The unpredictable Avenger(On...


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Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... Еще

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Y/n Tennyson Christmas special

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Heads up, this special takes place a week after the events of no way home, which I haven't done yet. Don't worry though! Absolutely no spoilers will occur for any project that will be done before no way home! So enjoy!


Y/n sat silently inside the rust bucket 2, looking around at the Christmas themed decorations inside the interior. Zed was drinking from an oversized mug, that was full of eggnog. Y/n however, let out a sigh, and poured his eggnog in Zed's cup. Usually when y/n does this, zed enjoys the extra drink, but this time, she was worried.

Y/n: "it's not the same.."

Zed lifts her head up, and looks at y/n, but she didn't even need to look at his face to realize what he meant. Ever since the passing of his grandfather, max Tennyson, y/n has dreaded the thought of a Christmas without him. He remembers that time max got mistaken for a mall Santa. But that story got a good ending, as max was able to get a super rare gift for y/n that Christmas. A golden sumo slammers card that he's kept in a sleeve hidden in the rust bucket.

Max: "heya sport! For you a present!"

Y/n: "really?! What is it?"

Max: "well, you gotta wait till Christmas to open it up!"

Y/n: "aw man.."

Y/n's sorrow look grew a slight smile, a chuckle even left his mouth as he thought about the memory. Seeing this, zed came up with an idea. She runs off, searching for something inside the rust bucket 2. A moment later, she walks in front of y/n, with a squeaky toy in her mouth.

That brought y/n back again, remember another old memory. That memory was when he and max got together to get zed a gift for her first Christmas.

Y/n: "I hope zed likes it.."

Max: "why wouldn't she?"

Y/n: "I don't know..! w-what if she doesn't like the noise? What if she doesn't like the shape? What if-"

Max: "y/n, it's ok. She'll like it. What'd you get her anyway?"

Y/n: "a toy monkey.."

Max: "hm. I bet she'll love it"

Y/n smiles, seeing that dog toy monkey in Zed's mouth. It's gotten damaged over the years of zed playing with it. It's missing three of the five squeakers, and missing an entire arm, but zed still loved it with a passion. Why? Cause y/n gave it to her!

Zed puts her toy in y/n's lap, and runs off to get another thing to put another smile on y/n's face. Coming back, zed leans forward, and shows y/n an odd device. Grabbing it from her, y/n activates it, showing it off to be an energy blade pocket knife. Grandpa gave him this when he first turned fifteen, but at the point, y/n was so used to the transformations, he didn't really use it.

Y/n: "a pocket knife?"

Max: "had an old friend make one for ya. How's it feel?"

Y/n: "great! But.. do I really need it?"

Max: "with how good you've been at those transformations, I guess not. But it couldn't hurt, right?"

Y/n: "heh.. yeah.."

Y/n deactivates it, and sets it down on the table. Zed smiles, thinking she brought back the hope into y/n's body!.. but the sorrow returns to his face. So zed decided to do the unthinkable.

Zed walks away, and left the rust bucket 2. Thinking she needs a bathroom break, y/n didn't give it any thought. However, once zed closed the door, she changes to buglizzard, and took off through the forest that y/n parked to get some quiet time.

Where they were parked was not too far from a town, One where zed thought would be best to get something to bring back y/n's Christmas spirit.

Changing to her normal self so she doesn't terrify everyone she see's, zed went on a walk through the town, trying to find the best gift for y/n this year. However, as she kept looking, she realized something. Money. She can't pay for anything without it. She might be an alien dog, but she's been on earth long enough to know what money is. And since she's a hero, she can't exactly go around stealing things.

Realizing this, zed hangs her head in shame, and turns around to return to y/n, until an older man calls out.

Man: "hey, ain't you that dog partner to that superhero boy?"

Zed's head springs up, and turns around to face the man. He had quite the gut in him, and even a bit of muscle too. A long sleeved blue shirt, and beard to finish it off.

Man: "you trying to get a gift for that boy of yours?"

Zed without a second thought nods her head. If this man was nice enough to offer, she'll immediately take it. She runs forward, but she stops in her tracks, and began growling at the man.

Man: "w-whoa.. calm down!"

The other citizens started to watch, seeing the alien dog growl at this old man. However, nobody was shocked at zed, nor her unearthly look.

Why was zed growling at this man? Well, she smelt an alien-like stench reeking from him. The man puts his hands up in surrender, but then realizes why she's acting this way.

Man: "huh, that's some nose ya got there!"

The man grabs his face, and essentially rips it off. His body is over taken with a white glow, as his body changes from an old man, to a big, rotund tetramand. Zed looks confused, and honestly a little concerned. Why was there a tetramand on earth?

Tetramand: "the names bolo! It's nice to meet ya zed!"

Now she's even more confused. Not only was the old guy an alien, but he also knew zed by name.

Bolo: "it's ok everybody! Shows over, zed here can smell us through the I.D. masks"

Suddenly, every single citizen began taking their faces off, all showing their true forms of aliens. Ranging from mechamorphs, pyronites, petrosapians, and many many more. The weirdest one was a loboian walking a vulpamancer.

Bolo: "you seem confused, so let me fix that! Welcome to undertown!"

Zed gave bolo an unamused glance.

Bolo: "the name actually refers to the giant town we got under this fake down!"

Zed looks at bolo for a second, before nodding her head. Bolo gave a thumbs up, and held his arms out.

