(Remake) World Jumpers: Thus...

By HearthFallow

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A GATE: Thus The JSDF Fought There fanfic The two World Jumpers continue their adventures after their experie... More

Thus The World Jumpers Fought There Trailer
Character Biography
World Jumpers x GATE Opening
Chapter 1 - The Gate That Connects Two Worlds
Chapter 2 - The Special Region
Chapter 3 - Flame Dragon Encounter
Chapter 5 - Italica
Chapter 6 - Misunderstandings & Complications
Chapter 7 - The Land of the Rising Sun
Chapter 8 - Vacation in Japan (feat. More Politics)
Special Chapter - Twas the Night Before Christmas
World Jumpers x GATE Opening II
Chapter 9: Tribulations
Chapter 10 - A Dark Elf In Need
Chapter 11 - Close Contact
Chapter 12 - Breakdown
Chapter 13 - Memory Lane
Chapter 14: How To Kill A Dragon
Chapter 15 - Spark of War
Part 16 - Gods And Magic

Chapter 4 - Recollection

117 4 5
By HearthFallow


Bold Text is Powerful Voice!
Italicized Text is thinking.
Text in < > are time and/or location texts, may also double as system text
Text in { } are translations
Numbers in [ ] are references, see end of chapter for references


( Summary )

After the World Jumpers had taken down the Flame Dragon, the 3rd Recon shelters them and the refugees at Alnus Hill. And what happened with the World Jumpers three months ago?


(Cue World Jumpers x GATE Opening: Sore wa Akatsuki no You ni)

It opens up to a dream. A dream full of fire and smoke. A dragon's roar was heard as it cuts to a first person POV of someone. Their hand held by an elf, his hair blonde and eyes blue.

The person was then carried by the male elf and he ran to a large well, "You should be safe in here." the male elf says.

"But father..." came the reply of the person, which is revealed to be the elf girl. Her father smiles at her before he throws her in the well. She screams as she falls and the last thing she saw before plummeting to the water was her father smiling at her. "Father!!!"

As soon as she plummets into the water, she sees a blonde haired boy looking down at her in her father's place. "Father...?"

She was bonked in the head by a bucket, waking her up. She gasps and sits up.

"G'day, madam." Keith greeted, rubbing his head. Keith's hand was placed over hers.

The elf looks down and sees that she's wearing a white t-shirt and an arm wrapped around her waist. She looks at the owner of the arm and sees a girl with neon pink hair that fades into a galaxy blue.

She flutters her eyes open and smiles. "Well, well. Good morning, beautiful." Toyokami greeted as she sat up and stretched, giving attention to her exposed chest as she presented towards the elf. The elf blushed furiously and hid her face.

"Oh stop teasing her." Keith told the German.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. On your left, you'll see green pastures. On your right, you'll see even more green pastures. But in front of you is a fucking large ass military base that's shaped like the star of David." Zane commented like a tour guide pilot.

"Please be advised, none of us are jews," Zane said through the radio. "Except Toyokami. Although she could be a nazi so keep your jewish people away from her."

Toyokami growls and picks up Itami's radio. "Oh ha-ha, very funny Grayson. How about I raze your ass to the fucking ground till you reach hell."

"Oh I feel very threatened by a girl who slept with an elf." Zane said, ending his sentence with a chortle.

"Fuck you, she's hotter than you anyways." Toyokami smugly replied.

A series of "OH!"s were heard from the radio.

"And she has bigger tits than you too." Zane replied back, just as smug.

Another series of louder "OH!"s were heard from the radio.

"Yeah, tits that you can only jack off to through pictures cause you can't let her see that you have a small dick." Toyokami bantered.

Again, another series of "OH"s followed.

"Says the girl who was staring at her while she sleeps and subconsciously fingering herself. Are we sure you're not the pervert here?"

This time, a series of "Ooo"s were heard.

"Well at least I get to sleep with her~." Toyokami teasingly remarked.

Before another series of "Oh"s could come out,

"But you didn't lose your virginity to her." Zane remarked right back.

Now the "Oh!"s come rolling in.

"Well, not yet. Besides, you're a virgin just like me." Toyokami bit back.

"Oh I'm sorry, which one of us has a wife?" Zane asked. [1]

More "Oh"s.

"A wife you haven't fucked yet." Toyokami pointed out with a triumphant smirk.

That got some "Ooo"s instead.

Zane remained silent. "What, no remark cause it's true?" Toyokami said smugly.

"Oh I don't know, Fubuki. Have you asked my wife what we did the night when we first met face-to-face?" Zane asked, a hint of smugness in his tone. [2]

"Wait... No...! You didn't..." Keith muttered in surprise.

It was now Argus' turn to be in disbelief. "Wait! You lost your virginity to an a–"

"Are you guys seriously talking about this in our frequency?!" Kuribayashi shouted.

< Elsewhere >

In a tavern elsewhere, a tavern wench (waitress) was serving drinks and was retelling the tale about the Fire Dragon battle. The waitress was also apparently one of the survivors of the Coda Village.

"They killed a flame dragon?!" a few patrons asked.

"That's right! They sure did! I saw it with my own eyes!" the woman claimed.

"You're full of it." one patron claimed.

"You don't expect us to believe that, do you?" another one asked.

"Maybe you fell down and hit your head and had a little dream." joked another patron.

As they began laughing, the woman's face grew unamused. "Fine, whatever. Don't believe me, then. See if I care."

Amongst the crowd were four knights. One of them was Princess Piña. The others were Hamilton Uno Ror, Piña's page (a noble).

To the princess's left was a veteran knight who was assigned under the princess when she was little. He is also her combat teacher. Grey Co Aldo.

And the last one is a chamberlain of a noble family. A childhood friend of Piña and Hamilton, Norma Co Igloo.

"So, Norma, what do you think?" Hamilton asked.

"What do I think?" Norma repeated before replying, "The food is atrocious, and the only thing that's worse are the drinks."

"Look, Norma, we are here to conduct reconnaissance on the way to Alnus Hill," Grey said, "Let's focus on the flame dragon."

"Lower your voice," Piña said before facing Hamilton, "Go ahead, Hamilton."

"Right," replied Hamilton as she continued her report, "This rumor is spreading like wildfire. A group of mercenaries in green evacuated the residents of Coda Village before a band of eight warriors joined them in defeating a flame dragon."

"Oh yeah, well I don't know. Wyverns and drakes, and anything, can easily be mistaken for something like that." Norma argued.

"I know a Flame Dragon when I see one, mister." the wench (waitress) said as she placed a pitcher on their table.

Norma jitters, "You've been drinking what you're selling."

"Laugh all you want, but I saw what I saw." the woman replied.

"Okay then. The men in green and the eight that killed it, what can you tell us about them?" Hamilton asked.

The wench thought about it for a moment. "I'm not so sure about the details."

"I believe you." Hamilton convinced, pulling out a coin just to make it convincing.


It was gone as soon as it appeared and was now in the woman's hands. "Thank you, young knight! I'll have to tell you a special story, then!"

"When the dragon attacked us that day, they saved us! The men in green had a magic weapon, a deadly fire spear made of iron, and they rode immense carriages strong as stone, all of them clad in green." the waitress described the 3rd Recon.

(A/N: Did you know, in the Sub/JP version of GATE, the way the waitress describes the JSDF's weapons differs. A direct line from the Sub/JP when describing the guns: "They had a magic weapon that looked like a great iron cock." In the Dub/Eng it was changed: "They had a magic weapon, a deadly fire spear made of iron." Oh gee, I wonder why it was changed... 😂)

"But when the men in green could not kill the dragon, our saving grace came in the form of eight strange warriors who claimed they came from the stars."

