely clear. "Mom, Get ready!"

That declaration made the killer all the more frantic to break the barrier. It kept fracturing, until Izuku blasted her back with the Auris, and teleported the two of them away quickly. However, instead of being mad, the blonde giggled, escalating to a maddening laugh. "Run little Izuku... you won't be able to do anything... before its too late."

At UA, meanwhile, Burnin was relaxing in the class A dorm lounge. She was the only one there, and it was calm and peaceful. This teaching gig is the best thing to happen! No more Endeavour... However, the quiet was soon interrupted by a flash of light, and two people lying on the floor. One of which was Izuku, bloodied and full of knives, and a woman who looked like she could be his mother, in a hogtie. Snapping up, she immediately freed the woman from her bonds, and picked up Izuku, and started to run. The older woman followed immediately, while Burnin introduced herself, "Hi, I'm one of his teachers. Let's get him to Recovery Girl!"

When they arrived, Recovery Girl immediately saw Izuku's condition. "He's in critical condition. I'll have to start working on him first!"

Inko, however, was completely hysterical. At this point, the threats of being a hero, nevermind a target for the Entity, just became more real. "Please, will my baby be okay?!"
She paused for a moment, before turning to the green haired woman, "Mrs. Midoriya, your son is one of the most resilient people I have ever seen. He'll be fine, but I need to operate on him so that he'll recover as quickly as possible."

She backed off, but continued to cry a waterfall. All Burnin could do was console her, and all the two of them could do was wait as the master went to work.

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