✤Stardew Valley Oneshots✤

By MicrowavableEm

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This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if it's shocking xxx I accept requests! This is all j... More

♥Stay Still♥ 《Leah x Reader》
♡Forgive Me♡ 《Shane x Reader》
❃For you❃ 《Gus x Fem.Reader》
❀So, this is love?❀《Penny x Reader》
✸Valiant ✸《Abigail x Reader》
✳Complete✳ 《Sam x NB.Reader》
✸Time To Think✸《Sebastian x Sam》
♡I truly do♡ 《Elliott x Reader》
❆City Life❆《Sebastian x GN.Reader》
❅Ice-Skating❅ 《Haley x Reader》
❀Hiking Out❀ 《Emily x Reader》
★Stargazing★ 《Alex x F.Reader》
❁Beach Days❁ 《Haley x F.Reader》

❈Confession❈《Elliott x Reader》

1.4K 20 11
By MicrowavableEm

《Y/N's POV》

I'm going to admit, I was slightly nervous at what I was about to do but couldn't resist the opportunity. The Stardrop Saloon had recently installed its very own piano. It fit in perfectly as the silky brown-wooded texture covered the instrument - and best of all, it wasn't out of tune! I had been playing the piano for as long as I could remember. The beauty within the sound it made, each piece being unique, (and very difficult).

I approach the piano after being pressured into it by my good friend, Leah. A while back, I helped Leah to publicize her artworks to the Valley in an art show which received amazing feedback. And now, Leah was trying to pay the favor by making me 'show off' my piano skills. As previously mentioned, I had been playing the piano for as long as I could remember and managed to play many different pieces - memorizing a few of my favorites, but I had never played in front of an audience before. Well... not after last time. When I was younger, I was put into a piano competition and everyone around me had high-hopes set that I would win. But the pressure had gotten to me and I ended up just sitting there and waiting for the earth to swallow me whole. The only people I have played to since then were myself, and my very close friends.

"You can do it!" Leah cheers me on, smiling wide.

Her smile was so genuine, so full of hope... I knew I couldn't fuck it up this time. And so, I began slowly walking towards the piano. My eyes were set on the keys as if I was trying to control them with my mind - trying to make them play themself so I wouldn't have to. I take a seat as the music died down. Some people turned to look at me which built up more pressure that resided in me. 'This is so embarrassing. I want to be run over by a train.'

I place my fingers on the keys, trying to calm down my AGRESSIVE shaking. That's when I spot a figure who - like many - turned and faced my direction. He stood there, drink in one hand as he raised his other to give me a thumbs up and a warm smile. Elliott, like Leah, knew my inner potential which I was just too scared to show. I turn back to the piano and began to recall a well-known and famous piece, 'Nocturne op.9 No.2'. I learned this piece a while back when I was in my adolescence. I don't know why it suddenly sprung to mind - but it had done. I start to guide my fingers to their starting place and began playing. I tried blocking out the thought of messing up and ignored the stares from people surrounding me. I went into a trance. This is what I would usually do when playing - blocking out any external noise and just focusing on the piece at hand. After a while of playing, I felt a little more confident in myself. 

I managed to play the piece with little to no mess-ups - at least ones that weren't too obvious, I hope. After I was done, I snapped out of my trance and began to shrink in my seat. The surrounding crowd began applauding as I just sat there like an idiot. I didn't know what to do, was I meant to stand up and bow? Or is that too formal... At one point, I started clapping myself. As if I was clapping to myself for not messing up drastically. Once I noticed how odd I looked, I set my hands down and got up from the chair, wobbling over to Leah.

"You did amazing!" Leah smiled, brightly. I couldn't help but smile back. I was somewhat glad she forced me to do it... but at the same time resented her for doing so.

"Thanks..." I smiled back at her as I took a swig from my drink. From the corner of my eye, I could see the same figure I had noticed before looking in my direction. He slowly walked over and took a seat at our table.

"You performed beautifully!" He smiled, settling himself down in the chair.

"Oh, thanks." I slightly blush. I wasn't used to people complimenting me... but not gonna lie, it felt nice. And I goddam deserved it after going through that.

Leah, Elliot, and I began to have a conversation once my nerves were settled. Our conversation was cut short by the sound of bashing on the piano. I look over and see Sam sitting at the instrument trying to play it whilst his friends, Sebastian and Abigail looked at him with horror. I slightly laugh and felt much better about myself. After Sam's beautiful piece on the piano, I decided to head off back to my farm. As I was grabbing my coat, Elliott appeared beside me. 

"Hello. Are you leaving now?" He asks as if it wasn't obvious I was heading off.

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired. And now I can sleep peacefully after Sam's performance." I smile as Elliott laughs at my comment.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" He asks.

I suddenly feel myself blush, "Oh, that's alright, thank you."