"These eight individuals, what can you describe about them?" Hamilton asked.

"Well, one is a fox demi-human who is apparently possessed by a war god." the waitress recalls.

Piña went stiff at that, eyes shrunk in fear, and skin pale. "Did I hear that right? A war god from another world?!"

"Another is a barbarian with a large sword, clad in all black, and has scales for skin as red as the flame dragon."

"A man with dragon blood?!"

"Then there was a person, cloaked in all white garbs and a white helmet that hid their identity. He held a magic iron spear much like the men in green but it was smaller, more like the size of a dagger. And he could call forth lightning into his palms and make it form a deadly spear!"

"Possibly a mage."

"There's also a pink haired girl but she seemed to have iron spears like the men in green but they seem to vary."

"A girl much like the green men."

"Oh, among them was a dark elf but he was more... gray-ish in color. He wore a suit made entirely of metal but it was flexible like cloth and dark in color like charcoal."

"A dark elf, huh?"

"There was also this bubbly girl with fiery orange hair and wings sprouting from her back like she was some kind of butterfly. And the most peculiar thing about her is that she claims she will one day hold the world in her hands. I have no doubt about it considering she somehow could produce boulder sized stones from her hands."

"Is this girl a goddess by any chance?!"

"They also had a skeleton with them that talks and can cast magic too! Like an old powerful wizard that rose from the grave."

"A skeleton?! Was it raised by necromancy?!"

"And the last one claims to be a demon hunter. His sword appeared grim and menacing just as his eyes..." the waitress shivered. "Those eyes were like that of a demon. Horrifying I must say."

"And a demon too?! What kind of people are we up against?!"

< Meanwhile | Location: Alnus Hill >

"WHAT?!" Itami's commanding officer, Major Wataru Higaki, shouts, "Who the hell told you to bring them here?!"

Itami stood firmly in attention upon hearing his commanding officer shout before sighing.

"So... Bringing them here was a bad idea?" Itami asked for clarification.

"Do we have anywhere to keep them, dummy?" the major mutters his reply.

"Uh... What do we do then?" Itami asks, only pissing off the major even more.

"I'm supposed to ask that!" he shouts before letting out a groan of annoyance, brushing his fingers against his hair to the back of his head. "I guess I'll report it..." he mutters.

"Lieutenant General, the recon teams have reported." First Lieutenant Akira Yanagida reported.

"Good." Lieutenant General Kōichirō Hazama praised. "And what did they find?"

"There's a considerable language barrier. But we have managed to make a few peaceful contacts, sir," Yanagida reported before handing out a report folder, "Most of the locals at least have the appearance of humans, and their main industry is agriculture and forestry. Details of what they produce and their economy is in the report. Each of the settlements have something of a chief in place but we still don't know if there's a larger political process at work. We have yet to meet any sort of formal representatives."

The lieutenant sighs, "What we could really use are a few of the locals to start a dialogue with."

"Could be problematic, as long as we're having the language issue," the lieutenant general replies, "Otherwise, it'll look like we're making an attempt to kidnap them and bring a retaliation."

"Perhaps, Lieutenant General, but the 3rd Recon has some... Erm, refugees from a village they rescued from a recent attack."

"Hm... They have refugees? Well, isn't that convenient."

Back with Itami and the Major, who looks pretty annoyed.

"So for now Itami, we'll accept the Coda Village survivors as part of the humanitarian effort," the major replied, "And lieutenant, you're in charge of housing and observing them for now."

Itami gawks before voicing out his complaint, "Wait, you mean I'm supposed to be responsible for them?"

"That's right. You brought them dummy, so You Take CARE OF THEM!" the major shouted, spit flying through the air.

It then cuts to Itami walking down the hall, slouched and tired. He was with Tomita, Kuribayashi, Kurokawa, and Kurata.

"Kuribayashi and Kurokawa, we need some rations from the quartermaster. Kurata and Tomita, see if you can find us some tents. And I'll go ahead and get the paperwork started." Itami ordered with a tired voice before sighing. He was already dreading the paperwork.

"Ryoukai {Roger}." they acknowledged.

"Hey, Itami." Yanagida called out.

"Lieutenant Yanagida." Itami greeted.

"Do you have a moment?" Yanagida asked, brushing his charming bangs to the side.

It cuts to the two lieutenants talking on the rooftop. "Alright then," Yanagida started, "Just admit it."

"Admit what?" Itami asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me. In all your service, you've never missed one single call from headquarters. But after taking on this dragon, not one message has gotten through," Yanagida pointed out, "You thought we would abandon the refugees, didn't you?"

Itami sweatdropped and came up with a terrible lie. "Huh, this is another world. Could've been due to a magnetic storm or ionosphere, right?"

Yanagida didn't fall for it, like any smart person would. "You're full of shit." he said.

Yanagida leaned against the railing, looking down at the tents being set up for temporary shelter. The refugees were looking at the MREs that were being cooked for them.

He could also see the eight World Jumpers arguing over something. He sees the red clad demon hunter point at the MREs and then at the blonde kemonomimi's (demi-human's) shield. The blonde simple gestures around him before the demon hunter crosses his arms and appears to be grumbling. The ginger haired girl simply puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

(A/N: Kemonomimi means animal-ears in Japanese.)

"The Special Region is a treasure trove for us," Yanagida continued, "It's an inhabitable land with abundance of resources and no pollution to speak of. We're even starting to find mineral deposits that could turn the world economy on its head. And our civilization is far, far more advanced. There's a world like this, and the only gate to it opened in the middle of Japan," the lieutenant listed off, "The government has no idea how to deal with this. The people back in Nagatachō want to know one thing."

Yanagida leans away from the railing and gives Itami a serious look, "Is the Special Region worth turning half the world against us?"

Itami hummed in thought before voicing out, "And if it is?"

"In politics, the country with the most assets wins. This is an extreme example, but if controlling the Special Region lets us survive being cut off from the rest of the world, we could make a choice like that." Yanagida told him as he walked away.

"Yanagida-san... But all I did was bring in some refugees." Itami reasoned.

Yanagida stopped walking and slightly turned to his fellow lieutenant, "And in doing so, you've begun a trust building process on this side of the gate. What that means is you're sitting on a gold mine of information," Yanagida begins walking away, "That being said, you're going to be given a great deal of freedom, understand? You might wanna rethink your work ethic."

< Next Day >

"I am the sage, Cato El Altestan. And this here is my student..." Cato introduced himself.

"Lelei La Lalena." Lelei introduced herself.

On the side lines, the World Jumpers were listening in.

"That's such a tongue twister, holy fuck." Zane muttered.

"Say that name 5 times fast." Argus whispered in agreement

"Lelei La Lalena, Lelei La Lalena, Lelei La Lalena, Lelei La Lalena, Lelei La Lelelana– Fuck." Keith cursed as he failed on the last one.

"How do you even pass the second one at that speed?" Toyokami gawked.

"That's my brother for ya. He even spoke the Peter Piper tongue twister five times at the same speed without messing up." Ashley smugly said.

"Sis, it took me three and a half weeks to get it right once." Keith argued.

It was now Rory's turn to introduce herself as Itami wrote down Cato and Lelei's names on a clipboard.

"You may call me, Rory Mercury. An apostle of the dark lord, Emroy." Rory introduced herself, flipping her hair for flare.

"Look at that Keith, looks like you have a new pantheon to slay." Zane whispered jokingly.

