Hire A Maid

By Iknowonlystory

76.9K 2.2K 48

* The situation we are today is because of the chemistry between us. * True love is once in a life time * Mee... More

Chapter One- The competition
Chapter Two- He is a Playboy!
Chapter Three- the man at the estate
Chapter Four- The program
Chapter Five- The News is.....
Chapter Six- Lies and club
Chapter Seven- The club incident
Chapter Eight- Furious mom
Chapter Nine- The job
Chapter Ten- His real face
Chapter Eleven- His friends and the Dinner
Chapter Twelve- The gift from Chris
Chapter Thirteen- What I saw is....
Chapter Fourteen- What a grumpy Man!
Chapter Fifteen- Problem solved
Chapter Sixteen- His handsome doctor
Chapter Seventeen- An arm caught me!
Chapter Eighteen- His comfy bed!
Chapter Nineteen- A piece of advise (is enough for the wise)
Chapter Twenty- The plan!
Twenty one- The plan master
Twenty Two- The date!
Chapter Twenty Three- Doctor jim
Chapter Twenty Four- The New Affair
Chapter Twenty five- Pregnancy
Chapter Twenty Six- Clingy Abbey
Twenty Seven- Abbey's Angry
Twenty Eight- Pregnancy Reveal
Twenty Nine- Molly's Arrival
chapter Thirty- You are pregnant?
Chapter Thirty one- Mr Martins
Thirty Two- A secret from him
Thirty Three- The DNA
Thirty Four- His Outburst
Thirty Six- The attack
Thirty Seven- visiting them
Thirty Eight- Apology not accepted
Thirty Nine- Family Dinner
Chapter Forty- Epilogue

Thirty Five- The symbol of their love

1.5K 41 0
By Iknowonlystory

Dave's point of view:

"Doctor!" I shouted immediately as I got to his office. "My baby is in labor, come check on her please" I pleaded with him.

"I am sorry Mr. Martins but the patient is not yet contracted to the put we will put her in labor. We will come when it is time." he said.

"I saw you should come check on her now or else you want your hospital to be locked down for good.  You know what I can do" I told him

"Fine, let's go," he said.

When we got to get ward back. I stood beside her bed as the doctor examined her. 

"It is time to take her to the labor room." he told the two nurses present in the room.

I followed her to the labor room, and the doctor dared not to tell me to stay out.  I stood by my baby throughout the labor. I supported her, I held her hand throughout. I shared her pain.  I was silent throughout, I respect the rules of the hospital.  I kissed her forehead, wiped her sweat and tears with my coat.

Though it hurts me about not being there when she was pregnant with my baby.  I was not there to witness her mood, I was not there to witness how the baby kicks, I was not there to witness her craving, how her trimester changes from the first to the last one.  But me being here to witness the toughest stage covers it all. I smile at that.

"The baby is out. It's a boy" the doctor said. The cries of the little baby stole a place in my heart. I looked at the tiny being at the doctor's hand.

"Please Mr. Martins, come and cut the cord," the doctor said.  I left Angelina's hand slowly to cut it. I must say 'women are trying'.  After cutting it, they took the baby out to clean him up. The other nurse starts to clean up Angelina. 

"She needs rest please don't disturb her" the nurse said and I nodded.  I am the happiest man alive.  I took a chair and sat beside Angelina's bed. So close to her bed.  I kissed her on her lips.  

Minutes later, they brought the baby back.  The nurse stretched her hand for me to take the baby.  I took it slowly, though I can't lie that my hands aren't shaking but I took him anyway. 

I looked at my little being on my hand and smiled. He resembles me.  My nose, mouth. It is like I am seeing my younger self. I kissed his forehead and said to him

"Welcome to the world, welcome go the family"

Just in time Angelina opened her eyes.     

"Can I carry him?" she asked

"Of course, let me sit you up" I stood up and helped her in sitting up, I passed the baby to her and she took him gladly. 

" He is so cute and tiny, He looks exactly like you, Dave.  I am jealous." She said

"He is so cute, Dave," she said as she wiped her tears. I bent down and kissed her tears away. 

"You know Angelina, I was scared when you told me that you don't think you could survive this. I was really scared.  I didn't even know what to say.  I was speechless" I told her honestly

"Did I really say that?  She asked innocently

"Have you forgotten?" I asked her

"I can't remember saying that, I was not myself then though." she said as she held the baby's hand in hers.

"Maybe you were not yourself" I confirmed it. 

"surrogate mother, I am now his surrogate mother. Mr. Martins told me about the investment Stuff" she said.  Oh

"That was my intention before.  I have so many intentions towards you though but not anymore.  Dad both lied to us." I told her, and that's not a lie. 

"Forgive him, I have too" she said

"Immediately I saw you I forgave them all" I said. 

"All of them?"

"Yes, about pretending not to know your whereabouts" I said as I sat beside her. 

"Oh about that, I am sorry. I was childish"

"just let's forget about the past, let’s move on"

"So what's your intention towards me now?" she asked

"As in?" I asked her

"I know you always have intentions towards me."

"Okay my intentions now are to love, care, support you, respect you, always defend, marry you and spend the rest of my life with you" I told her sincerely. 

Before she could reply they all barged in. My mom took the baby from Angelina, and showed it to Angelina's mom. Mrs. Moore collected the baby and passed it to her husband.  After that the baby was passed to the father. I know he will say something.

"Oh my goodness Rhianna, look at the baby.  He resembles me" he said

"That's a lie, the baby resembles me." my mom argued. 

"Hey woman, check well. The baby is exactly just like me. Dave resembles me not you"

"Are you trying to insult me or what?  She said 

"Mom and dad, you guys are not at home, please compose yourself."  I said, they always behave childish most of the time.  They act like cats and rats. 

"Look Dave, we are sorry for hiding her whereabouts from you, we are all truly sorry for that" my Dad said.  Always a representative for everything. 

"We are sorry" Mrs. Moore also said. 

"It's okay, I am also sorry for the rude speeches I made," I said.  And that is true. 

The doctor came in, we all turned our glances at him 

"The patient is discharged Mr. martins; you can take them home.  Congratulations once again" with that he left.  

"Okay please pack her things and let's go" my dad said. 

"No dad I will take her" I objected 

"Yes Mr. Martins, I am going with Dave," Angelina said. 

"Okay as you wish, and the baby?" he asked.  I know his trick, he doesn't want to leave the baby, but this trick won't work this time. 

"We are taking him along"

“What did you even name him?" that's true we have given him a name, David will do

"His name is jamal, that's it name.  Jamal Joe Martins. Dad, tell the doctor his name for his birth certificate and for clearance" I said. 

"Let's go Angelina, we have a lot of things to do. His nursery hasn't been decorated 

She stood up carefully, I collected the baby from my dad, though he was reluctant but I carried the baby from his hand anyway. I collected the bag and went to the car with Angelina by my side. The feeling is indescribable 

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