"I really enjoyed your performance. I've recently learned a couple of pieces of my own on my piano. I'm nowhere near as good as you though." He pauses for a minute, "Would you like some company tomorrow? My schedule is cleared."

"That would be great! I'd love to hear you play." I reply, smiling.

"That's wonderful. It's a date then! I will see you tomorrow." He smiles, brightly.

I slightly blush at his comment before waving him off and leaving the Saloon. I walk back to my farm feeling exhausted as I collapse onto my bed, swiftly falling asleep.

《Elliott's POV》

Watching Y/N playing the piano made my heart flutter. I had heard their beautiful playing before when it was just the two of us, but being able to perform in front of a crowd was truly magnificent! I just watched how their eyes were completely focused on the keys until they closed shut, briefly. The way their fingers danced over the keys at a comfortable rhythm, it made me feel a sense of hopefulness.

I took that night as an opportunity for us to grow a closer bond. Personally, I was nowhere near as talented as Y/N at the piano... it was such a beautiful yet difficult instrument to manage. But even so, I wanted to accompany them and watch them play... it was full of tranquility. And to my surprise, they accepted. It made my heart flutter ever so as my cheeks were plastered with a pink hue. I must have looked like such a mess, but I couldn't help it.

I sat down next to Leah and took a drink of the beverage that sat in front of me, "So, you managed to convince Y/N to play in front of people?"

Leah smiled, "Yeah! And I'm glad I did. Hopefully, they will be able to see for themselves for how talented they truly are!"

Leah and I clinked our glasses together and laughed. We went onto talking about other topics, however, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. The evening had come to a close and I slowly start to walk off to my cabin located on the beach. I stood at the bridge before entering the beach for a while. Just looking off into the distance as the wind blew gently, intertwining the locks of my hair as it soared through the breeze. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

【The Next Day】

《Y/N's POV》I am currently hanging out in Elliott's cabin. It's very small yet cozy. I've been practicing my skills on his elegant piano whilst he watches and occasionally goes back to writing something at his desk. As I finish my piece, I begin to stand and walk over to where Elliott is seated."You truly have a special gift, Y/N." Elliott smiles, brightly."Thank you, Elliott." I reply, "What are you doing?"Elliott stops for a second as he puts his pen down and reads what he has written - almost like he was proofreading and critiquing his work."Well, I started this last night but I ended up falling asleep... But I knew I had to get it done." He stands up from his wooden chair and turns to me, "It's a poem. For you."Elliott slightly blushes and hands me the piece of paper. I gladly take it and smile, "Why, thank you, Elliott." 

I began reading;

"Once living in this world of solitude, so far alone

Hearing a chorus in the chamber that you call home

Ma belle, so near yet so long gone

In this world of solitude until the crack of dawn

Bewildered by this blissful memory,

So lucky am I

As I will stand by your side

Till the day that you die

A deafening silence, so compelled to listen

A pretty pleasant experience

As I hear your voice in my reminiscence

You're here now, and so do I

Standing by your side, till the day that you die"

Elliott stands patiently, fidgeting with his shirt, waiting for me to finish. As I read the last line, I smile at his poem and hold it close to my chest, "It's wonderful." Elliott takes a step back - expecting me to criticize what he has written. "Really, Elliott. This is beautiful, thank you so much!" 

《Elliott's POV》

I stand there, bewildered. The poem I had written to Y/N was just a quick draft - a moment of madness. And yet, I still let them read... AND THEY SAID IT WAS WONDERFUL?

After realizing I had yet to say anything to Y/N, I quickly smile and reply, "Thank you." Y/N returns the smile as their gaze directs to the wooden floorboards underneath our feet. Starting to feel a sense of awkwardness in the atmosphere, I spoke, "It was only a quick draft but I really wanted to give you something. You are such a kind person, Y/N, and I am so lucky to have you as a friend."

For some reason, the word 'friend' hurt a bit to describe Y/N. I mean, that's what we were but even still - it felt... weird?

As Y/N and I chatted, the time passed quickly, and before we knew it, it was 5 pm. 

"Would you like to accompany me to the Saloon for something to eat? I promise you won't have to play the piano whilst we are there." I asked, Y/N.

"Sure, that would be lovely." They replied.

And so, we made our way outside of the cabin where we were hit by the sudden wind. I noticed Y/N hadn't brought a jacket or coat - and so, being the gentleman I am, gave them mine. After much hesitation, Y/N accepted it gladly and we made our way to the Saloon.

《Y/N's POV》

Elliott and I had spent the whole day together which was lovely. He is such a kind gentleman and we have a lot in common. I am now seated at a table with him, finishing up our meals as music is playing on a low volume from the jukebox which stood in the corner.

"Thank you for today! It was wonderful." I spoke up, slightly blushing. Elliott took notice and smiled,

"I should be thanking you. It was nice spending time with you again."