"God Of War 5." Argus whisperingly joked with a small smile

Keith rolls his eyes at their joke.

"There's a God of War 4?" Ashley thought

It was now the elf girl's turn.

"I-I-I am H-Hodolew's daughter... Tuka Luna Marceau... From Koan..." she shyly introduces herself.

"She looks uncomfortable." Carlson notes as her shoulders were fidgeting nervously.

"Nazedarou to omoimasu {I wonder why}..." Kai mutters, glancing at a certain pink haired girl.

"Wèishéme tā kàn qǐlái bu shūfú {Why does she look uncomfortable}?" Owen asked rhetorically, also glancing at the pink haired girl.

The girl in question simply pointed her Dual Berettas, or once known as .40 Dual Elites — a pair of twin Beretta 92FS or M9, at the two.

Owen simply raised his hand, his Searing Daggers spell — a fire based spell that throws red hot daggers made of fire — at the ready. While Kai raised his right arm towards her, a hidden rocket launcher compartment propped open on his forearm like Iron Man.

The three were bonked on the head by Keith, Carlson, and Argus.

It was now time for the World Jumpers to introduce themselves.

"Keith Levi."

"Zane Grayson, the Hell Razer."

"Fenix, Carlson, sir."

"Kai Yuuki."

"Toyokami Fubuki."

"Ashley Miles."

"Owen Yuuki."

"Argus Raymond."

"You guys foreigners?" Itami asked.

"Some of us, yes. But worry not, we don't work for the governments of our countries," Keith reasoned before guns were drawn, "We simply came from an alternate Earth and are jumping through different worlds."

"And you can understand us, how exactly?" Itami added.

"Translators." Keith shrugged. [3]

Kurata raises the red notebook towards Itami, prompting him to say the next thing.

"Today, make house outside. So, everyone! Get ready! Go!" Itami said while making weird body gestures.

"Uh, yeah, you still got some time to take that language class." Kurata remarked.

Itami snaps his head towards the sergeant. "Shut up!"

Ashley, being the sweetheart that she is, decides to translate for everyone. "What the good sir here is trying to say is that they're going to build some houses today."

"I'm sure they caught the general idea of what he's saying." Argus said

"Or they probably got jumbled words." Zane snarked.

"By the way, can I help with house making?" Ashley asked her brother, already having her iron shovel and iron pickaxe out.

"Do you have–" Keith was cut off when Ashley switched her pickaxe to a cube of cobblestone then to a cube of stone. "Sure."

Ashley immediately ran off and took to the skies to look for the building site.

"And to think she was so afraid of flying when we started off." Toyokami muttered.

Keith nudged Argus and gestured to the cooking area. Keith pulls out a cooler from his shield and looks at what's inside. He puts it back in the shield and pulls out a different cooler. He nods after looking inside and continues to the cooking area with Argus. [4]

"Watashitachi ni tsuite wa dōdesu ka? Watashitachi wa nani o subeki ka? {What about us? What should we do?}" Kai asked in his native language

"Hell if I know." Zane shrugged.

Carlson was silent and was keeping watch over the others while listing down on a small notebook on where everyone is going.

Lelei goes to the construction site with Cato and they see a bunch of excavators going to work. Ashley was also there mining up a bunch of dirt.

"What kind of beast is this?" Cato wondered, looking at the excavators.

"I believe these beasts are the ones building houses for us." Lelei remarked.

"I guess that's fine. We can finally get some of our things off the wagon once they're all finished," Cato said, "I'm going to get some sleep. This old man is exhausted."

Lelei was just about to leave when she saw Tuka looking at one of the excavators. She decided to approach her. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. When my dad learns he missed seeing something like this, I'm sure he'll be disappointed. I'll have to tell him all about it later." Tuka said.

Lelei just pondered on that before smelling something in the air other than gas from the excavators or the dirt. It smelled like... like food.

She then walked to where the smell was coming from and saw some SDF soldiers, Keith, and Argus preparing dishes. Argus and Keith were wearing aprons.

Lelei looks at one of the ingredients that was being prepared which was being handled by Private Furuta.

"This is daikon radish. Daikon." Furuta said, showing the radish that he was peeling.

"Daikon?" Lelei repeated.

"That's right. Daikon." Furuta said before resuming his work.

Lelei then noticed Keith expertly cutting a boar like creature that wasn't native to the Special Region nor Japan. He had skinned its pelt earlier and handed it to Carlson to tan under the sun.

Keith had made meat strips for bacon and then made meat cubes to put into a soup and then separated the good parts to be minced and turned into burger patties.

Argus, on the other hand, was the one manning the stove and was already frying some bacon and began to sauté some butter for the burger patties after toasting some burger buns on the pan.

Once meals were done and prepared, the refugees sat down to eat. "Okay, please go ahead and eat." Itami said in their native language.

Cato immediately bit into his burger and my goodness did he overreact, jumping up his seat like he had only eaten food after a few years. "OH YES! THIS BREAD IS WONDERFUL! IT'S SO FLUFFY WUFFY YUMMY! AND THE MEAT! SO JUICY! SO DELICIOUS!" He then began squeezing the burger a few times like it was a squeaky toy while huffing like a gorilla in heat.

Keith and the others, who were observing from the side, couldn't help but stifle their laughter. Well, only Ashley and Carlson didn't laugh as the former didn't get the unintentionally innuendo while Carlson didn't even know there was one.

"This man voices AFO from MHA. Think about that." Argus whispered, snickering

"English or Japanese?" Toyokami asked.

"English." Keith answered. "And surprisingly, Rory in English Dub is voiced by the same person who voices Akame from Akame Ga Kill."

"¿En serio? {Seriously?}" Argus gaped

"I can kinda see it." Zane said. "Black and red theme, both have black hair and red eyes."

"To blow your mind even further, this show has English VAs that voice a few 'Akame Ga Kill' characters." Keith said before he started listing them off. "Itami is Bulat, Lelei is Aria, Tuka is Kurome, Kurokawa is Aria's mom, Kurata is Lubbock, Yanagida — the only other lieutenant in the show aside from Itami — is Run, Bols is voiced by Cato's VA, Sergeant Major Kuwahara is Budou, Sergeant Tomita is Susanoo, Lieutenant General Hazama is Liver, and that dude who screams at Itami a lot is voiced by the same guy who voices Rokugou and Shura."

"Sounds like most of the cast got Isekai'd." Argus said surprised

"I'm never going to look at 'Akame Ga Kill' the same ever again after that revelation." Toyokami shuddered.

Keith simply smirked while he saw that Ashley was tapping the air, sorting her inventory and hotbar. He then recalls everything that happened during the previous months.

< 3 Months Ago >

Carlson and the others had finished crossing the semi-truck and the box truck over to the Special Region

"Where are they?" Carlson asked, worried that the two could've been caught.

His answer came when two cars drove through the portal. One drifted and skirted into a halt while the other was driving slowly... like, really slow. Like a grandmother was driving it.

Keith exited the first car and greeted the others. Ashley got out of the other car, forgetting to put the handbrake up so it was still moving, and walked over to the others.

"So, we all good on this side?" Keith asked.

"Affirmative. No hostiles on this side, sir." Carlson answered.

"Good. Let's go find a place to lay low and set up a base. Preferably somewhere close by to Alnus Hill." Keith said before pulling up his map, which showed the entire map of the Special Region.

"Well shit... 'his the focking world map and I can't see shite." Keith said, letting out some Aussie accent slip through his annoyance.

Kai activates his Augment Mode to zoom out into the distance and sees a forest. "Watashi wa mori o mimasu. {I see a forest.}"

"I see it. Two to three clicks ahead of us." Carlson said.