Bolo: "well, i got plenty of trinkets here for the boy who took down vilgax and Thanos!"

Zed gruffs.

Bolo looks confused, and then calls over the loboian from before.

Bolo: "Cujo! Translation please"

Cujo: "she said ”it was the avengers as a team that defeated thanos”"

Bolo: "oh. Well he still fought vilgax and survived!"

Zed gruffs.

Cujo: "”y/n had nightmares for years of the return of vilgax, but they were drowned out by the nightmares of thanos”"

Bolo: "oh. Now I just feel bad"

Zed gruffs.

Cujo: "”don't be! Y/n hasn't had any nightmares recently. Only the saddening loss of grandpa max"

Bolo: "max you say? I might have the perfect thing!"

Zed's tail began to wag, as bolo invites zed into his shop. Which happened to be a clothing shop! Zed looks around, trying to find clothes that y/n could like.  So she asked bolo(which was translated by Cujo) if he had any suggestions.

Bolo: "I got plenty!"

First, he showed a white shirt with a black stripe down the middle. Zed shakes her head, saying(translated by Cujo) that y/n already wore that scene out.

Next was a pure black shirt, added with a green leather jacket that had a black strip on one side, with the number ten on it. Zed then shakes her head, as the leather jacket would get in the way of the Omnitrix.

Next was a black shirt again, but it had green highlights, and a large number ten on the center. Zed shakes her head, as the number was too big.

Next was a white jacket, with the number ten, smaller, on the shoulder. Zed shakes her head, as it's the same reason as the leather jacket.

Finally, was a green shirt, with the shoulders of it black, and a number ten on it. ed shakes her head slightly angry. She doesn't think have a big "10" on y/n's clothes would sit right with him.

Bolo: "well I don't know what to tell ya! Those are all the options I got for Tennyson"

Zed angerly gruffs.

Cujo:"“our name is Tennyson Romanoff. Get it right, or you won't have a face”"

Both bolo and Cujo put their hands up in surrender, and back away from zed. With a sigh, zed was ready to leave empty pawed.. until she saw something in the corner of her eye.

Bolo: "that old thing? Take it. I got no need for it. Nobody wants to buy it"

Zed smirks, and grabs the shirt, and took off out the store.

Bolo: "that mutt has some serious issues"


Zed had made it back to the rust bucket 2, and somehow found a way to wrap y/n's gift. Hiding the gift, zed walks into the RV, seeing y/n at the driver seat.

Y/n: "perfect. Get ready zed. We're heading to mount Rushmore. They need us back at base"

Zed whimpers, and hides the gift under the pillow, and then moved up to the passenger seat.

Y/n: "I know girl.. Christmas will have to wait..."


In a few hours, y/n and zed have arrived at mount Rushmore, going through the secret door for the plumbers headquarters. Pulling in, y/n parks into the vehicle bay, and quickly got out of the RV. But the second he did, the lights to the facility turned on, showing the vehicle bay decorated with Christmas decorations, even the plumbers themselves had Christmas outfits on.

Y/n: "w-what the.."

Patelliday: "merry Christmas y/n!"

Y/n: "huh?"

Labrid: "do you think the earth branch of plumbers didn't know about Christmas?"

Y/n: "well, I figured you'd know about it, but I thought you wouldn't.. y'know.. celebrate it?"

Patelliday: "true, but before Max's passing, he told us to Celebrate just for you!"

Y/n: "you guys didn't have too"

Patelliday: "but we did! And in all honesty, kinda glad we did. This is fun! That eggnog stuff is delicious!"

Labrid: "max wanted you to still have family. The family that he had before you"

Y/n: "the plumbers.."

Labrid nods, as zed looks around in awe, even she didn't expect this. But at that moment, she remembered. Running back inside the rust bucket 2, zed grabs the present, and runs back out to y/n.

Y/n: "what is it girl?"

Y/n kneels down to zed, only to see a wrapped present in her mouth.

Y/n: "what's this?"

Zed hands y/n the gift, as y/n opens it up, only for his body to freeze at the sight.

Y/n: "z-zed..."

Tears began to fall, as In y/n's hands, was a short sleeved, red floral  Hawaiian collard shirt. Falling to his knees, he embraced zed in a hug, as the plumbers all cheer for the gift, and even some of the plumbers themselves got gifts for y/n.
Ranging from multiple different items.

A level fifteen tool kit for advanced repairs.

A new form of plaster called a proto-tool, that was actually a recreation of the same weapon used by a newer plumbers member.

A hand made clay collection of y/n's original aliens.

And from labrid himself, was a photo of eleven year old y/n, zed as a pup, and max.

Labrid: "this was your grandfathers prized possession. He wished for you to have it"

Y/n: "thanks..."

Patelliday: "now let's get some more eggnog! Woo!"

Y/n chuckles, as a giggling zed sat next to him.

Labrid: "of course. But first. Why not a photo? Of everyone here at the earth branch?"

Y/n: "sounds like an amazing idea. Alright everyone! Get together!"

The plumbers all group up, posing for the photo, as labrid takes the photo with a drone, and y/n's phone.

Y/n: "alright people! Say ”hero time!”"

Plumbers: "hero time!"

And thus, the photo was taken. The Christmas party raged on through the night, with y/n growing the love to call the remaining avengers, wishing each of them a merry Christmas.

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