"I should be heading off now. Thank you!" I thanked him again as we both stood from our seats. I embraced him in a hug which he gladly returned. Before leaving, I quickly took notice I still had his jacket on. My face burned with a pink hue as I spun back around and tried returning it to him.

"No, no. You can keep it, it's cold out there and I wouldn't want you freezing." Elliott argued.

"Nonsense, you can have it back, I'll be fine!" I replied, trying to push it into his arms.

Elliott wouldn't budge and insisted on me taking it. I sighed and slightly chucked as I put it back on. Elliott returned the laughter and waved me off.

As I walked back to the farm, I pondered for a moment and took out the poem - re-reading it again. I smiled at every word and felt the urge to give him something in return. Before I knew it, I was back at my cottage. I opened the door and quickly shut it so as to not let any cold air in. I stand there by the coat rack after hanging up Elliott's jacket, making sure to not forget about returning it in the morning. I then took a glance at my piano which was standing by the far corner. An idea then formed in my head as I smiled brightly and took a seat on the bench, stretching my fingers across the keys.

"That's it. I'll write him a song."

【A few days later】

《Y/N's POV》

Finally, I had done it. I managed to compose a piece for Elliott. Taking a glance at the plastic bin located beside me with all the scrunched-up paper inside which were all failed attempts. The longer I composed this piece, the more I got to truly think about Elliott. We were friends, yes... but something in my mind kept telling me we could be something more. I knew I had feelings for Elliott but couldn't get the courage to say it in words.

And so... I did it in the best way I could. Even though the piece doesn't outwrite say, 'I love you Elliott', it meant much more to me and described my true feelings - even though it was just a few notes repeated throughout.

It reminded me of when Leah pushed me into performing in front of everyone at the Saloon. I had managed to do that and I ended up feeling more confident in myself. 

Elliott and I had planned to meet up at his cabin at 3 pm. I haven't really seen him all too much as I have been focusing on perfecting this piece - stupid? I know. I don't really think I have perfected and kept critiquing everything I was doing. But I knew that if I kept pointing out random shit, it would never get finished.

I glance at the clock and it read 2:45 and so I stood up, paper in hand, and made my way out the door and towards Elliott's cabin. I was wearing his jacket which I might've forgotten to return... I make my way toward the beach, feeling my heart racing like it did back in the Saloon. Before I knew it, I was outside of Elliott's cabin.

knock, knock, knock...

As soon as I had knocked three times, I heard a thud come from inside and the sound of footsteps along his wooden floor. His door then swung open and revealed Elliott, smiling like always. 

"Hey, Y/N! It's a pleasure to see you like always." He smiles, which I return. "Come on in."

I take a step into Elliott's cabin and close the door behind me. Elliott began chatting to me as he sat in the chair beside his desk - I was seated on the bench next to the piano. As Elliott and I were talking, I managed to get onto the topic of the piano. 

I had begun listing everything I had to do;

1. Tell Elliott about the piece for him.

2. Play the piece for him (WITHOUT MESSING UP)

3. Boom! Fall in love.

Simple, right? 

"So, Elliott. You know how you gave me the poem? Well, I wanted to return the favor by composing together a piece to play on the piano." I smiled and slightly blushed.

"Really? Wow, Y/N... you didn't have to!" He smiled, widely.

I get out the piece of paper with the piece I had composed and set it on the stand, ready to play. 'Alright, step one is done. Now onto step two.'

As I glance at the keys, I get more confident in myself as through my peripheral vision, I could see Elliott smiling and patiently waiting for me to play. And so, I did.


After I had finished, I stood up and cheesily bowed. Elliott began clapping with a huge grin plastered on his face. He then stood up and hugged me tightly. 'Alright, Y/N... that's step two done... now step three. please....'

"Y/N! That was beautiful... truly beautiful." Elliott releases me from the warm embrace and smiled, "That... was for me?"

"Yes... I wanted to express how I felt about you." I reply, not realizing what I was hinting at. However, after realizing, I suddenly felt really dumb as my face started burning - Elliott's face was copying mine.

We stood there in silence for a while, looking away from one another. Not gonna lie, I was completely embarrassed. 'Come on... step three... fall in love!' Until I grasped that maybe he didn't return my feelings.

Well... that was until I saw him smiling whilst his face was still as red as a tomato. I look up at him as he looks down at me. Our eyes locked together. 'This is it. This is step three.'

We closed the gap between us and confirmed our love for one another. The kiss had only lasted a short while - yet it was beautiful and set off fireworks in my heart. Any previous worries had vanished as I lent into his warm embrace. We were like that for a while until finally letting go. I walked towards the piano and took the piece of paper off the stand, turning around and then giving it to Elliott. He gladly accepts it,

"I'll make sure to learn this piece. And then maybe... we could do a duet together?" Elliot suggests as I smile at him, "What is this piece called?"

I pondered at the question for a moment until coming up with the right name,

"It's called... confession."

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