"Clicks? Nhot t'all uf us understand militaree shit, Wǒ de nánrén {my man}." Owen snarks.

"Clicks are kilometers. If you'd watch American movies you'd know that instead of running your mouth around, dipshit." Toyokami said.

"Fack you!" Owen said, flipping her the bird.

"Why kilometers? Why not– You're British, nevermind. You're the fuckers who call soccer football." Zane scoffed.

"And the Americans use any other measuring system except for the metric one." Keith snarked.

"Jefe {Boss}, I never asked you. Yanoka, if I remember her name right. I'm positive she wasn't in the anime. What's her story?" Argus asked curiously. [5]

"Let's talk about that later once we've got the trucks to somewhere no one would disturb us." Keith said as he placed his foot up to stop the car Ashley didn't stop.

They then began driving the trucks and cars to the forest where they would not be seen by either the JSDF or the Imperial Army. It was at least 3 kilometers (3000m / 9842 ft) away from Alnus Hill and their base was deep in the forest.

When they got there, they began offloading the bodies off the trucks and began stripping them off their armor while piling the bodies. Keith, being the appointed leader, gives everyone their tasks.

Keith was going to chop down some wood with Kai, Carlson and Toyokami will remove the armors off the soldiers, Argus would help Zane skin the dragon corpses, Owen would start a large bonfire to burn the bodies or use his necromancy to get rid of the bodies easily, or if he was crazy then use them to practice his spells on.

Ashley didn't need to be given her task as she knew what every Minecraft player does when starting a new game. Cut down a cubic block tree trunk with her barefists after 16 hits and watch in amazement as the tree floats mid-air, make planks, make sticks, make a crafting table, make wooden tools — specifically a wooden pickaxe, mine stone, make stone tools — pickaxe, shovel, and axe — then start 'mining' resources and building a base.

"Please don't build us a dirt house." Keith requests, seeing Ashley already digging up blocks of dirt and placing them down in the form of a shed, complete with a roof.

"It's temporary." Ashley told her brother. "I'll make us a treehouse."

"Actually, we should do an underground base. We need to be hidden." Keith said.

"I can do that, frère {brother}." Ashley said with a chipper smile.

Keith and Kai began chopping down trees for both the bonfire and for Ashley. Keith suggested that if they would make bone meal out of the corpses, the bonfire isn't a good idea to use since it would only blacken the pot.

While Carlson was serious on stripping the soldiers of their unneeded armor and weapons, Toyokami was playing around. She was literally stripping them down to the garments like Skyrim players. Her excuse: "We can sell their underwear too y'know."

"Just clean em so they don't stink. And I swear I see stains on some of them... I think all of them shit their pants!" Toyokami commented. "I think this one jacked off before he went to battle and died though."

"TMI!" Keith and Argus shouted.

"I'm certain we've broken a few Human Rights laws and Geneva Convention acts..." Carlson muttered to himself, not agreeing with this but it's his commander's orders.

"What's the problem with committing war crimes?" Toyokami asked, holding a soldier's corpse by the genitals. "And seriously, why are most of these guys dudes? I need to see some titties here."

"Must you strip them bare, Ms Fubuki?" Carlson asked, a little irritated.

"We're going to rip their flesh off anyways, what's the harm in seeing a few dicks? Besides, when you play a game, do you regret killing people and stripping them bare of their shit to sell?" Toyokami asked, knowing that every gamer would do exactly what they were doing.

"I've never played games." Carlson said, seriously.

"Not even drawing straws?" Toyokami asked, her interest with Carlson growing thin. Once Carlson simply said "No" she groaned in frustration and cut the corpse's dick off with her combat knife out of boredom.

She throws it at Carlson, who simply looks at her with an unreadable face due to him wearing a full helmet. "Must you play around with a man's genitals?"

"Why not? He's not going to need it." Toyokami shrugged and cut another off and threw it at Carlson, who ignored it and continued stripping the soldiers' armors and weapons off.

Ashley looked at the semi-truck and began mining the shipping container. It popped into metal chunks and made a loud clang sound followed by dragon bodies falling on the ground.

"What the fuck was that?!" Zane shouted as he stood up and reached for his sword. Everyone else was also on alert.

"Pardon {Sorry}!" Ashley shouted, hands raised. "I mined the container for easy metal and it popped." she explained.

"Sheesh! Xià cì jǐnggào wǒmen! {Warn us next time!}" Owen shouted.

Ashley grabbed the metal chunks and placed a stack of them in the cubic furnace she crafted out of eight cobblestone blocks. She had just recently burned wood for charcoal. After one chunk was smelted, it produced five iron ingots rather than one due to its mass. However, there were only four chunks left.

"Anvil to fix some armor and weapons, then smelt the rest." Ashley planned before going back to mining trees and replanting saplings.

Zane and Argus were stripping the wyverns off their armor and putting it in a pile of trashed metal. Zane would then use his Fusion Sword's smaller side blades to cut into the wyverns to skin them off their leather.

"Don't you only need the scales?" Argus asked.

"Wyvern leather is rare too. Honestly, if I could go dragon hunting, I would gladly do so just to strip them off their scales for either profit... Or ask Keith or Ashley to make me dragon scale armor." Zane said.

"Don't forget the dragon meat. It's good too." Keith said, now having joined the two. "As for your question earlier, Yenova and Frostine are indeed not part of the story. They're just lucky girls." [6]

"I thought so. At first I thought maybe they were in the novel or manga, both of which I never read. So the shield hero world you were in was different." Argus realized [7]

"Multiverse, bro. Not that hard to understand." Zane said. "Man, I wonder what Blue or Frostine would feel if they see me butchering up some dragons?" [8]

"Wyverns, Zane. Dragons have four legs and two wings, wyvern have two of both." Keith said, grabbing a dragon's eyeball and putting it in a cold jar of water to be preserved.

"Are Trash and Bitch just as irritating in person?" Argus asked with a scoff at the royals in question [9]

"Yes." Keith and Zane answered almost immediately.

"And the three idiotas {idiots}?" Argus asked. [10]

"You watched the show right?" Zane asked.

"Si {Yes}." Argus answered.

"There you go." Zane said with a smile and handed Keith a wyvern scale to unlock for his shield. [11]

Keith's eyes went wide for a brief second after seeing something new in his shield. Just after absorbing the wyvern scale, a new menu appeared on his shield called: Foreign Shield Tree.

[ Wyvern Scale Shield ] {GATE Universe}
[ Equip Skill: increases physical defense ]

He then absorbed flesh, bone, and leather for his shield and gained three new foreign shields.

[ Wyvern Bone Shield ] {GATE Universe}
[ Equip Skill: increases defense against dragon type enemies ]

[ Wyvern Meat Shield ] {GATE Universe}
[ Equip Skill: increases cooking quality, increases meat [Dragon] quality ]

[ Wyvern Leather Shield ] {GATE Universe}
[ Equip Skill: slightly increases defense against dragon type enemies ]

Keith smirks and wonders if he could copy Ashley's Minecraft shield. He needs to test that out later.

Keith then produces more wooden coolers with the shield's crafting system due to needing them fast.

"We need water," Keith said as he took out an ice tray, "Ash! We need infinite water source please!" he shouts to his sister.

"Kay!" Ashley shouts back chipperly before crafting two buckets on the crafting table. "Where's the nearest lake?"

Keith opened his map and saw a river nearby. He then navigates it, muttering a little. "There should be a road... South road, west," he then shouts to his sister. "West!"

"Where's that?" Ashley asked.

"Come with me." Keith suggested as the two siblings walked off to find the river.

Kai sets down the last log for the large bonfire and dusts his hands clean. He then sees Owen holding up a ripped off face before equipping it as a mask and it magically fits his face. "Hey." Owen said, doing the Miles Morales greeting. His hands were still skeletal though.

"Naze watashi wa anata ga watashi wa yuukai shiyo u to shi te iru you ni kanjir no desu ka? {Why do I feel like you're going to kidnap me?}" Kai asked, a little freaked out that Owen can just rip someone's face off and use it as a mask.

"You like?" Owen asked, pointing his thumb at the face on his face.

"Gross." was all Kai said before grabbing one and putting it on his face. "Watashi wa kore o ajiwatte inai no ga ureshīdesu. {I'm glad I'm not tasting this.}"

Owen shrugged and threw the human flesh into the unlit bonfire before casting seering daggers and throwing them into the bonfire, lighting it.

"Nǐ rènwéi wǒmen kěyǐ mài rénròu ma? {Do you think we can sell human flesh?}" Owen asked his cousin.

Kai then signs in Japanese sign language. "In the black market maybe."

"Don't do that. You know, I can't read sign." Owen said.

Kai sighs and speaks. "Watashi wa itta, tabun yamiichiba de. {I said, maybe on black market.}"

Owen nods and flips through his grimoire and sees the necromancy spells. He then picks Bloated Corpse and casts it on a stripped body. The body crumples into a ball and pops before turning into a mesh blob of blood, bones, and muscle.

"Aw aren't you a cute disgusting little thing," Toyokami cooed, "I want to kill it with fire." Toyokami said before buying a molotov, the cloth is already on fire, and throws it at the blob.

It just makes squelching noises as it gets hurt and simply slithers out the fire before dying. The blob stops getting held together and explodes. The blood, bones, and muscle tissue washes over the grass — extinguishing the fire and leaving a large puddle of blood, bones, and muscles.

"Ms Fubuki, how about you strip the men of their flesh and I'll strip them of their equipment. Please, we must do this quickly before nightfall." Carlson ushered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Toyokami waved off before giggling and doing the infamous Nelson laugh. "This guy has a small weiner." she says while pointing at a soldier's manhood.

Carlson just facepalms. "What?" Toyokami asks, "Did you know that dead bodies always have erect dicks?" she tells Carlson, who pinched the bridge of his helmet and shook his head in disbelief. "It's true. Look it up"

"Why am I paired with her?" the Englishman mutters to himself.

< Timeskip, Night | Lounge >

Keith had cooked up a good meal for dinner. It was macaroni soup, buttered corn and carrots, a pot of mashed potatoes, chicken tenders, and buttered toast.

"Do you think you can make Japanese food next?" Kai signed in JSL.

"What's with the hand gestures?" Zane asked.

Keith then signed, "Sure. Jap Sign Lang is rusty." Keith may have messed up a letter or two as sign language is kinda difficult.

"You can do Japanese Sign Language?" Kai signed.

"A little." Keith answered.

"I know British Sign Language." Carlson signed in BSL.

"Oh hey, me too." Keith signed.

"Are they seriously using sign language right now?" Kizuna asked. [12]

"Yes." Carlson said.

"Wait, you guys are doing sign language? I thought you guys were performing some Naruto shit." Toyokami said.

"I thought they were doing some soldier hand signs or something. You know, like morse code or something." Zane said.

"Nǐ zhīdào duōshǎo gǒupì? {How much shit do you know?}" Owen asked in disbelief. First, Keith could speak multiple different languages and now he knows sign language.

"I know how to make wine," Keith said, "Although, that one I got from their world." he points to Raphtalia and the others. [13]

"Todavía estoy absorbiendo el hecho de que estamos sentados junto a personajes de anime. {I'm still absorbing the fact that we're sitting next to anime characters.}" Argus said.

"Just think of this as Into The Spider-Verse. That movie had an anime character in it." Keith said.

"Fair." Argus conceded

"There's another Spider-Man movie?" Ashley exclaimed.

"Oh right... I forgot, you passed before getting to see it." Keith muttered to himself. "You would've liked it."

"Another Spider-Man movie with Peter Parker and Uncle Ben dying? No, thank you. Sony has killed enough Uncle Bens." Ashley declined.

"Hey, Warner and DC has killed far more Thomases and Marthas." Zane snarked.

"Save Martha." Argus muttered in a Ben Affleck voice

"Why'd you say that name?!" Zane imitated Ben's deep voice with a little lisp just to make it stupid.

"Pfft, why the lisp?" Argus snickered

"Cause why not? Did you see that guy's thick cheeks when Superman held him by the face and nearly made out with him before Lois caught him cheating on her?" Zane said.

"What?" was the general question of the others

"You know, that shitty Justice League movie with Ben Affleck and that guy from Game of Thrones." Zane said.

"I know what scene he's talking about." Keith said.

"What is it?" Ashley asked

"Superman throws Batman to a police car and lifts him up by the face." Keith answered.

"I'll pretend I know what you two are talking about." Argus said.

"I slept throughout that movie after seeing Wonder Woman kickass. After that, I fell asleep." Toyokami said.

"The Wonder Woman actress is hot though, not gonna lie." Zane agreed.

"Gal Gadot? Honestly, she's a looker. She fits the role well," Keith admitted, "Can't top off Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow though."

Toyokami hummed in agreement while pointing at Keith. "Very true."

"Do any of you know what they're talking about?" Motoyasu asked the rest of the shield hero cast, getting head shakes.

"We're not talking about angels." Argus muttered

"Hey! Let's not talk about that!" Motoyasu demanded.

"What's this about angels?" Kizuna asked, confused.

"You know about that?" Raphtalia asked the latino.

Argus just heard random words. "What?"

"She's asking if you knew about Motoyasu's... Well, Motoyasu's angel obsession." Keith said. [14]

"Oh. In that case, yes." Argus answered

"He says, yes." Keith said to Raphtalia.

"Do all of them know?" Fitoria asked, glaring at the spear hero.

Argus, Toyokami, Keith, and Zane raised their hands.

"Oh come on! I'm not that obsessed!" Motoyasu said.

"Really? You going into the girl's room last week and picking up a shedded feather of Filo's and sniffing it like cocaine is definitely not obsession." Keith sarcastically remarked.

"I'm sorry, what?" Argus gaped disgusted "Repugnante. {Disgusting.}"

"Retardieren. {Retard.}" Toyokami said outloud.

"What'd you call me?!" Motoyasu shouted.

"I called you retard, dipshit. Do you need me to spell it out for you too because you're illiterate?" Toyokami snarked back.

"Ms Fubuki, illiterate means unable to read or write." Carlson whispered to her.

"I don't give a shit soldier boy." Toyokami said, eyes trained on Motoyasu before speaking in her native tongue. "Du bist ein Schwachkopf und so dumm, dass du ständig von einem fetten Vogel in die Eier getreten wirst. {You're a retard and so stupid that you keep getting kicked in the nuts by a fat bird.}"

"Oh fuck you, you little bitch!" Motoyasu shouted, gripping his spear and pointing it at Toyokami. The German just grabbed a banana, making Motoyasu chortle. "Whatcha gonna do with that?"

"Gonna shove it up your ass and feed it to you right after, bitch." Toyokami snarked.

"Enough!" Fitoria shouted, her patience dwindling thin. "Sit down, both of you."

"I ain't scared of some kid in a cute dress," Toyokami said, "Actually, that is a cute dress."

Toyokami ran up to the mezzanine to grab a pencil and paper before coming back and drawing, looking up at Fitoria every once and awhile. "Don't sit down yet, kid. I need to see your outfit so I can cosplay it once I get back home."

"Seriously?" Melty gawked at the fact Toyokami didn't even feel threatened by Fitoria and was just drawing her outfit on a piece of paper.

"Are people in your world usually like this?" Therese asked Keith.

"Not always." Keith denied.

"Soshite, koko de watashi wa yari no otoko ga orokada to omoimashita. {And here I thought spear dude was stupid.}" Owen said to his cousin in Japanese.

Kai shakes his head with a small laugh.

"You do cosplays?" Ashley asked Toyokami.

"A lot. It's a hobby of mine," Toyokami said, "And you?"

"I've cosplayed twice. Once as Lili Rochefort from Tekken and another as Weiss Schnee from RWBY." Ashley shyly answered.

Toyokami stops drawing and looks at Ashley with surprise. She grabs Ashley's shoulders. "You cosplayed as Weiss?" she asked in disbelief.

"Y-Yeah..." Ashley answered, nervously. "I-I wanted to do Ruby but–"

"Girl, I cosplayed as her too! Weiss is so easy to cosplay, right?" Toyokami said, interest piqued.

"Ye-Yeah! My brother made my costume for me. He dressed up as Mercury Black though. Even though I wanted him to dress up as Jaune..." Ashley said, muttering the last part.

"Hey, I dressed up as Qrow, not Mercury. My wig was black." Keith said.

"You wore Mercury's jacket though!" Ashley pointed out.

"I needed a jacket." Keith argued.

Argus looked shy at the thought of cosplaying yet interested at the same time

"Who did you dress up as when Ashley was Lili?" Toyokami asked the Australian.

"I dressed up as Hworang. I didn't have the body to look like Jin." Keith shrugged.

"Fair enough. I would've preferred you as Lars though." Toyokami said.

"I didn't have the money nor the materials." Keith said.

"Um...i-is cosplaying any fun..?" Argus asked, a bit shy at the thought

"Sometimes." Toyokami said. "I cosplayed as Tifa one time."

"You don't have her rack though." Zane snarked.

Toyokami blew a raspberry at Zane. "I needed to wear a larger bra just to get that to work." Toyokami muttered.

< Timeskip >

The next few days were pretty uneventful. Keith had scouted around for a better base location due to their current one being too near Alnus Hill and would easily be spotted by the SDF.

Keith found a forest a little farther from Alnus but is near it. Keith suggested that they move there due to the large base that will be built in Alnus. Add the fact that if they made an underground base underneath Alnus, there might come a chance that a sinkhole might just appear under the entire JSDF base.

Ashley had begun making a mineshaft that leads underground. Meanwhile, Keith, who stole some saltpeter and sulfur powder from the hardware store he saw back during the attack, had begun using some charcoal that he made days ago and began making gunpowder.

After making a few batches, Ashley takes them and, after gathering sand from the nearby river, makes a few bundles of TNT. Keith stated that if they don't find a cavern underground then they should just make their own.

While the others were doing random things in the lounge — if not training, like talking about movies, animes, video games, bonding time to be specific, while waiting for 3 months.

Keith was busy making trinkets and accessories using the crystals that Ashley found underground while Ashley kept mining. Carlson, who had decided to be productive, continued stripping wyverns off their scales or stripping knights off their equipment and smelting said equipment for Ashley.

Keith also found out that he can indeed copy Ashley's Minecraft shield. He also found out that Ashley can't make armor out of random crystals and it needs to be specifically diamond to make diamond armor and equipment.

"I need to go to a jewelry store one day." Keith mentally noted that.

More days passed and the group had finally finished with the bodies. Keith had gained at least 100 more coolers filled to the brim with wyvern meat added to his shield's inventory and Ashley had two large chests full of bone meals. And also another large chest full of bones and skulls.

She had no idea what to do with them except use the skulls as decorations for Halloween while the bones... Well she could probably tame wolves with them in the future. Get a wolf army going.

Owen, the psychopath, had collected a bunch of human faces for no reason. "I need a collection, you know." was his reason.

Carlson was just contemplating on the fact they literally just committed war crimes and were being casual about it.

One day, Kizuna had asked Keith about how killing other heroes in their universe helps save their world.

"Well, do you really want to know?" Keith asked.

"Obviously. We're heroes. I don't want us killing each other." Kizuna said.

"Alright then, Kazayama-chan. As my kouhai, I'll let you in on some info." Keith said.

"Aren't you supposed to be my kouhai? I've been doing this hero gig way longer than you." Kizuna pointed out.

Keith scoffed and fondly shook his head, "Am I not the guy who has every bit of info about you and the others. Add the fact that I'm older than you."

"Oh yeah? When's your birthday?" Kizuna challenged.

"April 30. Turning 19 in two months." Keith said.

"Crap. You are older than me..." Kizuna mutters

"Plus, I'm literally a foot taller than you, little four foot nine (4 '9) baby." Keith teased, getting struck with Kizuna's weapon in its Maguro Bocho form. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." he said in a monotone voice each time he got hit.

Keith held the weapon to stop her from hitting him more. "Alright. The reason why Glass and the others wanted to kill the other heroes is because it speeds up the arrival of the waves. If all four heroes are present, the waves arrive a month apart. Minus one hero, it cuts down to half. You can only expect what happens when there are no heroes."

Kizuna took a step back from shock. "A-And what happens after?"

"That world gets destroyed and the other lives." Keith answered.

"What about people like Glass and L'Arc?" Kizuna asked.

"Vassal heroes? Well, they're rumored to be the ones assisting the Cardinal Heroes in their battles. Two for each hero. Or something like that... I don't know for certain." Keith said. "It's weird cause Naofumi gets about four vassal heroes joining his party, L'Arc and Glass not included."

Kizuna nods, lips pursed. "Just two. Well, I'm glad I got Glass and L'Arc–"

"Kizuna, don't lie. You have three in your group." Keith deadpanned.

"N-No I don't." Kizuna muttered, trying to deny it. "Vassal Fan, Vassal Scythe, and Vassal Boat." Keith said. "Did you really think I didn't know about Ethnobalt having the boat?"

"You really know a lot, don't you." Kizuna compliments, face scrunched.

"Maybe." Keith said. "Well, your birthday is something that I don't know."

Kizuna looked at him with surprise. "Really? I thought that would be basic info by now."

"Well, it's not. I'm going to guess your birthday is... November 21?" Keith guessed.

"Are you trolling me? Because that is my birthday." Kizuna said.

"Huh, so Light Novel Volume 8's Japanese version's release date is her birthday." Keith said.

Argus soon walked by to grab a drink. "Sorry if I'm intruding."

"You're fine." Keith said, letting go of Kizuna's weapon before walking away. "When will you and Glass kiss? Seriously, I know one of you is into the other." Keith teased before running away to avoid Kizuna's fishing hook and line.

"Must you tease her?" Argus sighed. "Also, Vassal boat? You made that one up didn't you?"

"No he didn't... There literally is a Vassal Boat." Kizuna said, face still flushed as she retracts her fishing line.

"......Really...?" Argus blinked surprised

Zane, meanwhile, was being lovey-dovey with Mirellia in their room. Zane gives his wife a kiss, the queen happily kisses back. "I love you, milady~." Zane says softly, his translator in his chest. [15]

"As do I, my love." Mirellia softly replies while playing with Zane's hair.

"It's still so weird being with you. Not just by age and all but the animation too." Zane mutters.

"Despite being with you for a few days now, it's still jarring to me that you look like this." Mirellia agreed.

"Which one? The appearance or my body~?" Zane asked, flirtily.

Mirellia blushed and looked away but Zane giggles and plays with her hair's bangs in turn.

"W-What about you?" Mirellia asked.

"I like everything about you. I did say you're a looker despite your age and your personality is cute at times but also hot too. I'm still honestly surprised that you agreed to be my wife." Zane said.

Mirellia smiled as she shuffled on her spot. "What would you have done if I said no?"

Zane hummed in thought, now laying on his back. "I honestly don't know. Raphtalia was a close second that piqued my interest."

"And you chose me over her? I'm flattered but you should've given the girl a chance." Mirellia said.

"True." Zane muttered. "But between you and Raphtalia, I love you more."

Mirellia smiles at that and snuggles beside Zane. Zane then suddenly gets a revelation. "I just thought of something." he mutters.

"What is it, dear?" Mirellia asked.

Zane shakes his head. "I'll discuss it with the others later. I want to be with you longer." he says before turning over to her and getting on top of her before making out with the purple haired queen.

Ashley and Toyokami were in their under construction underground base. Toyokami was busy practicing her shooting with a crossbow that Ashley made, while Ashley was building houses and making the cave look fancy.

"I still can't believe you've built this in under a few days. That's when you know you've got so much time on your hands." Toyokami said, hitting a helmet off a wooden pole, which is actually a singular fence pole.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or..." Ashley said, confused.

"Mädchen {Girl}, you need to hang out with us more." Toyokami suggested while turning to Ashley and shooting an arrow at the helmet without looking. She missed. "Scheisse. {Shit.}"

"I would hang out with you but you scream too much," Ashley said, "And I believe the French already made the mistake of joining Axis, I ain't making that mistake either."

"Wow, making WWII (W W two) jokes now too huh? Where'd you get it from? I bet you it's that Grayson ficker {fucker}, wasn't it?" Toyokami asked.

"I actually got it from you." Ashley chipperly responded.

"Well, I'm proud of you. At least you're not a robot like Mr Roboto." Toyokami said, loading another arrow. Just before she could shoot it, another arrow hits the helmet.

"And you're a bit knackered and cheeky." Carlson said, walking up to the armory and putting down the crossbow.

"Oh I'm the cheeky one? Didn't you just show off?" Toyokami argued.

"You took too long. If that was a bloody man, they would've got ya." Carlson said.

"Du denkst, du bist so gut, dass du denkst, du kannst alle Ziele mit einer Armbrust treffen. {You think you're so good you think you can hit any target with a crossbow.}" Toyokami argued, looking up at Carlson, challenging him.

"Aight, mate. Three helms, three shots. Let's see who knocks 'em off first." Carlson challenged

"You're on, Hündin {bitch}." Toyokami said.

Ashley simply looks at them and walks away before it escalates and she gets dragged into that.

Toyokami sets up the helmets and makes sure the two of them don't have their crossbows loaded.

Keith walks by and, with ease, shoots three arrows that hit all three helmets without looking and without slowing down his walk speed.

The two gunners just looked at Keith in shock and saw him tossing a bow to the side. "Took me 3 years to master that. And that was with a compound bow instead of a wooden one." he says, still walking away.

Carlson was in disbelief while Toyokami growled in annoyance. Did Keith seriously just one up them with a bow? She picks up the helmets and sees that all three arrows poked through the other side of the helmets.

"MUTTER FICKT HURENSOHN! {MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!}" Toyokami swore in German at the top of her lungs.

Argus froze at the entrance to the base and without a word, turned around and walked away — up the stairs — lest he'll get shot by an angry Nazi woman.

Two weeks after, the first army had arrived to take back the Gate but we all know how that ended up. After that, the World Jumpers were celebrating their small victory over the Empire's forces. Thanks to Keith's strategy and planned out counter-measures.

Keith had a glass of luchol wine, Zane had a bottle of Heineken beer, Carlson had a cup of Yorkshire Tea, Kai had a cup of sake, Toyokami — being a daredevil — had Toblerone Brandy, Ashley had iced tea, Owen had Martini Mix, and Argus had some orange soda.

"You know, most of us are underaged." Argus pointed out.

"And yet people keep drinking in GTA. Seriously, I swear I played one of the heists with a 9-year-old and he kept drinking my beer after each heist." Toyokami said.

"Honestly, I'm impressed that the commander can even mix cocktails at such an age." Carlson said.

"Well, let's see if it's good." Toyokami said. But before she could take a gulp, Zane stops her.

"We need a toast for this. Come on, we just scared the shit out of some medieval soldiers. Don't tell me we're not toasting to that." Zane remarked. "Let's do one shot! Come on! Keith, pour us some strong stuff dude."

"M-must I?" Argus asked shyly

"It's just one shot. How bad can it be?" Toyokami nudged.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Carlson asked in disbelief.

"Hai. Hai, sōdesu. {Yes. Yes, we are.}" Kai said.

"I-I guess I'll try one..." Ashley mumbled nervously.

Keith grabs eight shot glasses and begins pouring them with whiskey. He hands everyone one.

"Alright. Let's toast then. To us, scaring the shit out of an army! Kanpai {Cheers}!" Keith said, raising his shot glass up.

Everyone said cheers in their native tongues before downing their whiskey shots. Everyone, except Keith, immediately spat them out and fanned their mouths.

"A-And..." Ashley coughs, her voice hoarse, "I-I'm *cough* d-done with that."

Keith looks at everyone and snickers at their reactions. "You guys look like you just finished an interview in Hot Ones."

"Hilarious... How do people drink this?" Argus coughed and groaned

"Don't you work at a bar?" Zane asked, wincing and shivered but was the first one to calm himself.

"As a cook, not a bartender." Argus clarified, coughing more.

Toyokami shook off her shivers. "That was good." she croakily said.

"Shì ma? {Yeah?}" Owen asked, coughing but was calming down.

"No, obviously." Toyokami snarked.

"How come he didn't get drunk?" Kai asked in sign language but his hands were shaky.

Keith simply patted his shield arm, referring to the Legendary Shield.

"Right. Naofumi can't get drunk cause of that shield so he can't either." Argus said, his throat starting to clear

"Well, we all did a good job out there," Keith said, "We deserve this."

"You think they'll be back?" Carlson asked.

Keith shrugs, "Perhaps. We still have two more months till the story progresses so we'll see." Keith takes a sip of his luchol wine

"Well, since we're all here," Zane said, "I wanted to ask you guys something."

Kai gestures for Zane to go ahead.

"What's your guy's opinion on harems?" Zane asked.


"Are you starting one?" Toyokami asked.

"Dude! Shush." Zane scolds.

"The others are all upstairs in their rooms." Keith said.

"Still. I just need your guy's opinion." Zane said.

"I would start one right now." Toyokami said.

Kai jabs a thumb at himself then raises his index and middle finger. (Me too.)

"Obviously. You know how manny aneme wafuus der are." Owen said.

Ashley shuffles in her seat. "I-I don't know... Shouldn't you be loyal to your wife?" Ashley asked, "She's pretty by the way." she compliments.

"Thanks." Zane says.

"Come on, Christian girl," Toyokami nudges, "Lighten up a little. Don't you want a ton of husbandos taking care of you and giving you some lovin'?"

Ashley squeaks and twiddles with her index fingers, tapping them together like a shy anime girl would. "T-That would be nice... But i-it's not right... You have to be loyal to only one person."

"Oh Ash, if you're just going to fall for one person then you'll be missing out." Toyokami said. "There's a ton of hubandos out there that would do anything to get a cute girl like you."

Ashley groans shyly and grabs a couch pillow to hide her face.

"I'm with Ms Miles," Carlson said, "A husband or a wife must be loyal to their significant other."

"Ránhòu jiěshì jìfù hé jìmǔ. {Then explain stepfathers and stepmothers.}" Owen said.

Carlson opened his mouth to speak but had nothing.

"Wǒ de xiǎngfǎ wánquán zhèngquè. {My thoughts exactly.}" Owen said.

"Why are you asking anyway?" Keith asked.

"W-Well... I kinda like both Mirellia and Raphtalia..." Zane mutters.

"Oh dear Lord...." Argus muttered having heard that

"Dude..." Keith muttered. "We have no problems with harems. Right, guys? I know I don't."

"Me neither." Toyokami said, raising her hand.

Owen and Kai also raised their hands.

"That's four." Keith said.

Zane shrugs and raises his hand. "Five."

"Come on, you guys. Just try it." Toyokami suggested.

"You do have to take into account that none of us are anime characters so..." Zane said, trailing off.

"Zane. I know what you're gonna say next. Please don't–" Keith said

"How the fuck are we dudes going to handle sex with a lot of them?" Zane asked, "We're not hentai characters that have no refractory–"

Argus immediately went ahead to try and shut Zane up, Ashley hid her face behind the pillow, Carlson just pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, Owen, Toyokami, and Kai were just laughing.

"Honestly, good luck to you guys cause me and Ash aren't the ones pumping–" Toyokami said but was cut off.

"Toyo!" Keith and Argus shouted.

"He make good point." Owen said.

Kai just looks at his cousin with a slightly weirded out expression but otherwise was laughing.

"What just happened?" Argus asked with a "What even is today" look before taking a gulp from his orange soda to calm himself.

"I don't know..." Ashley mumbled.

"What about husbandos with big di–"

Ashley slaps her hand on Toyokami's mouth, making Toyokami groan in pain. "I-I'm sorry!" Ashley squeaked and checked if the German was okay.

"Man, I just wanted to know if harems are allowed..." Zane said with an awkward chuckle at how it devolved into this.

"Okay, if we are doing harems then we need to establish who gets who and who are off limits." Keith suggested, taking another sip of his luchol wine.

"¿Lo que está sucediendo? {What is happening?}" Argus muttered

"We're just trying to establish who gets who, Arg." Zane said.

"Well, if we're doing that then let's settle it then. Let's start with the people we have now." Toyokami said.

"Well, obviously Keel, Filo, Melty, Frostine, Fitoria, Kizuna, and Glass are off limits." Keith said.

"Well five of them are kids after all," Carlson agreed, "But why are Ms Glass and Ms Kazayama off limits?"

"Those two are obviously into each other but they don't see it." Toyokami said.

"What about L'Arc and Therese? Aren't they into each other?" Argus asked.

"Kinda. L'Arc's into Therese while Therese hasn't really returned the feelings." Keith answered.

Toyokami points to Ashley, "There's your first husbando. Scythe man."

Ashley just threw a pillow at Toyokami, who blocked it with her arm.

The next months were pretty uneventful with the exception of the group terrorizing the imperial army two more times. During this time, Zane has decided to confess to Raphtalia and talk to Mirellia about this.

Zane explained to them the general concept of harems, which is kind of like having multiple wives.

Mirellia's fan hid half her face, eyes closed, contemplating about this. Raphtalia, meanwhile, had a beet red face. Zane couldn't help but chuckle softly at how easy it is to see anime characters blush.

"So you're saying that you wish to take Raphtalia as your second lover? Is that correct?" Mirellia asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Zane nervously said.

"I-Is it common to do that in your world?" Raphtalia asked.

"Not really but there are some people that do it." Zane said.

"Some people do three way relationships and others do open ones." Keith said, entering the kitchen to grab a jug of orange juice.

"H-How... How does that work?" Raphtalia asked.

"Well, there's a few kinds of romantic relationships." Keith said, pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "Harems are pretty much part of a polymous relationship, which is pretty much all about being able to love a lot of people as long as both parties are in agreement."

"Exactly." Zane said, pointing to Keith.

"Harems though... They're mainly just composed of one guy and multiple girls. One girl and multiple guys are reverse harem." Keith said before downing his orange juice. He continues after wiping his mouth. "Reason for this is because either one person likes multiple people or if multiple people like one person."

Keith then walks away with a smile after washing his glass and putting it on the drying rack.

Zane awkwardly looks at the two blushing women in front of him. "Yeah... Heck, I might end up either liking other girls in other worlds or they might confess to me. I don't want to break their hearts by denying their love." he muttered.

"You said that the man loves all the women in his...'harem'...equally, correct?" Mirellia asked.

Zane nods shyly. Mirellia lets out a soft sigh and collapses her fan before using it to lift Zane's head to look at her. "Very well. I'll accept this 'harem' condition of yours, dear."

Zane perks up and looks at his wife in shock. "W-Wha?"

"Y-Your Majesty?!" Raphtalia exclaimed.

"He seems like he means it, Raphtalia. Do you truly love us both, Mr Grayson?" Mirellia asked.

"With all my heart. I will love you both equally and make sure to be the lover you both deserve." Zane excitedly said with a beaming smile.

Mirellia simply giggles at his vigor. She knows for a fact that Zane is young and wouldn't be able to help himself if he met other girls out there in his adventures. Yes, she's jealous, but that was overpowered by how fond she was with Zane. After all, he did just save their world a few times and she had to admit, he is already a better lover than Trash (Aultcray).

She recalls a time she and him played chess and he admitted he was bad at it. After a few games, with Zane losing, she decided to go easy on him and the excitement he had when he finally beat her was so amusing to see. She didn't want to break his heart if he also loved Raphtalia just as equally as her.

Zane lets out a squeal of excitement before running to her and giving her a tight embrace along with a kiss full of happiness. The purple haired queen gladly kissed back.

After parting lips, Mirellia smiled. "You know, dear, Raphtalia has yet to decide if she accepts to be in your 'harem'."

Zane looks at the blushing Raphtalia, her tail wagging really fast. Zane walks over to her and cups her chin. "Raph? What do you say?"

Raphtalia's eyes shyly looked away, sneaking glances at Zane here and there. After a few moments, she grabbed his shoulders and kissed him. Zane closed his joy filled eyes and embraced the tanuki girl as they continued to kiss.

"I feel jealous, my love. You look like you're more passionate with her." Mirellia teased.

Zane immediately broke the kiss and turned to Mirellia, waving his hands in front of her in denial. "No, no, no, no, no, no, I– Not– You–" Zane tried to form words but all that came out was gibberish, making Mirellia giggle behind her fan.

Raphtalia looked away, embarrassed and hiding her face behind her hands. "I-I just kissed Master Zane! I'm going to get pregnant!" she screamed in her head

In the entrance way of the kitchen, Keith and Argus were peeping and watching the scene unfold.

"This was not a good idea..." Argus whispers to Keith.

"Maybe..." Keith whispers back with a shrug before taking his leave.

Argus looks at them one last time before leaving too. The scene fades to black as he did.

Chapter End


[1] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 25
[2] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - Epilogue
[3] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - Epilogue
[4] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 23
[5] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 5, 21
[6] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 8
[7] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes
[8] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 25
[9] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 22
[10] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes
[11] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 11
[12] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - Epilogue
[13] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 23
[14] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 12
[15] = Rising of the Glitch Heroes - 25

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